askfamvengers · 2 years
Shout-out to all the stories that didn't make it out of the shower with us in time to be actually written down.
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askfamvengers · 2 years
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dickory by Denise Zhang!
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Life Advice From Your Internet Dad
Hey guys! Peter here.
Clint and I want to shoot an advice video, but we need y’all’s help.
What we need from y’all is simple: Just send us your questions.
Got a problem you need solved? Need some advice and don’t have anyone to talk to?
It can be serious or funny, it doesn’t matter.
Just send us your questions and we’ll do our best to answer as many as possible.
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askfamvengers · 5 years
How *Did* You Take Down Captain America?
Peter Parker and Bucky Barnes are sitting side by side on the couch. The angle of the camera suggests that Bucky is holding the camera vlog-style facing them with his metal arm. In the background, you can hear the sound of the tv, although what is playing is indistinguishable. There’s also the sound of people talking, although that too is mostly impossibly to make out. When Peter speaks, it’s in a whisper
Peter: Okay so Wolf Dad and I were watching vines earlier and he got this idea to recreate some of them. We’re not exactly sure how well it’s going to work out, but we’re hoping it goes well.
Bucky: It’s going to be amusing no matter what. Steve doesn’t know any vines though it should be good
Peter looks over top the camera and his eyes widen. He scrambles to take it away from Bucky as he says
Peter: Shit here he comes
Once he’s holding the camera, Peter turns it around to show Steve Rogers walking into the room. He’s holding a nearly empty cup of coffee and seems to be only half-awake as he makes his way over to sit next to Bucky
Bucky: (O.S) Well if it isn’t Captain America.
Steve pauses in his tracks, blinking sleepily at Bucky. His eyebrows furrow in confusion
Steve: but it… is me?
Peter giggles off-screen. This has gone better than he hoped for.
Bucky: (O.S) No, it’s an expression
Steve stares at Bucky, still confused
Steve: I… what is going on here?
Peter giggles some more and Bucky sighs fondly. There’s the sound of a chair scraping back and a moment later Bucky appears in frame beside Steve. He takes his coffee cup and places a kiss on Steve’s forehead before saying
Bucky: Don’t worry about it, punk.
Steve frowns slightly, still confused
Steve: Jerk.
Bucky walks out of frame once more, and Steve watches him go before giving up and trudging over to the couch, sitting down next to Peter. The camera tracks him as he does, and it’s only when he’s sitting that Steve notices it. His eyes narrow
Steve: Peter…
Peter: (O.S) Hi dad!
Steve looks down at the camera, seemingly resigned
Steve: This is like that updog thing, isn’t it?
Before Peter can respond, the camera cuts out.
When the screen lights back up, Peter is holding the camera facing him vlog style. He’s sitting at his lab station, which is covered in what looks to be a partial assembled Spider-Bot. He is looking behind the camera at someone, who he waves to when they get closer
Peter: Well if it isn't the man with the giant metal frisbee.
Steve Rogers rounds the table into view just in time to catch the confusion that passes his face when Peter speaks.
Steve: Peter… what?
Peter: That’s your name.
Peter: The man with the giant metal frisbee.
Tony: (O.S) He’s not wrong.
Peter giggles, covering his mouth with his free hand to muffle the noise. Steve sighs as he spots the camera, and looks in the direction of Tony’s yell
Steve: Please don’t encourage them
Tony: (O.S) I’m not encouraging anything. Only stating the facts.
Steve looks down at the camera, his eyes dead.
The video cuts.
The screen comes back to an extreme close up of Peter. He’s holding the camera in both hands towards himself, but he’s looking over top of it at something.
Peter: Hey dad?
Steve: (O.S) What’s up Peter?
Peter bites his lip like he’s trying to hide a smile
Peter: So when you finish training in America, they give you a trash can lid?
Steve: (O.S) Peter, what are you on about?
Despite his best efforts, Peter snickers quietly. He turns the camera to face Steve, who comes into frame upside down. After a moment Peter manages to flip the camera so Steve is right side up. From this angle you can tell that he is sitting on the couch, implying that Peter is hanging off of it.
Peter: (O.S) Are you the only one with a trash can?
Steve looks from the camera to Peter and then back to the camera. His face is deadpan as he responds
Steve: No Peter, we all fought with trash cans because that’s all the army could afford.
Steve: We won because we smelled like rotten trash and no one wanted to get near us
Peter: (O.S) oh my god
The screen cuts out again.
When it comes back, Bucky Barnes is holding the camera in the vlog style. Behind him, you can see both Peter and Steve lying on the floor. Steve is lying face down like he has accepted death. Peter has both of his hands covering his mouth, either in shock or to keep from laughing. It’s hard to tell, but he’s staring at Steve with something close to regret in his eyes.
Bucky is grinning
Bucky: Peter, how did you take down Captain America?
Peter looks towards the camera, his eyes wide. He slowly lowers his hands from his mouth to answer in a shocked whisper
Peter: I shot him in the legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate, and he’s an idiot.
Bucky starts laughing as Peter continues to stare at the camera horrified
Peter: I killed my own father
Steve’s voice is muffled, his face still pressed into the carpet
Steve: Quit telling everyone I’m dead
Peter: Sometimes I can still hear his voice
The video fades to black.
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Tony, what's it like to have Peter as son? Is he always so energetic?
Tony: looks down at Peter sleeping with his head in his lap and laughs
Tony: Not always, but when he’s awake he’s usually at one level of energy 
Tony: It’s actually kind of disconcerting if he’s awake and not super energetic, honestly. Usually it means something’s wrong, even though it can take a while sometimes to get him to say what. 
Tony: What is like to have Peter as a son? Don’t tell him this, because he would never let it go like the little shit he is, 
Tony: But I’m pretty sure he’s the best damn thing that has ever happened to me. I never planned on having kids, after my relationship my parents the idea didn’t have me jumping for joy, but after raising Peter these past months I can’t imagine a life where I’m not a dad. 
Tony: Not to… what is it Peter says, “be sappy on main” or whatever, but this kid has definitely changed my life for the better. 
Tony: Of course he’s also given me more than a few grey hairs jumping out of windows or setting minor fires in the lab and the kitchen, and I swear one of these days he’s going to cause me a heart attack just from worrying so much 
Tony: And he can definitely be a major shit when he wants to be. He pretty much got the entire Avengers wrapped around his finger and he uses it to his advantage fairly often. 
Tony: Damn kid has puppy dog eyes not ever Reindeer Games can say no to. 
Tony: But he’s also a genius and the nicest damn person you’ll probably ever meet. Pretty sure he’s the actual definition of “Too good for this world”. 
Tony: Basically, the kid’s a shit but I love him and my life is better because of him and I wouldn’t trade being his dad for anything.
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Hey hey hey! I’m about to start high school and I’m kinda scared. Any advice?
Peter: Hiya!! Being nervous about high school is totally normal (I’m starting my Junior year and I still get butterflies thinking about it, although last year didn’t end the beat so that doesn’t help). 
Peter: But!! I promise it’s not going to be as scary as it seems. High school is really just a slightly bigger version of middle school, when you think about it. 
Clint: It’s important to remember too that the version of high school you see on tv most likely won’t be the one you experience. Tv tends to dramatize the school experience because they think it makes better content. 
Peter: That’s true. A lot of high school is just boring going to classes and learning stuff and trying to pay attention. 
Peter: That’s the hardest part for me, honestly, is not getting distracted, which is why I always keep some type of fidget toy on me. 
Clint: Is there something specific you’re nervous about kiddo, or is it just like a general starting over in a new place and you don’t know what to expect?
Clint: Because the second one is entirely normal, and the good news is you aren’t the only one is going to be feeling that in your first day. 
Peter: Do you have any friends from middle school coming with you to high school? Or at least people you know? Someone you can ask to be a friendly face on that first day so that you feel a little less nervous?
Peter: Also speaking of, finding your friend group in high school is super important to having a good time. Like, high school would suck without Ned and MJ there with me. Having someone to lean on and just to talk to that is going through something similar helps. 
Peter: I promise high school is not as bad as tv makes it out to be. It actually can be a lot of fun. And even if it sucks, if you can find people that don’t suck and little moments of joy, hold on to those. 
Clint: And remember that high school doesn’t last forever. So it enjoy it if you can, but if it’s rough just remember it’ll be over before you know it and you’ll be on to bigger and better things. 
Peter: Yeah! And if you can’t find a community in high school, finding one online is totally valid. So long as you have your people 
Clint: Good luck with high school! If you want to let us know how things go, we would be more than happy to hear!
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askfamvengers · 5 years
A Potato Flew Around My Room
Spider-Man is crouched in front of the camera checking if it is on. Satisfied that it is on, he backs away to the center of the room, and climbs on top of the coffee table so his head and upper torso are in frame. The camera is angled up towards the ceiling fan. 
Spider-Man: I was watching a vine completion and thought maybe I could try this. It might go horribly wrong, but I’m banking on the fact the tower was designed to be mostly indestructible so hopefully…  
Spider-Man grins, although it cannot be seen because of his mask. Then he shoots a web up and attaches to the ceiling fan, slowly hanging himself upside down from it. 
Spider-Man: So far, so good. F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you turn the fan on low? 
The ceiling fan begins to spin slowly. Spider-Man laughs in shock as he manages to stay on. Then, 
Spider-Man: (singing) Spider-Man flew around my room before you came-
Spider-Man: (speaking) Okay Fri, can you turn the fan to high? 
The fan starts to spin faster. Spider-Man grips tighter to his web trying not to fall, and begins to scream. After a second, the weight becomes too much and the fan breaks away from the ceiling. Spider-Man is flung towards the camera, knocking it over. The screen goes black as it falls to the floor, but the audio still catches the sound of the fan hitting the floor, followed by 
Spider-Man: (O.S) Fri, please don’t tell Mr. Stark 
F.R.I.D.A.Y: (O.S) Boss has already been alerted and is on his way up here as we speak 
Spider-Man: (O.S) Is he upset? 
F.R.I.D.A.Y.: (O.S) … Do you need me to answer that? 
Spider-Man: (O.S) No… 
Spider-Man sighs, then 
Spider-Man: (O.S) Well, I guess that’s the end of the video. Kind of sad it failed, but I’m not surprised. 
Spider-Man: (O.S) Don’t try this at home, kids. 
The video ends. 
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Hi there. Any opinions on Nonbinary individuals?
Peter: Hi!!! Nonbinary people are, objectively, some of the most incredible people in the world. Definitely braver than any U.S. Marine.
Peter: Also they’re some of the most badass and cool people in existence?? Sometimes a little scary… But like in a good way. In like a “I would happily let you murder me” type of way. 
Peter: … Or maybe that’s just MJ
Peter: Regardless, I love my nb peeps, and anyone who says that they don’t belong in the community can personally fight me because they are wrong. 
Peter: We support everyone on this blog, no matter how they identify. Cause identity is a super personal thing, and it’s unique to all of us, and that’s hella rad.
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askfamvengers · 5 years
hey, im excited for where this channel could be going!! what are each of your preferred method for dealing with creeps and bigots?
Peter: Thank you! That means a lot, I hope we can live up to expectations! 
Peter: As for your question, I think for me personally it kind of depends on the situation. A lot of times I just try to ignore that kind of stuff, particularly if it’s directed at me. Especially online I engage in a lot of blocking and just removing myself from around those people, because the amount of energy I would have to expend emotionally to deal with them is not usually something I can handle. 
Peter: I mean of course there are times when that doesn’t work, and there are points where it becomes harmful to other people and it’s like a real problem and you can’t ignore it. In which case I uhm… well I might have engaged in the egging of a few bigots at a certain point. But!!! It wasn’t my idea. 
Peter: It was Clint’s. 
Clint: Damn straight. Throwing eggs is a lot more humiliating and an inconvenience than simply punching someone. Plus like, it has more of an impact because it’s clearly something you planned, whereas punching someone tends to be a spur of the moment thing. 
Natasha: Why eggs? 
Clint: I have chickens. It’s cost-effective. 
Clint: That being said, I tend to agree with Peter in that blocking people is usually the easiest way to deal with assholes, especially when they’re not willing to learn. I use the block function quite a lot, especially on twitter. I’m not the type to give you a second chance. 
Natasha: I’m a fan of the “intimidate them into apologizing/shutting up or otherwise break their bones so they regret ever speaking” 
Loki: I’ve always found stabbing people to be a good response. 
Peter: Mr. Loki n o 
Loki: In certain situations, murder is also appropriate. 
Peter: M r. L o k i n o 
Natasha: Steve isn’t here right now, and he definitely wouldn’t approve of me saying this which is why I am, but he tends to just straight up punch people when they get bad enough. 
Peter: He’s too salty, I told you 
Natasha: He’s basically the opposite of Peter. Steve sees one creepy comment or bigoted response, and he will fucking jump at the opportunity to argue and try to change your opinion, or otherwise punch you in the face. 
Peter: He’s the epitome of that “too many battles” post. He picks them all. 
Clint: There’s a reason you don’t see Steve very often on social media. 
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askfamvengers · 5 years
now advice timeeee. how do I tell my family that I'm lesbian when I'm pretty sure they're all homophobic?
Clint: This is a… it’s a heavy question kid. In all honesty, I’m not sure that I know the 100% correct answer. It’s really something you have to judge case by case, but I’ll do my best to provide some advice. 
Clint: The most important thing is that you stay safe. So if you think that you’re in even a little bit of danger in coming out, wait until you’re able to support yourself and you are in a situation where if your family does react badly, it’s not the end of the world. I know it can be hard to stay in the closet, and Peter might be better actually to talk to you about that, but it doesn’t make you any less valid. It doesn’t make your identity any less real. 
Clint: If you’re not in any danger, or if that’s still something you’re willing to risk because you don’t think you can not come out, I think the best way to start is with testing the waters. Bring up a gay couple you saw on tv, or in the news, just something small to see how they react before you proceed. 
Clint: If you can find someone to be on your side, whether it’s a family member or a friend, just somebody that you can rely on, who can be there with you when you come out if that’s what you want, or at least be just a text or phone call away in case you need them, do that. Having a support system is incredibly important, and you need those people you can fall back on. Not just for situations like this, but all the time. 
Clint: Also if you have those people who know your situation better, it’s probably not a bad idea to ask them what they think. They might be able to give you more personal insight that I can’t offer on if it’s safe, or the best way to do it. 
Clint: I’m sorry I can’t give you a definitive answer. I really hope whatever you decide, it works out for you. And remember that no matter how your family feels, you’ll always have us cheering you on and supporting you. And I know we’re not the only ones. 
Peter: Yeah! You’ll always have a safe space here. And also anybody who can’t support you doesn’t deserve you in their lives. If they can’t accept you and how amazing you are, even though it might hurt like hell, you’re going to be so much better off without them. 
Clint: You’re not alone. Stay safe kiddo. Your internet dad loves you.
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Hello everyone! How often do Thor and Loki come? What do you do with them when they come? Thanks and love what you all do!
Tony: Too often.
Steve: They try to come to at least once a month for movie night. But they try to come as often as they can. 
Peter: Mr. Loki and I do a lot of stuff. Which... mostly ends up causing a bit of trouble, which I guess is why dad thinks he comes too much. Sometimes Mr. Thor joins us too (just like when they were kids, Mr. Thor says)
Tony: Peter is banned from the lab when the two of them are here. Things have exploded too many times. 
Bucky: I’ve been trying to teach Thor how to cook but he’s... Well I think Steve might actually be a better cook than him and that’s really saying something.
Peter: ... I just got an idea for the best cooking episode ever. 
Bucky: Peter whatever you’re thinking please don’t 
Peter: Too late
Tony: Please just don’t blow up the tower. Or the compound.
Bucky: Are you okay with fires? Because there’s a good chance of one of those
Peter: It’ll be fine. 
Peter: … Oh! Mr. Thor and I perform Shakespeare together! It’s a lot of fun, especially if we drag Mr. Loki or the others in. Sometimes we go and watch theater together too, but it’s more fun to do it. 
Peter: And Mr. Loki and I just hang out a lot and talk about stuff. It’s nice because the two of us can talk to each other about just about anything with no judgment. Although, his advice is a bit off sometimes.
Steve: All of the time. 
Tony: Except when it comes to dealing with what’s his name… Trash?
Peter: Flash?
Tony: same thing. Rock of Ages had the right idea in how to deal with that asshole.
Peter: d a d n o
Peter: Oh, and thank you so much for the question anon. We love you too!!
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askfamvengers · 5 years
So, what made you decide to become a superhero? Btw, thank you for that, I can see the effort you put into that, we love our Katniss
Clint: Well it definitely wasn’t the plan, that’s for sure. I don’t think I ever really figured that my life would wind up going this way, but honestly I don’t think it could have worked out any other way. I am not made for a desk job. 
Clint: After I dropped out of school (which by the way kids I do not advise, just because things worked out okay for me doesn’t mean they will for you, so make sure when you’re making smart choices that are right for you), I wound up running away from home and joining a circus. Got a reputation as “The Best Marksman in the World”, even after I left. Which I guess got the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D because one day Fury shows up at my house to recruit me. 
Clint: Just comes down to the fact my best skill is with a bow and arrow and there aren’t many jobs open for that. Still, I never figured being a Superhero would actually come out of working for S.H.I.E.L.D. After the Loki thing though, I figured it wasn’t something I could avoid either. Not that I regret it or anything, at least the becoming an Avenger part, but it wasn’t how I figured my life would go when I was growing up. 
Clint: And thank you. Although for the record I am way better of a shot then Katniss. (she was a kid though and under a lot of stress she shouldn’t have been so i guess she gets a little pass but still).
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askfamvengers · 5 years
hey everyone! what do you guys all enjoy doing in your spare time?
Peter: Hi!! Thank you so much for the question. As for free time, I like to spend mine as busy as possible (Captain Dad worries that I don't know how to relax. He's probably right). But I do a lot of fun stuff, like building lego sets, which I usually do with my best friend Ned. I've also gotten into photography recently, and Iron Dad bought me a new camera since I did so well on my finals and I'm really excited to try it out. I also help out in the lab a lot doing different things, some that I can't talk about, but one that I can is that I've been working with my dads to help build Wolf Dad's new arm. ... I might also write a bit of fanfiction on the side, but it's not super good. Oh! And when school's in I'm part of the Academic Decathlon. 
Tony: Well obviously I spend quite a lot of time in my lab working on various projects, usually upgrades for the Avengers or other things that could help out us or the world in general. But I bet what you didn't know is that I also garden. In fact there's an entire floor in the tower just dedicated to my plants and I take care of each one of them individually. And they all have names of course. 
Bucky: Mostly I like to bake. I usually make at least one thing a day, maybe more. It was something I started doing back when I was first recovering as a way to ground myself and I guess I've just kept doing it. Besides that, I like to read, especially fantasy and sci-fi stuff. I also volunteer at the animal shelter when I have the time and mental energy. 
Steve: Since the start of this year, I've been getting back into drawing a lot more regularly. I've even taken an art class to act as little refresher which was nice, and it reminded me why I liked art in the first place. It's a nice change in pace. Oh, and I also play a little bit of Ultimate Frisbee and I guess I'm not terrible? 
Sam: By not terrible, he means fantastic. I mean you've seen him thrown his shield right? Just imagine that with a frisbee. It took me months to convince him to join my team, but he's basically unstoppable. I usually spend my free time volunteering down at the VA. It's a good way to give back and help others. 
Clint: Most of my off time from the Avengers is spent with my kids. I also make a little music on the side, mostly for fun. Nat and I go mountain climbing sometimes when she feels in the mood. I play some video games too, I'm pretty good at Mario Kart, and the Avengers have a Minecraft server full of stuff as well. 
Wanda: I spend quite a bit of my free time taking classes, actually. I never really got around to finishing school after my parents died, but Tony helped me get set up to take classes online and I have been doing that. I also write, mainly poetry because it is a good way to express thoughts and feelings. I have tried longer-form writing, but it is hard for me to stay committed to one project for so long to do so. 
Bruce: I meditate. Quite a lot actually on some days when things get stressful, but it's a nice way to take off the edge. Other than that I'm usually working on some kind of project in the lab. Or sometimes when things get too much I just like to go on trips to different places where I can just help others and forget about everything else for a while. 
Natasha: I do yoga. It's nice, relaxing, and really good for flexibility. I like to laze around in my downtime, just chill out, recover, make the others question everything they thought was true in life. And sometimes I visit Clint's family when I need to get away, or I go mountain climbing. There's also something I'm not technically allowed to mention because the boys are embarrassed of it, but let's just say Clint might not be the only one into music. Although he is definitely better than us.
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Ask Box Is Open
Come say hi or ask the Avengers your burning questions. Make sure you check the guidelines before asking. 
Have fun!
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Who Is Peter Parker?
Hey guys! So for those of you who don’t already know, I’m Peter Parker. I’m the one who created the Famvengers channel and for the most part, I’m the one who runs it alongside this blog. 
I know that a lot of people have had some questions about who I am because obviously, I’m not an Avenger. So I thought I would just do a post clearing things up, and letting you guys get to know me a little better.
So like I said, my name is Peter! I just finished up my Sophomore year at Midtown School of Science and Technology, I’m 16, I’m a Leo. I have adhd. I’m transgender, I’m also bi asexual. And I have three dads: Iron Dad, Wolf Dad, and Captain Dad. Although you might know them better as Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers. 
I’ve been living with the Avengers since February. I was working as an intern for Mr. Stark when my Aunt died and he was nice enough to take me in since I didn’t have anyone else. Since then the Avengers have kind of become my family, which is why I named the channel Famvengers (and because Iron Dad hates the word fam because he’s an old man. Don’t tell him I said that). 
If you have any other specific questions I’ll be more than happy to answer them! Just send in an ask and I’ll get to it as soon as I can. Maybe I’ll find some ask games if anyone is interested and reblog those as well so that you can get to know me (and the other Avengers) a little bit better. 
Thank you again for following our blog!! 
- Peter
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askfamvengers · 5 years
Welcome to the Famvengers Blog!
Hey guys and welcome to the Famvengers Tumblr Blog! 
This was actually my dad’s (Mr. Stark) idea. We wanted to figure out a good format to communicate with everyone that worked better than just in the video comments section, so he suggested I set up some type of blog. 
So, I did! 
This is now the official hub for all things Famvengers related, which is the domestic side of the Avengers for those who were wondering. For the most part I’ll be the one running this blog (And by that I mean Peter Parker), but the others might pop on from time to time as well. 
As for what this blog is for, mainly it’s going to be an ask blog. If you want to know more about the guidelines for asks go ahead and check out that here. 
I’m also going to use this space to provide any updates regarding the channel or just regarding the Avengers in general. This is where we’ll post any time we need help with a video, when we’re doing a live stream, stuff like that. 
You might even catch a few exclusive conversations from inside the tower, as well as shorter videos that might not fit as well on YouTube. 
But mostly it’s just a way for you to get to know us even more. Through this blog, you’ll be able to ask every burning question you’ve had about the Avengers (so long as they don’t break the rules), and just hold chats with your favorite Superheroes, as well as get a behind the scenes look at the things that happen between videos.
I’m hoping it’ll be a lot of fun, and I just want to thank you all again for the support you’ve given us so far. It really means a lot to us and I hope we live up to the hype.
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