#Blake Belladonna
soapoap · 3 days
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beehaw !! ft goofy blake ! (drawn by @dummybirdnero :333 ) !!
thank you to everyone who reblogged the sketch! I appreciate you bunches!! <3 was in total an 8 hour process !
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notmaplemable · 3 days
Jaune: Hey, Blake.
Blake: Yeah?
Jaune: So I kind of lost a bet and... meow.
Blake: ...I agree.
Jaune: Agree with what?
Blake: To marry you.
Jaune: WHAT!?
Blake: Does next week work for you?
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dae-stuff · 2 days
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☕ commission for @deadbeatbirdmom.
Outfits based on Sawrin's fic "Double Date"
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juanarc-thethird · 3 days
So big fan of your “how to get your man” storyline but I got to know. Who is this mystery woman jaune is promised to?
Thank you, and I hope you're ready. ---------------------------------
How To Get Your Man 9
Mama Arc: *serious* Sorry, but you can't marry my son.
Yang: *Confuse* Why can't I marry him?!
Mama Arc: Because he is already engaged to another girl.
Yang/Jaune: *Shock* HUH?! WITH WHO?!
Outside the Arc's residency
Ruby: Can we get inside? My feet hurt.
Jaune: Just a moment Ruby.
Ruby: Ugh! *She whines*
Jaune: Mom, since when was I engaged? Nobody told me anything about this?!
Mama Arc: Don't you remember what your grandfather told you? If you don't get a fiancée by your 18th birthday, he would find you one. And since you never got one…
Yang: Wait what?
Jaune: I didn't think he was being serious!
Mama Arc: When he hasn't been?
Yang: I could have been his fiancée before his birthday?!
Jaune: Still, are you going to let me marry a stranger?!
Jaune: Ok Yang, I need you to calm down. I'm trying to convince my mom not to make me marry a stranger!
Jaune: Thank you. *ahem* So mom, about this stranger.
Mama Arc: Oh Honey, she is not a strange. You already know her.
Jaune/Yang: I do?/He does?!
Weiss: *Excited* This is much better than a soap opera.
Blake: *Excited as well* Absolutely.
Mama Arc: She is…
The Arc's residency, Living room
Melanie: *Smiling and wearing a white dress* Hello, my name is Melanie Malachite, I'm Jaune's fiancee. Nice to see you again, Jaune.
Lil' Miss Malachite: What a handsome young man. You've grown a lot, Jaune.
Miltia: *On her phone* Sup.
Mama Arc: After you told me you were going to visit me. Invite the Malachite family so they can see you. Aren't you happy to finally see your childhood friends?
Jaune is shocked while Yang, well, I don't know the exact words to express her feelings right now.
Outside in the garden
Yang: *Screaming Angrily while her hair is heating like the sun itself* AAAAAAH!!
Weiss: *Looking at yang* Wow, so her enemy took her man….
Blake: *Also looking* Yep...
Weiss: Is it wrong for me to say that this plot is really good?
Blake: Honestly, I was thinking the same thing.
Weiss: *Surprise* Really?
Weiss: Are we bad friends?
Blake: No... ok, maybe a little.
Yang: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *Burning the grass with the heat of her hair*
Weiss: Ok, we have to calm her down.
Blake: How?
Ruby: Leave it to me!
She says while she is dress as a firefighter and has a fire extinguisher in her hand.
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patchodraws · 18 hours
my hot take for today, rwby gets better when you realise that blake definitely did have a crush on sun in the early days but didn’t follow up on it because she realised post-fall that her feelings were stronger for yang and that sun just wasn’t the one.
1) it makes all the eclipse moments in early volumes not feel like they’re shitting on bumbleby (the eventual canon couple)
2) it highlights that yes, blake is indeed bi
3) it tells a very realistic story of how some crushes just aren’t meant to be
do i still think blake had a bit of a crush on yang at beacon? absolutely. do i still think yang fell first and was so head over heels for blake at beacon? absolutely! blake seriously has a type, and sun and yang are both that type.
the difference comes in how they treat her. sun may be fun and flirty, but he’s also senseless and pushes blake out of her comfort zones far too often without realizing why she doesn’t appreciate it. yang on the other hand is patient with her, invites her into her life to have fun without pushing her way in and trampling all over her boundaries.
and that’s what’s fun about sun and yang being so similar !! like, not only does blake have a type, but it shows the variance in that type and what she needs in a relationship. it’s a great narrative !!
and it works extra well when you consider that sun doesn’t get jealous and actively encourages blake to go on her own way (subtext: to get her girl), because then it makes him somewhat of a narrative foil to ilia, who was jealous of adam and let that jealousy fester, as opposed to sun, who let go of those conflicting feelings to let blake — who he undoubtedly loves — be herself and do what she wants. (it’s also why i really love the dynamic of sun and ilia, himbo and lesbian duo getting over the girl they loved)
long story short, eclipse isn’t bad but it also wasn’t meant to be and that’s okay. better, even, for the story they wanted to tell for blake.
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brokentrafficknight · 21 hours
It is Pyrrha's Birthday. When Jaune asks her what she wants and he says anything, what does she ask for?
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All her friends are there too!
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weisscoldglare · 14 hours
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lswafjlksjfsj- problem is I tend to fiddle with hands even without rings
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tinyfrog-jpg · 3 days
the 10 image limit is homophobic
anway more rwby jokes
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Part 1
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ryuto12 · 2 days
Coco Knew
Coco, 4 shots of espresso and 2 glasses of whiskey into an 8-hour-long strategy meeting: Team RWBY is back! Sun: Are you high right now? Coco: Yes. Anyway my gaydar is going off with a major sighting that can only be your situationship and her unresolved sexual tension with a different blonde Scarlet, two glasses of rum and a vodka shot in: Jaune? Yang, slamming open the doors: Jokes on you, that shits been resolved
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drenosa · 2 days
Yang: Girls, I have news to share. Blake and I are a couple!
Weiss: It's been obvious for years. You two have been insufferably sappy together.
Blake: Years? Yang only confessed last week.
Ruby: Then what the fluff was all that before last week?!
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howlingday · 2 days
Ghira: Blake, we have something to tell you.
Kali: (Steps out, Swollen belly) You're going to be a big sister~!
Blake: O-Oh! Um, wow, this is so... Wow!
Kali: Come here, Blake. Give your mama a hug~!
Blake: Oh, uh, okay, sure. (Half-hugs)
Kali: ...I spent thirty-seven hours in a leaky bungalow squeezing you out of my body and THIS is what I get?
Blake: Oh, uh, I just didn't want to-
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reashot · 16 hours
Jaune Finally Snapped...
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Now, Finally at what seems to be the final moments of the world. Two figures stands in stark opposition to each other's. One is an all powerful malevolence witch that goes by the name of Salem, while the others is merely a humble knight named Jaune Arc. Armed with his trusty sword and shield, Jaune must now face off against the witch for the fate of the world.
*one epic fight scene later*
Salem: Ahhh!!!!
Well done. You may have defeated me hero, but you forget that I am immortal and I can't be killed. Nya, ha, ha, ha, ha....
*lop Salem limbs's off*
What the fuck is the matter with you?! You already defeated me.
Jaune: I might not be able to finish you for good. But I can stop you from hurting anyone else.
Salem: Nye, he, he. But you forget hero my body can simply regenerate...
*starts to slowly regenerate*
Jaune: Which is why at the start of each day I'll cut off your limbs again.
Salem: Uhmmm....
Jaune: And I uh... I'll sharpen a pole. Stick it up inside you out through your mouth...
*starts sharpening pole*
And wear you on my back. Wriggling trophy for all to see...
Salem: What the fuck dude?!
You're a monster!
Weiss: S-should we stop him?
Blake: Why? I mean we can't destroy Salem so we might as well do everything possible to stop her.
Yang: ... Is it wrong that I find this kinda hot?
Ruby: take a number Sis. I'mma gonna tap that ass first!
So Salem can't be destroyed, eh? Good to know, good to know...
I don't understand why team RWBY got so upset hearing that Salem can't be killed.
I'll just go full Yuji and see where things go from there.
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moistmailman · 19 hours
*yang kicks down JNPR’s door*
Jaune, alarmed: Whoa?! What the hell is going on?!
Yang, angrily: Get dressed vomit boy! We got to kick someone’s ass today!
Nora, immediately up: Hell yeah! Let’s go!
Jaune, baffled: Wait hold on! What’s happening?! Why are you angry?! Wait is that your team behind you!?
Ruby, with her weapon: Yep! We’re going to kick someone’s butt today!
Jaune: Why? Wait, even Blake and Weiss are here too?
Weiss: We need to break some bones, Jaune.
Blake: This honestly has to be done.
Ren: Uh….what’s happening exactly?
Yang, showing Ren her scroll: Look at this shit!
Ren, looking at scroll:……..Nora, where are my weapons?
Nora: Hell yeah! I don’t know what this is about but this is going to be amazing!
Jaune, completely: Okay, this is not like Ren at all. What the hell got all of you guys riled up so bad?
Yang: This! *shows Jaune her scroll*
Scroll: *a website that has a countdown to Pyrrha’s 18th birthday*
Jaune:……is this like the scenario with the twins from full house?
Yang: Yep.
Jaune:…..do you know where this person who made this is?
Yang: Yeah.
Jaune:…….Nora, pack as many grenades you have.
Nora: Woohoo!
Pyrrha, walking in: Hey guys. What are you doing?
Yang: Oh nothing. Just grabbing your boyfriend and your team to do something for your birthday. Catch you around.
Pyrrha, smiling: O-oh, okay. What are you planning?
Yang: We can’t spoil that. It’s a surprise.
Pyrrha, smiling: Right. Okay. Have fun.
Jaune: Oh don’t worry. We will.
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blake-me-up-inside · 14 hours
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howi99 · 23 hours
The "sentence" are meant to be in sign language.
Weiss: *looking at the building of The Shop* It's kinda weird.
Yang: What's up?
Weiss: The architecture looks familiar in some ways...
Ruby: Never took you for an engineer Weiss.
Weiss: *scoff* Hardly. But i saw Jaune make blueprints when we were in argus... Damn, i miss him, i hope he's fine.
Blake: Knowing him? He's probably worried sick for us. Do you think we will see Penny here?
???: *really uncomfortable, she turns to the group* I have to tell you all something, I- *look behind team Ruby* B-big sis!?
Marie: *panting trying to get her breath under control* "You! All! Father see now!"
RWBY: *doesn't understand sign language at all* ???
???: She's asking us to follow her to my father...
Yang: Neat, we needed to meet the guy anyway. Show us the way, little girl.
Marie: *angrily signing at her*
Yang: ... What did she say?
???: You don't want to know, trust me.
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