jmaddrox66 · 5 months
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Take that, Logan.
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jmaddrox66 · 6 months
King Thor: He's absorbing the blast into himself. Gorr: That's not possible! King Thor: Aye, then let us watch the impossible together!
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jmaddrox66 · 10 months
Because a leader knows, it's not so hard to die for your people. It's hard to order your people to die for you. And leading with certainty into an uncertain future doesn't require sight. It requires vision.
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
The Avengers don't get to negotiate on behalf of mutantkind. The Scarlet Witch is coming with us. The X-Men will hold her accountable for her crimes...or I will burn the Witch where she stands.
Scott Summers/Cyclops
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
I'm looking for the next leader of the X-Men...I never said it had to be Sam.
Scott Summers/Cyclops
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
The Professor used to tell me the most important part of leading wasn't personality, tactics, or training. It was doing whatever it takes to get your team back alive. Bring them back, Sam. All of them.
Scott Summers/Cyclops
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
Sinister. Magneto. Apocalypse. Idealists, every one. You can't buy yourself off this by saying you meant well. ... The core you built the rest of us around was a lie. You took us apart and reassembled us, the way a soldier does with a rifle, but at the end of the day, Professor -- a soldier goes into battle himself.
Scott Summers/Cyclops
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
You closed your eyes last night believing this world would be yours forever. That was your dream. And like mine...it was a lie. Here is the new truth: While you slept, the world changed.
Charles Xavier, House of X
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, "Jakesully", and we will see if your insanity can be cured.
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
John only knew how to respond to people in three ways. If you were a superior, he obeyed you. If you were a teammate, he'd die for you. If you were the enemy -- God help you.
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jmaddrox66 · 1 year
You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight and you'll shag and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children. It's blood.
Spike aka William the Bloody
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jmaddrox66 · 2 years
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Redditors crashed the website with donations over $25k and 0 wishes left. via /r/MadeMeSmile
Click here and follow to get more daily positivity on your dash!
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jmaddrox66 · 3 years
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I've read their minds. They still see me as a time-lost, brash, headstrong kid in a leather jacket. So I'm forced to see myself that way. And I hate it. Because I am not my past.
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jmaddrox66 · 3 years
One Last Ride
It was the headline of the last email I sent to someone I knew for 18 years. She may have read something sexual in that (which isn’t why she stopped talking to me), but I meant it as it was my final attempt to contact her. We’d been friends, partners, and a lot of things in between. For the last 2 years or so we’ve been intermittent with the communication.
I hit a rough patch a couple months ago though. She said she would be there if I needed to talk. She wasn’t. So I went a little off the rails as my meds continued to fail. Got weird. Did anything I could think of to try to prompt some kind of response so I could have her talk me down.Given her husband is uncomfortable with me being friends with her (it’s a whole thing) I probably should have expected things to end as they did.
She was right about something though. My “apologies” were a bit insincere. They were an attempt to, as she said, “guilt” her into talking to me. Initially, at least. I wasn’t medicated for several of them. The last one I was thinking more clearly for. She didn’t seem to recall her offer to be there to talk with me about such dark thoughts.
It’s ok. I may have been suicidal, but I’m dead to her now and vice versa. She was right. There’s nothing between us but some fond memories. Time to let the past stay there, to let it die. Soon enough she won’t even be a fond memory. She’ll be just another ghost. A wisp of someone that used to mean something to me. Ethereal.
0 notes
jmaddrox66 · 3 years
History is written on the sands of Arrakis. A chapter has ended, swept away by the whirlwind. One door has closed, but another has opened. And on the other side... our future...
Ghanima Atreides, Children of Dune mini series
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jmaddrox66 · 3 years
Just another day
I got low. Lower than I had ever been. I looped the electrical cord several times around a beam in the garage. I tied a noose and placed my head through it. Stepping off the chair it held my weight. Panic set in. I tried again another day with a similar result. Another failure in a life full of them. I needed someone to talk to, someone that would understand, who said I could always talk to her. I tried to get her attention, hoped for the smallest sliver, got desperate, and then exiled.
I deserved it, I was stupid. Trying to get her to talk to me first before telling her the why. How far gone I had been. When my eyes closed in that noose, next to the fear, I felt a sense of peace mixed in. Maybe I’ll find it again. I hope so. 
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jmaddrox66 · 3 years
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Cyclops didn’t ask me. He gave me an order. I’ll let you know when I get another one.
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