Hi I see your not really active on this blog or your rp blog so... like, are you gonna continue them? Cuz your blogs are cute and stuff!
Hi!  Yes I’m still active! but all my things I use had died and needed to updated! I promise I’ll be back soon once I get my new laptop and monitors running~
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I like how none of you chose Jun, the shade! ~Jin
J: sweetheart, they asked the parents not the singles cause we know whos an extream biased for Jun!
Jn: I'm that biased! *arms up*
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How's Suga, Rm and Hobi? They don't get enough attention~
H: oh Hi! Its okay we're the few that don't mind along with Hope and Joon
Rm: well can't speak for Suga, cause he craves attention most of the times, but I'm fine as well just looking after Monie and helping around the shop
Sg: ...... I would complain to that but he's right
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To all the parents: aside from your own child/children, which kid do you think is the cutest? Only name one!
Dm: oh no..... theres so many now! *thinking*
J: well... I am a little bias to Dongwoo because he was the first little cutie we met and Tae is possibly the same
T: yup!
V: oh hex... urm well I carried Yoongi's twins Seohwan and Seohyun so for me those two are the cutest
Nj: V thats 2 not 1
V: they are a pair, you can't separate a pair!
Dm: okay but... Sunghee is adorable as well! And Mihyun too! So theres lots of babies that are the cutest for us
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Yea I guess that makes sense considering hes the baby of a Jimin
Dm: hex yeah he is! But if you want puffy babyness? Thats Seojoon's area~ cause he's Jin and Joon's littlw bab
J: you calling Seoji fat?
Dm: no~ just cutely fluffy and adorable
J: oh... well okay then!
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Which baby is the squishiest?
Dm: Well~ out of all 5 of the kids living here, my honest and biased answer is Juoh! Cause he is a marshmallow~
J: as much as I want to say Seojoon, its JuJu
Dm: he's just so squishy and soft!
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Who's Minnie's 2 boyfriends?
Jm: y'know you could just ask me personally instead of making it an open question.. *hands on hips* but if you have to know, obviously one is Yoon and the other is Jimin from BTS Witches
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What happened to Hansol?
Y: Alright, now for those who have been following along already know that Hansol is half hybrid. So its no surprise at all if he's effected by hybrid illnesses and diseases such as Broken Heart Syndrome. *hands on hips* Broken Heart Syndrome is something that happens when two mates have separated from each other from either a fight or... ones passed away. What happens to them is they start to distance themselves and lose motivation to socialize, they start to also cough up blood from their heart failing to function properly. Which is to the point where Hansol was at when Jeon and Minnie found him in time. So... yeah the poor kid has a broken heart but he'll be alright soon so don't worry
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Aw poop! ~probablybunkoo
Y: *chuckles* sorry kiddo~ an old cat knows when to zip it~
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Yoonie, do you think bunny Jungkookie is cute? ~ definitelynotbunkoo
Y: well 'definitelynotbunnykoo', that's a secret between Koo and myself *winks* so sorry, can share secrets with you
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Why did Jeon question having a baby sister?
Jn: I did? I didn't mean for it to sound like that but I do have a baby sister, her name is Jun and she is adorable as fuck
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Adopting?! Who’s adopting?
That's going to be a secret until later if your keeping track of what's happening over on the RP Blog!😉
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How many babies are there?
Sk: alright, so there's like 4 babies! We've got the twins: Sooyoung and Han. Juoh who is their baby brother, they're Di's babies *holds up three fingers* Our newest is Seojoon, who is Joon and Jin's son... but thats all the little bubs currently *cough*someone might be adopting soon*cough*
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Black and white cookie
How'd you handle your first heartbreak:
H: Sun Spirits don't really date, we can but I've never really wanted to so sorry!
J: well... my first heartbreak was when my first husband died, I was really distraught so I held myself up in my house crying over his things till I realized he wasn't going to be coming back, then I moved out and stayed with Yoon
Y: yup, but my heartbreaks were that extreme... I just laid on the floor zoning out till I got up and got more work
Nj: wow... I always calmed them down cause most of my ex's just felt bad *shrugs*
Jk: I went out for runs when I was heartbroken... took my mind off it
Jm: I always took my heartbreak out on a 4 liter tub of ice cream and sappy dramas...
Dm: *snorts* I've never had heartbreak
Sk: same, were just a pair of hoes but I think I would just commit arsons if I was
Rm: same here, never had a heartbreak but I've witnessed a few
Sg: I thought about committing.. y'know that 's' word that triggers people if you say it, so yeah I've been heart broken
Jh: I'm like Hobi, I haven't really thought about dating... what about you two? *looks at Tae and Jeon*
T: well, Gukkie's my first love so, I don't have any
Jn: same, I was a homeless people so nobody would date me
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Who’s paired with who?
Nj: first time were getting asked this question, but anyway! Jin and I are together
J: yup and we have a baby too, Seojoon
T: Gukkie and I are dating currently, but its going well!
Jk: extremely well if were really honest
H: Yoon and Minnie's is really confusing~
Y: thanks for the 'Call Out' Hobi... but ours is a little bit different... cause its not JUST Minnie and I, its also with another Jimin from another universe and for Minnie for then myself, another Hoseok and the Jungkook there too, but that would be towards me
Jm: *nervous laugh* yeah... so ours is a little bit more complicated than just the two of us, but think of it as a 'Poly Relationship'!
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Peanut butter cookie
Whats the weirdest dieting/eating habit:
Jm: mines not weird but I guess its concerning cause when I diet, I only eat one meal a day and stretch it out
Y: I add a whole cinnamon stick to my coffee if I'm feeling like it
Dm: oh! I have a weird pregnancy craving! I used to crave having potato crisps, aioli and chocolate chips all in one with a side of cheetos and jelly beans mixed together
J: *snorts* can relate to cravings cause I made a bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce, fruit loops and chilli flakes
Nj: oh god... I remember that combo.. I don't think I have any weird eating habits? At least I don't think so
T: same, but I think I have one...? I put butter, nutella and sprinkles in a sandwich and eat it
Jk: I added a choco ball to noodles *proud of himself*
Jn: I add extra salt to my food... and drink 6 straight eggs in a glass
Sk: I love blue stakes~ if you don't know what that is, look it up
Sg: I drink coffee with every single meal
Rm: lets stop there cause this got really lengthy
Jh: agreed there
H: Thanks for asking us all~
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cookie asks
chocolate chip cookie: what scent reminds you of your childhood?
macaroon: when was the first time you fell in love with a place?
peanut butter cookie: what's the weirdest diet/eating habit you've had?
mexican wedding cookie: was your first kiss the way you wanted it to be?
snickerdoodle: what was the name of the first pet that you got to name yourself?
gingerbread man: what's your absolute All-time Favorite winter holiday tradition?
oatmeal raisin: when you were a kid what was your absolute least logical but most hated thing to do?
sugar cookie: salty or sweet?
alfajor: what song do you want to play at your wedding?
animal cracker:what's your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
biscotti: what languages do you speak? which one feels the most intimate to you?
black and white cookie: how'd you handle your very first heartbreak?
choco biscuit: when was the first time that you broke your own heart?
dutch letter: if you could decorate your room anyway you wanted, how would it look?
fig roll: what promise do you wish you could take back?
oreo: what's the most heart-wrenchingly beautiful thing about you?
polvoron: do you collect anything? if so what?
thumbprint cookies: what's your favorite fairytale?
wafer: what kind of music manages to totally transport you somewhere else?
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