#Anastasia Borisova
leatherista22 · 1 year
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Anastasia Nasty Borisova
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Paesi più felici del mondo: dalla Finlandia all'Afghanistan
Quali sono i Paesi più felici al mondo? Ce lo svela il World Happiness Report 2024 secondo il quale le posizioni più alte sono occupate dai Paesi occidentali per lo più europei. Pur distinguendo le opinioni di giovani e anziani, la Finlandia si conferma in via generale il Paese più felice come da sette anni a questa parte. Ultimo posto, invece, per l'Afghanistan mentre Israele e Palestina sono molto distanti. L'Italia, infine, occupa un posto tra i primi 50 ma più in basso rispetto allo scorso anno. Cos'è la felicità Secondo una credenza molto diffusa in Europa, la giovinezza è il periodo più felice per un individuo. Dopo di allora si assiste a una sostanziale diminuzione della felicità fino alla mezza età seguito da un recupero nell'età successiva. Invece, dal 2006 al 2010 la felicità è diminuita drasticamente nella fascia d'età tra i 15 e i 24 anni sia in Nord America che in Europa occidentale. Si è arrivati al punto che gli anziani sono più felici dei giovani. In Europa centrale e orientale si è registrato un aumento della felicità a tutte le età. L' Asia meridionale, il Medio Oriente e il Nord Africa, invece, hanno visto una diminuzione della felicità a tutte le età. In un quadro in cui il numero degli anziani aumenta e con esso il numero dei malati di demenza, più elevati livelli di benessere precedente sono stati fortemente associati a un minor rischio di demenza futura. In quest'ottica, dunque, coltivare il benessere durante le diverse fasi della vita diventerebbe una forma di prevenzione della demenza. Un capitolo della ricerca è dedicato alla felicità in India dove l'età avanzata corrisponde a una maggiore soddisfazione nella vita. In sintesi, la valutazione della felicità avviene secondo tre parametri che sono le condizioni di vita, la discriminazione percepita e l’autovalutazione della salute. I Paesi più felici del mondo secondo gli anziani... Come si misura la felicità di un Paese? I parametri presi in considerazione dal World Happiness Report sono: - PIL pro capite - supporto sociale - aspettativa di vita sana alla nascita - libertà di fare scelte di vita - generosità - percezioni di corruzione - affetto positivo - affetto negativo I Paesi più felici secondo gli over 60 sono nell'ordine: - Danimarca - Finlandia - Norvegia - Svezia - Islanda - Nuova Zelanda - Olanda - Canada - Australia - Stati Uniti ... e secondo i giovani I dieci Paesi più felici secondo gli under 30 sono: - Lituania - Israele - Serbia - Islanda - Danimarca - Lussemburgo - Finlandia - Romania - Olanda - Repubblica Ceca La classifica generale La classifica generale vede il monopolio della Finlandia. Risultato che si verifica da sette anni consecutivi. Vediamo quali sono le prime dieci posizioni: - Finlandia - Danimarca - Islanda - Svezia - Israele - Olanda - Norvegia - Lussemburgo - Svizzera - Australia L'Italia occupa il 41mo posto. Posizione condivisa dai giovani mentre gli anziani la collocano al 38mo posto. Le ultime cinque posizioni della classifica sono occupate rispettivamente da Congo, Sierra Leone, Lesotho, Libano e l’Afghanistan. Infine, bassissima posizione anche per la Palestina che occupa il 103mo posto su 143. In copertina foto di Anastasia Borisova da Pixabay Read the full article
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mistermixmania · 1 year
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Germany’s Next Topmodel Halbfinalistin NASTY veröffentlicht ihre Debüt-Single “Bubblegum Plopp” 📣 https://mister-mixmania.com/de/news/musik-news/germanys-next-topmodel-halbfinalistin-nasty-veroeffentlicht-ihre-debuet-single-bubblegum-plopp/ Tagged as NASTY Als NASTY veröffentlicht sie heute ihre erste Single – und doch ist die Frau hinter dem Künstlernamen alles andere als eine Unbekannte: Model und Sängerin Anastasia Borisova war 2020 Teilnehmerin ..... : #musiknews #musik #NASTY Foto Credits: Milena Zara
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horizongirls · 3 years
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Anastasia Borisova @ VIA Model Management
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fieldsofmoonflowers · 3 years
Anastasia (petrova/p batim/Borisova) is not as bad as you all make her out to be.
I am an American and I am embarrassed of the behavior of some of you.
Regarding the rule breaking:
What mmder hasn’t broken a rule, especially starting out?
Many model rules are, quite frankly, bullshit. Especially if you make your own rules when you ripped it from a game.
She used to credit but then she got attacked so she stopped and removed credits
MMD is over 10 years old, tda models are also aging, it’s very clear that tda is not able to enforce these rules in Japan or worldwide, or simply does not care enough
Rule breaking hurts the artist yes, but the majority of models and assets as mentioned before are from games, so it is not like they made it themselves.
She’s going to keep breaking rules if you attack her and tell her she’s a bad person
Regarding the hostile comments/“racism”/“homophobia”/“pedophilia”:
She’s going to be wary of English speakers or be hostile after you all attacked her, and asked invasive questions immediately, without getting to know her first
She’s not even racist anything she said was either just memes/jokes or was to spite some of you
She’s not homophobic either lmaoo
She’s a minor so she’s not a pedophile and you don’t know what goes on in her personal life so don’t be rude and attack her
Regarding the porn:
Mmd is literally known for porn at this point so many mmders make porn and profit off of it at least Anastasia doesn’t profit
Also tda has once again done nothing to stop it some of y’all pick and choose who to attack over it
I don’t agree with porn of minors but adult mmd porn is fine
Regarding the incest:
Most pro shippers don’t condone it in real life but in fiction it can be interesting to see different dynamics even if in USA there is a taboo surrounding even fictional incest
Regarding the monetization:
Limited commercial use (monetization) is not the same as outright selling the model
I understand why people are upset about actual selling of merch and such but monetizing a video is nothing
Think about it this way: when you monetize a video you are selling the hours of animation and editing you put into it, NOT the assets
Regarding some of the haters:
A lot of the people attacking Anastasia are adults please I promise your life outside of her is way more important
If you’re giving her death threats than you’re no better than she is and a hypocrite
Anyways you don’t have to support her but don’t hate on her just because you don’t agree. Why are we still dying on this hill of “tda rules are supreme” when he keeps changing them and he has no ability to enforce them. Why are we dying on this hill of “rule breakers who don’t change deserve relentless hate” when most mmders are real people struggling. Why?
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International Rhythmic Gymnastics Online Tournament Full Results
Juniors 1st apparatus
Anna Popova - ball 21.900
Alina Protasova - ball 21.200
Aleksandra Skubova - ball 22.300
Sofia Nikeeva - clubs
Diana Simoshina - clubs 19.000
Maria Borisova - ball 14.550
Noga Kreitzman - clubs 18.800
Elinor Paritzki - ball 15.150
Emily Goldenberg - ball 16.600
Emili Malka - ball 21.155
Alona Hillel - ball 20.700
Daria Atamanov - ball 19.800
Seniors 1st apparatus
Daria Trubnikova - ball 23.100
Anastasia Guzenkova - clubs 24.150
Lala Kramarenko - hoop 19.500
Dina Averina - hoop 25.150
Arina Averina - hoop 23.500
Ekaterina Fetisova - hoop 21.200
Aysha Izabekova - ball 14.750
Noia Debach - clubs 17.800
Victoria Oussov - ribbon 14.050
Ofir Shaham - ball 16.750
Diana Svertsov - clubs 18.400
Shani Kataev - hoop 19.800
Adi Asya Katz - ball 22.500
Nicol Zelikman - hoop 20.050
Linoy Ashram - ball 25.300
Juniors 2nd apparatus
Maria Borisova - clubs 15.950
Alina Protasova - clubs 17.800
Sofia Nikeeva - ribbon 20.000
Anna Popova - clubs 22.400
Diana Simoshina - ribbon 20.450
Noga Kreitzman - ribbon 15.500
Emily Goldenberg - clubs 18.200
Alona Hillel - clubs 22.000
Daria Atamanov - clubs 21.900
Seniors 2nd apparatus
Daria Trubnikova - clubs 23.350
Anastasia Guzenkova - ribbon 20.350
Lala Kramarenko - clubs 21.150
Arina Averina - ball 25.900
Dina Averina - ribbon 20.500
Ekaterina Fetisova - clubs 22.500
Aysha Izabekova - clubs 19.800
Ofir Shaham - clubs 16.800
Diana Svertsov - ribbon 16.550
Shani Kataev - ball 18.900
Adi Asya Katz - clubs 22.850
Nicol Zelikman - clubs 23.800
RUS 5 balls - 32.800
UZB 5 balls - 32.050
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tasksweekly · 4 years
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In celebration of May being Asian American Heritage Month, there’s a masterlist below compiled of over 60+ Yakut faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Kjuregej / Alexandra Kjuregej Argunova (1938) Yakut - actress, musician, costume designer, and painter.
Zoya Basharina (1945) Yakut - writer.
Isabella Nikolaeva (1950) Yakut - actress.
Stepanida Borisova (1950) Yakut - singer.
Natalya Kiryushkina (1951) Yakut - actress.
Albina Borisova (1952) Yakut - writer.
Natalia Kharlampieva (1952) Yakut - poet.
Aita Shaposhnikova (1957) Yakut - writer.
Saraa / Sarantuya (1970) Yakut / Mongolian - singer.
Tamara Obutova (1982) Yakut - actress.
Dalaana / Natalya Yakovleva (1983) Yakut - singer.
Evgenia Arbugaeva (1985) Yakut - photographer.
Olena Uutai (1986) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Polina Protodyakonova (1987) Yakut - model.
Christina Sokolova (1990) Yakut - model and tv presenter.
Irina Duskulova (1992) Yakut / Yukaghir - singer-songwriter.
Natalya Stroeva (1999) Yakut - model and Miss World Russia 2018.
Saydyy Kuo Fedorova (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Kyunney / Ulyana Sergucheva (?) Yakut - singer-songwriter and rapper.
Yuliyana Krivoshapkina (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Valeria Mironova (?) Yakut - singer-songwriter and pianist.
Albina Degtyareva (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Feodosia Ivanova (?) Yakut - actress.
Varvara Stepanova (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Anastasia Sanitarova (?) Yakut / Slav Russian - singer and model.
Chyskyyrai (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Alisa Savvinova (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Anastasia Gruzdeva (?) Yakut - model.
Yana-Maria Irnazarova (?) Yakut - model.
Nariyana Renanto (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Sardaan Koryakina (?) Yakut - model.
Lena Spiridonova (?) Yakut - singer.
Archylaana Lukachevskaya (?) Yakut - singer.
Yuliya Ivanovska (?) Yakut - model.
Evgenia Gunina (?) Yakut - model.
Sardana Syromyatnikova (?) Yakut - model.
F - Athletes:
Maria Gushchina (1995) Yakut / Slav Russian - sport shooter.
Violetta Ivanova (?) Yakut - gymnast.
Svetlana Kirillina (?) Yakut - taekwondo practitioner.
Irina Efimova (?) Yakut - rower.
Eduard Yefimovich Alekseyev (1937) Yakut - writer.
Mikhail Aprosimov (1950) Yakut - actor.
Spiridon Shishigin (1950) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Eduard Ondar (1971) Yakut / Tuvan - actor.
Aleksey Shutov (1975) Yakut - actor.
Kostas Marsaan (1976) Yakut - director.
Lyubov Borisova (1982) Yakut - filmmaker.
Stepan Burnashev (1983) Yakut - director and producer.
AMIKAN / Lesha Lebedev (?) Yakut - singer and guitarist.
Peter Ogotoyev (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Stepan Petrov (?) Yakut - actor.
Afanasiy Kylaev (?) Yakut - actor.
Ivan Konstantinov (?) Yakut - actor.
Sergei Egorov (?) Yakut - actor.
Ivan Alekseyev (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
M - Athletes:
Stanislav Selyanin (1936) Yakut - speed skater.
Pavel Pinigin (1953) Yakut - wrestler.
Irek Zinnurov (1969) Yakut - water polo player.
Sergey Shishkin (1973) Yakut - footballer.
Vasilii Egorov (1993) Yakut - boxer.
Andrei Kuzmenko (1996) Yakut - ice hockey player.
Artyom Sokolov (2003) Yakut - footballer.
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ironflowerbluebird · 2 years
Dagbladet (Норвегия): исследование о пенисах привлекло внимание
Dagbladet (Норвегия): исследование о пенисах привлекло внимание
  © Anastasia Borisova from Pixabay | Перейти в фотобанк Как известно, длину полового члена и ее корреляцию со всем — от роста до размера обуви — исследовали неоднократно. Результаты неоднозначные. Японские урологи сделали свой вклад в эту научную корзину: по их мнению, существует взаимосвязь между длиной пениса и величиной носа. Норвежский сексолог назвал их исследование «интересным».  …
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cnbnews · 4 years
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肝气过盛或肝阳上亢的人,常常容易发怒,同时大呼小叫。(图:pixabay/Robin Higgins)
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如果一个人声音洪亮,唱起歌来声音也特别洪亮,说明脾的正气特别强。(图:pixabay/Anastasia Borisova)
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若一个人总是喜欢低微的哭泣,可能是肺气虚。(图:pixabay/engin akyurt)
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金正恩健康引揣测 朝鲜局势再添变数?
中国死亡率成笑话是美国...川普1句话 让人无言以对 健康码原来这么可怕!人人自危
金正恩健康引揣测 北京首尔皆淡化病危说
韩官员:平壤未有异常 金正恩健康问题不属实
金正恩健康亮红灯若属实 朝鲜专家推测大权落谁家
安卓翻墙-禁闻浏览器、Windows翻墙:ChromeGo AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:闻“五声”观五脏 中医从声音看健康
原文链接:闻“五声”观五脏 中医从声音看健康 - 新闻评论
本文标签:中医, 五脏, 健康, 医生, 希望之声
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tonin-terets · 4 years
Terem Anniversary from Loop on Vimeo.
Client: Terem
Production Co: Perspective Pro Executive Producer: Nikolay Novikov Producers: Elena Borisova, Anastasia Egorova
Direction / Postproduction: Loop Creative Directors: Alex MIkhaylov, Max Chelyadnikov Art Director: Alex MIkhaylov CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov Artists: Dmitriy Paukov, Filipp Gorbachev, Max Chelyadnikov, Ilya Azhdarov, E.D.Satan, Roman Senko, Artemiy Perevertin, Daniil Rybkin, Nikolay Sosna, Alex Dokuchaev, Mikhail Ivanov, Pyotr Piatak
Sound: Monoleak
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mikan-nox · 4 years
Terem Assortment from Loop on Vimeo.
Client: Terem
Production Co: Perspective Pro Executive Producer: Nikolay Novikov Producers: Elena Borisova, Anastasia Egorova
Direction / Postproduction: Loop Creative Directors: Alex MIkhaylov, Max Chelyadnikov Art Director: Alex MIkhaylov CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov Artists: Dmitriy Paukov, Filipp Gorbachev, Max Chelyadnikov, Ilya Azhdarov, E.D.Satan, Roman Senko, Artemiy Perevertin, Daniil Rybkin, Nikolay Sosna, Alex Dokuchaev, Mikhail Ivanov, Pyotr Piatak
Sound: Monoleak
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remixinc · 4 years
Terem Assortment from Loop on Vimeo.
Client: Terem
Production Co: Perspective Pro Executive Producer: Nikolay Novikov Producers: Elena Borisova, Anastasia Egorova
Direction / Postproduction: Loop Creative Directors: Alex MIkhaylov, Max Chelyadnikov Art Director: Alex MIkhaylov CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov Artists: Dmitriy Paukov, Filipp Gorbachev, Max Chelyadnikov, Ilya Azhdarov, E.D.Satan, Roman Senko, Artemiy Perevertin, Daniel Rybkin, Nikolay Sosna, Alex Dokuchaev, Mikhail Ivanov, Pyotr Piatak
Sound: Monoleak
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motioncollector · 4 years
DCN Video Pick: Terem Anniversary by Loop // Client: Terem Production Co: Perspective Pro Executive Producer: Nikolay Novikov Producers: Elena Borisova, Anastasia Egorova Direction / Postproduction: Loop Creative Directors: Alex MIkhaylov, Max Chelyadnikov Art Director: Alex MIkhaylov CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov Artists: Dmitriy Paukov, Filipp Gorbachev, Max Chelyadnikov, Ilya Azhdarov, E.D.Satan, Roman Senko, Artemiy Perevertin, Daniel Rybkin, Nikolay Sosna, Alex Dokuchaev, Mikhail Ivanov, Pyotr Piatak Sound: Monoleak
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raduchits · 4 years
Terem Assortment from Loop on Vimeo.
Client: Terem
Production Co: Perspective Pro Executive Producer: Nikolay Novikov Producers: Elena Borisova, Anastasia Egorova
Direction / Postproduction: Loop Creative Directors: Alex MIkhaylov, Max Chelyadnikov Art Director: Alex MIkhaylov CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov Artists: Dmitriy Paukov, Filipp Gorbachev, Max Chelyadnikov, Ilya Azhdarov, E.D.Satan, Roman Senko, Artemiy Perevertin, Daniel Rybkin, Nikolay Sosna, Alex Dokuchaev, Mikhail Ivanov, Pyotr Piatak
Sound: Monoleak
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International Rhythmic Gymnastics Online Tournament
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June 28th 
14:00-14:10 - Opening Ceremony
14:10-14:46 - Juniors 1 apparatus
Maria Borisova - ball
Alina Protasova - ball
Sofia Nikeeva - clubs
Anna Popova - ball
Alexandra Skubova - ball
Diana Simoshina - clubs
Noga Kreitzman - clubs
Elinor Paritzki - ball
Emily Goldenberg - ball
Emili Malka - ball
Alona Hillel - ball
Daria Atamanov - ball
14:46-15:31 - Seniors 1 apparatus
Daria Trubnikova - ball
Anastasia Guzenkova - clubs
Lala Kramarenko - hoop
Arina Averina  - hoop
Dina Averina - hoop
Ekaterina Fetisova (UZB) - hoop
Aisha Izabekova (KGZ) - ball
Noia Debach - clubs
Victoria Oussov - ribbon
Ofir Shaham - ball
Diana Svertsov - clubs
Shani Kataev - hoop
Adi Asya Katz - ball
Nicol Zelikman - hoop
Linoy Ashram - ball
15:31-15:58 - Juniors 2 apparatus
Maria Borisova - clubs
Alina Protasova - clubs
Sofia Nikeeva - ribbon
Anna Popova - clubs
Diana Simoshina - ribbon
Noga Kreitzman - ribbon
Emily Goldenberg - clubs
Alona Hillel - clubs
Daria Atamanov - clubs
15:58-16:34 - Seniors 2 apparatus
Daria Trubnikova - clubs
Anastasia Guzenkova - ribbon
Lala Kramarenko - clubs
Arina Averina  - ball
Ekaterina Fetisova (UZB) - clubs
Aisha Izabekova (KGZ) - clubs
Ofir Shaham - clubs
Diana Svertsov - ribbon
Shani Kataev - ball
Adi Asya Katz - clubs
Nicol Zelikman - clubs
16:31-16:35 - Break
16:35-16:50 - Senior Groups
16:50-17:00 - Demonstrative performances
17:00-17:20 - Award Ceremony
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peacocksonice · 7 years
Entries, starting orders and results page for the Cup of Russia Final in Saransk at the link above. While not as important a competition as Russian Nationals, it can be a factor in determining the teams for Worlds & Junior Worlds as well as the makeup of the National Team for next season. The competition started today with junior and senior ice dance, and all videos will be posted here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA_iriCOfhXzie8b_mRSAOCw3kJr0B1fS
Notable entries: 
Senior ice dance: Zahorski/Guerreiro, Popova/Mozgov, Davankova/Shibnev 
Junior ice dance: Loboda/Drozd, Polischuk/Vakhnov
Senior pairs: Astakhova/Rogonov, Zhuk/Briktov, Efimova/Korovin, Yugai/Miroshkin (competitive debut of Maxim Miroshkin w/his new partner - previously he won bronze at Junior Worlds in 2015 with Lina Fedorova)
Junior pairs: Borisova/Sopot 
Senior men: Sergei Voronov, Alexander Petrov, Alexander Samarin, Artur Dmitriev Jr., Andrei Lazukin, Alexei Erokhov
Junior men: Ilia Skirda, Artem Kovalev, Igor Efimchuk, Andrei Kutovoy, Evgeni Semenenko, Matvei Vetlugin
Senior ladies: Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Serafima Sakhanovich, Polina Tsurskaya, Alisa Fedichkina, Stanislava Konstantinova, Alena Leonova
Junior ladies: Elizaveta Nugumanova, Alisa Lozko, Anastasia Gubanova, Sofia Samodurova, Alexandra Trusova, Anna Scherbakova
Competition schedule in Russian:
English translation:
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