selfcarevibes · 2 years
Remember... we’re going to do whatever it takes to get through today day the best we can. You deserve it, even when everything feels awful
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
I saw my anxiety differently when I learned that things in the present time can bring up old feelings. A color, smell, or even body feelings like hunger can bring up an old set of emotions. By addressing the present moment, I can help myself manage or process those old feelings
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
you're allowed to be happy when other people are sad. you’re allowed to be sad when other people are happy
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
Inner voice
If someone close to you talked badly about you when you were growing up, their voice might still be playing in your head. When you're noticing negative self talk, take deep breaths and ask yourself if these are your thoughts or if you have internalized someone else’s negativity
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
You don’t have to do a good job to be loved. You are lovable all the time
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
I will treat my body with respect and nourish it with what it asks for.
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
When you feel anxious: go outside, ask for help, create something, drink water, write how you feel, taker a deep breath, listen to soothing songs, stay present, find a positive distraction
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Great reminders from @positivelypresent
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
Healing comes in waves
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
Before making big decisions use this tool called HALT. Check to see if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.
Take care of your needs first, before you handle any new business.
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
Feelings for beginners
There no wrong way to feel your feelings, as long as you are safe with yourself and with others. Feelings are awkward and mostly were encouraged to hide them. If “feeling your feelings” is new for you, start by:
Not pushing it away, and let your body cry yell stomp or sigh
Name the feeling of you can, or pick a word close to it
Literally tell yourself, “it’s okay that you feel xxxx right now”
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
Grief can be filled with raw emotions. In the days or months after a big loss, it’s easy to respond with gut reactions or old habits. Don’t define yourself in these moments, you deserve empathy for everything you are processing
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
How to feel more accomplished without making a list:
Make an online form, like a quick survey, using whatever free service you choose. Bookmark it. Every time you finish a task, send in the form. At the end of the day you can review the results. Seeing this “done” list will help you stay accountable to yourself and feel more accomplished about your tome. Include all types of important activities from: brushing your teeth to eating a snack to reading a chapter to walking your dog… and even resting. Use this tool to feel more accomplished, not to be hard on yourself.
You’re doing your best and that’s more than enough
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
People should not touch you without your consent, or your permission. We know this intellectually, but it can be hard to speak up when an incident happens. Sometimes there is pressure to stay quiet. It’s always okay to say “Don’t touch me like this, I do not give you my consent”
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
When you’re being hard on yourself, I want to tell you “stop saying those things to my friend!” You’re my friend and I wouldn’t let anyone talk bad to you, even you. Please remember that
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
when you build tall buildings, you don’t start at the top. I’ve watched them dig deep holes before spending months on a strong foundation. So much important work goes into building, before making any progress up. What if you thought of your journey like this?
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
You’ve done more than enough for today. You work so hard. You deserve credit for all you efforts, and time to rest
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selfcarevibes · 2 years
Sometimes you need courage to stay, sometimes you need courage to leave. Only you know what is truly right for you
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