Vermouth and gin
Your lips read sin
Sharp edges
And supple skin
Drawing me towards
And drawn lines thin
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I'm so hungry
Ravenous for your touch
Please let me
Let me feel your strength
Against me
On me
Within me
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Bind my wrists
With your silken hands
Cover my mouth
With your sweet scent
Caress my skin
With your velvet touch
Envelop my ears
With your sultry whispers
Take my body
With your hard demand
Steal my heart
With your strong resolve
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Revenge is the new taste on my lips
I will get it with a smile and a laugh
I will get it by being happy
Even after all the effort you put into making me miserable
Your effort will be for nothing
You will seethe
But I
I will go on living
With every upturn of my lips
You will fall
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I'm being abused
I finally said it
I'm scared everyday
It's not physical mostly
But my abuser does get mad and drive recklessly with me in the car
And sometimes I think I might die
Mostly it's mental/verbal
Subtle threats like "you should be careful"
I want to tell someone everything that my abuser does to try and make me feel worthless or that everything that's happening is my fault
But it's hard to admit that sort of weakness
I kept telling myself that I was strong enough to take it
But I have finally realized that I shouldn't have to be
I should feel safe in my own home
I don't think many people will understand this
But I still do feel strong
I still manage to find happiness
And see beauty
But I'm tired of it being a battle
We all have our fights to fight
But I'm sick of having it in my own home
Where I am supposed to feel safe
Even as i write this, I am fighting the urge to change this whole thing that I have written to make it sound like it is about some made up character
But I think this will be a good first step in finding my way out
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Expectation is what causes hurt
Is it possible to unlearn expectation?
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Simple happiness
That is what I long for
Slow meals with good company
Quality conversation where everyone listens to what the other has to say and responds
Cleaning up together
Quiet times with good books in places that feel comforting
Shared excitement for your own accomplishments and others
Peace even when you are alone alongside a sweet anticipation of when loved ones will be near again
Laughter that hurts your stomach and causes eyes to tear up
The best kind of tears
I have such longings so deeply
That is what I carry in the once empty pit in my chest
The pit that gets smaller and smaller
The closer I get to that simple happiness
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Trust is easily broken
And hard to regain
One lie to break it
And many actions
To possibly get it back
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I would stand firm
Like the ages old oak
Roots planted
Bearing the forces
Just to shelter
The flower behind me
If the winds were to blow
And the storm were to loose itself
Upon us all
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You play the game of shame
I hold the burden of accountability
Only one of us
Is having fun
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Fun house mirrors
Are not the same as mirrors
It's funny they say
It's just jokes
But when it tries to cast your image
It is an untrue image
An image you need not accept
It is not you
Only how it portays you
A party trick they say
I don't want to be at this party
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The holding apart
The length of arms
The distance so forced
The mirror shows the signs of wilting
The source of illness
Seemed so clear
But now I wonder
If what I really needed
Was to have you near
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I flapped my wings for you
Made things happen
Turned the tables
With my wind
Found solutions
In the sand
Your wants were petty
Easily aquired for a butterfly
With intuition and focus
I provided that
Which you lacked
My mistake was expectation
Of a reward
Or appreciation
All I got in return
Was more expectation
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The clock stopped
At 21
The hands ceased in their rotation
An age of loss
An age of suffering
And darkness
Loud voices
Blurred vision
Hands that shook in their waiting
For the clock hands to show them how to move again
There was no forward
Only staying as still as possible
As to not be noticed
As to not upset
But the clock started again
Last year
And it's 22 now
But in the wrong time
The hands started moving
But they're angry now
They know something is missing
Somethings been lost
No one should mess with time
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Empty was the shell
A few had made their home there
But they all moved on eventually
They tried to stay
But at some point they just did not fit
And the shell had its limits
Some stayed even past those limits
And the shell began to crack
Some tried to ignore those cracks
And continue on
But the disregard for those limits
Caused the shell to be uncomfortable to them
There were sharp edges that poked
And cold that seeped in
The shell no longer felt like home
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I thought this was the one home
Where I wouldn't have to earn my place
Where I wouldn't have to prove that I should be there
This was supposed to be my home too
Our home
But it was just yours along
I was just an intruder and didn't even know it
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I miss being a daughter
I miss something I never fully experienced
But we were getting somewhat closer
And I miss the progress
And the new feelings
Why did you have to have your life taken
Before we could get there
Or at least continue to grow in that direction
Now I live with the reluctant envy
Of others that know or knew a parents unconditional love
I want to only be happy for them
Envy is not in my nature
But this is the one thing that pushes me over that edge
I just want for that knowing
That feeling
That someone loved me beyond a doubt
I long for a parents love
Or at least the memory of
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