#한국어 연습
dreamer-hangugeo · 1 year
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If you're learning Korean, you might have encountered the word "어차피" (eo-cha-pi) at some point. It's a useful word that can be translated to "anyway," "in any case," or "after all." When you use "어차피," you're often indicating that something is inevitable or necessary, regardless of other circumstances. To use "어차피", you simply need to add it to the sentence. E.g. 어차피 늦었으니까 천천히 와. (It's late anyway, so take your time.) 어차피 다른 선택지가 없어. (There’s no other option anyway.) 그 사람은 어차피 나를 싫어하는 거야. (That person hates me, after all.) "어차피" is often used with grammar like ~(으)니까 or -(으)ㄴ/는데 to add more context. E.g. 어차피 해야 할일이니까 빨리 하고 끝내는게 좋지않겠어요? (Because it's something you have to do anyway, isn't it better to hurry up and finish it?) 어차피 시간이 없는데 일찍 가는 게 좋을 거야. (Anyway, since we don't have much time, it's better to leave early.) 어차피 지나간 일이니까 다시 말하지 말아요. (Since it's a thing of the past anyway, let's not talk about it again.) 어차피 밖에 비가 내리고 있는데 조금더 이야기를 나누자 (It's raining outside anyway, so let's talk a little bit more.)
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hobakorean · 9 months
Two new Korean words
본말 : original word, at its original length
준말 : short form, abbreviation
예를 들어서 ”이야기“ 쓰면 본말인 반면에 “얘기” 쓸 때마다 준말이예요 ! 이제 이해되시죠? :D
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iroirooo · 1 year
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02/2021 -> 11/2022
My korean handwriting has sure changed quite significantly 👀
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3a-okhom · 23 days
오늘은 취직하고 싶은 회사 면접이 있었어요. 면접 동안 너무 걱정했어요. 영상 통화가 끝난 후에 힘이 없었어요. 사람들과 이야기를 나누는 것에 익숙하지 않기 때문에 피곤했어요.
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hangukkie · 5 months
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바르셀로나 여행이 끝났어요 🇪🇸!
My holiday in Barcelona is complete 🇪🇸!
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mellowmyra · 10 months
번역하는 한국어 이야기 (연습) #2
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📄제가 영어 번역:
House Cleaning
Today is Saturday. In the morning, my father went to work and my mother went out for the day. I didn't have any lectures or plans with my friends, so I just decided to stay home.
I planned to do some house cleaning. First, I scrubbed the floors with a rag and cleaned the furniture in the room, the television and the stereo. I also dusted the windows and ceilings.
After cleaning, the house's atmosphere was very different. The room was clean and a sparkly shine came from the kitchen, bathroom, and windows.
Since the inside of the house was clean, I felt super refreshed. After house cleaning, I decided to do the overdue laundry. I like using the washing machine more rather than doing laundry by hand. Of course, if you do it by hand it is more tiring. However, rinsing the laundry and disposing of the water feels very satisfying. This kind of feeling is why I still do the laundry by hand.
📝제가 배운것:
V ~시 = honorific verb ending
V ~기로 하다 = planning to~, deciding to ~
외출하다 (v) = to go out, to have plans
털다 (v) = to be dusted, to be cleaned
달라치다 (v) = to change, to alter
상쾌하다 (adj) = to be refreshing
마치다 (v) = to complete, to end
밀리다 (v) = to be overdue, to be undone
행구다 (v) = to rinse
대청소 = house cleaning
방바닥 = floor
걸레 = rag, mop
오디오 = stereo
유리창 = window
천장 = ceiling
먼지 = dust
욕실 = bathroom, tub
윤 = shine, gloss
세탁기 = washing machine
무척 = really, extremely
**T/N (😎)
오케이 이거..ㅜㅜ 이거 조금 더 어려웠어요. 복잡하지 않은데 그냥 모른 단어가 많았어요. 아 그리고 정말 길었죠? 많을수록 좋겠다 !ㅎㅎㅎ 그럼, 지금은 그게 다예요. 이번에 더 잛게 메모예요..암튼 !
다음에 봐요~!
마이라 💙
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나는 너에게 사랑을 고백할 예쁜 단어들을 찾을 때까지 나는 가능한 모든 언어로 너를 사랑할 거 야.
I will love you in every language possible till I find all the pretty words to confess my love to you. 
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kgblogs · 5 months
안녕하세요~~ 요즘 일기 안하네요. 죄송해요. 며칠 전에 thanksgiving이였어요. 가족이랑 재밌게 놀았습니다~ 여러분 잘 지내고 있음 좋겠어요. 저는 잘 살고 있고 재밌게 행복하게 살고 있습니다 ^^
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gemsstudy · 8 months
지난 토요일에 다른 한국어 수업을 시작했어요. 그리고 오늘 대학교에서 새로운 학기가 시작해요. 교정에서 2개 수업을 듣고 온라인에서 2개 수업을 있어요. 제 한국어 수업은 재미있을 것 같아요. 새로운 사람이 있고 지난 학기에 아는 사람들 있었어요. 미국 역사 수업은 교정에서 제 마지막 수업이에요. 수업에는 많이 사람들이 있어요. 사실 너무 놀라요. 그 선생님은 마이크로폰을 쓰는데 방이 너무 작아서 재미있어요. 선생님 너무 멋있어요 ㅎㅎㅎ. 이제 이번 주를 준비하고 있어요. 빨래하고 요리하고 제 차를 청소해야 해요. 오늘은 너무너무 행복해요. 며칠 동안 저는 슬펐는데 지금 기분이 너무 좋아요 !!!! :)
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milly-the-korean-major · 10 months
저는 나 소개를 하고 싶어서 여기 할거예요!
영국에서 왔고 저는 19살이에요. 저는 크로셰와 독서를 좋아해요 근데 요즘에 시간 없어요 :(
일 년 동안 한 대학교에 한국어를 전공했는데 그 대학교 싫어서 구월에 다른 대학교 갈 거예요
여기서 저는 한국어 학습 팁을 공유할 것이고 우리는 함께 배울 수 있어요!
Hi everyone,
I wanted to introduce my self so I’ll do it here!
I’m 19 and I’m from England. I like crochet and reading but I don’t have much time for it these days :(.
I studied Korean at one university for a year but I didn’t like that university so I’m moving to a different one.
Here I’ll share korean learning tips and we can learn together!
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thekimchibear · 2 years
Quick Korean: Vibes
간지 -  Style / Cool / Charisma 
This term comes from the Japanese term Kanji (感じ), which generally is translated as feeling / sensation / impression. The Korean term is used only in terms of positive feelings, so it’s similar to “vibes” or “mood” in English. 
“선글라스(를) 새로 샀나봐, 완전 간지 난다”  “Looks like you bought some new sunglasses, they look great.”
“요즘은 자전거 스탠드(를) 안 단대, 스탠드(가) 있는 게 노간지래” “Nobody uses kickstands on bikes anymore, I heard they aren’t cool.”
노간지 > No 간지 is similar to “Cheugy”
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dreamer-hangugeo · 1 year
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𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 보다 The verb 보다 (boda) is a versatile word that means "to see" or "to look". It is a basic verb that is widely used in the Korean language. Additionally, its meaning can be enhanced through the use of its many compound words. 알아보다: to investigate to try to find out 바라보다: to look at, to gaze at 지켜보다: to keep an eye on, to observe 우러러보다: to revere, to look up to 내다보다: to see far ahead, to forecast 되돌아보다: to look back, to turn back 살펴보다: to examine, to inspect 눈여겨보다: to take a close look 쏘아보다: to stare at, to shoot daggers at 노려보다: to stare fiercely at, to look angrily at 도두보다: to see with a favorable eye 낮추보다: to look down upon, to undervalue 넘어다보다: to look over, to peep over
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hobakorean · 9 months
New Korean words !
감당 : the act of handling, managing (something and succeeding)
-> 감당하다 : to handle, to manage
-> 감당되다 : to be handled, to be manageable
가 : 우리 일본 여행 경비가 감당되지?
나 : 응! 이번 여름에는 아르바이트를 하다 보니 돈을 아끼게 되고 여행 경비를 감당할 수 있어.
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iroirooo · 1 year
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recent korean studies 💗
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elletudie · 10 months
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currently reading 라떼가 가장 맛있다
appreciating the small, ordinary things each month that bring joy to the author.
a great book for Korean language learners looking for native books with daily life vocab.
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hangukkie · 5 months
성공 ⭐️📚🍎!! - Success ⭐️📚🍎!!
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와..해냈어요!! 오늘 아침에 초등교원양성 2부 면접을 봤는데 성공했어요!!! 선생님이 되는 거예요~~🤭 으앜!!!
Wow..I did it!! I had part 2 of the teacher training course interview today and..I was successful!!! I’m becoming a teacherrrr 🤭 aaaa!!!
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