blueturtlehouse · 4 years
Blue Monday study vibes with some Lana Del Rey ✨
How’s everyone doing? It’s been a strange month, and times get stranger everyday. I hope you are well, and getting along just fine. 
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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Spent March with the March sisters! Which is apt considering it is Women’s History Month. I’ve had this book since I was 13 and have only now read it (I have yet to watch the film), and it is brilliant!Captivating, at times melancholic, and familiar with plights of growing up, Alcott displays their lives with honesty.  I appreciated the storylines of each individual sister, and could align myself with each one of them at different times. 
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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The grind never stops--even when staying indoors and social distancing. Hope everyone is well! Stay safe! These are uncertain times, but we will make it through. We will be ok. 
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
Everyone just.... In the coming weeks please notice and take care of your mental health. Watch other people too. We as humans were not meant to be completely isolated. Many of us neurodivergent ppl don't take well to sudden shifts in schedules like this (regimented to self-administered is an incredibly hard and drastic move). Even if you're deeply antisocial. Depression and other mental illnesses love inertia - they take "I have stopped" and triple the force of the stopping. You might notice it's harder to get out of bed, harder to shower, harder to do anything - nobody is around to hold you accountable. Just ... Watch for it.
Yes, the social distancing is imperative for the general health and safety of others. I encourage safe behaviors. But just be .... A little bit kinder than you think you need to be, to yourself and to others.
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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A lazy day spent in bed.
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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Finally finished my February book: Elbow Room by James Alan McPherson. It is a phenomenal collection of twelve short stories. It shares compelling, humorous, and warm characters and their insights in changing sociological times. McPherson is a brilliant--his language is detailed and so captivating. You get lost in each story and the richness of it all.  I wholeheartedly recommend. 
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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i’m always so tired these days
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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presently reading “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt, which was a book i was really looking forward to reading but school keeps getting in the way of me finishing it up 😒
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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Sunsets and train rides and weary bones after a full week.
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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empty classrooms are *chef’s kiss* for attempting to study for your precalc test on friday but, more importantly, for getting sidetracked on tiktok for 2 hours straight.
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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studied by these very lovely plants!!! i’ve heard that when you sing to plants, they grow more and are happier - i wonder what happens when you discuss how to write up your lab report w them...🤔
🎶 currently listening to: Too Fast by Sonder
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
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Obligatory library pic as the spring semester kicks in,  and I look for motivation to stay on top of all the upcoming assignments. How’s everyone doing?
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blueturtlehouse · 4 years
Hello, there! It’s Ari and Georgie here!
We decided to make a study account in order to motivate us to be a little more productive and focused on our school work. That being said, we won’t just limit our posts and aspirations to academic pursuits!
Here’s some more info on the two of us:
Hello, everyone! This is Ari. :)
 Internally, I am either 70 years old or 7 years old. There is no in-between. 
Journalism major
Interests: films and musicals and tv (current fave: Brooklyn 99); all things music
vintage bookstores and coffee shops vibes 
Improve photography. Be a more prolific photographer.
Improve sight-reading and piano playing. 
Write. My. Heart. Out. Read. My. Heart. Out. 
Somehow manage 6 classes this semester. We’ll see how that goes folks. 
Hey, y’all! I’m Georgie :)
Tweaking my study habits to best fit my lifestyle and needs
working harder and smarter
overcoming my mental illnesses
they proved to really make me struggle with school last semester and I’m determined to do better
I have depression, anxiety, and OCD for reference
I want to fall in love with learning again
Taurus / Ravenclaw 
Try to sleep more / create more of a routine for myself??
Interested in reading, writing, and science 
Romantic at heart
Please give book suggestions
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