reasonsforhope · 1 year
“Starting at home, a study last year found that US cancer deaths had declined by 33% since 1991. This is equivalent to around 3.8 million people alive thanks to various efforts to combat the disease family.
The report was authored by the American Cancer Society, and published in the journal CA. American Cancer Society CEO Karen Knudsen called the drop “truly formidable,” while the report attributed the fall to the development of better treatments, the reduction in smoking habits, and earlier detection methods.
Just between 2019 and 2020, cancer death rates dropped 1.5%, while the deployment of the HPV vaccine was correlated with a 65% drop in cervical cancer rates from 2012 through 2019 among women in their 30s.
The report also found that not only are death rates falling, but 5-year survival rates for detected cancers have increased 68% among all diagnoses made between 2012 and 2018.
Guinea Worm Disease
Cancer research often involves cutting edge medical research, but across West Africa and India where cutting edge medicine is not widely available, human determination has succeeded in nearly eradicating Guinea Worm disease.
There are records of this truly unpleasant parasite affecting human health going back thousands of years, and in 1989, there were nearly 1 million cases globally.
But in 2022, this unwelcome waterborne guest created just 15 cases worldwide—a decline of 99.998%, and almost all 15 of those cases occurred in Chad.
This monumental turnaround was not the result of some experimental vaccine, but simple education, teaching people how to avoid drinking contaminated water, when and where this mostly seasonal parasite is likely to be found, and how to treat water to purify it of the Guinea worm.
Other than Chad, Guinea Worm disease was also found in Uganda, which produced another medical milestone with the successful eradication of a recent Ebola outbreak.
The outbreak began in September, driven on by the incurable Sudan strain of the virus. It was the worst outbreak in 20 years, but even though there is no vaccine for the Sudan strain, the health authorities managed to contain it to just two administrative districts, and 142 confirmed cases.
“The magic bullet has been our communities who understood the importance of doing what was needed to end the outbreak, and took action,” said health minister Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero last Wednesday.
Vaccine trials involving Oxford University are currently underway for the Sudan strain, but until that time, health authorities received congratulations for their swift actions, and were thanked for the “lessons learned.””
-via Good News Network, 1/19/23
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mindblowingscience · 1 month
Scientists in Canada and the U.S. have discovered a new way in which Ebola—an often deadly virus affecting people mostly in sub-Saharan Africa—reproduces in the body. By shedding light on how the virus interacts with a human protein called ubiquitin, the researchers have also identified a potential target for new drugs to prevent the disease.
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Alright, due to popular request, I bring you the break down of the Taiwan Disease Personifications. Also, just so y’all know, the official explanations for the designs are not easy to find, so a lot of this is just from what I notice and what I know about the diseases
To start off, we have everyone’s favorite disease: COVID-19
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So, this is one of the designs where I could actually find the artist explanation, so I will be including that information plus a couple things I noticed and how I think it fits the disease. So let’s start with to crown. The reason for the inclusion of the crown is the reflect the name coronavirus, corona being the Latin word for crown. The face is partially obscured because of COVID’s tendency to hide itself. The bean bag chair that they are sitting on has many protrusions signifying the spike proteins. The different digital devices represent how the world went virtual during the pandemic and the news channels behind them represent the media’s freak out when COVID was at its height. The floor has an outline of the world because everywhere was affected by the pandemic. Also, if you look closely, they are wearing little Covid earrings.
Next up, we got Zika:
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I could not find an official artist statement for this design, so take my explanation with a grain of salt. So first off the red waist band reminds me of the red stripe that goes down the abdomen of the mosquito species that spreads Zika after it has fed. Also, the white markings on the black are also a characteristic of this species of mosquito. In fact, the design is the stripes on the chest look like the markings these mosquitoes have on their back. She presents female because it’s the female mosquitoes that bite and spread diseases. Her sleeves look like mosquito wings once again a reference to mosquitoes being the primary vectors of Zika. The area behind her has palm fronds to represent that Zika is a disease typically found in tropical climates.
Next up we have: Hansen’s Disease (aka Leprosy)
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This is one where I could find the artist statement due to it being a pretty recent one, however, I will say that at least the translation was a bit lacking in describing the reasoning of every detail. She is a mask maker because leprosy changes how people perceive those who are infected but it is something that can easily be removed with modern antibiotics. She has different accessories like the lion and crocodile headpiece that implicate the divine involvement because leprosy has been historically thought to be a punishment of the gods. The scales on her arm look like an allusion to the scaling pattern scars that those with leprosy would develop.
Next up: Rubella
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After a lot of digging I found the official profile for this design but it didn’t really explain the design choices so we are going to do more analysis on my end. So the pomegranate and the red dots represent the red rashes that come with rubella infections. The glasses I assume are to show how Rubella can lead to Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) which can occur in children if their mother had rubella while pregnant. One of the symptoms that comes with CRS is cataracts.
Next up: the plague
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I found the explanation on this and it just confirmed my own suspicions for certain design choices. So her design is very focused on death and mysticism because of how the Black Plague led to a lot of cultural focus on these two ideas. Behind her are old coins because of the economic impact the plague had on the civilizations of its time. The references to death are the skeletal pattern on her dress, and the scythe behind her and on her belt. The references to mysticism include the tarot cards she is holding and the crosses on her hat. On the tarot cards are designs referencing the three different forms the plague takes (bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic) as well as a posey which was used to try to ward of the plague in old times. On her hat is also a collection of plague doctor masks which is pretty self explanatory as to how that connects.
Next up: Ebola
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I couldn’t find the official explanation for this disease, so this is mostly speculation based on my analysis. Her outfit is red because of the hemorrhaging that comes with the disease. Specifically he lips are red because one of the more unique characteristics of Ebola is hiccuping up blood. The accessories seem to be inspired by central and western african traditional jewelry. There appear to be tribal masks on the necklace, I am not well versed in African art unfortunately, so any deeper meaning of these accessories are unfortunately lost on me. There are bats on the headdress because of bats being the natural host of Ebola. Her design is rather demonic because Ebola was so terrible for the areas affected, that people thought it could be caused be some great evil. The skulls are because of the extremely high death rate that comes with ebola. The leaves and fruits shown come from the African jungles which is typically where Ebola outbreaks start.
Next up: Novel Influenza A Virus Infections
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I actually found the artist explanation for this design! As a disease closely associated with birds, there are many elements linked to birds. There are many bird shadows, the hair that looks like feathers, and the beak shaped mask, feathers on his tie and a feather tattoo on right arm, and the “H-N” pin (H and N proteins of the influenza virus).
Next up: Dengue Fever
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Another one with an artist statement! Since only female mosquitoes bite, the character is set as a female. Her dark red lips represent mosquito’s instinct to bite, and she is holding a poisonous thornapple flower. She has mosquito wings tattooed on her back and thornapple flower tattooed on her arm. I have spent a long time looking into how the thornapple flower relates to dengue, but I haven’t had a lot of luck. From what I have seen is that the roots, seeds, and leaves are used in some traditional medicines, including treatments for malaria, but I have not had luck finding how it is connected to Dengue specifically.
Next up: Japanese Encephalitis
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I found the artist statement for this disease as well. The disease is visualized into three characters that form a pop group, with their names reflecting the 3 main Culex mosquito species that spread Japanese encephalitis in Taiwan, which are Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Three), Culex annulus (Ring), and Culex fuscocephala (Shiro). They wear black and white, like the colors of the Culex mosquitoes. Red accessories represent their love for blood. I don’t have much to add outside of the artist explanation.
Last one for now is: Rabies
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I found the explanation for this one, but it is not descriptive at all, so I am going to be going into every detail because this is Rabies. The spikes on the jacket and pant legs represent the protein spikes rabies uses to infect nerves. The blue jacket and gloves are representing water as one of the unique characteristics of rabies is hydrophobia (physical repulsion to water). The claw marks on the shirt show the animalistic tendencies the virus brings out. The violin players in the animal mask show how the virus can hide in these animals. The personification of rabies is holding a conductor’s wand showing how rabies controls those who are infected. The teeth necklace shows how it spreads through bites and they are standing on the brain because that is what rabies infects. He has a chain with mammal skulls once again tying back to rabies being a fatal mammalian disease. The belt buckle has a bone on it as bone are associated with bones and rabies is associated with dogs.
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pandemic-info · 8 months
Pandemics: A Very Short Introduction | Oxford Academic
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Published 2016.
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meuna27 · 3 months
i wish i never had a BPD /srs
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drumcorpshero · 8 months
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herdreamywasteland · 14 days
Btw, these all happened to me in the span of a week
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fieriframes · 11 months
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[The spider venom was Ebola in thirty seconds.]
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Map of the recent Ebola outbreak in Uganda
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mcelquotes · 1 year
Keep your things off my things. Ebola is real.
Justin McElroy
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mindblowingscience · 6 months
In a recent study published in Nature Communications, researchers from Karolinska Institutet and the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology have identified a new molecule in cells that is necessary for Ebola and Marburg viruses to infect and spread in the body. The molecule, called CCZ1, is a protein that regulates the transport of other molecules by cells. The researchers have also shown that CCZ1 is involved in SARS-CoV-2 infections, which opens up new possibilities for fighting different viruses. The study used advanced stem cell libraries and organoids, which are mini-organs grown in the laboratory. By studying how the virus infects human blood vessel and liver organoids, they have been able to show that CCZ1 is a key factor in the propagation and spread of the virus.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months
I swear if it’s true that Burning Man actually had people with Ebola…..
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This Ebola rumor is on top of the flooding that stranded people too.
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grchmpth · 7 months
Tiny sketch of ebola-chan.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ La mattina del 3 marzo 2004 la porta 537 si aprì e Kelly Warfield uscì dalla Segreta. La aspettavano nella sala d’attesa la madre e il figlio (per cui aveva ottenuto un permesso speciale), che andò a casa con lei. Il pomeriggio di quello stesso giorno ritornò all'USAMRIID*, dove i colleghi organizzarono una festa di fine isolamento, con tanto di discorsi e palloncini colorati. Parecchi mesi più tardi, dopo un periodo di sospensione, una lunga serie di analisi del suo sistema immunitario, di esami e supervisioni al limite dell'offensivo, oltre a una certa insistenza da parte sua, ottenne nuovamente il nullaosta per entrare nei laboratori di livello 4. Poteva tornare a stuzzicare la bestia che avrebbe potuto ucciderla. «Non ha mai pensato di non tornare a lavorare su Ebola?» le chiesi. Rispose di no. «Perché le piace tanto il suo lavoro?». «Non lo so di preciso» disse, e si fermò un attimo a riflettere. «Perché proprio Ebola? In fondo fa al massimo un centinaio di vittime all'anno». Non è una malattia di impatto globale e nonostante i toni apocalittici di certi autori è probabile che non lo diventerà mai. Per Warfield l’interesse aveva basi scientifiche. Per esempio, era affascinata dal fatto che un organismo tanto semplice fosse tanto letale. Ha un genoma minuscolo, quanto basta per costruire le sole dieci proteine che servono a formare le strutture di sostegno e a farlo replicare (un herpesvirus, per contro, ha una complessità genetica circa dieci volte superiore). Nonostante ciò il virus Ebola è feroce, capace di uccidere un uomo in soli sette giorni. «Come può una cosa così insignificante e rudimentale essere così orribilmente pericolosa?» si chiedeva Warfield. «Lo trovo davvero affascinante». “
* Istituto di ricerca sulle malattie infettive dell’esercito statunitense: un laboratorio per la guerra biologica riconvertito alla ricerca sulle malattie e sulle biodifese con sede nel Maryland.
David Quammen, Spillover. L’evoluzione delle pandemie, (Traduzione di Luigi Civalleri; collana La collana dei casi), Edizioni Adelphi, 2014.
[ Edizione originale: Spillover. Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2012 ]
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yeahiwasintheshit · 2 years
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cashwhisperer · 2 years
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Do you know how many 'The World is Going to End" events I've survived? And a couple that I couldn't list because they're still #classified.
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