greysonuncapped · 2 years
while i'm thinking about it, here's the pronoun masterlist that i worked on and possibly will never work on again unless i get bored and decide i have the motivation.
it has about 12,100 pronoun sets in it, and they're sorted into columns alphabetically. emojipronouns are sorted by color. sheet 2 is emojipronouns i haven't sorted through because they also need to be put in the format that i want them in.
this sheet is a conglomerate of pronoun sets copy and pasted from various tumblr posts, along with a few variations of some sets that i typed in. due to the fact that most of this was pasted and sorted automatically without actually looking through it, there may be some potentially offensive material, but i'm not sure. i'm not responsible for any sets that may have been posted that are offensive and/or are now out of the context of a reclamation post.
if anyone finds this to be a project they're interested in helping with, you can send me a dm and we can discuss it :]
@pronounsmegamix (tagging you because i know you're working on a masterlist and might find mine helpful, idk)
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greysonuncapped · 3 years
y’all what does it mean when you meet someone and you feel as if you’ve known them forever? conversations just come naturally and you can be 100% yourselves around each other. the only explanation i can think of for this would be twin flames. and while i definitely would not complain if this person ended up being mine, i don’t want to be too quick to think that.
he makes me feel a whole other kind of special and wanted that i’ve never felt before. everything just kinda makes sense with him around and somehow even tho it’s only been a short time, it’s as if i’ve already just forgotten what it’s like to not have him in my life.
we aren’t together, not yet anyways. but that’s okay. i might not know where this is going, but i know it’s going to go somewhere more than what we are now. i can be patient for as long as i need to be if it means getting to be with him. and getting the answer on if he is my twin flame or my soulmate. 😳
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
For as long as I can remember, I have been changing myself to fit everyone else’s expectations. Whether it was for a friend, a partner, a family member. It didn’t matter. I have always adjusted who I am to fit everyone else’s standards. Almost to a point where when I look in the mirror, I no longer recognize the person staring back at me.
I don’t remember the last time anyone saw the real me. There is maybe one person who I don’t always put up a wall when I’m around them, and to be honest I’m not even sure if they really know who I am either.  I don’t even think my boyfriend knows because I’m so scared that if I show anyone who I actually am, they won’t like it and leave. 
The me everyone else sees, is this girl who is insecure and completely unsure of herself and what she wants. They see this girl who changes her mind every other day, and can’t seem to get her head on straight to save her life, but who still tries to help everyone around because she feels like that’s the only real part of her that people will accept. I conform to everyone else’s views and opinions because I feel like I’ll just cause a problem if I stand up and speak on what I believe in.
But I know exactly who I am, and what I want. I’m just scared that if I show anyone, I’ll end up losing everyone I care about. I finally have decided I no longer care what anyone else has to say. If I start showing who I really am and people don’t like it, they can honestly get the fuck out now because I do not have the energy to be wasting it on people who can’t just accept me for me.
I will most likely make a follow up post (or posts, plural) about my adventures in finally getting back to who I am, and how I really see myself. Mostly because this has always just been for me, and not for anyone else. I started this blog to track my progress through life and to try and maybe help someone here and there along the way. No ones probably gonna see this but oh well.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
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More rainbow headers!
Reblog if you use.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
I am a ride or die kind of bitch. What does that mean you ask?
It means that there is not a single goddamn thing past, present, or future that I would put in front of my brother or my best friends.
And if anyone has an issue with that they can step up off my dick and go fuck themselves. Kay?
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
my gender is norwegian death metal
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
I really hate when people are right. Especially if I tried to argue with them over it. Like good job. You were right. Do you want a cookie? Like I obviously didn't wanna agree with you for a reason and now I have to actually say you were right.
One of my best friends told me that if I did something, it would help me with all my insecurities and I would feel better in the long run. I didn't believe him, and I refused to acknowledge that he may have a valid point. I have now had to turn around and admit that he was right all along, which he usually is.
There is nothing I hate more than being wrong. Yeah its a flaw. If I know damn well I'm wrong, ima admit it. But if its something that seems like it might not be true, or there's a shred of doubt involved, then ima argue with you till one of us is right.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
It is 100% okay to be wrong. It’s okay to be wrong about keeping friends in your life that have no place being there. It’s okay for you to think you found the one and then realize that there’s someone else who just seems so right. It’s okay for you to struggle sometimes. What’s not okay is letting yourself be unhappy when you have the power to change the outcome. 
I never want to hurt anyone. My passion in life is helping others. But I’m not perfect. Sometimes I fuck up. Sometimes in the process of doing what I need to do for me to make myself happy, I accidentally hurt someone else in the process. I never mean for it to happen, but sometimes it does. I hate it but what are you gonna do. All I can do is try to make myself better so it doesn’t happen again.
I was too busy helping others to see that I was unhappy myself. And that’s my fault. I wouldn’t change anything if I had to do it all over again. I would still have helped everyone, I just would have payed more attention to my own wellbeing. I keep letting myself fall down this hole of sadness and depression. I’m working on it, slowly but surely. It’s not easy, but not much in this life is.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
Don’t try to tell me that long distance relationships can’t work. And I mean of any kind. Friendships, significant others. Don’t try to tell me that its not worth it or that its stupid. Long distance friends can be more supportive than people who live 2 minutes from you. They can do more for you than people that you have met in person. Long distance relationships can be just as great if you let them be. Distance doesn’t matter when you care.
And on a similar note, don’t tell me where my loyalty should lie. People who I’ve never met in person and I’ve known for shorter periods of time have done more for me and have been more supportive than the people i grew up with. Its not about how long you’ve known a person. It’s about the quality of the relationship you have with that person. Someone you met less than 24 hours ago can be better for you than someone you’ve known since you were 8 years old.
If you treat me right, i will be loyal to you through the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between. If we have formed a bond, you wont get rid of me even if something bad happens. You can tell me anything, and i will accept it. Even if that something is going to hurt me. I will take it because I care and I am a dedicated bitch. It’s just who I am. If I feel any sort of connection to you, you’re probably stuck with me for life because whelp who am I to ignore something like that. 
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
Bruh do not pop the fuck out of the woodwork after I've barely talked to you in months to ask me a stupid ass question and then immediately proceed to make me feel like shit. Just dont.
And if you're gonna be a dumb bitch and ask me dumb ass questions, you could at least have the common courtesy to ask me how I am first. Like good fuck
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
Dont be a toxic piece of shit okay. Just dont.
Dont tell your friend that's hurting that itll be "fine", they'll get over it, and that its "just not worth the stress". Dont be the person that tries to say something is unhealthy when maybe that's the thing getting them by.
Dont tell me I need to figure my shit out. Do not tell me that I'm relying on someone or something to "fix me". Bitch who the fuck said I need to be fixed in the first place. Yes I struggle with my mental health. Yes it's been a hard road. But ya boys still here and kicking so how about you get out of my face about it.
If you have a friend or partner or family member with anxiety or depression or mental health issues in general, try to be the person that makes it better. Care about them enough to figure out what their triggers are, and then avoid them. Just be a good person. Be there for them. Dont make it worse.
It doesnt matter how long you've been friends. Or been together. Or even if they are your relatives. If you feel as if someone is not good for you, dont hesitate to kick them to the curb or put them in their place. Do what you gotta do. If they care enough to want to stick around then they'll listen to you and try to figure it out.
We may have been friends since we were like 8, but my best friend who I met maybe two years ago has already been more supportive and less judgemental than you have this whole ass time.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
You ever just overthink everything. Like literally everything. Something negative happens and all of a sudden you're all depressed and dont know what to do with yourself?
....and then you step back for a second and realize you're being a fucking moron and it's probably not anywhere near as bad as what you've been imagining.
Shit is hard guys. You're allowed to be sad. You're allowed to have your feelings. And deal with it in whatever way you need to. Do not let anyone tell you how to live, who to love, how to feel. You do you. As long as you are not harming yourself, then you're golden. You're good. You're on your journey just like the rest of us.
You are loved. You are cared for. You have people in your corner even if it doesnt seem like it. Dont let toxic people, or your own negative thoughts get to you. Be the best you and tell all of them to suck it. Because you deserve to be treated like the royalty you are.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
The worst thing I've done so far when it comes to figuring out who I am, is trying to write off certain things as if they could never be. Like when I first came out as nonbinary, I was like no way in hell am I a boy. And now I'm starting to realize, I may very well be a nonbinary trans guy. Moral of the story, if at first you think something could never be a thing, consider it some more before you write it off completely. It could change your perspective.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
trans people do not have to pass
trans people do not have to WANT to pass
not every trans person can bind/tuck/get surgery
not every trans person WANTS to bind/tuck/get surgery trans people do not have to fit ANY requirements to exist and be trans. there are no rules. you can dress and act and be however you want. you are GOOD just the way you are. 
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
Gender norms are not okay in this day and age. Theres so much that society says has to be a certain way, and it's not cool. Like how clothes are still being gendered. Work boots are mostly gendered towards guys like fur boots are gendered towards girls. Society says guys have to look one way and girls another.
This ideation is the reason I'm so scared to even consider being trans as a possibility for myself. Like would society still see me as a guy even if I dont follow their bullshit "rules" all the time? People should not have to be scared to figure out who they are as a person. It's ridiculous.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
I dont care if you're gay, straight, bi, trans, white, black, asian, Mexican, he, she, they, fuck I dont care if you identify as an attack helicopter.
As a human being, no one has a right to try to ruin someone else's relationship by making up lies just because they're upset. You dont have the right to lie and make things up. You dont have the right to say someone cheated on their partner if it didnt actually happen.
If you see this, you know who you are, and you know what you did.
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greysonuncapped · 4 years
Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.
Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.
I'll say it louder for the dumbasses in the back.
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