watchyourdigits · 1 year
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Don't you understand? I thought I was human, Arthur.
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Companions ranked from most to least likely to get sunburnt bad: (yes, a break before angst)
Nick (does he even count? ☹️)
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sassenashsworld · 2 months
Maxson : Your "Daddy" is an abomination that shouldn’t exist
Jas : [start crying of fear to think that she would have to live without Nick]
Maxson : N-n-no one!
Jas : [wails loudly and jabs a finger at him]
Maxson : [die internally]
Nora : [rush like a bear on steroid to beat the hell out of him then throw him off the bridge]
Danse : She's not suppose to throw our commander by the bridge
Nick : Tell her
Danse : No
[Cade glance at Nora, Teagan try to look any elsewhere, Kells come rushing]
Kells : How dar--
Cade : [take him by the collar] No… no… go fish our commander but don't say nothing
Jas : [starts giggling happily as Maxson flies away]
Nora : [collects her baby and carries her away like a Mama Gorilla] What did the bad ugly man do to you?
Nick : He tells her I shouldn’t exist
Nora : [put the baby in Nick's arms and dive after Maxson to beat him some more]
Cade : Nevermind Kells
Sorry @jasmineofthecommonwealth, I COULDN'T HEEEEEEELP!!!!!
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wastelandwacko · 6 months
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I care about them, you know. The people of the Commonwealth.
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Hi! I don’t know if you still doing reactions, if not - no problem!
Companions reaction if they see F!Sole being killed in front of them? Could you add Maxson’s reaction as well, please?
It’s awfully sad, but I would love to know their reaction
Goodness, this one was rough 🥺 I did my best, though, and hopefully it seems accurate! It's been a few since I've played with a couple of these companions, but I tried! 💗💗💗 Thank you so, so much for the request! 😊💞💞💞
TW: Chems and alcohol usage, violence, blood and gore, suicide
Cait - The Combat Zone was full of death and full of pain, but despite having seen death upon death, she still shuts down as soon as she sees her best friend lying there on the ground motionless.
She knows what it means. She has seen her fair share of death and murder, and given the fact that they had nailed her in the back of the head with a bullet destroyed any chances of survival.
However, her mind refuses to let her consciously realize the fact that it's death. That her savior has been shot down. The one person that believed in her and saved her from her own certain death despite Cait not being able to save her.
She blindly murders every last one of them, unable to think it through as she went through the motions. It then fully sets in upon her what precisely that this meant.
Cait feels like she's losing her breath, and the only thing she can think about is somehow trying to save her person. Cait staggers over to her, collapsing onto her knees as she crawls the rest of the way, her body not having the strength for anything else.
She holds her in her arms, begging her to come back to life as she looks down at her. F!Sole is the one standing between her and addiction. She's the one that keeps her on the straight and narrow and that inspired to be a better person in the first place.
Without her, Cait has nothing now. She is nothing now.
She quickly reverts to her old ways, no one there to stop her from abusing the chems. She does not see the use in trying to avoid killing herself now. There is no one left to live for.
Piper - Piper and Blue. The unbeatable team that had managed to keep up that streak for several months now.
Until today.
A loud scream rips itself out of her throat as soon as Blue is shot, her eyes going wide and her heart plummeting to her feet.
She puts a bullet in the heads of the people remaining before rushing over to her Blue, too worried about her best friend to worry about exacting revenge. Some part of her was hoping that she had made it. She had to.
This was her Blue. Her invincible Blue that had overcome all of the odds thrown at her. Her story couldn't end here. Not so soon. Not before it had played itself out and it had the happy ending that her Blue deserved.
But she knew in the back of her mind that there was no surviving a hit like that. Railroad spikes to the chest were almost a certain death sentence.
Piper grips her face, too scared to feel for a pulse as she looks at her best friend in the entire world. She shakes her, pats her face, does anything she can to try to search for that beautiful life that always animated her every move.
Piper slowly lowers her head to her Blue's whispering, begging to the Heavens to please bring her back. Please just let her come back.
But she was gone. And it's just Piper. Just as lonely, terrified, and devastated as she had been that night her father had been killed.
A week or so later, tears streaming down her face and making it nearly impossible to write, she labors over an article that she puts in the paper. It is titled "The Vault Dweller: Inside the Hero of the Commonwealth." It's a longer title than she normally goes with, and while she has had few words since it happened, her article has so many written words that it is pages and pages long. When Blue died, so did Piper's voice. At least for now.
Curie - This was not fear. It was pure terror.
Curie lets out a horrified screech, her training as a medic forgone completely.
Thankfully, F!Sole had managed to deal a fatal blow to the guy, so she does not have to worry about clearing anyone out. She almost falls in the process of her scrambling over to get a look at her, and she examines F!Sole's wounds carefully. They were definitely fatal ones, but accepting that meant accepting losing the one person that saved her and the one person that loved her enough to give her an entire life.
Curie desperately searches for any stimpaks she has in her bag, stabbing them repeatedly into F!Sole over and over as desperation increasingly tightens its clutches. She's supposed to be able to fix these things.
She is a doctor, and she's supposed to be able to save people. If she can't save the most important person in the world to her, does she really deserve to have the ability to pursue any manner of medical field?
Once she has used all of the stimpaks in her bag, she takes the ones from F!Sole's, going over and over again as her vision becomes more and more blurry.
When she at last runs out of them, she allows herself to burst into sobs, collapsing on the woman as she presses her forehead against her chest on the opposite side that the wound had gone into. She closes her eyes, a flood of tears staining the now-reddened vault-suit.
She had lost everyone that ever cared about her, and worst of all, she had been worried about herself being injured. She now regretted not worrying more for the protector that she had perceived as being so invulnerable.
She cries for weeks but she continues in her medical work. However, despite the weakness of the tears, she now carries her protector's large, modded combat shotgun strapped on her back. She will never let anyone she cares about die again on her watch.
MacCready - Her shot had downed the last guy, but as the man was collapsing, he managed to get one last good hit on her.
His hit had just been luckier than hers.
It had been a headshot, and she instantly fell, hitting the ground with a sickening thud and a new, shining bullet hole in her forehead.
He almost lets out something akin to a scream, but he contains himself, and he stumbles over to her. His jaw feels unhinged from the rest of his face and he just looks down at her as he falls to his knees.
He is just staring down at her, and his jaw is slackened even still. He feels like it has never fully shut since he saw her.
He does not know what to feel. He does not know how to react, and all he can think of is how alone he feels now. He supposes that a few tears fall down his cheeks, but he cannot even really feel them given how he just looks down at her in horror, unable to help the curse that slips from between his lips despite his best efforts.
After what feels like an eternity of just staring at her, he takes off his hat and sits it on her head. She was always trying to playfully steal it while they were on the road, and he thinks of those moments now as he gives it to her to have forever. It's funny the thoughts that one has in times like these.
He gets up then, knowing he has nowhere else to go but home.
He goes back to his son, numb inside. But as his boy comes running over to him, excited to see his father, he collapses on his knees and hugs him. He holds him for what feels like forever and surprisingly, Duncan stays in his arms without protest.
MacCready allows himself to really cry, the comforting warmth of the last living person he cares about coaxing it out of him. He keeps the tears silent, but they nevertheless fall.
Deacon - If this was some sick joke, Deacon was definitely not loving the punchline.
His heart in his throat from the moment she fell, he rushed to her and dragged her away as best he could. He only stopped when they were in safety and he had lost them.
He collapsed to his knees, praying it was just a lie. He had told so many lies in his life that surely reality could somehow start turning into one big lie, too.
But as he tried to make jokes and tried to somehow wake her up from this, he was quickly realizing that this was about to be one of the harshest, realest truths that he had ever faced.
And as he realized that, the jokes fell from his tongue along with the tears from his eyes, every lie he had ever dared tell her resurfaced in his mind, and regrets overwhelmed his every sense.
Lies were who he was and came second-nature, but how could he have ever told her a lie? The one person that was truthfully and honestly the only person he fully trusted without question or a single doubt.
The one person that trusted him without question or a single doubt...
As time passes, he withdraws more than ever before, and his lies become even more ludicrous until no one really knows the truth about he himself anymore. He cannot afford for anyone to get that close again.
Codsworth - Codsworth feels as if he is shutting down when he sees his Mistress lying there on the ground.
He saws through and lasers the rest of the enemies, and he comes to her, hovering over her as he looks down at her. He calls her name a few times, grabbing her arm gently with his pincer, but she does not reply.
He finally brings himself to scan her despite his fears, and to his horror, his worries were confirmed. He just stares down at her as he keeps her arm in his grasp, processing and unable to come to a solid solution.
Finally, the poor robot's programming ultimately cannot handle the trauma of it all.
First sir, then young Shaun, and now Mum? He cannot deal with this. It can't possibly be true!
So he carries her to their old home in Sanctuary, continuing to treat her like his mistress. She just says a little less now and does not eat like she should, but she's still his mistress. He sets her at the table and puts her in bed, helping her as much as he can. She is not as mobile as she used to be, but he guesses that it must have been because of that terrible accident from before.
"Mum, you are looking quite skeletal! Here! Eat up! You don't want young Shaun and Sir to see you in this state!"
Hancock - He was hoping that this was one of those bad trips. The ones where crap happened and then he was back on his couch at the state house like nothing happened, Fahrenheit looking down at him as she prodded him to get up and have something to eat.
But it wasn't.
Turns out, he was sober. She really did fall there in front of him. She really did take that hit to the chest. And she really was looking like she was stone cold dead.
He shook himself from the shock, going into action as he quickly killed the remaining goons. He then stopped next to her, talking to her quickly and determinedly. She could not be dead for real. It was too surreal. It could not possibly be right or true.
But she is.
She's there in his arms dead and he can't do a thing about it.
So he just holds her, tears sliding down his irradiated cheeks as he shakily speaks to her, addressing her softly as he tells her all of the things that he wishes he had said while she was still alive and able to look at him with that beautiful, fond gaze that she always turned upon him or any of her found family.
Eventually, he brings her back to Goodneighbor once he has cried his tears, conjuring the strength and the words to give a speech for the hero of the Commonwealth. Goodneighbor would give her a proper send-off. The one that someone as amazing as her deserved.
Danse - It never failed to amaze him and terrify him with how things could go wrong so quickly.
As soon as he so much as saw her hit the ground, he was freaking out. It was controlled on the outside, but to anyone that knew him, they could have easily seen the uncharacteristic manner of how his firing became more rapid and less focused.
He made his way over to the woman, stopping in front of her as his power armor blocked the view of any potentially remaining enemies. A few bullets bounced off of the back of his armor, and he kept his head ducked, extending his hands to her as he desperately grabbed her, trying to see if there were any signs of breathing.
There is so much blood and so little movement. She does not appear to be breathing and he cannot even properly check her pulse because he has not left his power armor.
He spins around, throwing a few calculated shots and blasting any remaining enemies before quickly exiting the power armor.
He brings her into his arms, feeling for a pulse as his breathing is getting increasingly out of control. Try as he might, there is none and he cannot even try to see if she could be breathing still because tears are blocking his vision.
He had just lost yet another best friend.
If this is after Blind Betrayal, he finds it harder and harder to have a reason to live, and he eventually decides he does not need to live anymore. He can't be in a world without her.
Preston - One minute, he is shooting down the bad guys with the General and the next moment, he realizes that the only lasers he sees are coming from his own musket.
He quickly spots her, but not where he expects her to be. She is lying on the ground, and he instantly feels his heart in his throat.
He fires a few more lasers, doing his best to land hits to enemies' chests, and he rushes over to her, skidding to a stop on his knees next to her. The movement is cushioned by his armor, and he comes to a stop as he tries to wake her up, his entire being utterly panicking. He grabs her shoulders, pulling away anything covering her neck, and he feels for a pulse.
There is not a single thing that he can feel and he feels his heart dropping. He quickly moves to her wrists, ripping off the Pip-Boy and any armor in the way, and he feels for a pulse on both. Still, there is nothing.
Preston tries his best not to cry, knowing that it will do no good at this point. Besides, he had lost a general before. He had lost people before.
But she is different. She is his final hope. She is the Minutemen as the Commonwealth knows them now. Her bright smile, those hopeful eyes, and that steadfast nature is what inspires people to be better. It is the face of the Minutemen now and the person that brings his childhood dreams of heroes to life.
She is not only that, but also his friend. She cares for him like few others ever did. She is truly like family or the closest thing he has to one now.
But she is gone. He breaks down as he truly accepts the fact that he has lost his General and the last true hope of the Minutemen.
He eventually goes on to try to lead the Minutemen himself despite his reservations. He knows that he does not quite have her undeniable charm, but he knows she would have wanted the Minutemen to keep thriving despite her death. So he keeps trudging on.
Valentine - It was always supposed to be him.
He was an old, grisly detective and a synth on top of that. Not even one of the pretty synths either. He was nothing but a copy and paste of some dead man's memories put into a ramshackle body. He was never meant to go on this long.
But here he was, F!Sole lying dead on the ground and him standing there not knowing what to even start to do.
She was so full of life, vibrancy, and beauty despite everything that had happened to her. She had hope. Hope to find her son and hope to make a positive difference in the Commonwealth.
Nick came over to her, and he knew that if he were capable, he would be sobbing right now. He knelt down beside her, his good hand caressing her bloodstained cheek as he softly moved to close her eyes. His heart was so deeply aching right now despite not even having one in the literal sense.
He would need a few minutes. Or a few years... to even begin to push past this one.
He is never quite the same after that and it takes every bit of his strength to keep doing detective work. It is the first time in his career that he truly considered retiring. But he oushes on because he knows she would've wanted him to keep helping people and doing good out there. Just like she did.
X6-88 - Coursers are meant to be fast, effective, and practically invincible. However, humans, despite how formidable some can be, are indeed not.
She falls just as he wipes out the one that knocked her down. He was milliseconds away from saving her from what was doubtlessly a fatal hit.
He moves over to her quickly, something irrational in him compelling him to check her even though he knows the truth.
Sure enough, her lifeless form remains there on the ground, the shotgun wound having mangled her face so terribly that she was almost unrecognizable.
X6 almost feels like throwing up, and he is shocked at himself on multiple accounts.
How could he have failed so badly and allowed this to happen? He is literally made to accomplish a mission quickly and efficiently and his mission is her. He is supposed to always protect her. He owes that much to her after she had cared for him and seen him as something more than his basic purpose.
Even though he had always been reluctant at best about her attempts to make him human, the feelings he is experiencing now are undoubtedly something different than what his programming originally intended.
He keeps his sunglasses on, terrified of the tears that are slipping down his cheeks and terrified of removing the glasses to wipe them away because it will be admitting to himself that she had always been right. It will be admitting to himself that he is not empty and unfazed by her death.
It will be admitting that his entire purpose is gone now.
He eventually returns to Sanctuary after the funeral takes place, having no idea what to do now. He ends up finding more solace in going out on his own and eradicating the filth of the Commonwealth than by staying in one place for too long. He's maintaining her legacy somehow.
Dogmeat - It all happened so fast.
His human was fighting for one minute and then she was on the ground, lying there still as could be. He instantly turns his attentions to who had hurt her, and he attacks, ripping out their throat mercilessly as he takes on anyone else who was around.
When he finally is finished, he comes limping over to his human, coming to check on her. She still has not gotten up. He sniffs her hand, licking it softly as he snuffles at her fingers. He leans toward her face, offering her another lick to try to wake her up.
All he can smell is blood and it is overwhelming his senses. He also smells something else... It smells like those bad men when they fall and don't get up after his human shoots them with the fire sticks.
Is she... Never going to get up?
He waits for a long time, hoping that she will prove him wrong, but he slowly realizes that she is going to be just like those bad men.
They hit her with the fire stick and now she is not going to get up.
He woefully howls, pain in his heart.
He had let her down. He was a bad dog.
But he stays by her, refusing to eat, drink, or do anything as he waits for her in hopes that maybe she'll wake up. One particularly cold night, he suddenly feels warmth and her special whistle for him. He looks up, his tail wagging as he spots her.
She looks different. She seems younger and seems less troubled, but it is definitively her. Dogmeat excitedly gets up and bounds toward her, and she gets down on one knee, wrapping him in her arms as she buries her nose in his fur. He happily licks her ear since it is the only thing he can reach.
She got up. He knew she would.
Strong - He is shocked but quickly very angry.
He quickly crushes a few skulls before stepping over to her to see if she is truly dead.
To his utter fury, she is gone.
He also feels a twinge of something else that he can't quite explain. His eyes are leaking and he doesn't understand why. It distorts his vision and he hates it.
Fury fueling him, he yells and growls, but as much as he wants to stomp on her or throw her or take out his anger somehow on her since she's the reason he's feeling whatever way that he is now, something stops him. Amazingly, he doesn't even feel like eating her like he feels like eating most dead things they come across since they have no other use.
He just watches her for a long moment before deciding to yell one last thing.
"Tiny human lied!!!! Tiny human didn't take Strong to milk of human kindness!!!"
He leaves her there where she fell and heads out. He will find the milk by himself.
Maxson - They were out with an entire group of soldiers, but he had commanded her to take point.
And when she hits the ground, she falls directly at his feet.
In a rare moment of questioning his own decisions, he stares at her in disbelief. But he quickly comes to life, ripping through the remaining enemies with his gatling gun. He spends a little extra time on the one that downed her, but he tries not to make that fact obvious.
He kneels down beside her, feeling for any manner of a pulse, and one of the scribes they brought with them begins the effort in attempting to resuscitate her.
But after a short time, he knows it is no use, and he commands the scribe to stand down. He looks over her, silently and wordlessly takes in her loss as well as he can with watchful eyes of his soldiers all around him.
She was one of the best, and despite having lost quite a few that he cared for-- Danse being among them-- he had not lost most of them with them being shot down right in front of him.
He does not cry, the callouses of war and battle preventing him from breaking down in front of the group that they had brought out with them. He had to be a strong leader.
However, once they bring her body back and make plans for a funeral with all of the honors that she deserves, he locks himself in his quarters and lets the tears fall. She is someone that he will not soon forget.
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madsfrank · 9 months
Maxson Deserved Better.
anyways. Arthur Maxson is a super complex character (in my opinion) who deserved much better than what he got. Now, I hope people can agree or debate me on this….
Arthur had literal !!talent!! growing up and had to abandon it to lead the brotherhood…like all he talks about is winning a war because he’s been conditioned to it….
I feel like Blind Betrayal is soooooo important because I’d like to think Maxson slowly comes around to the idea of Danse being alive. Especially if sole is allowed to bring non-human companions on the Prydwen. It’s just….so so so so sad that he’s basically got the weight of being a Maxson on his shoulders and leading an entire sector of the brotherhood. He has no time for himself anymore or doing anything he loves.
So many are quick to state “yeah but he could have not kicked Danse out” I MEAN. If the brotherhood believes that all synths are bad, then Danse rejoining could mean someone would try to kill him…it’s like Maxson realizes that the ideas he’s made his men believe would get Danse killed. That’s why Danse is exiled.
Anyways…..I’ve been crying over this. Like over Maxson just leading too strongly and realizing he’s making mistakes. I feel like he’s more complex than any other leader in the game (even Shaun).
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arthur maxson
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autistickhunsam · 2 years
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We could meet again tonight. Same time, same place?
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radreactions · 2 years
Companions favorite prewar item
Ada - old texbooks on literally anything mechanics, technology or otherwise science-y related. The amount of times Curie has busted her raiding her private library...
Cait - boots. The kind built for curb stomping a guy's head all the while feeling the comfort of baby seal leather boots. Do not, I repeat, do NOT let her catch you wearing thongs/flip flops. Deacon found out the hard way that the slapping sound reeeally gets on her nerves.
Curie - Prewar dresses, mostly the kind with pretty floral patterns and the poofy skirts. Whenever she's in one, her smile lights up every room she enters.
Danse - military holotapes from before the war. He has always been fascinated by the tactics used and the question of what, if anything, could have changed the outcome of the great war.
Deacon - you know those yellow chicken toys with the squeakers in their bellies that scream AAAAAEEEEERRRPPPP when pressed? Yeah. That!
Dogmeat - AAAAAAEEEEERRRRRRPPPPP *happy barking*
Gage - he's actually pretty fond of the idea of cars. Walking everywhere gets damn tiring, especially when he's forced to trek across the damn desert, sweatin' from every crack and crevice imaginable. Sole has lost count of the times he has tried to bribe them into fixing one up for him.
Hancock - chems of course! Nothing beats an aged to perfection, 200 year old dose of pure, unadulterated happiness.
MacCready - comic books! Preferably Grognak, but the Unstoppables and Silver Shroud are also close to his heart.
Maxson - cigars, both for smoking and for collecting. The rarer the better, but don't make the mistake of giving him San Francisco Sunlights.
Nick Valentine - Jenny. Always, always her. Or at least, his memories of her.
Old Longfellow - dogs, for sure. You just can't beat a non-horribly irradiated furry little best friend who is always happy to see you.
Piper Wright - candy. Hands down, full stop, no thinking necessary, nuh uh. In fact, it's worth asking what kind of pre war candy she doesn't like. Nat will be the first to say she hasn't found a single one - the day that happens is likely to be the day Brahmin fly.
Preston Garvey - Old Western movies that Sole has managed to scavange and hook up to the drive in theatre's projector. He enjoys feeling the small glimpse of what could have been his childhood if things had've worked out just a bit different for the world.
Strong - he hates most things from before the war, but you can't go wrong with the way they used to cook meat. In fact, it's Sole's most redeeming quality!
X6-88 - strangely enough, alcohol. Not to drink, but he likes the aesthetic of having pristine, still full alcohol bottles on display in his home. One of each type, but he knows to keep some spare since some have suspiciously gone missing.
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crystallizedmiracle · 2 years
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random fallout characters + some fan characters of my pals
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fallout4reacts · 6 months
Short fic about pining Danse who’s sole is banging Maxson to the beat of “In the Next Room” by Neon Trees.
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rakimaiirisa · 1 year
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Unique ways companions show affection (part 2):
It’s not for everyone always but Mac has a habit of playfully insulting those he likes. He isn’t completely insensitive but he thinks it’s funny and encourages you to do it back to him. It’s always something childish and silly too, he has legitimately called you a “booger face” and “stinky” just for the hell of it. That’s how you know he really likes you.
One of the easiest tells with Arthur is he goes out of his way to strike up conversation. Listen- it’s at the best awkward but you can easily see he is trying. Maybe he just won’t let you go after a briefing, finding something random to bring up so you stay just a little bit longer. It’s endearing but there’s only so many times one can talk about their thoughts on the view from the command deck.
Nick is a very perceptive individual, that much is clear to anyone..he is literally a detective. That being taken into account, Nick’s method of showing affection is always being a step ahead of the person he is expressing it to. What do I mean by that? Well, have a favorite lunch? Nick will get it for you if you are coming to the agency. Emotionally perturbed? Nick has a bunch why and already knows how to help.
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operationterminus · 8 months
Maxson: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Watson: Not if they consent to it.
Valentine: Depends on who your stabbing.
Wren: ..... YES??!!?
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nooklingposting · 1 year
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Even Elder Maxson likes a joke occasionally.
Passing the time on watch duty with his Sentinel.
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gaqalesqua · 13 days
Nora visits her boyfriend during the day to help him wind down.
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