loveforpreserumsteve · 18 hours
Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
THE HOUSE WAS in a tizzy. More maids than usual had arrived early to clean all of the nooks and crannies. Making sure to get all the places that Steve couldn't reach. Practically making everything seem brand new despite the brownstone being over a century old. Steve wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to maintain this level of cleanliness once his family left to return to Arkansas. And while Steve did appreciate the work that Bucky's employees were achieving, he felt useless for not helping them in some way. Even post-partum, Steve's nesting hormones were still present. Perhaps more so now than when he was preparing for Mia's arrival.
"It's alright, sir," one of the maids assured, "This is what we're hired to do. This is what we do to show our appreciation for the King and all that He does for us."
After trying to wipe the counter down once more – and being stopped by an annoyed blonde – Steve sighed and caved. Returning to the living room so he could – at least – pick up Mia's toys and carry them up to the nursery. Sure, she hadn't really played with any of her toys since she was only approaching her seventh week of life, but whenever she looked at their soft, colorful bodies, her steel-blue eyes would light up.
"There, there, dear," Steve heard come from the baby monitor clipped to his hip. Brows furrowing, Steve turned the volume up to see if Mia was fussing. From what he could hear, she wasn't. Which made him wonder why someone was in her nursery. No one was supposed to be in there, and the staff knew that. Especially the regulars.
Arms full of wearable rattles and soft blocks, Steve rushed up the stairs to the second level of the house. His heart was beating nearly out of his chest and his breath was getting close to hyperventilating, but he didn't stop. He didn't stop running until he reached the unguarded nursery.
In the dimly lit room, a brunette was holding Mia. Cradling her tiny frame close to her bosom as she caressed the side of Mia's face. Instantly, fear shot up and down his spine as he asked, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Removing her gaze from his baby, she simply said, "I decided that it was about time I met my niece."
Steve's gaze ran over the strange woman. Tall, lean, and malignant. Her soft voice and curves reminded Steve of animals that distracted and disguised themselves to appear non-threatening so their prey wouldn't know any better. He felt trapped as she leaned down to kiss Mia's head, right where her horn nubs usually resided but were now hiding beneath.
"Put her down," Steve demanded, his entire body shaking with his fear and determination, "Now."
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," the woman clicked her tongue while she shook her head. "That's no way to address a Queen."
"You're not my queen," Steve argued, standing his ground.
At that, the brunette narrowed her eyes at Steve. Clearly offended, she menacingly crossed the room to him. "How dare you, you insignificant pest beneath my feet. You are nothing. You might have grown my niece in your human womb, but I could easily end you right now. I should end your miserable existence since you're only good for one thing: as an incubator. And even then there are stronger, more desirable humans that my brother could have chosen instead of you, a weak, broken omega. One of these days I'm going to devour your soul just so I can shit it back out and put you in your correct place."
Tears were blurring his vision, but he wasn't hurt by Bucky's sister's words. Oh no, he was frightened for his daughter. Clearly, Mia's aunt wasn't stable. Not even for a Hell Queen. Correction: Maveth Queen. Correction, correction: Who the fuck cares about what dark dimension she ruled?!
"Give me my daughter."
Her snake-like eyes flitted along his features. As they changed to the same stormy eyes that Bucky had and that Mia had, Steve held his breath. For a moment, he expected her to hiss like a snake's warning.
"Give her to him, Re'beck."
Deep, like the depths of Hell, an unfamiliar silky voice instructed. The woman, Re'beck, Queen of Maveth, listened to the man. As though Mia was fragile, precious, she handed the baby to Steve. Once she was in his arms, Steve cradled her tightly to himself and backed up to the wall, so he could keep his eyes on the strangers.
"It's alright, Steven. You have nothing to fear here," the man said, stepping into the office-turned-nursery.
Almost as soon as his eyes took in the man, Steve involuntarily gasped. He had never given Bucky's sole parent much thought, but whenever he did, the man was a grotesque caricature of what a man was supposed to look like. Always looking like a monster rather than an actual person. And, boy, was he hit over the head with those imaginings. Especially since the man standing there was really just an older version of Bucky. Handsome, devastatingly so. Strong, obviously. Older, yes. Dapper, debonair, and dazzling. Just like Bucky. Not that Steve was going to tell his alpha that though.
"Please," the man continued, "Don't take offense to my daughter. She's a sensitive soul, even though she denies it, and lashes out when her feelings get hurt."
For a moment, he just watched Steve. All Steve could do was stare at him with his mouth hanging open as he gazed upon the deity. Then, the man reached his hand out towards him and Steve flinched away from him. He couldn't do much more than flinch though as his legs were now numb like dead weight. The man wiped at Steve's face, coming back with wet fingertips.
Brows furrowed, the man, the devil, the whoever-the-fuck looked down at his hand as though he had never seen tears before. But surely he had. Right? There must be plenty of followers who had expressed one's emotions in such a way befo–
"What's going on here?"
A grin stretched at the older man's lips as he turned to face the doorway. Greeting Bucky, "Son!"
"Father," Bucky's gaze went from his dad to his sister to Steve and then back. He repeated, "What's going on here?"
"Just meeting the in-laws," Re'beck teased.
"I'm not sure that's wise," Bucky took a step closer to Steve and Mia.
"And why isn't it?" Re'beck asked, giving Steve A Look that only struck deeper fear inside of the petite omega and brought more tears to his eyes.
"They're not devotees," Bucky clarified. "And when's the last time you were around humans for any significant amount of time?"
"Oh, please," Re'beck scoffed. "It can't be that hard since you've been here."
Not taking her bait, Bucky instead wrapped Steve in his embrace, leading the omega to the primary bedroom. Once there, Bucky turned to face Steve. The omega was still silently crying. Worriedly, Bucky looked over Steve's face, clearly trying to find something.
Despite his shock and confusion and fear, Steve weakly assured, "I'm okay."
"No," Bucky shook his head, "You're not."
Steve didn't argue.
"Maybe you should lay down," Bucky suggested, crossing the bedroom to the king bed so he could start turning it down.
Steve did argue then. "I can't just take a nap."
"You can take a moment to yourself," Bucky attempted to appease him.
Shaking his head, Steve remained where Bucky had put him. Mia was starting to get fussy, so Steve started swaying her. Not that it did much of anything. Sighing, Steve took a seat on the bed and unbuttoned his shirt and pushed aside the supporter.
"So, that's your family?" Steve asked as Mia fed.
Steve nodded, caressing Mia's cheek. Bucky added, "I didn't know they were coming."
"That makes two of us," Steve joked.
Then, the doorbell rang throughout the brownstone.
Hi, hello! I hope you're all doing well! Sorry for not being very active lately. I had writer's block and dealing with my health. My primary doctor even suggested medicinal marijuana usage, which I'm trying to get used to. It's doing well with my full body chronic pain, but it's been putting me in such a fog mentally. So, I've been trying to get all of that right. 😂 But that's not all! I've also been adapting one of my earlier fics so I can self-publish it the way I did with the other adaptations! Anyway, I hope you're all doing well wherever you are! Much love and appreciation Minnie ❤❤❤ P.S. To keep up to date with me and when I'm posting, follow me on instagram!
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loveforpreserumsteve · 2 months
Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
THURSDAY EVENING, Steve decided that he needed to learn more about his – not his, well, maybe not his – alpha. Really, he should've started asking more questions sooner, but he was a little preoccupied with first baby fever and then pregnancy brain. So, now it was time to rectify that and learn all that he could before his family arrived and started asking questions. No, they wouldn't be the same questions as the ones Steve was going to be asking, but he still needed to know what he needed to know.
With the baby monitor clipped to his flannel pajama pants, Steve left the master bedroom. Briefly, he peeked into the office-turned-nursery to see that Mia was sound asleep. Quietly, he closed the door to a crack and continued down the hallway.
Hanging around at the library entrance, two of the night guards were relaxing until they saw Steve, then they stood to greet him. The more senior of the pair asked, "Is there anything we can do for you, sir?"
"It's Steve, Timothy," he reminded, then reassured, "And no, thank you. Just... going on a midnight stroll."
"Very well," he nodded and then sat down again.
Spotting the thick novel in his lap, Steve said, "That's a good one. I'm anticipating the sequel like nobody's business."
"Agreed. I keep rereading this until the sequel drops," the mustached man said. With Timothy's attention on the book, Steve started upstairs. When Steve was on the third step, Timothy said, "And since we're being so informal, I'd like for you to call me, Dum Dum."
"Dum Dum?"
"It's because he's a dumbass," the other guard, Jim, teased.
Steve smirked, "At least he's upfront about it, I guess."
"Exactly, kiddo," Dum Dum turned the page. Adding, "And The King is downstairs."
"Couldn't have told me that before?" Steve teased, changing direction to head down to the main level of the house.
A single light was on in the living room, so Steve quietly approached the entryway. Not wanting to disturb the alpha, Steve just watched him for a moment. He couldn't deny that Bucky was a handsome man in an old Hollywood type of way. Debonair, dazzling. Even just sitting there on the chaise, reading in front of the fire.
Gently, Steve lifted his hand to knock his knuckle on the opening's frame. Tearing his gaze away from the book, a slow smile took hold on his face as he found Steve standing there. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah," Steve entered the living room. Taking a seat on the sofa across from him, Steve started, "We need to talk."
"Okay," Bucky closed the book, "About what?"
"About you."
"Yeah, you. What do you do? Where are you from? What do you look like? I mean, there's so much that I don't know about you. And you met my family already, yeah... but they're going to be staying here, and they're very perceptive."
"Okay," Bucky sighed, setting the book aside. "What do you want to know first?"
"Let's start easy," Steve decided. "Tell me about your job. I know that you work in deals, but what exactly does that mean? Do you have heirs coming out of the wazoo? Or do you only make people famous? Or... I don't know, do you kill people? Is that common? And what cases do you take? How do you make those decisions?"
For a moment, Bucky just watched him, fighting a grin the further Steve spiraled. Once the omega was quiet for five beats, Bucky answered, "I only have one heir. I wanted to find a good person who had admirable traits of both physical and personality."
Steve's cheeks heated, but he didn't say anything else. Instead, just sitting there, waiting for the alpha to continue.
"I make many different kinds of deals. It really just depends on what the person is asking for and if they'll honor their end of the deal –"
"And what is their end?"
Letting his gaze drop, "To honor me."
"Ah, I see."
Nodding, Bucky quickly continued, "Some people want fame and fortune, yes. So, we help them achieve that, and in return, they repay me by being loyal to me and giving me my share."
"Just like an agent."
"Exactly. But not everyone wants that kind of life. Some people want smaller things, like a good harvest or help with their bills. I appreciate those deals more. Those people are the ones who are most devoted and they don't try to take more than what they need. So, I do try to take more of those deals.
"As for fertility issues, I try not to do those very often. Those aren't something that I feel comfortable doing."
"Why not?" Steve's brows set in a heavy furrow.
"It's draining. Stressful," Bucky shrugged. "What if they're not a good parent? Then what will happen to their child? I couldn't do that to something so innocent."
Admittedly, he didn't think that Bucky would've had reservations about that. You know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass out of u and me. Really, Steve wasn't expecting any of his answers. All this time, he'd assume that Bucky wouldn't have morals at all. Makes an ass out of u and me.
"As for how cases get to me, they're decided through my trusted followers; the ones that work in the office. They pass them to their superiors and then those eventually get passed on and so on and so forth until they reach Nat. Then, she decides. I don't get to all of them, and even some of the ones that she approves of doesn't mean I'll make a deal. But that's how it works."
Nodding, Steve asked, "What about killing people? Like Abraham."
Guilt stuck to the edges of the bond, "I'm sorry for that. I don't always get a choice. And you were in pain –"
"You killed him because of me?!"
"He was already marked, Stevie," Bucky remorsefully clarified. "The only thing that I could do was try and make it benefit you in a miniscule way."
His chest clenched, heart beating out a mourning tune for his late friend. But now wasn't the time to unpack his own guilt, so he asked, "If you wanted an heir, why trick someone? Don't you have arranged matings where you're from?"
"We do," Bucky confirmed. "I didn't want a mate though. Not until..."
Steve nodded, he understood. His cheeks were still red and he was thankful for the dim lighting in the room, hoping that it disguised his blushing.
"So," Steve prompted, "Where are you from?"
"Maveth," Bucky answered. "It's another dimension."
"Like Hell, right?"
"Not necessarily," Bucky sighed, shifting in his seat to get more comfortable. "It's more parallel with this dimension."
"Mhmm," Bucky confirmed. "There's many rulers and plenty of war. Just like here. Our inhabitants just happen to be inhuman and take great joy in torturing those who cross them."
"And you wanted to raise our daughter there?" Steve weakly teased.
"I believe she's going to make a wonderful queen one day. She might even be better than my sister."
"Sister? I thought you didn't have a family except for the Sousas."
"Well, I couldn't just come out and say my twin and I were created from the ribs of our parasitic inhuman father in his vision to bastardize Adam and Eve, now could I?"
"I guess not," Steve chuckled under his breath. He almost felt embarrassed to ask the next question, but he wanted to know this one the most. If what he saw in Mia had any indication, he needed to get used to the idea about her future. "What do you really look like?"
Fear flooded through the bond so fiercely that Steve could feel himself shake. And that scared him more than he thought it would. After everything that Bucky had said and shown in the six weeks of Mia's life, Bucky was afraid to show who he really was.
Softly, Steve pleaded, "I need to know, Buck."
"I don't want to scare you," Bucky whispered, tears building in his eyes.
"I need to know."
Reluctantly, Bucky stood. He was still wearing his work slacks but had already removed the crisp button-up. Untucking the white undershirt, he removed that too, leaving himself only half dressed. For a moment, Steve was worried that Bucky would change his mind and not show him. Then, however, he started to transform. Skin turning dark red like he had been bathing in blood. Long, thick black horns took shape and sprouted from his forehead. Sharp claws elongated his elegant fingers, making them menacing by nature. And from his back, wings stretched and shook before settling close to his muscular frame.
Without thinking, Steve stood from his seat and crossed the living room to the alpha. Bucky, shocked and still terrified, took a step backwards. Not that Steve was going to let him get too far. Instead, he wrapped his hand around Bucky's strong wrist, simply mesmerized by the man standing in front of him.
"Don't," Bucky meekly protested. "You shouldn't touch me."
Eyes roaming over the deity, Steve admitted, "I've never seen anyone so..."
"So,' what?" Bucky prompted when Steve's words failed him. He gave his arm a tug as though trying to make Steve let go without actually wanting him to.
Looking straight into the alpha's stormy eyes, Steve said, "Beautiful. You're beautiful, Buck... Bu'loch."
Just like that, Bucky relaxed, letting the omega continue holding his wrist in those long, artistic fingers of his. Through the bond, a longing burst through like a damn crumbling, and Steve knew that it wasn't just coming from Bucky. He wanted the alpha, of course, he did. And he could admit that he always had.
Letting his hand roam up Bucky's muscular arm, he followed the trail with his eyes. If Steve didn't know better, he'd think the brunet was chiseled out of stone. But he wasn't, he was better. Raising to his tiptoes, Steve tilted his head back while Bucky tilted his down. Drawing out this moment, the alpha ran his nose along Steve's. His breath warm on Steve's face while the omega waited for the deity to take that plunge. To press their lips toget–
Settling back on his feet, Steve removed himself from Bucky's space, and turned to attend their daughter. About to step onto the staircase, Steve paused. Turning to look at Bucky, he watched as the alpha went back to appearing human and tugged his t-shirt back on. He just stood there for a moment until the brunet noticed him.
"Is everything alright?" Bucky asked, joining him at the stairs.
Nodding, Steve said, "Thanks."
"Thanks? For what?"
Another nod, "For being honest with me."
"I wish I had been from the start."
"Me too," the pair headed up the stairs. "But we will be from now on."
"Yes, we will be," Bucky agreed with a brilliant smile on his face.
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Bloom (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
"I JUST CAN'T wait to hold her!"
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes as he laid on his stomach in front of Mia. Tummy time wasn't her favorite, but she was a curious little one. Stormy eyes opened wide as she scanned the living room, taking in as much of her surroundings as possible while her papa made lunch. Mia still couldn't hold her head up for very long, but every time that her mimi said something, her little head would wobble to look around the room to see the person talking.
"So, we'll be there, Friday."
"FRIDAY?!" Steve exclaimed, causing Sarah to reprimand him for his unwelcomed outburst and causing Mia to sob in agreement with her grandmother. Not to mention how one of Bucky's followers – and one of Steve's new guards – entered the living room, startled. Damn it, Steve! He internally cursed himself. Lifting up to his knees, Steve lifted the phone up so he could say, "Mom, I gotta call you back, okay?"
"Okay, honey. Is everything alri –"
"Sir?" The muscular omega, Grant, questioned.
"Steve, it's Steve," he reminded the man.
With Mia's shrill cries, he lifted the six week old into his arms. His heart was beating so aggressively that he was sure it was going to fly out of his chest, shredding itself to a bloody pulp on his ribcage. Sure, he knew that his family planned on meeting Mia. He just assumed that it would be eventually. Not when she – Jesus, not when she had claws and horn nubbins. Because those would fade, right? Just like how Bucky wasn't walking around looking like the Hell Spawn that he was. Right now they could be hidden, yeah, with hats and mittens and socks, but those were easy to slip and fall off. With his family around, Steve didn't want to worry about that stuff. And Steve expected his family to be around Mia for most of their visit. Especially with them finding out that Steve had moved in with his kinda, sorta, current-but-not partner that they seemed to like so much more than they had ever liked Hodge. And Sarah Rogers liked everyone, if that said anything.
"Would you like me to take her?" Grant asked, following Steve.
"No, I've got it," Steve assured Grant and the other guards that were there to protect Steve and Mia. Ever since the incident at Stark Tower, Bucky had been more cautious with keeping them safe. Even if it made the omega feel caged, he knew that Mia needed to be protected.
"Shh," Steve soothed. Marking down Mia's back and bouncing her in his arms, "You're alright." Admitting, "I'm not... but you are. Yeah, you're alright."
Trying not to lose his head too badly, Steve carried the crying baby downstairs to the business floor. He knew that it was going to cause commotion due to the crying baby and everything. But he needed to talk to Bucky and the brunet was supposed to be working. Steve still wasn't exactly certain what the Hell King did, per se, but he sure did seem busy enough to keep him in his office most of the day.
Exiting from the residential part of the house, Steve immediately felt all eyes on him. The waiting room was full and – with his cheeks flaming in embarrassment – he gestured for the receptionist, Ava, to buzz him through. She did, quickly, with a friendly smile on her face while the waiting room started whispering about how Steve was "The Father" and Mia was "The Heir" or "Mia, Princess of Maveth." Hell, Steve even caught the end of an "All hail."
Steve hastily passed the smaller offices and headed straight for the back of the building where Bucky's office was. Approaching the door, he looked up at the camera in the corner and once again, Ava unlocked the door from her desk. He really hoped that Bucky wasn't in with anyone because he had more pressing matters.
Quickly, Steve knocked on the door. Still swaying and bouncing his daughter as he waited. Sure, he was probably interrupting, but this was important and he wasn't going to just barge in.
Opening the door, Bucky looked like he was about to have some words with whoever was at the door, but then he saw that it was Steve and Mia. Instantly, Bucky's whole demeanor changed. Went from threatening and intimidating to concerned. Turning back to the crying woman in his office, Bucky told her, "If you'll excuse me for a minute."
"Of course," she sniffled, reaching for the box of tissues on Bucky's desk while the alpha stepped out into the hallway.
"What's wrong?" Bucky asked, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder to calm him and using his other to mark Mia. "Where's Ward? Where's Garrett?"
Ignoring the questions about Bucky's men, "My family is coming on Friday."
Bucky's brows furrowed, "And you don't want them to?"
"No, I do," Steve assured, because he did. He always missed his family, but he had especially missed them since becoming a parent.
"Then what's the problem?"
Lowering his voice as though he could keep their daughter from hearing, he said, "What am I supposed to say about her horns or her claws or the fact that when she cries long enough and hard enough that she starts breaking out in red scales?"
"Oh, that," Bucky worried his lower lip with his teeth, thinking.
"Yes, that."
"That's easy to fix," he assured.
"What do you mean it's easy to fix? If it's so easy, why haven't you... fixed it yet?"
"I didn't know it was an issue."
Shame coursed through the bond, not just from Bucky's end, but Steve's too. Although Steve wasn't fond of being reminded that he had been used as an incubator for a demonic deity, he did love his daughter. And if he was being honest – which he liked to think he was most of the time – he didn't mind who sired her. Not with that olive branch keeping them sturdy.
Now biting his own bottom lip, Steve worried, "It's not going to hurt her, is it?"
"No, it's not going to hurt," Bucky gave him a small smile. Then, he put his finger to his own mouth. Once the tip was wet with his saliva, Bucky brought his finger to Mia's mouth, rubbing the digit along her lower gums.
Before Bucky could even remove his finger, the changes already started happening. The nubs that would one day be her horns receded into her skull and her closely trimmed claws were no longer black, but a natural, neutral pink just like normal nails. And the red splotches of scales that rose up on her skin were smoothing out to be nothing more than a deep flush.
"How did...? It's gone. All of it is gone."
"It's only temporary. We'll have to do this at least once a day while your family is here," Bucky explained. Then, he quickly added, "But once she's old enough, she'll be able to do it all on her own."
Kissing the top of her head, Steve half-teased, "That's some neat trick."
"It's not even the half of it."
Since the crisis was averted and since Mia was calming down, Steve gestured towards the front of the house, "I should get back up. Don't want lunch to burn."
"Ward wouldn't let that happen."
"I prefer to take care of myself. Makes me feel normal."
"I'll be up soon," Bucky said instead of arguing, giving Steve's slender shoulder an affectionate squeeze. Turning back to his office, he opened the door and apologized to the crying woman, "Thank you for your patience."
As Bucky went to close the door, Steve did his own apologizing, "So sorry, for interrupting."
"Oh, nonsense, you're fine," the woman waved off, dismissing Steve's guilt. "I was a new parent once."
The way she said that chilled Steve. Especially when more tears started trailing down her gaunt face. If Steve had to guess, she was there because she had lost her child. Perhaps to an illness or a terrible accident. Steve figured that it didn't much matter how she had lost her child, just that she had. And Steve cradled Mia closer to himself. Knowing that he'd be in her seat too if he ever lost Mia. Knowing that he'd do anything he could to get her back. Even if that meant making a deal with the devil. He'd give it all up, and he'd do it gladly, even if he only got to hold her for one more minute.
"I'll be right up," Bucky told Steve.
"I'll try to save you some," Steve teased.
Playfully, Bucky narrowed his eyes at the omega, but didn't say anything else. The alpha closed the door and got back to work. Steve leaned back so he could look at Mia. Maybe he was just used to them, but he kind of missed the nubs. Nevertheless, he kissed the top of her head and turned.
"Nice to see you, Rogers," Natasha smiled, on her way to her office. "And, Princess Mia, always a pleasure."
"Mia. Just Mia," Steve corrected. "Don't want her to get a big head."
"Well, Princess or Just, it's still nice to see her."
Nodding, he watched as Natasha unlocked her office door. Before she could enter though, he stopped her. Speaking quietly, "Do you know anything about the woman in Bucky's office?"
Natasha's eyes roamed his face, "I may. Why?"
"Will he be able to help her?"
In a rare moment of vulnerability, Natasha said, "I hope so. She's a nice woman. Desperate, but usually those who turn to King Bu –" pausing, she corrected herself for Steve's benefit "– Bucky are. But I hope he can help her."
Another nod and Steve left for the main floor of their home. Mia was calm now, and she softly cooed on the way to her swing. Steve smiled down at her, "Look at you! Getting so big! What happened to my little lady, huh?"
In reply, Mia gibbered, still trying to find her voice. Once the settings were to her liking, Steve left for the kitchen. Rushing, all the while. After all, he hadn't factored in a mild anxiety attack. But thankfully, it hadn't been a long distraction and he got there in time to make sure the cooking noodles were tender. And even though he didn't like having guards, he was glad to see that John was testing the noodles.
"I can take it from here," Steve dismissed the older man.
"Of course, sir."
Sighing to himself, he softly muttered, "Steve. Just Steve."
As Steve added the cheese and mashed avocados to the hot noodles, Bucky called out, "Something smells good!"
"It's just mac and cheese," Steve rolled his eyes.
"Still smells good," Bucky decided, joining the omega in the kitchen.
Glancing over his shoulder, Steve saw the alpha holding their daughter and a twinge of the life he wanted wormed its way into his heart. He both hated and adored Bucky for making him feel like this. Hated him for lying to Steve about who he was and who Mia's other parent was for so long. Adored him for being such a good father to their daughter. Even as some other type of entity, Bucky was a better father than Hodge ever would've been.
After dishing the new recipe between them, Bucky tasted it first. Shoulders lowering and groaning, the brunet complimented, "This is amazing."
Tasting it himself, Steve wasn't impressed. Good-humoredly, he scoffed, "That should've been my first clue that you weren't from here."
Brows furrowed, "What d'ya mean?"
"My cooking is garbage."
Bucky was the one to roll his eyes now, "That doesn't mean anything. Out of everything that I've eaten both here and there, I still think you're the best around."
Cheeks heating, Steve kept his attention on his own bowl of avocado mac and cheese. "Not sure what you were eating there, but I assume it was hot, steamy, moldy garbage, if you think this is good."
"Give yourself some credit, yeah?" Bucky tapped Steve's socked foot with his own. The pair leaned against the counter and before Steve could even think about it, he found himself leaning to the side so he could rest his head on the alpha's broad shoulder.
For a moment, the alpha tensed, and so Steve did too. Unsure if he should move away or stay put. Then, Bucky shifted Mia more comfortably against his chest so he could wrap one muscular arm around Steve's petite frame. Only then did Steve relax. Thinking that perhaps they could get back to where they had once been. All they'd – he'd – have to do was try.
I had to get injections in my knees and hips when I went to see my rheumatologist. I was also told to use a walker since I've been having trouble walking and have fallen. All I wanted was to know if I should consider a cane and instead, have to use a walker, lol. Luckily, we already had a walker at home, so I won't have to wait for insurance and everything. I just never imagined that this was where I was going to be at only 32 years old. Anyway, our local bookstore extended their sale, so that's where I'll be heading this weekend! I hope you're all doing well wherever you are! Much love and appreciation Minnie ❤❤❤
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
MIA WAS QUIET, too quiet. Turning the shower off, Steve's brows furrowed. He had turned on the baby monitor, right? Grabbing the speaker half of the monitor, Steve held it up to his ear. Turning the volume all the way up, he listened intently. Nothing. There was nothing coming through.
Annoyed with himself for forgetting to turn the damn thing on, he quickly dried off from his short shower and rushed to get dressed. How could he not remember to turn the monitor on? He was supposed to be responsible. He was supposed to be a good papa. But how could he be a good papa if he could forget his daughter like this?
Leaving the primary bathroom, Steve crossed the hall to the personal-office-turned-nursery. Reaching the cracked door, however, he paused. Bucky was leaning over resting his head on the crib railing as he fondly watched their sleeping daughter. His fingers skimmed along Mia's face, caressing it but making sure not to mark her with the scent gland in his wrist.
Steve wondered how often the alpha had snuck in so he could spend time with their month old. It hurt to think about how selfish Steve was being. Whether he had the right to be angry with Bucky and the rest of them – he did – it was obvious how selfless the alpha had been in return. Clearly, Bucky did care about Mia. And maybe Bucky cared about him too.
Duh, Steve chastised himself, he gave you his entire floor with the primary bedroom, bathroom, what was once his personal office, and two walk-in closets! Of course, he cares!
Softly, Steve pushed the door open, startling Bucky with the action. The alpha stood abruptly, took a step away from the crib, and tripped over the ottoman. With a thump, Bucky landed on his ass, causing Mia to wake up. For a moment, the two men froze, waiting to see how the baby would react. At first, she was quiet. But then a shrill cry tore from her tiny body, causing both men to jump into action.
Although Bucky was closest, he didn't dare take her into his arms. He was still trying to appease Steve. Through the bond, the blond could feel the longing and heartache coming from the alpha, even as he tried to tamp down on his emotions so Steve wouldn't have to feel them too.
Lifting Mia into his arms, Steve swayed her before heading to the glider. Pushing aside his still-unbuttoned shirt and his supporter, Steve got to work feeding her. He caressed her face the way that Bucky had and kept most of his attention on their daughter. Out of his periphery, though, Steve tracked Bucky as the brunet headed for the door.
"I need to do laundry when she's done feeding," Steve offered an olive branch.
Turning back to look at the omega, Bucky said, "I can get it started for you. Or have someone else start it if you don't want me –"
"Or," Steve tried to keep his heart steady since he still had so many emotions when it came to the alpha and their daughter, "You could make sure she's ready for sleep again and just spend time together."
Affection bloomed through the bond as a grin crinkled up to Bucky's steel-blue eyes, "Really?"
"Yeah," Steve nodded. Half-teasing, "Unless you don't think you're up to it."
"No!" Bucky rushed, as though Steve was going to revoke the offer, "No, I can manage. Really, I can."
Chuckling under his breath, "Okay, I believe you."
The alpha lingered for a moment, so Steve said, "You're welcome to hang out here in the meantime."
Biting back a grin – and failing – Bucky took a seat on the ottoman that he had tripped over. He watched Steve as the omega fed their baby and let his curiosity get the better of him, "Is it weird?"
"Is what weird?" Steve asked, fixing his clothes once Mia was done. Lifting the month old up to his shoulder, he began burping her.
"Holding her on the outside. It seems like that'd be strange."
"A little, I guess," Steve confirmed. Rubbing her back to soothe her when the burps weren't coming nearly as fast as she wanted them to, "I like it better like this though."
"Me too."
Averting his gaze downward, Steve apologized, "I'm sorry about... hogging... her."
"Steve, don't," Bucky dismissed, "Ya got nothin' to be sorry for." Then, he added, "I'm the one who should be sorry. And I am. I really am. Ya gotta know that. Things changed, but before – before we started to get to know each other – it wasn't anything personal. And I hate that I hurt you."
Tears were in the alpha's eyes and with how earnest Bucky was being was starting to make tears build in Steve's own eyes. Wiping at his own damp face, Steve cleared the lump of emotion from his throat, "It'll be okay."
"Will it?"
"Yeah," Steve passed Mia to Bucky. The alpha instinctually cradled her to his muscular chest. Standing, Steve continued, "We just gotta try being on the same team again."
Briefly, Bucky closed his eyes as he nosed at Mia's hair, scenting her. When he opened his eyes again, they locked onto Steve. "I can do that."
"Then so can I."
As Steve was about to leave the nursery, Bucky caught his wrist. Pausing, the blond turned back to look at the brunet. Bucky's voice was soft as he said, "Thank you."
Naturally white cheeks reddening, Steve muttered, "No problem," and left the nursery. Hurrying to the walk-in closet that Bucky's clothes never resided in, Steve gathered the clothes that had missed the hamper due to his tired mind not caring. Carrying the wicker basket hamper out to the hall, he paused in front of the closet with the washer and dryer. Quietly taking a few steps closer to the nursery so he could try and hear what was going on in there before he started his chores.
Soft coos came from Mia that earned a gentle, "Yeah? Well, tell me about it," from Bucky. Steve fought the smile trying to tug at the corners of his lips. There was a moment where Steve felt confident that even if Bucky had gone through with Plan A, he would've been a good dad. And for some reason, that eased Steve's worries. Not completely, but enough so Steve could take some time for himself. Even if that meant doing his own laundry.
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
IN SHOCK, Steve gaped at the nursery. It was nearly identical to the one at Stank Tower. Same sage wainscot. Same bunny wallpaper. The only difference was the furniture. While Steve had chosen a white painted wooden crib with matching changing table and dresser, the ones at Bucky's brownstone were mismatched with a vintage gold metal crib and a dark stained changing table.
Turning to look at his – not his – alpha, Steve's brows were in a deep, heavy furrow. "Why? When?"
"I told you," Bucky entered the nursery so he could get the Peter Rabbit bedding out from one of the drawers. That was also different from the bedding Steve had chosen. Steve had gone more neutral with beige and ivory details. As he began making the crib, he continued, "I was supposed to take her."
Steve held Mia closer, tighter. Making sure to drop a few kisses to the top of her head while he marked down her back. He was certain that no matter how many times Bucky confessed to what Plan A entailed and no matter how much time had passed, it would always break his heart. Steve couldn't imagine the heartache that would've caused him.
"I'm glad you didn't."
Busying himself with the fitted sheet, Bucky shrugged, "It was the right thing."
Nodding, Steve swayed Mia. She had eased since leaving the apartment building, but Steve still felt the need to comfort her. Thankfully, she was sleeping peacefully in his arms. Now Steve would have to convince himself to lay her down in her crib.
"Still," Steve yawned, "I'm glad you didn't."
Facing Steve, Bucky watched as the omega held their daughter. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he agreed, "I'm glad too. I knew you'd make a good papa."
For a moment, they just stood there. Steve swaying Mia and Bucky watching them. Briefly, Steve felt bad about how he had been handling the situation between his daughter and her alpha father. He knew that Bucky deserved a chance with her. Especially with how good he had been to both of them. But Steve couldn't help still being upset with him. The alpha had deceived him on a most personal level, and Steve was hurting deeper than he ever thought he could.
Crossing the room, Steve laid Mia in her crib and affectionately pushed her thin dark hair off her face, being mindful of her horn nubs. Then, he went to the glider in the corner. At least that was the same as the one at the tower.
"Aren't you going to sleep?"
Draping the Peter Rabbit quilt over his lap, Steve yawned, "Of course, I am."
Gesturing towards the rest of the brownstone, Bucky said, "You know there are other bedrooms."
"I wanna stay with her."
I still don't trust you, was what Steve meant.
"I can get you a cot," Bucky offered. "Or bring her bassinet into one of the other rooms."
Steve shook his head, "I'm fine here."
Sighing, Bucky nodded, "Okay. Just call for me and I'll come to you."
Keeping his gaze on the brunet as he left the nursery, Steve tried to stay away. If only for a little bit longer. Even after Bucky turned the light off and shut the door on his way out, Steve kept his gaze on the door. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to trust the alpha the way he had before the truth was revealed.
Now all he had... to... do... w a s   s t a y   a w a
Eyes snapping open, Steve's gaze scanned the room. Natasha was standing just inside of the nursery, looking apologetically. "I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you're okay after everything last night."
"I'm fine," Steve assured, glancing over at the crib where Mia was starting to fuss. Pushing the quilt to the side, Steve climbed off the chair to reach her. Already, he could feel himself starting to leak. Unbuttoning his sleep shirt, he shoved his supporter to the side and brought the newborn up so she could latch onto his sore nipple.
"You know you can tell me anything, right? You don't have to be so strong all the time."
"I'm fine, really," Steve repeated, returning to the glider. Natasha leveled A Look at him, so he quietly admitted, "It was a little scary, I guess."
"It was," Natasha confirmed. "We should've kept a closer eye on you two. We just assumed that since we were next door and that we knew everyone, that you'd be safe. We won't take that chance again though."
A little smirk quirked Natasha's full lips, "One thing you need to know about us is that we take care of each other. We're pack, and now you are too."
He regarded the redhead for a moment before asking, "And if I choose we're not?"
"Sorry, Stevie," Natasha half-teased, "You're stuck with us."
Pressing his lips together to keep himself from arguing, Steve redirected his attention to his nursing daughter. She really was perfect. Even with all the inhuman features that she'd inherited from the demon man that sired her.
"You're lucky, y'know?"
Brows furrowing, Steve looked up at Natasha. Disgust mixing with disbelief, he cruelly scoffed, "How am I lucky? Was it when I was betrayed by my husband? Was it when I was preyed upon by a King of Hell? Or was it when one of your cult members tried to hurt me and my baby?" Before Natasha could speak, he decided, "Or was it when everyone decided it'd be fine to steal my baby so they'd be groomed into leading the damned?"
"You're naive," Natasha decided and left.
Staring at the spot where she had been standing, Steve wondered if he had been too harsh on – No! Don't you dare, Steven Grant Rogers! You have every right to be upset!
Done eating, Steve lifted Mia to his shoulder so he could burp her. All of those years of babysitting and having baby fever had really paid off. It was a relief that he didn't have to worry about this. Sure, Mia was tiny and had been premature, but she seemed just as healthy – if not healthier – than any other baby.
He figured that Bucky's supernatural genes had a lot to do with that. Steve couldn't be angry with the alpha about that. And despite himself, Steve hoped that one day he and Bucky could be friends. They might not ever be as close as they had been before the truth was revealed, but maybe they could be better than they were now.
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
DRENCHED IN BLOOD, Mia sat upon her throne while a slew of corpses littered the steps beneath her feet. All the older, future Mia could do was smile, showing her red-stained teeth that were sharp enough to make the vampires in 30 Days of Night jealous. It had the opposite effect on Steve as he gazed upon his grown daughter in horror.
How could he have failed her so much?
Was this who she was destined to be? With her large, black horns prominent on her head surrounded by effortless curls that cascaded down her scaly back. How her claws were filed to an even more dangerous point. And even though she wasn't born with hooves, there they were now.
All he could do was watch in horror as she ripped a hand off of one of the dead bodies around her and started picking at it. When she brought a piece of skin or a knuckle up to her lips to devour it, Steve had to turn away, disgusted by the display.
Stomach roiling, it took everything in Steve to not vomit. He'd like to say that it took everything in him to not scream about what an abomination she was, but that wasn't true. He loved her. Loved her from the moment he found out that he was pregnant and he would continue loving her no matter what she ended up as. He just couldn't help himse–
At the sudden loud noise, Steve startled awake. In the bassinet beside the bed, Mia was crying out, and he immediately lifted her into his arms. Not knowing what could have caused the sound, he headed for the door. His apartment was quiet, sleepy. He wished he could say the same about next do–
Steve's breath hitched as he realized that it was coming from the closet. The one that connected his apartment with the Sousas'. Heart racing, he held Mia tighter to his chest and entered the living room where Bucky had been camping out for the past week. The bedding was ruffled, but the alpha was nowhere in sight.
Fear was threatening to strangle him as the thumping from the closet door continued along with Mia's shrill cries. He tried to soothe the newborn with everything he had, but being so tightly coiled in his own emotions, he wasn't doing a good job. And even though he had been upset with Bucky staying on the couch, he desperately wanted him to be there to protect them like a good alpha would do.
A final BANG! and the closet door swung open. Shielding himself and Mia, he stayed close to the living room entryway. Clearly on the wrong side of things since the rooms with locks were across the hall. For a moment, he thought about running for his bedroom, but then a hulking man was stalking down the hall.
Vaguely, Steve recognized the brunet. He was a receptionist at Bucky's firm. The beta that had given Steve a hard time. The man that Natasha had put in his place. Mr. Rockwell or Mr. Rummy, something like that.
Steve was frozen in place, staring at the man with wide eyes and fear emanated from him, nearly choking Steve and making Mia cry so hard that no sound was leaving her tiny body. The beta gave him a wicked grin.
Run! Steve's mind commanded. His legs refused to listen.
The man extended his hand towards Steve and Mia, but before he could touch them, he was tackled to the ground. The two men wrangled along the floor. The beta was strong, but Bucky was stronger. Of course, he was. He was a King of the Underworld. Getting the ultimate upper hand, Bucky ripped the receptionist's throat out and spit the chunk onto the floor beside him.
Staring at the piece of flesh and puddle of blood in front of him in horror, Steve couldn't think of anything but his nightmare. Of how Mia was going to be just like her alpha father. That she was one day going to have blood dripping down her chin and staining her teeth. This was what he had done to her. This was what he wanted to protect her from but couldn't.
Blinking away the images from his imagination and the visions of the future, Steve looked up at Bucky. The alpha had wiped the beta's blood from his face but his teeth – sharper than they usually were – were stained red. Cautiously, the alpha was standing in front of him, reaching out as though to comfort him.
"Stevie?" Bucky repeated.
Shaking, Steve couldn't do anything but cry. Holding his baby, he nosed at her thin, dark hair, Steve breathed in her baby scent to try and calm himself down. But he couldn't. He couldn't because someone broke into his home. Someone that knew his baby's alpha father. Someone who was a part of the group who worshiped his baby's alpha father.
What if Bucky hadn't gotten there in time? What would that monster have done if he had reached them? Would he have taken Mia? Would he have killed her?
Once more, Bucky repeated, "Stevie?"
"I –"
Sobs wracking through him, Steve's knees buckled. It was a good thing that Bucky was there to catch him when he fell. Not trying to take Mia from Steve's arms, Bucky held the omega tight to himself so he could lead him into the living room. Easing the sobbing blond onto the sofa, Bucky said, "I'll be right back."
Before the alpha could leave though, both men noticed that Steve's hand was white-knuckling in the fabric of Bucky's shirt. Carefully, Bucky unwound the artist's fingers, then brought them up to his mouth so he could tenderly kiss them.
"It's alright, Stevie. You're okay. You both are."
The only thing that Steve could do was continue to cry. Hiccupping as he did so as he rocked him and his daughter in hopes of soothing himself and her. Bucky left the room and the floor creaked as he entered 12A through the closet.
The party had seemingly ended and soon there were multiple footsteps entering his apartment. Steve's skin prickled at the thought of them entering his home without so much as a knock. It was as though they owned it and him. And he hated it. He hated it, hated it, hated it!
Once the man's body was dragged out of his apartment, Steve stepped over the still-wet blood so he could reach his bedroom. From there, he focused on Mia. Her skin was breaking out in blood-red scaly patches the longer she cried, and Steve couldn't help but let out a tiny sound of distress at seeing the skin she must've inherited from Bucky.
"You're alright," Steve sniffled, "Papa's here. You're alright."
From the doorway, Bucky softly knocked on the open door. "I think you should stay at my house."
"In Hell?"
Biting back his grin, Bucky shook his head, "Above the firm."
Lifting a calmer Mia into his arms, Steve glanced around the room. It didn't feel like his anymore. None of this apartment did. All that effort to make it home ultimately meant nothing.
"Okay," Steve agreed. Crossing the room to Bucky, "Let's go home."
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
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STEVE WAS CRAWLING out of his skin. There were so many people coming in and out of his apartment that he couldn't rest for a second. It was bad enough that so many were praising him for his slender frame, bone structure, hair, and eyes. But it was when they approached a sleeping Mia that got to him the most. Some took out their phones to capture pictures and videos of her. Some had attempted to touch her, thinking of it as being blessed. Thankfully, Natasha was standing guard and escorting them out when they got too close.
"You okay?"
Jumping, Steve found Bucky beside him. Heart racing, Steve held it to his chest to try and calm himself down, "M'fine."
Bucky hummed in acknowledgement but he clearly didn't believe his mate. With his hands in his pockets, Bucky kept to himself as he admitted, "It makes me nervous too."
"Then, why do you let them do this?"
"They're the ones who made it happen."
Hands curling into fists at his sides, Steve quietly snapped, "I didn't realize that they had ownership over my uterus and now my daughter."
The alpha hung his head at that while sorrow and regret covered him through the bond. "Do you wish you hadn't?"
Looking over at their daughter, he knew that he would've done it all over again if it meant they got to have her. She was only a week old and already she had everyone wrapped around her little finger. And even though he loved her so much that it hurt, he knew that this wasn't how he had wanted it to go.
"Why couldn't you have, I don't know, told me?" Steve pleaded, looking up at the brunet.
"Because of what happened to Sharon."
Eyes widening, "You mean..."
"Peggy and Daniel wanted their place in the coven to be elevated permanently. Silvan already solidified their place, but with the younger members who hadn't known the man, the older members were losing their... authority. They figured that their niece would be the best candidate. She, of course, didn't agree and removed herself from the running." Bucky admitted, expanding Steve's dislike for the older couple. "And as it turned out, Arnie would have the better one."
Gritting his teeth, Steve had had enough. He left his quiet little corner and crossed the room to the bassinet. Pushing between two of the outlying members, the older pair began to complain and to tell him to wait his turn until they realized who he was.
"It's the father," an older man said in awe.
"No," someone gasped, equally shocked. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," another argued, "It's him!"
A woman said, "He's beautiful. Very good bone structure."
Lifting Mia from the bassinet, he cradled her tiny body to his chest and left for his bedroom. He would've gone to the nursery except people had been viewing it like a museum exhibit. Touching the furniture as though they could soak up some magic. Asking if they could take pieces of the bunny wallpaper for good luck. Some decided with their partners that their own baby's nursery would be the same.
So, Steve resorted to hiding out in the primary bedroom. Where he could lock the doors and spend some quality alone time with his daughter. Sure, he realized that she probably didn't recognize him from anyone else, but he loved her more than any of them.
"I suppose you're the luckiest girl in the world," Steve quietly spoke to her. Her little eyes opened and gazed up at him as he continued, "So many people love you already. You're lucky to have so much love."
With those postpartum hormones still pumping through him, tears silently slid down his face. He ignored them as he placed Mia on the bed between his legs. She was such a perfect little doll. Steve wasn't sure if he had ever seen another baby who was as precious and as beautiful as she was. He understood why Bucky's followers fawned over her.
Looking down at her in her frilly pink dress, he was reminded of expensive porcelain dolls that his dad's mom collected. When he was a kid, he was never allowed to play with them despite desperately wanting to. He had never seen a doll so pretty. Of course, then he got into Goosebumps and other horror franchises that caused that admiration to shift into fear. After that happened, he didn't even want to be in the same room as them.
Softly, Mia started fussing and Steve decided that she had had enough visitors for today, just like he had. So, he lifted her so he could get at the buttons on the back of the pink frilly dress. Managing to knock the matching bonnet off her head, he had to look away so he didn't stare at the nubs where her horns would one day form. It made him sick being reminded of what half of her was. And since he was upset, it made her start to cry.
Pushing the guilt and disgust at the situation away, Steve pulled the dress off of her. Then, he unrolled the tights. She didn't have hooves like he had feared when he bathed her for the first time, but claws just like her fingers. Dark and sharp, but well groomed. But the mittens were necessary, even if she had normal fingernails. He didn't want her to scratch herself, after all. She was still his baby. No matter who sired her, she was still his.
Knock, knock.
Sighing, Steve lifted her up once more so he could climb off the bed and unlock the door. It was Peggy with a large smile on her face and a cup of tea in her hands. The tea, he found out, was mandatory even more so now than it had been during his pregnancy. Or rather, terrigen root was. Peggy had explained it as vitamins to a human baby and how much they needed them. This, as it turned out, was no different. And while she offered to mix it in with formula or to get a wet nurse from inside the coven, Steve wanted to have that moment of just him and Mia as he breastfed her.
"You can set it over there," Steve vaguely gestured, walking over to his dresser for the diaper caddy and a yellow onesie with matching mittens and hat. "We're done for today too. I want everyone out."
"Steven –"
For a moment, Peggy was taken aback by his outburst. Mia seemed surprised too as she started crying, outright. Swaying her, Steve tried to soothe his baby, but he wasn't doing all that well considering his own emotions were heightened.
"May I?" Bucky asked, entering the room.
"She's just startled," Steve moved back towards the bed, declining Bucky's offer. Instead, he set the caddy down and then Mia so he could change her diaper. Realizing that she was just wearing a diaper now, he reasoned, "She's just cold."
"Of course," Bucky nodded, keeping to himself out of the way. Steve knew that it wasn't fair to the alpha since he was Mia's father too. But Steve needed time to heal. Almost everyone in his life had lied to him. And he wasn't sure if he could forgive them anytime soon, if at all.
"She's had a long day," Steve continued. Carefully, he dressed her and settled her against himself so he could relax on his bed and drink his tea.
Nodding, Bucky held himself. The longing pulsed through the bond and Steve hated that he was the one causing that. Especially when he still wanted the alpha to be his so bad. Even after everything that had been revealed, he still wanted him. He was afraid that he always would.
"I'll make sure everyone leaves," Bucky said, leaving the room and closing the door on his way out.
Blinking his tears away, Steve gulped his tea as quickly as he could. Then, he gazed down at his baby. He loved her so much that it hurt. He'd do anything for her. And he hated that that meant sharing her with Bucky.
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
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Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
"She was such a perfect little doll. Steve wasn't sure if he had ever seen another baby who was as precious and as beautiful as she was. He understood why Bucky's followers fawned over her.
"Looking down at her in her frilly pink dress, he was reminded of expensive porcelain dolls that his dad's mom collected. When he was a kid, he was never allowed to play with them despite desperately wanting to. He had never seen a doll so pretty. Of course, then he got into 'Goosebumps' and other horror franchises that caused that admiration to shift into fear. After that happened, he didn't even want to be in the same room as them.
"Softly, Mia started fussing and Steve decided that she had had enough visitors for today, just like he had. So, he lifted her so he could get at the buttons on the back of the pink frilly dress. Managing to knock the matching bonnet off her head, he had to look away so he didn't stare at the nubs where her horns would one day form. It made him sick being reminded of what half of her was. And since he was upset, it made her start to cry.
"Pushing the guilt and disgust at the situation away, Steve pulled the dress off of her. Then, he unrolled the tights. She didn't have hooves like he had feared when he bathed her for the first time, but claws just like her fingers. Dark and sharp, but well groomed. But the mittens were necessary, even if she had normal fingernails. He didn't want her to scratch herself, after all. She was still his baby. No matter who sired her, she was still his."
-Modern AU -Smut and other mature content -Omegaverse -Horror and dark romance -Sequel to "Love Grows"
***I don't own Marvel or the characters of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, nor any of the other Marvel characters
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Blooms Masterlist
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Series Masterlist
Love Grows (1)
Love Blooms (2)
0 notes
loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
The ceiling.
And pain between his legs.
And Hodge. Sitting beside the bed, watching him with an anxious, uncertain smile.
"Hi," Hodge said.
"Hi," Steve said back.
The pain was terrible.
And then he remembered. It was over. It was over. The baby was born.
"Are they alright?"
"Yeah, she's fine."
"She?" A small smile tugged at the corners of Steve's lips, "We had a girl?"
Hodge nodded.
Not seeing his baby – his daughter – in the primary bedroom with him, Steve attempted to sit up. Fully planning on leaving the bed to search for her. Pain be damned, he didn't want her out of his sight. Not for a single second. He needed to make sure that she was safe and that those weirdos weren't prepping her for some blood letting or blood consumption or blood something.
"Where is she?"
"She's safe," Hodge answered.
It wasn't what Steve had asked. So, he repeated, "Where is she?"
Frustrated and still scared for his daughter's safety, Steve pushed the heavy comforter off himself and climbed out of bed. Instantly, Hodge came over to him. Steve didn't want the man anywhere near him. He didn't even want to see that selfish, talentless oaf anywhere, let alone in his home.
"Get back in bed," Hodge ordered.
"Get out of my way," Steve shoved him, but the beta was as solid as a brick wall and Steve was still as weak as a kitten.
"Get back in bed."
"No!" Steve shoved again. Of course, the muscular beta just grabbed him by his biceps and held him at arm's length. Not that that stopped Steve from fighting his soon-to-be ex-husband. He was the last person that he wanted to be around on a good day, so he really just wanted the beta to get the fuck out of his bedroom and out of his lif–
"Let him go."
Hearing a raspy, sultry voice, both men turned towards the doorway. Natasha was standing there with her arms crossed along her chest, ready for a fight. Ready to help Steve. For a moment, Steve was relieved to have someone on his side. But then he remembered that Natasha was one of them. She was from Bucky's law firm. She was one of Bucky's biggest confidants. How could Steve ever fully trust her?
"Where is she?" Steve demanded, using the furniture to help him stand upright as he made his way towards the door.
Natasha met him halfway, "She's sleeping."
"I want to see her. Now."
"Okay," Natasha easily allowed. Taking his arm, she steadied him and led him through the conjoined bathroom and into the nursery. He tried to jerk out of her grasp, but couldn't; Natasha was stronger than she looked.
The nursery had soft sunlight coming in through the sheer curtains, making everything seem like a dream. If his body wasn't so sore, he probably would've assumed that it was a dream. Of course, Steve never would've dreamed that two strangers would be looking after his daughter. No matter how vaguely familiar they looked, Steve would've never had strangers looking after her.
"Leave," Natasha ordered, leading Steve over to the bassinet. The two women did as told and Steve felt weak in the knees. There, he set his eyes on his daughter for the first time. Her eyes were closed, she had a cute button nose just like Sarah, and her little tongue kept poking out between her pillowy lips.
"She's beautiful," Steve sniffled.
"She really is," Natasha agreed, affectionately rubbing his back.
"She takes after you."
Bucky stood in the doorway with his arms crossed along his muscular chest. Steve hated how much he wanted to be near the alpha. As though the man would be able to take away his pain and soothe him more than any kind of muscle relaxer could. But he was a King of Hell. Could he ever be good? Was he ever good in the first place?
"And you should still be in bed," Bucky pushed himself off the doorframe and crossed the nursery that he had helped create until he was standing beside the bassinet. Giving Natasha A Look, she let go of Steve's arm almost as though the alpha had reprimanded her and she was afraid of serious punishment.
Once alone, Bucky strongly suggested, "You should sit down."
"You should stop telling me what to do."
"I can feel your pain," Bucky claimed. "And I know you're still weak."
Grinding his teeth, he sat in the glider, but not because Bucky wanted him to. He sat because he had just had a baby and he wanted to hold her. Wanted to feel her snuggled up to him. She was his whole world. And if anyone tried to take her from him, they'd be sorry, Steve would make sure of it. He'd fight to the grave, and even then he'd drag them down with him.
"I didn't fully get to tell you what I needed to tell you."
"What makes you think I want to listen?"
Steve's gaze stayed on his sleeping baby. So sweet, just like a precious little cherub, if not a little petite. How could he love someone so much without even meeting them? Was that possible? After all, he didn't even have a name for her. Not yet.
Carefully, Bucky lifted her into his arms as though it wasn't the first time he had done so. Steve wanted to protest, but then the alpha tenderly passed her to him. Settling her comfortably in his thin arms, her little eyelids fluttered open. She gazed up at him with the prettiest blue eyes he had ever seen. Steel-blue. Just like her father, a tiny voice said in the back of his head. He promptly told that voice to fuck off. Even when – especially when – that voice claimed, you know it's not Hodge.
Seemingly fighting with himself and what he needed to say, Bucky quietly sat in a chair across from Steve. He ran his hand through his tousled brown hair, messing it up even more. Then, he started with a deep inhale. Admitting, "This isn't how it was supposed to go. You were going to be told she died and I was going to take her with me."
Steve snapped his attention away from his sleeping daughter and up at Bucky. Guilt stuck to the bond like tar. From somewhere else in the apartment, Hodge was laughing, completely carefree. Only then did Steve realize that this hurt went deeper than he originally thought. At first Steve had assumed that Bucky was like Rumpelstiltskin, taking someone's first born. Trading riches and fame with a baby who wasn't biologically related to him but still belonged to him. Now he understood why Hodge had never even tried to connect with the baby. Why the bond never matched what Hodge was expressing in the moment.
Tears streamed down his face at the realization that he had been tricked. That the ritual wasn't needed, it was a ploy. He had been prey and Bucky had hunted him perfectly. Hodge sold his uterus and his soul for his own gain. Not just making Steve an incubator for the deity, but having a psychic connection and an insight to all of his emotions.
"I was going to raise them and prepare them so that they could eventually take over my throne." Bucky's hands were clasped tightly together, almost painfully so as his knuckles started to turn white. "And I'm sorry that you were dragged into this."
Sniffling, "Why are you telling me all of this?"
"Because you deserve to know."
Looking down at his baby, he couldn't imagine Plan A. He only knew that there would've been no way he could've survived if they went through with their original plan of lying to him and stealing her from him.
"I knew from the moment that I saw you that you were going to make an amazing father. You're kind, compassionate, intelligent, creative, and so many other things that being around you leaves me tongue-tied and wanting to know more."
A small, hurt sound escaped Steve and more tears streamed down his flushed face. Bucky knew exactly how to play him. Perhaps he always had.
Leaving the chair so he could kneel in front of Steve as he rocked their daughter, the alpha continued, "I want you to still be her father. Please?"
"I'd like to see you try to take her away from me."
The corners of Bucky's lips tugged up in a satisfied grin, "There he is. There's my guy."
Shaking his head, Steve was adamant, "I'm not yours."
Briefly, Bucky's expression fell and the bond was filled with hurt and longing, but then the alpha steadied himself and nodded. "Mine or not, I'm glad you're hers."
"Mia's," Steve corrected. He cleared his throat. "Her name is Mia."
"All hail Mia, Princess of Maveth," Bucky said, reaching out to touch his daughter but not; being respectful of Steve's boundaries.
And since Steve believed in positive reinforcement, he took Bucky's hand and brought it to their baby, allowing the alpha to mark over her blanket clad body. Then, because it felt right, Steve repeated, "All hail Mia."
I haven't had the best time lately. My mom had to get carpal tunnel surgery and was off work for seven weeks. My therapist left the office and I had no warning. I'm a very anxious person who doesn't like change, so it was a really bad time. Then, I found out that the replacement was someone that I had met, like, a decade ago who had been friends with my former friend/former coworker who had been the one who introduce me to my ex indirectly (and the replacement therapist had also been friends with my ex). She then admitted to me that my ex had gone to her while we were together on how to approach me so I could lose weight. I never knew that he went to her about that. And since I already have low self-esteem and have been dealing with the aftermath of my ex for about half a decade now and that I had an eating disorder from the age of 16 and only stopped because I became chronically ill, was definitely hard to hear. What makes it even harder though is that I thought he had only gone to one person about my weight gain. ("If I wanted to date a fat girl, I would've dated a fat girl" -my ex) Then, I had to push back my infusion due to the weather. But what hurt the most was that my ex is engaged and apparently has been for a while. (my mom, brother, and sister-in-law keep an eye on him since he stalked me irl after I blocked him online). And it's not that I want him back (because I'd rather saw my foot off with a dull, rusty saw than be anywhere near him, let alone in a relationship with him), but marriage was always a ploy he would use to manipulate me into staying with him. Like, I would be telling him that we should break up since he wants things from me that I can't give him. Then, he would bring out ring brochures and would open the conversation with me. He knew that I wanted three things in life: to marry my best friend, to have kids, and to be happy. And when things would go back to the way they were, he would then flip the script and make me seem "wedding obsessed." One time he even took me to get my ring size. So, it was a blow that he's engaged to the woman that he got with WHILE he was still harassing me online and stalking me in real life. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, it's been a lot. And I'm sorry for laying that all out there, but if it takes me a little longer to get to the sequel I'm planning, that's why. My mental and physical health are trash right now. Anyway, I hope you're doing well wherever you are! Much love and appreciation Minnie ❤❤❤
P.S. Keep an eye out for part two: "Love Blooms"!
0 notes
loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
THERE HAD BEEN something very bad going on for a very long time, he had just been blind to it. Willfully, so but still blind. And he wasn't going to sit around and find out what disastrously plan they had in store for him and his baby. The book had mentioned blood rituals and considering the ritual that proceeded in conceiving little Ezra-or-Amelia, Steve wasn't going to stick around and see what they planned to do with his baby.
He already had a bag packed for his eventual hospital stay once the baby was born, so he hurried over to the linen closet where it was currently residing. Briefly, he wondered if he'd be able to physically carry more than just the one duffle since he never wanted to step another foot in Stank Tower ever again for as long as he lived. Opening the door to the linen closet, he noticed a light.
At first, he assumed that it was a strange reflective glare. However, when he put his hand over the spot of light, he realized that it went dark. Which wouldn't be possible if the light was coming from his hallway. It was coming from the other side of the wall. The other half to the apartment that belonged to his own: 12A.
Heart stopping for a full beat, Steve removed his suitcase as quietly and quickly as possible. Mind reeling because there was a door on the inside of his closet! A door that had been put there purposefully! A door that Peggy, Daniel, and the rest of their demon-loving cult had been using! That was why the floorboards would creak even though he was home alone. That was why he felt as though someone was watching him. That was why he saw the silhouette of someone watching him in the middle of the night.
Never having experienced fear so deep as he was feeling right now, Steve grabbed one of the shelves that were set aside so there would be room for his vacuum and put it up underneath the doorknob. He hoped that that would be enough to stop them. It was a weak barricade, but all he needed was a head start.
Turning, Steve grabbed the duffle and rushed down the hallway. Well, rushed as much as a thirty-seven week pregnant person could when they were waddling more than a damn duck nowadays. Still, Steve rushed.
Unchaining the door and unlocking it, he stopped dead in his tracks when he came face-to-face with a bouquet. Momentarily, he felt those butterflies flutter around inside of him, almost as excited as his wombmate. However, Bucky was friends with Peggy and Daniel. Jesus H. Christ, Steve thought, nearly stunned completely, Bucky was probably born into this cult! He was probably named after the deity!
Steve's harsh breathing caught Bucky's attention and the brunet brought the bouquet down so he could study the omega from the top of them. Brows set in a heavy furrow, "What's wrong?"
Shaking his head, Steve slammed the door in Bucky's face. Who could he trust? Bucky was a part of the cult! If anything, he could've been Peggy and Daniel's kid or something. He could be some psycho murderer. After all, Steve's laundry buddy had died gruesomely from jumping out the window. What if she didn't jump? What if she had been pushed? Then, there was the accident that took the life of the talented actor, Jonathan Walker. If it was even an accident. If any of it was an accident. But what caused his blood to run could was when he thought of the sudden death of Abraham. How he was a healthy man despite being older. How he was in better shape than Steve. Then he was gone. Sure, it happened. But was that what happened?
Did they have something to do with the kind beta that was like a second father to him and his sudden death? Surely not, right? They wouldn't do that, would they? They wouldn't do any of that, right?
"Stevie?" Bucky called from the other side of the front door, knocking softly.
Dropping the duffle on the floor, Steve covered his mouth with his hands just like someone from some horrible horror film where they thought covering their mouths was the best way to muffle their fear. Yet, he couldn't help but do the same in this situation.
"Open the door, Stevie," Bucky pleaded.
"Go away!"
"Steven," Peggy said, insisting.
"You too! Go away!"
"We're just worried about you, darling!" Peggy called right before a thud came from the door. Someone shoving against it. Probably Bucky.
He backed away, watching it, and decided that his last-ditch effort was to lock him in the bedroom. Before he could though, the shelf that had been barricading the closet door snapped and flew at him, hitting his calf, nearly knocking him down. Daniel and Dr. Pym entered through the linen closet. Behind the two men, Dr. Pierce followed with a loaded hypodermic needle ready to go with his thumb on the plunger and liquid dribbling at the tip.
"We're only trying to keep you safe," Dr. Pierce claimed, stepping between the two other older men so he could get closer to Steve.
Steve kept shaking his head and started taking steps back until another thud from the front door reminded him that he was surrounded. Trapped. Completely and pathetically. Not to mention depressingly.
"Please," Steve begged, tears flowing down his face in a steady stream. Curling into himself so he could protect his bump, Steve pleaded, "Don't hurt my baby."
Standing in front of him now, Dr. Pierce grabbed onto his arm so he could sedate Steve. However, before he could, a larger hand covered Steve's bicep. The calloused fingers wrapped around the minimal muscle and yanked Steve backwards; behind himself.
A growl rippled through the apartment. Loud, fierce, confident. Threateningly, warningly, protectively. Steve inhaled shallowly but remained in his uncomfortable stance. Cramping, Steve tried to ignore the shifting in his abdomen and the tense coil of pain that continued to tighten from his pelvis and lower back.
"Let me talk to him," Bucky told the older group.
Unsurprisingly, they listened.
Once they were gone, Bucky relaxed from his attack-posture. He turned around to face Steve, "Stevie?"
"No," Steve shook his head, straightening his spine when he could. "Don't, 'Stevie,' me. Don't even fucking try."
Bucky's eyes roamed over Steve's features, "I can explain."
"Then, do it."
"I think you should sit down."
Grinding his teeth to try and stop the tears and in an attempt to tame his anger, "I think you should fucking start talking before I kick you out."
"Please," Bucky gestured to the living room.
Hands supporting his lower back, Steve led the way.
On the coffee table remained the items that he had abandoned. The sample birth announcements. The baby swing manual. Thank You cards. But most importantly, the book that Abraham had given him. It was still open on the section about terrigen root.
That reminded Steve of the, 'good luck,' charm and he took it in hand and ripped it off himself and threw it down the hallway. A twinge of pain rippled through his abdomen, but he accepted that. Figuring it was what he got for not protecting Roy-or-Jennifer as well as he should've.
As Steve lowered himself down onto the sofa, Bucky noted, "You've been researching."
"It was a gift from a dear friend of mine that they – you – murdered."
Guilt flashed through the bond and Steve figured that someone had called Hodge and told him that Steve had figured it all out. That this was all a ploy so they could use his baby in some type of ritual. Especially since baby blood was supposed to be the most powerful blood.
"I'm sorry," Bucky apologized. Earnestly, "I truly am."
"Uh huh, I'm so sure."
"I deserve that," Bucky conceded. "But you have to know, I never wanted to hurt you. This isn't how it was supposed to go. It was never supposed to go that deep with us."
"So, what, you're supposed to make nice? Earn a soon-to-be parent's trust and then take their baby before they even realize how evil you are?"
Kneeling so they were eye-to-eye, Bucky assured, "No one is going to hurt your baby. Our ba–"
"If you think for one second that I'm going to let you anywhere near my baby, you're crazy!"
"Steve," Bucky sighed sadly. His eyes were wet and shiny with unshed tears; Steve hated how much that tugged at his heart. Strangely enough, when another bout of pain ripped through him, Steve was thankful for the distraction. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. Between us."
"There's nothing between us," Steve exhaled deeply, willing the pain to leave him.
"There wasn't supposed to be, no."
For a moment, the pair just stared at each other. Steve was fighting with his baby and Bucky was fighting with himself. Steve decided, "If you have something to say, you need to say it now."
"I'm not who you think I am." Steve went to make a snarky remark, but Bucky held his hand up so he could continue. "My name isn't Bucky Loch. It's Bu'loch. I assume you know who that is since you're reading that book. I'm one of the kings of the underworld. I make deals. I made one with your husband."
Swallowing thickly, "What kind of deal?"
"For a successful career and recognition."
Steve didn't doubt that Hodge would wish for fame. That seemed to be the only thing that he really cared about. And even though Steve had his suspicions about what his dear ol' husband gave in return, he still found himself asking, "What did he give you?"
"An heir."
Steve shook his head and gasped, "No."
Bucky nodded. "He wasn't the only one who made this deal. Peggy and Daniel... they're loyal. The whole group is. Daniel more than others, but that's because of his father."
"His father?"
"Silvan Jules."
"No," Steve curled in on himself again as another bout of pain stabbed him. Then, another. And another. They weren't spaced out the way they had been earlier, and Steve feared that this was it. In horror at being in labor, he repeated, "NO!"
"Stevie?" Bucky came closer, but as soon as he placed his hand on Steve's back, the omega tugged away from him.
Crying in pain, Steve felt another contraction far more grueling than any of the others. He held his breath, then sucked air in through his nostrils in quick little pulls. Bucky stood and called out, "He's in labor!"
Then, Steve was being lifted into Bucky's strong arms. Quickly and carefully, he carried the omega into Steve's bedroom and laid him down on the bed. Steve tried to fight the alpha, but he couldn't. The pain was too great and the fight was exhausting. All he could do was lay there on his bed and listen to Dr. Pierce.
"You're alright," the doctor assured while Peggy and Angie assisted him in removing Steve's pants.
"I can't have them here," Steve weakly fought, "I can't. I'm supposed to be at the hospital. Where it's sterile. Where it's safe."
"Steven, there's no time," Peggy tried to soothe.
And then there was another contraction.
And then Dr. Pierce was giving him an injection that lessened the pain.
And then Angie wiped his forehead.
And then there was another contraction, faint and disconnected from his floating head.
This wasn't natural childbirth at all. He wasn't even helping. He wasn't there.
Oh, Leo, Leo-or-Mia! I'm sorry, my little darling! Forgive me!
My sister-in-law provided the names "Ezra" and "Amelia", and my nephew provided the names "Roy" and "Jennifer". So, everyone say thank you to them! I hope you're all doing well wherever you are! Much love and appreciation Minnie ❤️❤️❤️
0 notes
loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
PEGGY WAS AT the door with Steve's laundry. He told her that he could've done it himself, but she wouldn't hear of it. Insisting that since he was so close to his delivery date, he needed to be careful. After all, he didn't want to stress or strain himself.
"If you want to repay us, name the baby after us," Peggy teased, giving him a wink.
Testing the names, "Peggy Rogers. Daniel Rogers."
While they didn't sound terrible, he didn't know if he wanted to name his baby after someone that he knew. No matter how much he owed the pair for giving him the gift of being a father and taking care of him.
"You could always use Daniel's middle name," Peggy suggested, probably correctly assuming that Steve wasn't likely to choose either of their names. "It's gender neutral. Very chic."
Curious, "What is it?"
Again, it wasn't terrible. Steve just didn't see himself introducing his child as such. He was drawn to Rosemary and Mia and Leo and even Henry. He wasn't sure why, he just knew that he did. Maybe it had a little to do with Bucky. Just maybe. Not that he was trying to choose a name that his current partner liked. After all, he didn't want to be reminded of that partner if they left one day.
When Peggy sat down to start folding the laundry, Steve protested, "I can fold my own laundry, Pegs."
"No, no, no, I don't mind," Peggy argued. "And at thirty-seven weeks you need to rest. I already told you, I don't mind. It soothes me."
Steve took in a deep breath, ready to decline the offer once more, but Peggy spoke first. "Plus, now you can work on those Thank You cards you've been pushing off until the last minute."
Okay, she had him there. He had cards to fill out for the baby shower gifts and attendance. He also needed to pick out birth announcements for when his little one was here. He also needed to read the manual to the baby swing Uncle Arnie had given him.
"Fine," Steve sighed, sitting down once more. "But only because I have a lot to do."
"Good," Peggy folded a Bambi onesie. "And once I'm done here, I'll make you some lunch."
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes but he was kind of hungry. Nevertheless, he got as comfortable as he could with a five pound baby trying to find space inside of Steve's small womb. With the sample announcements spread in front of him as well as a stack of thank you cards and his list of people he still needed to send them to.
In comfortable silence, the pair worked beside each other. A trashy reality show was on TV, but both omegas were only listening to the going-ons rather than watching it. Steve shook his head at a comment that one of the... c a s t  s a i d ...
Snoring so loud that he woke himself up, he noticed that the clothes were folded, the TV had been turned off, and he was alone in his apartment. Or, at least, he assumed that he was alone. He didn't see or hear or even scent Peggy. Not even when he rolled off the couch and made his way to the bathroom.
Once he was done relieving his mistreated bladder, Steve exited the guest bathroom. As he passed the linen closet, something was askew. Noticing that the closet door was open a crack, his brows furrowed. Figuring that Peggy had placed the clean towels in there and hadn't closed the door completely by accident, Steve headed to the kitchen for a snack. However, when headed down the hallway towards the front of the hall, he noticed that the chain was on the door. That was odd. How could the chain be on if Peggy went home?
It didn't make sense.
You must've let her out and had forgotten doing so because you were so tired. It wouldn't be the first time that you did something like that. Remember when dad caught you getting ready for school because your sleep-addled mind thought it was six, not midnight?
Having convinced himself that that must be what happened, Steve entered the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he found a chicken pot pie that had a post-it on the lid with instructions on how to cook it and for how long. He knew that he'd be forever grateful for Peggy Sousa.
After following Peggy's directions to a T, he made his way back into the living room. Sitting down on the couch, with the coffee table in front of him, he tried to organize things. Baby items up and away from him. Manual to the side. Announcements in the corner. Thank You cards right in front of him. Just when he thought that he had everything, he spotted the book Abraham wanted him to have.
Red canvas cover with faded gold letters. Mysteries, Magic, and Mayhem: The Truth of Stark Tower. And maybe, Steve was just a little curious. What mysteries had been discovered there? What magic had been used in those halls? And, finally, what was the truth?
Since he had already finished a few of the cards, Steve decided to flip through the book. Not thoroughly read it like he wanted to, but just skim. Just get a gist of the history. He did have a long To Do list that he needed to do for a reason. But a little break wouldn't hurt.
So, he opened the book. With the age of the book, he took great care with it. The aged pages felt thin and fragile and the spine opened to almost halfway through the book. On the left was a painting of a brunet angel with dark wings. On the right was the heading, King Bu'loch.
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"Looks like Bucky," Steve said to himself, tracing a finger along the page. But I'm sure I've been finding my alpha's face in a lot of places lately.
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Skimming the page, a few things stood out. ... an addictive alpha scent of soft, fruity and sweet, with subtle notes of flowers and spices... evil in one of its purest forms... skin as red as fresh blood, hooves, horns, and has a rancid, bitter scent.
Was the writer a follower or a denouncer? How could they be unbiased and only have the painting that depicted the King of the Underworld as an angel?
Moving on: ... he and his sister, Queen Re'beck, were made from Alveus' own ribs... Underworld's Adam and Eve.
A chill tickled down his spine, so Steve flipped through the pages in search of something or someone that stood out to him. That would've stood out to Abraham enough for him to want Steve to have this book. Cletus Kasady, a well-known killer. Steve had watched a number of documentaries on the man. Hilda von Hate aka the She-Witch of the S.S.
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Heart starting to race, Steve flipped to the beginning of the book. Talismans, was the header. Eyes skimming: ...object ascribed with religious or magical powers intended to protect, heal, or harm... often portable objects... aiding in fertility...
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"Nope," Steve said aloud, "Nope, nope, nope. You're just scaring yourself, Stevie."
Flipping through the pages again. Agatha Harkness, the rumored witch. Then, the next chapter had a clue from Abraham.
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In blue ink, It's an anagram! 'Silvan Jules,' was an anagram? Throughout the page across from a portrait of the man there were underlines. Buchanism. Clearly those who believed in King Bu'loch. ...called forth the deity, Bu'loch... mob outside of Stark Tower... son, Aaron Addison Jules.
"What's an anagram, Abe?"
Head whipping around to the hallway, he felt his heart jump up into his throat. From his womb, the baby's movements amped up. Figuring that it was just him hearing things, Steve tried to calm down and focus on what was in front of him. However, what was in front of him wasn't going to help. Especially not when he flipped to another page in the book, Terrigen Root.
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More of Abraham's underlining: ... also known as 'Devil's Pepper,' ...have a strong, pungent odor. ...that Buchanists use terrigen root to manipulate and control others... made into a tea...
"What have I done?"
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
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"OH, LOOK HOW lovely these are!" Sarah squealed when she saw the little sage green mittens with radishes, carrots, and peas in and out of their pods.
"Aren't they," Peggy agreed, fawning over Sarah just as she did with Steve. Steve wondered if Peggy reminded Sarah of her mother as much as she did for Steve.
Reading the card, Steve said, "Thank you, Mr. Sitwell. This is very thoughtful."
The lawyer nodded, but remained in the corner of the room where no one was paying attention to him while he ate a piece of the carrot cake. If Steve's wombmate wasn't the guest of honor, Steve probably would've done the same. He hated being the center of attention, but he occasionally made exceptions. Especially when those exceptions involved his loved ones and their happiness.
Setting the gift bag with the garden themed mittens – along with their matching hats – and the baby nail kit off to the side, Joe crossed the room to him. The alpha handed him another, "Last, but not least." A basket with different bath and post-bath products as well as towels and washcloths. Joe grinned, "This is from mom and me."
"Thank you," he smiled, kissing the older man on his cheek. Teasing, "They're going to be the cleanest baby around."
As though objecting, Natasha's son let out a shrill cry. She stood so she could sway him and joked, "Sorry, he can't help but be the center of attention. It's honestly so rude of him."
"It's alright," Steve chuckled, marking over his thirty-three week bump. "I'm sure bud will be the same."
"Bud? Is that their name?" Angie Martinelli asked.
"You're having a boy?" Natasha asked, glancing over at her work partner as though he had been keeping a secret and she didn't appreciate it.
"Oh, how exciting!" Thor's voice boomed above the chatter filling the room, causing his husband to cover his face in embarrassment.
Laura offered, "I have tons of hand-me-downs that I can –"
Steve shook his head as he corrected, "It's just a term of endearment since their birth is when I'll –" he glanced at Bucky and amended "– we'll find out."
The room quieted at that. Not to complete silence, just to a more manageable volume as smaller conversations started up around the room again. Steve was thankful for that though. He was even more thankful when Bucky rubbed his sore, tense shoulders and kissed his temple.
"C'mon, Niko," Natasha sighed, still trying to soothe the seven month old. Looking over at the sofa where Steve was sandwiched between his mom and his boyfriend, she asked, "Wanna get some practice in?"
Steve looked over at Bucky before deciding that he might as well. With the assistance of both Sarah and Bucky, Steve stood from the couch. Meeting Natasha halfway, she passed the crying baby to him. He had hoped that he'd have the magic touch where as soon as the little guy was in his arms, he'd stop crying. Instead, Niko cried harder. No matter how much Steve swayed him, nothing helped. And it definitely didn't help when Heath-or-Zoey started moving around in the womb as though they didn't like the interruption to their nap.
Looking over at Natasha, Steve said, "I think that's enough practice for today."
"Don't take it too hard," Laura assured.
"You're alright," Joe comforted with a hand on his shoulder, the same way he used to when he coached Steve's T-Ball team. Steve could almost hear the, 'walk it off,' or, 'you'll get 'em next time, kiddo.' And while Steve let out a heavy sigh as he eased himself back onto the couch, it was comforting.
Holding the wiggling, crying baby to her chest, she asked Bucky, "What about you? You're gonna need practice too."
Worrying his lower lip, Bucky glanced over at Steve. Nodding his encouragement, Steve all but pushed the brunet off the couch. Stiffly – and clearly uncomfortable – Bucky took Nikolai in his arms. At first, he was tense, as though the baby would attack if he moved. But then, the baby eased, scenting the alpha. Bucky seemed shocked by the action, and turned his head just enough so he could look at Steve.
"It's nothing personal, darling," Peggy soothed, "Babies are funny like that."
Directing his full attention to his bump, Steve spoke to his baby, "I better be your favorite."
"If it means anything," Bucky swayed the baby, soothing him, "You're my favorite."
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. If he had to be completely honest, it did mean something to him. Out of all of Bucky's friends, partners, and admirers, Steve was his favorite? That meant everything.
"Sorry, I'm late."
The conversations paused and Steve looked over at the entryway to the living room where Greta was standing with a gift bag. With a lot of effort, Steve pushed himself off the couch so he could greet her properly. It had been more than long enough since he had seen her last. For a moment, Steve felt guilty for not visiting with the mourning woman more in the aftermath of Abraham's death.
Hugging her as close as he could despite the bump between them, Steve said, "I'm glad you came."
"I'm glad I came too," Greta sniffled. Pulling from the embrace but not completely, she fondly looked at the pregnant omega, "Abe would've loved to see you like this."
Not able to hold back his tears, he nodded and said, "I wish he could've."
She wiped his tears and then wiped her own. "I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay long. I just wanted to give you this."
Accepting the pastel yellow bag, Steve rested it on his protruding stomach so he could peek inside. His actions halted though when she said, "It was something that Abraham wanted you to have."
"Thank you," Steve hiccupped. "Really, Greta, thank you."
"You're very welcome, sweetheart."
Embracing the older beta again, Steve closed his eyes and scented her. Longing to have her and Abe's scents mingling and lingering together. That was how they should've always been, and now it just left Steve heartbroken.
"I'm really happy for you." Greta rubbed his back, "You deserve this, Steven. You truly do. And I can't wait to see how amazing of a father you're going to be."
"Y'wanna join us on the couch?" Steve offered, gesturing to Sarah and Peggy.
Fidgeting, Greta looked over at the two women who waved her over with kind smiles on their faces. Steve could see that she wasn't so sure, and he got it. He really did. Greta wasn't used to going to gatherings by herself. Steve knew as much from the years that the Erskines had been in his life. But now she didn't have the luxury of having her husband beside her.
So, Steve gave her an out, "I won't be upset if you just want to go home and relax a little."
"Thank you," Greta let out a breath of relief. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely," Steve assured. Suggesting, instead, "We can have lunch sometime, alright."
Nodding, Greta leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Bidding her farewell, Steve walked her to the door. He loved Greta and he knew that she loved him too. Greta not wanting to be around a lot of people didn't mean that she didn't, nor did it mean that Steve was going to stop loving her for not wanting to stay. Kissing each other's cheeks, Steve closed the door behind her.
By himself in the hallway, Steve opened the bag and looked at the soft books and a stuffed rabbit who came as a reading buddy. Steve's eyes grew wet again as he thought about the late author. Always wanting kids to be creative and curious, that was Abraham. Perhaps he wanted everyone like that since not all of the gifts were for his wombmate. No, there was an old, distressed book that claimed, Mysteries, Magic, and Mayhem: The Truth of Stark Tower.
I wrote this at my brother's and using his wife's laptop since I left mine at home, lol. So say thank you to my brother and sister-in-law! I hope you're doing well wherever you are! Much love and appreciation Minnie ❤️❤️❤️
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
APPROACHING HIS thirty-third week, Steve was awoken from his nap by the intercom buzzing. Blinking away the sleep, Steve struggled to stand from the couch. The closer he got to his due date, the more difficult everything got.
Well, not everything. Surprisingly – or not – his love life was going pretty well. And that was entirely due to Bucky. He was great. Wonderful. Incredible. Whether it was helping with the assembling of nursery furniture or just hanging out so Steve didn't feel so alone in the large apartment, he was a better partner than Hodge had ever been throughout their entire relationship. Which probably wasn't saying a lot, but Steve was happy nonetheless.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," Steve groaned in his discomfort as he finally rolled off the furniture that he had been napping on. Hands on his lower back to support the added weight on his naturally crooked spine, Steve made his way down the hallway to the front of the apartment.
Reaching the intercom, someone was covering the camera. Instantly, Steve's brows furrowed and a little tingle rose the hairs on the back of his neck. For a moment, he was afraid that it was someone coming to harm him. He wasn't sure who would do that, and he tried to remind himself to stop falling asleep watching true crime stories; it only made him paranoid.
"Yeah?" Steve asked, squinting at the screen as though that would allow him to see through the hand covering the camera. It didn't, but he still tried.
The person removed their hand, revealing his parents. Immediately, Steve filled with joy while a grin nearly split his face in two. "What're you guys doing here?"
"Like we were going to miss your first Father's Day!" Sarah giggled.
"Yeah, so let us up already, will ya?!" Joe added, fidgeting as they waited outside of Stark Tower.
Allowing them entrance, Steve also made sure to unlock and unchain the door so he wouldn't have to get up again. Waddling – because he did a lot of that these days – he got a good start down the hallway before his parents joined him.
Momentarily, Steve was nervous for his parents to be there. Not only because he was nesting and so nothing seemed clean enough to him and sometimes he found himself at three in the morning with a toothbrush as he scrubbed the kitchen tiles. But because he wasn't sure what they were going to say about his divorce and eventual unmating. He was also a little anxious about their reaction to his current dating life.
"Steven!" Sarah squealed, racing down the hallway to hug him.
Easing into the embrace as much as he could considering his protruding abdomen, Steve still feigned annoyance. Playfully complaining, "It's not even going to be my first Father's Day since they're not here yet."
"So?" Joe chuckled, wrapping them both up in a hug.
"Wait for me!"
Looking over his mom's shoulder, Steve's heart leapt as he spotted his grandpa, "Paw Paw!"
"Hey, there sweet pea," the older man greeted, hugging Steve.
"I didn't know you were coming with them," Steve sniffled; positively giddy at seeing his family.
"So, it was a good surprise then," Sarah hoped.
"A good double surprise," Joe added.
"Yeah," Steve wiped the sneaky tears from the corners of his eyes. Assuring the trio, "It was a good surprise. Double surprise."
Sarah excitedly clapped her hands, pleased with herself. Joe slung his arm along her shoulders and pulled her in so he could kiss the top of her graying-blonde haired head. Paw Paw reached out one of his hands towards Steve's baby bump, but didn't touch. He arched his brows in silent request. Which Steve, of course, allowed.
"Oh goodness," Paw Paw chuckled, rubbing a spot where Kurtis-or-Marie's foot had kicked. "You're gonna have your hands full."
"Tell me about it," Steve sighed, content.
With the older man touching the bump, Sarah and Joe took it as an okay for them to feel too. Sarah didn't hide tears that built in her eyes. The eyes that Steve had inherited from her. The eyes that Steve wished his own little one would have.
"Wow," Joe sniffled, "They're really making a commotion."
"Post nap activity," Steve half-teased.
Kneeling, Sarah leaned forward to press a kiss to that bump that housed her grandchild, "Mimi loves you!"
Surrounded by so much love was something that Steve hadn't realized he missed until that moment. Once the trio were done showering him and his wombmate with love, Steve gave them the tour. The kitchen – which Sarah took a special liking to as she informed the men that she was going to bake some of Steve's favorite cookies. The living room – the recliner caught Paw Paw's attention and Steve knew the older man would be found snoozing in it later. Pleasantly so, Steve was surprised that Joe adored the in-progress nursery.
Sarah, however, had her face scrunched in disgust. A pang shot through Steve's heart. Sure, he knew that the nursery wasn't complete. Not yet. But it was getting there. And Steve liked the bunny wallpaper and the sage wainscot. He poured a lot of love into this roo–
"Sweetie, I don't wanna sound rude, but –" the older omega pinched her nose "– what is that god awful smell?"
Brows furrowing and relief loosening the knot in his heart, Steve took in a lungful, "What smell?"
"Don't mind her, she's more sensitive now since we've been in the clean, mountain air," Joe teased, wrapping his arm around Steve.
Sarah leveled her mate with A Look before insisting, "No, I'm not. There's a particular smell! Sour. Almost downright bitter."
At this, Steve blushed. Fishing out his necklace from his shirt collar, Steve pinched the filigree ball between his thumb and index finger, "It's a root. It's for good luck."
"Oh, I smell it now," Joe's face screwed up at the sour scent.
"How can you stand to be near that?" Sarah asked, covering her nose by tucking it into the collar of her floral t-shirt.
Shrugging, "I've gotten used to it."
"Well," Sarah turned to see the windows. Crossing the room to them, she asked, "Can I open this? Just to air it out a little?"
Tucking his necklace once again, "Yeah. Do you want me to open the windows in my room too?"
"Oh, you don't have to do that," Sarah instantly dismissed.
Rolling his eyes, Steve fought the smile on his face and failed, "If you're going to be sleeping in there, you're gonna want –"
"Who said anything about us sleeping in there?"
Looking from his mom to his dad and then back again, Steve clarified, "Aren't you staying here?"
"Yes," the older adults confirmed.
"Well," Steve good-naturedly scoffed, "Paw Paw will sleep in here and you and dad will sleep in my room."
"No," Sarah declined. "You're pregnant, you'll need your sleep."
"Especially since you probably won't be sleeping much once they come along," Joe agreed with his wife while he was also pleased at the sentiment of his son becoming a father.
"I'll sleep on the couch," Steve assured. His parents were about to argue again, but Steve added, "I was just taking a nap on it."
"What about your nest?" Sarah asked, arms crossed along her petite frame.
"It's already on the couch," Steve chuckled, leading the way back to the living –
Knock, knock!
Liam-or-Poppy amped up their movement in Steve's womb as his heart started racing. He knew who was at the door. He just didn't know how to go about this. His family wasn't supposed to be there and Steve wasn't sure how they'd react to his – whoa, there Steve, let's not get too crazy just yet, he's not your – alpha.
"Are you expecting company?" Sarah asked, pausing in the living room entryway.
"Um," Steve set his gaze on the door, completely stuck on his current guest. "You guys make yourself at home, I'm gonna get that."
Opening the door, Steve came face-to-face with a beautiful, colorful bouquet of hot pink roses, bright yellow cremons, cheerful orange Gerbera daisies, and purple Peruvian lilies (Bucky's favorite). Steve tried to fight the grin tugging at the corners of his lips, but he couldn't. Especially not when Bucky brought the lovely flowers down so he could peek above them.
Accepting the bouquet, Steve stood on his tiptoes so he could greet Bucky with a kiss. While he smiled into the flowers, Steve noticed Bucky was glancing over the top of his head behind him. The alpha straightened so he was standing with perfect posture almost as though he had been reprimanded for slouching.
Remembering his family, Steve quietly told the brunet, "Sorry, my family decided to surprise me."
"Hey, none of that. You've got no reason to apologize," Bucky softly assured, reaching up to give his shoulder a tender squeeze, "This is a great surprise! I know how much you've missed them."
And, of course, Bucky was right; Steve had missed his family. So much. So much more than he would've thought. Missed them even more since he'd been living by himself, and truly by himself, since he didn't even have roommates at all this time.
"Do you want to meet them?"
Brows shot up his forehead as though they were trying to hide in his hairline, "You want me to meet your family?"
Pressing his lips together, it only took Steve a moment to decide, "Yeah, I do. But only if you want to."
"What do I say? I've never met anyone's parents before."
Pulling the alpha into his apartment, Steve half-teased, "Just start with, 'hi.'"
"Hi," Bucky repeated, holding his hand out to the group.
"Mom, Dad, Paw Paw," Steve introduced them, "This is Bucky, my boyfriend."
Only after the words came out of his mouth did Steve realize that he had no idea if the alpha was his boyfriend. They hadn't had that talk yet.
Joe accepted the greeting first and took the younger alpha's hand in his. The middle-aged man thought you could find out a lot from someone based on their handshake. Steve didn't know if he believed that, but he did await the verdict in a state of nauseousness.
"Good, strong grip," Joe assessed, nodding in approval.
"Thank you, sir," Bucky glanced over at Steve, earning a thumbs-up from the omega.
"None of that, 'sir,' nonsense," Joe immediately shut down. "I'm either, 'Joe,' or, 'hey, you, over there.'"
Bucky chuckled at that. Sarah shook her head while she fought her own giggles and stepped up to meet her son's partner and take his once-again extended hand. "I'm Sarah, it's nice to meet you." Gesturing over to her dad, "This is my dad, Larry –"
"Paw Paw," Steve interrupted.
"That's right, sweet pea!" The oldest man in the room confirmed, winking at Steve as the omega set the vase with fresh flowers on the kitchen table. "It's, 'Paw Paw.' And pretty soon, it'll be, 'Great Paw Paw.'"
"And what a great Great Paw Paw you'll be," Steve smiled, moving beneath Bucky's arm and snuggling his side the best that he currently could. As naturally as he normally did, Bucky dropped a kiss to the top of Steve's head. And when he looked out at his family, he knew that the alpha – decidedly his alpha – had won them over.
Today (January 1st, 2024) is my mom's 54th birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 I hope you're all doing well wherever you are! Much love and appreciation Minnie ❤❤❤
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
PENCIL ON PAPER, Steve glanced up at Bucky while the alpha lounged on the chaise in front of the fireplace, reading an old, thick novel. The alpha looked effortlessly sophisticated as he relaxed there. No fire was burning beside him, but that didn't stop Steve's imagination from running wild.
They were at Bucky's brownstone and Steve could imagine kids climbing onto the alpha's lap, begging him to read them a story. Or running up and down the stairs to come down for dinner or to hurry down for school. On the second floor, there was a library, and he knew that he'd place the kid books on the lower shelves so the kids could always reach them. He just hoped that they'd still want their fathers to read them to them.
Steve paused his sketching, causing the scratching noise to stop. And since those had stopped, Bucky glanced over at him. Steve paid little attention to the brunet. His mind was still on that sentiment. On fathers. As in plural. As in him and, who? Bucky??? Sure, Steve cared about the alpha and he knew that Bucky felt the same. But he couldn't expect for Bucky to step up and be a father. It wasn't fair of him to expect that from him.
Blinking his thoughts away, Steve looked over at the handsome man. Humming in acknowledgement, "Hmm?"
"Everything alright?"
"Of course," Steve good-humoredly scoffed. "Why wouldn't it be?"
Setting the novel aside, Bucky sat up so he could fully focus all of his attention on Steve. Explaining, "You stopped drawing me."
Blushing, Steve weakly denied, "I wasn't drawing you."
"Sure," Bucky rolled his eyes, but an arrogant smirk stayed on his lips, "Whatever you say, Stevie."
Steve insisted, "I wasn't."
"I believe you."
Playfully, Steve narrowed his eyes at the alpha, "Don't patronize me."
"'M not sure what you're talking about."
Shaking his head, Steve set his sketchbook off to the side and stood from the cozy armchair. It was a little harder these days being in his third trimester, and he knew that Bucky would help him if asked, but the alpha knew better than to assume Steve needed his assistance.
Steve knew he was stubborn. He did. He also desperately hoped that Guy-or-Rosemary wouldn't inherit that from him. Of course, with their beta father being a stubborn son-of-a-bitch too, it didn't look good either way.
After he was done in the bathroom, Steve glanced at the clock on the mantel. Trying to stretch as best as he could with a coconut sized fetus bullying their way around his womb, he sighed, "Well, I guess I should get going."
Bucky checked the clock on the mantel and his watch and back again. Asking, "Want me to drive you to your appointment?"
"I can take a cab, it's not a big deal."
"I know it's not a big deal." Bucky shrugged, "I just thought that I could take you there and then take you home. And, y'know, just hanging out there while I wait."
Seeing how flustered the alpha was and how the baby wiggled inside, Steve asked, "Are you asking if you can come to my appointment?"
"In a roundabout way, I suppose," Bucky admitted. "But only if you want me to."
Technically, they had only been dating for a few weeks, but it felt much longer than that. It had been longer than that, just not officially. This alpha had helped set up the baby's nursery. No complaining, no sarcasm, not like Hodge. Instead, Bucky was happy to help. More than happy. In fact, he was the one who suggested it from the beginning.
"Okay," Steve huffed, putting his hands on his hips, "We need to have a talk."
Eyes widening, Bucky meekly agreed, "Alright."
"I'm pregnant," he began.
Fighting a laugh, "I know. I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm not the only one who knows."
"That's not what I mean," Steve swatted at him. "What I mean is that if we take this step, this step that has us playing house, it's not just you and me. I have a baby to think about. And it's all fun and games now because they're not here yet, but they will be soon enough. Do you know what I'm saying?"
"Steve," Bucky stepped forward and cradled the omega's face in his hands, "I know what I'm getting myself into. Knew it from the moment we met, I think. Even though everything was different, I knew it would somehow lead to this. Or, at least, hoped it would."
Not able to stop himself, Steve leaned up and kissed Bucky. Zac-or-Elsie kicked up into his lungs, but all Steve could do was smile at the alpha. Even if Bucky didn't stick around once they were born, at least Steve could say that once-upon-a-time there had been an alpha who wanted to be there for them.
Bucky placed his hand on Steve's abdomen and teased the unborn pup, "You've got the worst timing, you know that, bud?"
Steve couldn't help but think they had perfect timing. Especially whenever Bucky took notice and talked to them. And Steve felt lucky. He felt blessed. Felt as though he was floating.
The feeling only grew and magnified once he was on the examining table with his supportive band rolled down, shirt pushed up, and his baby on the ultrasound monitor. It was the first time that Bucky was seeing them in real time and Steve noted the twinkle of joy and unshed tears in his steel-blue eyes. Steve watched him in wonder. He had seen partners act like that in movies, but hadn't experienced it yet for himself, not until now.
Giving his hand a soothing squeeze, Bucky looked down at the omega, "Isn't this the best thing you've ever seen?"
"It really is," Steve assured, his own eyes growing misty.
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loveforpreserumsteve · 3 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
THAT SATURDAY, Steve paced around his living room. His mind swirled with negative thoughts of Bucky forgetting about him. Of Bucky changing his mind. Of Bucky setting Steve up for a cruel joke. But Steve knew better than that. He did. His insecurities didn't, but Steve, himself, did.
Every little noise made Steve jump as though ready to sprint for the door at a moment's notice. He hadn't been this anxious – this excited – about a date since college. And even then, he was only all jittery because of his – then – roommate "joking" about how awful it'd be if he was stood up. Thankfully, he wasn't, but that fear had been there. This was different. This time, he wasn't afraid of being stood up, he knew that Bucky was going to show up and he was excited. Thrilled. Tickled.
Knock, knock!
Biting back his grin already, Steve checked his reflection once more before heading for the front of the apartment. He couldn't help but admire the pregnancy glow that he seemed to have finally achieved. Not so bad, Steve!
Opening the door, Steve was greeted with a large bouquet of pinks, purples, and whites. Lilies, roses, and even some lavender. The baby fluttered just like his heart did. Accepting the flowers, Steve thanked the alpha and decided, "I should put these in a vase."
"Of course," Bucky smiled, following Steve to the kitchen.
"These are really beautiful, Bucky," Steve reached up for the vase his mother had given him as a housewarming gift when he first moved out on his own. "Thank you. Again."
"You're very welcome."
Adding some water to the purple-tinted glass, Steve smiled down at the happy flowers. Adoring that the alpha surprised him with them. He wasn't sure when he had last gotten flowers. Hodge had gotten him some once or twice, but only for special occasions like their anniversary.
Subtly, Steve shook his head to get the thought of his soon-to-be ex-husband out of his head. Turning to look at Bucky, he complimented, "You look nice."
"Thank you," a nice rosy-red bloomed on Bucky's cheeks as he smoothed down his button up shirt. His gaze returned to Steve, "You look nice too. But you always do, so there's no surprise there."
Playfully, Steve narrowed his eyes at the brunet. Not that that did anything but make Bucky's grin grow and crinkle up to his eyes.
"C'mon," Bucky extended his hand to Steve.
Without any hesitation – and perhaps way too eagerly – Steve took his hand. As the alpha threaded their fingers together and led the way out of the apartment, the omega asked, "What's on the agenda?"
"About that," Bucky started while Steve locked his door. "So, I know that you're an artist – a really damn talented one too – but I thought we could paint some mugs or something? Natasha suggested this ceramic shop that lets you do that. But it's okay if you don't want to though, I was just trying to think of something you might like to do. I'm open to suggestions though and have some other ide–"
"That sounds like a lot of fun," Steve interrupted, giving Bucky's hand a reassuring squeeze. Wondering how he had gotten so lucky. Hodge never – No, Steve pushed the elevator call button a little more aggressively than he usually would. Stop thinking about him! He doesn't matter anymore! All he cared about was himself! He doesn't even care about your baby!
"Good. I was a little worried."
Stepping into the elevator, Steve watched the brunet. He looked unconvinced, so Steve insisted, "I mean it. That sounds like a lot of fun. A No Pressure type of date."
Bucky studied him for a moment. Whatever he saw in Steve must have proven that Steve was being truthful because he returned a smile in the omega's direction. Steve's own gaze lingered on the alpha's handsome features; wondering what they'd look like on a baby.
As the pair walked together, Steve breathed in the different scents of the city right before summer. Fresh flowers, waffle cones for delicious ice cream, and optimism. Who cared if said optimism smelled of plums, terrigen root, and alpha musk? Certainly not Steve. If anything, he found the scent was rather fitting for the positivity.
With a small, unsure smile, Bucky looked down at Steve and asked, "What?"
"You're smiling at me," Bucky explained, smile growing as the blush spread over Steve's face.
Trying to fight his own smile, "Should I stop?"
"No," Bucky grinned down at him, letting go of Steve's hand so he could drape his arm around his slender shoulders. "Please don't."
"Okay," meeting this as a challenge, "I won't."
Then, something peculiar happened. Warmth and happiness and affection flowed through the other side of the bond. It wasn't necessarily unusual but it did bring Steve's mood down to something more manageable. Something that had guilt lingering at the edges. Reminding him that he wasn't single. Not yet, at least. Not fully. Reminding him that he wouldn't be completely single until after he gave birth and was able to get the bond broken.
Bucky noticed.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah," Steve nodded, assuring the alpha. "I'm sorry."
Brows furrowing, "Why are you sorry?"
"Because my mind went to Hodge," Steve quietly confessed, looking down as they walked down the sidewalk.
"Hey," Bucky pulled him closer, holding Steve tighter to regain his attention. Once he had it, he said, "It's okay. I know he's an important part of your life. So, I'm okay with this. Are you?"
Looking up at the handsome man, Steve was in awe of how understanding he was. Knowing that he could trust this alpha to respect him, Steve nodded, "Yeah. I'm okay."
"Good," Steve echoed.
As they entered the ceramic shop, Steve eased immediately. Although it wasn't the shop that he used to make his own creations, it was still a place for one to be artistic, and therefore, it was home. His smile grew as he looked out at the people painting different ceramic knickknacks. Little kids, adults, teenagers. It didn't matter how old one was, they all had a twinkle in their eye and mirth at the corners of their upturned lips.
Looking over the array of ceramic projects to choose from, Steve was drawn to the Easter selection. The holiday had already passed, but he adored the little bunnies as they reminded him of the nursery. Reminded him of little Leo-or-Mia. Finding a little bunny bank, Steve knew that it was the right project for him, for them. Figuring that even if nothing came out of this with Bucky, he'd at least be able to look at the ceramic bank for his baby and think fondly about the alpha who put him and his interests above his own.
When Steve turned to see what Bucky had found, the alpha was already on his way over to Steve. Hiding the object from the omega until they were standing face-to-face. Removing the hand covering it, Bucky revealed a ceramic bunny jar.
"Great minds think alike?" Bucky gave him a lopsided smile with hope in his eyes. "Figured the baby might like it."
"Dork," Steve fondly teased, shaking his head, the smile remaining on his face.
Once the pair was set up at a table with their paints chosen, they got to work. Sitting across from each other, they stole glances and smiles, along with the occasional, childish sticking of tongues out. Beneath the table, their feet found their way across the space between them until they could affectionately, flirtatiously touch one another. And despite himself, Steve felt himself falling for Bucky and falling hard. But who could blame him? He was but a mere mortal, after all.
Wanting to know more about the alpha before he tipped all the way into head-over-heels, Steve asked, "How did you meet the Sousas?"
Tongue poking from the corner of his mouth as he concentrated, Bucky blinked up at Steve. "A party."
"Did you meet them through Sharon?"
"Oh no, I met them long before I met her."
Nodding, Steve said, "They're lucky to have you."
"You got it backwards," Bucky softly corrected, "I'm the lucky one."
"Yeah?" Bucky nodded, so Steve prompted, "And why's that?"
"Because they're the reason that we met."
Cheeks heating, Steve redirected his attention to the coin bank in front of him. Concentrating on the little pastel flowers that he was painting. Allowing the pair to fall in companionable silence as they worked separately, but together.
After they were done and after their projects were set off to the side for the shop to glaze and bake, Bucky walked Steve home. Greg-or-Lily was excited in his womb while his heart was jumping in his chest. All the while, Bucky held Steve's hand. Both were paint-stained but neither cared. What truly drove Steve crazy though was how the alpha caressed the back of his knuckles with his calloused thumb. Almost lovingly in the movement and Steve could admit that that was how he wanted the gesture to be: to be loving.
Reaching Stark Tower, the pair paused outside. The brunet glanced up at the apartment complex, but made no move to follow Steve inside. Instead, he started his goodbye right there on the sidewalk.
"Text me when you get home?" Steve requested.
Bucky nodded, "I will."
Stalling, Steve decided to make the first move. Standing on his tiptoes, he pressed his lips to Bucky's. Plush and sweet, Steve instantly became addicted. Through the bond, Steve felt affection and contentment along with a hint of lust. He chose to ignore the bond as he tangled his long, slender fingers in Bucky's thick, brown tresses. If he had been holding out to not fall completely in love with the alpha, he no longer had the desire to deny himself. This was it. Bucky was it. It it.
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