Corujal de Hogwarts
See, I'm a young soul in this very strange world
Evangelinne havia decidido, lá para o meio da tarde, que iria escrever algo para seus pais. O silêncio dos dois sobre os assuntos que mais lhe interessavam era muito incômodo, mas mesmo assim a garota não se sentia á vontade em ignorá-los. A jovem suspirou enquanto rascunhava sua carta, pensando no que diria a Tom e Georgia. Amo vocês e espero que não estejam sozinhos como eu nesse dia tão especial... Não, muito agressivo, ela pensou, riscando a frase do pergaminho. Depois de alguns bons minutos escrevendo e descartando tudo, Linne finalmente conseguiu escrever sua carta. Envelopou o pergaminho e outro pedaço de papel mais rígido, seu cartão de dia dos Namorados, desejando coisas boas aos pais. A pequena não havia nem se dado ao trabalho de fazer as perguntas para as quais desejava respostas, porque sabia que seriam apenas motivo de chateação e brigas, além de ser ignorada pelos Stevens. De abandono já basta o que tá acontecendo, a garota sorriu, sem humor, deixando o castelo para trás e sentindo o vento gelar seu corpo enquanto caminhava até o corujal com o envelope bem junto ao corpo. Evangelinne subiu as escadas com cuidado, apoiando-se nas paredes e sabendo que naquele lugar o piso era liso, sendo multiplicado por dez por conta do clima. A mente da garota estava a mil, lembrando-se de tudo que queria ter escrito no papel, de todos os problemas infantis pelos quais passava no momento. Mas infelizmente estava sozinha, seus pais nunca pareciam ouvi-la quando necessário, seus amigos estavam se divertindo, sem ela. Sua única atividade era tentar se distrair do dia horrível que estava tendo. Talvez eu passe mesmo o dia aqui, na companhia das corujinhas, ela refletiu, distraída. Trombou com uma garota de cabelos ruivos na entrada do corujal, caindo de bunda no chão, numa pilha de dejetos das aves. Ótimo, é assim mesmo que tô me sentindo! Pior dia dos namorados de todos! Linne levantou os olhos para a garota – desculpa, eu tava distraída – disse, levantando-se e recuperando o envelope do chão – tá tudo bem – ela replicou, hesitante em passar as mãos pela roupa, já que acabaria com titica de coruja espalhada pelo corpo.
Não pensei muito no Dia dos Namorados, até me dar conta que minha mãe mais uma vez passaria o dia sozinha e sem receber nenhum cartão. Me apressei então para lhe escrever uma cartinha e ainda mandei junto alguns doces que roubei do Salão Principal. Na última hora lembrei de despachar também um cartãozinho para meu pai, que não ligava tanto para a data, mas que também ficaria feliz de receber um cartão. Depois de mandar os dois cartões, de repente me sentia inspirada para mandar mais cartões para meus amigos da escola. Ainda tinha algumas horas até o fim do dia e comecei a fazer uma lista mental de todo mundo para quem eu queria mandar uma mensagem enquanto saía correndo do corujal, indo buscar papel e canetinhas para fazer cartões para todos. Saí tão apressada, que não vi para onde estava indo e trombei com tudo com uma menina que entrava na torre. Ainda tentei segurá-la para que não caísse no chão, mas só piorei a situação e acabamos as duas sentadas no chão coberto de penas e cocô de coruja. - Ai não, me desculpa! - levantei depressa e corri para ajudá-la enquanto a menina também já levantava. - Eu estava com pressa... Ainda preciso mandar cartões para um monte de gente...- ao mesmo tempo que me sentia mal pela trombada, precisei segurar uma risada da cena, as duas caídas no chão coberto de cocô de coruja... Meu olhar então caiu no envelope que ela estava resgatando do chão e nem tentei disfarçar a curiosidade - Você também vai mandar cartões? Ah! Meu nome é Freya, como é o seu?
– Oh, céus, desculpa mesmo – Linne disse mais uma vez, só então reparando que a outra garota também havia caído no chão. A lufana sorriu, sem graça. Se eu não estivesse com a cabeça nas nuvens desse jeito... – ah, que legal Freya! Meu nome é Evang... Quer saber? Me chama de Linne – a pequena alargou o sorriso. Evangelinne sacudiu o envelope em sua mão – pois é, esse aqui vai lá pra casa – ela respondeu, acrescentando rapidamente – essa data ainda é meio solitária, mas enfim – a lufana fez uma leve careta. A jovem parecia estar constantemente se lembrando da solidão naquele dia. Ela balançou a cabeça para dispersar os pensamentos ruins e deu continuidade à conversa – e você? Já enviou para alguém esse ano? – Ah, legal! – ela disse, tentando sem sucesso esconder a empolgação. Pelo menos alguém parecia ter amigos no dia dos namorados. Ah não, esses pensamentos de novo não, Evangelinne se repreendeu. – Então, como você tá se sentindo nesse feriado? – ela questionou, sem realmente pensar no que dizia. A jovem esperava que pelo menos alguém estivesse animado com a data comemorativa e não no fundo do poço solitário em que ela se encontrava. A primeiranista reparou outra vez na jovem a sua frente. Linne se lembrava vagamente do rosto de Freya, mas não sabia exatamente de onde. Não queria se passar por indelicada e perguntar de onde, mas estava tão curiosa que não se segurou – você é de qual casa? – ela indagou, ainda observando Freya e tentando inutilmente distinguir as roupas da menina. É claro, Linne pensou, segurando o impulso de bater a mão na testa, chegando a conclusão óbvia segundos depois: sem uniforme no feriado.
Linne se apresentou e depois me perguntou como eu estava me sentindo naquele dia. - Eu estou bem, animada, e você? Vou preparar cartões para mandar para meus colegas de turma, e acho que uns professores também. - nem me ocorria que a data podia ter uma conotação romântica, só queria mandar cartões com desenhos e piadinhas para os outros. A própria Linne não parecia muito animada com a data - Se quiser, posso te mandar um também. - completei, abrindo um sorriso ainda maior, tentando animá-la. - Ah, minha Casa! Eu sou grifina, e você? - como tinha passado meus dois primeiros anos de estudos em Durmstrang e só tinha sido selecionada esse ano, não tinha muita certeza do que isso queria dizer, só sabia que isso parecia ser muito importante para algumas pessoas. Me distraindo novamente, lembrei que Linne queria mandar um cartão para casa e ergui os olhos para as corujas pousadas pela torre. - Você tem uma coruja sua ou vai emprestar uma da escola?
Evangelinne sorriu para a menina à sua frente outra vez – ah, interessante... eu não tinha pensado nisso ainda – ela comentou, se referindo ao ato de mandar cartões para pessoas de dentro da escola. Até então a garota só havia pensado em entregar pessoalmente para quem conseguisse, mas a entrega por coruja parecia uma ótima opção para aqueles com quem a pequena ainda não tinha tanta intimidade. A garota corou diante da proposta de Freya – oh! – ela riu, um pouco envergonhada – tudo bem, vou te mandar um também – disse, abaixando a cabeça para esconder o rubor das bochechas. Linne se sentia agradecida pelo fato de Freya ter aparecido em seu caminho, trazendo um outro lado do feriado que a lufana ainda não tinha colocado em perspectiva. – Nossa, que legal! Como é a comunal de vocês? E os seus colegas, são legais? – Evangelinne perguntou, empolgada – eu sou da Lufa-Lufa – disse, sorrindo – a comunal lufana é meio redonda, mas muito confortável – a pequena comentou, os detalhes vívidos em sua mente. Linne voltou sua atenção para as corujas ao ouvir a pergunta de Freya – eu não tenho coruja... nem nenhum bichinho pra ser sincera – falou, dando de ombros. Um de seus muitos pedidos não atendidos pelos pais fora exatamente esse. – Enfim, vou usar uma dessas lindinhas aqui – Evangelinne se aproximou de uma das corujas e acariciou suas penas macias, recebendo pequenas bicadinhas no dedo – e você? Tem uma coruja sua ou outro animalzinho? – a jovem perguntou, verdadeiramente interessada, já que amava os bichinhos de forma geral.
Linne me contou sobre a comunal da Lufa-lufa e nunca tinha me ocorrido que as comunais das outras Casas seriam todas diferentes, oq ue me deixou curiosa para saber como seria a comunal das outras Casas. - A nosso comunal é bem aconchegante... com uma vista bem bonita, a gente consegue ver uma boa parte dos terrenos. E todo mundo lá é bem legal, adoram uma bagunça. - ri comigo mesma, pensando nas confusões que meus colegas de Casa viviam se metendo - Os lufanos que conheci também são todos bem legais. - acrescentei com um sorriso. Olhei para as corujas empoleiradas acima de nós, procurando alguma que parecesse disposta a trabalhar. - Não tenho uma coruja, mas tenho um gatinho chamado Corvo, eu resgatei ele quando estava em Durmstrang, no primeiro ano. - comentei, enquanto puxava do bolso um pacote de bolachas que tinha roubado da mesa de café-da-manhã, tirei uma delas e estendi para Linne. - Elas colaboram mais se você trouxer um suborno... - expliquei, sorrindo.
Linne sorriu ao ouvir Freya falar sobre o lar grifino. As vezes a pequena se pegava desejando ser de outra casa, só para poder conhecer a comunal. Outras vezes ela agradecia por ter caído na Lufa-Lufa, já que não imaginava lugar de melhor encaixe para si e sua personalidade. – uau  – ela disse, por instinto, ao imaginar a vista que os grifinos possuíam. – A nossa paisagem é do jardim... até que dá pra ver bastante coisa e parece que sempre tá sol – ela brincou, rindo um pouco. – Em todos esses meses no castelo, conheci apenas alguns alunos da grifinória – ela explicou, puxando na memória – a maioria em aula, eu acho – Linne tirou alguns fios de cabelo da frente do rosto com a mão limpa – você é uma das primeiras com quem eu converso assim – ela sorriu para Freya – e você é muito legal, então... Evangelinne imaginava como seria ter um gatinho. Ou uma coruja. Ou um sapo. Qualquer bichinho. Sabia que seria capaz de ama-lo com todas as forças quando lhe fosse dada a chance, mas até lá. – Gostei do nome! – ela aumentou a voz sem querer, demonstrando sua animação – nossa, você foi pra Durmstrang... as vezes eu me esqueço das coisas que aconteceram antes – e a garota muitas vezes preferia de fato permanecer alheia à algumas coisas. – É verdade que lá eles ensinam Artes das Trevas ao invés de Defesa? – Linne perguntou, curiosa. – Ah, obrigada! – disse, aceitando um pacote das bolachas. A pequena abriu a embalagem e retirou um petisco, estendendo-o para a coruja, que aceitou de bom grado. Desta maneira ficou muito mais fácil atar o cartão à perna da ave – se você puder levar para meus pais – ela sussurrou, acariciando as penas e oferecendo mais alguns biscoitos. – Desculpa a pergunta, Freya – a jovem pausou, sabendo que podia ser muito difícil segurar a própria língua – como são seus pais? – ela questionou, querendo saber se era normal que os adultos fossem tão super protetores como eram Tom e Georgia.
Senti meu rosto esquentar e fiquei toda feliz quando Linne disse que me achava legal, já que esse não era um elogio que se escutava com muita frequência. Ainda sorrindo, ajudei a lufana a atar a carta na patinha da coruja, enquanto ela me interrogava sobre Durmstrang. - As aulas de Durmstrang não eram tão diferentes das aulas daqui... - parei um instante, tentando comparar as duas escolas - Os alunos de lá eram mais... hostis? E os professores mais exigentes, tinham mania de querer atacar a gente nos corredores... - parei de novo, percebendo que pela minha descrição a escola deveria parecer horrível. - Mas não era tão ruim, eu acho... - completei, sem conseguir lembrar de nenhuma coisa boa que pudesse compensar o que tinha dito. Outras corujas começaram a se aproximar quando perceberam que estávamos distribuindo comida e estendi uma bolacha para a que havia pousado mais perto de nós, enquanto Linne me perguntava sobre meus pais. - Meu pai e minha mãe são bem diferentes... - falei lentamente. Tão diferentes que era difícil ver os dois como uma coisa só e colocá-los juntos na categoria de "pais" - Meu pai não é bruxo, ele trabalha em um escritório, com um computador, essas coisas. A minha mãe é bruxa, mas não essas bruxas daqui de Hogwarts. Ela vende chás e remédios, essas coisas... - já tinha entendido que muita gente não consideraria minha mãe bruxa, mas ela fazia várias das coisas que eu estava aprendendo em Hogwarts e não conseguia entender o que tornava as pessoas que estudavam aqui tão especiais. - E seus pais? Eles estudaram aqui?
A pequena Evangelinne estava chocada com as revelações sobre Durmstrang. Ela bem imaginava algumas coisas que aconteciam na instituição, afinal as histórias e a fama da escola andavam pelo mundo bruxo, mas ouvir de alguém que havia estado no lugar sobre como eram as coisas tornava tudo mais real. Boquiaberta, Linne perguntou em um fio de voz – os professores atacavam no corredor? – a garota mal conseguia imaginar uma situação assim e só de tentar já suava frio. Linne observava Freya com atenção, reparando no carinho que a grifina demonstrava para com os bichos. Até o momento, a lufana estava gostando muito de conversar com a garota, apesar da situação cômica em que haviam se conhecido. A criança estendeu mais uma bolacha para outra coruja perto de si e se voltou para Freya, ouvindo-a falar sobre os pais. – Nossa, que legal! Eu morei minha infância toda num bairro misto, conheci muitos não bruxos – Evangelinne disse, sorrindo. Gostava muito de sua vizinhança e de seus amigos, trouxas ou não – ah, então sua mãe foi pra outra escola? – ela perguntou, sem conter a pergunta que surgiu em sua mente. – Ah, meus pais vieram à Hogwarts. Meu pai ficou na corvinal – ela disse, lembrando de algumas das histórias que o casal contava – e minha mãe era grifina como você – ela sorriu, oferecendo mais um petisco para as corujas. – meu pai escreve pra um jornal do nosso condado e minha mãe já foi jogadora de quadribol, mas hoje ela dá aula – Evangelinne comentou, o coração já apertado de saudades. – Os seus pais também são controladores? Tipo, não deixam você fazer as coisas como uma pessoa normal..? – ela indagou, suspirando, e desviou o olhar de Freya, colocando-o na coruja marrom perto de si – ah, esquece, não quero ocupar seu tempo com essas coisas – ela disse, rindo em seguida.
Não consegui segurar o riso ao ver o choque de Linne ouvindo eu contar que os professores as vezes atacavam os alunos pra ver se estávamos atentos a todo momento. - Às vezes eles mandavam criaturas ou manequins também... Eu nunca estava atenta e sobrevivi, então acho que não foi tão ruim assim. Resgatei uma das bolachas do pacote, uma que as corujas ainda não tinham tocado, e dei uma mordida enquanto Linne me fazia mais perguntas sobre minha mãe. - A minha mãe foi pra uma escola normal e aprendeu matemática, literatura, essas coisas... Ela não aprendeu mágica com varinha e essas coisas que a gente aprende aqui. Olhei para Linne meio confusa quando ela me perguntou se meus pais me deixavam eu fazer coisas como uma "pessoa normal". - Bom, a gente estuda mágica e, principalmente pro meu pai, isso não é muito normal. - abri um sorriso, oferecendo minha bolacha mordida para a coruja mais próxima - Ele acha que eu deveria estar estudando coisas chatas que ensinam em escolas normais. Mas ele não mora conosco então... - dei de ombros. Bem na verdade, meu pai ficava mais confuso com o que aprendia em Hogwarts do que qualquer outra coisa - Seus pais pegam muito no seu pé?
Linne escutou Freya falar sobre os pais e imediatamente sua imaginação a fez imaginar com qual deles a grifina se parecia mais, mesmo sem conhecê-los pessoalmente. – Nossa, a escola que sua mãe foi deve ser muito legal – a lufana comentou, pensando como deveria ser estudar literatura na escola – eu me lembro de ter aprendido um pouco de matemática, mas deve ser muito legal poder estudar vários livros – ela disse, os olhos brilhando em expectativa. Evangelinne coçou a cabeça, um pouco envergonhada de ter entrado nesse assunto. O coração da garota pesava dentro do peito, porque parecia que ela não era grata por ter seus pais e estava reclamando de barriga cheia. No fundo ela sabia que as coisas em casa eram muito mais complicadas do que aparentavam. – Ah, bom... – a lufana suspirou, pensando nas palavras que diria a seguir – eu quase nunca posso sair sem eles – ela começou, em tom de desabafo – e eles não confiam em mim, quer dizer, nem um bichinho de estimação eles quiseram me dar! – exclamou, frustrada. Mesmo que eu sempre siga todas as regras... – Acho que é por isso que eu gostei tanto daqui – ela sorriu para Freya – sabe, longe deles pelo menos parece que eu sou mais livre, mesmo que seja uma ilusão – comentou, rindo. Linne observou a vista da torre, olhando para as corujas que transitavam pelo castelo através da abertura. – Você tem um lugar favorito no castelo? – Evangelinne indagou, se virando novamente para a menina.
- É uma das coisas boas de estar aqui, né? Não tem nenhum adulto dizendo o que a gente deve fazer. - pensei um pouco - Bom, tem os professores, mas acho que eles tem muitos alunos pra tomar conta. - E logo a gente fica mais velho e pode fazer tudo do nosso jeito. Enquanto isso, a gente pode fazer mesmo assim, sem eles saberem - dei um sorriso maroto. Consegui convencer uma coruja a pousar no meu braço e cuidadosamente lhe ofereci uma bolacha. A ave deu uma bicada no petisco, mantendo os os olhos bem atentos em mim. Com mais algumas bicadas na bolacha, a coruja finalmente pareceu relaxar e voltei minha atenção para Linne, que agora observava os terrenos do castelo por uma das janelas da torre. - Meu lugar preferido? Ahh as estufas! E o seu? Me lembra bastante tem casa, mas tem um monte de plantas diferentes lá. E é lá que tem a aula de herbologia, que é minha matéria preferida. E você qual matéria você gosta mais? Voltei a tagarelar animadamente, até que a coruja se cansou da minha falação e levantou voo novamente.
Evangelinne sorriu com o comentário de Freya. Era realmente bom estar longe da supervisão adulta. – Pois é, eu mal posso esperar pra poder fazer o que eu quero oficialmente – disse rindo.  – Se você não fosse tão legal e parecesse tão certinha eu diria que você tá querendo me levar pro mal caminho – a lufana disse rindo, meio brincando meio séria. A pequena realmente se perguntava se Freya a estava levando para um caminho diferente, mas sabia que dependia apenas de si mesma seguir o caminho que desejava. E no momento ela queria fazer o que os pais não queriam que fizesse. Linne assentia com a cabeça. Gostava de herbologia, mas no fim das contas ela sabia que sua matéria preferida era outra. – Meu lugar favorito é a sala de música. Eu amo ir lá, tocar um pouco de piano... – a pequena ponderou – acho que me ajuda a pensar quando tenho muita coisa na cabeça – disse por fim. – Já a minha matéria favorita é DCAT – comentou, observando a reação de Freya – na realidade eu acho que o Professor Aapeli contribuiu muito pra isso. Talvez se fosse outro professor, minha matéria favorita seria bem diferente – explicou, se lembrando do quanto havia gostado de astronomia. – Então, você falou que tem uma estufa em casa – Linne lembrou – isso deve ser bem legal – disse, sorrindo fraco. – Você mora no campo ou é só sua casa que é grande e tem bastante espaço pra uma estufa? – ela perguntou, ainda com um sorriso no rosto.
Dei uma risadinha quando Linne insinuou que eu estava tentando levá-la para o "mal caminho". - Se não fizer mal a ninguém, qual é o problema? - encolhi os ombros. A lufana seguiu me contando do seu lugar preferido do castelo, a Sala de Música, e por um instante me perdi em pensamentos. Nunca estivera na tal sala, o que fazia eu me perguntar quantas outras salas haveriam escondidas pelo castelo que eu ainda não conhecia. Quando me dei conta, Linne me perguntava sobre como era minha casa e voltei a falar animadamente. - Moro no campo, em uma casinha bem fofa e pequenininha, mas temos tantas plantas que quase parece uma estufa mesmo. Também temos um quintal cheio de plantas e um bosque por perto... Parece aquelas ilustrações de livros de criança... - dei um sorriso, percebendo quantas saudades eu sentia de casa. Lá fora o céu começava a escurecer e nesse momento lembrei que ainda tinha mais cartões de dia dos namorados para fazer, inclusive o que tinha prometido para a própria Linne. - Ah... eu preciso ir agora... - deixei as últimas bolachas do pacote no beiral da janela, para que as corujas pegassem se quisessem - Gostei muito de te conhecer, Linne. - disse sorrindo - Qualquer dia você me mostra a Sala de Música, e aí quero ver você tocando piano! - acrescentei, antes de deixar o corujal apressadamente.
em 2020-12-12
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evangelinn · 9 months
Η καρδιά μου στάζει λίγο από το αίμα της για να την ακουσεις,
Σπασε λίγο το είναι της, να τη φοβίσεις
Καποιος είπε ότι ήθελες να την ταρακουνήσεις.
Απόρησε γιατί ήθελες να την ξυπνήσεις
Καιρός περασε και η θέση της ήταν μια
Δεν υπήρχε άνθρωπος ουτε διαμαρτυρία
Δεν ρώτησα δεν μίλησα
Ποιο θα ήταν το δικό της πεπρωμένο;
Ήλπιζα να την ακουγες αλλά τώρα αυτή σε ακουει
Κλειδωμένη στο δικό της το καλουπι
Σε καινουρια θέση σε καινουριο μέρος
ήθελε να δει πως θα ήσουν γέρος.
Και ότι της λες σε ακολουθεί, είναι η πιο πιστη
Η αλήθεια και το ψέμα δεν θα διαχωριστεί
Φτάνει να το πεις εσυ
Σε κοιταξα λίγο θυμωμένη
Δεν ήθελα να σε προσβάλω όχι απλά εγώ ήμουν βλαμμένη
Τελευταια είμαι και χαμένη
Ομως είμαι πεπεισμένη πως είσαι ο γραμμένος
Αυτος που λένε ο πλασμενος
Που ήσουν καιρό θαμμενος;
Πάλι καλα που έχω μάτια, για να κοιτάω τα δικά σου
Και κοίταξε βιάσου
Παρε κάτι και κοιταξου
Υστερα ξεκουρασου
Αντε και κάπως συνεργασου.
Ο κόσμος μακάρι να ήταν τόσο όμορφος
Όπως βλέπω εγώ εσένα
Σαν λουλουδια ανθισμενα
Κομμένα και κλεμμένα
Στο τέλος μένουν μαραμενα
Ομως που να ξερες ότι στη αντανάκλαση των ματιών σου
Την καρδιά μου εσυ κρατουσες
Και αν δεν σπάσει λήστεψε τη
Και κράτα τη γερή
Σε χέρια που είναι ελαφριά
Και δεν προσεχουνε πολυ
Σε χέρια που δεν κλεινουνε καλά
Και κλαίνε και καμια φορα
Τα δίχτυα άλλωστε πονανε πιο πολυ.
Ποιος θα ήθελε να είναι εντελώς νεκρή;
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camphalfbloodrpv · 1 year
Personagens com bençãos, maldições e runas de proteção
Olá, semideuses. Para ajudarem na identificação, descrevemos abaixo todos os semideuses que já foram abençoados, e quais deuses deram as bençãos. Quem sabe o seu não seja o próximo?
A lua te cobre todos os dias e te caça pra sorrir á você. As bençãos de Ártemis caem sob seu colo como estrelas e todos os dias você se sente melhor á noite, os filhos de Afrodite não vão gostar muito de você. Nem você deles. Ártemis te ama, e é por isso que você recebe pelas mãos dela: - Tiro certeiro - Sentidos apurados - Eficiência Lunar - Domesticar animal (Lobo) - Flechas de energia
Semideuses com a benção: Olivia Vallejo
Você pode abençoar um aliado para torná-lo imune a efeitos de status, como paralisia, envenenamento e congelamento. Além disso possuem direito a mensagem de Íris de graça por 2 anos, e 50% de desconto vitalício na Produtos & Estilo de Vida Orgânicos Arco-íris (P.E.V.O.A.I)
Semideuses com a benção: Ophelia Mikaelson, Yago Lupatini, Alexandria Westwood
Benção com sorte extra em todas as ações a partir do dia dito pela deusa. Nos dados +1 .
Semideuses com a benção: Aurora Hale, Olivia Vallejo
Velocidade e agilidades aumentadas, além de um passe livre para qualquer lugar do mundo, quando quiser.
Semideuses com a benção: Aurora Hale e Olivia Vallejo
O frio nunca incomoda o abençoado da deusa, podendo até mesmo vestir shorts no inverno. Apesar disso um raio gelado Ainda pode o dar dano. Os abençoados podem conversar com cavalos e caso subam em um esse cavalo fica quase tão rápido quanto Airon; porém não tão resistente, podendo levar dano fácil. Convocando o título de "Despoina" aos céus o herói irá invocar uma tempestade pequena de granizo em cima de até três pessoas por cinco turnos; podendo distrair bastante e até dar dano, além do frio intenso: também mando todas as plantas ali em baixo da área.O personagem desmaia após usar essa habilidade e só pode fazer novamente em outra batalha. ( Os filhos de Despina podem fazer essa mesma coisa por apenas metade de sua energia e crio cinéticos usam sua manipulação por metade a energia, e podem usar novamente quando quiserem.)
Semideuses com a benção: Aura, Manon, Leona, Agatha, Beverley, Olivia, Fade, Akira, Amarantha, Alicent, Marcus, Callavera, Evangelinne, Aurora, Lissandra, Heidi, Dream, Hazel, Kim.
Lobisomem: Hazel Schepernisse
Vampiros: Easton Atwood, Delilah Beauth
Toque de Midas: Harleen Arnaldar
Runas de proteção
Strophalos é a roda de Hécate, usada como símbolo de proteção contra possessão
Semideuses com a runa: Olivia Vallejo e Miguel Martinez. Ambos ganharam após terem seus corpos invadidos pela deusa egípcia Apófis, em uma missão.
Símbolo de proteção de La Llorona
Abençoados pela divindade mexicana, por salvarem sua filha, os que possuem essa runa não serão atacados primeiramente por divindades do mesmo panteão.
Semideuses com o símbolo: Evangelinne Yseult, Gretta Zelesky, Harleen Arnaldar.
Sarah Fortune, Alexandria Westwood e Kim Taehyung
Próximas Luas Cheias: 18/03, 16/04, 16/05, 14/06
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 34
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 - Pt 33 -
The early matches already shifted the mood of the school, nerves as to how the rest of you would handle the year without Quidditch melted away and the worries of those possibly named as champions in the deadly tournament were forgotten for now. A simple compliment from you for Evangelinne stunned her for a moment until she relaxed in your explaining Bryt had caught you off guard and you didn’t mean to interrupt their usual plans. Unknown to you the tension between Fleur and her dropped as well when her comments on you had been shown to be true easing any plans to avoid one another had been dropped completely. A much needed relief when Fleur’s team B2 was up against D2 for the early Saturday match with lunch separating the match between Slytherin and D3 so Hogsmeade could be settled to that Sunday, the day after the Champions would be announced.
The Sunday trip especially bringing a curious spark in the eyes of your visitors, excitedly unwilling to have the Ball fiasco happen again Sebastian caught you on the way to breakfast securing that he could go with you before anyone else could attempt to.
Fleur as Seeker anxiously sat like she usually did before matches and after your assurances and promise to root for her she relaxed enough to eat something. Slytherin across the room was growing more excited about their own match later that day, and at least for the first match Sebastian was again troubled at being seated across from you with another match keeping him from you right after lunch.
A barely stolen away victory after a one sided battle ended with a stolen Snitch to win by ten measly points in favor of Durmstrang. For lunch again your shadow snuggled up at your side and then after reluctantly joined his school across from yours while Slytherin dominated the match with a solid score free match in their favor with a stealthily caught Snitch on the verge of a storm brewing that broke right at the gates sealing behind you as the cocoa was dished out for you all.
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Another class parted you all and in the way off to dinner you were once again gathered around by your new friends to fill your mingled table still buzzing with comments on the games from today to be covered in the next weeks papers. When the meal was cleared however instead of being released to your houses Dumbledore rose to his feet saying, “For a month we have housed the Goblet of Fire, now the time has come to discover who our Champions will be.” Whispers filled the room and in a stolen brush of his fingers over your hand resting on the table before you Sebastian leaned in to remind you of your promise widening his grin in his turn and reluctant removal of his hand to rest on his thigh. Dumbledore looked you all over, “I must remind you, what it means to be chosen, you stand alone.”
Inhaling sharply you glanced at the Twins and propped your chin in your palm remembering what an ordeal the Tournament was after digging up your ancestor’s Journal on his time as a Champion. Bartemis Sr again exited the Trophy room beside the Professor’s table to take his place by Dumbledore waiting to speak with the Champions, at his side however you eyed the tall white haired Garrick Ollivander beside him making you nod your head to the Twins who shrugged as to why he was here.
Dumbledore waved his hand to the Goblet, “And now, to see who was chosen!”
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A jolt of flames erupted from the Goblet and reaching up he grabbed the pale blue curled slip of parchment he blew the cinders off of reading, “Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons Academy.” Clapping with her school you caught her nervous grin in passing you once on her feet to head through the open door Bartemis motioned her to head through.
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Another burst of flame later and a second slip was caught and blown out, “Cedric Diggory, for Hogwarts.” Loudly you all cheered and in an excited hug around you he stood and found his feet through the pats from fellow Hogwarts students and Puffs around him all the way through the door after Fleur.
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“Lastly for Durmstrang,” In catching the red slip of paper he blew out Dumbledore read, “Viktor Krum.” Viktor stood up after patting Hermione’s hand he had been cradling in his nerves and nodded is head with a smirk stealing a glance at his brother who flashed him a grin in return, though in glancing away to the table you saw his grin drop seeing he really wanted to be chosen.
Scooting closer to his back your hands settled on the back of his shoulders urging his eyes back to you in a turn of his head only to smirk as you whispered, “Looks like you’re up in the stands with me. We both get to cheer our Champions on.” Lowering your hands a blush flashed across his cheeks at your chin resting on his shoulder in your hands easing around his middle he rested his over relaxing against your chest to listen to what would be said next.
“We now have our champions! But in the end, only one can hoist up this Chalice of Champions, this Vessel of Victory, the Triwizard Cup!” All at once the Goblet flashed red and your grin dropped as your hair shifted back to its pitch black shade making the Professors shift in their seats and brought Dumbledore’s eyes straight to you then back to the Goblet in time to catch a flaming slip of paper.
He whispers catching the slip reading ‘Harry Potter, Cowering Lion Academy’, “Harry Potter…” looking up to the students feeling his heart racing, again he repeated louder, “Harry Potter…” looking around, then shouted, “HARRY POTTER!”
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Hermione forced him out of his seat to walk to Dumbledore, “Harry for goodness sake.”
At Dumbledore’s side he passed him the slip before the Goblet lit up again and he watched the smoky slip that halted a student calling out, “He’s a cheat!”
A sudden glance up his hand snatched the second unexpected flaming slip from the air. Dumbledore looked to you and your breath caught in your throat, your face going pale luring Snape out of his seat alongside Barty and Alastor. Dumbledore stood silent with his mind reeling in Snape looking over his shoulder reading, “J Black.” Keeping the ‘Unruly Badger Academy’ part to himself. He looks at Dumbledore saying, “It can’t be. Dumbledore, she would never, willingly-.”
Barty leaned over too to read the slip, “That’s not even her writing! Unruly Badger-, It’s preposterous!”
At that students from Hufflepuff start to whisper sending echoes of, “Just like her dream! It’s been hexed!”
Dumbledore waved his hand over your way, “Miss Black, come with us. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”
Tentatively after Sebastian had guided your hands back from his middle the twinge of jealousy in him died when he caught the worry in your eyes and the Twins slid under the table to sit behind you and help you up to your feet nudging you closer to the Trophy Room.
Clearing your throat you flashed Dumbledore a grin then accepted the slip of paper shifting your eyes to silver, in tapping his mind you shared the image of Karkaroff entering your names. A gentle pat of his hand on your back guided you to lead Harry down to the doorway while the whispers of the Goblet’s hex flooded the room and brought students to wonder how this would affect the school. Resting your hand on Harry’s shoulder down the stone steps you said softly, “It’s okay, they’ll figure this out.”
Harry glanced up at you and reached out to grab one of your curls, “What hex?” You shrugged and he added, “We could always drop out. They can’t force us to compete. It’s against the rules.” You nodded and grinned at him then looked to the opening gates through to the sea of Trophies seeing the trio of students waiting there.
Fleur asked, “Did they send you to fetch us?”
Cedric moved closer dropping his crossed arms, whispering, “Please tell me you weren’t chosen!”
Before you could answer someone atop the stairs said, “It’s wrong I tell you!”
Followed by another while Cedric’s arm eased around your back pulling you to his side stroking your back felling you trembling, “Everything is a conspiracy theory with you!”
Dumbledore, “Quiet I can’t think!” Finally you saw the group of Headmasters, Bartemis and Professors after them.
Maxime, “I protest!”
“Everything is a conspiracy theory with you!”
Maxime, “I protest!”
Dumbledore hurried over to Harry and you stepped aside at Fleur’s arm weaving through yours guiding you aside, “Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?”
Harry, “No sir.”
Dumbledore, “Did you ask one of the older students to do it?”
Harry, “No sir.”
Dumbledore, “You’re absolutely sure?” His eyes scanned over Harry’s face.
Harry, “Yes. Yes, sir.” Dumbledore nodded and then he looked to you seeing the worry in your face luring Snape to your side.
Maxime, “But of course he is lying.”
Alastor, “The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a Fourth Year.”
Igor, “You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye.” He said slinking towards the Auror.
Alastor, “It was once my job to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff. Perhaps you remember.”
Dumbledore, “This doesn’t help Alastor!” He says walking between the pair of them towards Barty Crouch Sr, “Leave this to you Barty.”
Harry, “I’ll make it simple, I withdraw my name.” he looks to you, “Jaqi too. We never intended to compete. There, three champions. We’re Team Cedric.”
Barty Jr strolled over to your free side peering down at Fleur’s arm locked in yours then back to Snape behind you with a hand on your shoulder opposite Fleur in silent comfort. “The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr Potter has no choice, nor does Miss Black.”
Finally finding your voice again you stated, “But I don’t want to compete!”
Bartemis, “You have no choice! You are as of tonight, a Triwizard Champion.”
You huff and then say, “Well then it’s a bit rigged isn’t it? Three on one for the other teams?”
Bartemis nods and then eyed Igor and Maxime, “We draw two more, from each school.”
Turning on his heels he was joined by the other Headmasters and you leaned back against Snape’s side mumbling to him, “Dad’s not going to like this.”
Leaning down Snape hummed back, “We will figure this out.” A subtle reach back your glowing finger brushed his and his eyes flashed silver while you shared the memory from the slip of paper that Igor had placed your names in the Goblet parting his lips and Barty’s beside his when you shared it with him as well.
Down the steps Vivi, a friend of Fleur’s hurried down with a grin trotting to claim a hug from her friend through the sound of claps from above you. Behind her came a boy named Lukas from Durmstrang greeted gladly by Viktor, next to whom he stood. The last from Beauxbatons was another eagerly trotting girl who claimed a spot by her fellow Beauxs named Charlotte. Her minor wave of cheers was soon followed by a loud eruption from Durmstrang and straight down the steps Sebastian trotted grinning at you only to be pulled to his brother and Lukas when another person walked through with a camera.
Dumbledore introduced the man as the official reporter for the wand weighing ceremony who waited taking notes through each of you approaching Garrick at his table set up with all he would need. Presenting in the order you were chosen you formed a line, in which you steadily reminded yourself of your three good memories trick you used to help get back to even after your nightmares that slowly lulled your silvery blue shade back into your hair. One by one each wand was weighed, examined for breakages or defects before a spell was cast using it to see how it responded.
Each obedient until he reached yours, in perfect condition your wand did flawlessly until the spell was cast which made his brows furrow for a moment before your stubborn wand shocked him and his body was coated in an explosion of feathers. Wide eyed you stared at Garrick only to have him start laughing breaking the students’ withheld snickers at its response. Blowing the feathers off his lips he eyed the feathers falling to the ground as Bartemis asked, “Is it defective?”
Garrick shook his head, “Not in the least, Cherry wood with a Thestral tail core, it is in perfect order. Nice and loyal to its chosen Wizard, who seems to have an affinity for Duck Feathers.” Stirring a glint of glee in his eyes looking to you again making you chuckle and turn to join your cousin after grabbing your levitating wand you sheathed in your back pocket again.
The final four wands were in perfect order as well and the final picture of you all was taken when Garrick announced they were all in working order for you to compete in the competition. Up into the Great Hall again you were brought and lined up for the announcement that you were the chosen Champions for the Tournament. When the others had been sent off to bed at Dumbledore’s call of, “Triplets,” Fred and George approached moving to your side across from Bartemis and Dumbledore.
Bartemis, “Looking at your schedule Miss Black I have become aware that you have been using a Time Turner to get to your Divinations course.”
You nodded, “Yes.”
Bartemis, “You will need to hand it over.”
Looking to George you said, “Well they wouldn’t give it to me.”
George pulled it from around his neck and handed it to Minerva in her reach for it, asking, “What about our course Professor?”
Bartemis, “Drop it. Useless course anyways.”
Your lips parted as you readied to say something only for Trelawney, who seemed to come up out of nowhere cleared her throat in a grin at you, “Actually, Albus, I was going to have the Triplets moved to my Advanced Divinations course on Saturday and Sunday at 4 anyways. Real promise these three.”
Dumbledore nodded promptly as Minerva let out a calming breath seeing your mouth close again with a grin sent to Trelawney who gave you a knowing nod, unwilling to lose her three best students from her NEWTS course even to the point of making up an advanced course just for you three.
Minerva looked you over saying, “Perhaps its best you lot get to bed.” You nodded and Harry joined you on the walk through the Hall, curious at the looks Ron had been giving him since his name had been called.
Once in the main hall Harry looked up at you asking, “What do we do?”
In a glance back assuring you were alone in the hall you mentally called your door and mumbled, “We need to find Dad.” Nodding the three guys hurried after you closing the door that vanished again when it closed and helped to scan each room until you were in the kitchen. Regulus and him fell silent as you walked in the room and wrapped around your father’s chest in a tight hug he quickly and tightly returned.
Once the full night had been shared you sat around the counter, Harry stated, “I’m not ready for this!”
Sirius, “I don’t know who put your names into the Goblet but whoever it is isn’t a friend of ours. People die in this tournament.”
At his side you whispered, “Karkaroff did.” Him and Regulus looked at you open mouthed and you showed them your slip of paper, “I saw it when I touched this.”
They both read and recited, “Unruly Badger Academy?”
Sirius, “The devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff was a Death Eater, and no one stops being a Death Eater.”
Regulus, “No doubt he’s trying to make up for outing others in his trial.”
Softly you grumbled in rubbing your hands through your hair as your head tilted forward, “I suppose I should break out those journals again. See if I can build a strategy.”
Looking up again Sirius looked you over saying, “Snape and Barty can help,” looking to Harry he said, “Alastor will help you. No doubt if any plots are there he can help uncover them.”
Harry looked to you, “Shouldn’t Jaqi get the better tutor?”
“I’ve got two years on you. Besides, if anything I have Minerva to ask too.” Making Harry nod clearly recognizing her as the best tutor.
Remus, “For now, head back to school.”
Sirius nodded and moved closer to hug you again, “And you know where we are Pumpkin if you need us.”
Regulus, “And we will be attending the challenges as allowed for relatives.”
You nodded again and joined the others in heading back through your door that first opened in the Gryffindor dorm to let Harry out and then outside yours. Inside the whole house was waiting up and with eager grins flashed your way you were led to the couch while the whole house brainstormed on why you and Harry had been chosen. Overall it was a matter of points and no matter what Puffs through and through you would stick together through whatever this year would throw at you.
An early knock at your door had you groaning and hiding your head under your pillow until Summers opened your door saying, “Jaqi, Krum’s outside for you.”
Lifting your head you turned over looking at your clock only to groan and sit up seeing it was half an hour before breakfast you climbed out of bed and went to brush your teeth quickly where you saw your eyeliner on one eye had smudged across your cheek. Fixing that you walked back to your wardrobe, eased off your shorts to bounce into a pair of jeans keeping your tank top on under a maroon long sleeved shirt. Over your Niffler socks you slid on your moose slippers and ignored the chuckles of the guys after Fred rolled over grumbling, “Guess lover boy got upset over his missed goodnight kiss.”
Rolling your head you walked through the door you shut behind you, down the hall you went and in the middle of the common room you saw Sebastian standing by the couch wringing his hands until he saw you. In his jeans and a black sweater with sleeves rolled up he seemed a bit out of place in your slightly asleep mind after only ever seeing him in uniform. But like every other weekend that thought would relax and as another strip of his hair fell out of his bun and his hands rubbed on the sides of his hips.
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Wetting his lips he replied, “Morning,” looking you over as you neared him, “I know it’s early, and I wanted to talk to you.”
You nodded and at his hand gesturing to the couch you sat down curling your leg under you to face him when he lowered to sit beside you, “Canceling Hogsmeade?”
His brow inched up and he shook his head, “No,” switching to Bulgarian he wet his lips and answered, “My Headmaster told me to distance myself from you.”
You nodded, “Ok.”
“But I’m not going to.” Making your lips part, “We will be competing, though I will not let him control who I feel for and how I spend my free time. This Tournament is dangerous, and I would rather spend my time between challenges with you no matter how angry he gets. It is my final year, I am an adult he has to accept he has lost any rule over my choice.”
“Are you happy, to have been chosen?”
His head tilted to the side, “It is why we were brought here. To compete for glory for our schools. Is your father upset?”
“More cautious as to why I was chosen. He knows I will do well. I looked it all up in the journals again and it seems pretty straight forward, three main challenges and mini mental tests in between to build up extra points.”
“No clues past that?”
You shook your head leaning to your side into the couch, “No clues, it changes each time, looked up all the records.”
With a smirk he asked, “You are still tired?”
In an agreeing grumble you nodded and he pulled a blanket from the arm of the couch he hoped to sling over you only to freeze at your shift to lean against his chest stirring a smirk and blush across his cheeks. In a quick flick of the blanket he settled in over you both and leaned back against the pillows resting against the arm propping his legs up on the couch as you curled up at his side draping your arm across his middle closing your eyes at his arms draping around you under the blanket. Sleepily you asked him, “Do you have a Hogsmeade at Durmstrang?”
“We have pŭdpŭdŭk.”
“What’s it like?” Your cheek shifted on his shoulder and he drew in a breath and started to describe the town usually covered in ice and snow you could normally never find at all having to find the entrance in the snow in a circle of dead looking trees never flowering that are always covered in owls nests. Each tree took you somewhere else so you had to know which one to choose and the village stretched for nearly a mile under colored glass domed pathways lit up with glowing crystals and lizards coating everything. The shops were similar with the only difference being instead of the Shrieking Shack they had the Hall of Unmentionables. A museum of sorts with all of their most accomplished graduates who delved into the dark arts.
For the half an hour until breakfast he shared more about his school which delved into his family. Most importantly being the change this year at not being able to head home for the holidays if he wanted to attend the Ball with you, missing a holiday with his baby sister Cleo, who he insisted would love to meet you one day after having read about you, sharing a love for animals you showed so publicly.
A flash made your eyes open and with a chuckle Cedric helped you onto your feet and handed you your boots. Sitting up Sebastian helped to hold you up in your wobbly one legged stance in asking, “I was curious, why were you asked to stay behind?”
The twins entered saying, “Had to switch one of our courses for Jaqi to compete.”
Sebastian, “All of you?”
Cedric nodded and your leg lowered, “It’s sort of complicated. But it would make my schedule a fraction easier to handle through this Tournament.”
Sebastian nodded and took your side walking with you and your housemates, all of whom were curiously whispering about the guest this morning. A boisterous breakfast was filled with anxious students wondering just what the village was like. Alongside Draco and Luna Fleur found the right courtyard anxious to see what today would bring, usually anxious to spend another day with you only to step back giddily after hearing from Draco it was meant as a date for you and Sebastian.
Off to the side Cedric grinned easing his arm around Cho’s back while Fred and George sent you matching winks in joining Ginny in her first trip to the village as Sebastian’s hand reached out to claim yours. In a glance up at him your hair flickered to mint green and you giggled at his awkward grin tugging him down the path, at your side he seemed to be taking in each detail until he saw the rather unimpressive looking village compared to his. Peering up at him you said, “It looks better in winter and spring, coats of snow and flowers all over the place.”
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Catching your eye he asked with a grin, “Where are we starting. I want to see it all.”
With a giggle you showed him through the basic shops first where he found more than a few items in each he deemed necessary. From Dogweed and Deathcap, J. Pippin's Potions, Ceridwen's Cauldrons and Potage’s Cauldron Shop after filled up your enchanted bags a bit as for all you imagined you could need.
Dominic Maestro's Music Shop fed into Dervish and Banges and surprisingly to you Sebastian stocked up on a supply of tools and cleaning kits for his flute and insisted on your buying a new kit for your violin.
Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop came after a surprisingly rushed trip past Spintwitches Sporting Needs that bled into Tomes and Scrolls, the book shop. Having passed up Ollivanders, the Post Office, the Station and the radio station and hairdressing salon. Inside Tomes and Scrolls you glanced up at Sebastian in his desired search for a book he didn’t want to name asking, “You don’t need anything from Spintwitches?”
In a glance down at you he shook his head stealing a glance at the books in your hands then he answered, “No. Our team gives us all we need. Part of the contract. Do you?”
You shook your head, “No.” Wetting your lips you asked making his step back to his search halt, “Hermione and I were wondering, how do you get your brooms red?”
A smirk eased onto his lips and he said, “Special contract with Bulgarian team. Supplies school team broomsticks from Nimbus. Beauxbatons have a contract too for blue.”
You nodded, “I noticed.” Stepping to his side avoiding Neville in his own search for a book making Sebastian continue on again. “What are you looking for?” You asked grabbing another book he stole a glance at wondering at your odd collection of books.
“It is a surprise.” You glanced up at him, “One of my favorites.” In looking you over he asked, “What are your favorite shops?”
“Oh, mostly Gladrags, Zonkos and Honeydukes.”
He nodded, “We will do those next.”
“We don’t have to.”
He turned to face you after grabbing a thick old leather bound book from the top shelf and his eyes locked on yours in a challenging smirk at you, “They are your favorites. Then we can stop in at the Puddi Tea Shop.”
Your brow inched up, “Madam Puddifoot’s?”
He nodded, “Do you like it?”
“Um, I don’t think I’ve ever been.”
You shrugged, “Never been asked. It’s mainly couples. I hear it’s pink.”
“I am asking.” In a glance over the shop he asked, “Need any more books?”
Nipping at your lip you led him through the shop to fetch a few more books you then took up to the counter where Sebastian set down the coins for your collection he eased into your enchanted bag you were holding with a wink. His hand folded around yours and he joined you straight to Gladrags. Instantly a smirk eased across his lips in seeing the odd selection and the grin on your face in seeing the new collections added the owner pointed out to you both. A few stolen sizing of shirts against Sebastian’s back were missed by him until the last one which made him chuckle asking in Bulgarian, “What are you hiding?”
In avoiding his reach for your armful of shirts you grinned up at him teasingly, “Nope, you picked me a book I get to pick you a few things.”
Behind you in your looking over the new shelves of socks he pressed against your back looping his arms around your middle resting his chin on top of your head making you giggle again, “If you insist.” A few more items were chosen and in separate bags you claimed one and eased the other in his offered bag and his hand claimed yours again.
Zonkos came next and in there looking over the offered goods his grin deepened in seeing your face light up in excitement in sharing your plans about your own shop with Fred and George. Well into Honeydukes your conversation switched to his sister’s own plans to make a tea shop for magical creatures she got inspired by the pokemon centers in a muggle game a halfblood cousin got her hooked on. His big plan was to save up money to help her start whatever she wanted when she was old enough as well as plan a touring trip of the world for her to see some of her favorites in their natural homes. More and more your grin settled into place at the Bulgarian teddy bear who was so enamored with bringing his baby sister’s dreams to life as she was the one to spend the least time with their father who died a few years prior leaving the brothers to try and help out providing for their family.
A pause outside Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop had him mumble, “It is, pink.” Through the open door you both entered and instantly your stomach clenched at the vast number of couples either kissing over tea and coffee or holding hands and on their way to doing so. Straight through the shop a secluded corner booth sat across a group of Beauxs and their chosen dates holding hands in whispered conversations, the circular booth held Hermione and Viktor, who both grinned up at you glad for friendly faces in this pink doily filled place.
Sliding into the curve opposite them Hermione said, “It was a team contract, the broomsticks.”
You giggled saying, “Yes, I remembered to ask that too.”
Weakly she chuckled then looked to Sebastian, “Have you seen the shack yet?”
Sebastian, “Shack?”
You looked at him, “Shrieking Shack.”
Viktor, “It is very, interesting.”
You giggled softly, “Not really. You sort of just look at it from a distance.”
Sebastian, “Why not go inside?”
“Oh I’ve been inside. It’s mainly believed to be haunted. That’s why it’s supposed to be interesting.”
Sebastian nods, “Then we will go inside.”
Viktor grinned, “We did. Some nice portraits in the sitting room. Dusty, but interesting.”
You couldn’t help but smirk then looked up at Madam Puddifoot when she approached asking for your orders, holding your grin you relented to her supply of sickly pink strawberry tea over the oddly corn smelling coffee. In your second sip however across the shop a slap was heard and in the start of a big blowout fight when a Slytherin girl discovered her Gryffindor boyfriend was on a date with a Beauxbaton girl the brother’s hands folded over yours and Hermione’s hands protectively. The more girls joined in on the argument you looked to Sebastian asking, “How would you like some Butterbeer?”
His brow inched up parroting the name and Hermione asked, “How do you not know-,” Shaking her head she joined you in setting down a coin for your drinks and you stood up forcing the brothers to their feet to lead the way out of the booth and through the shop shielding you both from the fight.
Straight from there you pointed the brothers in the right direction for the Three Broomsticks in which they instantly relaxed and found a joined set of tables where you sat on opposing sides so the brothers could keep their hold on your hands. Giggling and chuckling through your conversation until Viktor shot up to take Hermione to Gladrags after hearing about it from Sebastian stirring a giggle from her in wondering what else her date would try to shower her with.
Passing Magic Neep grocers when your drinks were finished off you guided Sebastian down the deserted path to the Shrieking Shack passing the path to the Hog’s Head you named for him and described it. Nipping at your lip when you reached the half wall of stones blocking the path you hopped up on it with him and then over to continue on towards the swaying building he eyed curiously.
Room after room you giggled and grinned through his made up tale for the family who had first lived there based off the faded portrait in the sitting room joined by more filled with obscure ones of various creatures. Up to the attic you joined him and his grip tightened feeling the most of the shifting here but a stash of more portraits there made it worth it as they added to the story he had built. At the front door you gripped his shirt and tugged him away from the window with a gasp seeing a passing patrolling Professor Snape currently sending more students back to the path when they seemed to be aiming to go up to the shack.
With a smirk in flattening against you at the wall he chuckled, “Who are you hiding me from?”
Peering up at him you released his shirt and replied, “We’re not supposed to come out here.” Your head tilted and in his step back you said, “Come on, this way.”
Your hand fixed around his and his smirk deepened asking, “Where are we going?”
“Secret passage back to Hogwarts.” Hurrying down the hall avoiding the windows you led him down into the basement and through a hidden door in the wall through a wardrobe that led out into a dirt pathway you lit with a trio of glowing mice lighting the path ahead.
A bit slower now you walked until Sebastian gripped your hand tighter in a tug of your arm hearing a rumble from above you near the end of the tunnel. Peering up at him your free hand settle don his middle and you said, “It’s the Whomping Willow.”
Lowering his eyes they locked on yours and he wet his lips, “Ah. How many have you snuck through this tunnel?”
“Usually just me and the Twins use this.”
“Up to no good you three.”
You smirked up at him, “You have no idea. Thousands of hidden doors in the castle someone has to explore them.”
Inching closer his nose brushed alongside yours and one tender press of his lips to yours melted into a deepening kiss. The sound of shifting dirt from a slide was followed by a sudden flash making you part to blink through the dark tunnel you eyed the twins who grinned saying, “Found you.” Your brow inched up and they said, “Dumbledore says he needs all the Champions in his office.”
You nodded and both followed the twins up the tunnel under the shifting Willow calming in sensing it was you three. Across the field between you and the main courtyard you followed the brothers who led you straight to the golden eagle, outside of which you saw the other students eyeing the note with your name on it and nothing else. With furrowed brows you accepted the note from Viktor who watched your eyes flash to silver then back again for you to look at the statue and say, “Hinkleypuff maize.”
A sharp click sounded and the eagle began to spin revealing the stairs making Viktor ask, “How did you know the password?”
You waved the note saying, “There’s a memory trapped in it. Old trick.”
Fleur led the way up the stairs and across the walkway surrounded by walls of windows you followed the others through the open door into Dumbledore’s office while Harry asked you, “When did you get back? I didn’t see you on the walk back.”
You smirked in looking forward until it dropped in seeing Rita Skeeter by Dumbledore, who smirked looking over you all, mainly you and Sebastian with your hands locked still. Dumbledore, “Miss Skeeter here is going to be covering the Tournament for the Daily Prophet.”
Cedric, “What happened to the other guy?”
Dumbledore shrugged and Rita began to circle you all commenting on each of you until she grabbed Harry’s arm taking him back into the hall to speak with him alone leaving you all to fill the chairs Dumbledore had set out.
Pt 35
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rahalarts · 4 years
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The wasp in a Black suit 😍🔥
Edit by @rahalarts
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carlos21101 · 4 years
Hoy fue un día muy extraño, pero no deje de pensarte en ningún momento, otros te querrían ver desnuda.. , pero yo,solo quisiera ver que esconde esa mascarilla,mi forma de querer es quizás extraña o no lo entiendas, ni yo lo sé, pero solo se, que te quiero cada día más mi Evangelinne, mi estrella más resplandeciente en este mundo de mierda, solo quiero un abrazo tuyo, si que lo necesito, estoy trabajando mucho en mi, no es fácil, quiero enamorarme de ti, lo pienso todas las noches, se que es prematuro pero me encantaría solo quiero verte esta vez a los ojos, te adoro....
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poquespoke · 4 years
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°Pt/br° Conheçam Scarlett, a filha de Killer e Outer, e a mais velha das quintuplas.
Com seus cinco anos de idade, a menina já demonstrou seu potêncial em liderança e teimosia, puxando muito da personalidade ruim de seu pai. Mas há quem diga que essa garotinha sabe ser um anjinho protetor, é sério, ouse machucar uma de suas irmãzinhas.
°Eng° Meet Scarlett, the daughter of Killer and Outer, and the oldest of the quintuplets.
At the age of five, the girl has already demonstrated her potential for leadership and stubbornness, pulling much of her father's bad personality. But there are those who say this little girl knows how to be a protective angel, really, dare to hurt one of her little sisters.
°pt/br° Essa é a Evangelinne, a caçula das cinco. O coração dessa menina só não é maior que seu estômago... Mesmo ela não tendo um.
Sua personalidade doce e extrovertida foi capaz de conquistar todos que a conhecem. A menos que tirem a comida dela, nesse caso teremos grandes problemas.
°Eng° This is Evangelinne, the youngest of the five. This girl's heart just isn't bigger than her stomach ... Even though she doesn't have one.
Her sweet and outgoing personality was able to conquer all who know her. Unless they take her food, then we will have big problems.
Arte por @kazemaro, essa lindeza que fez esses desenhos lindos das minhas meninas já que eu não tenho essa capacidade.
I love u Kaze ❤👈😔
Killer!Sans by: @rahafwabas
Outer!Sans by: @mimipippin
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noffstark · 6 years
let's talk about ant- man
so let's go marvel just tell me how fuck scott scaped from that quantum realm if just janet, hope and hank knew and saw him entering inside it???? and: did he passed five fucking years inside that???
and another thing: evangelinne lilly told that she knew brie larson very well when she was filming avengers 4....
marvel are you fucking kidding me? cause after that fucking second post-credit scene i'm really pissed with you!!!
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wada-hq-blog · 7 years
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Espera, aquele ali é Collin Roosevelt? Soube que ele pertenceu a Hogwarts, mas está em WADA porque já tem vinte e três anos e escolheu cursar música. Ninguém liga muito para o fato dele ser nascido trouxa, o que realmente intriga é que ele se parece muito com Cameron Monaghan, deve fazer poção polissuco, mesmo que nas horas vagas participe de Fotografia Bruxa e Escritura & Literatura.
Mais informações:
Os Roosevelt costumavam ser conhecidos, logo nos primórdios da política americana, mas as acusações de bruxaria da família fizeram com que as finanças se esvaíssem e eles tiveram de fugir para longe, um lugar em que eles pudessem viver a vida tranquilamente. Veronica e Roger mudaram-se para Dublin, na Irlanda e lá ficaram. Anos se passaram, eles finalmente conseguiram se firmar em algo na cidade e puderam deixar uma boa herança para as gerações que se seguiam. Cinquenta anos depois,Morgan Roosevelt nascia, ele como os pais era trouxa afinal, o seu pai era um aborto e a mãe, trouxa. Ele cresceu sabendo o que era magia sem nem ao menos poder utilizá-la, apenas ficava impressionado com o talento dos avós. Queria ser bruxo mais que tudo, mas sabia que não aconteceria, afinal, não acontecia de uma hora para outra. O rapaz seguiu a vida, casou-se com uma mulher chamada Evangelinne e teve três filhos com ela. Collin, Margareth e Julian. Collin era o mais velho, o mais inteligente e foi ele que fez com que a esperança de magia dos Roosevelt voltasse. O menino era bruxo, nascido trouxa, mas carregava resquícios de suas antigas origens, assim como os irmãos mais novos. Apesar de os pais trabalharem duro para controlar as coisas em casa, eles não tinham muito dinheiro e, por esse motivo, adiou por um ano a sua entrada em Hogwarts. Assim que ela aconteceu, ele se sentiu privilegiado, era como uma nova vida, estava verdadeiramente feliz pela primeira vez. Foi sorteado para Lufa-lufa, tento muito orgulho da casa cujo nome carregava. Ele foi adquirindo um grande apresso por herbologia, até achando por alguns momentos que queria isso para a sua vida, mas tudo mudou quando ele conheceu Helena Mumphree, uma menina da grifinória que tocava piano de uma forma belíssima, o fazendo ficar sedento pela arte da música. Aprendeu a tocar piano e violino, na tentativa de impressioná-la, mas ela era um ano mais velha que ele e, como não tinha coragem de falar com ela, acabou deixando-a ir.
Para ele, depois de conhecer Helena, a escolha do curso não havia sido tão complicada. Música era a vida de Collin e ele sabia disso desde pequeno, quando passava tardes cuidando de seus irmãos, com eles sobre o seu colo em uma cadeira de embalo na varanda da casa enquanto algumas músicas de rock ou às vezes clássicas tocavam no rádio dentro da casa. Ele sempre teve muita vontade de aprender a tocar alguma coisa, mas como não tinha dinheiro para comprar instrumentos, só teve a oportunidade de aprender quando estava em Hogwarts e assim o fez. A decisão deixou seus pais desapontados, principalmente pelas duas crianças mais novas quererem ir para a mesma escola que Collin. Margareth era apaixonada por ballet e Julian, assim como o irmão, apreciava a música. Não demorou muito para que os pais começassem a concordar e os incentivasse para ir até a escola. Ele foi tarde, tem vinte e três anos, mas não se importa com isso, principalmente porque tem os irmãos junto dele.
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brarroque · 9 years
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Bien, esto lo hice hoy después de clases gracias a que el doctor se le ocurrió no venir -es feliz- lo subo ahora porque no sé si el 14 estaré -lazycry 8'D anyways, quería dibujarlas a ambas, primitas, cough.
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carlos21101 · 4 years
Nadie me llena tanto como ella, la quiero como no tiene idea,es mi luz en mi sendero más oscuro. No creo que exista tal chica igual a ella, quisiera verla a diario, sus ojos son mis sueños recurrentes, aún la sigo queriendo como la primera vez, con el solo hecho que ría conmigo, llena mi coranzocito, me iré a dormir alegre, le gustaron mis flores,pero lo que ella no sabe, es que a mi me fascina ella.. te adoro Evangelinne.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 38
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 - Pt 33 - Pt 34 - Pt 35 - Pt 36 - Pt 37 -
New Years again bled into the final ten days of the break before you were back to your normal classes and the creeping feeling that another challenge was coming up before the big Lake Task.
Wk 1
Match 1 - Beaux 1 – Ravenclaw
Evangelinne as Beater led her team up against the Ravenclaw team, which under Cho’s swift dive for the unnoticed snitch ended the match in what could have been the saving goal for Beaux 1.
Match 2 – Gryffindor - Beaux 3
Wk 2 brought up another double match on Saturday leading to Hogsmeade on the Sunday after.
Match 1 - Slytherin - Beaux 2                    
Match 2 - Durm 1 - Durm 2
This match especially stirring up a surprising palpable in home rivalry leaving the Krums on edge with their biggest competition from home. Your support seemed especially crucial and after you were Sebastian’s first stop to curl around until he wound down from the match.
By Hogsmeade though it had calmed down entirely and they were all ready for the next set of matches in the following week.
Wk 3
Match 1 - Durm 3 - Beaux 4
Match 2 – Hufflepuff - Durm 4
Another easy match for you came with more and more images and footage of your skills were captured. And sure enough with the semester of images already captured a full year opening issue was dedicated to the promising talent tucked away in Hogwarts with you three leading the way after a mention that Oliver had already been offered a spot on the Kenmare Kestrals stirring up speculation that soon for the retiring members on that same team could be easily replaced with a clearly capable team easy to mold together in time to pick up between seasons if need be. Of course all that led to more articles about you and Sebastian on how it would effect your relationship if pitted against one another.
Matching origami owls came floating down from the rafters while you and Cedric sat in Double Potions, right in the middle of a lecture Snape sighed and asked, “And just what is this test?”
You both shrugged and stood leaving your bags with the twins as Cedric said, “It says to meet in the Astronomy tower.”
Snape chortled, “No doubt if they trap you in it we should get a clear view of the tower collapsing.”
You smirked at him in return as Cedric chuckled and joined you in strolling around the desks and to the door. Again you joined up with the other Champions, all in the same confused state and following you two and Harry to the tower where in deed you were locked inside with labeled tables coated in random vials and open bottles of liquid you all looked over left you puzzled. Completely alone you eyed each of them then glanced at each other until a ripple of notes appeared in blue flames reading simply, ‘Pick your Poison’.
Narrowing your eyes at the selection you mumbled, “It all looks like poison.”
Cedric shrugged and he said, “Maybe we’re meant to choose the fastest?”
Fleur, “What good is choosing a poison?”
Vivi wet her lips and then said, “Well, if they are all poisons-,” her hand extended over the table and she lifted one only to shriek at the following burst of flames revealing a rare breed of horned lizard that extended its jaws joined by another for each of your tables, “I can’t kill that thing!” She promptly set the vial down only to be hurled out of the room in a high pitched shriek through the opening and slamming of the hatch in the floor.
Wetting your lips you eyed the table again while Lukas asked, “We have to kill a creature to score points?”
Cedric looked to you, “Wait, Jaqi, that’s not a lizard, is it?”
Viktor, “Clearly it is!”
You shook your head, “No, it’s a reptilian shape shifter that lives off of poisonous fungus, meaning,”
Harry, “We find its food?”
You nodded again and raised an oddly neon green vial of goopy liquid, “I believe this is Pixies’ Carnage.” Cedric and Harry promptly found their matching vials they all joined you in feeding to your lizards, all of whom giddily rippled and turned into what appeared to be baby hippos the other teens quickly copied. The Hippos all hopped off the tables chasing after the colored smoke filled bubbles that the tables exploded into. Up against the walls behind you until all the bubbles were gone you watched your Hippos in their feasting while colored numbers floated above them racking up leaving you baffled for their meaning until the hatch opened and the hippos climbed back into their cages. Climbing through the hatch you found Vivi in the hall still and shared the useless challenge.
Harry, “Hungry Hungry Hippos, they really made a challenge off of Hungry Hungry Hippos?”
You shrugged again, “Maybe they’re running out of ideas.” Back to your classes you went and shared the useless challenge making even Snape roll his eyes then promptly award you both 20 points for selecting the proper poison by look alone.
5th test – Poison
Viktor - 17
Sebastian - 18
Lukas - 16
Fleur - 19
Charlotte - 16
Vivi - 0
Cedric - 17
Jaqi -  18
Harry – 19
Wk 4
Match 1 - Beaux 1 - Durm 2              
Evangelinne again faced up against Durmstrang once again and managed to snag away a clear victory.
Match 2 - Gryffindor – Hufflepuff
Just barely you managed to get to bed the night before after you had gotten carried away on outlining another paper due in the following day. Though even in your exhausted state your steady offence and defense was unmatched by the younger team.
February reared its head and with it brought on the snow and the eagerness of the students for the mini Valentines mixer after yet another Durm/Beaux match.
Match 1 – Slyth – Rav
Match 2 – Durm 1 – Beaux 2
Krums vs Fleur
Wk 2
Match 1 – Beaux 4 – Durm 4
Match 2 – Beaux 3 – Durm 3
With the match over in the mixture of powder blue decorations paper hearts and confetti rained down on the couples in the Great Halls that was filled with sweets and little mailboxes looking like tiny cookoo clocks for each student for Valentines. Lost to the jealousy of your getting a great supply from the visiting males as well as your usual joke ones from Slytherin Sebastian moped for a few minutes until you reminded him of his own vast supply and gave him a firm peck on the cheek calming him down enough to steal a kiss on your lips and snuggle with you possessively for the rest of the evening.
Halfway asleep once again you were pulled from your beds and left to sit in empty classrooms across from a pair of people. A conversation was to be had and after you had determined which was the true one and which was the one under the Polyjuice disguise. One rambling sentence stemmed into two and finally the key words from a passing utterance in their visit the day prior sparked the clue for you all leading to a matching score of five for you all that freed you back to what little sleep you could manage.
Wk 3
Match 1 – Beaux 1 – Beaux 4
Match 2 – Gryff – Durm 2
The night of the 23rd came and under a clap of thunder in the Great Hall you sat in the empty room looking over a full spread of maps for all you could remember of the lake with Cedric upstairs going over a list of his own choices. Off in your own corners you had been sent by Minerva for whatever reason you trusted to be explained later. Harry of course had been clever enough to call dibs on the library he was sharing with Lukas, the pair of whom were scouring the shelves for any help at all. Curiously in seeing Harry’s collection of Herbology books Neville neared him and set a copy of Goshawks Guide to Herbology down, “You’d be better off with this one to start out.”
Harry nodded and continued to flip through his book, “Thanks, I’ll add it to the pile.”
Neville wet his lips, “Do you know there’s a Wizard in Nepal who’s growing gravity resistant trees?”
Harry glanced up with a sigh and shook his head, “No, I did not Neville. Though, for the dragons I got to use my broom, something simple, and now I’ll have to spend an hour under water, and for the life of me I can’t remember what that damn plant is the twins keep using. Could be a Tibetan Turnip for all these useless books tell me.”
Neville narrowed his eyes and shook his head, “I don’t know about any turnips, but I do know they use gillyweed.”
Harry, “Gillyweed?”
Neville nodded, “Ya, we’ve got a whole stash of it back home. I could bring you some tomorrow. Best leave it till right before to let it air out or you might drown.” He looked around and asked, “Why are you here alone?”
Harry shrugged, “McGonagall sent us all off alone. No telling why.”
Neville, “Well first thing I’ll fetch some for you, best to gather it in sunlight, put it in a nice jar and all.”
Harry chuckled and said, “Thank you, Neville.”
Neville sat down and asked, “So, I’ve been down there, it’s a clear shot to, well, everywhere, that can’t really be it, can it? I mean, there’s Merpeople, Grindylows, Kelpies, the Giant Squid, not even mentioning those odd lobster creatures. That can’t be it.”
Harry sighed and set his forehead down on the desk, “Haven’t the foggiest.”
Morning rolled around and in a row of boats you joined the other champions out to the filled towers in the middle of the vast lake packed with fellow students. Open mouthed Harry scanned over the Gryffindor tower and said, “Ron and Hermione aren’t here.”
Looking over to Ravenclaw you tapped Cedric’s arm, “Cho and Draco are missing too.”
Harry, “So we have to find them?”
Cedric, “Seems plausible.”
“Let’s just hope it’s not some underwater hide and seek game.” Wetting your lips you pulled your long sleeved emerald jersey tighter over your torso as your legs bounced in the chilly air due to your shorts over your bikini bottoms. In a shaky exhale you sat watching the smaller boat that split off yours carrying Harry off to the Gryffindor tower while Cedric reached up for the dangling ladder you would climb for the Hufflepuff tower as your own boat split off to the Slytheirn tower.
Fully confused for your place here you accepted a first year’s help up to the platform then looked around seeing even those with the greatest loathing for your blood traitor status welcomed you among their numbers while Snape stated, “It was believed to be best to have each Champion represent their own houses, and as you were first sorted to Slytherin Dumbledore accepted this trade.”
Crabbe quickly added, “Give ‘em hell.”
Goyle nodded, “Got ten Galleons on you.”
With a smirk you turned around as Barty inched closer to your side cockily teasing, “Only ten?”
Chuckling to yourself you spotted the other champions looking around until Percy standing in for sick Bartemis held his wand to his throat, “Today we are all here to witness the Second Task. Now as you have all surely ascertained from your eggs from the First task something has been taken from each of the Champions and they now have one hour to go and find it.” He glanced around saying, “Champions, on your marks,”
Pulling your jersey off over your head your swimsuit stunned those looking on in comparison to the one piece suits the females from Beauxbatons had chosen in their house colors. In a halter top style the top of your two piece swimsuit in a silver shade was comprised of woven strips that covered from your neck to your ribs on the front and showed more skin on your back around the cutout designs there of leaves. Those close enough could see bumps rising on your midriff and arms until eyes followed your fingertips adjusting the waistband of your emerald colored shorts and the wand holster strap on your arm.
The skin baring suit confused the other Headmasters, who had all advised their Champions to dress in more sensible suits while the guys wore full tank tops over their shorts. Barty claimed the jersey and all objections to your suit vanished as at the canon sounding you leapt off the platform and in an elegant front flip dive. Captured in a wave of flashes lips parted seeing the dazzling silvery blue tail sprouting from your now joined legs vanishing behind your torso into the water you now felt comfort from the frigid water. The transformation mid fall gave way for a picture perfect reaction photo of awe from the Pears tucked within your family in the crowds who were anxious to see how you would have faced this challenge.
Straight under the surface where you expected a clear path ahead under the murky water though all at once you were inside a sunken ship. Peering through the small round window you saw the giant jar the ship was trapped inside. Remembering Draco’s model ship phase you guessed you were in the Captain’s Quarters and after snagging a floating flag on your left you swam through the door you opened using your wand you drew from your arm sheath. 
Room by room you glanced into each eyeing the various fish and octopi swimming around you in your search for more flags you made from a swaying bit of kelp you wove together a pouch you hung around your middle. Behind you a little wind up fish followed broadcasting your path to those above along with that of the other champions. A blasting charm freed you onto the deck where an Immobilizing charm stunned the skeleton army ready to attack you.
Glancing around you eyed the three more flags you added to the rest in your pouch before swimming up to the jar. On the other side of the glass you saw the maze of seaweed swaying and lurching from side to side in the circle of other sunken ships. Closing your eyes you zapped on the other side of the jar stunning the onlookers while your family cheered in the guest tower excited at the near impossible task of apparating underwater over the clear explosion they all had expected from you. After a glance at your watch you avoided the Grindylows that urged you to sink into the maze, inside which you were pulled into a treasure chest that opened sucking you through the chest that let you out in a clearing at the bottom of a ravine.
A deep sigh left your lips and grumbling under your breath you raced up the ravine ignoring the lobster creatures heading straight for the one place you hoped there was no enchantments. Straight off through the rocky deserted stretch ahead the Aurors who set up the course along with Albus questioned where you were headed as none of them had gone to that area for fear of the creatures there.
Faster and faster you raced until one creature crossed your path. A low reverberating bellow made the hearts of those looking on flinch until your arm outstretched and looped around the neck of the Hippocampus heading the herd in a racing path through their lands ending at the borders of the Mermaid Colony.
The familiar city grew in front of you and in an easy release you avoided the path of a Kelpie on its path to Lukas’ path and continued on seeing the Mermaids around the borders eyeing you carefully. In your approach you held your speed until a courtyard on the edge of the lands where you harvest your pearls held the bodies of nine people. Swimming a bit closer you mumbled to yourself, “Ok, Gabrielle, clearly for Fleur, those four, no clue who they are. Cleo, clearly not mine. Leaving, Ron, Hermione, Cho and Draco.”
A shriek in the distance had you inch closer saying, “If Cleo is for Seb then Hermi is for Viktor. Ron would be Harry’s and Cho is clearly Cedric’s.” A flick of your wand severed the rope holding Draco’s ankle and you swam closer giggling, “I could really ruin Ced’s day and steal Cho away.” Looping Draco’s arms around your neck you stretched his sleeves out you magically bonded then began the frantic swim up to the surface missing Sebastian’s entrance to the courtyard and glance up to you. In a quick motion in his Sea Serpent form he bit the rope and gently held his sister between his jaws for the swim up after you.
Harry entered next stumped between Hermione and Ron while Lukas’ and Charlotte’s people were sucked into chests under their feet that floated up to the surface joining Vivi’s. Cedric using a bubble charm after his own batch of gillyweed had worn off in the maze freed Cho and tapped his watch to urge Harry on. A near miss on his left had Harry avoiding Viktor in his partial shark form biting the rope under Hermione’s ankle to carry her up. Wetting his lips Harry refused to leave Gabrielle alone and after noticing he had already crossed over the hour mark he grabbed both her and Ron and made his way up to the surface.
From the moment your head broke the surface your body morphed back shifting your shorts from a skirt back to shorts over your bikini bottoms and in Draco’s stunned coughs you mentally formed a set of ice stairs up to the platform for the Champions stirring up another wave of photos. At your side he shivered in the cold in his wet clothes until the hot jet of air your wand let out dried and warmed him for the trot up as you dried and warmed yourself.
Up the steps behind you as you accepted the blanket from Minerva on the platform you watched Cleo clamber up the steps while Sebastian shifted back and crawled up after her, both of whom thanked you for drying and warming them and gladly snuggled with you after Sebastian had extended your blanket. Already on the platform were the Beauxbaton girls and Lukas, all warming up themselves after having been drug up to the surface by various creatures set in their paths.
“Miss Black, leading the others using a mermaid form, and a superb use of apparition underwater clearly came in the lead.
Sebastian clearly in second with his Sea Serpent form.
Where Harry Potter would have made third, he outlasted the hour for his concern that all the hostages were safely released. We have agreed to grant him an extra seven points for outstanding moral fiber.”
Ron chortled as Harry scoffed to himself, “Moral fiber, eh?”
Ron, “Blimey, even when it goes wrong it turns out right.”
“Cedric Diggory comes in third for his innate command of the bubble head charm.
Behind him came Viktor Krum, who took a partial shark form yet overstayed the time.”
Your score was leading the pack, a full 20 for all ten flags and ten for beating the hour and rescuing your person. Sebastian was behind you with a matching 20. Cedric was behind him at 19 contently dry on your empty side with Cho huddled with him under his blanket still slightly startled at waking up in the lake. Viktor broke the surface and helped Hermione up your steps to the blankets accepting his solid 10 at breaking the hour mark. 
Harry was left and peering down under the surface you spotted the Grindylows swarming until Harry shot up out of the water and landed hard after having sent Ron and Gabrielle up ahead of him in the swarm. Accepting his 10 he coughed and sputtered as you all warmed and dried him after Fleur had hugged and peppered his cheeks with a pair of kisses in gratitude for his rescuing her sister.
For those drug to the surface Fleur had the lead with 7, Vivi was next with 6, Charlotte after her with 5 and Lukas in the rear with 4 after his creature had stolen him in his reach for another. Alongside the team of judges, including Percy all agreed on the scores after having tallied your flags and shared them with all looking on before you all hurried back to your own boats to head back for the promised cocoa waiting for you back in the Great Hall.
A figure strolling against the crowd brought Bartemis Sr into your path. Straight to your side looking on at Harry he stopped in front of you drawing the eye of a group of Professors who quickened their paces.
Bartemis, “A fine achievement.”
At his direct eye contact to Harry he answered, “Thank you.”
Bartemis, “Well done, boy.”
Continuing on Bathilda said, “See you at the castle, Harry.”
Harry nodded at her with a grin, Bartemis said, “I'm sorry we haven't spoken. After all, your story is one I've heard so many times. Quite remarkable, really. Tragic, of course...to lose one's family. Never whole again, are we?” By now the Professors were off to the side confused as to why he was saying this, especially without saying anything to you. “Still, life goes on...and here we stand. I'm sure your parents would be very proud of you today, Potter.”
Alastor moved closer patting your shoulder with his hand, “Bartemis! Not trying to lure Potter into one of the Ministry's summer internships, are we? The last boy who went into the Department of Mysteries never came out!”
Bartemis’ face dropped as Harry shook his head saying, “I don’t want an internship.”
His eyes then turned to you and then back to Alastor as you nudged Harry forward saying, “We thought you were sick, glad to see you could make it.”
Alastor patted his shoulder and joined Barty in escorting you back to the castle while Bartemis continued on to speak with Dumbledore.
To the scoreboard along the wall you read the final scores so far,
Viktor – 80, Sebastian – 97, Lukas – 69
Fleur – 77, Charlotte – 70, Vivi – 54
Cedric – 94, Jaqi – 107, Harry – 67
Clearly in the lead you only held by a mere 10 points over Sebastian, who only held his lead over Cedric by a measly three points for the top three. The others aimed to do better in the smaller challenges, of which supposedly would grow more complicated and allow more room for growth in points for those lagging behind meaning the visiting students were upping their study lessons in hopes that they could be ready for anything.
A stolen few moments with your families came to an end as the cocoa ran out sending them all to Hogsmeade or home again freeing you to all change and go to your common rooms for your houses conversations on how you had done compared to others while you snacked some more. Until you inevitably fell asleep on the couch with Cedric drooping over onto your side in his own nap captured for the next weeks paper.
“Mr. Crouch? You are certain it is him?” Fudge asked.
Dumbledore, “A man has died here, Fudge. And he won't be the last. You must take action.”
Fudge, “I will not. In times like these, the wizard world looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore!”
Dumbledore, “Then for once show them some!”
Fudge, “The Triwizard Tournament will not be canceled. I will not be seen as a coward!”
Dumbledore, “A true leader does what is right, no matter what others think.”
Fudge, “What did you say to me?”
Closed up in your dorms in the early morning you all shared hushed conversations until the news was finally broken to you that Bartemis Sr was found dead in Hogsmeade. Clearly Dumbledore had no need to question Barty as when it had happened he was with you, Snape, Alastor and Minerva discussing what the next challenge might bring well into the night with lists on all the ‘hints’ they had picked up from Aurors along the way.
Unable to sleep Harry found his way up to the Headmaster’s office knowing full well even you were troubled by the death so close to school grounds. A knock went unanswered and through the office he strolled finding it dim with only the light of a glowing mirrored stand of a liquid with a silvery mist inside it.
At the door closing behind him Harry flinched and turned to see Dumbledore now in his office, “Curiosity is not a sin, Harry. But you should exercise caution. It's a Pensieve. Very useful if, like me, you find your mind a wee bit stretched. It allows me to see once more things I've already seen. You see, Harry, I have searched and searched for something... some small detail...something I might have overlooked...something that would explain why these terrible things have happened. Every time I get close to an answer, it slips away. It's maddening.”
Harry, “About Voldemort sir?”
Dumbledore, “Yes, why do you ask?”
Harry, “It's just that I...I had a dream about him. It was in the summer, before school. In the dream, I was in a house. And Voldemort was there, only he wasn 't quite human. And Wormtail was there too. And someone else i don't know.”
Dumbledore, “Have there been others like this dream?”
Harry, “Yes. Always the same one.” After a pause he asked, “Sir, these dreams...what I see, you don't think it's actually happening, do you?”
Dumbledore, “I think it's unwise for you to linger over these dreams, Harry. I think it's best if you simply...cast them away.” Without the answer he had hoped for Harry returned to his dorm with more questions than answers, especially about Dumbledore dismissing his concern about his dreams.
“It’s a sign Severus!” Around the corner you strolled on your rounds in the lower floors only to pause finding Karkaroff and Snape in his storeroom with Karkaroff revealing his Dark Mark tattoo he promptly covered when he saw you.
Snape pushed Karkaroff away from his path through the door to ask you, “It appears I am missing lace wing flies and boomslang skin.”
Your eyes narrowed and you shook your head puzzling Igor, “Couldn’t be the trio they swore it off after what happened last time. And I can’t imagine who it would be, maybe one of the Aurors?”
Snape nodded, “I will have a word with them to keep their hands out of my store room.” His eyes however followed your glance to Karkaroff who was now smirking at you.
Thickly he said, “So interesting to see you so under her heel Severus. With a past like yours to kneel for a child.”
Before Karkaroff could answer you replied in Parseltongue, “As if a coward like you could ever fathom the truth.” By the third word he was gripping his forearm and groaning in pain at his burning mark. When you had stopped talking his eyes raised to you widely with his mouth agape as you said plainly at him in his hunched position, “I would advise caution in showing off that mark of yours while we’ve got an unexplained murder so near to the school, unless you find yourself so eager to return to Azkaban. Trust me when I say Fudge could care less as long as the fear has a name to blot out and forget.”
Smirking to himself Snape watched as you returned to your rounds then looked to Igor and pulled him up and pushed him out of his store room he locked behind him, “You really are an idiot Igor.”
Behind him Igor followed, “And just how did she learn to do that?!”
Snape turned grabbing Igor by the collar to slam him against the wall inside his classroom he locked behind them, “That child, as you affectionately named her, knows where the Dark Lord is.” Igor’s mouth fell open, “And is facilitating his return to power. Now either you can fall in line and show her the respect she deserves or trust me when I say she will not be kind in speaking up in your favor when the unloyal are questioned for after his fall.”
Pt 39
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 33
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 -
- Ok, naming this one 33 because i accidentally named two chapters 22, and to fix it all would be too exhausting for me, so continuing the Triwizard Year, hope you enjoy it. :D -
You barely had six hours until breakfast and with your lovely nap you dressed in the sweater on the top of your pile tugging it to rest over your worn jeans covering your boots and tall socks coated in Nifflers. Bag slung over your shoulder shifting in each step as you drew your hair back out of your face into a tall ponytail only to pause for a moment at the Gryffindor first years whispering about your being asked to the Ball.
Fred, “That didn’t take long.”
“How the hell-,”
Cedric glanced at you, “You got asked already?”
“Bryt asked me but I didn’t say yes.”
George, “School seems to think otherwise.”
Rolling your eyes you sighed and turned to head to the Great Hall catching a trio of Beauxbaton girls scowling at you in their hurried walk into the hall to choose the table farthest from yours. Sighing deeply you moved to your table catching the smirk on Alastor’s face contrasting Snape’s puzzled expression hearing the whispers while Barty Jr stared at you with chin planted in his palm trying to work it all out himself.
Whispers rippled quickly and on their own way to sit by their chosen partners the Krum brothers froze and asked those in their year speaking the most English for a translation of the gossip seeming so interesting to your classmates. “They’re saying Miss Black got asked to the Ball already.”
Sebastian’s grin dropped and Krum asked, “It was barely announced last night. Surely it must be a mistake. They can’t possibly be pairing up this early when it isn’t until Christmas.”
Sebastian shook his head, “Asked or not, I have months to change her mind. Find out who it was. Show that I am the better match.”
Viktor nodded patting his hand on his brother’s back alongside their friends who all continued onto the Great Hall. Straight to Hermione however he hurried, finding her thankfully by Angelina and Alicia instead of the guys, a grin eased onto his face and over the morning juice he managed to ask her right then, not willing to risk losing the chance.
Taking the spot by you, Sebastian held his grin and asked you, “Sleep well?”
Your head tilted, “Other than the gap for Ghoul Studies ya. You?”
He nodded watching as your finger trailed around the rim of your glass filling it with juice, “Yes. It is a good dorm. Nice beds, good view. You should come and see it sometime. We have all our best posters up and our brooms on display in the common room” after a pause he asked, “Even with our games being canceled this year would your pitch be off limits for training still?”
Lowering your glass from a sip you swallowed and said, “That was something I wanted to ask you about.” Making his brow inch up in your plotting smirk as you reached into your bag on your lap to pull out the folded quidditch chart, “How would you like to build some bridges?”
The guys all leaned in peering on at the schedule you had made with growing grins, giving them a wave after assigning their ranked house teams to fill in their spaces before you moved over to let Fleur take the spot beside you curious of your note as well. A grin eased across her lips and in a quick huddle all the Beaxs had eyed the copy you had made them and agreed to the two game a weekend schedule. Leaving your bag in your seat you walked over to the Professor’s table drawing their gaze from their plates with the Krums and Fleur behind you. A quick grin flashed across your face and Dumbledore inched up in his seat dapping his mouth with his napkin, “Miss Black, something wrong?”
“Not really. In fact we have a proposition.”
“Hmm, do tell.”
You passed him a copy of the chart and said, “We would like to play this year. All the teams, for all three schools. The games are set up and we all agree. Why leave the other students to just cheering on three of us when we could all benefit from a Tournament of our own.”
In looking at the chart Minerva said, “It certainly is a possible source of mutual entertainment.”
Dumbledore looked up at you, “Quidditch could very well be the thing to lace us all together. It is an admirable schedule and I accept the notion.” You all grinned and he said, “I will inform their Headmasters and leave the workout schedules to your captains.” You nodded and turned to take your seats seeing him stand and move further down the table to pass around it greeting the entering headmasters and share the news stirring smirks of their own.
Returning to his seat in seeing that you were all in the Hall now he stood clearing his throat, “Good morning students. If I might trouble you for a moment.” The hall fell silent in looking at him, “It has come to my attention that in the aftermath of our canceling Quidditch for this year just how dividing that could possibly be, a new timetable has been made and no doubt will be added to the afternoon papers, including the teams from our visiting schools. That is all.” When he sat again you shook your copy that multiplied and flew off in airplanes that unfolded for the other house teams with a copy for each Beax and Durm team as well.
Ron, “Two games a week!”
Hermione leaned over the table to steal a glance impressed at the time chart while Oliver beamed knowing his last year would be the best as he could play against the best, already mentally working out the training schedule in his head to check with the other teams later.
In all this however your eyes kept wandering to the same trio of Beauxbaton teens scowling at you through the elated chattering from the Slytherin table drawing more than a few glances your way.
In focusing on your classes and helping the teams to mesh their workouts on the one pitch before the first set of games the next weekend after this one you would be met randomly by Sebastian and Fleur. The older teens marveling at your workload, while theirs left them ample time to explore and relax at their leisure.
Friday had come and nearly gone into a third lunch with your ever changing table of friends all skating around the lingering topic of why you were asked so early to the Ball when it seemed that no one else known to be single had been snapped up so quickly. Once Double Charms was through you took your break and paused on your way from RoR passing the same scowling trio making you turn and head for Barty’s classroom to see if he could help you figure it out.
Out of nowhere Bryt walks up to you in Barty’s doorway making his head tilt slightly in his inching closer with Snape and Alastor not far behind from their conference, “Jaqi.” He wet his lips anxiously, “Well, Mum says I should just be honest, so here’s the dill.” He said with a sigh making your brow inch up through the far from subtle lean of a group of Durmstrangs through an opening of a courtyard to listen in, “Now my Gran is friends with Evangelinne’s Gran. And we’ve been friends since infants, and her Mum and mine both heard about the Ball and hoped for another picture of us. But see, when she heard about the Ball she’d already expected she’d go with me, knowing I’d pick a silver tux so she could wear cucumber green. But now she’s heard that I asked you and that really hurt her feelings and it took me a good day and a half for her to even talk to me again so, will you?”
Holding back from shaking your head you asked, “Will I what?”
“Will you not go with me to the Ball?” In his pleading grin at you a nod came from you and he darted off, “Thank you! I’ll invite you to our wedding!”
Shaking your head you walked into the classroom through the open mouthed Professors glancing from Bryt’s path to the group of Durmstrangs darting away. Following you inside Alastor teased, “I don’t think I’ve seen that boy draw breath once since I got here.”
Snape, “I think he’s mutated above the need for it.” He rubbed your back seeing your head on the desk as you groaned into your bag you’d set on it, “Are you alright?”
You raised your head and shrugged, “Well, seeing as when he asked me to go my answer was ‘um’ and somehow in that the whole school knew overnight, and then I had Sebastian giving me crying puppy eyes over the fact he’d missed asking me, when I hadn’t actually accepted the offer in the first place-!”
You groaned and set your hands on the desk looking to Barty who said, “You are a catch Love. Besides, I bet-,” his eyes rose to the doorway seeing Sebastian slide into a stop making him pat your hand and say in a forced seemingly teacher voice, “And if you have any more questions about that extra credit, just let us know.” Passing you a blank slip of paper now reading ‘Turn Around.’
Turning around you were subtly motioned out of the room to approach Sebastian who asked offering his elbow, asking in thickly accented English, “Would you like an escort to lunch?”
You folded your hand around it in shouldering your bag, “Thank you.”
Not two steps later Sebastian asked seeing a group of male teenagers approaching from further down the hall, “I was wondering if you would allow me to escort you to the Ball.”
His brows furrowed for a moment, “Oh? Someone asked you? Already?!” a look of panic flashed in his eyes when he turned to you missing the teachers leaning out the doorway watching you.
He nodded, “No, no one asked you, or no you will not go?”
“No, I,” raising your hands you covered your face for a moment for a deep inhale and exhale before you lowered and settled them on his biceps making him smirk through a spreading blush, “No, I have not agreed to go with anyone, though Bryt did ask and then un-ask me. Anyways, I would love to go with you.”
He nodded then motioned you forward, “We should eat.” You nodded and walked with him and he asked, “How did this Bryt ask you so quickly? Do you share a common room?”
“Oh, no he caught me on our way to Ghouls Studies that night after dinner.”
“How did he ask to make you say yes?”
“I didn’t,” he looked at you, “Say yes. My exact answer was ‘um.”
You nodded, “Yup.”
“Then why did he-,”
You shook your head and shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine. But he’s going with a girl from Beauxbatons now so no worries there.”
“Let us all hope she did not just say um.” Making you giggle widening his smile.
Finishing your courses out you found your way back to your dorm to head off to sleep. Though it was Gryffindor’s time for practicing in the pitch in the morning you were still, once breakfast and your Arithmacy course was through, would be off to do some laps both around and across Black Lake.
A quick change from your usual clothes had you in shorts and a sleeveless Puff jersey over your converse joining the full team in their own workout gear and jerseys for the easy start to your year of training to hopefully keep you up to standard against the visiting teams. Curiously the crowd of varied languages swirled around you with news rippling of your group headed out for a stroll to the Lake. Through the courtyards and exits the curious visitors all watched your stop under the tree for a quick few moments of stretching followed by your lining up to jolt off parting lips at the pace you began in.
Lap after lap past the random appearance of a few fire crabs in your paths you held your pace and positions for the twelve laps, ending back at the tree where you all removed your shoes and socks then turned back to the frigid lake stirring grumbles and groans that died the deeper you got to start your laps across the lake. Two full laps across and back again had the other students leaving while you and the twins pulled lists from your sneakers of plants and supplies in the lake you had been asked to fetch for the other Professors and Madame Pomfrey you clarified. Pulling a jar out the twins both drew out a swirl of gillyweed only to look up at Sebastian in his approach with a spreading grin.
You shook your head, “No. Cushion start for the practices this year, just to warm us back up to the usual.”
His eyes lowered to the jar, “What is that?”
“Gillyweed.” Fred and George answered.
He looked to you, “We were asked to fetch some things for the Professors.”
George offered him the jar, “Care to join us?”
Sebastian quickly removed his boots and socks he left with his jacket waving his wand he drew over his clothes swapping them for a tank top and shorts. In a subtle flex of his arms he reached in and drew out a swirl he eased into his mouth and chewed it following you all into the water wondering if he had missed you eating your swirl of the disgusting plant he just swallowed after the terrible task of chewing the slimy swirl.
Under the surface he joined you trying to rein in his struggle to breathe that eased greatly when he sunk deeper at the forming of his gills. A turn of his head brought you into his sights with lips parting as a silvery blue tail sprouted under your shorts now turned into a mini skirt. Smirking in following after you he swam deeper into the water taking in all he could on the path listening to your description of each plant you passed and their uses explaining why you had to gather them. Lastly a huge supply of pearls were gathered and through his distant inspection of your curious Giant Squid he continued to swim after you towards the surface feeling himself shifting back. On the surface again you watched their coughing stroll up to the shore while you wiggled your legs completing your shift back along with the mending of your shorts from their skirt form.
Up to lunch after you had dried off with your wands you strolled through the castle passing off the collected items then you turned to head down to your dorm with Sebastian grinning in his stream of questions at all you were passing. The maze of halls in the dungeons especially interesting to him while you passed so easily through the maze complete with shifting walls and traps you had left one another in the continued battle with Slytherin at the opposite end. A wall of barrels puzzled him completely until he saw Fred knocking on one that opened revealing the door you passed through. Open mouthed he took in the homey common room packed with odd plants and random small creatures including a napping mooncalf curled up in a basket along the wall. Down the hall he followed you and inspected your portion of the shared dorm while you took your clothes from earlier into the bath to change.
Inching closer however he eyed the tail dangling from the hammock above your bed that pulled back out of his sight at the opening of the bath door. Pointing at the hammock he asked, “What-?” Looking up at it again his brows furrowed and he stepped to the side peering up at it only to look back at you when you moved past him to add your jersey and shorts to the basket of dirty clothes.
“The hammock is from a Nundu cub I was asked to take care of.”
“There was a tail.”
You nodded, “That would be Opal. She’s a bit skittish around new people.”
He nodded and glanced up at it again only for Fred to pat his back, “No worries, you’re bound to see her eventually.”
Realizing the time Sebastian held his place by your side for an escort out stealing brushes of his fingers across the sleeve of your grey sweater trying to build up the nerve to just grab your hand only to leave your side to join his brother for their own set of classes. In a trot you three went to join Cedric and the team for a session with Oliver and his team who had managed to gather up as much info on their teams as possible to strategize. Even on opposing teams it was a matter of school rivalry as well, and even in a less strenuous in structure compared to theirs, for which they were required to be in strict uniforms and follow daily stops for house meetings as well, you were determined to show you were no less skilled than they were.
Around the fireplace of the common room in a nightly smore party one of your first years peered at you curiously then asked you, “Is there a hex on the Southern Study Hall?”
With lips parted for a moment you shook your head, “No.”
He nodded then added, “Well I heard as a Morpher you can see things we can’t, and I’ve seen you avoiding it, even when everyone else goes in to look at the Goblet of Fire. And I just got curious.”
All eyes looked to you realizing they had noticed the same and had dismissed it, inhaling sharply you shifted your fingers around your still too hot to eat smore, “I, um, had a dream about it.”
“The hall?”
You shook your head, “No, the Goblet, it was an odd dream, more of a feeling really, just that it’s going to be hexed. And usually if things have been hexed I tend to be around them when it happens.”
Another girl asked, “So you’re hoping to avoid it?”
You nodded, “I doubt it would work like that, but still doesn’t hurt to try I suppose.”
The first year asked, “So you aren’t entering?”
“I won’t be seventeen till April.”
He nodded then looked around the room asking, “Who is entering?”
A few scattered sixth years and seventh years including Cedric raised their hands and you all nodded knowing each of them were extremely talented and in a great spot to represent the school if chosen.
By weeks end all of Beauxbatons old enough to compete entered along with most of Durmstrang between their courses. From Hogwarts as your dream rippled around through the houses only a few had entered publicly. Angelina from Gryffindor had done so already along with Cassius Warrington from Slytherin. The Age Line however was deemed a challenge possibly bested by a small brave few. S. Fawcett from Ravenclaw and Summers out of Puff had tried both being shot out of the line with full beards and white long hair sending them for those they knew to be the best in reversing jinxes to right the blunder quickly.
Alongside Hermione at her own request you sat chatting over a textbook she was using as cover to ask you for possible tips on topics to use with Viktor, who had agreed to help her practice her limited vocabulary in Bulgarian.
The open doors filled with chatter while you saw Cedric fresh from a meeting with the Puff paper, all of whom had joined him in approaching the Goblet. In an assuring nod from you he chuckled and stepped through the line drawing cheers, through which he stepped closer to add his slip of paper with his name and school on it into the flames that pulsed a brighter blue then dimmed again in his path out of the circle again.
Through the doors the twins hurry in cheering and waving the vials in their hands.
“Cooked it up this morning.” Under your breath you chuckled and rested your bent arms on your knees with your feet rocking on the edge of the bench in front of you in the tiered bleachers.
Hermione, “It’s not going to work.” With grins they climbed over the first bench and crouched behind her both sending you subtle winks.
Twins, “Really, and why is that Granger?”
Hermione, “You see that? That is an Age line. Dumbledore cast it himself, it’s hard to believe that it could be fooled by something as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion.”
Fred, “That’s why it’s so clever.” Climbing down they approached the Goblet.
George, “Because it’s so pathetically dimwitted.” They both stand outside the line shaking the vials, “Ready Fred?”
Fred, “Ready George.”
They link arms shaking the vials they uncorked, both saying, “Bottoms up,” downing the potions before hopping through the line. Cheers sound through the hall, “Ready?” toss their slips of paper into the goblet that lit on fire in a burst of light knocking them out of the line before they began to wrestle over their now white hair, mustache and beard.
Giggling to yourself you caught their narrowed gazes at the Goblet, hoping that one of them could have been able to enter so that if you were right and you would get sucked into this somehow they could have been there with you. Propping your chin in your palm your eyes turned to the doorway, through which the Krums and their group of friends strolled through passed the Twins, who stood and tapped their wands to their chins reversing the jinx silently. In stolen smirks sent your way the Krum brothers both looked you and Hermione over in dropping their names into the fire before turning to head back to their next courses down the hall.
In his turn however your eyes locked with Karkaroff’s and your free hand subtly clenched around your thigh out of his sight remembering the warning you had gotten from your father, uncle and Remus to steer clear of being alone with him fully supported by Barty and Alastor. The latter pair alongside Snape made it their mission to keep him off your trail ensuring he couldn’t do anything to harm you.
Daily each Quidditch team had agreed to the training schedule for as far as the pitch went, outside of that your paths blended in your stolen training sessions that brought more and more attention each time with all of you trying to rank the other as far as who would win in the first set of matches coming up.
Finally in your own first training on the pitch the stands were full as in the buildup of tension had risen once the visiting schools had traced back your team’s progress through the copies of the papers in the library you clearly were the best with near straight House Cup wins since your first year. Having meant to have won on points alone until Ravenclaw stole it away two years in a row just barely when penalty points were factored in. In a firm dominating practice up against high soaring dummies you broke off your summer month dust falling back into your groove as a team showing that even in the simple maneuvers and basic try for a practice match to forty points in your secured time you were a team to be reckoned with.
Clearly up against you it would be a hard won victory yet the cocky brothers both on D1 team met up with you in your stroll back to the castle, with Sebastian and the other Durmstrang boys all still near to drooling since you strolled into breakfast in your Quidditch uniform. Just the image alone was appealing and after your practice with skill to match the position you had claimed made you all the more appealing.
Looking you over Sebastian said, “Our team is up first this Saturday.”
You nodded and grinned up at him, “Yes, I heard B1 is missing their usual Thief so you should have a great shot for the goals.”
Smirking at you he all but purred at you, “You will be cheering for us then?”
“I suppose so. Unless you’d rather I cheer for powder blue?” Teasingly you asked making his arm reach out to drape across your shoulders under your braided ponytail.
“No. Cheer for gold and green.” Making you smirk up at him settling against his side, “We share gold,” leaning in he said, “It is destiny why cheer for blue? Plus, out of all the teams we will go easiest on you. No need in dominating all four of your houses.”
Giggling under his arm your smirk mirrored those of your team as you reached over patting your hand on his chest, “That is a very kind offer, we will see just how long you are offering it but still, thank you all the same.” In a quick peck on his cheek you caught his face light up in a deep blush and you pulled out of his hold to turn to your dorm to change while he was joining his classmates up to one of their classes, “Enjoy your class, see you at lunch.”
In your glance back at him he nodded and you giggled at the closing of your team around you with sleeveless team robes billowing behind you in your path down the hall leaving him staring after you for a moment before turning to their class.
In the hushed halls of the school while all were in class in the early morning hours a stolen moment in the Southern Study Hall brought on the beginnings of a sinister plan that went unnoticed. Lunch stirred an unsettling clench in your stomach shared by Professor Trelawney floors above you who started to consult her crystal ball in hopes of understanding what or who was coming the school’s way.
But answers were far from helpful and in your place with your Bulgarian shadow sliding into your right side again opposite Fleur on your left you were far from able to try and meditate opening yourself up to any vision that might help to uncover what was coming. Especially when the papers arrived and Sebastian grinned widely seeing your peck on his cheek having been captured by one of the school photographers. In a glance over your shoulder Draco subtly motioned it was being added to the family scrapbooks making you giggle to yourself and turn back to your meal as Sebastian folded and pocketed his copy of the paper in a grin at you.
Saturday brought with it a divided school with breakfast dividing alliances to separate tables sporting the colors of which team they represented. Across the room you eyed your supposed rival for Bryt’s arm to the Ball, Evangelinne who was a Beater for B1’s team. Reluctantly Fleur sat in support of her own school, her worry was short lived as in the path to the pitch for the game you snuck a moment at her side comforting her in saying there was no hard feelings in the school rivalry, and alliances would shift the next day either way.
A stolen kiss on your knuckles later and the Krums were off leaving you to have your arm coiled up with Hermione’s in your shared path to your seats. Anxiously you sat running your fingers through your loose curls laying over your back to hide Opal, who was climbing out the neck of George’s sweater and strolled across his shoulder to yours curling up there excited to hear the match commentated by Lee Jordan, who like the other boys seemed torn between their admiration of the Krums and the Beauxbaton team, of which Evangelinne played professionally for France as well.
The chilly air blew right through you until you settled into your seats, all of you together working as living heaters making it more tolerable. A flash of red whizzed by and on their red Nimbuses D1 raced around the pitch and took their place relaxing at the cheers sounding around them. A flash of blue brought cheers from the opposing side of the pitch with B1 entering on blue Nimbuses. Hermione beside you asked, “How do they get colored brooms?”
You shrugged and replied, “Not sure. Might be special issued from their shops in their countries, special order probably.”
Back and forth in an explosion of cheers the game was neck and neck until Viktor soared off towards the ground and captured the snitch inches from crashing bringing a wave of cheers back again. Filing out again when you hoped you had time to take Opal back to your dorm. Right outside the pitch however an arm draped around your back and in a bubbly chuckle Sebastian asked, “There you are!”
At your side however in a familiar tail coiling up to the neck of your sweater his eyes dropped and when your hand covered his mouth they snapped up to yours catching your quick grin, “Shh.”
Your hand lowered and he whispered, “Is that a dragon?”
“Opal.” His eyes met yours again and his lips parted, “She was blinded as a hatchling.”
“The school knows you have her?”
“Unofficially, yes. She’s supposed to stay in my dorm this year to keep out of sight but she does love listening to the matches.”
He smirked easing his arm around your back to continue on again towards the victory cocoa and snacks in the Great Hall, “Your secret is safe with me.” His eyes dipped seeing her nestling under your hair widening his smirk.
All day you spent with the guys between your few classes sharing more about the creatures they had heard you encountered here. Most especially they wished to know more about Tulip only to be disappointed that this year the course on observing Tulip would not be available due to the Ministry being so involved with the school this year.
Dinner again split you up again and once your choir was over you took your usual patrolling spot and then went off to bed anxious to see how Gryffindor vs D4 would go the next day.
Harry, Katie, Dean, Ron, Angelina and Alicia joined Oliver in their stroll out to the pitch after a tense breakfast. Even with your budding relationship with Sebastian he still felt the need to support his fellow schoolmates and anxiously joined them into the stands opposite yours. Even younger and less experienced as a team with Katie and Angelina leading in the scores with Oliver’s flawless protection of the goal posts it was an easy win for them leaving the other teams stunned and curious as to how your other school teams would match up against theirs.
Pt 34
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