bulletbuild · 4 years
The Evolution of a fashion brand
Today i listened to the spirit and i allowed a very talented woman to unburden.
I went in to see my new dressmaker and to order another set of items.  During one of the fittings, I mentioned to her that I have just launched a Christian business coaching service and I shared some tidbits about how dressmakers ply your with outfits you don’t need when they have bills to pay (where is the lie?)
We go to chatting and then I began asking questions and cautiously sharing some thoughts. 
Suddenly, I mooted the idea of capturing the Executive Corporate wear niche. 
A light bulb went off in her head, as I began to substantiate why I believed it was viable and what she had going for her. Her enthusiastic nods and anecdotes of previous years successes and her assumptions all led her to buy into the idea.
I asked her how she was doing in the business and being someone who had been at it for 8 years I could tell she was burdened. 
A phrase she used touched my heart, she said, “ Sometimes I feel as If I have been left behind.” 
Now we all know how our market is, it sometimes feels like you are grinding and wearing yourself thin but there is no blow up. Yes, others are blowing up and you are not jealous, but you are wondering why not you. 
This is when God has to be your center. Yes, remember why you started, but also trust in His timing and also lean on the holy spirit to guide you. 
I have found that i tended to try to do things my own way, when really, we all know who the brains behind this business is. 
Since I let go and trusted God and decided to go all in, I have been shocked at Him. Indeed, “Watch God work” is a real thing.
Ok back to Fashionista.
I shared a few ideas around the business image and just suggested that she didn’t need to push new content so much, more like let things marinate properly before rushing out with the new new.
She wrote down 3 things:
1. Have fabric swatches available to encourage customization
2. Repeat the best sellers in new fabrics (Milk the successes)
3. Embrace the older or C suite folks
We also discussed getting interns and a creative stylist so she could remove herself from the business.
All in all, for an unplanned session, it was a good session.
Next time I pick up my outfits, I need to tell her this:
Trust your voice. 
I am learning that I need to trust my own voice again, after marriage, motherhood and a few wrong moves, I had began to doubt my voice in 2019. I thank God for His word, for showing me that I had to start trusting my voice again.
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bulletbuild · 4 years
I think I have a label
I am a believer in the phrase “Once you can name it, then it exists” or something to that effect.
Whenever i  have an idea, or I have a vision or a challenge, the first step is to name it. I usually create a powerpoint and pour my ideas on there. Give it a label, say what I think it is and then the Answer can flow from there.
For the past few weeks, I have been undergoing an awakening, a detoxing and a centering of sorts. It began with a 7 day juice fast and since then, I have been eating mostly vegetables and fruits. Aside from the slight loss in weight, one of the main benefits has been that my spiritual pathways have cleared up.
What does that mean?
I didn’t even know they were clogged but but suddenly, during this fast, I have become more sensitive.
I am able to receive downloads. i.e. hear clearly from God. and it is a rush of information.
No, I’m not being hokey but it is an actual flood of inspiration, information and direction.
There have been 3 or so ideas which have been confirmed:
- Whipping station- the Natural Mix or the natural body bar - With an ancillary business of retailing raw materials for natural cosmetic makers. I have been calling this trend of makers in this space but have been afraid to invest, but the confirmation is strong. I need to provide the shovels for the proverbial gold rush.
- Hair Hive- A community to support TnL clients
- Indigo by TnL - Products and Accessories for TnL 
- Christian Business Coaching - Because people gravitate towards me for counsel, to use as a sounding board. Also I have a gift as a strategist, a problem solver and I am good at following up to ensure execution
And just yesterday, this gem came through
- Coco munch - Coconut based mixed snacks. Featuring locally sourced healthy seeds, nuts and dried fruit in a honey based cluster mix.
So I have a names for all of them and so yes, how would I label myself? Entrepreneur? Multipreneur? No, I am a brand builder, a company builder, simply a Business Woman.
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bulletbuild · 4 years
“Multipreneur” in the food space
KB is busy, KB sees opportunities in the food serve space, KB wishes he had a bag of money to bring in efficiency, innovation and really just upgrade the sector but KB is also distracted by the plethora of opportunities. KB needs to focus and apply 100% to one thing.
KB was in Private Equity and then started an ice cream chain. He and his partner had different views on the business and so they parted ways. He now has a new food twin babies. He has been working on the catering business and he is providing lunch to a few companies, the QSR is also operational and could do more. He wants to give more attention to the QSR to push it and explore its full potential. 
He said he prays for guidance and yet struggles to follow the guidance and to heed the promptings. I suggested he journal for each business unit and jot down the ideas and thoughts he had about each. This would help him reflect, plan and identify the promptings. 
KB has signed on to the business coaching service. He has requested for check ins and for reminders so the next check in is the middle of February. 
KB is the first person I have introduced myself to as a business coach. 
KB responded immediately.
This is good.
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bulletbuild · 4 years
Yaa’s new baby :)
On shopping run, I bumped into Yaa.  She shared excitedly that she had finally gotten the perfect business business idea but she was unsure and confused.  
Months earlier she had expressed wanting to start a business at a women's Finance brunch group we were both a part of.  So this was big, i.e. settling on which idea she wanted to pursue.
Within 2 minutes of speaking to her, it was clear she needed a sounding board and to talk through the decision. Also she was considering partnering with someone else, whom she clearly knew was not an ideal partner with respect to  commitment and interest, yet Yaa kept repeating she wasn’t able to do it on her own.
I offered to meet with her to coach through this to see what the end result would be.
Kids activity and play center, yay or nay?
Email being sent now.
Lets see how it goes.
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bulletbuild · 4 years
We met up to discuss my project and then it turned into a “help me organize” session.  I didn’t mind because I realized he was on the right path, just needed a little PPT time aka to take them in groups.
Quick Background:
He set up an agency for Small business to provide advertising support and to help them increase sales. 2 years in and it is growing but the team keeps dropping the ball, he is overworked, he is barely making payroll or overheads and he has hired people who aren’t quite delivering. Kingdom minded, kingdom directed, but what to do.
Most of the things had to do with the
1.  Organogram: which would give clear structure, hierarchy and responsibility. Include JD’s and role description for all.
2. Right People: Firing and hiring quickly to find the right people. Also realizing there are good people, you just gotta look for them. Hire those “Without Ego”, “ who are “Believers”, Who are “Versatile” and who have “Grit”. 
3. Download: Find a way to share a. Your vision to the new GM, b. Your best practices or what you expect the procedures to be with her that way she can oversee drafting of SOPS or unit manuals.
4. SLA: Once you have downloaded, have each unit enter into an SLA with the others so that everyone is clear on what the process and flow is supposed to be. Also they can follow up because that is what we ALL agreed. 
5. Create the Culture: If you want a culture of learning, look for easy ways to foster it. E,g, group lunch where someone teaches on a given topic or shares on a given issue or an article is circulated and then discussed. OH and don;t forget to bring snacks. Always bring snacks!
Next meeting for the Middle of Feb to check in and take next steps
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bulletbuild · 6 years
So good I had to post it twice. 
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bulletbuild · 6 years
FIRST THING HE DOES EACH MORNING: “First thing I do is thank the master. I thank God every day. Then I lie there for a few minutes and just sort of . . . be. Then I shower, and that’s where a lot of my concepts come from. I write songs in there sometimes. If you don’t interrupt [your subconscious] with the ego, or are like, No, it’s gotta be like this, then a lot of ideas will come. Once you start judging it and editing it, then you’re no longer tapped in. You’ve moved it over to your mind before you even realize it. So I spend a lot of that time just standing there in the water with a blank stare. It is often the reason why I’m tardy.” To potential collaborators, he adds, “When you hear me say ‘traffic,’ and I wink, you’ll know what that means.”
Pharrell  in a 2013 Interview with Fast Company  
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bulletbuild · 6 years
2018 Update. The Run Down.
My last post was September 15th and today is September 18th. Must be a September itch. 
What is that you say? It is clearly when I come alive and am ready to tackle my “Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)” To Do List.
So it goes a little something like this:
1. 2 novels- No Change. Yeah, I said it, no change. I will write someday.
2. Patio garden- Half way done. Some sad looking bamboo plants, a lemongrass plant cos of the ‘squitos and 2 orchids. Need more green but Le Hub needs to bring in the plant boxes. This will be done in 2018.
3. A Satire blog- Wisdom still ain’t increased to warrant a blog. Cynicism has, rose coloured glasses are still getting smashed with each passing month and i’m interrogating my thought process a lot more. 
4. A jewelry line- This is now a little closer, however it will be merged with a shop that houses curios from East Africa, or some other places. Need a name and a focus. Jewelry will be minimalist and own designs and retailed online purely. Other items still unclear but wanted to be retailed online purely as well. 
5. A healthy cooking blog- This has been shelved and its now more baby oriented- Having a fresh baby food service to help wean and feed babies, however will sit better under the Baby Center concept ( see me later about this one,.. ok i’ll add it to the list).
6. Natural beauty products- Spoke to someone (Hilda) today about taking this on as a project and developing it and managing it. Waiting for feedback. 
7. Business consulting- I’m taking a meeting today to help Max with financial planning so lets see how this goes. 
8. A book on entrepreneurship- Collecting experiences so this is not a lost cause.
9. Baby Center-  Centers all over which will provide essential services and support for mothers and babies, from prenatal support to breast feeding support and even into weaning etc, before the 2 year school mark. This requires real investments, so I might begin the food project on the side to merge into it. 
        And that’s it folks. 
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bulletbuild · 7 years
Goals/ Project Updates
“Oh the Horror”
You know how after working out you sometimes get a burst of energy? Yes, that second wind, that adrenalin jolt, that surge of energy that makes you realize you have some more “going to go”. Well, this isn’t it.
Since the first post on here ( i tried finding the date but couldn’t which is a bad thing but also a good thing) I have made litle progress.
Life. Got. In. The. Way.
In a good way, but still. I haven’t done squat.  Well, that is a lie. I have been making a baby and planning/ shopping/ preparing for the arrival, and I have been developing/ contracting/planning a new shop location for my existing business.
That being said, I need updates on the various things i noted here:
1. 2 novels- The 1st few paragraphs of one are what they were 5 or so years ago. The stories still need to be written so someday I will write them.
2. Patio garden- need to use Styrofoam to fill the beds and pot plants. Hopefully before December.
3. A satire blog- not sure if this will ever come up, I feel i conflicted about social commentary.. i want to, but the internet is forever.  This foreverness doesn’t allow you to grow and change and sometimes, just sometimes, you realize your views are shallow and myopic so just let me hold on till my wisdom increases. 
4. A jewelry line- I could still get into this, playing around with inspiration but it is still doable. Rihanna has fenty so i need a cool name that rhymes with something fun. 
5. A healthy cooking blog- Yo...the work involved in a food blog is mucho,.. even a food instagram is work. Photos, angles .. it just is too merch.
6. Natural beauty products- I do think this will evolve from the main side business at some point so hold ya breath on this one.
7. Business consulting- I am still learning and I will do more pro bono aka lemme learn on your time/ watch.
8. A book on entrepreneurship- It continues to bubble in my soul, one day soon guize.. cos it bubbles in there.
So there are the basic things I wrote down. We will not add more to the list just yet.  I will endeavor to make some progress on them before the new year and also in 2018 cos folks..this was a 2017 list *covers face and runs in brownian motion towards the closest thicket*
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bulletbuild · 7 years
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Work Extra
Read Extra
Think Extra
Try Extra
It’s all about that Extra Mile.
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bulletbuild · 7 years
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It is vital to do these and to take care of YOU
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bulletbuild · 7 years
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Things to know and say to yourself because they are truth
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bulletbuild · 7 years
instagram businesses are Legit yo!
Not that all I do is read up on Instagram but It is one of the easiest ways to jump from idea to business in 20 mins
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bulletbuild · 7 years
Buffer you ROCK!
Every.Single.Article on there is useful and aimed at helping you use social media to grow your business. 
I particularly loved this article. It demystifies and educates.
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bulletbuild · 7 years
Coaching or something like it. 
We discussed her business and tried to get her to focus on key result areas for the quarter, then talked her through each result area to fine tune and detail the key deliverables for each. 
Main areas of focus: 
Logistics/ Work Processes
Human Capital 
We spent a lot of time on financing and tied it to visibility, closed mouths don’t get fed. To do’s were to focus on institutions to sell the idea to for the CSR projects, to look for grants and sanitation focused funds and also to consider crowdfunding. The government funds were also to be looked at and networks and connections with people in government to be initiated. Visibility helps with recognition and essentially everyone wants to be associated with a success so get people talking about you and it just becomes a roar.
i. Brainstormed tasks for interns- research, sign people up, for volunteers- join world volunteer day- sensitization and door to door education.  ii. Ways to work remotely (have a system in place before you hire the people.. codify, document and detail out the processes so you can refer everyone to the book for standards), iii. Share your story- tell folks what you do, it’s ok for them to be excited. Yes, they’ll go on a tangent but oftentimes if you have an “ask” ready for them. It directs their energies and shuts up those who are just full of energy. At the very least they will become an ambassador. 
We also spent 15 mins on the social and personal. All good and ready to go.
She took loads of notes and has plenty things to do but we have 4 areas of focus. 
Things to think on: Free publicity, financing and funding options. How to use crowdfunding and green obsession wisely. Corporate partnerships. 
Next check in will be in February.
Accountability partner. Connector. Ideation partner. Chief Cheerleader. 
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bulletbuild · 7 years
The Build
This year I aspired to complete ALL unfinished projects and start  NO new projects. 
Well, my unfinished projects include 2 novels, a patio garden, a satire blog, a jewelry line, a healthy cooking blog, natural beauty products, business consulting, book on entrepreneurship... to name a few. Realizing how extensive and disparate my projects were i had a good long think.
I decided to start one more project to help project manage all these other projects and also to develop a business coaching philosophy. 
If I can coach and project manage myself into completion then whoa I can do all else. 
Bullet Build. Cos sometimes you need to feel bullet proof to realize all the dreams you have.
Ideas. Thoughts. Action points. Accountability
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