#Haoran Li
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Abandoned Castle by Haoran Li
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lizhly-writes · 1 year
realized that i forgot to post a thing yesterday. here's something i hope i haven't posted before, haha.
anyway, for those of you following my villain fiance cnovel: did you, perhaps, ever wonder what happened to the original yang haoran?
Andrew Li grows up with a name that doesn't quite fit right, and a face that startles him when he looks in the mirror.  The thought occurs to him that there’s something wrong — it's not normal to wake up in the middle of the night and think, “is this really me?”. 
But it's easily brushed off when his older sister shakes him awake in the mornings and says something teasing about aw, is he having trouble sleeping?  He’s really too young to be an insomniac, isn’t he?  Is it that he can’t go to sleep without a warm glass of milk at night?  What a baby.
Shut up, he tells her, which she doesn’t -- she only shrieks when he makes an attempt to kick her out of his room, and cackles as he pulls a blanket over his head.  But at night, she does give him a warm glass of milk, and they share a plate of cookies as she chatters on and on, about nothing in particular, and it’s... nice.  Strange.  After all these years, still unfamiliar.
He thinks: ah, this is sibling bonding time.  He thinks: Yang Haoli never did this with him.
It’s... different, like this.  Andrew Li is not a young master of a wealthy Chinese family.  He’s middle class Taiwanese-American, with parents who care less about him being a credit to the family business and more about whether he’s getting on with his sister and look, you're doing so well picking up Mandarin, you’re so smart, how lucky we are to have two talented children.
It wasn't like this, for Yang Haoran.
Andrew Li likes this life better.
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Chapter 4 has been released and here is an excerpt
This will be extremely long though:
“Fine.” Yan sighed. “I guess you’re right about that.” He really didn’t like being told he was wrong.
“And… you need to put some clothes on,” Bedi said to Yan. He himself was only half dressed with his blonde hair down and he had yet to put a shirt on.
“Well, what can I do after that,” Yan asked Bedi. “Can I just take a nap while you make dinner?”
“Yes, but please remember to take care of yourself, Yan Qing,” Bedi replied.
“Okay, fine,” Yan also replied. He eventually got dressed in the pajamas he chose for himself, washed his face, and brushed his teeth. He was too tired to finish everything else and he nearly choked on his green panda toothbrush and the Drest toothpaste he was using. His eyes were feeling really heavy and they needed to be shut, so he quickly rushed over to his bed and fell asleep. He didn’t care about that chicken for dinner anymore because he was just too tired.
When he woke up, it was winter again. There was little sun, just the cold snow. Yet he was in his old wooden house that hadn’t been touched in over several thousand years. And this was his old bed. It felt stiff and uncomfortable compared to his old bed. Mainly since it was on the ground as well. It was very different from how he remembered it. The bedding was nonexistent and only consisted of a lambskin blanket and a wooden bamboo pillow.
“Ah, Langzi. You’re finally awake.” That old man’s voice was very familiar sounding. A fatherly voice that also gave Yan comfort just hearing it. It must’ve been…
“Papa,” Yan exclaimed.
He realized something was off about his voice. It sounded very high-pitched and childlike. He looked at his hands quickly and noticed they were small.
Wait a second, Yan thought. This is a childhood memory of mine, right? If so, then where is…
The snow that evening. The warm wooden house. The smell of roasted beef being cooked with rice and vegetables. It must’ve been the day they found Yan Langzi’s closest childhood friend. Yan himself decided to wake up to the smell of delicious food.
“How was your nap, Langzi? It’s time for supper!”
“Master! Papa!”
“You only just woke up, boy,” the man replied. “I suppose you had a nightmare about losing me then, right?”
“Yes, papa. I am scared of losing you to a ghost or something like that!”
“Don’t worry, that won’t happen child!”
Little did Li know something similar to a ghost would eventually kill him. Yan had to warn him about… no. He couldn’t change his past. He didn’t want to.
“Hey papa,” Yan asked while he was eating. “After we are done with dinner, can we get some snow and melt it for the bath water?”
“I suppose so,” Li replied. “You better eat more though.”
“But what if someone else wants the food? As in a stray cat or dog? Or maybe a person?”
Li just laughed happily. “If that’s the case, I suppose a bit of extra food or money for food won’t hurt! We don’t have many resources during the winter though, so we should save it.”
After they were done eating, the father and his adoptive son put on some spare winter clothes before heading out. Because of how small Yan was, Li was able to carry him on his back and their ornate snow umbrella covered both of them.
It took about close to 15 minutes, but they found a great spot with no stained snow. It was by an ancient tomb of a hero from two dynasties ago, but it wasn’t too far from where they lived. Just as they were about to gather the snow, they heard a little boy crying.
“Help me, please,” the boy shouted. “I don’t have any place to call home! I want a mommy or daddy! It’s so cold”
Yan quickly ran as fast as he could! When he came and saw the boy, he saw how awful his condition was. He was half naked, only wearing very thin pants, and had no shoes. His long brown hair was matted and hadn’t been washed. The boy himself was also very smelly and thin. Langzi could tell he hadn’t bathed or eaten in who knows how long.
“Are you okay,” Yan Langzi shouted!? “What happened to you? You’re half naked, your pants are thin, and you look really hungry!”
“I… I” the boy was trying his best to speak but he couldn’t think of anything to say without tears coming out of his eyes.
 “They don’t know… I exist… They just… laugh at me for… I don’t know…”
Li Junyi followed his son and found him with the boy. He heard everything but wasn’t unkind or judgmental. Upon seeing the half-naked boy, he draped his cloak over him like a blanket.
“You must’ve been so cold you poor boy. Are you alright? What’s your name?”
“I… don’t have a name. Or a family.”
“Then I suppose we’ll be your family. Your name will be ‘Li Yize’ because you seem like a kind-hearted boy.”
Li Junyi cradled the boy in his arms. Eventually, it was time that Yan and Junyi to see his eyes. They were a soft blue with some violet hues, and they had a kind and gentle aura that surrounded the young boy overall.
“Langzi, please come.”
“Alright,” Yan replied. “Is that boy gonna be our family?”
Li smiled at Yan as he caught up to his papa with the water bucket they brought.
“Yes, yes he will. He doesn’t have a place to call home at the moment, and we should give it to him.”
A stomach growled. It must’ve come from little Yize.
“Oh, and Papa,” Yan asked. “Do we have any spare food and clothes for him?”
“I’m sure we do,” Li replied. “If not, I will go to the market and get some for him.”
The full chapter is right here:
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simply-zhouye · 6 months
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Candids of Zhou Ye last night with Li Bing Bing, Liu Haoran, Peng Yuchang, Nini, He Jiong and more at Wuzhen Drama Festival and also Yezi celebrated Peng Peng's birthday with friends ~
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@solongbai @dcrksideofthemoon​
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boingdeguayava · 3 months
send “🌿” for my muse's reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse.
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"Ni se te ocurra..." Advirtió, retrocediendo de inmediato tras notar la plantita que pendía encima de ellos. No se había percatado hasta notar la mirada de unas personas más allá. "No avances ni un paso más... O vas a arrepentirte de por vida."
☁️ * starter para @smileflowcr
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baeksu-krp · 9 months
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Nome: Li Haoran Faceclaim: Lu Han, Ator/Solista Data de nascimento e idade: 20.05.1990 — 33 anos Gênero: Masculino Etnia e nacionalidade: Chinês, China
Moradia: Yongsan-gu Ocupação: Segurança, Seven Luck Casino Qualidades: Gentil, Visionário Defeitos: Obsessivo, Presunçoso User: @bks_haoran
TW: Vício (apostas)
Haoran nasceu e foi criado no distrito Haidian em Pequim, seu pai foi um jogador de futebol que alcançou certo nível de fama porém acabou se perdendo no vício em apostas; foi seu pai que lhe ensinou a jogar poker após o garoto demonstrar interesse no jogo de cartas.
Haoran não tinha grande amor pelos estudos e desde cedo começou a trabalhar para que pudesse juntar dinheiro para seu sonho de se tornar um profissional de poker e, aos 23 ele conseguiu ir para Las Vegas disputar torneios de Poker. No entanto, mesmo tendo habilidade no jogo, uma "maré de azar" e a imprevisibilidade dos jogadores amadores transformou seu sonho em pó rapidamente após ele perder cedo todos os três torneios em que participou.
Por conta de ele ter ido seguir seu sonho em Las Vegas, sua família quase toda agora o tratava como um renegado, um perdido que carregava o sangue de perdedor do próprio pai; sem muitas opções, Haoran foi morar uns anos em Seul com seu pai, que após reabilitação conseguiu jogar em um clube coreano interessado. Dez anos se passaram desde seu grande fracasso em Vegas e agora ele tinha um emprego estável e sua própria casa, porém trabalhar todos os dias em um Casino faziam seu sangue ferver com a vontade de tentar mais uma vez ser o profissional de cartas que sempre sonhou.
OOC: +18 Triggers: Bonecos (marionetes, fantoches, filmes de terror qualquer boneco "humanizado" demais causa desconforto em diferentes níveis). Temas de interesse: Todos
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rhubarbes · 1 year
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Haoran Li
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
New Gods: Nezha Reborn (2021) 新神榜:哪吒重生
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Director: Zhao Ji Screenwriter: Wang Wei Starring: Yang Tianxiang / Zhang He / Xuan Xiaoming / Li Shimeng / Zhu Ker / Ling Zhenhe / Liu Ruoban / Zhang Yaohan / Zhang Zhe / Gao Zengzhi / Guo Haoran Genre: Action / Animation / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2021-02-12 (Mainland China) Duration: 116 minutes Also known as: 新封神:哪吒重生 / New Gods: Nezha Rebirth IMDb: tt13269670 Type: Reimanging
Three thousand years ago, the world was in turmoil, and humans and gods encountered a great catastrophe. Unexpectedly, a ray of Nezha's soul escaped from the net of heaven and earth and was reincarnated. In this life, humans and gods coexisted with Li Yunxiang, a passionate young man in Donghai City who loves motorcycles. However, the Dragon Clan did not let go of its grievances against Nezha. Li Yunxiang, who had the soul of Nezha, could not escape the fate of being driven out and killed by the Dragon Clan. The East China Sea is at stake. Can Li Yunxiang fight side by side with Nezha Yuanshen and become a hero against the dragon clan? Can the people of Donghai City be saved?
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/34779692/
Link: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2047380689?bstar_from=bstar-web.search-result.0.0
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leahsfiction · 10 months
Sweet-Talking Li Bai
诶 大侠 中圣花醉 银河上之客人 hey you swashbuckler,[1] wine-besotted flower-lover,[2] wanderer among the stars[3] –
快点下来跟我聊一会儿[4] come down so we can talk for a second.
等什么,老骨头在下界之内闷死了 please. my old bones gets lonely down here --
ascend how many thousand cloud stairs?[5] you want to ask an old man to --
alright! alright, forget about that forget that we're Du Fu and Li Bai this nameless raft will do us[6]
do you remember when we slept under the same quilt in the same bed and I still (with a mind running on verse)[7] wouldn't stop composing drunken nonsense and you dragged the blanket over our heads (exposing my poor bloodless feet with their veins and bunions) and we started giggling like great foolish children
thinking back, I do think our breathlessness (you inhaled wrong and started to cough in deep barks, I flung the mass of cotton off and put it to rights) better than most kinds of verse the moments of not knowing what to say beads of each other's spittle and breath on our beards -- well it wasn’t poetry it wasn’t significant dreams[8] it wasn’t meaning or allusions or the story of ambition the slice of shining red atop the pouch of your eyelids and the way the excellent unfiltered wine tends to give you gas, your guts gurgling and moving about in the silence
-- alright then! You tell me what it means O Angel of Poetry[9]
我咋不把这事编个诗? 等你的写完了送给我看啊 -- yeah you bet I'm making a poem out of this. I want to see yours when you're done.[10]
1: A reference to Li Bai’s reputation as a wandering swordsman in his youth; purportedly he killed someone, although this isn’t certain.
2: From Li Bai’s poem 贈孟浩然 “A Farewell-Present to Meng Haoran”: 醉月频中圣,迷花不事君。 “Moon-drunk, every night you attain new mysteries / Flower-dreaming, no more days of serving the throne.”
3: From Li Bai’s poem 月下独酌 “Drinking Alone Under the Moon”: 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 “Forever connected, mercilessly left to roam / Until we meet far away among the stars.”
4: Informal speech.
5: From an anachronistic “Qixi Festival” by Li Qingzhao: 云阶月地 “cloud stairs between the moon and earth”.
6: From both the above “Qixi Festival” and Du Fu’s 江上值水如海势聊短述 “A short post: The river was raging like the ocean”: 故着浮槎替入舟 “An old raft will do me, no need for a boat.”
7: The above poem by Du Fu (江上值水如海势聊短述) ends with the poet wishing to find a like mind to wander and compose poetry with.
8: Many of Du Fu’s poems about dreaming of Li Bai allude to his worries about the exiled poet’s fate, as well as the question of what worldly ambition or efforts to serve the country is truly worth.
9: One of Li Bai’s epithets was 诗仙, “Immortal of Poetry”.
10: I really, sincerely mean it. SEND ME YOUR LI BAI RESPONSE RP.
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rainbowsky · 10 months
It's pretty impressive that CQL has stayed high up on the hotsearch given everything else that's happening, including the big bombshell news of the day.
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Cai Xukun has been accused of having unprotected sex with multiple women, getting one of them pregnant, and with the help of his mother (who supposedly surveilled and intimidated her) forcing her into having an abortion. There are other accusations supposedly set to be revealed soon as well. If true, this will likely cancel him entirely at least for a period of time.
He is just the latest in a long line of stars with Prada endorsements who've ended up embroiled in scandal and/or canceled. Netizens are calling it 'the curse of Prada' and no one wants their favorite star to take on the endorsement.
Liu Haoran - relationship scandal
Chen Feiyu - sex with a fan
Deng Lun - tax evasion
Li Yifeng - soliciting sex workers
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lizhly-writes · 1 year
cnovel shenanigans or whatever, here you go.
It had been a long time since Yang Haoran had lived in his home country.  Since Li Yichang had lived in his home country.  The place he was born might not have ever existed in this world, but there was the shape of it there, in the streets and streetlights, in the way people walked and talked.  
Here, it was easier to fall back into old habits. Trading in Beijing Mandarin for West Coast English, talking like he’d never been born anywhere but the United States.  Slipping off his name, like a shirt he never quite fit, in favor of something old, seldom worn, but loved, nonetheless.
Yang Haoran’s English name was Andrew, just like it had been in his first life. Li Yichang, Andrew Li, who died at sixteen.  Like this, it was like he’d never died at all.
His face didn’t match.  But everything else – the length of his limbs, the breadth of his shoulders, the pitch of his voice – he could fool himself into believing that it was only the difference that age made.  As long as he avoided mirrors, the illusion stayed intact:  Andrew Li, second generation Taiwanese-American, age twenty-four, living his life as an independent adult.
Where were his family?  Where was his home?  What did his documents say about him, what did the world say he was supposed to be?
It didn’t matter if he didn’t think about it.  It didn’t matter if he forgot, and Andrew Li was very good at forgetting.
There it was.  Just like that.  Even easier than breathing.
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gravitydefyingtears · 2 years
Audio Drama: 天官赐福 | Tian Guan Ci Fu | Heaven Official’s Blessing
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It’s coming!!! 
You might recognize most of the production team as the people who worked on the MDZS audio drama, so I’m very assured that they will only have grown more experienced. Tbh I’m a little surprised by the lead VAs...excited to hear what their performances will be like!
Even more exciting: apparently the audio drama has been adapted from the revised edition of TGCF which includes 100k extra words!!!
Below is a quick translation of the season one details.
S1 Details
Link: www.missevan.com/mdrama/52400
Length: 19 episodes
Airing Schedule: Fridays, beginning July 15, 2022
Cost: 319 diamonds. For two months starting from July 15, this drama will be free to listen. Regular paid listening will resume on September 16.
Production Team
Original Novel: MXTX
Planning/Executive Producer: Kuo Hao Jun 括号君
Scriptwriter: Liu Yin 六音
Post-Production: Xin Tong 新桐
Assistants: Er Ji 二吉 , Yu Chen 鱼宸 
Original BGM: Li Da Bai 李大白
Instrumental Recording: International Master Philharmonic Orchestra 国际首席爱乐乐团 IMPO
Art/Video: ARThorizon 绘享视界
Voice Team
Voice Acting Team: Jing Yun Kai Ge 鲸韵凯歌
Voice Director: Zhang Kai 张凯
Recording Engineers: Liu Yaxue 刘雅雪, Li Mian 李冕, Jiang Cong 姜聪
... ... ... 
Narrator: Zhang Yaohan 张遥函
Xie Lian: Su Shangqing 苏尚卿@西呱双
Hua Cheng: Chenzhang Taikang 陈张太康
Fu Yao/Mu Qing: Liu Sicen 刘思岑
Feng Xin/Nan Feng: Guo Haoran 郭浩然
Ling Wen: Ji Guanlin 季冠霖
Ming Yi: Peng Yao (San Tu Bi An) 彭尧@彭尧-三途彼岸
Pei Ming: Chen Guang (Chen Jiaheng) 陈光@陈光家恒
Pei Xiu: Wu Tao (Dao Mei Si Le) 吴韬 @倒霉死勒
Jun Wu: Chen Hao 陈浩
Ban Yue: Shan Xin 山新
Lang Qianqiu: Li Xin 李昕
Ke Mo: Tute Hameng 图特哈蒙
Xuan Ji: Qiu Qiu 邱邱
Shi Qingxuan: Qian Wenqing 钱文青
Other Participating Voice Actors: Cai Jie (蔡杰@CJCDD-), Li Wangsong (李望松@摩羯-阿松松松松), Shao Chenliang (邵晨亮@c位不出道), Zhang Zhen/Lin Feng (张振@在下林风), Liu Zheng (刘峥@斗珂), Zhang Jiaqi (张加麒@张如麟), Liu Yiming (刘一鸣@痞人姓刘), Xu Kai (许凯@山己几X), Li Jiaxiang (李嘉祥@优叉UX), Lin Boqing (林柏青@詹永兵的好朋友), Li Haojia (李昊甲@最后的都灵人), Li Jiasi (李佳思@光的岸面), Li Yemeng (李叶萌@肆鸢), Yu Minglu (于鸣鹿@火不土), Su La (苏拉@亲爱的苏), Zhang Yuwei (张宇微@夕棠-就是喜糖啊), Xie Ziwei (谢子溦@Viona嘴嘴), Liu Yuanyuan (刘媛媛@画大染), Gao Yixue (高一雪@思凡吧喳嘿), Yu Mengci (余梦慈@晶玉瑪瑙)
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VII. Wish You Were Here
The weather is beautiful. It rained every day. I lay on the beach, High mountains how I long for you, Drinking piña coladas on the sand. Sipping cold water beneath the trees. I wish you were here. I’ve never been so in love with aloneness.
With credit to Li Bai for his absolutely killer line, 高山安可仰, in “Message to Meng Haoran.”
Prompt: Write a poem titled “Wish You Were Here” that takes its inspiration from the idea of a postcard.
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@dcrksideofthemoon @itskingsarabi​
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brentchua · 7 months
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private policy s/s 2024, show, p2
in my coral world
creative director/s SIYING QU & HAORAN LI
for full story please visit:
vogue runway
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