#then I didn't continue for literal months because I forgot what had happened so far in the case and I didn't want to start over
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
The Duffer Brother’s Didn't Forget Will’s Birthday...
At this point, I know everyone has moved past this and onto something else, and that’s exactly what they intended to happen, so props to the Duffel bros.
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For those who don’t know, season 4 of Stranger Things officially started filming back in February 2020. Barely a month later in mid-March 2020, all filming in the U.S. was put on hold because of Covid restrictions, including Stranger Things.
What followed was the ST writers being a little bit more active on Twitter because they were bored obviously and wanted to keep fans hyped up despite all the incoming, inevitable delays.
I know this second screenshot circulated a little bit after ST4 dropped, but no one showed what they actually replied to. 
You’re telling me that, at a time when they would have had the timeline, setting and everything in regards to s4 at the top of their minds (March 21st, 1986 - March 29th, 1986), while it was literally March 22nd, 2020 in present day, that they were reminded of forgetting Will’s birthday, and acknowledged this concept of 'forgetting' on the following day (March 23rd 2020), because, “iT hApPeNs”, only to go back to fixating on the entirety of s4 being set during that exact short time period, all while the plot itself conveniently fits perfectly with everyone forgetting Will's birthday????? 
Are people really falling for this shit???
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In the first episode of s4, the title card says March 21st, 1986, and they could have honestly just left it at that!
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But then they just had to remind us of the date again on the camcorder at Rink-O-Mania in 4x02 being March 22nd (Will's birthday). Really subtle, so subtle it honestly wasn’t even necessary. Something that would had to have been edited in intentionally in post-production, after the fact. 
Let’s say hypothetically they did initially write season 4 with the setting and everything in mind, and did forget Will’s birthday (though it’s not likely with how cheeky this tweet comes off). They were still blatantly reminded of the date of Will’s birthday matching the setting of season four when it was literally that date in real time... And with barely a month of filming completed, they had plenty of time to fix it. Not to mention they ended up having 6+ months to rework and make things more fleshed out during their hiatus in spring/summer of 2020, before filming picked back up in late September 2020, which they admitted to being a blessing in disguise for them because they did in fact get the chance to make the story bigger and better than it would have been.
There’s a reason they rushed to making claims about how they would just retcon Will’s birthday and give him a different one, even going as far as to say they would dub over the scene in the show where it’s mentioned back in season 2, just give him a May birthday or something? Because it fits with the way Joyce’s lips move when she says it? Like, WHAT?
Why are they out here telling us their business? When shows make changes like this to past seasons for continuity or legal reasons, they usually don’t share it until long after the fact because it’s pretty embarrassing as a writer for this to happen to you. You don’t jump out and lay it all out on the table to your audience.
Edit: They've also seemed to debunk themselves since making this claim, even jokingly using a scene of Dustin swearing on his mother... idk... i think they were probably lying before, but now they're not...
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Suddenly everyone’s forgotten that these dudes are smart and the whole spirit of the show is that everything is intentional. 
They’re not going to get hate for lying by saying they forgot. It’s going to be a lot more rewarding to see s5 play out because literally no one sees this coming.
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almond-t0fu · 1 year
Ok ok imagine-
Dazai, his fiance, you and Chuuya.....
Hmmm 🤔
Soo, 1- you were saved by the mafia at a young age and by the mafia i mean Dazai specifically.
2- it was like an instant love at first sight for you.
3- a small introduction convo happened between you two and he asked you to join the mafia and become his assistant.
(you don't have an ability btw)
4- for the first few days you did what he asked you to do, met some people (Chuuya)
5- so like after month(your workspace is in Dazai's office) a girl comes inside the office and just screams "OSAMU I MISSED YOU" and you're just there, sitting on your chair, hella confused 👁️👄👁️
6- That girl turned out to be his Fiance. They were engaged due to mafia buisness.
7- she was a sweet person to everyone including you (kind of loud but still a sweet person) tho you couldn't help but stay away from her because you're literally in love with something who's supposed to be marrying her.
8- *timeskip* y'all are 17 now, you have noticed how close Dazai, his fiance and Chuuya were. Like you will be working on you desk and those three would just be having their own little picnic (yep they forgot about you)
9- Dazai still talks with you, a lot actually, whenever you two are alone (or Chuuya is there) he would tell you about his days, his failed suicide attempts, how much he hates Chuuya etc.
10- you also noticed one more thing, Chuuya was fond of Dazai's Fiance (let's name her Yumi). Whenever they all are together, you could see how his eyes lit up when she laughs at his remarks or jokes.
11- you did feel lonely but looking at them laughing together also made you happy since you considered them as someone special in your life.
(i feel like I'm making the situation really sad for the reader)
It was a normal day, you were filling up some documents that Dazai told you about. The Soukoku duo were on a mission and Miss Yumi was at her home. Quite peaceful for you. You actually liked your job (unlike Ada Dazai) so once the documents were over you started to do the things that Dazai would've assigned you to the next day. You also knew if Dazai finds out about this, he would be upset since he didn't like it when you overwork but you didn't care since you wanted the next day to be free (also you knew if you apologised Dazai would forgive you)
The office doors opened and you almost fell from you chair. The person that just came in was Yumi and she looked pissed. She looked around and her eyes feel on you.
"where is he?"
She inhaled and asked again, "where is Osamu?"
"uhm he's on a mission right now, it would probably take an hour for him to come back..." You replied in a soft tone. This was the first time you had seen her like this and that scared you a little bit.
"1 hour huh? Ok then miss assistant, l have something to talk about."
(I'll write the rest later. Hope y'all can understand what i wrote hehe
Here Yumi, is the same "similar to you" girl from the breakup idea, so yeah she's not a sweet person. Also she's my fic ideas punching bag. She's inspired by all of those manhwa white lotuses that i hate. But she's slightly smarter and better than them.
Y'all would kinda hate Chuuya here but what can we do? He's in love with the wrong person
Also if you're a writer and find this interesting, please make a fic like this. I'm not a writer so i can't really write any of the ideas that i have posted so far but if y'all have the time please write it
Thank you for reading this and byee hope you have nice a day/night~)
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theageofsims · 2 years
I feel like I lost a whole handful of screencaps for the No Skills, No Problem Scenario and I probably did as I started playing it about 5 months ago? I don't even remember. Anyway...
I really liked this scenario which didn't come as a surprise because it's along the lines of Rags to Riches and that's literally my most favorite challenge (so far) in all of my simming experience though I haven't done one since Sims 3 (actually that was my only one).
It was difficult until suddenly it wasn't, but in the very beginning I was like... this chick is gonna be outside FOREVER. At one point Carly was strung out on coffee so I literally had her inventory filled.
I clearly forgot she was lactose intolerant a bunch of times so I was surprised when she ate a canned custard thing and ended up throwing up (I feel like it's so hard to have your sims barf in Sims 4?...)
Anyway -- I didn't care if she got into a relationship or not, but I kind of started developing a story with Knox because I wanted Knox to be THAT DUDE -- but the MOFO WAS NOT THAT DAMN DUDE! Knox was like the biggest asshole I had ever seen in all of my life. He kept calling her to inform her that he found some chick cute, then another, and another, and another. By the first call and the first chick I was like FORGET YOU, KNOX... but to have him continue? Ugh. It was like a broken record every time I turned the game on he kept on calling. And Carly actually made romantic gestures towards him to test his reactions and he was repulsed by her every time. I just could not.
Then Mortimer happened. I lowkey was like Mortimer deserves to step out on Bella because I was throwing shade to Bella in my The Age of Sims story. Stories shouldn't mix... but that's what my brain instantly thought of.
But Mortimer was shady as hell because he kept quitting his job every time Carly met up wit him and then before you know it MC Command Center showed me that he had Cassandra and Alexander... and like two toddlers and an infant. I'm like... Carly can't be these babies step-mother. I don't know why I thought that, but I was like HELL... no.
Mortimer actually froze to death which was terrible. I had Carly take his remains back home... for Bella and his like army of children to deal with.
What else? Oh there were other dudes. Some of them even died from old age. They were just friends, but still. She got on really well with that Kim guy (from the Lewis family?)... yeah I had high hopes, but that didn't work out.
Clement showed up on one of her dumpster dives on Christmas Day, but I didn't think it'd amount to anything... until it did.
At one point I saw where he lived and I'm like... this dude has got money. If they marry, does the scenario end? Yup -- it does.
Carly ended up with 600,000 which is 200,000 more than you need to finish the scenario.
I was alright with that after all the hell I went through with Carly -- just from the dudes that kept treating her like garbage.
Who was I most disappointed in? KNOX. Because Knox was supposed to be THAT DUDE.
I don't know about Knox other than the fact he's from Eco Lifestyle, but I literally thought homeboy was a decent dude. He's an asshole and I officially do not like him... unless he comes correct in a future challenge/scenario.
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bloodmaarked · 6 days
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and so i roar // abi daré
first published: 2024 [to be released 08 august] read: 10 may 2024 – 26 may 2024 pages: 384 format: e-book [ARC]
genres: fiction; african (nigerian); feminism; literary fiction (light) favourite character(s): honestly, efe (no shakings!) least favourite character(s): so sorry but tia...
rating: 🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑 thoughts: from looking at the early reviews, i'm clearly the outlier in opinion when it comes to and so i roar, and i hate to give it a negative review. i reread the girl with the louding voice last month, having first read it in 2020, and i loved it even more the second time around (it's my top book of this year so far). so to have to give the follow-up a 2* review is upsetting. but it feels like in the four years between books one and two, abi daré forgot how to write her characters well.
first of all, i didn't realise that this was basically a direct sequel to TGWTLV (i don't know why it's not being marketed as such, but picks up pretty much exactly where TGWTLV ends). so that's worth bearing in mind if you go into this thinking it's a standalone book because it isn't. it gives (very) brief context around characters and events that already happened, so you won't be entirely lost, but you'll miss out on a lot of important background. maybe the reason why it's not being promoted as a sequel is because it's written as a dual perspective novel from adunni's and tia's POVs, where the first book focused solely on adunni. for the most part, i don't think it was a good idea to write this as a direct continuation of adunni's story, and that's both in the sense that i don't think adunni's story needed continuing and also that i don't think this book in its final form was the right direction to take.
i don't think this should have been written from tia's perspective. her voice, her POV, was very difficult for me to connect with, and i realised i liked her as a character when viewed through the lens of Adunni and not so much on her own merit. her voice was distant, highbrow, and frankly annoying at times. i don't know why her dialogue (spoken and internal) was so convoluted; she didn't think or speak like a normal person. she overused metaphors and used extravagant words where they really did not make sense. she also came off as out-of-touch and a little bit dense when she kept speaking to non-English speakers with complex language. for example, she asks someone a question like "why would she continue to procreate with him?" and it's just so bizarre? like, in what context would any regular person ever use the verb procreate in standard conversation, let alone with someone who you know does not understand English to a high level? she was so offputting. i found it hard to care about her storyline outside of adunni, and i had very little emotional attachment to her.
adunni... where to begin? her character felt so botched and like a caricature of who she was in TGWTLV. she was so lovable because she was an insightful, funny, quick-witted 14-year-old who was spirited despite her circumstances. it felt like abi daré dialled her character up to 11, to the point where suspension of belief was required. she's not had a day of formal education since the previous book, but suddenly she's a master of metaphor and can spout wise proverbs like the greats. a lot of what i loved about her the first time around was lost due to the pure unrealism of her character, and it's such a shame. again, i lost a lot of emotional attachment to her where the first book literally had me tearing up at the thought of what she went through.
the pacing of ASIR is really bizarre. a whole lot happens and it's over the course of about 24 hours? i found it hard to come to terms with the fact that everything had happened within just one day, again it felt a bit nonsensical. the middle section is incredibly bogged down when we switch between iya's storytelling and the girls in the forest. i'm not gonna lie, i did not care about what happened with adunni's mother and it all took entirely too long to relay. i actually loved the "talk show" hosted by the girls in the forest, but with it being interspersed with iya's story it felt like it took up way too much time. i found myself getting bored desperately waiting for something to happen.
my other problem is there was just wayyyy too much melodrama. i can't get into too much of it without spoiling the plot but again, it required some suspension of disbelief and it felt goofy so i lacked any emotional attachment to what was going on. adunni going viral was the cherry on the cake.
also, a less important but equally irksome point - i hate the cover? the cover for this edition and the alternative one i've seen are both horrid, truly bad.
so to return to the fact that i don't think and so i roar should have been the continuation (conclusion?) to adunni's story, i think there were better ways that we could've closed the book on her journey. to be honest, i think TGWTLV should have been left as was and really didn't need further exploration, but alternatively, i think this book should have focused on one of the other girls (efe, zenab, hauwa etc.) and had adunni cameo. i really don't think adunni needed to go through additional trauma and i'm not sure what the purpose of that was. there were a lot of incredibly compelling stories to explore that the new cast of girls brought to the table, and i think a new narrative should have been the way to go.
again, i'm so sad to have to rate and so i roar so low given how much i adored adunni and TGWTLV. but all in all, i just didn't feel the heart that i felt from the other book, and i really had to keep pushing myself to read it as i didn't want to DNF. i think i would still keep an eye out for other releases from abi daré as i do think she's a talented writer, but i do hope that there's no further exploration of adunni's or tia's stories. i'll probably just consider TGWTLV to be a standalone and not give much thought to ASIR again. massive thanks to Hodder & Stoughton, Sceptre and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review!
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c0smicfern · 6 months
want to drive around to clear my head, but there's a decent chance i'll get overstimulated & need to pull over somewhere, which will only make me more miserable. don't really have the energy or motivation to do anything else. really, i just want to feel better, but that likely won't happen for... some time, considering this burnout just started. i'm considering cancelling the insurance policy on my car & just moving home until... i feel better, i guess. but even if i start to feel better, i may just burn out again if i try to move forward in life like i've been trying to recently. i just need to go into a coma for like... 2 years. idk what else to do. i don't want to die, but i'd be lying if i said the thought hasn't crossed my mind. just feels like i'm always going to be stuck. i don't even know how viable doordash or ubereats are as options for employment, considering i can only drive around for like 1.5-2hrs at a time rn before i need to lay down & recuperate. the thought that keeps running through my mind is that i'm going to lose everything again & it's only a matter of time before i'll be forced to move back home, anyway. i legitimately don't know what to do. i don't feel like i have many / any options here. i guess i just try to keep going until the inevitable happens & i probably end up in a psych ward again. idk what to do. i feel trapped by my own limitations. if it took me 6 months to recover from the last burnout, and this one, so far, has been *much fucking worse*, then who knows how long it'll take me to recover this time? do i just give up? am i doomed? idk. i really don't know. i need to talk with my fiancée about this. i don't think i can keep going on as i have been. i think attempting to do that would just lead to a neverending burnout. i have to work while i'm in school in order to pay for car-related expenses, at least, and i literally don't know of any job i *could* get that wouldn't lead to this vicious cycle. working from home would be great, only i've *never* heard back from any of those jobs. i'd like to just rest until i feel better, but i may just burn out again when i re-enter the world. feels like i'm in a no-win situation here. my fault for being careless with my nervous system when i knew how sensitive i am, but they practically guaranteed my mom, when she took me in to be assessed when i was young, that it wasn't any of the conditions that now fall under asd, adhd, or add. up until right before i left the navy, i had been told that it was just gad (which ig i knew was false due to the myriad of other struggles i've had my entire life). but they were *way off* there. and now, i have to contend with the consequences of continually trying to bottle all of this shit up for my entire life. i'm not going to get any government assistance for any of this either because the clinic that diagnosed me forgot to send the prior authorization form to my insurance, so i don't even actually officially have the adhd or asd diagnoses that they told me they were giving me. i have no evidence for it except for their word. i don't have much, or really *anything*, to show social security in terms of documentation, either. yet, i'm currently struggling so much with my sensory processing that i'm considering just killing myself to get out of this awful situation. i don't want to move home & be stuck there for the rest of my life. i just want *out*. i didn't consent to being born as *this*.
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thatoneguy031 · 7 months
[OOC: This is another long boi post. Let's do this, shall we?]
[After Cherry snagged Suicune from outside Opelucid, the pair had made their way back to the location of the party. As they walked (And flew) to the door of the bathroom, they heard a faint noise, but they could barely make out that it was... crying?
Cherry rushed to the door, and began violently shaking the knob, much to Suicune and several humans' chagrin. Even further distressing them, she used Dragon Rush to ram the door open after realizing that just opening it wouldn't work. When she saw who was there, both she and Suicune were stunned.
In the bathroom laid Guy, who was too shocked from Cherry's abrupt entrance to continue crying, at least for the time being. His costume was a wreck. While it wasn't torn, the wrinkles and folds now in the suit said that that wasn't from a lack of trying, and it appeared that Guy had thrown the mask into the bathtub as well.
Guy's fur was a much darker blue than it had been up to that point, and his Miltank-lick that was once Dewott colored was nearly pitch-black. While he had left his helm outside in some bushes, his seamitars and the midsection of his tail were also a dark-blue, with the former containing that same stripe as before.]
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..."Full... Cowling?"
[Guy tried as hard as Arceus would allow him to fake a smile, but Cherry and Suicune weren't buying it.
Cherry grabbed Guy's hand, practically yanking him upright.]
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You know exactly what I'm talking about! Cooper told us everything!...
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...What the FUCK, Guy!? Why didn't you tell us anything?!
[Guy was stunned. For the first time since they'd met, Cherry had actually used his real name. She was serious.]
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If you really wanted to avoid this place, you could've just told me! I wouldn't have been upset!
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As a matter of fact, you've never told us jack shit about ANYTHING. What is your problem-
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[Guy began screaming at both her and Suicune.]
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My life has been a living HELL since I evolved! I was borderline paralyzed for nearly a month because I didn't know HOW to move as a Samurott, I run into YOU a while after that. And because I'm a stupid loser desperate for friends, I did EVERYTHING in my power to make sure you stayed at my side, just short of flat-out STALKING YOU! But because I wasn't upfront about it, you just disappear for basically half a year! After that, I met YOU, Mx. Suicune, but before that, I basically had a heart attack because I can't stand humans!
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And why is that?
I can't remember! As far as I'm aware, I'm just a coward that can't stand being around people! Whatever the reason, I will bet my BOTTOM POKEDOLLAR that it's something as brain-dead, pants-on-head moronic as the rest of me!
And the one person I COULD go to regardless of how badly crap hit the fan, THEY died! YEARS AGO, and I'm STILL not over it! For the longest time, it was just me and Shayla, and after they got involved in their own BS, it was just me!
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And I was so desperate to make friends, I forgot to keep up with my training! I'm damn-near USELESS on this mess of a team!
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Admit it, you two HATE me! It's fine, I'm used to it. Just say it so we can get this over with!
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[Cherry and Suicune remained speechless.]
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Then the stupid, I don't even know what- Stupid 'aura' thing that's happening! Like I needed literally ANYTHING ELSE I needed to worry about!
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Then I turned to a burden you LITERALLY had to carry on your backs for two days because I'm so freaking USELESS, I can't even stand on my own four clumsy feet without help!
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Literally, day TWO, I have another heart attack-whatever, and I hide in here for nearly a full DAY, and force YOU dudes to look for me, instead of not being a damned coward and coming out myself, because I was scared of what you two were gonna say to me!
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I AM SICK of being seen as a liability!...
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...So I think it'd be be better for all of us... if you didn't see me at all.
[Guy's breathing became very shaky and winded, which slowly turned into sobbing, and he turned around so that he wasn't facing them anymore.]
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Please... For your sake and mine... Just leave. Before I get someone hurt.
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[Cherry reached for Guy's paw again, turning him around.]
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Guy, you DUMBASS!
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I would've NEVER ditched you, and I really enjoy being around you, I really do! Suicune can vouch for me, too! And himself!
[The Suicune nodded slowly.]
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Again, just tell us next time if something's wrong, dude! You had us worried sick! You're not a burden, at least not as much as you're making yourself to out to be. Even if you WERE, it's worth it to stay with you.
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As... problematic, as your situation has been, for everyone involved,
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you're a really cool dude to be around!
[Guy remained quiet, unable to say anything that wouldn't sound like incoherent nonsense. But his face said it all; He was glad to have folks like her and Suicune to call friends.
After Cherry Suicune grabbed Guy's belongings, the three of them slowly made their way out of the bathroom...
...only for there to be a human in front of them, presumably a Trainer.]
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what-if-nct · 7 months
daily anon again i forgot to say: i had a dream last night where i was in i think a university with my boss as a professor and my colleagues from work and my sisters, and i think i was like a second year and i was sitting with my friends talking to some of the new freshers, one of whom was wonbin from riize (which is very strange because i know/think very little about them other than i really really really like get a guitar). so anyway wonbin and i start going from a group conversation to a personal one while at the table and we're having fun and laughing to a point where we basically just slowly leaned in almost all the way but didn't kiss for some reason and then he gave me a smile (and I'm pretty sure I'm still in love in real life from seeing it). then we were outside, walking around in this mountain town that's a popular holiday spot not far from where i live, i guess that's where the university was. and we were holding hands and talking and all cuddled up from the cold and there was one point where i was hugging his arm and he was tucking my hair behind my ear and we were just looking into each other's eyes and it was so??? like i think I'm actually genuinely fully in love with him from the memory of that dream. like I've had dreams about idols before but none this lingering or this romantic. to the point where when I woke up i felt genuinely guilty for feeling that way (i text my boyfriend good morning pretty much first thing when I wake up so he's usually on my mind in the mornings) about an idol who doesn't know i exist that popped up in a dream
anyway that dream continued to a weird game where we had to pop balloons to answer quiz questions and my boss was hosting and she introduced me as "and here's (my name). she's a crucial part of our team. she's not the brightest student here, but what she adds in terms of morale makes up for her grades" and then something about my kitchen being unofficial therapy for all my friends so if you're wondering, the impostor syndrome is still alive and well
Okay, firstly that is such a cute dream with wonbin and seriously those random idol dreams where you still warm and fuzzy when you wake up are a phenomenon within itself cause like where did any of that come from, you've at most seen him a few times and he's not really on your radar then boom. you have the most intimate dream about them. The same thing happened to me with Felix and Shotaro. Felix made a little more sense but he still came out of nowhere but Shotaro literally just debuted a month prior. Someone needs to study where these dreams come from. But usually that little guy becomes your bias or one of them with in a few months. Also maybe compare it to other dreams you've had with idols there might be something there. But I'm also a weirdo who likes to study my dreams.
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fleurcareil · 9 months
Alberta Rockies (3): 2nd visit to Banff & Jasper
When I had been in Banff earlier in the trip, I learned about the Cave and Basin national historic site, whose thermal springs had been the kick-off of the creation of national parks in Canada. People can no longer use the hot springs, as they found a unique snail living solely in the hot waters on this mountain (!) but the exhibits provide an interesting history of how national park policies have changed over the years from resources to conservation management, whilst also balancing human use for tourism... exactly what I want to do in Chile!😍💖
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There's also a little boardwalk out to the marsh which provides a warm habitat year-round because of the steaming hot water runoff from the springs, so after a massive rain shower had passed, I went to check out the white algae that grow in the streams and look for fish & birds. Turns out that this is the only place in the Rockies where garter snakes live as it keeps the soil from freezing in winter, but luckily none came my way ... I had already noticed that I hadn't seen any snakes in a while, now I know why! 😄
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Most national parks aim to build reconciliation and collaboration with local Indigenous communities, recognizing that the creation of those parks resulted in the loss of traditional hunting, gathering and spiritual places (newer parks now often have an agreement for continued traditional use). In this case, Banff asked Indigenous artists to create large stand-alone, cubic murals, which I thought were very powerful.
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Dodging the rain once more, I drove to Bow Falls close where I just sat on a bench for several hours looking at the river and doing some internet (as Kootenay Park had zero reception). Had a quick dinner downtown but despite its prettiness, I felt it was heaving with tourists so couldn't wait to get back to my quiet campsite! 😁
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After another night & morning of rain (this is the only time so far in 3 months that it rained so much during camping so I'm not really allowed to complain), I was hoping that Jasper would give me some sun and warmth, but unfortunately it stayed gloomy and cold (12C) all day. 😢
My first stop was at the Crowfoot Glacier and Bow Lake, which despite the clouds were in-your-face impressive. I had initially not planned to drive the Icefield Parkway as I spent two days here in 2010, literally stopping at every viewpoint of which there are tons, but the mountains and lakes were mind-blowing as ever so I'm glad I came back after all. 😊 Similar to the sea, mountains are magnetizing regardless of whether it's sunny or gloomy, so how could you ever say no?! 😍
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The walk to the Peyto Lake viewpoint is a steep hill up, but the scenery is mesmerizing. 😍 It (& every stop) was of course super crowded but somehow I didn't find it overbearing and still managed to get people-free pics!
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Speaking about bears, after another view of the glorious mountains, there was a suddenly a massive pile of cars and... a grizzly bear walking on the hill with 2 cubs! 🤩🤩🤩 I was so taken looking at them that I forgot to take a pic until they were much further away, but they're the 3 black dots if you zoom in 😂. For a moment it looked as if they were returning back to where I was (they were first next to my car when I stopped!) but alas they got fed up with all the people gawking and left into the woods. It was really cute to see the characteristic shoulder hump also on the little ones... made my day! 🥰
Two-minutes drive around the bend was a parking lot for a popular hike, where people were completely unaware of the grizzlies, so that reiterated my resolve of not going for solo hikes in the Rockies! 😅
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Finally, I spent some time at the Columbia Icefield Centre, looking at the exhibits and eating fries overlooking the glacier. 😋 There was one exhibit showing the ice's retreat that has happened since 2017, so I'm curious whether I can see it on my own pics from 2010 that I must have taken when we were here... once I got the time to retrieve those photos, I'll post them to do my own citizen science! 😄
As it was another 100km to the town of Jasper & I was tired, I skipped all other stops (including undoubtedly two pretty waterfalls), and drove straight to the campground where to my astonishment I did not have a firepit (didn't even occur to me to check when I booked it) so got no fire to keep me warm. 😣
It dropped to 4 degrees that night 😨 and although I was ok warm in my mummie sleeping bag, it was not comfortable so when the sun came in the morning, I just sat for hours with a cup of tea and a book, embracing every ray! 🌞 I felt a bit guilty to stay on the campsite whereas I was supposed to take in all the beauty of the park, but this was exactly what the doctor had ordered to get my mood lifted! 🥰
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After only leaving the site at 1pm I wasn't really up to do much driving and facing crowds at the waterfalls, Mount Edith Cavell etc, so instead I checked out Patricia and Pyramid lakes which are close to town. With calm water & no wind it was a perfect day for a paddle, so I pumped up my SUP for the first time using the repaired hose... it was very slow in building pressure while leaking some air, so as I wasn't sure it was correctly reading and would possibly blow up, I stopped at 7psi instead of the usual 15psi... I told the warden who came over to talk about invasive aquatic species that I would likely sink 🤣, but I just managed to stay afloat! 🤗 Good news is that the pressure gauge is correct so that I can continue to use the pump until I have a replacement (which after a hunt at multiple stores in Golden, Jasper and Edmonton has proven to be impossible except for buying online which I can't do until I'm back in TO 😕, the downside of modern shopping!)
I ended up having a beautiful paddle around the lake with views of mountains and glaciers, that I couldn't capture as in the commotion I had forgotten to bring my phone 😅. As a bonus, on the way out, I saw a black bear alongside the road so this was a happy day!
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Before heading back to town, I hiked a small portion of the Maligne Canyon, which had impressive potholes from (previously) swirling water, as well as a huge logjam under which the water continued to flow. The waterfalls & gorge were pretty too but not newsworthy compared to the prettier Marble Canyon... I believe I've canyoned out for this trip 😛, a downside of traveling for so long!
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Although the town of Jasper is less pretty than Banff, it has much less tourists and therefore is far more relaxed in terms of vibe; a cool mountain town! On my way to the canyon, I had hopped into a bakery for a delicious rhubarb pastry,  and now on my way back I had some appetizers & local beer on a rooftop patio watching the sunset. 🤗
The sky was cloud-free and although I was too tired to stay up all night for the milky way to come, the treeline against the darkening sky was magical and I managed to photograph the Big Dipper and Arcturus at its tail (shout out to Byron 😉)! At the front end, I also could see the North Star and the beginnings of the Little Dipper but they were still very faint.
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Went happily to sleep but that night, it got again freaking cold so less charmed in the morning 😫... if this weather continues,  it would mean the end of my camping as I'm really not prepared for close-to-freezing temps!
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Even without an extensive sun-warming session, it took me a couple of hours to pack up the tent, eat & get dressed  -  I guess not working & having deadlines has made me slow 🙃 but the beauty of traveling solo is that I don't answer to anyone 😀 - and get on my way to Maligne Lake. I believe it's famous because of the  row of mountains at the back end of the lake, but the smoke had returned so there was really not much to see.... too much wind to go for a paddle, too few people hiking to make me comfortable on the trails, meant that I drank my cup of tea at the lookout and then left.... no magic for me here today, c'est la vie!  😜
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Leaving Jasper Park eastward towards Hinton, the mountains changed; they became less high and more white-grey in colour, still pretty though.
Big disappointment; I had planned for the afternoon to soak at the Miette hot springs, which are supposedly to be surrounded by beautiful nature, but I had  not checked the website so wasn't aware that they are closed since June due to a landslide! 😵
This was the end of my time in the Rockies, now back through (more) northern Alberta, excited to explore Edmonton!
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Wildlife: 1 grizzly bear with 2 cubs ♥ and 1 black bear at Jasper
SUPs: one at Jasper
Hikes: one at Banff, two at Jasper
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fkinghopeless · 2 years
For when I miss him
So hey, read the whole thing and take a few deep breaths and reflect, okay?
First of all, you deserve someone who will choose you. He let you go. That's the opposite of choosing you. He never chose you in the first place. He just went along with it when you showed interest. Just like he did with the next one.
You've come this far. Cried so many times you lost count. Forgave him so many times you lost count. You were let down so many times. So many times when he chose pc games or friends over you. So many times he didn't put any effort into the relationship. Did nothing to keep the relationship going. No, literally nothing. So many days and even months waiting for him to change his mind. To text, reply even. To apologize. To do anything really. And still... Nothing. You deserved better, believe me.
Yes, you were toxic at times and you played your role in the decline of the relationship, for sure. And you're actively working on yourself and trying to work out your issues, right? You learned from it and found out so much. So it's okay that you made those mistakes. You're not your mistakes and you're not the person you were when you made them. It's all in the past now. So forgive yourself. You don't owe anyone any apologies or explanations. You're good. You will do better next time, I'm sure about that.
Girl, look at you. You literally thrive on your own. Think of all the times you couldn't even sit at your desk because he was in your room. Of all the times you wanted to move your body and go on walks and cook healthy and you couldn't because he didn't want to. All the compromises. All the things you did for him. Like letting him move in so he didn't have to live at his messy house. And for what? No effort, poor hygiene and no respect whatsoever. Ha. It's his loss you know. And he will realise it one day. But you won't be waiting for him to come to that conclusion. That would be a waste of time. Missing him and checking his socials is also a waste of time. There's nothing there. And if there is, it only makes you spiral and overthink and feel worse and have confusing dreams. Waste of time. There are so many better things you can do. Like making someone smile or hanging out with your mom and brother or just spending some time outside with your dog. That's peaceful. No stress or drama because someone forgot something or someone didn't do something they were supposed to.
Remember all the stress and and anxiety while you were living together. And how you felt like a complete stranger in your body and like a replaceable roommate. Crying in the bathroom. What was the reason this time? Him forgetting that you are waiting for him at the train station and waiting for him with dinner? Him leaving with his crush while you were waiting at the square with his mom who had no idea he was actually going to study in the big city far away? Or him just ignoring you because his friends were bored and wanted to play some games? Or maybe him not brushing his teeth or not showering because he was too lazy and didn't care about even being clean for you....? I don't think I have to continue, even tho I would come up with many more reasons.
So please, with what's left of your dignity, don't waste your energy being sad about him. There are so many things to be happy about. Just the fact that you're not longer lowering your standards and settling with less than you deserve. Don't waste your energy even thinking about him. Because guess what? He's not thinking about you. And that's a good thing. You weren't meant to last. Maybe you were meant to be. Meant to meet at least. But you learned all there was to learn and the relationship has come to an end because there was nothing more for you to learn and to give. That was meant to happen.
And at times, you were so happy and in love. Cherish that. You will always think about those times. That's okay. They are a part of your life. But don't let them overshine the bad things you experienced in the relationship and all the pain he has caused you.
Just accept it for what it is, even if it just feels weird and you feel like life is boring and kind of sucks right now. I promise it will get better and you will be happy again. Maybe even sooner than you think. Just give it time. <3
You did all you could. Even if there are things you would've done differently, they had a reason at that time. They helped you cope and survive. Just acknowledge those coping mechanisms or behaviours that aren't working anymore and try slowly but surely replacing them with different, better ones. For you. Because you deserve happiness and a healthy life.
Don't worry so much, there are so many things you'll get to see and so many people you'll get to meet. I promise you there are. This isn't the end of your life. It might as well just be the beginning. You never know. Have a little faith.
Just continue living your life. No matter how boring or draining it feels right now. Everything is temporary and the pain will pass eventually. You can work on bettering yourself instead of self sabotaging. Because that only makes you feel worse. You deserve to be happy, to thrive despite everything your anxious mind is telling you. And remember, letting go isn't quitting. Giving up is necessary. You can't keep on fighting, especially not for something that's already lost. But one day you'll see that you weren't the one who lost, you actually won. You won freedom, independence and confidence. A completely new life. New beginning and new opportunities to be who you truly want to be and to do what you truly want to do. For yourself and not for anybody else. How liberating.
Think of all the good days you had, despite the fact that there have been bad days. More good days are coming. You will stop crying and thinking about him. And you'll even stop having dreams about him. It will take time but I promise you it's possible.
And if you still think of him or miss him even after his, just go look at that ugly photo on his insta. Or imagine how he's still stuck in his ways. Still doing all the annoying things that were driving you crazy. Like leaving smelly socks on the ground or not cleaning after himself. Making everything messy and chaotic. And also blaming everything on some other person or event, never taking any responsibility for his actions. The list goes on. He's not the person living in your head. That's just what you made him out to be. The love and all the nice things? That's all you. Your love. The beauty you saw? That was you all along. Not some stupid boy who didn't even know how to love you. How could he, he still doesn't know what he wants. And it's not your job to make him make up his mind or to finally realize what he's lost.
I love you.
P.S. I'm not hopeless anymore. I'm -fkinghopeful, we got this!
0 notes
jaemrkist · 3 years
unsaid feelings
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pairing: mark lee x gender neutral reader
genre: angst. fluff at the end. college au.
summary: after ending your friend with benefits situation with mark you can't help but feel jealous with how fast he moved on.
word count: 1800+
warnings: suggestive content, no explicit smut though. drinking. swearing.
a/n: longest piece i've ever published, hope you guys enjoy it! wrote this randomly at 3 am last month but forgot about it until going through my notes today so i decided to publish it now. small appearance by johnny but literally for 0.5 seconds lol.
you were mad. actually, more than mad. you were pissed. pissed off at the fact that mark had the audacity to not only show up at this party he knew you were going to, but to be here with someone that's not you. just a day after you guys had stopped seeing each other. it felt like the biggest "fuck you" he could've done to you.
you don't know why you're so upset with this. you were the one who broke things off. you and mark weren't ever serious, but you wanted to be. you wanted mark to tell you he wants you as much as you want him, more than just for sex when one of you was bored. but when you told him you wanted to stop things, he just let you go. he didn't fight as you had hoped, and it hurt you so much.
you cried harder than you had for any other breakup, even though this wasn't even an actual breakup. you and mark were never officially together, it was more of a friends with benefits type of thing. you knew you shouldn't have continued it because practically everyone knows they never end well but you didn't want to stop seeing mark. seeing mark after you finished your classes was the highlight of your day. spending time when it's just the two of you was comforting.
your thing with mark started a little over 3 months ago. you and mark had been friends for a little over a year now, meeting each other during both of your's sophomore year of college. even though you guys have different majors, you still managed to become close friends, which was the beginning of your dilemma. you began to grow a crush on mark, but you didn't realize it until your friends with benefits things started.
one night at your place, mark came over with ice cream and said he'd help you study for your economics test. eventually, you stopped studying and ended up talking with mark while eating your ice cream. you accidentally got ice cream under your lip. mark noticed and got closer to you to wipe it off. unaware of the ice cream under your lip, you froze when you realized he was getting so close to your face. your breathing stopped for a second when his fingers touched your face. mark stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, caressing your chin with his thumb.
mark doesn't know where his sudden confidence came from but he kissed you. he was surprised when you kissed him back. it felt natural to kiss mark, like this was always supposed to happen.
you broke the kiss and asked mark if he had a condom. it had been a few months since you last had sex with someone and you figured since mark was here, you should take the opportunity and get laid. mark's cheeks turned to a bright pink color when you asked that, surprised you wanted to go that far with him. when he nodded, you grabbed his hand and led him to your bedroom. that night was the first of many nights between you and mark. you would alternate between your place and his, depending on who's roommates were gone at the time.
you had to get out of the house the party was being thrown at as fast as possible. you couldn't stand being in the same space as mark right now, it felt suffocating. after chugging your drink, you went to find the host of the party, who happens to be your friend johnny and thanked him for inviting you. johnny was confused why you were leaving so early but decided not to push for an answer when he could tell how visibly upset you were. he told you to get home safely and you were on your way out.
mark only came to this party because he knew you were going to be here. he was unable to actually locate you during the party so he gave up, thinking you decided not to come after all. mark began to fall into the party scene and danced with a stranger. after a few minutes of someone dancing with him, he began to become bored. his eyes were roaming around the room to figure out a way to leave. when his eyes found the door, you were leaving. when you walked out the door, mark went after you. he's not entirely sure why he went after you but it felt like an instinct for him to check on you.
as you were walking away from the house, you heard some rustling in the distance. you didn’t bother to look back, assuming it was some drunk student going home. you were wrong, however.
"y/n! wait up," mark yelled. you took a deep breath and continued walking, not wanting to face him right now.
when you didn't stop, mark sighed and decided to run to catch up to you. when he finally reached you, he began to walk on the right side of you. he was slightly out of breath from the jogging. you turned your head the other way to not see him. 'why can't he just leave me alone?' you thought.
"why are you leaving? it's only been like an hour since the party started?" mark asked. you were irritated with mark. irritated that he’s acting like everything is normal between the two of you. after about a minute with no response he said "so you're ignoring me? cool." it was bothering him that you were ignoring him. 'she's ignoring me after she left me?' he thought while shaking his head slightly. he began to look down at his feet while continuing to walk next to you.
the walk to your place was about 15 minutes from the party. you assumed mark would not walk the whole way with you since his date was still at the party. you started to panic a little when you realized you’re halfway to your place and mark is still walking next to you.
you broke the silence. "can you just leave me alone?"
mark looked at you which caused you to look at him too. "not until you answer my question" he replied.
you took a deep breath in, trying to keep yourself calm while you looked away from him. "isn't your date gonna wonder where you went off to?" you said, your voice barely loud enough for him to hear.
“what date?” mark asked, confused about who you were talking about.
“the person you were dancing with literally 10 minutes ago,” you said with annoyance.
realizing who you were talking about, mark responded. “that’s not my date. i don’t even know their name. and why do you even care about that?” mark could tell you were annoyed at the fact he was dancing with someone. he always could tell when something bothered you.
"just forget i even asked," you said with a sigh.
mark, however, wouldn't back down. "no, just tell me why you care so much about who i’m dancing with.”
"mark just leave me alone. okay?"
"not until you tell me why you’re so bothered about the person i was dancing with.”
you both stopped walking after mark said that. standing on the side of the road now, face to face with each other.
"because it's been a day mark! it's been a day and you're already off with someone else," you lash out.
mark, stunned by how you yelled at him, argues back. "last time i checked, you told me you didn't want to see me anymore.” he started, running his hands through his hair. “you were my best friend y/n and you just walked out on my life. so it makes no sense to me why you give a shit about my life now."
mark was now the one irritated. mark had developed a crush on you when he first met you during sophomore year. he was sure you didn't feel the same way about him until you guys kissed for the first time the night he brought ice cream over to your place. he thought that finally, you were close to being his girlfriend. until you offered to just be fuck buddies. he knew he should've said no because he will end up hurt, but he wanted to be with you so he agreed.
you couldn't hold in your anger anymore. "i’ve always cared about you, how can you even say that? i left because i wanted more than whatever we were doing. i wanted a real relationship," you begin, your voice starting to crack. "i wanted you to fight for me and tell me how you don't want it to end. how you love me as much as i love you. but you didn't. you just said okay. you didn't even act like you fucking cared about me and that hurt me so much," you sniffled when you finished confessing to mark.
mark eyes widen at your sudden confession. now he felt like an asshole. he did want to fight for you but he assumed you didn't feel the same way about him. he should’ve been honest about his feelings from the start but he was too afraid of losing you altogether.
"y/n," mark said as he walked forward to you, lessening the gap between the two of you. "i have had this massive crush on you since the day i met you. when i kissed you for the first time, i felt like the luckiest man ever. after that first night when you suggested just fucking around i thought that was you telling me you didn’t see me that way. so i didn’t feel like i should try and stop you ending it when you didn’t love me back.”
you started crying during mark's confession. 'i am literally the stupidest person ever' you thought to yourself. mark brought his hand up to your cheek, wiping your tears away. with his hang lingering on your cheek, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. mark kissed you back as if he had been waiting for this moment his whole life, feeling reminiscent of your first kiss with each other.
after what felt like an eternity, mark pulled back and rested his forehead on yours. you laughed a little, at yourself and at mark. both of you were too dumb to realize that you both wanted the same thing.
“we should get going before we look like weirdos making out on the side of the road,” mark said which caused a giggle to escape your lips.
mark intertwined his fingers with yours and walked you back to your place. once you reached the building, you asked mark if he wanted to come in because it was cold. mark knew what you were implying with your question and smiled before saying yes. you mirrored his smile and dragged him up to your room. you both were happy that this moment wouldn’t be filled with doubt about each other’s feelings like the previous nights had been.
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yeongwvnhi · 3 years
Them as your college boyfriend
Pairing - Oneus x genderneutral reader
Genre - fluff, angst, suggestive (yet again the whole package)
Warnings - bullying, language, nosebleed, two vague mentions of sex (for the jokes) but of course nothing explicit
Taglist - @twancingyunhoe
Word count - idk,, sth between 1k-2k words
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Most likely your seat mate or classmate first of all
Since he's such a sweetheart everyone loves him
A lot of girls in your class probably have a crush on him
He befriended you at the start of the first semester because he just immediately liked you (platonically at first)
Guess that didn't sit right with some of your fellow classmates
Let's assume you're not his seat mate for this
The jealous girls who sit behind you are talking shit about you and laughing
Some might even throw balls of paper at you with insults written on them
Of course Youngjo notices that something isn't right because you're acting weird
He's going to ask you repeatedly what's wrong
But you won't tell him because you think it's silly and that they will just stop
Of course it sadly doesn't work like that
The girls go even further,, purposely hitting your shoulder when passing by
Or tripping you
They even go as far as to spread rumors
And when they finally reach Youngjo he's going to be FURIOUS
First of all he's going to look for you to comfort you
But when he sees the girls in your class cornering you he gets mad again, yelling at them to back the fuck off
They try to pretend like they don't know what's going on, but quickly run away when he looks like he's gonna explode
Youngjo is going to hug you tightly and tell you that it's going to be okay and that he's there for you anyways
And even though this is a shitty timing, tells you that he really likes you
Of course you say that you like him back and he asks you out djjxjdg
After that he'd quickly make it a point that both of you are off-limits and he'll protect you
Will probably walk you to all your classes, even if you don't share them and give you a kiss in front of the classroom
Nobody messes with you anymore and you finally found nice friends
They always tease you for Youngjo being so protective, but they're not serious because they understand where he's coming from
And because he's a little shit you bet your ass he will always manage to give you at least one hickey
Because he's possessive but in a good way 💔
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You only share one class with him and that is chemistry
He immediately caught your eye from the first lesson you shared because he sits diagonally in front of you
Ironically he was kind of late on that day and clumsy him forgot his pencil case
So he turned around and went "pssst"
When you looked up at him, confused and all, he shyly smiles and asks if you've got a spare pen
Lucky for him, you never leave the house with less than two pens, so you lend it to him
"You can just give it back when we see us next time" you tell him and he thanks you a few times before going on to do his task
After that day you couldn't get that small encounter out of your head
Why? Because the two guys behind you gossip a lot,, saying Seoho is mean and cold etc
So next week when you have that class again Seoho sits down next to you instead of his original seat
He smiles at you and holds out your pen towards you "Thanks a lot for last week, you really saved my ass"
You tell him it's no big deal and introduce yourself to him finally
Turns out it's very fortunate for you that he decided to sit next to you now because you're not getting anything the professor is teaching
Seoho sees you struggling and kindly explains everything you don't understand
After that the two of you become really close and even hang out after classes to grab something something drink or to eat
This goes on for a few months before you finally just gain the courage to talk to him about your feelings
"What did you want to talk about?" He asks you after your classes for the day are over, the two of you met behind the building for more privacy
"I uhm... realized that I really like you... I just wanted you to know that" you tell him rather quietly, but he heard it all very clearly
"I really like you too, Y/N!" Seoho smiles brightly at you when you meet his gaze, and asks if you want to go out with him
Of course you say yes!! Jxjdnh
So since you knew he wasn't a big fan of PDA or skinship in general you never really initiated much of it unless he decided he wanted to hold hands or hug you
Of course that went differently when you weren't in college
Mostly he was chilling over at your apartment/house/dorm after classes were over for the two of you
He loves to give you random kisses out of nowhere or just grab your hand to play with your fingers
If you were over at his place, you'd just be chilling somewhere or you'd be laying in his lap and taking a nap after a stressful day while he was stroking your hair
But there were also days where he texted you in the middle of a lecture to meet him in the hallways of the toilets
When you got there he just pulled you behind the corner to make out with you for a good two or three minutes just to walk away shortly after, telling you that's all what he wanted
"Are you serious?! I hate you" you'd grumble and walk away, pissed off because he left you all riled up
Whenever he did that, you'd straight up ignore him until classes were over just to get him all whiny and clingy, begging for your attention and saying how he was sorry
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You two befriended each other during the last year of high school and coincidentally enrolled into the same college, so you were glad to have someone you knew
Sadly you two didn't share a lot of classes, so you only saw each other during the breaks or after classes were over
But you had each other's number so it wasn't all too bad
He'd often text you during his free periods how he was so bored and that he hated the teacher he had for the next class
You'd jokingly tell him to stop being a baby and to toughen up
Of course he'd get cocky and say how he already was tough since he works out a lot, always getting you flustered when he (jokingly) offered to demonstrate it to you
Everyone knows the two of you as the bickering duo because you're always at each other's throats, but the second someone says something mean to one of you it's on sight
Geonhak always (again, jokingly) complains about how difficult or annoying you are, but he'd never let someone bad-mouth you on his watch
You also bet that he's always going to pick you up when you've got a shared class next or when classes are over
And he's going to walk you home (whether that be actually home or just the dorms)
Right from the beginning everyone just automatically assumed y'all are dating
But you aren't ✨surprise✨
Of course Geonhak soon realizes that he actually has feelings for you
And the second he's sure of it, he tells you
Like... in the middle of the walkway on your way from college
Of course you're perplexed and need a few seconds to comprehend what the hell he just said to you
When it finally clicks, you tell him that you feel the same
I swear the cutest, most wholesome smiles breaks out on his face and he hugs you
Catching you off guard yet again, but you hug him back
From then on the two of you stopped denying the questions about dating, and all your friends are like "we knew right away"
Even though Geonhak also isn't big on PDA or skinship, he doesn't mind holding your hand or giving you a quick peck here or there
But behind closed doors he's just a giant teddy bear, always wanting to cuddle
Or, well.... or he's gonna be pinning you against the next best wall the second you two are alone
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He's your seat mate in all the classes you share
Which are... literally almost all wnjdjdjfh
You're just bound to become friends, so lucky for you that Keonhee is such a nice and cute guy, trying to help you out whenever he can
For example that one time when you forgot your P.E. bag in the last classroom and were just on your way back
There was Keonhee, meeting you halfway and handing you your bag with a chuckle and ruffling your hair "be careful with your stuff" He jokes and smiles before leaving
That's what made you fall in love with his unnecessarily tall ass in the first place
You decided to be subtle about your feelings and just opted for asking him about stuff concerning your curriculum or assignments more often than usual
But Keonhee isn't stupid, of course he noticed how you seem to be initiating more conversations with him
He didn't mind at all though, he thought you were cute and he already knew that he had a crush on you
Keonhee was also rather popular among the girls, so you decided to not get your hopes up just in case
Well lucky you because he decided he wanted to confess to you on a Friday to give you time with your answer
So he asked you to meet him behind the gym after your P.E. class, saying he's got something important to tell you
That phrase left you on your toes all day and you had a hard time concentrating in your P.E. class
Which led to you getting a volleyball right on your nose, causing it to bleed and someone had to take you into the gym's infirmary room so you could lie down
At least your nosebleed stopped after 5 minutes, so you washed up and checked if your nose was okay
Luckily your nose is fine and you can continue class with your mind now more focused on paying attention
After class is done, you wash up, get changed and then realize that Keonhee is waiting for you behind the gym, making your brain go haywire
When you meet him, his gaze instantly falls to your, still red tinted, nose
"What happened? Are you okay?" He immediately worries and gets in your face, flustering you unintentionally
"N-Nothing! Just a small accident!"
Keonhee pouts cutely and playfully scolds you for not being careful
Then you remind him that he wanted to tell you something
You watch him get nervous but that doesn't last long when he puts his big hands on your shoulders and meets your eyes
"I uhm I really like you, Y/N" He blurts out and you blink a few times, perplexed
Keonhee takes that as a sign to leave, but you stop him and also blurt out how you like him back
A huge smile breaks out on his face and he hugs you excitedly
After a few weeks everyone on campus knew you were dating and Keonhee wasn't shy on showing his love for you at any time or place
He'd always hold your hand, have his hand on your waist or give you back-hugs
Also loves to make out in empty classrooms during breaks, but you didn't hear that from me
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Big surprise, but you've already been dating him before you entered college, so it was a huge bonus to hear you both made it into the same one
But sadly you don't share a lot of classes, so you always sit together during lunch and meet at who's locker is closer during breaks to talk
Word quickly went around and by the 2nd or 3rd week, pretty much everyone in the facility knew you two were dating and therefore off-limits
But of courseeeee it wouldn't be college without a little drama, right? So obviously there were girls who were hitting on Woong and guys/girls who were hitting on you
The two of have been dating for a long while though, obviously nothing would drive you apart
So the two of you had enough of the constant flirting that you just decided to be bold as fuck and made sure to make out whenever people were around who were hitting on you😳
Pretty soon everyone realized the two of you were happy together and FINALLY!! left you alone
But did that mean you two stopped being nasty in the hallways? Hell no
Your friends learned the hard way that it was better to not look for the two of you when you were gone during the breaks
Because one of your female friends had walked in on you two doing the dirty in an empty classroom at the end of a hallway 👁👄👁
Poor girl ran away for the sake of her eyes lmao
You two have no shame smh even the teachers make sure to leave you alone when you're not to be found at your lockers or in a hallway/the cafeteria
Surprisingly enough, you two were quite decent in your classes though
Your classmates would often come to you when they had problems with a topic
Woong and you even founded a study group for everyone in your year who needed help,, available every weekend aside from vacation
Everyone loves you guys even though you're nasties😭
At some point during the year there was a transfer student who didn't know you two are dating
So when he asked someone about your whereabouts, one of your friends deadass said that you're either eat each other's throats somewhere aka making out
Or that you were doing the deed
Poor guy thought they were joking and didn't listen to your friends' warnings and stupidly went looking for you
Instant regret is all I'm going to say here
So basically Woong is just your horny boyfriend who loves you to bits and pieces though and will fight anyone who dares to hit on you and vice versa
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Dongju is a transfer student and you got assigned to show him around and make him feel welcome
Of course you didn't mind and even though he looked really intimidating at first
He actually is really cute and a giant sweetheart 🥺
You became his first friend that day and you even exchanged numbers 👀
If he ever had a problem in finding a classroom or literally anything...
He'd come to you
He wouldn't even consider asking a teacher or whoever was close by
No, you were always his first option and I- he's so cute pls😭
Anyways,, after a month or two he got the important bits of the building down
You bet he will walk you to your classes and meet you after they're over
Because he just really likes you
And you quickly realize you like him too~
So you two meet up after the day of exhausting classes to get a bite to eat or have something to drink somewhere and talk about everything and anything that comes to mind
And a month or two again after getting even closer, Dongju decides to ask you out
He does it when you two are sitting in your usual cafe and you're so happy and excited,, immediately telling him that you'd love to go out with him
No one is surprised when they see you guys entering campus while holding hands and giggling to each other like little middle schoolers
But they all support you and wish you luck
Your friends will tease you for it but of course not in a mean way
Knowing that Dongju is a little inexperienced, you two take everything nice and slow and not rush anything
You tell each other whenever something bothers you, because it's important to build a relationship on communication and trust
Since Dongju is really mature, he handles everything like a professional 😳👍🏻
Your classmates are surprised about how you two never argue and just have such nice chemistry
I think that a relationship with Dongju is just very... well mature, because he handles everything so good
No one ever caught you two kissing in college or outside because you're not too big on PDA
It was mutually decided that holding hands and hugging is more than enough when you're out in the open
Doesn't mean you don't come to classes with hickeys on your necks occasionally tho 👀
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barsformars · 3 years
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Dean's Office
g - fluff
p - wooyoung x reader
w.c - 1.2k
t.w - none
c - reader who is not very well liked among the teachers meets wooyoung, their table partner and the complete opposite of them in the teachers' eyes, in the dean's office.
a.n - this has been sitting in my drafts forever i almost forgot to post it because ive been working on requests jdjsjsj
t.l - @closer-stars​ @jeongyunhoed​ @fairyofdusk​
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seonghwa | hongjoong | yunho | yeosang | san | mingi | wooyoung° | jongho
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If there was anyone you would never expect to see sitting in the dean's office, it would be your table partner. Sure, he's can be a little rowdy and annoying at times but apart from that, he's the closest thing to a model student.
"Wooyoung? The hell are you doing here? I thought you were just late for class, like for the first time in your life." Oh, perhaps you should have minded your language a little more. Since, you know, you're in the dean's office.
Wooyoung whipped his head around, as surprised, or maybe even more, to ever see you here. Sure, your grades have always been excellent but apart from that, you're the closest thing to a substitute teacher's worst nightmare. Speaking of substitute teachers, that's exactly why you were called in here. But wait, Wooyoung is speaking.
"Oh, they wanted to thank me for representing the school in that dance competition I went last month-"
Eurgh, they call people in just for that too?"
-along with many other things......" Wooyoung's voice trailed off awkwardly, not wanting to come across as arrogant, though you already knew very well that he was far from that. There was a reason he was one of your favourite people in school.
"Oh." Your eyebrows arched up at his words as you nodded slowly, taking a seat in the chair that he had already pulled out for you. "So where did Mrs Noh go?" You asked, legs crossed and fingers impatiently tapping on the mahogany desk.
"She had to pick up a call," Wooyoung replied, letting out a soft scoff and grin when he saw the way you were sitting. Most people would be too nervous to even breathe in the dean's office but here you were acting like the place was yours. Have you been in here before without him knowing? "I haven't asked but, what are you doing here? I suppose it's not for something praise-worthy?" When you shot him a look that was half out of disbelief and half of ridicule, Wooyoung knew that he shouldn't even have asked. Not that he thought you were a bad person - you weren't - you were just not very well liked by the teachers for, well, many reasons.
"I told the substitute literature teacher that his teaching was worse than eating an unsalted rotten kimchi." You shrugged, you didn't think you had done anything worth being called to the dean's office for. You were just speaking the truth. "What?" Wooyoung stared at you, waiting for you to carry on with your story, knowing that was definitely not everything that went down while he was away from you (he would have made you apologised right away if he was there). "Okay, okay, so then I just stood up and left the class because I couldn't sit in there listening to his rubbish any longer."
"I leave you alone in class for like 15 minutes and shit happens," Wooyoung sighed, shaking his head as he rubbed his temples. "And it was literally only 15 minutes, just what did he say for you to conclude so quickly that he was bad at teaching?"
Before you could start ranting to Wooyoung, the dean opened the door with an apologetic smile directed towards Wooyoung, her wrinkled face shrivelling up even further with displeasure when she noticed that you were there as well.
What would be the better facial expression in response to that? Rolling your eyes, like your natural instincts tell you to, or faking an innocent smile, because that was what Wooyoung would tell you to do? You had no choice but to settle for the latter when Wooyoung nudged your leg, simultaneously telling you to sit properly as well.
You don't even know why you listen to Wooyoung so well. You usually hate it when others tell you to do, but if Wooyoung were to ask you to walk into Louis Vuitton and attempt to steal a $10,000 bag for him, you would. Not that he would ever, but yes, you would, and not even mention his name during interrogation.
"You should spend more time with people like Wooyoung, then maybe you will learn to have some manners!" Mrs Noh criticised, causing you and Wooyoung you exchange knowing looks as the both of you tried your very best to not burst out laughing.
"Good grades mean nothing if your attitude is bad!"
"Yes, ma'am."
After making Wooyoung sit through your scolding and you his mini award ceremony, the dean sent the both of you back to class together. "She said we should spend more time together," Wooyoung giggled, poking at your side as he wiggled his eyebrow.
"Gross, I'm sick from having to see your face everytime I turn to my left when I'm just trying appreciate Yeosang's visuals," you pretended to gag and Wooyoung proceeded to reach for your head to ruffle your hair, purposely annoying you as a punishment for saying that. Maybe you shouldn't have made it seem that you hated Wooyoung doing that, because it was the total opposite. Your heart was already starting to race
."How awkward will it be if you walked back into class right now?" Wooyoung laughed, thinking about how you would still have to sit through another hour of the substitute teacher's class. When you don't send a kick to his butt like you usually would, Wooyoung turned to look at you, slightly concerned.
"Are you that angry just thinking about it? Your face is so red."
"Jeong Wooyoung, I like you." You blurted out, completely taking Wooyoung, and yourself, by surprise. Well technically, it wasn't the fact that you had feelings for him that came as a shock to him. It would take an idiot to not see that you were whipped for him, and vice versa. Wooyoung just didn't think that you would ever admit it, because he would never, and you must say, you didn't either.
"That was very abrupt," Wooyoung commented as he stared blankly at the empty corridor behind you. It was, it was. Those five words had completely knocked all the thoughts out of his brain, and suddenly he became very aware of how heavy his arms were from merely hanging from his shoulders. Where should he even place them? Stick them right next to his legs, reach out to hold you (where anyways), or to just leave them be?
"Are you not going to say anything else?" Wooyoung asked, unsure of how to continue, or end, this conversation.
"Are you not going to give me a reply?" Oh, right, he hasn't. "I guess we should do what the dean said you should do then. Hang out with me more," Wooyoung said. "And I mean not as friends, by the way."
There comes the kick to his butt. "So do you like me too or what?" Wooyoung let out a sigh of relief, you were back to normal.
"Yes, did you not hear my last sentence?"
"Then say it!"
"Ask for it cutely." Wooyoung stuck his tongue out at you, his arms crossed over his chest. He was already starting to tease you now that he was sure that you had a very soft spot for him.
"Nevermind, I take back my words. I don't like you anymore," you huffed as you walked away, leaving him behind.
"Hey, fine! I like you too! Why are you running away? I'm saying that I like you too!"
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Troublesome New Girl
Sequel to A Place Good Enough
[Read on AO3]
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker
Summary: Inej has newly joined the Dregs. She goes to return Kaz's coat in the presence of many members. *cue the teasing & jokes*
Jesper meets Inej & evidences of Jesper's crush on Kaz (tiny bit of angst).
Kaz is his usual self & sets an example. A violent one :)
I just noticed this complete written fic has been sitting in my drafts for a month now. I'm so dumb 〒_〒
Hope you guys enjoy!
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The constant noise of banging against wood rouses Inej from her sleep. She looks around haphazardly only to find herself lying on a cot in an unknown room, her torso covered by a grey coat. Sun's rays blind her eyes momentarily as she turns her face, an open window staring back at her, not the daunting walls of the Menagerie. Memories of the previous night flood back and her shoulders deflate in relief. She takes a long breath to calm her rapidly beating heart. She doesn't need to endure Heleen's beatings or sell her body anymore. She is free of that life. Free.
“Oi new girl!” a voice calls, followed by more knocking at the wooden door to her small room. “Brekker told me to bring you some clothes. I’m leaving a pair out here.”
Right! Kaz Brekker had promised her better clothes. She leaves the comfort of the cot but by the time she unlocks the door to thank whoever was on the other end, the person is gone. She catches a short glimpse of a feminine figure with blond hair at the stairs and vows to thank her later. Picking up the clothes, she closes the door.
When Jesper had heard his fellow Dregs gossiping about Dirtyhands bringing back a girl with him late at night, he hadn’t given it much thought. He had ignored Anika when she had said that she was literally asked by Kaz himself to provide the said girl with some clothes. In fact, he had completely shooed away anyone who came up to fill his ears with rumors about this unknown Suli girl and the bastard of the barrel. So when a small, bronze-skinned girl bumps into him on the third floor of the Slat, he's stunned.
"Ohhh—", The girl waves her hands frantically, her pupils dilating in concern, "I'm sorry."
But Jesper doesn't bother with apologies for he's too busy appraising her. Now she does match the rumored descriptions and is even donning Anika's lame clothes. But what actually piques his interest is a neatly-folded coat in the deepest shade of grey held between her dainty hands. He doesn’t need to think long to guess who it belongs to. There’s only one person who doesn’t indulge in the colorful fashion sense of the barrel— Kaz “Dirtyhands” Brekker.
He feels his insides fuming. But no way is he going to act like an idiot and jump to conclusions. Just because here's a girl he’s never seen before and she happens to have a coat, doesn’t mean that every single narrative he's heard about this whole situation is true.
He narrows his eyes in what he assumes is his best look of suspicion as he towers over the girl. “Where did you get that?”
"Um", she looks down at the piece of clothing and mumbles in the most innocent tone, "Mr. Brekker lent it to me."
Mr. Brekker!? The hell kinda way is this to address a man you slept with? Or whatever the heck it is that Dirtyhands prefers to do with girls..
"Why?" he asks. From Jesper's experiences, the young lieutenant of the Dregs isn't big on kindness. "Why did he lend it you?"
The girl's brows narrow in thought. It seems she herself is unsure of the reason. Her left palm clutches her right forearm in apprehension. "I guess..because I wasn't in a very decent attire."
Alarms go off in Jesper's head again. What exactly happened between her and Kaz? His heart needs answers yet he knows that its none of his business so he suppresses the unease welling in his belly.
"Well Kaz is up there." He gestures in the direction of the attic. "I'm headed there right now so I can give it to him."
The girl frowns. "I can't let a stranger do that for me. Besides," she twirls a strand of her hair, her eyes alight with some indescribable emotion, "I must properly thank him myself."
Jesper is familiar with this look. It mirrors his own when he was still a newbie at the Dregs and wanted to prove himself, wanted to repay Kaz for saving his ass. And not just by helping him pluck stupid pigeons but also by adding extra sums of profits to his ledger. Jesper can empathize with her on this.
"He saved you too," The Zemeni asks carefully, "didn't he?"
She stares at him, gauging the understanding in his expression and simply nods.
He rubs the side of his neck awkwardly. "Well, wanna go up together?"
Her eyes widen and she involuntarily takes a few steps back. Distrust. Fear. He can empathize with this action as well. In the barrel, it'd be foolish to believe a complete stranger within few moments of the first encounter.
"Then," he smiles the smile that many have called charming and starts his ascend upstairs. He only looks back once to wink at her, hoping it'll quell her anxious mind a bit, "follow my lead?"
"I can do that." she mumbles, more to assure herself and takes the first step of many that will become the foundation to their sibling-like friendship.
When it comes to change, development and fresh ideas, Per Haskell always cowers and dismisses the topic. People like that will never achieve anything if they aren't willing to take risks. The restoration of that abandoned fifth harbour would already be in motion if Kaz hadn't chosen to waste another of his precious mornings trying to convince his boss that investing in it may prove fruitful to the Dregs. And so, after a pointless argument he had had earlier with the old man, he's decided to take matters into his own hands.
Huffing audibly, he continues explaining every member present in his room their respective job for the day. The boisterous throng huddled around him, begins dispersing all of a sudden. Curiously, Kaz looks up to find his faitful right-hand man Jesper Fahey walking in, a mischievous glint in his silver irises.
"We bumped into each other on our way up here." Jesper gestures behind him.
And it is then that Kaz notices her presence— Inej Ghafa, the strange Suli girl he had brought back from the West Stave. Oddly, he had felt her presence moments ago but had brushed it off as a mere byproduct of his rest-deprived mind playing tricks on him. Turns out his intuition hadn’t been wrong at all.
"Its that Suli girl."
"The one that Brekker took up to his bed?"
"Who would've thought Haskell's rabid dog had such exquisite tastes."
The one that Brekker took where? Haskell's rabid what? Kaz isn't sure which remark he finds more insulting towards his reputation. Although he does realise he has no one except himself to blame. He should'nt have let the girl follow him up to the attic last night. As usual, he'll have to cover this small err with fresh tales about himself that are even more gruesome than the previous ones. But for now he must find out why the new girl is here.
Anika’s clothes are baggy on her small frame— a deep green shirt so loosely-fitted that she has tied its ends into a double knot just above her belly-button whilst the fawn-colored trousers hang tastefully around her hips. He watches her long, silky hair sway behind her as she walks gracefully in his direction, determination glimmering in her dark brown irises. Shock briefly flits across his gaze but before he can even think of stopping her, she shoots out her hands in which he (dreadfully) recognizes, she’s holding his coat. He can feel all eyes in the room already settling on him. They collectively stare in a mix of shock, curiosity and..is this jealousy he's witnessing on a few faces?
"What do you think you're doing?" He grits out. He hears a muffled snickering which he's sure is Jesper's and wonders if the two somehow managed to become friends in the short span of their climb up the stairs. And that they both planned this prank together on their way.
However, Inej only furrows her brows, debunking his ridiculous theory. She seems to be wondering what she's done wrong as she answers confidently, "I forgot to return it last night."
More interested staring ensues. The new pen in his palm snaps.
Is this girl serious right now? It took him long, unrelenting years to rise to the position he's at. He's spilled his blood, sweat and tears to scatter the seeds of terror about him throughout the expanse of Ketterdam. Even people who come across him for the first time, visibly shiver and turn pale. So what part of their last conversation has given her this courage to approach him so casually? She seems to have forgotten the fact that he’s an infamous barrel thug, feared by merchers, stadwatch and gangsters alike. She isn’t supposed to saunter up to him and return his coat, making this whole exchange appear to be a scandalous affair to the curious bystanders. She isn't supposed to crumble Dirtyhands' hard-built reputation with just a few words!
"Stand aside, I'm busy." He mutters, because he truly has no idea how to get out of this predicament and hopes that his caustic tone will get the message across just like it does with everyone else.
To his utter dismay, Inej seems to be far more tactless than Jesper, who still hasn't stopped snickering. She tucks the coat back in her arms and bites her lip as if suppressing herself from saying something mean. Her eyes quietly regard his own, an unspoken understanding settling between them. She is aware that if she doesn't wish to be thrown back into the Menagerie, she must behave properly with him. And yet, her nostrils flare as she responds, "I just wanted to pay my gratitude-"
"You can pay your gratitude," Kaz hisses back, glaring up at her from his perched position, "with your services." And its only after uttering those words does he realise the ambiguous implications hinted in them. Jesper's shoulders are shaking uncontrollably now, his palms tightly clamped around his mouth to muffle his laugh.
"Slow down, Dirtyhands." comments someone from the back and the whole room bursts into a howl of laughter. Inej brings a palm to her lips, gasping in mortification.
Kaz massages his eyes. Dealing with these ruffians has already been a headache. Now this new girl just walks in and takes the cake. She's proving to be far more dangerous– scratch that– far more more troublesome than he had expected.
He lets them have their fun as he pulls out a knife from his coatsleeve and gets up. He ambles towards Dirix, his steps slow and deliberate. He's sure it was Rotty who'd made the joke but Dirix is standing closer and it doesn't really matter who said what. Dirtyhands just needs to set an example.
The young boy is suddenly looking very pale. Kaz grabs his right hand, the dominant one and digs the blade along the joints of his fingers. The knife easily tears through his skin and goes deeper into the muscle beneath. Dirix is now screaming whilst everyone else hold their breath. From his peripheral vision, he catches the horror on Inej's face and rolls his eyes. Surely she must've heard of his violent endeavors at the menagerie. She shouldn't have approached him in the first place if she's going to be so shocked everytime he spills someone's blood.
He roots out the knife before it can completely sever Dirix's limbs. "Get 'em patched up." The boy is already running out.
He walks back and tosses the knife to the desk, its loud clang making everyone flinch in fright. "Pipe down before I actually start chopping tongues."
The threat silences everyone.
"This is Inej Ghafa." He points at her and the girl cowers slightly. Not at all the abrupt attention on her, he notices, but from him. "She's to be a new spider."
This one simple statement seems to piece together everything for them. Though he has an inkling that his previous act of brutality also plays a major part. They nod and whisper amongst themselves. He almost scoffs. Of course its easier for them to believe that Kaz Brekker took up a girl to his room for information. Not some spicy dalliance.
"Now get to work." He orders and one by one they shuffle out of the room, Rotty nodding respectfully. He knows he was spared merely by luck.
Jesper is the last one. He winks at Inej before taking his leave. "See you around, new girl!"
And with all of them gone, Kaz turns to Inej. She inhales a breath in anticipation.
"Let's start your training."
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So hopefully that was as fun reading as it was for me writing :3
Coming parts will have Inej's training and ofc her picking her canon outfit.
SoC Masterlist
( divider by @firefly-graphics )
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princesslocket · 3 years
Future Card Buddyfight x Angels of Death AU
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Hi hi! It's once again AU time! This AU turned out to be WAY longer than I had anticipated it to be and if I'm being honest, it's kind of a mess. I rushed some parts in an attempt to keep the central ideas small but in the end it still turned out to be this really long blog.
Because I'm not keen on writing about major gore/blood scenes I kept everything as light as I possibly could. I'll put some warnings in the tags to let you know what to look out for so with that being said, I hope you enjoy this AU and thank you in advance for reading!
The AU starts with Kanata waking up in a strange room one day. He has no memories of how he could've possibly ended up there but what he does know is that he's not supposed to be there. He gets up and leaves the room through the only door available to him which just so happens to be an elevator lift.
When the elevator doors open up again Kanata steps into a room that looks similar to "The Disaster" aka a destroyed wasteland in the mountains. While journeying around the wasteland Kanata befriends a boy named Tasuku Ryuenji. Tasuku, much like him, has no idea how he ended up in the room (area?) So the two of them venture around the wasteland in hopes of finding some kind of clues to get out of there because would you look at that! The elevator had seemingly vanished... After about a day of searching the wasteland Tasuku & Kanata come across a cave where a change of clothes, name cards, and flash lights are conveniently placed for them. - They find another elevator hidden further into the cave.
The next floor leads them straight into a laboratory where they encounter Kakeru Futaboshi, a young scientist in training. He leads the two of them a table, offering them food, snacks, and the promise to help them recover their memories. The two of them gratefully take the food (both of them practically starving) before they pass out. Kanata wakes up to the sound of Tasuku screaming. Apparently while they were unconscious Dr. Gara (Kakeru) had started to run some rather harmful tests on them. A strange surge of energy helps Kanata to not only break out of the restraints he'd been tied to but also knock Dr. Gara several feet away from Tasuku. With Dr. Gara out of the way, Kanata frees Tasuku and they make a run for it. They run into several dead ends and dodge various traps before they find another elevator but as soon as the doors open, they're quiet literally jump inside. With the doors closing shut behind them they each get to witness how a very angry Dr. Gara had been running after them with some rather sharp looking tools.
The next room the doors open up to resembles a black galaxy vortex(?) They cautiously step into it meeting a boy named Gaito almost immediately after. While conversing with Gaito he explains how he he'd been trapped in the room for several months with no way out. Though a little reluctant, Tasuku and Kanata ask Gaito to join them on. Gaito agrees, of course, and winds up spending a lot of time with Kanata. Each time Kanata asks him why he doesn't want to interact with Tasuku, Gaito claims how Kanata is part of "his destiny" while Tasuku isn't. After saying this Gaito starts acting strange. It starts off slowly with Gaito comparing the two of them as they all working together to crack some puzzles here and there. But as they venture deeper into the room Gaito starts to passive aggressively hurt Tasuku in numerous ways. He only stops when they need Tasuku to focus all his attention on a puzzle that unlocks the elevator door they find. During this time Gaito takes it upon himself to sneak away with Kanata to have a private conversation. He asks Kanata if it'd be okay to get rid of Tasuku so that they can continue to travel together, to which Kanata responds with boiling anger before leaving Gaito to check up on Tasuku. And right as he's approaching Tasuku an axe comes flying out of nowhere, just barely missing Tasuku in the process. Both Tasuku and Kanata turn to Gaito, expecting to see him with more weapons but to their surprise they find Dr. Gara standing several feet away from them instead. In that moment Dr. Gara start rejoices in finding them but gets interrupted by Gaito who very angrily shoves him. The two of them get into a fight, each accusing the other of ruining their plans (both wanting to k*** off Tasuku & Kanata on their own) - With the two of them seemingly distracted, Tasuku & Kanata rush into the now open elevator. As the doors close they hear the sound of metal hitting metal followed by deranged telling.
While the two of them sit quietly in the elevator they get to talking. Since they've come to terms that everyone they're going to meet is most likely out to k*** them they form a plan to stick as close together as possible & to avoid talking to anyone they come across. Unfortunately things don't go as planned because as soon as they set foot on the floor, they're both warped to separate parts of the room. For this floor they each have to face various trials to conquer fears & scars from their past. Kanata is able to complete each trial within the span of what feels to be a day while Tasuku takes up what feels like two-three days. When they rejoin each other, almost all the light from Tasuku's eyes have been drained. And when Kanata tries to talk to him, Tasuku responds with vague answers in a distant sounding manner. Since he thinks leaving the floor would help, Kanata leads Tasuku to the elevator he found the day before Tasuku rejoined him. - As he's guiding Tasuku threw the door, an arm shoves him forward. Kanata falls forward but finds Tasuku no longer by his side. He looks back to see a strange man with Tasuku standing at his side. He jumps back up to grab for Tasuku but is pushed back down by Tasuku, who tells him to leave and not come back. The doors shut quickly afterwards.
When the doors open again Kanata refuses to get out. He's too busy pounding away at the elevator walls, trying to force his way up & out, to even notice the person walking up behind him. It's only when he hears a knock on the doors that he stops to look at the stranger. They start off by introducing themselves as J Genesis before asking Katana why he's trying to force his way back up. Since he's not quiet in the right head space, Kanata tells him about Tasuku and the mysterious stranger on the floor above, to which J Genesis offers him some help. - J Genesis (almost magically) reprograms the elevator to head back up. He stays on his own floor but gives Kanata a pen before parting ways. Thinking nothing of it, Kanata puts the pen away & waits for the elevator doors to reopen. Once they do he's out and running to find Tasuku. And he does find Tasuku, only what he finds is the Purgatory Knight armor with Tasuku inside. It's then that the stranger from this floor (Kyoya) comes out from behind Tasuku to happily show off his new "weapon." Upon hearing this Kanata charges at Kyoya but gets caught by the Purgatory Knight, which then causes a huge fight to break out between the two. Kanata is pretty much running around the whole time, dodging sword swing after word swing until he's able to some how manage snap Tasuku back to normal. With the two of them being on good terms again (and having Tasuku back to normal) Kyoya releases several other knights to attack the two of them. While Tasuku & Kanata are running, the pen J Genesis had lent him drops from his pocket, clicking on the floor and exploding just seconds after - The two of them limp back towards the elevator where they both pass out against the other.
When Kanata wakes up again he's sitting in front of a table with food. Tasuku, who's sitting besides him, is making quick work of devouring the food in front of them. So, he eats. After they finish they leave the table in search of J Genesis (Kanata had filled Tasuku in on the little details he knew about J Genesis while they ate). As they look for the man they come across a giant room shaped into a cemetery filled with dozens of tomb stones. Instead of looking at each of them, they continue to walk but Kanata doesn't miss how the names on last ones they pass. Kakeru, Gaito, J Genesis, and Kanata. They enter a clean looking office room where J Genesis is sitting. He greets them with a smile and congratulating Kanata on rescuing his friend. Neither of them reply and J Genesis takes a moment to ask them how they've liked the building so far. When neither of them answer he simply sighs and asks why they were being so ungrateful? After all they had been the ones to have asked to come here in the first place. J Genesis then goes on to explain how they had each signed up to participate in an unknown experiment for "gifted teens" online months ago. Upon sign up they had been notified that they're memories would be erased to ensure they wouldn't use their "gifts" to harm any of the other participants. And if they somehow managed to unlock they're gifts during their time in the experiment then they would be awarded 108,765,500 yen. Of course, they're memories would be wiped after the experiment BUT they'd still receive the money afterwards. As for participants who didn't survived the experiments, they would be laid to rest within the vicinity and their electronic devices would delete any trace of having been on the sign up website. Tasuku & Kanata turn to each other when J Genesis finishes talking. Both of them both refusing to believe the mans words but also at same time failing to understand why either of them would sign up for something so bizarre in the first place. With neither of them speaking, J Genesis choose that moment to hit a button on his desk. A door opens up to reveal Dr. Gara. A wicked smile creeps up onto his face as he speaks "The boss forgot to mention the part that we've never had a survivor escape my floor." - Dr. Gara chases them around the floor for what feels like hours. During their time running and hiding Tasuku & Kanata try to conjure up any kind of powers they might have had before their memories where erased. With each failure they grow closer and closer to death (Mainly because Dr. Gara would find little ways to harm them when their defenses were down). At some point both of them give up on trying to unlock their powers and start looking for an elevator and to their luck, they find it! The only problem is that the elevator requires the use of one of their powers....
While Kanata panics behind him, something inside Tasuku clicks. Earlier when he had been working to unlock the puzzle on Gaito's floor a strange sort of energy had flowed through him, which allowed him to unlock the puzzle without lifting a finger. He quickly tries to re-channel that strange energy again, unlocking the elevator seconds later. But before either of them can run into the elevator, Dr. Gara and J Genesis jump out of it, tackling the two of them to the ground. Dr. Gara laughs, expressing his delight by stamping a foot hard onto Tasuku's chest, saying how he "can't wait to dissect a new magic user." Meanwhile J Genesis simply holds Kanata down, keeping a close eye on Dr. Gara. When Dr. Gara pulls out some medical utensils that's when J Genesis strikes. He summons forth a crystal blade that penetrates Dr. Gara ending him in just a matter of seconds. Even with Dr. Gara no longer holding him down, Tasuku can't bring himself to move away. He & Kanata were stunned. J Genesis uses the moment to drain away Tasuku's powers in his stunned state before moving onto Kanata. But as he goes to do so a series of explosions sounds from overhead followed by the sound of the buildings speakers turning on. Kyoya's voice fills the room; "Congratulations Gen... You've just won a free ticket it the after life. Butt don't worry, you won't be the only one to go down, we all will. Dr. Gara and I may have never seen eye to eye but if there was one thing we could agree on it was that you aren't allowed to win. If one of us were to go down then we'd vowed to take the building with us as our final request. I hope you're satisfied with yourself. All of your hard work is going to be destroyed now- Feel free to come and find me, but I doubt you'll be able to catch up with me and save your work at the same time." As soon as the speakers turned off the another series of explosions sounded overhead. J Genesis quickly jumps off of Kanata, rushing into the elevator & taking riding it to a floor upstairs. With the elevator no longer there all Tasuku and Kanata can do is stare helplessly at each other. This was it, they really were going to go down with the building...
The ceiling gives way several feet away from them, crashing into the floor and creating a giant hole in the ground for them to climb into. Tasuku leads the way through the collapsing building as they run. They manage to avoid broken furniture and various other fallen debris for the most part and at some point, Tasuku seemingly starts going faster than Kanata. Kanata desperately tries to catch up but finds his body growing heavier by the second until a strange surge of energy washes over him, making him suddenly feel lighter on his toes, within seconds he starts running faster, catching up to Tasuku. As they near what looks to be the exit of the building a giant chunk of the ceiling begins to fall, Tasuku shouts something over his shoulder but Kanata can't hear it. The sound of a bell chimes in his ears and in that moment he forces his legs to go even faster, shoving Tasuku forward with all his might just as the ceiling comes crashing down from above. Tasuku gets thrown out the door from both the push and the ceiling falling behind him and lands outside the building just in time to watch it collapse in on itself.... Tasuku attempts to get up, to go back in and save Kanata but finds his body screaming in protest. His eyes draw to a close as red and blue blurs start to dance in the distance.
Tasuku wakes up several weeks later in the hospital with bandages wrapped around his body. His right arm and left leg are in a cast and his head pounds under the light in his room. The nurse, who just so happens to be in his room at the time, rushes out to go inform some doctors of his condition.
A couple of months go by before Tasuku is up and walking again. The events surrounding the building he had woken up in are still being covered on the news. Sometimes he'd get questioned by random passersby's on the streets of what it was like in there (The media had released pictures of what had been founded in the destroyed building) But Tasuku never answered the questions. He honestly couldn't remember why he had even been in the building.
A year later and his life is back to normal. Every now and then he thinks about the building but his mind always brushes it off right before he can force it to remember any details about it. One day while he's out walking he crosses paths with a man wearing a trench coat. He thinks nothing of the man when they pass each other by when he hears him whisper "Go check the cemetery." He stops to look at the man, the same man who has disappeared.
So, Tasuku goes to visit the nearest cemetery. He walks around for about an hour, looking for something he can't bother to find before he decides to leave. As he's walking out an exit in the back he glances a look to a single gravestone located under the shade of a tree. He stops. Tears well up in his eyes, falling down his cheeks moments later as his mind reads the name repeatedly over in his head. Kanata Ozora
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anxietysroomsupport · 3 years
Hypermobile anon here. First, thank you so much. It's just nice to know there's someone here for me. And to give a little more info, I have a serious problem where if I'm not currently in pain. I don't remember how bad it was. I know everybody does this, but my brain literally checked out as I was going to bed recently and I fell on the floor. I nearly forgot to tell my physical therapist.about it because it didn't really hurt. So, I can't do the pain scale very well, and I never remember (1/2)
(2/2) It just makes it sort of hard for pain relief when I don't know I'm going to need it and don't have the energy when I do. Also, on the vitamin subject, I know that I've had vitamin d issues before (bad heat exhaustion and allergy scares = going outside less), bad enough that I was close to being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I'm not sure about the others, but I do know I'm not amazing healthy, so? I take calcium pills for the vitamin d, though. Again, thank you guys for all your help.
We just got a bill from my PT place that says we owe money that we can't pay. They told us up front how much it would be with our insurance, and my mom's been paying each time, but it says we owe 177 dollars. Sure, it's not a lot, but we're not rich and trying to send a sibling to college. If we can't get this sorted out. I can't just not go. 10 exercises I can do at home and 5 appointments is not enough to help a chronic disorder. I cant focus and I have practice in 30 mins. -Hypermobility anon
Same day but later when I'm feeling a little better (my director was very supportive though so that's nice), I'd seen the letter and heard my parents talking a bit, but my mom told be as we got to school for rehearsal about PT. I got upset, and I felt bad because I could tell she felt bad because she didn't expect me to be upset, and in the heat of the moment I said "chronic illness" in front of my mom for the first time. She loudly (not quite yelling) (1/?) - Hypermobility anon
said to me "That is the most self-pitying thing I've ever heard. Chronic illnesses are like cancer". Sure, I probably should've said disorder and not illness, but I'm scientifically right. Then I said "It is, it's chronic pain, I am always in pain" and she said "Well then clearly PT isn't helping anyway" - I??? When I went in after 15 minutes after another girl, since we were both there for an hour and a half, I decided to stop trying too much to hide my crying (useful masks) (2/?) -HSD anon
since the other girl was in the hall to eat, and when I managed to explain to the director, she was understanding and nice, and when I said chronic, she said that I should never have to live with that, especially at my age. And when I mentioned not being able to sing at that moment from my crying, she pointed out how I was singing an empowering song that was about standing against the bad stuff in life, and I was perfect for it. I know my mom was just mad, but it just drained me.
Sorry I keep sending asks so often, I just feel like telling someone this. I decided to put 'zebra' in my bio. It's a thing that people with EDS and HSD sometimes like to call themselves. I like it, so even though I just have my name and pronouns, plus a random joke, in my bio, I added it. It just feels like a step in the right direction to remembering that I don't need google to tell me I'm dealing with this every 5 minutes. Accepting it, I guess. :) -HSD anon
My sleep schedule just keeps getting worse and I think it's my ADHD combined busy days and pain but I just never want to sleep anymore. I can't, I don't want to, and it hurts physically and mentally to just lie there and see if I can fall asleep. 80% sure my circadian rhythm changed to sleep at about 2 am but I get up at 7 and have a chronic disorder that's getting worse because of this I *need sleep*. And I'm so scared I'll mess up, want to make a side blog for it but want to make one (1/2)
for something happy first because I always figured that if I had side blogs they would be ask blogs or for fandoms or whatever. But I got a little better at not caring what other people think, so I haven't really needed one for fandom. But I looked through the tag and felt so comforted by some of the stuff that I just think it would help me. Maybe I'm just extra bad tonight because I went outside but also talked about it a fair amount with a friend I hadn't seen recently who didn't know. -HSD
I wanna talk to my physical therapist about hip braces because I tried a knee one we have and it honestly helps, but my hips are worst so I wanna see if it would help, but they're pretty expensive. It's hard to find dual hip braces, from what I've seen in my research, and even though one more than the other, both cause me issues. Idk, I'm conflicted, because it could help but is it worth all the effort? Also, even if it's under clothing it's still physical evidence (1/2) -HSD anon
(2/2) of my "invisible" disorder. Also, stopping exercises for a few days because of not feeling well from my covid shot reminded me of just how much time I spend on them, so it's another thing to deal with this. . . Idk, sometimes I just wonder if it would be better to just deal with it. I still have pain anyway, though it might be a little better. Less often, maybe? I don't really remember. It's not stressing at the front of my mind all the time, but the back of it. I'm just conflicted. -HSD
HSD anon here, idk if I mentioned it in an ask already, but recently I had a small breakdown because I was watching something where a character was in a car accident, as was trying to push through having trouble walking even with a hip brace. After a minute, I registered it and just thought "That could be my future". My joints had already been acting up and then they got worse, so I don't know if it was cause and effect? But I don't exactly know what to call it other than a trigger. (1/2)
Physical and emotional effect, at least I'm assuming on physical because I've had a bad reaction to something similar before, but like, I don't have trauma, I think it's more fear of the future. And I don't want to use trigger incorrectly, it's insensitive to those who actually have triggers. I'm just so confused.
Forgot to sign the last ask with 2/2 and HSD, whoops.
Hfnsiwk I'm not ready to walk into PT tomorrow and say that I don't think months of PT have been helping but I have no way to be completely sure because for all I know it's the weather since this is the first year I've known/it's been noticeable. Maybe it's just change, I don't know, but it just feels like such a waste of time if it really didn't help. Plus, I'd stop, and while that'd be great, I do enjoy being stronger, even if it didn't help pain. I have 12 hours and a bad pain day idek. -HSD
Hi Hypermobility Anon,
I think I found all your asks and got them in the correct order.  And found your last ask!
I’m so glad you kept writing in.  I think you should go ahead and make your side blog - you definitely have enough material for it.  Wanting to make a happy side blog also is a great goal to have, but if you don’t know what it will be yet, don’t let that prevent you from doing something you know you want to do and that will probably help you.  
You are dealing with So. Much.  Your mom especially sounds like she just is not ready to accept the situation.  It’s not self-pity to state your actual conditions.  It’s just reality.  
Forgetting about pain is normal, and really all you can do is try to write it down or make some kind of note about it in the moment or immediately after, so you can refer to it later.  Maybe you can track your pain events in your phone notes.
I think your idea to add “zebra” to your bio is a good one, this is part of your life and just something you have to deal with.  It sounds like you’re finding a community for this.  
Sleep schedules are tricky, and feeling like you desperately need to sleep can make it so stressful that it starts a vicious little cycle.  Some strategies to get around this are First, remember that just resting is okay and helpful too, even if you don’t fall asleep.  Letting your body lay there to rest is good for you.  
Second, if you’ve spent several minutes laying down without falling asleep, its okay to get up and walk around, or any small light exercise that’s comfortable for you.  The goal with this one is to get out of the bed for a bit.  It will help your brain to re-learn that the bed is for sleeping only, not for laying awake.  That association can help signal to your brain to start its sleep-process when you get into bed at night.
Third, it’s really common to have a changing circadian rhythm during your teens and twenties.  That’s just a thing that happens and you can’t do much about it, so just try not to worry too much.  Sleep when it feels right and when you can, instead of trying to force yourself to sleep when you’re “supposed” to.  
If hip braces would help you, you should definitely at least mention it to your physical therapist.  You might research online for any used ones as well.  A physical sign that you have pain can have good and bad consequences, but I think the good consequence of being in less pain far outweighs any others.
The triggering event you described is not so much a trigger as it is just a genuinely really upsetting situation.  You related really strongly to the character you were watching, because they’re dealing with similar problems to you, and to problems you could have in the future.  It’s a lot to process.  But while you could potentially be in a car accident, remember that television is made to dramatize events and probably made it seem a lot more difficult and scary than it really would be.   
Since we know you sometimes forget your pain, it’s safe to say that the exercises are helping you manage it, and you say that they’ve made you stronger in general.  Those are good things, and I would recommend you continue the exercises you can do on your own even if you end of ending  your physical therapy sessions.  We don’t know yet if your pain might have gotten even worse without therapy.  You’ll have to find that out on your own if you stop exercising, and then decide whether it’s more worth it to you to continue exercising or to live with the pain.  Whichever you choose, it’s Your choice, Your body.  Take care of yourself. <3
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