silverhyenaart · 15 hours
I'm so glad my parents do NOT have a Tumblr. Because I can already see them screaming at this despite it ... Being perfection.
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Radical!, Extreme!, What's next? Free hot lunches served at school?, an education system fully funded and that budget untouchable? teachers assistants in every classroom for the kids struggling? a mental health monitor at every school, A rejuvenated curriculum less stringent and open air free discussion of todays social issues including teaching kids their civil rights!. The list goes on and on!
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silverhyenaart · 7 days
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same "Pro-Life" crowd? Or am I mistaken?
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Republicans that blame parents for their children's hunger, should have to live on that families salary and see how it feels!!
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silverhyenaart · 9 days
This is why I will forever remain single and childfree by choice, ESPECIALLY because I live in Texas. Handmaid's Tale is NOT meant to be a guide book, people!
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silverhyenaart · 10 days
Ace/Aro here! Only recently discovered the name to my sexuality.
Reblog if you're LGBTQIA+ (Yes Trans people and people on the ace/aro spectrum are also valid, shut up)
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silverhyenaart · 11 days
Me, me!!
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silverhyenaart · 15 days
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This is a once in a lifetime cosmic event that I'll probably never be witness to again. Breathtaking!
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silverhyenaart · 19 days
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Okay, so Pokemon Loki is complete! A little sketchbook gift for a friend of mine. Does this look like a $3.00 sketchbook I found on the shelves at Ross?
Anyways, painted in Acrylics! Shiny Zorua is best Zorua. Of course the God of Mischief would be shiny!
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silverhyenaart · 20 days
This... Seriously, THIS!!
want your favorite author to update but don’t want to be too pushy in their comment section?
here’s 5 things you can do to encourage them:
Reblog their fic link on tumblr (bonus if it’s with tags)
Bookmark the fic with a note about what you’re excited about/love in the fic
Recommend the fic to your friends or local discord channel
Draw art or create other media for the fic (as indicated by the author’s comfort level)
Leave them a comment when re-reading about the parts of the chapter/story that stood out to you the second time
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silverhyenaart · 25 days
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So I did a sketch of a Loki Zorua. I still need to catch up on Season 2. So I did this for a friend of mine in the meantime.
This version of Loki has toe beans!!
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silverhyenaart · 26 days
Here's a part that I really enjoyed from Chapter 12 of Into the Light. (So, spoilers ahead.) But I just love this feminine empowerment here.
* * *
Sounds of metal scraping on metal echoed throughout the tower, growing louder and louder the closer they got. Upon reaching the top, Sally motioned for Kautounie to wait outside the door.
"Hmph... well, you're the boss, My Lady," the Konderi grunted, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall, "just don't wander off further away then I can hear you scream."
Mostly, Sally just didn't want Kautounie's temper erupting on the old doctor, regardless of how much he might be deserving of it.
Dr. Finkelstein hadn't even heard Sally come in, having been far too focused on welding some sort of metal construct together. The entirety of his lab was filled with these machines, many of them cut open and in pieces while three more of the contracts were being crafted from the finest bits and parts of the other devices. Hydraulics hissed, steel scraped against steel, and sparks crackled.
"D-Dr. Finkelstein?" Sally called out, over the noise.
The old scientist barely even looked up from his work, not even bothering to back up his wheelchair to face his former servant. Even as Igor tapped on Dr. Finkelstein's arm and waved frantically, he was simply waved off.
"Just get me that welding torch, would you, Igor?" Dr Finkelstein grumbled, growing more and more irritated, "I thought I requested NOT to be disturbed!"
At his snap, Sally shrank away, that old fear creeping back into her mind while her spine tingled in a most unpleasant way. Subconsciously, she began to pick and mess with the stitches on her wrists. Even with Zero by her side, Sally never liked going near the old man without Jack. The Pumpkin King always put that old codger in his place when he got out of line with her. But even the future Pumpkin Queen could not afford such a luxury today.
"I-Im sorry doctor, but it's-"
"Can't you see I'm busy, girl?" Dr. Finkelstein growled, "What that boy was thinking putting you in charge of the town I shall never know!"
A frown crossed Sally's usually gentle features as her fists clenched, "That's exactly why I'm here!"
She circled around to the front of the desk, pounding her small hands against the metal surface, causing the partially built machines strewn about to rattle. Finally; that got the old timer's attention!
"I was checking to make sure that you and your wife were okay!" Sally stated, straining to hide the hurt in her eyes, "Behemoth and Clown told me that one of those shadows was seen near your tower!"
"And from what I understand, isn't it your responsibility to see to it that those things don't enter the town at all?" Dr. Finkelstein questioned, scrutinizing the ragdoll with a huff as he adjusted his goggles before smirking, "or have you been too busy entertaining that oversized stray who wandered into town, hrrrmmm?"
In that moment, Sally hesitated to answer; this was unlike anything that the town had faced before!
"Kautounie Redsun has agreed to help us protect the town, doctor," she finally said, trying to keep her irritation hidden, "a-and I have plans to gather some volunteers and check the perimeters of town to make sure-"
"Then perhaps you'd better get to work, Sally, and leave me to mine!" snapped Dr. Finkelstein, "At least my machines know how to obey orders!"
It didn't take a genius to figure out just what Dr. Finkelstein was up to; crafting automatons to protect the town. However, his sharp and abrasive words stung like nettles. For even a less than stellar mind could understand the implications of what he was saying.
"How soon will your creations be ready?" Sally asked, biting back her tears, "According to Kautounie, there's an entire legion of shadows set to attack Halloween Town!"
Another grumble left his thin lips as his gangly, cracked teeth, "That I will discuss only with the Pumpkin King, girl."
"Jack named me-!" protested Sally, before the mad scientist interrupted her.
"Until your last name is Skellington I'm not taking commands from you, you wretched girl!"
Zero let out a few sharp barks, shrinking closer to Sally as the laboratory door crashed against the wall with a deafening 'THUD'.
"Oh no..." Sally whispered to herself, with a foreboding sense of dread.
Fur bristling and ears pinned back against her skull, Kautounie stormed over to the mad scientist.
"Oi there, melon head!"
Just as Dr. Finkelstein backed up his wheelchair in an effort to turn around, the scientist found himself hoisted out of the contraption by a pair of clawed paws grasping the front of his lab coat. He let out a surprised cry, only able to flail his arms around while his legs dangled uselessly.
"I suggest you answer Lady Sally's question before I perform a little experiment of my own!" Kautounie snarled, flashing her deadly fangs.
Her amber eyes darted to the nearby window, a wicked smile forming on her face, "Just how far can I make you fly, huh?"
While the doctor sputtered in terror, feebly reaching for the remotes connected to his wheelchair, Sally immediately went into damage control mode, "Kautounie! Please... p-put him down, gently please..."
The ragdoll did her best to calm the situation, especially before Dr. Finkelstein or Igor would develop a very rational fear of yet another Redsun. Zero began to growl, the fur on his own hackles rising. The ghostly dog nudged against Sally's side, whimpering softly.
"You're lucky she's here!" Kautounie snapped, coming muzzle to duckbill with the doctor, "Vengeance is more my speed! Now answer her Ladyship's fucking question!"
While the demon huntress may not have put Dr. Finkelstein back into his wheelchair as nicely as Sally would have liked, the ragdoll still considered it a victory for diplomacy. No blood was spilled. No bones broken. And she wouldn't have to explain to Jack why Dr. Finkelstein would no longer be working with them. At this point, Sally would take what she could get with grace.
Growling, Kautounie stalked towards the window, ears flicking backwards every now and again to listen.
With little issues moving forward, Dr. Finkelstein gave Sally the information she'd initially asked for, "T-they'll be ready b-by tomorrow... provided that you limit these interruptions!"
"Thank you, doctor," said Sally, remaining as cordial as possible before taking her leave, "that will be all."
* * *
Quite honestly, I can't really see Sally joining in a fist fight or tavern brawl. Her power comes from her mind and her gentle heart. That being said, being in command of the muscle always helps.
Anyways, if you'd like to read what I've got for Into the Light, here it is!
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silverhyenaart · 28 days
I love this! 💞
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silverhyenaart · 1 month
Scream this from the rooftops!!
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spot on!!!!!
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silverhyenaart · 2 months
Please, please, please! This is so true!!
comments on fanfics
I thought about writing this post for a long time and decided, fuck it, I'm gonna write this.
All over my dash I see people being disappointed because nobody is leaving comments on ao3 anymore/rebloging things on tumblr.
And the only thing I can think about this is: it's so true.
Two weeks ago I posted the epilog of my 60k words fanfic (I've been writing on it for almost a year and got some positive feedback on it) and I got ZERO comments, or kudos on the epilog.
I can see that people kicked on it, but I have no idea whether they liked it or not. (And I used to get a comment on my story now and then)
Last week I posted the first extra chapter (I planned three of these) and also got no reaction.
No I'm just sitting here, wondering if my writing is just true shit.
This is also the reason I was hesitate to post this. Maybe it's not the people and just that shithole of a story I've been writing.
Things like are just running around my head now and must say that the motivation to even finish those extra chapters is gone.
So if you read a good story, not some bullshit like mine, write that comment.
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silverhyenaart · 2 months
These guys just look amazing! Possibly even better than their OG counterparts! I love the little detail of the bandaid on Lock's knee.
I don’t know why, but I really wanna see that one scene of baby LSB in your style where Shock says “and we thought you didn’t like us Jack.” When she pulls Barrel close and they’re all cackling.
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silverhyenaart · 2 months
So, here's a sneak peek at a piece from chapter 7 of Into the Light, Book 2 of a Nightmare Before Christmas Trilogy I'm working on. If you're curious, here's what I've got so far.
I have absolutely been LOVING bouncing Jack Skellington off of my boy, Geoffrey! Jack has just become such a dad to him. Was this what I originally thought would happen? Hell no! The characters have kinda taken over.
Also, for context, this is taking place as the two of them are exploring a haunted keep.
* * *
"No, no, no no...." Geoffrey grumbled, frantically searching the stone for any trigger or switch.
Just SOMETHING that would unlock the staircase once again. However, the demon hunter's search came up empty.
Frustrated, the two of them carried on with their search. Unlike the lower levels, the upper wooden floors were draped in old, moth-eaten rugs of orange and black. At one time, it may have been quite beautiful, with the ornate candelabras and paintings hanging on the wall. Now, it served as a harsh reminder of the ravages of time and the elements. Further investigation revealed that any windows had been darkened by writhing shadows; similar to those that drifted behind the shadow fiends.
"Be careful... don't touch those," Geoffrey warned, cautiously leading the way down the hall, stopping at intervals to check for traps and snares.
Gods only knew what would happen; curiosity killed the cat, afterall. (And those things had nine lives!) While the downstairs had much of the staff accomodations and standard domestic utilities, the second level seemed to be more geared towards living quarters; lounges, bedrooms, and a rather large library that has been thoroughly trashed.
"This is a tragedy of Shakespearean prestige..." Jack balked, bending down to scoop up some of the books and stack them out of the way.
Geoffrey held his shotgun at the ready as he investigated, but much like the rest of the keep, it appeared to be abandoned.
"Maybe this guy is just taking that book report he was forced to write on Othello in middle school to an unhealthy level?" he suggested, on a whim.
"Hmmmm, well, I'll admit that I have... reigned terror upon mortals for less," Jack mused, tapping his jawbone thoughtfully, "there were those kids I surprised while they were breaking into a public library. Then there was that one guy from Kentucky as well..."
Curiosity peaked, Geoffrey threw a glance over his shoulder. (Seriously, those stories sounded like the kind worthy of popcorn and soda!)
"Okay, don't leave me hanging, Jack. Now I GOTTA know."
Jack placed a few more of the lesser damaged books back on the shelf. However, before he could answer, something within the wall gave a solid 'click', echoing throughout the library. The skeleton barely had time to register what was happening as everything whirled around in a blur, leaving him in a secret tunnel. It would have been a spectacular discovery... had it not been for Geoffrey's frantic calls from the other side of the bookshelf!
"I'm alright, Geoffrey!" Jack said, shoving against the shelf.
It didn't budge, not even for the Pumpkin King. He checked for any trigger or mechanism, finding none as the human did the same from his side.
"Stupid-ass rotating bookcase! How typical," Geoffrey grumbled, his voice somewhat muffled by the barrier between them, "how about something original, huh?" he added, with a few more colorful words, "What do you see?"
"Well, there's only this long, dark-" Jack began, only cutting himself off at yet another loud 'SNAP', the groan of timber flooring, followed by the human's swearing.
"What the fuck?!" Geoffrey called out, "The godsdamned floor is-Aaaaahhhh!!!! Shiiiiiiit!!!"
Jack could only listen as the human's voice faded away while the wooden floors seemingly snapped themselves back together. Remaining still, the skeleton strained to hear anything more from Geoffrey, his phantom heart just about pounding against his ribcage.
"That mortal has proven himself multiple times," he reassured himself, with a deep, calming breath, "surely, all one must do is follow the trail of vulgarity and all will be just fine."
The undead king's face scrunched up in confusion, feeling the buzzing coming from within his suit jacket's inner pocket. His eye sockets widened, remembering; the communication crystal! Quickly, he withdrew the smooth, green crystal, tentatively tapping a long claw on the "text app", as Geoffrey had called it.
The message from "Your Loyal Bodyguard" appeared on the screen, 'I wanna speak with the manager! Anyways, I'm fine. Just wet. Landed flat on my ass in five inches of standing water,' Jack winced as he read, gritting his teeth, 'In some sort of secret passage on the ground floor. Gonna investigate. TTYL, boss.'
Humming in thought, Jack began to type back, slowly and awkwardly at first, 'As long as you're safe, Geoffrey.'
He paused, tacking on a quick, 'Language, if you please,' before putting the device back in his jacket pocket and venturing deeper into the passageway.
* * *
One thing that I wonder... WHAT did that guy in Kentucky do to earn Jack's ire? But as someone who loves books and literature, I'd imagine that Jack would take great offense to someone trashing a library.
I also head cannon that Jack is too much of a gentleman to swear or use any sort of vulgarity.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little tidbit!
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silverhyenaart · 2 months
I kinda like to have a few chapters ready to go, kinda post once a week or so.
Fanfic writers who do multi-chapter works, do you write all the chapters before publishing or publish chapters as you write them? (Bonus third option: it depends/a combination of the two/other)
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silverhyenaart · 2 months
Just write it! Even if it's just for you. Write it!!
I want to start writing fanfictions but I'm terrified of the consequences.
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