studyblrwithpanbi · 8 months
Hi can you make an elle woods study guide for me?
study like elle woods
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“what, like it’s hard?”
cute stationary
invest in pretty notebooks, pens, highlighters, etc.! you’ll feel much more motivated to study and be productive when you’re surrounded by color and pretty things.
get some movement in while you work
elle reads and studies on the treadmill. if this is not accessible to you, you can go for a walk and listen to a podcast/video/audiobook on the topic you are studying or even fit workout sessions into your study breaks.
dress well, test well
elle always presented herself well in class. do your makeup and hair and wear an outfit that makes you feel confident and put together. if you look good and feel good, you will immediately boost your confidence, which will bring you into a better mindset for your study session, lecture, or exam.
rest when you need it
while it’s important to push yourself at times, there are also times where your brain needs to rest and absorb the information you’ve just studied. take time to do yoga, bake, sit outside, or whatever you feel like you need to rejuvenate and keep going.
stay true to yourself
elle is the perfect example of staying true to yourself even when you’re looked down on or belittled for it. you can be yourself and do whatever you want to do. you don’t have to stop expressing yourself in order to be intelligent, professional, and respected. if anyone ever tells you different or expects you to change yourself to “fit” your career, all you have to do is prove them wrong.
stop looking at other girls as competition
your only competition is yourself! there will always be people you believe to be smarter than you, have more opportunities than you, or be more gifted than you. if you are constantly thinking badly of yourself or comparing yourself to others, you will lose sight of your own gifts and your goals. stop worrying about everyone else and focus on you.
remind yourself of your ‘why?’
it’s easy to lose sight of your goals and your reason to keep going when you’re tired or doubting yourself, so always remind yourself why you’re doing this. who are you doing this for? why study this subject specifically? who do you want to be? what do you want your life to look like in 20 years?”
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Continuando con los apuntes de clase de química heterociclica, la primer parte de la nomenclatura. No es un tema complicado, pero si bastante extenso.
🇬🇧 Continuing with the heterocyclic chemistry class notes, the first part of the nomenclature. It is not a complicated topic, but it is quite extensive.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 01 de marzo de 2023
Muy bien, comenzando el tercer mes del año con toda la intención de mantenerme lo mas organizada y apegada a las planeaciones que nunca. Pronto comenzarán los trámites de termino para mi maestría, asi que nos acercamos a la recta final de esta etapa.
🇬🇧 March 1, 2023
Very good, starting the third month of the year with every intention of staying as organized and as attached to the planning as ever. The completion procedures for my master's degree will soon begin, so we are approaching the final stretch of this stage.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Continuando con los apuntes de clase de química heterociclica, un poco sobre reactividad de compuestos heterociclicos aromáticos. Sin duda alguna una de mis asignaturas favoritas de la maestría.
🇬🇧 Continuing with the heterocyclic chemistry class notes, a little about reactivity of aromatic heterocyclic compounds. Without a doubt one of my favorite subjects of the master's degree.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 28 de febrero de 2023
Un día más tranquilo de lo esperado, sin embargo, muy productivo, no solo en clase, si no también en los avances del proyecto, recibí los resultados de la dirección de rayos X de uno de mis compuestos sinterizados. Muy buen último día de febrero.
🇬🇧 February 28, 2023
A calmer day than expected, however, very productive, not only in class, but also in the progress of the project, I received the results of X-ray diffraction of one of my synthesized compounds. Very good last day of February.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Un apunté más sobre química orgánica, en este caso abarcando las teorías ácido-base. Continuando con el estudio de los fundamentos para apoyar a mis alumnos con la asignatura.
🇬🇧 One more note on organic chemistry, in this case covering the acid-base theories. Continuing with the study of the fundamentals to support my students with the subject.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Porque la organización no se detiene ni en fin de semana... Bueno solo el Sábado, el domingo es día libre.
P.D: soy feliz porque aprendi nuevas funciones de mi aplicación, y eso es genial.
🇬🇧 Because the organization does not stop even on the weekend... Well, only on Saturday, Sunday is a day off.
P.D: I'm happy because I learned new features of my app, and that's great.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Unos apuntes de inglés para la clase del fin de semana.
Recomendación seria, cuando hagan un examen de colocación para un idioma que saben, no lo hagan a la carrera y con sueño o los regresan varios niveles jaja
🇬🇧 Some English notes for the weekend class.
Serious recommendation, when you take a placement test for a language you know, don't do it on the run and sleepy or they will return several levels haha
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Una pequeña introducción de Química heterociclica ya estructurado como se imparte la asignatura en el posgrado de ciencias químico biológicas. Definitivamente mi clase preferida y la más hermosa ya que es la primera que tomo de forma presencial desde marzo de 2019
🇬🇧 A short introduction to Heterocyclic Chemistry, structured as the subject is taught in the postgraduate course in Biological Chemical Sciences. Definitely my favorite class and the most beautiful since it is the first one I have taken in person since March 2019
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 22 de febrero de 2023
Un dia en verdad muy bueno, no solo conseguí boletos para el concierto de mi cantante favorito, si no que ahora, tengo una nueva alumna y la oportunidad de complementar mi linea de investigación con herramientas computacionales de Docking.
🇬🇧 February 22, 2023
A really good day, not only did I get tickets to the concert of my favorite singer, but now, I have a new student and the opportunity to complement my line of research with Docking computational tools.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Hoy les comparto un resumen sobre farmacología, ya que tengo que enseñarle a dos de mis alumnos el tema, decidí hacer unos resumenes de los temas más importantes, para estudiar y al mismo tiempo poder compartirlos con ellos y les sea más fácil aprender.
🇬🇧 Today I share a summary on pharmacology, since I have to teach two of my students the subject, I decided to make some summaries of the most important topics, to study and at the same time to be able to share them with them and make it easier for them to learn.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Este semestre más que los tres anteriores la química orgánica sera el foco de atención, especialmente la química heterociclica, así que comenzaré a compartir con ustedes algunos apuntes y notas de estudio correspondientes al tema. 👩🏻‍🔬🤓
🇬🇧 This semester, more than the previous three, organic chemistry will be the focus of attention, especially heterocyclic chemistry, so I will begin to share with you some notes and study notes corresponding to the subject. 👩🏻‍🔬🤓
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studyblrwithpanbi · 1 year
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🇲🇽 Algo tarde pero, un vistazo a mi Bullet Journal digital para este mes, días ocupados no tan ocupados como otros...
🇬🇧 A bit late but, a look at my digital Bullet Journal for this month, busy days not as busy as others...
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studyblrwithpanbi · 2 years
[🇲🇽] Les dejo un pequeño vistazo a mi día a día cuando no tengo clases, pero tengo trabajo que hacer en el laboratorio de Química Orgánica. Ser estudiante de maestría no es fácil pero se vuelve satisfactorio ver el avance
[🇬🇧] Here's a little glimpse into my day-to-day when I don't have classes, but I have work to do in the Organic Chemistry lab. Being a master's student is not easy but it becomes satisfying see the progress
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studyblrwithpanbi · 2 years
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🇲🇽 Continuando con los apuntes sobre Proteínas del diplomado de Bioquímica Clínica
🇬🇧 Continuing with the notes of Proteins of the Diploma in Clinical Biochemistry
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studyblrwithpanbi · 2 years
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🇲🇽 Disculpen la ausencia la semana pasada, pero estaba indispuesta. Ahora sí a retomar con normalidad actividades, por lo que les comparto un apunte rápido sobre proteínas y sus generalidades.
🇬🇧 Excuse the absence last week, but I was indisposed. Now yes to resume activities normally, so I share a quick note about proteins and their generalities.
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studyblrwithpanbi · 2 years
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