kahu-learns · 3 years
I really wanna sweet talk my boyfriend in Arabic, do you have any sweet/flirty phrases for me? I love your blog btw
Hello, anon! I’m verysorry for answering late, I was away last month and I just returned.
This is a very cute ask! I’ll make a list in Modern Standard Arabic,I hope you’ll find this helpful ^^
أحبك (uhibbuka)I love you
 حبيبي (habeebi)my beloved
عزيزي(azeezi) mydear
 أنت روحي (antaroohi) you are my soul
 تعجز الكلمات عن وصف حبي لك(taa’jazul- kalimaatu an wasfi hubbee lak) words cannot describe my love foryou
أنت أغلى من عيوني(anta aghlaa mn oyooni) you are more precious than my eyes
 افتقدتك كثيرًا (iftaqadtukakatheeran) I missed you so much
اقترب مني (iqtarib minnee) come closer to me
قبلني  (qabblnee) kiss me
ضمني إليك  (dhummaniilayk)  hold me(close to you)
أنت أروع شخص التقيت به  (anta arwa’u shakhsin iltaqaytu bih) you arethe most wonderful person I’ve met
 حبك يسري في عروقي  (hubbukayasri fee urooqi) your love flows in my veins
 لا أقوى على فراقك  (laa aqwaa a’laafuraaqeka) I can’t bear being separated from you (i.e. I’m not strong enough)
  لا تتركني (laa tatruknee) don’t leave me
خذ بيدي ولا تتركها  (khuth byadi wa laa tatruk-haa) take my hand and don’t let go
  قلبي لك وحدك  (qalbee lakawahdaka) my heart is yours alone
 أنت نور عيوني (anta nooru oyooni) you are the light of my eyes
لا أستطيع العيش بدونك (laa astatee’u alaysha bidoonek) I can’t live without you
ليس للحياة معنى بدونك (laysa lel hayaati maa’nan bidoonek) life has no meaning without you
رؤيتك تملؤني بالسعادة (ru’yatuka tamla’uni bissaada) seeing you fills me with happiness
ابتسامتك ساحرة (ibtisaamatuka saahira) your smile is charming
أنت وسيم (anta waseem)  you’re handsome 
أحببتك من أول نظرة (ahbabtuka mn awwali nathra) I loved you at first sight
أشعر بالأمان و أنت بجانبي (ash’uru bl amaani wa anta bi jaanibee) I feel safe when you’re next to me
أنت أكثر شخص يفهمني (anta aktharu shakhsin yafhamunee) you’re the person who understands me the most
أنت أغلى ما في حياتي(anta aghlaa ma amluk) you’re the most precious thing in my life
حبي لك لا ينتهي (hubbee laka la yantahee) my love for you has no end
هل تريدني أن أقبلك؟(hal tureedunee an uqabbilak?) do you want me to kiss you?
معك لا أشعر بالوقت (ma’aka laa ash’uru bl waqt) with you I don’t feel time 
تختفي همومي عندما أراك (takhtafee humoomee ‘indamaa araak) my worries disappear when I see you 
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kahu-learns · 3 years
[drags hands down face]
I want to learn all the languages
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kahu-learns · 3 years
A useful video! The video is in Irish but English subtitles are available
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kahu-learns · 3 years
Addirittura - meanings
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Certo, copio e incollo la tua submission qui @coolmevrouwtje, così mi è più facile fare un post veloce e spiegarti come usare la parola “addirittura”. …davvero la consideri addirittura bella? - Do you really consider it to be even beautiful? This is just an example ;) , but I’m going to write down a better explanation (hopefully), as the meanings sometimes might seem pretty similar and it’s not so easy to explain them all: Addirittura is an adverb and it can be used in a few ways: 1) As in the example I wrote before, it means “even” (perfino); it works mostly as an interjection and it stresses how extraordinary can be a fact, a condition, a quality: E’ andata addirittura dal medico per un raffreddore! - She even went to the doctor for just a cold! Sì dimenticò addirittura di salutarlo - She even forgot to greet him. Dovrai aspettare un po’ di giorni se non addirittura settimane - You’ll have to wait a few days if not/even several weeks Non solo ha vinto la gara, ha addirittura battuto il record del mondo - He not only won the race, he even beat the world record Si è addirittura sentito il colpo da qui - We even heard the blow from here
2) It might also mean: “completely, definitely, absolutely” (assolutamente, completamente), and, as above, it works as an interjection used to stress a fact:  Un simile atteggiamento è addirittura inconcepibile - Such an attitude is absolutely inconceivable Sei addirittura esagerato - You’re completely overreacting
3) Meaning “even, really” (nientedimeno che), especially as an emphatic response or in an ironic way: “Non gli parlerò più!” “Addirittura!” - “I won’t ever speak to him again!” “Oh, come on!” ”Ho dovuto pagare una bella somma” “Addirittura!” - “I had to pay a lot” “Really??!!” “Tra gli invitati alla festa di Giovanni c'era anche (addirittura) il sindaco” “Addirittura!” - “Among the guests at Giovanni’s party, there was (even) the mayor” “You’re kidding me!” “Nessuno sa dire la mia età con esattezza, mi danno al massimo 18 anni” “Addirittura!” - Nobody can exactly tell my correct age, they say I look 18″ “No way!/Really?!/As young as that!/Get away with you/Come off with it/You’re kidding me/You don’t say!” “Ieri ho bevuto 7 birre” “Addirittura!” - “Yesterday I had 7 beers” “As many as that!/You don’t say!Really?!” In this context, it is used with a few meanings according to the tone/feeling you want to express, as I tried to show especially in the latest examples. They generally can be summed up as the following ones (and closer ones): - “Really? / Seriously? / Ah, don’t say so!” - “Is that so?” (more indignant/scornful) - “You’re joking / You’re kidding me” (more surprised/informal)
4) Meaning “straight away” (direttamente):  Non si è limitato a telefonare, è venuto qui addirittura - He didn’t just phone, he came here straight away.  5) Meaning “long ago, as far back as” and referring to something that happened back in the past, as a time complement (complemento di tempo): Queste pitture rupestri sembra risalgano addirittura a 17′000 anni fa. - These cave paintings are believed to date as far back as 17′000 years. 
I hope I made this clear enough (and that I haven’t forgot anything), if not let me know! Ciao
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kahu-learns · 3 years
this is definitely not the link to a google drive with free mandarin chinese practice books, definitely not
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kahu-learns · 3 years
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kahu-learns · 3 years
Icelandic grammatical cases | Cloud
There’s not a single cloud in the sky. // Það er ekki eitt ský á himni. // nom, sing, indef. We saw a cloud that looked like a whale. // Við sáum ský sem leit út eins og hvalur. // acc, sing, indef. The kitchen was covered with a white cloud of flour. // Eldhúsið var þakin með hvítum skýi af mjöl. // dat, sing, indef. The cat was startled by a cloud’s shadow. // Köttunum varð bilt við skugga skýs. // gen, sing, indef.
The cloud slowly floated across the sky. // Skýið sveif hægt yfir himininn. // nom, sing, def. Look at the cloud over there, it’s so fluffy! // Sjáðu skýið þarna, það er svo dúnmjúkt! // acc, sing, def. The bird flew after its siblings towards the cloud. // Fuglinn flaug á eftir systkinum sínum í átt að skýinu. // dat, sing, def. The kid laughed at the cloud’s shape. // Barnið hló að löguninni skýsins. // gen, sing, def.
Thick clouds completely hid the moon. // Þykk ský huldu tunglið alveg. // nom, pl, indef. She loves to paint clouds and birds. // Hún elskar að mála ský og fugla. // acc, pl, indef. The building was full of clouds of black smoke. // Byggingin var full af skýjum af svörtum reyk. // dat, pl, indef. I can rarely see the sky because of clouds. // Ég get sjaldan séð himininn vegna skýja. // gen, pl, indef.
The dark clouds were still looming on the horizon. // Dökku skýin voru að vofa enn yfir sjóndeildarhringnum. // nom, pl, def. Light shone through the clouds. // Ljós skein í gegnum skýin. // acc, pl, def. The wind blew the clouds away. // Vindurinn feykti skýjunum burt. // dat, pl, def. The plane disappeared among the clouds. // Flugvélin hvarf meðal skýjanna. // gen, pl, def.
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kahu-learns · 3 years
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kahu-learns · 3 years
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Ingredients: • 5 dl milk • 50 g yeast • 1 egg • 1 ½ - 2 dl sugar • 1 tbsp cardamom • 1 ½ - 2 tsp salt • about 1 kg (15-16 dl) wheat flour • 150 g butter • 1 more egg to brush the pulla with • sugar for decoration (• butter if you want to make voisilmäpulla)
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Instructions: 1. Dissolve the yeast into lukewarm milk 2. Add egg, sugar, salt, and cardamom and mix 3. Add flour little by little, mixing first with a whisk, then kneading with hand, but leave some of it to be added after butter 4. Add melted (but not hot!) butter 5. Continue adding flour until the dough is soft and elastic but doesn’t stick to the bowl and your hands (you learn to add just the right amount by practicing) 6. Cover the dough with a clean dishtowel and let rise in a warm place until doubled (about 30min) 7. Shape the dough into equally sized buns 8. Brush the buns with egg wash and sprinkle sugar on them (If you want to make voisilmäpulla, push a hole on the top of each pulla with your finger and put some butter in them) 9. Heat the oven to 225 °C and bake the buns on the middle rack for 10 minutes or until golden brown 10. Enjoy!
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kahu-learns · 3 years
克制 ke4 zhi4 to restrain, to control, restraint, self-control
约束 「約束」 yue1 shu4 to restrict, to limit to, to constrain, restriction, constraint
投奔 tou2 ben4 to seek shelter, to seek asylum 
官吏 guan1 li4 bureaucrat, official
任职 「任職」 ren4 zhi2 to hold an office or post
掌管 zhang3 guan3 in charge of, to control
执法 「執法」 zhi2 fa3 to enforce a law
不循私情 bu4 xun2 si1 qing2
侍从 「侍從」 shi4 cong2 chamberlain in imperial china
劝谏 「勸諫」 quan4 jian4 to admonish
表率 biao3 shuai4 example, model
威信 wei1 xin4 prestige, reputation, trust, credit with the people
廉洁 「廉潔」 lian2 jie2 honest, not coercive, honesty, integrity, incorruptible 
克己奉公 「剋己奉公」 ke4 ji2 feng4 gong1 self-restraint and devotion to public duties, selfless dedication, to serve the public interest wholeheartedly
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kahu-learns · 3 years
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By “not-so-popular languages” I mean languages that not many people in the langblr community are learning. Albanian Memrise Loecsen Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BABADADA Basque  Memrise Digital Dialects BABADADA
Belarusian Memrise Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA Bosnian Memrise Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BABADADA Breton Memrise Loecsen Bulgarian Memrise Mondly Loecsen Innovative Language Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects BABADADA Catalan Memrise Loecsen Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BABADADA Croatian Memrise Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects BABADADA Easy Languages Czech Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Innovative Language Loecsen Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Danish Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Innovative Language Loecsen Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Estonian Memrise Loecsen Goethe Verlang Oneness City Digital Dialects BABADADA Galician Memrise BABADADA Greek Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Innovative Language Loecsen Goethe Verlang Linguti Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Easy Languages
Hungarian Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Innovative Language Loecsen Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Easy Languages Icelandic Memrise Mango Languages Digital Dialects BABADADA Irish Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Digital Dialects Latvian Memrise Loecsen Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BABADADA Easy Languages Lithuanian Memrise Loecsen Goethe Verlang Oneness City Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Luxembourgish Memrise Macedonian Memrise Goethe Verlang Languages Online BABADADA Maltese Memrise Digital Dialects BABADADA Montenegrin Memrise Romanian Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Innovative Language Loecsen Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Scottish Gaelic Memrise Mango Languages Digital Dialects Serbian  Memrise Mango Languages Loecsen Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Easy Languages Slovak Memrise Mango Languages Loecsen Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BABADADA Slovene Memrise Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BABADADA Ukrainian Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Easy Languages Welsh Memrise Duolingo Digital Dialects BABADADA
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kahu-learns · 3 years
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By “not-so-popular languages” I mean languages that not many people in the langblr community are learning. Armenian Memrise Mango Languages Loecsen BABADADA Azerbaijani Memrise Mango Languages BABADADA Bengali Memrise Mango Languages Goethe Verlang BABADADA Burmese Memrise Loecsen Cebuano Memrise Digital Dialects BABADADA Filipino/Tagalog Memrise Mango Languages Innovative Language Digital Dialects Internet Polyglot BABADADA Easy Languages
Georgian Memrise Goethe Verlang Hebrew Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Innovative Language Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA
Hindi Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Innovative Language Digital Dialetcs Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA Easy Languages
Indonesian Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Innovative Language Languages Online Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA Easy Languages Javanese Memrise Mango Languages Digital Dialects BABADADA Kannada Memrise Goethe Verlang Kazakh Memrise Mango Languages BABADADA Khmer Memrise BABADADA Kurdish Memrise Digital Dialects BABADADA Kyrgyz Memrise BABADADA Malay Memrise Mango Languages Digital Dialects BABADADA Easy Languages Malayalam Memrise Mango Languages Marathi Memrise Goethe Verlang BABADADA Mongolian Memrise Digital Dialects BABADADA Nepali Memrise BABADADA Pashto Memrise Mango Languages Digital Dialects BABADADA Persian Memrise Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA Punjabi Memrise Mango Languages Goethe Verlang BABADADA Tamil Memrise Mango Languages Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA Easy Languages Telugu Memrise Mango Languages Goethe Verlang Thai Memrise Mango Languages Mondly Innovative Language Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA Easy Languages Tibetan Memrise Digital Dialects Turkish Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Innovative Language Languages Online Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang Internet Polyglot BABADADA Easy Languages BaBaDum Urdu Memrise Mango Languages Innovative Language Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang BABADADA Vietnamese Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Mondly Loecsen Innovative Language Digital Dialects Goethe Verlang BABADADA Easy Languages
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kahu-learns · 3 years
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By “not-so-popular languages” I mean languages that not many people in the langblr community are learning. Acholi Memrise Live Lingua Afrikaans Memrise Mondly Innovative Language Goethe Verlang Digital Dialects BaBaDum BABADADA Thematic Dictionary Easy Languages Amharic Memrise Live Lingua Internet Polyglot The 200 Word Project BABADADA Thematic Dictionary Anufo Live Lingua  Bambara Memrise Live Lingua Basaa Live Lingua Bassar Live Lingua Bemba Live Lingua Live Lingua Chewa Memrise Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 Ciluba Live Lingua Crioulo Memrise Live Lingua Ewe Memrise Live Lingua BABADADA Fante Live Lingua Fon Live Lingua Fula Memrise Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 Live Lingua 3 Live Lingua 4 Live Lingua 5 Hausa Memrise Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 The 200 Word Project Herero BABADADA Ifé Live Lingua Igbo Memrise Mango Languages Live Lingua The 200 Word Project Ikposso Live Lingua Jahanka Live Lingua Jola  Live Lingua Kabiye Live Lingua Kanuri Live Lingua Kaonde Memrise Khoekhoe Easy Languages Kikamba Live Lingua Kinyarwanda Memrise Kirundi Memrise Live Lingua BABADADA Kituba Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 Konkomba Live Lingua Kreol Live Lingua Krio Live Lingua Kriolu Live Lingua Lamba Live Lingua Lingala Memrise Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 Thematic Dictionary Luganda Memrise Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 Lunyoro Live Lingua Maasai Live Lingua Madi Live Lingua Malagasy Memrise Live Lingua Thematic Dictionary Mandinka Memrise Live Lingua Maninka Live Lingua Mende  Live Lingua Moba  Live Lingua Mooré Memrise Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 Easy Languages Ndonga Live Lingua Oromo Memrise Live Lingua Digital Dialects Oshikwanyama Live Lingua BABADADA Oshiwambo Memrise Easy Languages Sango Thematic Dictionary Sara Live Lingua Sarahulle Live Lingua Sesotho Memrise Live Lingua Setswana Memrise Live Lingua BABADADA Shimaore Thematic Dictionary Siswati Memrise Live Lingua Shona Memrise Live Lingua BABADADA Somali Memrise Digital Dialects BABADADA Thematic Dictionary Soninke Memrise Live Lingua Susu Live Lingua Swahili Memrise Duolingo Mango Languages Innovative Language Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 Internet Polyglot Digital Dialects The 200 Word Project BABADADA Thematic Dictionary Easy Languages Tamazight Memrise Live Lingua BABADADA Thematic Dictionary Tashelhit Live Lingua Tem Live Lingua Temne Live Lingua Tigrinya Memrise BABADADA Twi Memrise Live Lingua 1 Live Lingua 2 The 200 Word Project Wolof Memrise Live Lingua The 200 Word Project Thematic Dictionary Xhosa Memrise The 200 Word Project BABADADA Yoruba Memrise Live Lingua Zarma Memrise Live Lingua Zulu Memrise The 200 Word Project Thematic Dictionary
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kahu-learns · 3 years
Captivating spoken word poem about being gay. There are subtitles in Irish available for it but not English ones so I didn’t get everything that was said but it’s still nice to give it a listen
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kahu-learns · 3 years
30 Parole || 100daysoflanguages 17
Here some random (and occasionally odd) Italian words. 
1) astruso (adj.) - abstruse 2) favellare (v.) - to speak 3) lapalissiano (adj.) - obvious (“the truth of La Palice” - Lapalisse - Lapalissiano) 4) mentecatto (n., adj.) - crazy, stupid (blockhead) 5) la peripatetica (n.) - prostitute 6) procrastinare (v.) - procrastinate 7) lo sproloquio (n.) - rambling speech 8) subitaneo (adj.) - sudden 9) tracotante (adj.) - arrogance, pride 10) zuzzurellone (n., adj.) - overgrown schoolboy, romp 11) desueto (adj.) - obsolete, archaic 12) ammaliare (v.) - to bewitch 13) forbito (adj.) - polished, refined  14) luculliano (adj.) - refined food, gastronomically splendid/ostentatious (refined lunch = pranzo luculliano - from Lucullo)  15) trasecolare (v.) - to be dumbfounded, astonished, boggled 16) bislacco (adj.) - eccentric, bizarre 17) meditabondo (adj.) - meditative, toughtful, pensive 18) gaglioffo (furfante) (n., adj.) - lout, rascal 19) obnubilare (v.) - to obscure, to cloud someone’s senses or psyche 20) lo smargiasso (n.) - show-off, braggart 21) artefatto (adj.) - artifical, factitious 22) la ramanzina (n.) - telling-off, ginving a talking-to, to scold 23) pleonastico (adj.) - pleonastic 24) apostrofare (v.) - to reproach, to slam someone, to harangue 25) ridondante (v.) - redundant, excessive 26) l’alterco (n.) - argument, disagreement, dispute 27) ignavo (adj.) - indolent [l’ignavia (n.) = sloth, indolence] 28) stolido (n., adj.) - stolid, not smart 29) vetusto (adj.) - ancient, very old 30) la zitella (n.) - spinster, old maid (unmarried woman)
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kahu-learns · 3 years
説明 vs 解説
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kahu-learns · 3 years
《岁月神偷》 by 金玟岐 Jin Wenqi
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