honey, u have been stupid
i heard u hooked up with ur best friend, heard u stayed for the night too. i wonder, what will u do about ur bf? why is ur life such a cliché? here, things are fine. i’m single again, works better for me anyway. was at a party yesterday and i saw this girl with black hair, she was so beautiful. my friend said she’s a lesbian, and that i should stay away from her. friend said she’s trouble. i kissed her too. honey, i know ur bf will break up with u if u tell him, and i know u have to tell him. i just want u to know: u fucked up. u will regret this decision. u will cry and u will hurt urself and u will hurt him more, hurt him again and at that moment u will not care. u will say: dear bf, u deserved this, u never liked me anyway and u will not cry.
i want u to be honest
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honey, i’m ok now
i’m doing ok, but u are doing better. i read on tumblr that corals die if they are stressed: do u want to test if that applies to humans as well? do u remember the summer in sweden, when we caught fish between our hands standing in a much too yellow lake? do u remember that i was happy back then? i’m sick again: do u even remember the last time u were sick? i was sick last thursday. now i’ve lost my voice to a throat infection. i looked up “happy” today: feeling or showing pleasure or content.
i want u to be unhappy
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