#Assassins Creed Odyssey animal au
lavena · 2 months
I've dropped once more off the deep end into the Billy Batson fandom and once more I was gifted with a like 3 whole new obsessions.
Number one!
The ancient Greek clothing deaged cap debacle. Just positively glorious. I absolutely adore it when billy has to sit there and be like "wait a name?! That works for ancient Greece. That wonder woman won't immediately figure out? Crap"
But also imagine billy detransforming at the end of a fight and his gods are like.
Nah it ain't time yet for this arc
So they pull some magic shenanigans and badda bing badda boom billy boy speaking fluent ancient Greek and in a proper chiffon tunic or whatnot. Amazing
Number two!
The gods interacting with Billy with animals that represent them. I've been playing assassins creed odyssey a pot recently and I would just love for billy boy to have Ikaros following him around. Could work great with the above story line. Billy gets de transformed into Greek time and runs away, once corned a bunch of animals reminiscent of the gods and tawky tawny come to help him , just beautiful.
Number three!!!
The swap body au with the touch of its billy who was blessed not his body.
But like, the Wizard obtained the blessings of the gods, but Billy recieved their favor. So whoever ends up in caps body can still use his powers but not nearly to the magnitude Billy can and the gods in billys head stayed with the body at first, the after judging whatever poor sould was stuck in the captains body moved back to Billy. But certainly not after being incredibly ruthless and dropping a NAT 20 on vicous mockery and then preceding to be happy go lucky (or as much as the gods can be) when back to Billy
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not sure if youre still doing themed week so this question goes out to anyone you want to answer for!! what are some of the characters favourite games or would be favourite would be if set in current times :D
I LOVE THIS (i am going to do the characters i created and grem can edit later with the other characters favs!!!)
Zephyr - their au timeline: Super Mario Bros, Sonic The Hedgehog, The sims 2 (played 1 but didn't get into it as much as 2!), Star wars: Dark Forces, Nintendogs, Counter Strike, The Legend Of Zelda, Halo, Pokemon, Super Mario 64 and Jak And Daxter.
Zephyr - present day: Portal, Valorant, Halo Infinite, Fall Guys, Cities Skylines, Legend Of Zelda, Apex Legends, Hitman, Super Mario Odyssey, Borderlands and Terraria
Cricket - their au timeline: The sims (1 &2), Microsoft Flight Simulator 98, ANIMAL CROSSING (FAV/ mostly for blathers <3), Harvest Moon and Spyro
Cricket - present day: Minecraft, Euro Truck Simulator, The sims, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Night In The Woods, Phasmophobia, Detroit: Become Human, The Sims 2: Castaway, Dead By Daylight and Monster Prom/Camp.
Griff - their au timeline: Guitar Hero, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Doom, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Crash Bandicoot, Metal gear, Half-Life and diablo
Griff - present day: Beat saber, Phasmophobia (in my headcanon cricket and griff play together <33), Dead By Daylight, Enter The Gungeon, Yakuza, Sleeping Dogs and Assassin's Creed
(i will edit this later to add more and to add celeste/key/eli but my brain is fried rn dfkjghdf)
- nightpxel over and out o7
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darthkvznblogs · 1 year
Is there a list of all the franchises revealed to be apart of the Kryptonverse?
Not an official one or anything, but here goes. Written in as of now:
-Marvel Cinematic Universe (the shows and movies up until Endgame, at least, anything after that on a case by case basis. They make the base for the Kryptonverse, with all the modifications "on top" of that original universe, so to speak)
-Assassin's Creed (Odyssey specifically, and without the Isu backstory)
-Ben 10 (mostly based on the original continuity)
-Big Hero 6 (the movie and the series)
-Transformers (primarily the Bumblebee movie but also some elements from Animated and Prime)
-Danny Phantom
-Dragon Ball (heavily AU, but still)
-Gravity Falls
-Hades (the game)
-Harry Potter (in a limited capacity, thanks to a certain bigot)
-Infinity Train
-Mass Effect (sans the Reapers)
-Miraculous Ladybug (also pretty AU-ish)
-Percy Jackson and the Olympians (also Heroes of Olympus and the Kane Chronicles, and hopefully at least some of the characters from Magnus Chase)
-RWBY (definitely a bit AU, too)
-She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
-Steven Universe
-Supergirl (technically very minor, ironically)
-Trollhunters, 3Below, and Wizards (the characters of the latter, at least)
-The Owl House
-Voltron: Legendary Defender
I've also mentioned Amphibia, which'll hopefully come later this year, and some version of He-Man and the MOTU cast also exists. Also, a lot of Marvel characters that don't exist in the MCU (yet) are also around, like the X-Men.
I'm sure there's more I've mentioned but out of an abundance of caution I'll let people remind me, don't wanna spoil any big reveals!
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what-is-fanart · 4 years
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Andronicus and Agapios
Andronicus is Kassandra's MASSIVE strong stoic but chill Golden Grizzly bear friend
Agapios is Kassandra's super affectionate loving a protective White lion friend
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h4mm3rm4n · 6 years
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I love ‘em so much
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rawrroarart · 4 years
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Diana and Akkoros
While living her life as a misthios, Diana searches for the answers pertaining to her origin and superhuman (described as “magical”) abilities along with Shapeshifter Atsuko, who commonly uses her powers for flight, but is not shy to switch to animals more suited for combat.
Been playing a lot of assassins creed odyssey so, well... 
If you know me I’m a bit of a freak for Goddess!Diana so I guess that's a spoiler for this random ass AU. Not sure what Akko is but since she has powers too then she’s also probably in those big leagues also.
IDk how to draw birds or dynamic poses so uhhh yikes haha
Why did I make this? I don’t know. Why does anyone make anything? Also I guess mental breakdown diana isn't that popular so lets shake things up a little
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queen-yalo · 4 years
My Hero Academia
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy XV
Ghost of Tsushima
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
I do not write any kind of NSFW or Yandere things!
Max. three characters for headcanons! 
Only one character for one-shots!
Pleaaaaaase be as specific as possible with your request! Bad: Fluff with x Good: Fluff for a day off with x
If you don’t tell me exactly if you want a one-shot or headcanons, I’m gonna do headcanons! 
AUs are fine! Just name it in your request! And if I’m not comfortable with writing a certain AU, I will let you know! ♥
Thank youuuu! ♥
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kali-quali · 5 years
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Le RPG bac à sable par excellence. 50h que j'y suis et j'ai loin d'avoir fini, tellement il y a de choses à faire, tellement on se laisse facilement perdre par les quêtes, tombeaux, chasses et autre. On se sent comme un touriste en totale liberté dans le monde de la Grèce antique.
Bon après, il est vrai que je suis du genre à prendre mon temps, à profiter, faire un arrêt pour faire une belle photo, un détour pour avoir les points de synchronisation. Enfin bref.
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On trouvait ce côté très bac à sable déjà dans AC Origin. Mais ici, il faut bien reconnaître qu'Odyssey est comme une version perfectionnée de son prédécesseur. Origin a posé les bases, Odyssey les a magnifiés.
D'ailleurs, je vous conseille de jouer à Origin avant Odyssey car, bien que d'un point de vue scénaristique, les deux peuvent être interchangeables, au niveau du gameplay vous risquez de ressentir une absence en passant de Odyssey à Origin. Je vais m'expliquer.
Les Compétences dans Assassin's creed Odyssey :
- Au fur et à mesure de votre progression, vous allez gagner de nouvelles compétences actives à insérer dans la roue des compétences. Cette roue est à utiliser pendant un combat. Vous avez deux roues à votre disposition, un pour les compétences de corps-à-corps une pour les distances. Chaque compétence consomme de l'adrénaline à son activation et a un temps de recharge. Ces compétences apportent une grande diversité dans le système de combat qui était auparavant totalement absent des Assassin's Creed. Ce système de compétence est d'ailleurs absent d'Origin. Bien que j'ai trouvé les combats d'Origin plutôt nerveux avec le système d'esquive/parade retravaillé, mais maintenant que j'ai joué à Odyssey, j'aurais bien du mal à retourner me bastonner sur Origin, le coup de pied spartiate me manquerait trop !
Les activités dans Assassin's creed Odyssey :
- Il y a plein de choses à faire en Grèce antique. Chasser les membres du Culte ? Quêtes principales ? Secondaire ? Bataille de conquête, pour faire basculer le pouvoir d'une région ? Explorer fort, maison, tombeau, grotte…. Chasser les bêtes légendaires, se battre dans les arènes ? Franchement, il y a de quoi faire. On ressent très peu l'effet de répétition dans AC Odyssey. Rien ne se ressemble, et ou a tellement d'occasion d'alterner les missions que le côté répétitif en est absent. Pour un RPG, c'est rare.
Les graphismes et animations dans Assassin's creed Odyssey :
- Je ne ferais que deux remarques,
○ 1 - les personnages de manière générale sont moins rigide que dans Origin, les animations sont plus détaillé et varié.
○ 2 - La Grèce antique c'est quand même super top pour t'en mettre plein la vue, beaucoup plus colorée qu'Origin ( en même temps l'Egypte et le sable c'est moins varié en terme de couleur, mais c'est logique)
Le gampelay dans Assassin's creed Odyssey :
- J'ai beaucoup apprécié le fait que les quêtes en mode explorant donnent souvent des indications géographiques pour que l'on trouve notre cible par nous-même a travers le monde grec. Ce n'est pas systématique, pour exemple les membres du culte découvert son indiqué clairement sur la map lorsque l'on cherche à la suivre ( et heureusement puisqu'ils sont souvent à l'autre bout du monde grec)
- Cependant, je regrette que les choix de dialogue ne présentent pas l'influence pour le reste de l'histoire plus marqué. De nos choix dépend la fin du jeu, mais entre temps, on ne prend pas vraiment conscience que l'on à fait un choix définitif marquant pour le scénario. Il y a bien quelques quêtes qui ouvrent sur un choix Cornélien, mais les conséquences sont tellement minimes qu'il nous ait égal quelque soit le choix fait.
Dernière remarque :
Le jeu parait bien optimiser, en tout cas sur PS4, j'ai rarement eu des bug ou des chutes de IPS (images par seconde) comme il m'est arrivé sur les précédents opus de la saga. De temps en temps, l'écran se fige lorsque la console a trop de choses à gérer en même temps, mais ça ne dure pas et ça reste très occasionnelle.
En conclusion :
Sans doute le meilleur jeu de la SAGA ! (hyper concis comme conclusion). Je vous encourage à vous faire votre propre avis si vous en avez l'occasion.
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gwyngaming · 6 years
Jahresrückblick - Games
Wieder neigt sich das Jahr dem Ende zu und man kann mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass 2017 ein großartiges Jahr für uns Gamer war. Sowohl im AAA-Bereich, als auch bei den Indie-Games waren fantastische Perlen vertreten. Die Nintendo Switch feierte ihren Release und sie dürfte zu Weihnachten auch bei mir einziehen. Selbstverständlich wird das Jahr aber ebenfalls von einem Skandal bezüglich der Lootboxen in zahlreichen Spielen im Gedächtnis haften bleiben. Ich nutze diese Stelle um dazu ein paar Wörter zu verlieren: Im Prinzip ist der Großteil unser lieben Community selbst Schuld. Nicht nur das Lootboxen gekauft werden - Lootbox-Unboxing-Videos und Streams erfreuen sich einer mir unverständlichen Beliebtheit. Zudem sehe ich eines der größten Probleme in den Wertungen von vor allem großen Magazinen. Ein Spiel mit Lootboxen kratzt an einer 90-Bewertung und wird in den Jahresrückblicken in den Himmel gelobt, während Indie-Titel gar nicht vorkommen - wenn ich Publisher wäre, würde ich dann auch nichts ändern. Deswegen möchte ich jeden Rezensenten dazu auffordern, solche unlauteren Praktiken in ihre Rezensionen mit einfließen zu lassen und dies nicht nur als Randnotiz. Ich habe zum Beispiel Animal Crossing Pocket Camp einen Stern bzw. Pixelherz abgezogen wegen den Wartezeiten und dem In-Game-Shop. Wir sind als Gaming-Community einfach nicht laut genug und diejenigen, die laut sind, haben sich eher den Beleidigungen verschrieben und bringen keine Argumente. Nur wenn man etwas sagt, lässt sich auch etwas ändern. So, und damit zu meinem persönlichen Jahresrückblick der Videogames des Jahres 2017… Dieses Jahr habe ich mich gerne an Spieleserien herangewagt, wie The Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, Animal Crossing und nicht zu vergessen die Zeit, in der ich alles von Tolkien durchrezensiert hab. Aber aktuelle Titel haben es mir genauso angetan. Insgesamt habe ich 55 aktuelle Spiele abgeschlossen und davon alle rezensiert. Keine Angst, die restlichen Rezensionen kommen noch. Hier eine absteigende Liste nach Bewertung: ♥♥♥♥♥ Super Mario Odyssey Last Day of June Hellblade Yo-Kai Watch 2 Night in the Woods Thimbleweed Park Resident Evil 7 Horizon Zero Dawn Blackwood Crossing Nier: Automata ♥♥♥♥ What remains of Edith Finch Cuphead The Inner World 2 The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild Uncharted - Lost Legacy Golf Story Monster Hunter Stories The Sexy Brutale Assassins Creed Origins Laytons Mystery Journey Super Bomberman R Hey Pikmin! Rime Far from Noise Burly Men At Sea Little Nightmares Metroid Samus Returns The End is Nigh Cooking Mama Sweet Shop Snipperclips PUBG Witch It Slayaway Camp - The Butchers Cut American Angst ♥♥♥ AER Yooka-Laylee TumbleSeed Ever Oasis South Park 2 Animal Crossing Pocket Camp 1-2-Switch Mittelerde - Schatten des Krieges Kamiko Mr. Shifty Catch a Lover Observer A Rose in the Twilight Arms Outlast 2 Miitopia The Franz Kafka Videogame ♥♥ Call of Duty WWII Kona Syberia 3 ♥ Puyo Puyo Tetris
Nicht beendete, angespielte, aber erwähnenswerte Spiele mit wahrscheinlicher Wertung in Klammern:
Cat Quest (5) Persona 5 (5) NIOH (5) Get Even (5) Milkmaid of the Milkyway (5) The Town of Light (4) Blue Reflection (4) Splatoon 2 (4) Tekken 7 (4) Wulverblade (4) Gnog (4) Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (4) Pankapu (4) Overcooked (4) Yonder (4) Nightmare Boy (4) Akiba's Beat (4) For Honor (4) Wonderboy - The Dragon's Trap (4) Crawl (4) Jettomero: Hero of the Universe (3) OURE (3) Future Unfolding (3) Steam World Dig 2 (3) Kirby Battle Royale (3) Has-Been Heroes (3) Birthdays the Beginning (3) Fortnite (3) Shadow Tactics (3) White Day (3) Absolver (3) Tacoma (2)
Abgebrochen: Prey
Schön zu sehen ist, dass die meisten Spiele sich bei mir im 5, 4 oder 3 Pixelherzen Bereich befinden. Da kann man wirklich sagen, dass es für mich ein gutes Spieljahr war. An dieser Stelle möchte ich meinen Freunden danken, dass wir uns die ganzen Spiele hin und her ausgeliehen und getauscht haben und für die gemeinsamen, unvergesslichen Stunden. Ich liebe meine Crew! Tolle Remakes sind ebenfalls erschienen - Okami HD und Poochys und Yoshis Wolly World fand ich beide sehr gut. Zu Final Fantasy 12 - The Zodiac Age fehlte mir leider noch die Zeit. Natürlich gab es auch Spiele, die ich gerne gespielt hätte, es aber aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht getan habe. Elex wollte ich meinem alten Rechner nicht mehr antun, da er bald den Geist aufgeben wird. The Evil Within 2 wollte ich zwar spielen, da ich den ersten Teil aber abgebrochen hatte damals, wollte ich diesen erst nachholen. Genauso die Story von Fifa 18, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Wolfenstein 2 und Yomawari. Life is Strange - Before the Storm ist noch nicht abgeschlossen und ich möchte mir erst das Gesamtbild anschauen, bevor ich eine Rezension schreibe. Momentan nach der zweiten Episode würde ich es allerdings mit 5 Pixelherzen versehen. Gestern in letzter Sekunde habe ich noch folgende drei Spiele als Geheimtipps genannt bekommen: Hollow Knight, Stories Untold und A Mortician's Tale. Werde ich mir auf jeden Fall auch noch anschauen! Wie geht es weiter auf dem Blog? Steht ein neues Projekt in den Startlöchern? Nein, erst einmal werde ich daran arbeiten den allgemeinen Pile of Shame abzuarbeiten und auch den Stapel gespielter, aber noch nicht rezensierter Spiele zu verkleinern. Folglich wird das Portfolio bzw. das Inventar dieses Blog gefüllt werden, alles wie immer. Was war euer Spiel des Jahres? Fehlt etwas, was ich unbedingt mal spielen sollte?
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what-is-fanart · 4 years
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3days straight of drawing for this piece i call
“Kassandra takes a nap”
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what-is-fanart · 4 years
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Argos and Kassandra + Argos reference
This is the first Alpha Animal Kassandra started travelling with
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what-is-fanart · 4 years
Hey what's your AU idea?
WHY IM GLAD YOU ASKED. this is part one since i got three asks
ok so kassandra has ikaros as a pet and hes baby but what if animals just LOVE kassandra. Ill kinda organize the ideas in catagorys
Regular animals:
Regular animals treat her as if shes one of them, in a friendly way. 
Wolves are chill with her being around provided she doesn’t hurt them and doesn't do anything to directly affect their territory. Mother wolves will still be somewhat protective of their pups but the pups always LOVE her and just crawl all over her all the time
Animals like deer, goats, ibex, etc don't get skittish when she comes around. They stay laying down or grazing and as long as she doesn't move too quickly or smth they will let her pet them and feed them
If shes just chilling in a swampish area, the herons will come and inspect her, and let her feed them
Snakes don't strike or try to choke her, she often has to keep them from crawling all in her armour or near her weapons because they get a little too curious
bears snuffle up to her and try and steal any food she has on her, and their cubs always love her though the mothers are more protective than the wolf moms. 
Peoples pets and livestock always come up to her just to say hi in their own ways and its painfully annoying for farmers tbh
Fish still fuck off when she swims bc they're fish Idk what to tell you
Sharks don't attack, they let her touch them but they don't actively like,, try and play with her or anything
dolphins always jump and do tricks beside the ship just to show her, and sometimes he swims with them and her whole crew is just amazed. 
Alpha animals
I headcanon that alpha animals are significantly more intelligent.
in most cases, this intelligence translates into alpha animals immediately LOVING HER 
Like you know the big silver Alpha wolf on Paros? he saw her and just would not stop barking and licking and she was never able to shake him again. He just followed her to the ship and became a permanent partner by her side, like Ikaros.
The alpha bear was sure to follow her when she was around, but when she would go into a big town or get on the ship she would wave and he would go home. He gets all happy when she visits him though
The alpha lion is BABY. He is literally such a cat. He follows her just as the bear did, and doesn't like big cities but has no problem boarding the adrestia. Highly he loves it tbh, he will lay his head in the lap of whoever is sitting on the bench while shes driving the ship and lay on the bed when she sleeps. Unlike the wolf, he wont always go with her. Sometimes he chooses to just chill on the Adrestia while shes exploring and watis for her to get back
(Ill do more of these in the next ask)
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what-is-fanart · 4 years
I know nothing about Assassins Creed but o support creativity so pretend this ask is me asking about the au and go hog-fucking-wild my friend
Outside of Argos (the wolf) Kassandra spends time with each of the animals before naming them. Usually, she will get a feel of what they are like and then refer back to one of her friends with ideas.
Alpha Wolf:Argos (this was the name of Odysseus’ loyal dog in the greek myth. Odessa was so excited to learn the name of this wolf) ((this feels like the equivalent of naming your dog ‘dog”))
Alpha Bear: Andronicus (It means victorious male. She named him that because he is so strong, he would often avoid even a single scratch when he fought with her.)
Alpha Lion:  Agapios(The Greek name Agapi refers to the feeling of love, rather than being in love. This is the male version of that. Kassandra named him this because from the moment he saw her he just loved her so much. and then when he would come with her he would show his love to the people she cared about.)
Alpha Leopard: Kalypso (The name of the nymph who captures Odysseus and holds him on an island for 7 years. Her name is associated with deception and can also mean “she that conceals” and while all this seems bad, Kassandra named her this because she's very beautiful, and is extremely good at hiding and causing mischief)
Alpha Rooster: Zelos (Named after the god of envy, competition and contest. She took notice that he is very proud and gets jealous of her other pets quickly. Though often his name is replaced with some sort of swear word when he pecks her for not paying attention to him)
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what-is-fanart · 4 years
Alpha animals
The Alpha leopard is similar to the lion. Absolutely chill on the adrestia, but prefers to slink around on the deck checking out what the crew is doing. The leopard is more chill in towns as long as nobody touches her. She also LOVES fishing and brings Kassandra fish all the time.  
The alpha rooster is so weird, deadass he will go anywhere with her but only if he is allowed to sit on her shoulder like Ikaros. if she doesn't let him he will fuck off and stay in Naxos. He will also freak the FUCK out if she tries to take him on the adrestia. Also, Ikaros hates him bc he is the designated bird in this family.
I'm sure I'm missing some other alphas but yeah. Kassandra and her weird pets babey.
Her friends (FOUND FAMILY) thoughts:
Barnabas fucking loves it. He tells Kassandra every time she comes back with a new pet that she’s been blessed by Artemis. He loves the wolf, but he's always trying to get the leopard to leave his damn crew alone
Herodotus is so confused. He’s so damn confused. He was super freaked out at first, and still is when a whale gets too close to the boat or Kassandra huge ass white bear comes to say hi, but he and the lion are sorta buddies. Probably bc they share the bench behind the wheel. 
Alkibiades thinks it makes Kassandra super sexy and is sorta sad that she always kicks the pets out of the room before they fuck. He doesn’t get that they are way too smart and that makes Kassandra super uncomfortable. He met her leopard at the Olympics and fell in love with her, literally just loves petting her. 
Kassandra only had Ikaros when she left Kephalonia, even if animals did seem to like Kassandra a lot, which Pheobe was SO jealous of. So when she found phoebe again in Athens and learned the Kassandra had MORE PETS she was so excited. In this au, Pheobe quits what shes doing for Aspasia and becomes a permanent sailer on the adrestia. She is often found annoying the crew with the leopard and absolutely LOVES playing with the wolf. He's literally taller than her but he's so gentle when they play. She actually dislikes the rooster, and he feels the same. It's a bit of a rivalry. 
Brasidas is just thinking “what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck-” wheneve3r he sees Kassandra. He was cool with the bird and the dog but when he saw the bear he was absolutely not down. The cats both make him feel super uneasy. He just wants to see his friend Kassandra why does she have so many predator animals. 
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rawrroarart · 4 years
Diakko!Odyssey AU
Most recent update: 8/28/2020 I added the comic of them meeting and also wrote a little snippet under the Diakko section
Welcome all. This post will officially be my master post of the Odyssey AU which will be updated as time moves forward so that I can link all of my related art to it. Yes I will not be posting multiple separate Updates in text posts how it’s traditionally done, but instead there will be information with each art and then a link back to this post. This is to avoid clutter since I hardly post on this blog anyway so it wouldn’t be fun having to scroll through all of my “OH ALSO THIS HAPPENS!” to get to art. Also I keep changing my mind on a lot of things in the AU so disregard information under the arts anyway as I will be posting here what is actually relevant.
Another key thing: I will be avoiding spoilers as much as possible until they are either shown in art or stated explicitly like I do in posts because I am the absolute worst at surprises. But anyway fear not for spoilers. Things said here are things that should be hinted at/known already. (and also I hardly know anything but maybe I will in due time)
Without further ado..
What is the Odyssey AU?
The odyssey au is an alternative universe combining both Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Little Witch Academia into this (very random) adventuring story that takes place in ancient Greece. I guess I can’t say that it’s random since one of my favorite things about both ACO and LWA is the ties/references to mythology with the former obviously more rooted in the mythology and the latter just fun easter egg references. 
The general premise is that Diana is a misthios(mercenary) who travels with Akko, a shapeshifter, across Greece to find the answers pertaining to her origin.
The first art post: Diana and Akkoros
While living her life as a misthios, Diana searches for the answers pertaining to her origin and superhuman (described as “magical”) abilities along with Shapeshifter Atsuko, who commonly uses her powers for flight, but is not shy to switch to animals more suited for combat.
But I don’t know what Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is?
That’s fair and understandable. Honestly my AU diverges a lot from the game so I don’t think knowledge of ACO is exactly necessary it’s just fun to understand the connections if you know them. Basically the key things you need to know from ACO as of now is: 
Kassandra (the protag) is known as the Eagle Bearer because she has an eagle that is known as the “eagle of Zeus” throughout the game. And they adventure together and Ikaros (the eagle) can hunt n kill things and See things and tbh he’s rly just a cool eagle but not a shapeshifter or anything lol
Kassandra is a Mercenary (misthios) which is basically a for Hire fighter/person who will p much do anything for money (if they want to do it) 
Kassandra is usually referred to a demi-god because of her powerful fighting abilities in which I mean yea she literally has powers and can blast people like a billion miles away (im jk but-)
Kassandra can tame animals (which ones depending on your skill level). You can tame uhh wolves, lynx, leopards, lions, bears. This is where my ‘shapeshifter’ idea began and it pretty much fit perfectly since Akko’s favorite spell is the shapeshifting one. 
Other than this, the most important things to know for this AU is just,, general mythology,, I guess? Or history? General history of mythology and how people worshipped/acted in accordance to the gods. And I’m not saying im going to be historically accurate obviously, nor even mythologically accurate (if that’s even a thing lol), I’m just here to have a good time and enjoy my gay mercenaries while talking about gods/goddesses as if I even know (thankfully I have my gf who is way more interested in mythology than me to help me)
I’ve only played like half of the Atlantis DLC after beating the game so whoopsie. I honestly really wanna replay everything now that I have this AU just so I can focus more on details and what I can yoink.
Diana’s sketch-dump though she really needs a new one.
Diana in wheat field
Diana is the main protagonist of the story, but they pretty much both share the spotlight anyway. Her goal is to find out why she has certain powers (which I have officially decided, finally...) that aren’t exactly human. Since being a misthios was an easy way for her to travel and make drachmae, she chooses to do it while on their journey. Dammit I came up with her lore but as per the rules of this masterpost I can’t write about it until it’s out smh.. Ah I forgot that I already spilled that she is a goddess/demi-goddess (haven’t decided which yet) so yea that’s the Tea.
Described as very beautiful, there are rumors of her that state she is a pathway to Elysium (despite many people not deserving to go to Elysium). She is also known for her stoic face and a red bird that follows her around.
Diana is only found smiling with Akko and keeps buying Akko clothes despite her outer grievances each time Akko destroys something.
Diana was there with her mother at Chariot’s speech/performance.
Diana is skilled with any weapon.
Akko sketch-dump
Akko is a shapeshifter who travels with Diana across Greece in search for her idolized Chariot. Trusting both Diana’s skills and powers, Akko decides that Diana is the best choice to help achieve her goal as they adventure together.
Orphaned at a young age, Akko is, at first, very unfamiliar with how exactly to use her powers because there was no one around to teach her. She uses a bird most often because it is her first and most skilled transformation, but eventually learns to use stronger animals over time. Also eagle-vision is much more useful to Diana when they’re scoping the grounds anyway.
Like all shapeshifters, Akko has a symbol on her neck that signifies what she is. Due to the high prejudice against shapeshifters, Akko stays an animal to avoid being known, and also does not transform in front of others unless to kill them. If she has to be a human, Akko commonly wears a hood to hide her neck. 
Akko is one of the last shapeshifters to exist, and, despite Chariot being rumored to have finally been murdered, she still believes Chariot is alive. 
Akko was with her parents when they all attended Chariot’s final speech/show and here began her dream.
Akko can use a dagger if she needs to.
Akko’s Parents: Shapeshifters who were murdered when Akko was a young age.
Chariot: A shapeshifter who somehow had a voice and power that even normal people listened to. Akko idolizes Chariot because, despite the hate against shapeshifters, Chariot was well known and was an activist for shapeshifters despite the danger upon her head. Chariot mysteriously disappears one day for reasons unknown, and everyone but Akko assumes she was finally murdered.
Shapeshifters are defined as humans who possess the ability to transform to any animal at will. Unfortunately, because animals were seen as less than human, shapeshifters were defined as “punished by the gods” and so many decided shapeshifters needed to be removed from the world for sin. This causes a massacre of shapeshifters to the point that they are instead a rarity.
Shapeshifters do not transform with their clothes, and so either destroy them or lose them depending on their transformation.
All shapeshifters have a symbol on their neck which is what is used to find them. They can also be found by their human personalities/characteristics when they are an animal. 
If weakened, shapeshifters return to their human form and cannot transform until they are stronger.
Meeting (Comes with a 500 word story!)
Misthios!Diana and Shapeshifter!Akko Sketch-dump
Diana and Bear!Akko
Fancy Diakko (the first continuity error lol)
Diana and Akko adventure together and do all of their quests together as a rag-tag chaotic duo. God I’m so excited for this section I wish I could make art FASTER but anyway:
They meet at about 17 years old but the main story takes place when they are 18+
The two get off to a wrong start when Diana saves Akko’s life. Because Akko is a shapeshifter, she’s high in value to kill probably by some cult idk but there is always a bounty on her head. When Diana saves her, Akko assumes Diana only did so to steal the drachmae from the original perpetrators, but Diana really just leaves her alone afterwards. Confused, Akko legit just starts tagging along LMAO she finds Diana interesting and so follows her and Diana’s just like what the fuck but eventually she gets over it. They become powerful assets to each other as Diana can now scope the skies with Akko and Akko is pretty much protected under Diana. Then when Akko gets much stronger Diana gets extra manpower and protection too. 
Akko enjoys staying in her human form to spend time with Diana.
Diana keeps buying Akko clothes just because it makes Akko happy (and also, despite Akko uncaring because her transformations are so frequent anyway, Diana doesn’t want her to be naked??)
Diana is easily persuaded by Akko and puts Akko’s interests first (feeds her first, considers what Akko would want, etc.)
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