lovextriangle · 7 months
đŸ§â€â™‚ïž: yeah
.about that
aragorn, at the council of Elrond: it's such a relief that the creature Gollum is securely locked up in Mirkwood
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lovextriangle · 2 years
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author’s note: (I swear I was going to write a kili fic and then I saw this gif
 well you know the rest)
Imagine the first fall of snow with Legolas
It had gotten colder lately. You didn’t mind too much but sometimes it felt like the cold air had settled permanently in between your bones. The ache when you flexed your fingers in front of the fire had your eyes closing in a tight wince that you kept to yourself. You wished the weather didn’t affect you as much as it did. If it was the complete opposite right now, on a blistering summer day you would be a different sort of mess. One wet, sweaty blob with a dry mouth instead of chattering teeth. The weather always affected humans that way, more so than elves.
And that is what you wished to be, an elf. One who could withstand the cold and the hot. One who can be graceful and strong. Their talents were endless when it came to their race, and you couldn’t help but be jealous as you looked across the flames of the fire to see the most perfect elf you’ve ever met. His eyes were the lightest blue, like diamonds. His hair looked like platinum gold. Legolas was a jewel in your eyes, a shiny sparkly being.
You tore your gaze away, not wanting to get caught staring. Instead you shifted your eyes upwards, it was cloudy the blue sky barely visible. Legolas moved from what you could see in your peripheral vision. You focused on a certain cloud, deciding that giving him too much of your attention was like announcing to the entire party that you had a huge crush on him. You felt his presence disappear and the ache between your bones found its way into your foolish heart. Seriously how could you possibly pine for him when he was leagues above you in all manners of quality. He was prettier, smarter, more athletic, wealthier and to top everything off, an elf prince. Perhaps if he was mortal like yourself you wouldn’t be slighting your own self esteem.
A long sigh escaped from your mouth, the warm air curled out and upwards fading into nothing. “You know, the party could be fun if you drank a little,” the voice was deep and gruff and you knew exactly who it was. Brokk was your typical hot-headed, gold-mining, party-crashing dwarf. Dark brown hair that fell in waves with a braided beard. He had a reputation for being in places where he shouldn’t be, yet this was a party for all. Anyone who wanted to celebrate the first snowfall was welcome and with the elves hosting this year, many dwarves decided it wasn’t worth their time. But Brokk was always up for a party, especially considering the free food and wine (even if most of the food was green and leafy).
“I’m not trying to get wasted like the last time you suggested to take a swig at the Harvesting Festival,” you shook your head and peered over your left shoulder. He wasn’t so small whenever the two of you sat on the same log. The seats that surrounded just one of the dozen roaring fires throughout the woods. The celebration was one of the few that the Mirkwood elves liked to host, mainly because they didn’t have to open the doors to their kingdom, just the outside territory. You had never stepped foot into the palace that Legolas calls home. You heard stories of the Elvenking’s Halls the humongous stone archways and pillars that didn’t make you feel like you were in a cave.
“Getting wasted is the point of parties you know” Brokk grumbled into your ear, having to lean up to be able to do so and had you scooching farther down the mirkwood log. He snickered, knowing you didn’t like close contact and it didn’t have to do with him being a drunken-fool. Anyone who got too close to your personal space you found yourself moving to escape a step or two back. You sighed again, this time louder, and longer for your friend to get the message. You weren’t in the mood for his pushy personality, which only grew with alcohol consumption. “What? Do you wish I was a certain blonde elf beside you?”
Blood rushed to your ears, had it been that noticeable?! “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Brokk had your full attention now, eyeing him warily, wondering how much he knew. “Darling, it really doesn’t take a sharp mind to-“
“Don’t say another word!” You seethed as you took the drink he had in one of his hands. If he wasn’t already drunk he would’ve been able to dodge your grab. Dwarves were quicker than one usually expected. “Aghh come on now, I was only teasin’” he reached for the goblet but it was already out of his arms length and he definitely couldn’t get up unless he wanted to fall back on his bottom. Triumphantly you took a small sip, just to see what it was this time that had so drunk. Dorwinion. You knew the elfwine immediately and didn’t dare to take another sip. You should’ve known since it was elves hosting a party after all, nothing but the best quality would be presented to their guests.
“I shall bet you had two glasses before coming over like this,” You looked Brokk over again, noticing his cheeks were full of color, and eyes slightly glazed. Definitely off the deep end. “Three!” He declared sounding rather proud to prove you wrong. The slight smile that found your lips only encouraged Brokk to flash his own wide grin. Happy to have you smile rather than sigh the entire day away. You told yourself Brokk truly wasn’t as bad as he liked to present himself. You put the glass down next to the end of the log on the ground. Your hands were cold again and they found their way back to the fire, back to opening and closing in front of the flames.
“Here” Brokk held out his leather gloves to you. After a second of just staring at them he started to wave them in your face until you got the idea he wasn’t going to stop, and you snatched them. They were big, and really warm. “Thank you” you quipped before making it anymore awkward than you felt it already was. This was the first time he had ever offered you something besides a beverage.
It was at that moment when you saw his return. Legolas in regal green attire, heading back to the same fire you sat at. But instead of sitting across from you, you found yourself in shock as he took the seat to your right. You had to mentally repeat to yourself to not gawk and keep looking at the fire instead. But your heart was leaping out of your chest at the proximity in which the prince sat next to you. As casual as ever, “Are you cold, Y/N” just him saying your name and your ears were on fire. But before you could say anything, Brokk barked, “Isn’t it obvious??”
You held in a vicious curse as you glared over at him. Letting your eyes seethe with warning and promise for a good tongue-lashing once Legolas left. But it was Brokk who stumbled up, grumbling to himself once more about “pretty boys” before leaving you with Legolas alone perched on the log. “I have a blanket if you would like..” Legolas’s voice was soft and sweet, and you couldn’t formulate words as you nodded. From his side appeared a dark green blanket to which he held out for you to grab. Swiftly you wrapped the fabric around your shoulders, you held on to it tightly underneath Brokk’s gloves. A twinge of guilt, you should’ve given them back before he left. You wondered if he was drunk enough to not feel the cold. Or if his hands now gloveless were regretting ever handing it over to you.
“It should happen any minute now” You blinked, realizing in slight horror how you hadn’t said a word to Legolas yet. With a small amount of courage you found it within yourself to take a chance and glance over at him. He was staring at the sky, and he took your breath away. Ethereal beauty and you couldn’t turn away as he smiled down at you. Turning his attention from the clouds to you, and you couldn’t understand how this was happening. What had you done to deserve even a glance from him was beyond your imagination. Once you both made eye contact it was hard for you to look away. His eyes were more intricate up close, swirls of greys and blues. “The snow fall, I mean” he murmured as if he wasn’t trying to scare you out of this trance. You blinked again, and finally, fumbling for words, “Right, the snowfall” nodding along and gaining the sense to tear your eyes up to the clouds. Which was exactly where your head was, high high up in the clouds far away from processing normal thought, you couldn’t think of anything else but the close proximity of Legolas. Of the green wool blanket he had offered you, and the impending snowfall he was talking about.
Then it happened, the flakes appeared out of thin air, falling down catching on your eyelashes. You smiled, “Happy Snowfall Legolas” courage sweeping in you once again, you glanced to him to be blinded. He was so devastatingly beautiful, and he was smiling for you now, with fresh snow falling around him. His eyes met yours again after looking at the snowflakes. This was a fairytale you told yourself. Normal human girls like you couldn’t possibly be sitting here with an elf prince. But as far as you could tell, you weren’t dreaming as the snow melted on your face. “Happy Snowfall Y/N” Legolas chimed back and it was a winter wonderland.
You didn’t feel so cold anymore~~~
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lovextriangle · 2 years
Imagine showing up late to a royal ceremony with Legolas

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author’s note: this is the continuation from ‘Imagine you and Legolas are running late to a royal ceremony
I have added on more to the drabble, lots of angst! Maybe some fluff to come in future additions
not proofread but I hope you enjoy~
warnings: angst, fluff? created characters, y/n x legolas, thrandruil disapproves, unfinished drabble/ cliffhanger?
Finally reaching the forest trail’s end you had many thoughts running through your head. The first and foremost being Thrandruil and having to face him. You knew Legolas would intervene and both royalties would make a scene which was something you wanted to avoid at all costs. No matter what you thought of the King of the Woodland Elves, he was a good father. You didn’t want to come between the two over something Legolas considered trivial while Thrandruil would see it as disrespectful.
So the only solution was to split for the moment. Legolas would have to reach the party first, that would appease his father until you showed up. Legolas could see you were deep in thought, steps slowing and your movements becoming more clumsy. “I cannot attend in the attire I am wearing now,” it wasn’t a shabby excuse since elf dress code was always top notch. Legolas’s bright eyes looked you over, the two of you stopping at diverging paths.
“But you are beautiful,” he was so earnest. His orbs full of warmth, warmth for you. You couldn’t help the smile that found it’s way to your lips. Legolas smiled too, then he offered his hand, hoping for you to take it and walk in together as two.
“Thank you Legolas, but I really must change,” the gesture was sweet and as charming as the elf prince could be, the wrath of Thrandruil was the only thing that kept you from taking Legolas’s extended hand.
Legolas conceded, retracting his hand and nodding to himself. If you thought that was best then he wouldn’t stop you, and he would not you follow either since you did not ask for him to wait. Legolas had a feeling you were hiding the real reason for your departure, and he didn’t understand. “Then we shall meet again, at the party.”
You started moving again, away from Legolas and down the path that diverted left, as he took the one to the right. “See you then!” You called out to him just as you rounded a building. Now that you were out of sight you felt your face redden. His graceful hand outstretched to you, his face solely on your own. “Oh Legolas,” it was a dreamy sigh that came from your lips, only loud enough for you to hear.
It got crowded the further into the kingdom you went until you reached your humble abode. Hurriedly changing clothes and running a comb through your locks was as much as you could do before the anxiety started to kick in. Legolas would be walking through the grand stone doors by now, most would turn to stare and give a respectful bow. The elders would probably have a stern look considering the prince’s tardiness. Thrandruil would most certainly have blue clouded eyes, that would shout to the entire room of his disapproval.
All of that would double, maybe even triple once you would finally make it to the ceremony. Not because you were particularly important, but because everyone would correctly assume you were the reason for Legolas’s late appearance. This had not been the first time either
 Sooner or later Thrandruil would have enough, you knew of his blatant dislike of those who sought after his son. Only a handful of elves fitted Thrandruil’s perfect description, you were not one of them.
You were an elf, but not a high elf, and definitely not royalty. Pure blood meant everything when it came to matchmaking the nobility. Your ancestors had fallen in love with the race of men on several accounts, so you were not one hundred percent elven. Even though you had all the traits of an elf (pointy ears, heightened senses, beauty) but not necessarily the gracefulness, you were prone to trip or slip every now and again.
Looking into the mirror you took some deep breaths. Surely enough time had gone by and you couldn’t miss the event entirely or else you would feel the wrath of Thrandruil sooner rather than the hopeful later. Retracing your steps you took to get to your house, you took the path on the right this time and ended up at the grand stone doors, one guard on either side.
“At least you aren’t the only one late,” snickered one of the guards. Who upon a further look was Calen, on of Legolas’s soldiers that he commanded. “Please tell me that there are more than just two” You smiled in response, the two of you had met on numerous occasions before and he was a dear friend to Legolas. “The stars are in your favor it seems, what was it a total of eleven unpunctual guests?”
The other guard who you did not recognize nodded, “That sounds about right to me.” With that they both grabbed the handles and the doors groaned open. “Now announcing, Y/N of Mirkwood,” Calen introduced to the entire party. It was his job after all but it didn’t make it any less embarrassing for the whole crowd to turn and look. You had really hoped to just sneak in but it was too late now. You entered and the doors closed behind you loudly, entirely too embarrassing. As you kept moving the rest of the attendees lost interest and went back to their conversations. Music was playing as well, you could see some were already dancing, no doubt those who came early were probably drunk by now.
You were aiming for one of the corners in the room to pass the time by yourself when someone stepped in front of your path.
“Ah Y/N how do you do?”
Aubree. She was in a lovely lavender gown that fell to the floor. Her black hair was up away from her face and pulled back into a crown braid. She was part of the nobility and someone who advocated against Legolas’s friendliness to you. It crossed your mind that perhaps Aubree wanted the prince for herself.
“I am well, thank you for asking,” you nodded in acknowledgment hoping that would be enough as you tried to keep going through the crowd. But it seemed Aubree wasn’t done as she followed you step for step. “Wonderful, but I didn’t notice you were quite tardy, I wonder what could have postponed your arrival?” You reined in your annoyance, the only person who you had to answer to was the King, not Aubree. “It seems I lost track of time, that is all,” your reply was clipped, wanting to make it clear that you did not need or wish to delve into details with the high elf. Before you could make another move, Aubree was in front of you in an instance blocking your way completely. “Legolas wasn’t on time as well..”
It was one thing to assume and gossip quietly. It was another to make a scene at a royal ceremony where everyone would be listening in whether they wanted to or not. You didn’t want Legolas’s reputation or name to be dragged in the mud because of you. So, you did the only thing you could, deny. “Oh? I don’t know what you’re trying to imply, but I have not seen Legolas,” it wasn’t exactly a lie, you had yet to see in at the gathering. Aubree’s face scrunched up in annoyance, “I know what you’ve been doing.” Her voice had gone dangerously high, drawing attention from those around us. “Please Aubree, not now.” Not another embarrassing moment to stain the wonderful day you had been having. Was it only hours ago you had fell asleep in the grass with Legolas? Laughed with each other as you ran from the forest back to the kingdom.
You retreated to the opposite corner, hoping Aubree would remember herself and where we were. It only took a few feet for you to realize how wrong you were. “DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM ME!” Her high pitched shriek had your eyes widening, as you turned your head to face her. Was she insane? The entire place froze, all eyes on Aubree and yourself, and one particular set you had wanted to avoid, Thrandruil’s. Aubree smiled smugly now. It seemed this would be happening sooner rather than later. “What is the meaning of this outburst?” The crowd parted for the two of you to follow the commanding voice, Thrandruil had not moved an inch from where he sat on his throne. He had one in almost every ceremony room, this one in particular was made of polished marble.
Both of you bowed at a respectful distance away from the throne. It was Aubree who spoke first, “Y/N disgraced me by ignoring my conversation, she deliberately wanted to embarrass me in front of those around us.”
Aubree stood with tears swelling in her eyes, “She told me that I couldn’t possibly talk to her since Legol-“
“I said nothing of the sort!” You could not hold your tongue, it was obvious what she was trying to do. And if you let her spill anymore lies it would only get worse. “Your Highness, Aubree approached me wanting to converse about my late absence, she was dissatisfied by my answer and then proceeded to scream-“
“Do you see! She continues her disrespect by not allowing me to finish speaking!” Aubree had turned a darker shade now. It took all of your strength not to start trembling in rage right there. And as you dared to look into your King’s eyes, you knew where this was going. “I see.” Thrandruil sounded bored, but it was his eyes, that gave him away. He had been looking forward to this moment, and you wondered to yourself if it was Thrandruil himself who told Aubree to do this. “This isn’t the first disturbance you have caused Y/N,” you turned to face Aubree, the tears that had been threatening to shed were no longer there. Thrandruil continued, “Maybe you are unhappy here in Mirkwood” the oxygen left your body as you felt like someone had punched you straight in the stomach. “Perhaps it is time for a change of scenery, where you can get along better with those around you.” He wanted to send you away, away from his son, away from your home. Your ears felt like they were ringing, what could you possibly say to stop this. “I-“ you were stunned, the pressure of everyone watching you, added with the lies, and the obvious hatred from Thrandruil was just too much. Your head bowed in defeat, and you missed the wicked smile Thrandruil now had on his face.
“Father.” It was Legolas. His voiced was strained, and he sounded unlike the Legolas you knew. You knew what would happen, this was a nightmare that had come true. If you didn’t stop this, Legolas would fight for you, against his father in front of an entire royal ceremony. You straightened, facing the elf who you knew you could love with your entire being. It would be as easy as breathing, and yet fate was not on your side. You could see the restrained fury, he was such a sight to behold. The air that had once not been in your body, was now back and you spoke now, “Legolas, it is alright,” you gave him a tiny smile. You didn’t want him to fight for you, not against his only family.
“No.” He shook his head, not believing what you were trying to convey. Not wanting to see the ending that you were planning. This would not be the end, you had become so much to him and if Legolas had to fight the entire world to be with you, then he would. He was stubborn just like his father.
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine a flustered Legolas
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author’s note: this drabble has been revised!
warnings: fluff! super short drabble, lil suspense, but mostly a cute fluffy legolas in awe of a lady c:
The place where Legolas liked to get away from his overbearing father was in the Mirkwood forest. It was well off the rock pathway where the guards had not been ordered to maintain. It was bright green everywhere you looked at that time in the forest, little to no breeze during the middle of the summer heat. Legolas had enough of the nagging from his Adar today and without much effort, easily slipped deep within the forest. Past the two arching great oaks, through a veil of moss, covered his secret getaway.
A secluded runaway stream that dipped into a small pond. It was gorgeous no matter the seasons but Legolas thought that this time of year might outmatch the rest. Everything was alive and humming, flowers in full bloom decorated the ponds edges. He sighed in relief already feeling his anxiety and stress melt away. As he walked closer to the water he thought about laying out quietly for an hour or two in the grass before returning. No matter how much he did like to run away, he was a dutiful prince and for the most part, he listened to his father.
As he lowered himself to the ground he became aware of something he had never seen here before. Clothes on the other side, barely visible due to the thickness of the bermuda below. From what he could see a pair of light shoes, a white cloth that could be a shirt and brown trousers. Legolas was alert, quickly scanning the rest of the clearing and towards the tree line. He hadn’t heard anyone while he had quietly made his way here. He was absolutely puzzled. He already had his hands in motion for his bow and an arrow from the quiver strapped to his back. He never went without his favorite weapon, even if the woods was heavily protected. Evil never rested.
Legolas was circling the pond now, getting closer to the pile of clothes, and that was when the bubbles started to arise from the pond. Big ones that couldn’t be made from the tiny animals that inhabited it. He changed his aim hovering over where they were coming from, ready to fire at any sign of attack. Dark brown hair surfaced first, what came after was a sputtering mess for the need of air. The intruder took in gulps like they had been under for hours.
Legolas’s eyes widened as he realized this was not a man. Her slender hands ran over her face wiping the water from running into her eyes. She then pulled her hair back and away from clinging to the sides of her face, revealing long ears like his own. His faced immediately turned into a light pink, stunned really, at her beauty? Her eyes were wide and just as green as the world around her. Slowly she raised her hands in surrender, careful as to not make sudden movements. Legolas was caught in her doe eyes, they were too scared for his liking and he quickly picked up his weapon. Spinning around, ever the chivalrous elf, Legolas spewed,
“I did not realize a maiden elf knew of this place!” It was quiet and Legolas went on, “I shall take my leave, please forgive my rudeness.”
Before he could start his long strides her voice chirped out at him. “Wait! You don’t have to leave!”
Legolas didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t possibly turn back around and face her, for she was bare! But he did not walk away either, it seemed his feet wouldn’t move since she allowed him to stay.
“Would you like to join me?” Her voice was so soft and sweet, Legolas’s ears felt hot. “I couldn’t possibly!” his response was loud and embarrassed.
“It is quite hot and you seem to be turning red
 the water will cool you as it did for me!”
Legolas felt as though her intentions could be pure, but knowing that she was naked was all too much for him. “I’m perfectly fine!” He assured her as he decided to sit, back faced towards the sound of her voice.
“What is your name?” Legolas asked, his voice a little more put together, his curiosity was biting at him. She responded kindly. She was an elf he hadn’t seen in the Woodland Realm. Her name was very pretty, it suited her eyes. “And yours?” For a moment Legolas thought about lying. He wondered if her response to his real name would cause things to be different for her to change the way she easily talked to him. If she did indeed know who he was, she would surely not be as comfortable as she is now. But in the end it wasn’t in his nature to lie over such things much less lie at all, “Legolas Greenleaf..” he murmured knowing she would easily hear since they were both elves.
“How fitting!” Legolas peeked around his shoulder to find that she had moved closer to the edge, pushing aside the tall greenery that encased her frame. Bright green and splashes of purple clematis flowers surrounding her dark chocolate hair. She was smiling and he quickly whipped his head back around, fearing he would stare too long spellbound to her beauty.
That was when he heard the water splashing, it stilled and a rustling of grass and cloth. He could figure out that she had gotten out of the pool and was changing. Heat crept onto his face again, dashing across his cheeks and nose. He kept still not wanting to move at all for fear of somehow accidentally seeing something he shouldn’t have.
The soft padding of her feet came from behind, closer and closer until she was beside him and stretched out laying next to his sitting figure. When he was brave enough to look, her eyes were closed and taking in the sun. Now that she was so close, he could see small freckles danced across the bridge of her nose. Which was interesting since elves rarely had any marks upon their bodies. His blue eyes ran over everything, how her hair now drying seemed to get lighter with the sun, the damp spots on her shirt from the water, to the pink lips that started to hum.
“Where are you from?” In awe, Legolas wanted to hear her speak again and if possible to open her eyes so he could look into the green to see if any other colors were there. It was a magical day, that was spent frivolously getting to know one another, laughing at the shyness that mostly Legolas displayed. Legolas didn’t notice the time slipping by until the crickets started to thrum and the sun was no longer visible. “It is getting quite late..” she reluctantly admitted, sitting up from her laid out position. Legolas followed, he had ended up laying right next to her, absentmindedly looking into her irises when silence had taken them both.
“Where will you go?” Legolas questioned, not knowing if she had a real place to stay or if she had been wandering the woods to find one. “Somewhere not far,” he had come to realize she always answered him in a discreet manner. He didn’t know whether to think she thought of him untrustworthy or whether that was just her nature. “Will I see you again? Here tomorrow?” He questioned further, wanting to see her again, now almost desperately.
He didn’t want this meeting to be one he could only dream about. He wanted to be assured. She calmed his worried tone, “I would like that,” she smiled and Legolas was eased. But now another concern surfaced. He very much wanted to insure that she would get back safely, wherever she intended to go. But as she stood and he continued to follow, she turned to give him a quizzical glance. “Would you allow me to protect you from the dangers of the night? Only until you arrive safely to your-“ Legolas was cut off, “Thank you Legolas but I will be okay.”
He nodded, knowing it might’ve been too forward to even think such a thing. But it was in his nature to protect a lady. In the end they parted ways, and even though Legolas had the sneaky idea to follow her still, he knew it would go against her wishes and he wouldn’t want her to think of him badly. As Legolas got closer to the pathway he started to remember things like the guards, and his father and the kingdom. He had been right to think that they were searching for him, because only a couple of yards down the rock trail he ran into two guards carrying a lantern for light.
“Your majesty has requested your return immediately.” Legolas guessed his father wasn’t too pleased at his long outing. He sighed and nodded, allowing them to escort him back to the palace. Further from the two arched oaks that marked the spot for his secret hideout, well not only his

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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine Kili after the Battle of the Five Armies
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The battle was over. Yet, that didn’t mean much to Kili now, not when the price for such victory was too costly. He knew this was what everyone had hoped for, to beat the dragon, to reclaim their home no matter who stood in there way. Be it man, elf, or orc. At some point in time all had tried to stop them, events led to sides switching and the good prevailed against evil once more in Middle Earth. But losing them was never part of the plan.
The tears swelled up in his eyes as he thought back to his uncle, lying back on the frozen lake. He didn’t want to think about how the color of the ice had looked like Thorin’s eyes, so glazed over, no longer there. But the tears started to fall when he thought of his brother. Fili, his dearest brother, who had been ambushed by Azog. It was antagonizing to remember how the blade had been shoved through his twin’s chest. Kili clenched his fingers into his palms, Fili’s lifeless body being thrown to the bottom of the icy ridge.
Thorin had been the one to get revenge from Azog, which left Kili to the rest of the bottom-feeders. Pure rage was what had pushed him through, after it was all said and done he collapsed and was almost thought dead himself. Covered in blood of his and others. Death was too sweet of an escape from the reality Kili had to face now. A world where his family was ripped apart and thrown away and he had to fill in the place that was meant for others.
You knew of all these troubles that Kili was facing, that Kili was thinking of daily. Even three years after the Battle of the Five Armies, the funerals, and his enunciation as King Under the Mountain. That mountain being Erebor of course, the mountain that the company, and especially his Uncle had worked so hard to gain back. You had a feeling Kili still didn’t feel like it was his place or his right, he was a very young king for dwarf standards. His beard still peach fuzz and lack of growing.
It had been your duty ever since Kili was declared king to be his auditor. Almost like an advisor but for more personal, non-kingdom related issues. You were a great listener from an early age. All else that was needed was a soft tone, and kind eyes. Both of which you seemed blessed with. Today’s talk had been sudden as it was right after a council meeting with some of Kili’s old company members. Most had joined in high ranks, rightfully earned by their contribution to their journey and loyalty.
You sat across from the king, legs crossed underneath your dress. You sat upright and waiting for him to begin, but you had a feeling this session would be an intense one. So instead of keeping silent, you said, “Usually we stick to the planned schedule your Highness,” the upcoming meeting had been just two days later. “but you called for me sooner, may I ask why?” You had an idea as to why, but the process would only be helpful to Kili if he himself understood why he choose to seek you sooner.
“I couldn’t wait til then.” His words were clipped and on the other side of short table sat Kili. His hands holding the armrest on either side. He looked strained, nearly holding himself together. “What happened today?” Your tone was soft and soothing, trying to calm his nerves. What usually worked only had Kili flinching back, cringing at the thought of what put his mind into such unrest. “I thought I could get through the meeting..” his dark brown eyes were glued to the wall behind you. “but knowing them, things wouldn’t be over unless they were mentioned.”
Balin had called the meeting to a close, the diplomatic talk subsided into more friendly converse. Kili was happy to just sit and listen in on his old friends conversations, thinking more about what meal he would have. That is until he heard, “ah I still remember as if it were yesterday. Thorin herding us together, wee lads Kili and Fili
It only took their names for Kili to go into a shock of memories. What would have been happiness was replaced by loneliness and misery, a pain so heart-wrenching took over his lungs, as if he had been punched several times in the gut. He staggered to his feet, wanting to hear no more. “Kil- your Majesty?” Oin was just as startled from the abrupt motion from his left. “Are you alri-“
“Leave me be.” Kili bellowed and he shut his eyes tight, not wanting to see any of their pained faces. Knowing all of them would see him as weak, what they could get over was something he couldn’t bare to think about. Kili turned for the door, exiting the room and immediately his guards were by his side. “Tell y/n to meet me immediately.” No mention of the place was needed, his close guards knew where the both of you met regularly.
None of this needed to be stated for you to understand what Kili had meant by them or they. This hadn’t been the first time nor would it be the last, some things never healed. But you had hope for the healing, because no matter the severity time could mend the broken.
“I see their faces, cold and undead more often when their names are spoken aloud.” Thorin and Fili would have such a disdainful gaze, both staring from the ground which they were sprawled upon. Staring Kili down, eyes that said, “You didn’t save us” or “You should’ve joined us” it made chills run through the brown haired dwarf. He rubbed his thumbs against his temple, trying to ease the headache and make the images go away.
At times like these, words were hard to say. What could you say to someone who couldn’t stand to here the name of their own beloved uncle or twin because of such a tragedy. They were brutally killed by evil creatures who tortured for fun. They were killed for wanting their homeland back. They had been killed and it wasn’t Kili’s fault. But he felt the blame, and part of him didn’t want to exist in a world without his close kin.
The silence was thick and though it was your job to listen, you knew in this moment something needed to be said. “My king, no one but yourself blames you for the tragedy,” you continued on trying your best to maintain eye contact, “They risked their lives just like you did yours, and dare I say, they would be upmost proud to see how far you have come and how far you have carried your people.” Kili’s eyes met yours finally moving away from the wall. He felt heavy, in his chest, and his vision started to blur. He grieved his loss, the tears streaming down his face. He missed his brother so much, missed the guidance that Thorin gave. He longed so much to turn back time, to stick by his brothers side, to do so much differently.
You couldn’t stop yourself from getting up from your chair, crossing the couple of feet between the two of you, and kneeling down in front of your king. With a few more thoughts running through your head, if it was proper or the right thing to do, you pushed all things to the side you decided to stand and embrace him. Your arms easily wrapping around him in a comforting hug, to which he immediately leaned in, wanting the comfort you offered. This only made you want to do more, to ease his pain somehow, as your hands went up from his back to his neck, going into his hair. Combing through it with your fingers, one hand going back down to rub his back.
You both stayed like that for awhile. Kili’s tears had stopped after some time but still no one moved. In fact Kili moved closer, his face burying into your chest not wanting to leave. This was unprofessional but at the same time, you didn’t mind one bit. If this helped Kili in any way, especially with overcoming his strifes, then you would give him all the comfort and hugs he needed. Because even though he was going through such grief, he was a true King, and the best dwarf for the job in your opinion.
He deserved all the happiness in the world.
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine Thorin before The Unexpected Journey
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a/n: early release draft, I’ll probably edit more later!
You were never one to fall for the brooding type, but there was no stopping for the inevitable.
The dwarves showed up out of nowhere. They were passing through Gondor on their way to Dunland where Thror, Thrain, and Thorin had decided that place was their best option. Many of their following had dwindled, most headed for the Blue Mountains or the Iron Hills. Dunland was a place of no importance, it was just a place for them to seek refuge. They had no plans of staying there, for the true goal was to take back their home, Erebor. Though a plan like that already had people grimacing for the bloodshed was still fresh and the loss was many. How could they overcome a beast that had defeated them so easily on their own home front.
They needed allies, they needed help, not from men, and definitely not from the elves, but from their own people, dwarves assisting other dwarves. That is what Thorin thought anyways. But with supplies running low and spirits at an all time downward spiral, they would have to start from the ground up.
About a month after the traveling dwarves had passed through Gondor and finally settled into the neighboring Dunland, Thorin seeked out work. The big city was the best place to look for it, though no one cared about the tragedies a person had been through, if you had no talent or skill, you wouldn’t find a job. Luckily dwarves were brimming with skills and their expertise was known for crafting weapons. The grandson of the King Under the Mountain, became a blacksmith of Gondor for the sake of putting food on the table. He had a perpetual frown on his face as if it was engraved there permanently.
He had all the reason to be, rumors spread fast in Gondor of what had happened to the dwarves and the almighty Smuag, the terror of their lifetime. Everyone was afraid of what the dragon would do next. Most thought that the dwarves would bring it with them somehow, as if they carried bad luck. So Thorin was well aware of how much the people of Gondor didn’t want him there. He wasn’t wanted anywhere. But the skills he possessed as a smith kept his employer from kicking him to the curb like others had done before.
“Another fine piece of weaponry Thorin. The next order is a pair of long swords,” grunted Izec the chief blacksmith of the establishment that Thorin worked for. Sweat ran down Thorin’s forehead as he leaned back to stretch out from the hammering position he had been in. His back ached, he had been finishing up the fine details of his last assignment, the entirety had taken three days, the last five hours he had just completed. He was tired and in need of a break. But Thorin liked pushing himself past that point nowadays. He didn’t really care much about his body at all, he was angry all the time, and it felt good to hammer down something that would bend to his will. If only other things in his life went that way

“Take a lunch and be back before long, ya hear?”
Thorin only gave a nod as he wiped the sweat from his hands onto his pants as he took his leave from the shop. It was midday in Gondor and people were everywhere. The weather was hot and stuffy, no summer time breeze in the air, Thorin guessed it was just his luck. He had eaten at a couple of stands in the past, the food men served were at least better than elves but it was nothing like home. Weaving through the crowds, he ignored the glances he got, it wasn’t exactly rare to see a dwarf in Gondor but this was definitely the birthplace of men.
He hadn’t been to this particular meal stand before, he was complacent enough to try it since the others hadn’t left a lasting impression for him to seek them out. He just wanted a good, quick meal to regain his strength and head back to work.
“What’ll it be?” Thorin had to take a slight step back to take in the whole menu. “Roast will do.” His response was a curt reply, quick and ready to move on. “7 shillings,” you matched his reply, not really wanting to drag out the conversation either. This was only business after all. Out came a pouch from one of his pockets as he gathered the correct amount. You hadn’t exactly been looking directly into his eyes, just glancing over everything else about him.
He was dirty, a hard working dwarf. Long dark hair, that was thick but not matted. He took care of himself or at least his hair. His cheeks had what looked like dirt or maybe ash from a fire. Dwarves were usually blacksmiths around here so you took an educated guess. “You work with Izec?” you hadn’t intended to ask out loud but it seemed you couldn’t help yourself. There was a reason for asking after all.
Thorin met your gaze, ice cold irises told you one thing. That he wanted his meal and to be left alone. “Yes.” The one word reply, a clear warning to not ask anymore questions. “I’ve placed an order for a piece of metal myself..” it was a low response from you as you had gauged his reaction. He didn’t seem curious or to care about the details of what you had ordered at Izec’s. With that you gave him his meal and he gave you the shillings.
“Thanks.” He was gone, not stopping at any of the nearby tables set up to sit and eat. You watched as he parted ways, and wondered if he would come to your stand another day. Such cold eyes, you had the feeling he wouldn’t. Lunch hour was busy, and more customers took up your thoughts and as soon as the dwarf had came he disappeared from your mind.
A week passed before Thorin decided he had a particular craving. He had thoroughly enjoyed the roast from last time, and had wanted to stop by again. He had lasted a week only because he did not wish to be remembered, he simply wanted the good food and nothing more. Chitchat could wait until after he had reclaimed Erebor. But Thorin found that you simply couldn’t just hand him over the meal without at least one question being asked.
“How’s work?”
“What’s it like being a smith?”
“What do you think of Gondor?”
“You must really like roast, would you like to try our roasted chicken?”
No matter the angry stares or the frustrated sighs, Thorin would respond begrudgingly to each question. He liked the chicken now too, and from the four more times he had stopped by (on different days of course) it was quite apparent that this was his favorite food stand now. Because of the appetizing meals. Not because of your curious brown gaze. Our the sprinkle of freckles that were cast across your face. You had steady hands too, careful in passing and gentle in receiving. The few times your fingers had touched when he had exchanged his money had given him surprising chills. Your touch was quite cold and felt foreign from his hot temperatures.
It was getting a little easier to talk with one another. But Thorin didn’t make it to where it was ever a fluent conversation. He was only here for one thing after all. “Do you eat at Izec’s?” You decided to use up your one question on that this time. If you had counted right this would be your fifteen encounter and you still hadn’t caught his name, they just had so many other interesting things to know first, but you were getting pretty curious about that particular piece of info.
“Yes.” Thorin nodded, and the exchanged of meal for money transpired. You decided you weren’t satisfied, “Well isn’t it a bit stuffy to eat in there?” Thorin had taken one step away, “Sometimes” he agreed, not very happy that this was turning into more than the one usual question. “Well you could eat by the stand.. I give out complementary bread to my customers who do.” This was a lie, but maybe some enticing fresh bread would make him stay a little longer. “Maybe next time
” He wasn’t buying it, or maybe he wasn’t that hungry, or maybe he didn’t want to answer anymore questions. Whatever the reason, he was gone before you could talk him into it further.
Your sigh was obvious as it was loud.
“Maybe he’s just not into ya”
Your eyes immediately rolled, “Can it Howser.” The neighboring stand was a flower seller. He sold beautiful orchids when in season. But he was terribly nosy. “Well I’m just sayin, he’s only ever given you one-worded responses. Can’t get much dryer than that!” He laughed to himself at your misery. It was true you were getting nowhere in the sense of progress. Progress in what exactly? You weren’t entirely sure, maybe you could admit you had a crush on the recluse dwarf. “Any ideas then? I’ve tried to point out at least my interest,” you glumly stated, not wanting this to turn into some laughing stock at your failures.
“How about giving up?” Howser laughed, and the laughingstock it was. You glared at him as he tried to choke back his giggling. “Thanks.” You answered sarcastically and stopped paying attention to him, to which he tried to offer real advice but was left to be ignored.
Maybe giving up would become an option if the dwarf never came back. But he did come back, and it no longer took a week in between his visits. It was more frequent which had him occupying your thoughts more than the usual. The only thing that didn’t change was how uninterested he seemed in you. Which had Howser teasing you as soon as the dwarf departed. The game of chase felt like forever until that one fateful day.
It was a Tuesday afternoon, the sun taking its course to the west. It was unusual for the dwarf to come so late and even more unusual for him to be carrying a package. “What’s th-“ Your words were cut off with the thud of the item being placed on your counter. “Your order.” Thorin replied, already knowing the answer to the unfinished question. Izec was well acquainted with most in Gondor, which made him a good businessman. But once Thorin had told him about your stand and how good the food was, it was now tasked to him to deliver the finished product.
“Thank you for bringing them, you didn’t have to,” Thorin didn’t say anything as he had been told to do so it wasn’t like he was doing you a favor. With the silence, you decided to tear the parcel excited to see the results. Two beautifully slender long swords were revealed to you. Your breath was sucked in as you saw the fine lines and detailed swirls,
“Is it to your liking?”
This was the first question, he had ever asked to you. Just that had your heart rate accelerating. You assumed he had not only brought it to you, but had been the one to create such refinery. “It is, absolutely.” You beamed and he nodded, “To what name can I thank for such hard work?” You figured now was as good as anytime to finally ask the burning question. He was a mystery man, a stranger with no name, and you couldn’t continue to go on like such.
“Thorin.” He answered and had thought to himself that you had already known since most in Gondor knew from the rumors. “Thank you Thorin, I will treasure them.” He was never one for smiles, but somehow you knew he was at least proud of his work, and satisfied in knowing that you would be the one the wield them. You were positively optimistic in thinking that things would only get better with the two of you from here as he walked away. You let him go with no questions trailing him. With his back turned he held up his hand in departure, you couldn’t hold back your grin.
“Until next time,”
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine Young!Legolas being a tad conceited

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Arrogance came to mind as you bit down on your tongue to keep the backlash of voiced venom inside. He thought too highly of himself, and maybe he wasn’t to blame. Maybe he had been told too many times that he was a prince who could do no wrong and a prince that had refined his skills to perfection. Maybe he was groomed to be this way for most royalty have a bitter arrogance in their tone, that says ‘I’m better than you’ without even having to speak the words. Not only was he the son of a king, but he was an elf and everyone knew the reputations of that race. They thought so highly of themselves that it was remarkable they even acknowledged anyone else’s presence.
“Are you even listening, this is how you shoot an arrow.” You watched his arrow hitting its perfect mark. Not too deep into Mirkwood’s forest, Legolas was (showing off) teaching you his tricks with his favorite weapon of choice. He wasn’t too shabby if you had to agree, nodding in appreciation for such a good showing.
You hadn’t realized when you took on this special mission that your patience would be tested so quickly. The King of Mirkwood, Thranduil himself, had called upon you to watch over his son as he had to depart for the High Elf Council. This was an decennium meeting (happens every decade) for the nobility to discuss the troubles of their people, the threats that loomed, and the actions they would take. While Thrandruil was more isolated from his kin folk than most, he did appear every now and again at the assembly. But this was the first time in a very long time since he had left his son after his wife passed to the Halls of Mandos in Valinor.
So naturally he felt uneasy and very protective over the only family he had left. He called upon you to watch over his precious son, and knowing your time was of value, he would compensate you graciously if when he returned his elfling was as safe as he had left him. You agreed, even a high standing witch like yourself wouldn’t deny a ruler’s (order) request, especially one so personal. Why did Thrandruil ask you of all people? Well you happened to have a pretty prestigious reputation as one of the last witches in Middle Earth. There was a definite number of five wizards (Gandalf the Grey being one of your long time friends), but you yourself had only managed to come across two other witches in your lifetime.
Now it should be noted, that just like wizards, witches are not supposed to ‘flaunt’ their gifts. We are supposed to guide those around us but never truly become key factors in major events. For example, we cannot use magic or a great amount of power to change the tide in a war. But as everyone knows, Gandalf is in the habit of bending those holy rules, which might have led to your own bendings. Another big reason why you decided to start becoming an active member of Middle Earth society was because of the other two witches. It was an understatement to say that you hadn’t understood each other at all. They didn’t actively participate in keeping all that was good and right protected in Middle Earth, instead they turned a blind eye to most things unless it was on their territory. (Sounds like some elves I know of..) But even worse than that, you discovered a big reason as to why they did nothing was because they were rooting for the wrong side, the evil side, the darkness. (You had a bad feeling that they had gotten obsessed with the dark arts and it’s horrific magic.) If the only two witches you had ever met were inactively hoping for darkness to reign one day, you had decided to do all that was in your power to actively help the good beings.
Anyways, back to the present, many praised your good deeds but above all your talent in agility. It was nothing for you to dodge three incoming orcs, while still having the precision to throw eight blades hitting each and every eye of an evil arachnid. To which King Thrandruil heard of these rumors and you had coincidentally been passing through Mirkwood when he was in dire need of a protector for his elfling.
And so here you were being questioned by a young kid who knew nothing about any of your achievements or what you could truly do. (Your identity was supposed to be under wraps, of course people knew of witches, but not what they looked like!) Legolas did have great talent, but you were far older and far more powerful, so it was all you could do to hide a smug smile, “Yes yes, I’m listening little prince. That was quite a good shot, so what else can you teach me?” Legolas didn’t exactly like the ‘little’ comment but his chest puffed with pride nonetheless as you asked for him to teach you more. (Though he was the one who dragged you out into the Mirkwood forest.) He stood taller, “Well I can show you how to do it with only one eye open!” His blond eyebrows waggled as if that was the coolest trick he knew. No one else in his training lessons were able to do so, therefore he was certain that this royal babysitter would be more than astonished at his skills.
Even for his youth Legolas was already pretty tall. You were the same height as of now but it wouldn’t take long for him to overpass you in that aspect. For now you enjoyed being able to look him directly in the eyes as you were saying, “How about I show you how to hit your mark with both eyes closed?” He looked at you as if that was the most ridiculous thing his pointy ears had ever heard. “You can’t do that!” He retorted, it was his turn to roll his light blue eyes at you. “Yes I can.” You said indignantly and with that you took an arrow from your own quiver. “No that’s impossible!” He waved his hands around exasperated as you got into position, exactly where he had been standing not too long ago.
You closed your eyes. You didn’t feel the need to speak anymore. Because you were going to show him that it wasn’t impossible, that nothing was impossible in this world of theirs. With your vision gone other senses became stronger. You could smell the forest around you, it’s earthy broadleaf trees mixed with what you could only guess at what the wind carried. You could hear the leaves in the tree whistling and the ones below your feet crumpling. Slight grumblings of “what a waste of time” “how you will lose the arrow” from Legolas about five feet away. You could feel the breeze brushing past your body, and the hairs on your arms raising with reaction. Then a sixth sense had you aiming a little to your left, you couldn’t really explain it any other way. Sometimes in your mind’s eye, you knew to move just slightly. Witch’s instinct? You blew out your breath as you released the arrow from your bow keeping your eyes closed as you heard the thrump of it hitting your bullseye.
That had Legolas quiet for a moment or two. As you opened your eyes a few seconds later for the effect, he had been looking back and forth from you to the arrow. You looked over at the target to see not only had you hit bullseye but Legolas’s poor arrow was split directly into two. Now you would be lying if you said that you hadn’t done that on purpose
 but you felt a little guilty. “Whoops I guess I should’ve gotten you to retrieve that arrow of yours first.” You were surprised he had gone silent and really still. That lasted only three more seconds.
He wasn’t quiet anymore. He was ecstatic, all arrogance gone. “How did you do that?? Show me! Show me how you did it! You even splintered mine! So cool!” He was bouncing all around you and talking just as fast. “Do you know more cool tricks? Have you fought with Ada (dad) before? He would probably know your trick too! You have to teach me before he gets back!” By then he was practically pulling on your tunic so you agreed wholeheartedly, a genuine smile on your face. It seemed Legolas wasn’t the teacher anymore

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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine the end of the beginning for Thorin

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Author’s note: request for angst + thorin by @anjhope1 I hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait!
Warnings: a short angst with a sad ending
You were a wreck. A running whirlwind of a mess, heart pounding and fear at its highest. You knew in your bones, you could feel the loss. The loss of too many friends and loved ones. But there was no way, no way in all of Valar that Thorin had-
No! He was surely fine, he was surely victorious at the top of that icy cliff, catching his breath and looking down at his comrades with pride. Surely..?
In any case, he was too stubborn to leave, too stubborn to not rule over his rightfully owned kingdom under the mountain that he had just taken back. He outwitted the fire breathing dragon Smaug. Such a worm in the words of the King himself. He had escaped from the Woodland Elves prison, escaped from the King of Goblins lair, fought trolls and traveled miles and miles to get here. He had so much to do as a King and so much to celebrate.
But when you reached the top of the pale orc’s fort-hold the blood drained from your face. This had to be an illusion. Where was Azog?! How could he have possibly defeated Thorin, no there was no way. You refused to accept what was in front of you. Thorin’s body was crumpled to the ground, his sword not too far away from him. Blood was everywhere and from what you could see of his body, it was most likely his. You hurled yourself over Thorin’s body, “Thorin where is he, I’ll kill him I’ll-“
His breathing was labored as he shook his head, “Shh,” Thorin could hardly whisper, “His defiling days are over.” He was smiling now that you were before him, as if he wasn’t in agony from his body being battered. The light in his eyes was bright, the lightest of blue. “I defeated him.” He said proudly but you couldn’t smile just yet. You dropped your sword that had been frozen in your grip, ready to swing at any orc. Your hands swept over his body, not needing to look hard for the gaping wound that was causing Thorin so much pain. He reached for your hands as they had started to tremble with uncertainty for his life. “Please Thorin,” You held in a sob as his fingers interlaced with yours, “don’t leave me.” “I will always be by your side amrñlime,” It was hard for him to say much more, and there was so much unsaid. You were trying to blink the tears away but that just made them spill down your cheeks. “My King,” you choked as you leaned over to kiss him for the first and last time.
“I love you,” The words were a soft caress for him as his final breath left his lungs. His eyes were forever locked with yours as he graced you with his lips lifted in a smile. One that had always made you feel special and had your heart racing. It now broke you into two pieces as you couldn’t feel the beat of his pulse and his body grew colder and colder.
You had screamed at the world “NO!” Until your throat felt like it was on fire and you had no more tears left to cry. It wasn’t fair! How could life be so cruel as to take someone who fought for the good, fought for his people, fought for his home! Yet he wouldn’t be able to live in it. It was too cruel for you to bare as you curled up beside him, body shaking with grief.
You couldn’t move as Bilbo and Dwalin came to grieve with you. They tried comforting you as best they could but it was Balin who finally wrapped you into a hug, turning you away from the King who would’ve been ruling under the mountain. The King who had your heart and hadn’t known it until the end. He took it with him, it was his to rule and his alone.
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine teasing the second prince of Durin
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author’s note: the use of ‘ ~~~ ‘ will indicate the change in perspective, but I’d rather the reader figure out whose perspective it is instead of using labels, please let me know if it is too confusing
warnings: angst (mostly jealousy), fluff, kissing, bofur x y/n, kili x y/n, cliff hanger?
This had to be some sort of a joke, Kili thought to himself begrudgingly as he whipped his head around towards the laughter coming at the opposite end of the table. There you were, sitting what seemed to him, a million miles (only several feet) away from him.
Kili couldn’t understand why, he had thought the two of you were getting closer. He had purposely talked about the banquet coming up earlier that day, so that maybe you would sit next to him. He had saved a seat for you of course, on his right hand side because obviously Fili was on his left hand.
But no, you were on the other end of the wooden table, seated next to none other than Bofur. That smug son of a hilly troll. Kili was glaring now, the shock had left his expression, what was left was grumpiness. “Oye what’s got your face all-“ Fili didn’t need to complete his sentence. All he had to do was follow his brother’s death stare and bingo. The laughter that was still on display between you and Bofur had to be the reason. Fili cleared his throat trying to get his brother to tone it down. “You’re being a tad blatant brother” Fili placed his palm over his mouth to hide the smirk creeping onto his lips. He hadn’t seen Kili so worked up since they were young.
“I can’t help it. I thought...” Kili looked down at his hands. It had been several months now and he was sure the two of you had a connection. But he always felt like he was chasing after you. You would show him glimpses of what he felt was your true feelings, but only to laugh it off before he got the chance to say anything. He couldn’t be the only one who hoped for more. Kili couldn’t bare the thought of not being able to at least court you, and show you how much love he could give. He had thought that he made himself clear to you, that that’s what he wanted. The chance to braid your hair, and take you outside of the mountain on dates.
He saw a future with you. Kili gripped his hands. The food was rolling out now, and the rest of the dwarven royalty were seated. Once all of the food was presented, and Thorin had finished a small speech of thanks to those who had traveled all this way, everyone began eating. Well, Bombur had started as soon as the first tray of bread rolls had been placed but that was besides the point. Kili was always hungry as well but his appetite had faded along with his mood. He moved pieces of steak around with his fork.
Fili sighed, “Why don’t you just go talk to y/n?” Kili rolled his eyes at his brother’s suggestion. He wished it could be that simple. What would he say? “And what exactly would I say brother? ‘Hey Bofur, I need to talk to y/n real quick, you mind?’” Kili shook his head in exasperation at the idea. How could he possibly go and say that?! You would turn him down immediately or worse, not even acknowledge he was there. Kili sulked as he kept thinking of the worse possible outcomes. Fili continued to sigh, he didn’t like this insecure side of his brother. Sure, he understood where he was coming from, especially since he had watched those months go by. It was getting harder and harder for Kili to stay confident with his actions. He was becoming an overthinking mess!
You glance over towards Kili for the first time that night at the seasonal banquet. Bofur was talking to Oin and you couldn’t stop yourself. You had no other distractions to direct your attention elsewhere.
You had told yourself as you got ready earlier that evening that you would wait until the end of the banquet to go to Kili. You would hold out, so that the both of you would be desperate to talk to one another. Even though staying away from him for this long when he was that close was absolutely killing you. Especially when you saw the empty seat next to him, the one he had mentioned proudly he would keep safe for you. You blushed to yourself, you had slowly been falling for the dwarf’s charms ever since he had started to pay attention to you. He was like a brown eyed puppy, and you just about adored everything he did.
But you had heard a rumor of his playboy ways. You didn’t want to be duped so you were reluctant to let on your true feelings. Because if Kili thought your emotions were just a prize to be won, and he would move on after, then maybe you would keep your feelings hidden forever. So that way he wouldn’t get bored and leave...
As time had passed, it had gotten harder and harder to keep believing those rumors. He was the sweetest dwarf you had ever met. Every time you met up with him in the mountain he never failed to give you a flower. He complimented you every chance he could, even on the days when you knew your hair was equal to the comparison of a bird’s nest. He had also saved you from a horde of lurking orcs, bravely fighting them off with his bow and arrows. There was a thousand things you could think of that made Kili irresistible.
Tonight you would confess. As your eyelashes lifted towards where you knew he was seated, you were caught by his gaze. It was as if he knew you would look. Your ears felt heated. Kili didn’t look too pleased with you right now. You wanted to look away, his gaze was too intense for you to handle right now, you didn’t want to look like a red tomato in front of the rest of the present company. But it felt almost impossible to turn away. You wondered if it would be impolite to change seats now?
You had been talking to Bofur about your affection towards Kili for a while now. He was a trusted friend of yours and you were grateful for his advice. Just before you had walked through the doors to the banquet Bofur had caught you. “Y/n, if you really want to see if Kili’s feelings for you are true, why don’t you sit next to me tonight?” He had smiled innocently only having the best intentions. He truly wanted you to see how pure the prince’s feelings were, so he would help if he could. “Do you think Kili would care?” You had been a bit skeptical, surely Kili wouldn’t be jealous over something like that. Bofur had been on the greatest adventure of all with Kili and the rest of the company. You didn’t believe that the bond they made over such an impressive journey could compare to what you hoped you and Kili had been cultivating these past months. But you still dared to hope that he would at least notice your presence was elsewhere.
Oh boy had you been wrong! The whole time Bofur had acted as your eyes, letting you know the faces Kili had been making, and the heated death stares he had given. It had the two of you laughing a couple of times which seemed to have worsen the brown haired prince’s mood. But your heart soared at the prospect of making him jealous. You felt like you could tell him your feelings tonight without being afraid.
“Bofur” you turned towards your dear friend. “Thank you for tonight, I’ll be taking my leave.” You smiled and gave him a knowing wink. His smile as always was enormous, “Happy to help my dear, I’m sure a certain someone will be following you out,” he took off his hat and moved it in a sweeping motion to his chest.
You hoped a certain someone would follow indeed. With that you lifted part of your gown as you stood from your seat. You weren’t the first to part from the banquet so you didn’t feel any awkward glances as you curtsied towards Thorin the King of Erebor and quickly left.
Kili was unaware of your departure. He had given up on looking, after you had turned away from his gaze to look at Bofur. Kili honestly hadn’t seen this coming. Were you in love with Bofur instead? He had thought the two of you were friends or at least that’s what you had told him. Kili had asked out of curiosity before because feelings of jealousy had started to arise when he realized the two of you had spent much more time together than he had known. Kili knew he was a busy dwarf, being a prince definitely had its downsides when it came to having time. Each spare moment he had from his royal duties he would seek you out. He worried Bofur had more time to offer

Maybe some development between you and Bofur had gone under way without him aware. Kili grumbled to himself at this prospect. “Y/n left.” Fili sighed, he had been waiting for his brother to notice but it seemed he was stuck in some pit of depression. “What?! When??” Kili was already standing, making a ruckus as his chair moved from beneath him. “About five minutes ago” Fili said nonchalantly, watching his brother go into panic mode.
He was out of the door before Fili could holler goodluck. A couple of thoughts were running through Kili’s head. Had you and Bofur left together? Why hadn’t you talked to him at the banquet at least once? Did he do something to have upset you? Would you be willing to see him right now? Well Kili had to see you right now or else he wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight.
Kili knew his way around Erebor easily, he took the quickest route to your chambers. Once there he stopped to catch his breath. “Alright, just ask if everything is okay. That’s all you need to know.” Kili whispered to himself, his hand up in the air waiting to start knocking. “And ask about Bofur too.” he nodded to himself, that was also important information. With that he knocked three times and waited for a response.
“Who is it?” Your voice rang out, it was like music to his ears. “Your Prince under the mountain.” Kili called back, smiling softly at his words knowing you probably rolled your eyes like you always do. “Good evening Kili..” You had opened the door wide enough for your silhouette to be seen. You had changed out of your dress into more comfortable clothes. Kili took in the sight of you in your evening gown, your hair down and around your face. You were as gorgeous as ever and for a second he couldn’t even remember why he was upset. But of course he came to his senses.
“May I come in?” Kili’s voice was lower now, he had never entered your room before, but for some reason he wanted this talk to be more private. He didn’t want any guards or any servants interrupting. Kili watched as you took in his request, your face left him in the unknown. He only had the best intentions at heart, but it was deemed improper for ladies to have men in their chambers, especially at night and even more so alone. Kili was hoping you could see his sincerity through his eyes and with that you nodded to him and widened the opening.
Kili passed you, entering into the threshold and you closed the door quickly. Before you could say anything at all, Kili was already speaking, “Y/n I don’t know what’s going on. Are you okay? Did something happen between you and Bofur?”
He spoke in a rush and he had closed in on you. Your back was pressed against the door, your chests almost touching. He looked down into your eyes. His rich chocolate eyes held sadness and uncertainty. You met his gaze and couldn’t hold back any longer. He was just so passionate, his words and those puppy dog eyes had your heart in a vice-like grip. Your fingers reaching to touch his face, (beardless but still unfathomably handsome) “Kili I have something I’ve been meaning to tell you,”
Kili cupped his hands over yours, embracing this new feeling of touch. Your hands were so soft, softer than his would ever be. He rubbed his cheek into your palm, loving this so much. But his stomach was in knots. Surely you wouldn’t tell him now that you had fallen for Bofur. Surely you wouldn’t say something that heartbreaking.
“I like you Kili Durin,” you smiled up at him hoping for- “You do?!” “Y/n I like you too!” “Will you allow me to court you? Oh please y/n I have so many things I want to do with you.” “You make me so happy!” Kili was a ball of joy. His eyes lit up like a blaze and he had swiftly lifted you off your feet. Twirling you around as he spoke of all the things he could do if you would let him court you.
You were laughing and holding onto him so tightly. “Of course!!” You answered, wanting all that he had to offer and wanting to give him just as much if not more. “Can I-“ Kili had looked at your lips wanting to kiss them so badly but it seemed you were thinking the same exact thing, as you shut him up very quickly. Kili still held you up, securing his grip behind the back of your thighs as your fingers went into his hair deepening the kiss.
It was only the beginning, Kili thought. And he couldn’t wait to do all of the things he had only dreamed of.
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Just wanted to say: I love your blog and stories and I lapped them up like Denethor ate that tomato đŸ€Ł you really almost made me switch my favorite dwarf prince- ALMOST 😉 still a die hard fili and thorin fan lol
this is the sweetest đŸ„° i’ll try to win you over on Kili’s side next time for sure!!!
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine listening to scary stories told by Fili and Kili...
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“And then the howling began,” it was the beginning of a long night for Thorin’s Company. The fire was glowing and most of the dwarves were sleeping. Bombur’s snoring was the background noise as Fili continued his story. He had this far away gaze as if he was recalling this from a first hand experience. “The wargs were everywhere, and closing in..” his voice was tight and grave, your hands tightened together as you nodded, letting him know you were still listening. When that didn’t make him continue you whispered, “what happened next?”
Fili sighed, his head angled down so you couldn’t see his expression (tightened lips as to not let out a smile) “Alas it is what one would expect little hobbit,” when he raised his head again his facial expressions were composed, unbeknownst to you. “I drew out my sword, and slain the closest one to me!” His voice grew animated and bold, “But those ugly beasts are clever, they decided to use their numbers and came at me on all sides!”
You gasped, your eyes wide and fearful, surely Fili survived! He was sitting right in front of you so he had to have! Kili intercepted the story, “And that’s when I, Kili the Greatest Durin, saved my brother by raining down as many arrows as enemies” Kili nodded to himself, yes that’s exactly what he did. You smiled, glad for a happy ending but Fili didn’t look so impressed. “Ah yes and that’s when you, Kili, were overrun from behind, the orcs had finally caught up.” Kili side-eyed his brother, what was he trying to do now.
“And that’s when, I, Fili the Bravest Durin, ran to my brothers aid and battled to the end.” Fili held out his forearm, “that exact battle is how I earned this scars.” He presented them to you proudly as your fingers reached out to touch them. They looked old and were completely healed. But you could tell they had been deep wounds once. Just before your fingers had touched his skin, Kili grabbed your fingers and continued on with the story, bringing you in close so you were both eye to eye. “Now that wasn’t exactly the end because as you know, where there are orcs there are goblins!”
As an inexperienced hobbit, with no battle knowledge nor intel on such creatures as orcs, wargs, or goblins, you just continued to nod and listen. Fili grumbled something under his breath which Kili ignored for the time being.
And this is how the story kept going, the both of them ‘saving’ each other time and time again. It seemed that they battled all of the evil creatures in Middle Earth together.
Thorin who had the unpleasant fortune of being within hearing distance, finally had enough. “What do you know of the world?!” Thorin said raising his voice to get them to shut it. The twins looked on at their uncle, holding in their retorts and backhanded comments. They didn’t want to piss him off anymore than they already had.
“So, who was the most heroic, in your opinion?” Kili questioned you, raising his eyebrows, he was very curious for your answer. He obviously wanted to be the name that left your lips. Fili too looked towards you and awaited your reply. “Well-“
“That’s enough talking for tonight.” Thorin grumbled, “Go to sleep unless you want watch duty.” Thorin watched as you took your leave to where you had last placed your bag. You could tell the boys were disappointed in not knowing your answer but Thorin’s wrath was something you didn’t want to be under.
“You’re no fun Uncle,” Kili sulked, he felt like he definitely sounded like the most heroic in their make-believe stories. Thorin glared from the tree trunk he was leaning on, a few yards away from the warmth of the fire.
“And you’re witless” his Uncle was quick to respond now that you were out of range. “Thry wasturoz your kargol.” Thorin’s voice was cold just like his gaze now. Kili and Fili couldn’t bring themselves to look back, both of the staring back into the fire feeling defeated. Orcs and wargs were one thing, but to go against the rightful King under the mountain was still something they were unable to do. “Yes Uncle,”they replied.
a/n (author’s notes)
(Thry wasturoz your kargol
- stop wasting your time)
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine being captured and Legolas struggles to save you...
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author’s note: angst, fluff? and a cliff hanger I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, y/n x legolas
The battle was getting pretty intense. It felt like the orcs were multiplying instead of dying. Every orc you took down, more stepped in to take its place. It was absolutely horrifying.
You were handy with your weapon of choice, a slim elven sword. It allowed for quick movement and was dangerously sharp. Perfect for battle in your opinion. You carried more than just one sword though, you had plenty of daggers strapped to your body, just in case. One could never be too cautious. Especially in the midst of the Battle for Middle Earth. You concentrated as you made a clean sweep through an orc neck, thick blood spluttered everywhere as the head rolled of the shoulders of the horrendous creature. The sword was the best gift you had ever received. Legolas thought it would be better than any man-made sword you had ever wielded. Of course he had been right, you smiled to yourself as you remember sparring with him.
“Don’t work up too much of a sweat Greenleaf,” you teased Legolas as you lunged at him, sword ready to finally put him in his place. But ever the elegant, Legolas easily saw through your attacks, swords clashing in flurries until you made a wrong step. “One misstep y/n and you will be warg food,” Legolas chastised. As the battle was a couple of impending days away, Legolas would get more upset at these types of mistakes. He knew you liked to tease and play around, but times were getting serious. Legolas had the worst feeling in the pit of his stomach. It made his body ache and he didn’t understand why. It was part of the reason why you received such an upgrade of a sword, Legolas wanted you to be able to protect yourself, with the best weapon available. “Again!” You said, wanting to prove to him, and yourself that you were a cunning opponent, and a worthy ally.
You hadn’t realized how far away you were getting separated from the rest of the company. Aragon and Gimli were no where in sight. You tried to retrace your steps, as you fought from all angles, trying to regain your senses. “This isn’t going to be the end.” You gritted your teeth as you focused on combat. It was no use. You felt like you weren’t getting anywhere. Every orc that fell before your feet was replaced with another. You were starting to get frustrated. “Stupid!” You yelled in the face of your opponent. “Fuck you!” You exasperated as you slain another.
“Y/n!” It was the voice that had shaken you from your memories. Legolas! He didn’t sound close, and he didn’t sound happy either. “I’m here!” You hollered back, content that at least the two of you were screaming distance. “I could use a little assistance Greenleaf!” The adrenaline in your system wasn’t allowing you to be tired just yet, but you didn’t know if you could continue with a surrounding attack like this for much longer.
Just as the doubt crept into your mind you were attacked from behind. You twirled around to defend yourself, but you were wounded now. A slash between your shoulder blades made you cry out in pain. “Urgh!” You tried not to squeeze your eyes shut as you felt the sting of skin your opening to the will of the menace. Not good.
Legolas was trying anxiously to reach you. He was fighting at his peak. Slaying too many to keep count for Gimili’a competition. That was far from his mind right now. He really felt the life or death situation right now, not for himself, but for you. He had kept his eyes on you during the battle, but the incoming elephants had kept him pretty occupied. “Curses!” Legolas grumbled, as he spotted the swarm of enemies. He needed to get to you, right now. Slicing from the left to the right, Legolas was making leeway, mowing down his opponents.
He heard your cry and his eyes flew wide open. “Y/n?! Are you okay?” He watched as your face winced in pain as you looked to him for help. Now he was angry. How dare those filfth gang up on you. With rage boiling over he pushed against the horde, yelling out for you to just hold on, that he was coming. But it was no use, and he felt the anguish he had been feeling days before. This is what he had feared, as he watched you get pulled further and further away from his safety.
It felt like everything was going in slow motion and no matter how many weapons he used, no progress was made. His only hope was to keep his eyes on you, and he would surely make it there eventually! He wouldn’t give up on you, he knew you were strong. “Don’t give up y/n!!”
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lovextriangle · 5 years
You’re personalities for characters you’ve written are spot on. I don’t know, but I feel like you take time to see how Kili or Legolas would personally react. A lot of people just write stuff and slap different names on it. Thanks for writing and sharing your stuff â˜ș
I do try to think of the characters personalities before writing, I’m glad that their own flares are visible!! Thank you for continuing to give me feedback, I’m in love đŸ„°
geez making me all smiley over her c:
If you ever have any prompts/ideas for any of the hobbit or lotr characters, I’d love to try and write it! 💕
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(not my gif but oml he just smiles and im a mush puddle he’s too good looking >\\\\\\\\<)
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lovextriangle · 5 years
Imagine you and Legolas are running late to a royal ceremony...
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“Curse all things holy!” You yelp as you rise from the ground. Awaking in a jolt because you just had a feeling, shall we call it instinct? That you were running late. And you were definitely doing that.
“I think the saying should be, curse all things unholy, since you know, unholy things are dark and evil.”
Legolas speaks up from beside you. As soon as you had bolted upright his eyes were open. Knowing that there wasn’t any danger, well, any looming danger.
The two of you had been relaxing with the evergreens. A calm breeze had carried the both of you to walk and chat with one another. Chatting led to banter and the banter led to silly games which then tired you out.
Anyways, the nap you had been taking was supposed to be a short one. Legolas who hadn’t been sleeping should have awaken you. But just laying beside you had his whole body finally at peace. So when he too had closed his eyes, though still conscious, he lost track of time. Whoops!
“We don’t have the time to bicker about sayings!” You exasperated. Still in shock at what was left of a visible sun. It felt like only a few minutes ago the star had been high above your head. Shining brightly into your skin and practically glimmering off of Legolas’s hair.
“It is just a party _____.” Legolas consoled you. Not sounding worried or concerned at all about being late or maybe even missing the entire event! “There will be plenty more.” He nodded to himself, and peered over at you from his spot on the forest floor.
“This is not just any party. This is a royal ceremony!! And he will kill us, well more along the lines of me, if we are late!!” Shaking the shock off of yourself, you scrambled up.
Ever the graceful elf, Legolas was beside you in seconds. Though his features had pulled to be a bit more serious. “If anyone should ever try to harm you, they will be met with all the weaponry at my disposal.” You had only meant it as a slight joke, since part of you actually did think Thranduil might kill you one day.
But to see Legolas turn so gravely serious after having him smile and laugh all day, made you feel guilty. After everything he has been through, all you ever wanted to do was make him smile. To be able to enjoy life, even if he grieved others who couldn’t do the same.
So slowing your brisk pace to get out of the woods and back to the kingdom, you tried to think of a way to turn his mood around. “You are very kind to speak of hurting all my enemies, but remember to leave some for me as well. I’d like to get in a little practice.” One of your amused smiles taking hold of your features as you looked over your shoulder to see his reaction.
He was staring right into your eyes, slightly smiling as well. Legolas only nodded and thought to himself that it would be okay to let the weakest ones past his guard for you to fight. Maybe if he shot off two of their limbs...
Your pace had increased once more and Legolas followed behind easily. Flanking you just in case you happened to slip or trip. (He had never forgiven himself from the last time you fell into a river, tumbling from a slippery stone.)
Off the both of you went. Back into the Woodland Elves palace, where King Thranduil had already started to fume over how tardy his son was. And he knew exactly who was responsible for Legolas’s behavior.
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lovextriangle · 5 years
damn :’( the third movie did the durins so wrong. im still heart broken.
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gif request meme: proustianrecall asked: the hobbit + favourite familial relationship
Everything I did, I did for them.
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lovextriangle · 5 years
Yo, that last Kili fix was the bomb. One of the best things I’ve read recently (:
Thank you so much >////< knowing that someone out there likes my writing makes me want to continue!! You’re the sweetest~~~~
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(this cute gif isn’t mine but oml uwu)
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lovextriangle · 5 years
yes, he is the cutest dwarf you will ever see. 💕
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KĂ­li in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
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