itstimetotheorize · 3 months
They don't like what they see...
Near the end of chp. 6 of the sounds of nightmares, as Noone gazes upon the giant red eye entity/all seeing eye and its many eyes, Noone takes note of them staring into her...and knows they like what they see....but what exactly does this mean? We have always theorized the eye entity and its many eyes had always maintained a constant watch over the children,
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and with Residents like the Ferryman pushing children like Noone to realize the cruel and hopeless reality of their lives, to persuade them into believing the sanctuary they so desperately desire is in the Nowhere, we finally know now more than ever of one of the most crucial details about the eye entity...its preference.
Back when Little Nightmare 2 released, we theorized structures like the Tower and Maw always had a consciousness of their own and were some of many extensions of the eye entity, they were some of the many eyes theorized to have existed and remained linked to the eye entity itself.
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When we thought of the Tower, we realized it had been observing Mono and Six through the t.v.'s, throughout their entire journey...and it didn't like it one bit. It disliked seeing Mono and Six together, their teamwork and above all...it disliked knowing they could overcome anything if they stayed together, and had they stayed together, well...the Tower wouldn't be able to keep Mono anymore.
In chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares, when Noone met the Mall, another living structure like the Tower and the Maw, it tried to offer her everything she could ever desire, only to be left in a state of devastation and frustration as Noone told it she did not want anything from it and never intended to stay. Now, what does all this mean exactly? It means the eye entity has always presented itself as a being who could fulfill the desires of its visitors and Residents...though to a twisted degree...but it could never claim them so long as they did not fully grasp and fall into despair over the true devastating reality of their situation and the world around them, all so they could succumb to its hypnotic light and accept it as their only means of escaping a life filled with nothing, only suffering.
We have always theorized the eye entity detested those who did not crumble at the reality of their tormented lives, who denied the comfort it could provide them, but if what we have theorized over the years is true then, it didn't just hate it...it feared it. We have seen what happens when a child learns to accept their reality for what it is and reject the eye entity's comforting light. Not only do they become capable of resisting the eye entity's influence, they become capable of becoming far greater monsters than the Residents who tormented them, but above all... they could even become far more powerful than the eye entity who continued to watch over them. Much like with Mono and Six, we theorized other children could take the power of other Residents for themselves and harness it to cause devastation onto the eye entity and everything it has built.
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We have seen Mono use his power to drag the Tower towards himself and we have seen Six lay waste to every Guest who dared cross her path as she made the decision to leave the Maw, making I and many other theorists realize something...children such as Mono and Six, have always had the capability to destroy the very structures which were desperate to keep them...they were always capable of destroying the world around them...they needed only to realize and accept the opportunities and the truth which stood before them.
We have always theorized structures like the Maw and the Tower feared the loss of their host, because without a host like Mono and Six, and the power they inherited, the Maw and the Tower could not survive, they would be doomed to die...just like the Mall from chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares (more here), leaving the eye entity to suffer at the the loss of the most powerful structures it was linked to. Although Mono and Six's story remain unfinished for now, this does beg the question...what's going to happen to Low and Alone, our newest protagonists for Little Nightmares 3 ?
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Despite spending years in the spiral, Low has never lost hope in finding a way back home, and despite the horrors we know he has faced during those years, Low appears to have managed to persevere through it all thanks to two things, 1. a single piece of paper which we have theorized details the "mythical place" he is obsessed with finding, a place he believes holds a gateway home and will finally allow him to escape the nightmarish world he has been trapped in, and 2. his friend Alone, the incurable tinkerer who can't help but uncover the secrets of the spiral, down to its very source. From what little we have seen in the trailer and limited gameplay, Low and Alone's teamwork has allowed them to surpass obstacles neither would be able to overcome on their own, an all too familiar partnership and an all too familiar scenario we have seen in Mono and Six as they journeyed together through the Pale City to make sense of the Tower/Transmission. Such friendships between characters have always been a comfort to see in the world of Little Nightmares, it has always been a comfort to the characters as well. However, it is this very sense of friendship which has made I and many other theorists realize a cruel and unforgiving reality time and time again...such bonds...are detested by the eye entity who continues to watch over the children.
The eye entity and all extensions of itself, have always been theorized to maintain its survival and control over everything and everyone through the use of its hypnotic light and its many corrupted Residents.
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But it is precisely this level of control which has allowed the eye entity to break the will of others and leave them vulnerable to its influence, allowing it to continue to survive and thrive.
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It separates anyone from those they held dear and forces them to accept the only hope they have in escaping their cruel reality is by giving themselves to it. Those who fail to realize its existence and the control it has had over everyone and everything, are doomed to fall prey to it and its world…so then....what would happen to Low and Alone if their hopes were crushed??
As mentioned before, Low wants to find a way back home and escape the spiral, while Alone wants to follow the secrets of the spiral to its source. The two of them have thus far been shown to be loyal to one another, determined to accomplish their goals together...and yet...perhaps it is this very hope and drive which has displeased the eye entity.
What am I trying to say? Well, if the eye entity truly has a preference for those who have lost all hope in their lives, if it truly wants children like Noone to surrender themselves to it, to its world, and if the Residents are truly devoted to helping the eye entity accomplish it all, then...what would happen if everything Low and Alone believed in was put on the line?.... what would happen if whatever it is they found at the end of their journey... was not at all what they hoped it would be? Would they fall into despair, turn against each other and relinquish themselves to the Nowhere, to the eye entity itself? ... just as Noone did near the end of chp. 6...just like Mono did to the Tower near the end of Little Nightmares 2?(more here).....or.... would they discover the same truth Six did about the all seeing eye(more here )? Discover what it planned for them, what it did to them, and if they did...would Low and Alone make the decision to accept their cruel reality for what it is.... and fight against the very creatures, the very world, which has and will continue to torment them?....honestly who's to say.
At the end of the 18 minute gameplay which was released to the public back in 2023, we see Low and Alone together as a dark mist slowly surrounds them, the same dark mist Noone saw in the Halfway place(the space between the human world and the Nowhere), the very place the eye entity has always been hiding in.
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As Low and Alone stay close together, fearful of whatever is behind the mist, they take comfort in each other's safety as they hold each other's hand. As the two hold hands, all we hear is the sound of whispers beyond the dark mist, whispers we know all too well as the whispers of the eye entity and its many eyes...the eyes are watching Low and Alone, two children who continue to surpass the spiral together...and they do not like what they see…and if they do not like what they see, then....what will they do to Low and Alone?...I guess we will have to wait and see... For now, it's just a theory...a Little Nightmares 3 theory.
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itstimetotheorize · 5 months
Otto's past, his descent into madness, and the Ferryman's schemes.
In the sounds of nightmares, Otto presented himself as a psychologist devoting his life to helping children who suffered from a number of mental and sleeping disorders, but behind this image was a past he now saw as both shameful and insane.
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We may not yet know to what extent, but Otto was once greatly interested in the field of parapsychology and metaphysics, the reason being was of course because of his big sister Sisi. As a boy, Otto faced the tragedy of losing his big sister Sisi, however, he never knew what happened to her, and odds are, no one else did either. The only thing he had left in regards to Sisi's possible whereabouts were the bizarre "dreams” she spoke of and the figure she would claim to have seen within her dreams, the Ferryman. As a result of Sisi's mysterious disappearance, we theorized Otto only involved himself in the field of parapsychology and metaphysics because it was the only field capable of giving him a chance at finding what he was desperate to find ever since he was a little boy…answers.
Otto wanted to know what happened to Sisi, and so long as there was no body, it was almost as if Otto retained this small sliver of hope in which he couldn’t help but think maybe, just maybe...Sisi was still out there somewhere...and yet... it was precisely this hope which quickly spiraled into an obsession. Throughout the sounds of nightmares, we see Otto's dedication to finding Sisi grow so extreme, he was even willing to disregard his own health and the well being of another child like Noone...but all the while I and many other theorists noticed Otto's descent into madness, we realized something...was this the first time such a situation happened with Otto?...or has his mad obsession over finding Sisi been something he retained for the majority of his life, to the point of it deciding every decision and every path he took? Even during his time in the field of parapsychology and metaphysics? If so, then...what happened in his life to finally make him push it all away and put an end to it all?
Somewhere along the line of his career, Otto had made the decision to put his experiences in the field of parapsychology and metaphysics behind him, refusing to rely on what he previously learned as he tried to convince himself it was all wrong, all so he could try to remain balanced over the years in an attempt to instead focus his career and life at the counties psychiatric institute, prioritizing logic and reason above all else.
However, amidst his former research in the strange and supernatural, Otto created a device with the capability to not only allow him to see into the dreams of others, but also experience them for himself through mutual dreaming. Through his device, Otto could connect his mind to another person and share in their dream... and yet... upon acquiring his new position at the ward, he never completed it, but why? He said he viewed it as fools work, but what led him to come to this realization after what could have been years of work and research? Was it just because he left the field and viewed it as ludicrous? Did he gradually lose interest?… or did his motivations for building such a contraption slip away as time went on?
Had the trauma and grief he faced over losing his sister truly become his drive for the paths he took in life, then it may have also been his sole motivation for building such a device, he merely needed to be reminded of his end goal to keep himself focused on completing it, the end goal being of course... finding Sisi and the one who took her from him….the Ferryman.
Otto explained how the Ferryman was no stranger to his world, he had been documented in various cultures around the world for hundreds of years as a sort of gatekeeper within dreams. Now, it’s not as if this was all new information to him, it was all documented in journals by his former colleagues, journals he kept. To hear his sister speak of the Ferryman was one thing, but to discover this being was known throughout many cultures around the world as a mythic entity guarding the entrance to another world, well, what more could Otto do but try and figure out how to see for himself if such a creature existed, through the only place he was believed to hide...dreams
So then...what finally made Otto leave his former field, lose contact with all those he knew and abandon his work on the device he once promised himself to finish? …unless….maybe it wasn’t that he gave it all up so suddenly, maybe what drove him to pursue such things finally came to a halt. Had Otto truly struggled over his sister’s disappearance for much of his life, then what if maybe …just maybe…the grief he felt everyday of his life finally led him down a path he did not want to face, but had to acknowledge nonetheless ....the path of acceptance. Before Noone arrived to his ward, Otto appeared to be someone who was content with his life, and although it still hurt anytime he thought of his sister as he mentioned her to someone else, like Noone, it was at this point in time where his entire life was no longer revolved around Sisi, almost as if at some point in the past....Otto simply accepted he would never find the answers he wanted, leaving him no other choice but to come to terms with one painful realization.... Sisi was gone... and she was never coming back. Had he truly come to terms with his loss, then there would have been no point in continuing the crazy idea of pursuing a mythical being who was only ever heard of in stories.......wait a minute.
If Otto truly came to terms with his loss and made steps to move on with his life, then…of all the things to occur in his life, how was it a child like Noone, a child with a direct link to the Ferryman, the very being whom Sisi saw, wound up walking into his life to seek treatment?...then again...what if it was no coincidence Noone found her way to Otto
In chp.5 of the sounds of nightmares, Otto was certain Noone’s next visit to the Nowhere would be her last, he did not have hope of her returning just as she did many times before, which is why he decided to take his chances and went against his promise to Noone (the promise was to not use his device on her for one night), and used his device on her anyway to see into her dreams and finally take a glimpse into the Nowhere. Sure enough... his machine worked...as he gazed upon the eye entity hiding within the halfway place. However, in chp. 6, despite his assumption of Noone being lost forever, to his(and our) surprise, Noone returned the next morning…but why?
Otto thought the Ferryman let Noone return as a way of toying with him, to make him feel powerless, but…was this truly the reason?….no…something's wrong… the way Noone spoke about finding the yellow raincoat in her previous visit to the Nowhere, the very same yellow raincoat which once belonged to Sisi, it was almost as if…Noone was being used to deliver a message, as if...the Ferryman wanted Otto to know there was a trace of Sisi within the Nowhere.
In chp6. it is revealed the Ferryman knew who Otto was, he could hear Otto, he responded to Otto's questions, he knew Otto desperately wanted to enter the Nowhere...but exactly how long has the Ferryman known about Otto? In chp. 4 Otto realized much like how he was often behind a two way mirror to observe the ignorant children within the reunion room who never knew he was there, it was always the Ferryman who was behind a veil similar to a two way mirror. The veil separated their two worlds, but it was always the Ferryman who could observe everything and everyone. The ferryman could see and hear everything, while Otto could not, and if the Ferryman was always there...watching....then...what if he was always watching Otto...since the day he targeted Sisi all those years ago, but unlike Sisi who would be swept away to the world of the Nowhere...what if...there were other plans set in store for Otto...
Otto was no normal man, he was the man who defied the impossible and created a device which could be capable of forming a link between the waking(human) world and the Nowhere. Sure his former colleagues and professor speculated the Ferryman and another world(the Nowhere) existed, and sure the Ferryman was documented for hundreds of years in various cultures from around the world, but the way the Ferryman and the Nowhere's existence were known, one could even say...the Ferryman and the eye entity wanted the humans to know they and the Nowhere existed. Amidst his struggles, Otto was certain the Ferryman was determine to keep him out of the Nowhere...so then why would the Ferryman tell him there was another way to enter the Nowhere? If what we theorize is true then...could it be the Ferryman wanted someone like Otto to find him and the Nowhere?...maybe
Through Otto, we know many people researched and speculated in the existence of the Nowhere and the creatures which resided in it. In regards to how information of the Ferryman and the Nowhere's existence was available throughout the world for other adults looking to learn more of this mythical place and being, well, perhaps Otto was not the only one willing to listen to a childs bizarre "dreams". But if there were other adults... did they ever come close to proving the Nowhere's existence or even sensing the Ferryman's presence?...honestly who's to say.
Still, out of everyone who could have pursued this mythical place, could it be none of them ever came close to proving it was truly real, let alone were capable of catching a glimpse of it for themselves? If so, then does this mean the only one who has thus far been capable of accomplishing this, was Otto?....but that's just it isn't it...it was always Otto...it had to be Otto, because unlike everyone else...it was Otto who had the drive to keep pushing to discover it all..no matter the cost. What am I trying to say? Well, if Otto is truly the only human being who was capable of creating a device to connect his world and the Nowhere, if he was truly willing to make any sacrifice to accomplish his goal to find his beloved sister Sisi, then what if maybe...just maybe...this was always what was expected of him...its what was planned for him from the start.
As previously stated, for Otto to have a child like Noone suddenly walk into his life, a child who saw the same being Sisi saw was.... suspicious. After everything he experienced and let go of in his life, and knowing the content life he had working at the ward before the drastic spiral into madness he underwent the more he learned of the Ferryman, the Nowhere, and Sisi's presence in the Nowhere through Noone, it wasn't long before I and many other theorists realized something...Otto was being led on... someone...or rather something was trying to pull Otto back into the path he strayed from, the path to finding Sisi, the Ferryman, and the world they disappeared too.
We have always known the Ferryman targeted numerous children to bring to the Nowhere, but we have always theorized certain adults' could also be targeted...if they were worthwhile... if Otto was truly one of them and if what we have theorized is true, then everything Otto did, everything Otto accomplished, and everything Otto was willing to sacrifice(including Noone) in his goals to find his big sister Sisi, was never for his benefit alone...Otto is being led to pursue his research by the very creatures which took his sister away. The only question now is...why does the Ferryman want Otto to continue his research?, is it just to obtain more innocent children to offer to the eye entity and its world...or has something bigger always been planned, they just needed a human who would help make it possible, but what could it be?...maybe we always knew...Despite his loss near the end of the sounds of nightmares, Otto became more determined than ever to find the other way into the Nowhere the Ferryman spoke of, and with a child like Ethan walking in through his doors, its as if someone...or rather something...is once again bringing forth yet another child with a link to the monsters who took Sisi away. If what we theorized is true then, Otto may very well have his wish granted...but not in the way he had hoped...but hey...it’s just a theory...a Little Nightmares theory.
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itstimetotheorize · 6 months
In the sounds of nightmares, Noone say’s those too long in the Nowhere, forget, they lose parts of themselves. It’s just as we theorized, Thin Man and Six saw Mono, but no longer remembered him, the only thing left was a sense of familiarity they couldn’t understand.
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To those who don’t know. Years ago, I and other theorists had theorized the Thin Man was a slave to the Tower, his mind infected with escapism by the Tower’s transmission just as it had done to every other Resident in the Pale City, his memories were gone, his mind guided and fueled by his own corrupted desires/instincts, he was not aware Mono was him, let alone knew who Six was. In terms of Six, we have always theorized she too was infected with escapism, but instead of a tv, it was through her music box.
Six had become addicted to the transmission and the comfort it brought her, which made it all the more painful when Mono destroyed her music box and forced her back into a reality she did not want to be a part of. In the end, Mono succeeded in severing the connection Six had to the Tower itself, he freed her from the transmission. Sadly, because of her time in the Nowhere, then later literally losing a part of herself(Dark Six) in the Pale City, followed by being corrupted by the transmission, as well as what was revealed in the 2017 comics, we theorized Six had also tragically lost her memory.
And so, despite the lingering familiarity she sensed from Mono after she became Monster Six, all this changed when she watched Mono destroy her music box, it was this moment which made Six view Mono as a threat, a stranger, rather than a friend. As a result of everything she had experienced, Six left Mono in the Tower, never knowing what Mono did to save her, and never realizing their battle was staged by the Tower itself to separate them. Six couldn’t remember anything…until later of course.
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itstimetotheorize · 6 months
The forgotten child
The Little Nightmares franchise is iconic and mysterious for many things, but nothing is more mysterious and iconic than the little yellow raincoat. While it may seem like a simple piece of clothing to some, we all inevitably come to find this single little yellow raincoat has a history of its own, and with the release of The Sounds of Nightmares podcast, its story is now deeper than ever before. I and many other theorists have covered the topic of the yellow raincoat in the past ( here), but with the release of the podcast, new information is finally brought to light.
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Theorists have pondered the true origins of the yellow raincoat many times before, but no matter what was talked about, things would always narrow down to two simple questions time and time again... where did it come from?.... and who was its original owner?
Before the release of the podcast, only two living children were seen wearing the raincoat, the girl in the yellow raincoat from Very Little Nightmares and Six. Six encountered the girl in the yellow raincoat back at the Nest, but after the girl's demise, it was the raincoat which survived, drifting away along with the ocean current .
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As for how it could have journeyed from the ocean to the deeper parts of the Pale City... well... your guess is as good as mine, but we always theorized the yellow raincoat was brought to the shores of the Pale City where it was discovered by someone else (child or Resident), then finally taken to the deeper parts of the Pale City where Mono and Six would discover it for themselves. 
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However, given Little Nightmares 2 is a prequel to Little Nightmares, there was still one more piece to the puzzle to be considered....the portrait aboard the Maw depicting a little girl wearing the yellow raincoat.
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Many theories have surrounded the girl in the portrait, but based on what little we could gather at the time, I and many other theorists had theorized the girl in the portrait could potentially be the girl in the yellow raincoat from very Little Nightmares, whether or not she is still remains unknown, but regardless, we do know this, the Maw was the last known place the yellow raincoat was active within the world of the Nowhere, before the sounds of nightmares podcast finally revealed its original owner .
In chapter 6 of the sounds of nightmares, as Noone tells of her recent visit to the Nowhere, she recounts discovering the iconic yellow raincoat in a chest filled with other small clothing. As a result of Otto's reaction, it was now clear the raincoat's original owner was none other than Sisi, a girl from the Counties and Otto's big sister no less. We have long theorized the events of the Little Nightmares podcast could potentially take place before the events of the franchise, and yet despite finally concluding the origins of the yellow raincoat, new questions have now come forth....Who is Sisi? and how does she fit into the mystery of the yellow raincoat and the world of the Nowhere?
While some have theorized Sisi could be either Six or the girl in the yellow raincoat, it wasn't long before I and many other theorists realized something, something so simple we didn't think to consider it from the start. We know years ago, in the Counties, when Otto was just a boy, Sisi made the decision to accept the Ferryman's offer to stay in the Nowhere, because of this, everyone initially attempted to find a child in the Nowhere who could be Sisi...but perhaps it was never a child we were meant to look for...perhaps...it was always someone who lost themselves throughout the years in the Nowhere.
We have always theorized time within the Nowhere was abnormal, everywhere we looked, we could see the peculiar rhythm and details of the clocks within the world and how they ran through the passage of time in many different ways (more here). Leaving many children, like the teenagers Noone encountered in chp.4, to grow up in this world of nightmares just as they would have in the world they once called home...until they too would become one of the many Residents seen throughout the Nowhere....where am I going with this?...well, what if maybe...just maybe... Sisi faced the same fate.
No one knows what happened to Sisi in the Nowhere... and yet... given everything we have been provided...maybe we were always told what happened to her, through the one thing she was known to wear...the yellow raincoat. When Sisi permanently left the Counties for the Nowhere, her yellow raincoat went with her, and wherever the raincoat was last seen, a child would have had to been there along with it. Noone found the raincoat in the Sewing room she spoke of in chp 6....but there was no child in the room besides her. The raincoat was the only thing left in the chest among other clothing in need of repairs, almost as if… the raincoat was also in need of repairs. Perhaps it was no coincidence the yellow raincoat wound up in the sewing room, because maybe...just maybe...it was never abandoned in the sewing room, let alone discovered by someone else before it was left there…no… it was brought to the puppet to be repaired…by the very person who valued it before anyone else, Sisi. If what we theorized is true, then could this potentially mean the child Otto once knew Sisi to be...was no longer a child...but a woman walking amongst the Residents in the Nowhere?...maybe. But if Sisi is truly now a grown woman then...where is she?...maybe we always knew.
As stated before, The Maw was the last place we knew the raincoat was active in the world of the Nowhere, but could this mean Sisi was at some point within the Maw and left?…or was she always there. The girl in the portrait may have worn the yellow raincoat, but does this mean the girl in the portrait was Sisi?...or was the girl in the portrait simply the child who obtained the raincoat after Sisi outgrew it...where am I going with this? well...what if Sisi did board the Maw, but rather than escape it, she remained within it, not as a child...but as the Lady of the Maw we've all come to know in Little Nightmares.
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We have always theorized many Residents within the Nowhere were once children themselves, and the "Lady" in particular was not necessarily a single person, but a title inherited through a vicious cycle of successors, where a new young girl would overthrow the former Lady of the Maw and obtain both the powers and title of "Lady" for themselves, until they too inevitably became corrupted and distorted by the world just as many Residents before. We have seen the Lady of Little Nightmares enough to theorize many things about her, but of all the things we have theorized, at some point, one can only look on at this strange woman living her silent and lonely life in the Maw, and realize she too was once a forgotten child of the world, as for who she was before all this, well... what if maybe...just maybe...she was always Sisi.
Not much is known about Sisi, let alone what her life was like, but never the less, she must have lived out a life of torment as these are the children the Ferryman is known to target to bring to the Nowhere(more here). If what we theorized about Sisi is true, and if she truly became the Lady of the Maw from Little Nightmares, then perhaps it was Sisi's desperation to find a place where she could finally get away from the chaos she lived through which inevitably left her trapped within the Maw, a structure which we have always theorized to be a living being of its own watching over the Lady, corrupting and pacifying her to never think about leaving, because without her, it would surely die... just like the Mall in the sounds of nightmares (more here). Of course, if the Residents taught us anything, its this...no life in the Nowhere is ever freed of torment, because this twisted world they reside in, thrives off it.
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The Residents of the Nowhere are fueled by their corrupted desires/base instincts, and yet no matter how much they try, their desires can never be fulfilled, they are trapped in a constant state of need for something. Despite belonging within the Maw, and despite having lived a life where she could have everything she could ever want, the Lady was not happy with the life she lived, we have seen her look on aimlessly from a distance as the Guests arrived, we have seen her stroke her hair in her silent empty quarters, cry out over the hideous monster her reflection revealed her to be and we have seen her gently stroke the head of a baby doll as a lullaby played in the background. The Lady had everything she wanted...but not what she needed...something was always missing....or rather...someone.
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Of the many portraits we have seen within the Maw, there was one portrait in particular which raised questions towards the Lady...the portrait of her standing next to a girl, the same girl we saw in another portrait wearing the yellow raincoat. We had always theorized the Lady of the Maw desired a child to stand by her side as she continued to live within the Maw, but this child was far from a daughter, she was a possession, another doll for the Lady to admire...and resent. If what we theorized about the Lady is true and if she is truly Otto's long lost Sisi, then perhaps it was the constant presence of her raincoat which hinted to her of the life she once had in the Counties with Otto, moving her to try and obtain what she no longer had...a family...even if she couldn't remember.
We have always theorized any memories the Residents had from their once human lives, were lost as the world of the Nowhere changed them, just like it did for the Sewer man in chp.5 of the sounds of nightmares, who had but a single little child's propeller hat, which we theorized once belonged to him when he was a child, but had now been tucked away, forgotten and ignored, as if it alone was the last link he had of his former life, but was now a constant reminder of both a reality he so desperately wanted to forget and a silent memory of the life he wanted to once again obtain above the sewers (more here). If the Lady had no memory of who she used to be, let alone of the life she once lived, then perhaps it was the yellow raincoat which brought back the simple desire to once again have someone by her side, leaving her willing enough to take a child for herself and not leave them in the cold prison where the rest were kept below the Maw.
However, even if the Lady decided to take a child for herself, would she have been willing to give the girl in the portrait her precious raincoat?...or did the girl find it? The Lady is not above hiding things within her quarters, so if the girl in the portrait did end up discovering the raincoat, then her actions alone would have been met with a great sense of punishment as the Lady saw her own reflection within another girl, reminding her of the person she used to be and the torment she once lived, the life she lost and the people she left behind. We've always theorized the Residents lived in a constant state of ignorance, avoiding and lashing out at any and all things which could bring their minds back to the true reality of their situation and their lives.
And so to see the Lady act the way she did when Six appeared wearing the same yellow raincoat which could have once belonged to her, and of which was later worn by the child who stood beside her in the portrait, a child who we theorized had one day abandoned her to escape, one can only imagine the sheer anger she felt to see the raincoat once again return within the hands of another child. The Lady never showed Six the mercy of turning her into a Nome like other children who faced her, no, she aimed to kill Six as she alone dared to appear within the Maw wearing a little yellow raincoat, a raincoat which never belonged to her, it belonged to someone else, the Lady herself.
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If what we theorized is true, then the Lady's end would have been met with a great sense of irony as she witnessed a reflection of herself in another girl wearing her once beloved raincoat... walking towards her to end her and obtain the powers of the Lady for herself...just as she did many years ago to the former Lady of the Maw( theorized to be the Granny),
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only this time...everything was different... because the child before her was different, as Six did the one thing she likely wished she could have done years ago, but no longer had the free will to do....leave the Maw.
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No one knows what happened to Sisi, no one knows what her life was truly like in the Counties, no one knows what happened to her in the Nowhere, and no one knows what she thought about as she left her brother behind....the only thing which remained of her now, was the yellow raincoat she once wore, a simple piece of clothing with a long and complicated past. But regardless of who Sisi was, where she is and what became of her, one thing is certain...this raincoat is far more meaningful than what was originally believed, almost as if this single little yellow raincoat...was the start of something...something big...but now...it has also become the end of it all, the end of what exactly? well...I guess we will just have to wait and see...for now, it's all just a theory...a Little Nightmares theory.
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itstimetotheorize · 6 months
A peculiar sky
...Something has been bugging me... and it has something to do with the sky. Upon the release of the Little Nightmares 3 trailer, it had become apparent nearly everyone who watched the trailer quickly noticed the heavy yellow/orange atmosphere of the desert where the Necropolis resided. This was of course strange to many because we were not accustomed to such a bright environment. But all the while I and other theorists stared at this yellow/orange sky, we realized something...since when does such a sky exist in the Nowhere?
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In Very Little nightmares we see the Nest is surrounded by a peculiar brownish green cloudy sky. In Little Nightmares we see this same peculiar sky after Six escapes the Maw, and again in the concept art of the Maw.
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Now, why is this so odd?...its because there are no blue skies in the world of the Nowhere...because there is no real sun. So then...what is the bright ball of light shining in the Nowhere? Well...what if we always knew, and what if the comics already gave us an answer.
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We have always theorized many elements of the 2017 Little Nightmares comics could still be used for future content, after all, the Ferryman's existence was still hinted to be part of the world upon discovering a picture of him and his boat in the Maw, leading many of us to realize there was still a possibility details of the discontinued comics could still be used to understand the world of Little Nightmares and the characters which continued to exist in game. And if the comics still hold some truth to them just as it did for the Ferryman, then it means the "sun" we see rising from the ocean outside the Maw, is not a sun...it's an eye.
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In the sounds of nightmares, Noone provides details about the world of the Nowhere, revealing to us the many locations observed in the world are not necessarily part of some bigger world, they are individual locations residing in individual eyes, circling around the giant pulsing red eye entity. The many eyes Noone saw is the Spiral, a cluster of dystopian lands. And just as Noone stated, the locations she encountered are all connected, but they work independently from each other, like floors to a building. What does this mean? it means the Nest and the Maw also reside in an eye, but we have theorized neither the eye's nor the eye entity itself, have the capability to mimic a true sun to create a bright blue sky, and if the eye entity cannot replicate a real sun, it cannot replicate a real moon, it simply remains hidden in the darkness within the Halfway place, radiating its bright hypnotic light and providing this light to its many eyes.
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In terms of the Mall in chp. 3 of the sounds of nightmares, well, its just as Noone said, there was no sun in the sky, and if what we have theorized about the Mall is true, then the mall was not only left to wither and die for failing to live up to its existence, but also blinded to no longer receive the power of the eye entities hypnotic light, the very light which would have helped it gain control of the mind of a child such as Noone, to make her stay.
And I know what you are thinking, "Oh, but the Pale City had a cloudy blue night sky, how is it possible for it to exist if the Nowhere is unable to replicate a sun or a moon", And I understand this....but then again...we have always theorized the Pale City was not originally part of the Nowhere....and what if maybe...just maybe...neither was the Necropolis...But hey!, it's just a theory...a Little Nightmares theory!
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itstimetotheorize · 7 months
Sisi's struggles
Near the end of chapter 6 of the sounds of nightmares, as we hear the door to the Nowhere close, we think back to all the things which made Noone inevitably see the Ferryman as her savior and finally cross the door into Nowhere. But of all the things we know pushed Noone to find an escape, there was still one person who continued to raise questions...Sisi. Noone was permitted to enter the door...but why was Sisi granted passage?...what torments in her life pushed her to leave her life behind all those years ago?
At the start of the story, we only ever heard Otto mention Sisi, however, in chp. 5 and 6, we finally learn Sisi was not only Otto's sister, but his big sister...and yet her mystery still continues. The only known connection left to her and her past resides in her little brother, Otto. 
Otto has thus far only been willing to talk about or mention a few members from his life, such as his former professor and his outer circle of colleagues from the parapsychology field. However, when it comes to the subject of family, Otto mentions no one...only Sisi.
Otto only ever talks about SiSi, as if she was the only family he ever had...then again...perhaps she truly was his only family. In chp. 5, when Noone finally sees a picture of Sisi in Otto's office, she only ever notes the one picture of Sisi and nothing else, no photos of other relatives such as a mother and/or father...as if it truly was the only picture Otto owned. Noone said from the beginning Otto and Sisi didn't look much alike, but was this just a difference in age as Sisi remained a child in the picture while Otto grew up?...or was there always more truth to Noone's observation than what we had originally believed. Where am I going with this? well...if Otto truly had no other pictures of family and if Sisi and Otto truly didn't look much alike just as Noone said...then could this mean Otto and Sisi were not actually a biologically related family, but rather two orphaned children who saw each other as family?....maybe.
But if Otto was truly the only family Sisi had to love and cherish...then why would Sisi give into the Nowhere and leave her brother behind? We know it takes a special kind of tormented child to be permitted to enter the Nowhere, so how was Sisi tormented? We only ever learn of Sisi's past from Otto and how she too came into contact with the Ferryman and eventually disappeared from the Counties, leaving Otto alone just as he said... but what swayed her to find an escape from her life in the Counties? Was she also a victim of the water sickness? Was her life filled with adults who tormented her?...or did she simply live a life filled with struggle as she alone was left with the responsibility of raising her little brother.
If Sisi and Otto were truly orphans and if Sisi was truly such a big part of Otto's life to the point of growing desperate and mad in his years attempting to figure out what had happened to her, then perhaps one of the driving factors pushing her to accept the Ferryman's aid, was her responsibility to raise her little brother all alone in the world, all the while having no one to care for her and protect her from the cruelties of their world...but was this the only driving factor for her desperation to find and accept any means to leave everything behind and finally be free of all her banes?...or did Otto have his own part to play in the matter as well. Near the end of chp. 5, as Noone proclaims Sisi had likely felt a sense of relief leaving Otto and her life in the Counties, Otto is filled with rage over her words, but before he leaves the room, something odd happens...he pauses, his tone of voice shifts, as if he is thinking back to something in his past, making him feel not only saddened but filled with guilt as he says, "I was only a boy"...why did he say this?...unless....what if maybe...just maybe...he did have a part to play in pushing Sisi away, into the world of the Nowhere. Had Sisi truly faced a life filled with struggle and torment, then could the final nail on the coffin to push her to find an escape have been not from the world she lived in...but from the little brother she cared for and loved?... honestly who's to say. 
The only question now is, what became of Sisi? Was she still a child struggling to survive in the Nowhere until finally facing her end just as many before her? ...or did this nightmarish world change her, just as it had done to so many others before her who lost themselves to "its" world, becoming another resident just like the sewer man Noone encountered in chapter 5? I guess we will have to wait and see, for now, it's just a theory....a Little Nightmares theory.
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itstimetotheorize · 7 months
In chp. 6, Ruth heard her voice speak out from the other side of the door to Nowhere, telling her to come in. She already lost a part of herself in the Nowhere, and by the end, the two voices overlapped…as if she was whole again.
Back in chp.5, Ruth told Otto she felt as if she didn’t belong to herself anymore,she had no say or control over what she did or how she felt. By the end of chp.6 when she finally got away from Otto and everything else which tormented her, it all remained the same…but worse.
She had no say or control over where she went in the Nowhere, let alone how she should feel about the horrors she saw, the Ferryman made her believe it was still better to open herself to the Nowhere rather than stay in the Counties. She inevitably looked at him as a savior
rather than a tormentor who brought her to a horrifying world. And although he remained committed to helping her as he offered his hand to her (unlike Otto), in the end, his intentions remained the same…to make her stay for the benefit of the eye entity it served.
Ruth did feel the sense of relief the Ferryman promised her, but the joy and relief she felt as she gazed at the eye entities hypnotic light, threw her mind into a state of mindless peace, just as it had done to so many others, making her forget any and all horrors she faced and saw in the Nowhere, and instead focus on what it could give her. Ruth said she felt like herself again as she gazed upon the eye entities opened eye, but she was no longer herself…and she no longer belonged to herself either, she belonged to “it” now.
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itstimetotheorize · 7 months
The sounds of nightmares chp. 6 released. After all these years, the podcast revealed the one thing we desperately wanted to know….the origins of the all seeing eye 👁…”it” hides in the dark, watching everyone…feeding…Noone is gone…she’s part of “it”now.
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itstimetotheorize · 7 months
This is the first time we didn’t hear the audio face increased interference when Otto and Noone spoke the Ferryman’s name and words…something’s wrong…it always sounded like something was trying to break through…what if it finally did.
This started after the chapter 4 session with Noone, which is ironic on account of it being the only chapter the Ferryman did not make an appearance…oh no.
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itstimetotheorize · 7 months
Those who open themselves
How odd…The bad kids Noone saw in the sewer had keys to open and close a grand iron door into the sewer, which was likely also the only exit. They saw her, but didn’t help her. They wanted to experience the giant wave running through the sewer, but couldn’t, it was to dangerous for them, and yet they still loved looking at it from afar.
Wherever it is these kids reside outside the sewers, seems to be a place they can live, but unlike the previous children Noone met, these kids seem to be happy and well adjusted,which is odd on account of all the children seen thus far have only ever wanted to escape, it’s almost as if…the kids in the sewer were among those who had already opened themselves to the Nowhere. Their joy further encouraging Noone to believe life in the Nowhere was better than her life in the Counties, something she is now willing to consider if it means she can escape everything that’s currently tormenting her…and yet…it’s as if Noone is forgetting all the horrors she saw before now, and forgetting just how cruel it can be to continue residing in the Nowhere. We’ve always theorized many children were doomed to be Residents, their minds trapped in whatever it is their desires were fixated on. We also theorized those who became Nomes, were what little remained of the their goodness and innocence.
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Noone said the disfigured man she saw in the sewer wasn’t always the way he is now, the world changed him into what he is today. As for who he used to be, well, the Nome may have already pointed it out when it showed Noone the propeller cap. Those children Noone saw looking down on her in the sewers…what if maybe, just maybe… the sewer man used to be one of them, until one day, he let his curiosity to experience the wave get the better of him. But had he decided to do so, the cold hearted children would have no interest in helping him once he stayed behind the locked iron door. As for the joy he believed he would experience from the wave, well, this would have been quickly cast aside the moment he experienced the terror Noone did.
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Noone said the sewer man was terrified of the wave, he was across from the children high above who wanted to experience what he did, while he wanted to live the life they had, but couldn’t. His desire to once again be part of the world up high from the sewers could only be met by collecting and cherishing all the things he found dropped from above, this simple desire ultimately being what distorted and corrupted him into the Resident he is now.
Noone believes one can achieve a sense of relief by opening oneself to the Nowhere, and yet…what she becomes if she does open up…may only lead to a life no different than the sewer mans. The only question now is, will Noone be the one to seek this relief in order to accomplish her desperate desire to escape all the things she hates?…or will it be someone like Otto, who continues to fall deeper and deeper into turmoil along with her, desperate to accomplish his desire to find his beloved CiCi…I guess we will have to wait and see, for now, its just a theory…a Little Nightmares theory…
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itstimetotheorize · 7 months
Otto reveals the Ferryman alone has been documented in stories for hundreds of years in different cultures all around the world, all of which say he is a mythical being guarding the entry to another world. People knew he existed, but his existence was greatly ignored by many and considered nothing more than a myth. The people(like parapsychologists) who either believe in him and/or researched him in those stories, were also labeled as nothing but crazy. The Parapsychologists, people who study psychic phenomena and the paranormal, say the Ferryman/Candleman is better known as “The Guardian at the threshold”.
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itstimetotheorize · 7 months
The Sounds of Nightmares chp.5 is out. Otto used a machine to see Noone’s dreams. The thing he saw…an ovular shape, splitting across the center. As it opened, he saw a pupil shining so bright it’s as if it glared like the sun…“it’s”here…and “it’s” watching him.
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
Don’t break the seal…
Otto’s reaction to finding out the Nowhere was physically real is expected. He didn’t believe Noone could actually feel and sense things in the places she saw, he always tried to rationalize it all and later assumed Nowhere was just a dream realm.
Now we know why they kept referring to a place like the Counties as the real world despite the Nowhere also being real. What Noone saw was so horrifying, it couldn’t possibly be real, it had to be just a little nightmare.
Noone described the Nowhere as a place that is and isn’t. You can’t just find it, but there is a way to reach it and travel to it, you just need to find the way to see through the veil it hides behind. However, even when you finally see it, crossing the seal which holds the two worlds together may not be the best choice, after all, we’ve always known it takes a special kind of child to cross the seal and reach the Nowhere…but we have always theorized it takes a special kind of grown up to break the seal…and let it into the other side…The Pale City taught us this…
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but hey…it’s just a theory… a Little Nightmares theory.
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
Hm…in chp.2 of The Sounds of Nightmares, Noone determined she was not like the moths who were drawn to the light, as if they were under a spell. But in chp.4 she notices how beautiful the lights really are, she becomes mesmerized by them, losing focus…oh no
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
Amazing. In the sounds of nightmares chp.4, Otto asks Noone if all the places she’s seen were always parts of a bigger world, but she gives a yes no answer. These places are all connected, yet they all work independently, like a building with multiple floors.
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
The sounds of nightmares, Ch. 4 teaser.
Otto: “I need to see it for myself”
Noone: “See it yourself!? Your supposed to help me avoid going there!”
Otto: “I need to reach it with you”
Noone: “Well you can’t even get there!”
……but what if he did….
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itstimetotheorize · 8 months
Low's little cape and mask make me wonder if he envisions himself as a superhero of sorts, while Alone's goggles, jumpsuit and wrench make it seem like she has been in the Necropolis for quite some time.
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