#Scorpia's family
icebearinacornfield · 16 days
Jack Starbright to MI6/SCORPIA: Never speak to me or my three adopted children/little siblings EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!
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hughlegat · 1 year
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Alex Rider
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knight-princess · 11 months
Scorpia and Jade throughout the party are so so soft and sweet. Jade’s baffled but delighted grin, how tight they hug each other, Scorpia’s “I missed you. My baby sister.” God they’re so soft
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emily is a scortrapta shipper... she wants her two moms to get together... 
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
[ Scorpia, Perfuma and Frosta looking over Entrapta’s castle while she and Hordak are away and they accidentally lock Frosta inside. ]
Scorpia: I’m breaking the wall!
Entrapta: Hi, Perfuma! Hi, Scorpia! What’s up?
Perfuma: We locked Frosta in your castle and people are judging us.
Scorpia: I swear to the First Ones I’m gonna break it!
Perfuma: Do not break the wall! You’ll hurt on Frosta!
Scorpia: Don’t worry Frosta! Frosta, mom’s coming for you!
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jidblogger · 1 year
Hordak’s Confidence when he arrived
I wonder how “Confident” or “Formed” Hordak was when he crashed Etheria.
I think some in the space bat fandom think Hordak was just as innocent baby as Wrong Hordak was when he came to Etheria, confused, crying...Ok maybe some crying happened.
But when he met people I wonder if he was full baby mode or if Hordak was already ready to start conquering the planet in the name of Prime and finally found his opportunity by meeting ...whoever be it King Grandad or not 
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beezelbubbles · 1 year
So I watched all the new Dragon Prince episodes in one sitting. So much good stuff about revenge and trying to heal in the wake of a war that is all a lot of the world population has ever known.
But it mostly occurred to me that Soren and Gideon would get along so well. They have to be in separate universes because that much himbo energy in one place would be too much. Not to mention the puns.
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lastlymatt · 14 days
I love how the scene where John gives Yassen his scar is emblematic of their entire relationship, and the show's changes to it only make that clearer.
John protected and trained him, but ultimately, Yassen’s obedience and need to please his mentor left him scarred and changed.
In Russian Roulette, John sets incredibly high standards for Yassen from the beginning, demanding that he give up any values, preferences, and ties to his family.
Yassen complies and throws his grandfather's watch away.
Over the course of their assignments, John makes it clear on multiple occasions that Yassen isn't suited for the life of an assassin and wishes him to run away now that he's been trained enough to evade SCORPIA. However, Yassen interprets that as him not living up to expectations.
Then, in Paris, John asks him to kill a man with a tiny knife, pushing Yassen into a situation that would be traumatic to him. This is what gets Yassen to agree to John's plan of running away.
At this point, Yassen trusts John completely and considers him a friend and like a brother, but his self-esteem has suffered severely at his hands.
On their last day together, Yassen feels like he let John down and squandered an opportunity to become something special.
While Yassen wouldn’t have survived without John, his influence and help damaged Yassen despite his best intentions.
So yeah... John told him to close his eyes, and Yassen trusted him enough to blind himself in the middle of a group of armed men. He survived but came away from that experience with the wrong message... something he doesn't realise until Alex comes along.
Now, excuse me while I go sit in the corner and play that scene on repeat.
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yassentheassassin · 28 days
there's so many things I'm excited to see/hoping to be answered in season 3:
who killed kyra's parents? not sure if it's an unpopular opinion or not but i don't want it to be yassen it just feels obvious and a little cheap, i can see her jumping to that conclusion maybe but i don't want it to have actually been him
is john rider still alive? thanks anthony for the tweet about that dude now i'm STRESSED
what happened between scorpia and the department? there's been hints in season 2 about the department being compromised (could just be me but it feels like it was more than just wilby), mrs jones' comment about something they (mi6) did in the season 3 trailer, them all thinking yassen was dead - it feels like a slightly different set up to what happened in the books like there's new elements that i'm really curious about
why was ian not surprised to see yassen alive in season 1? and have any changes been made to their relationship from the books? there's no connection in the books between them like there was yassen and john but they way they spoke in that scene suggests they know each other more than just knowing of each other via john, like "i'm sorry ian, i really am" "me too", they seem to know each other properly to some degree, was ian involved with whatever made mi6 think yassen was dead??
why is yassen's scar different to how it was in the books? did john still give him it and if so how? he has the scar in the picture mi6 has on file so it's something he got before or during working alongside john, not like he got it at the end of it all in some big conflict/whatever made mi6 think they'd destroyed scorpia completely
how will alex's time with scorpia change now that yassen is alive during it? will yassen try to do for alex what john was intending to do for him, train him up and get him the fuck out? i just can't see yassen wanting alex to be stuck on the same path as him, unlike yassen alex actually has people around him who he trusts and can help him (sorry john i know you tried but your betrayal cut deep and destroyed any trust yassen would ever have in anyone again so good job pal), he isn't doomed to be stuck working for scorpia to survive so will he try and get alex out?
what kind of dynamic are alex and yassen going to have? look i'm an absolute sucker for found family but idk how likely that will be for the show so i'm interested to see what they do, we have already seen how anthony has changed things up for the fans (i.e. yassen surviving) and the found family is a popular dynamic for yassen and alex amongst the fandom so maybe they'll take that route, maybe not i'm just excited to see what they do!
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this is your daily reminder that adora was also abused by her mother (and her sister), forced into a destiny she didn't choose and almost died multiple times in the show, and she still turned out to be a good person.
this is your daily reminder that glimmer lost her father at a young age and then lost her mother, being forced to take responsibility for an entire kingdom all of a sudden while grieving her mother, and she still turned out to be a good person.
this is your daily reminder that entrapta spent her entire life isolated from everyone else and afterwards, was horribly mistreated by her ableist "friends", manipulated by her other friend and sent to an island to rot and die, and she still turned out to be a good person.
this is your daily reminder that angella lost her husband in the war and had to live with the fear of being attacked by the horde at any moment while raising her daughter by herself, but she still turned out to be a good person.
this is your daily reminder that scorpia's entire family was captured and likely murdered by the horde, she was also verbally and emotionally abused by her friend, and she still turned out to be a good person.
this is your daily reminder that micah was manipulated and groomed by shadow weaver at a young age, later got banished to aforementioned death island and survived years in it before he was rescued, and he still turned out to be a good person.
this is your daily reminder that trauma doesn't excuse or justify cruelty and violence. it doesn't justify war crimes and abuse. almost every character in the series have gone through some kind of trauma but they still tried to be empathetic and compassionate people, even when times were hard.
and this is your daily reminder that most of this trauma was caused by catra, whose actions still keep getting justified because of her own trauma.
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freckled-forests · 6 days
Some people might disagree with me but I absolutely loved Kyra's knee-jerk decision to cut and run in episode six when she thought Alex was really turned to Scorpia. It was a fantastic character moment: this is a person who has been abandoned, misunderstood, and cast out her whole life. We know she never had a good relationship with her family when they were alive, and then they were murdered. Season two and season three, Kyra lets down her walls bit by bit: she actually asks Alex for help, she accepts that that help is given without need for repayment, and she STAYS with Alex and Jack and Tom after the Damian Cray incident. Her ENTIRE ARC is learning to trust, and then growing in an environment where that trust was fostered. So when she perceives that Alex, the person on whom all her new growth was first founded, has betrayed them, those walls snap up so hard and so fast she has her bag packed and she's headed for the door before she even thinks. It makes perfect sense. But!!! It's not a full reversion to season one Kyra, because this time, Tom and Jack are there to call her out, and she listens and chooses to stay because she does know what Alex would do if their roles were reversed, and because she trusts them too.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 months
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Fright Zone drift racing!
Featuring Catra in the turbo saloon, Entrapta in a modded 4x4, and Scorpia in the family helicopter.
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adragoncalledcat · 4 months
Tonight I’m sitting in my bed thinking about how I will never see Willow season 2. I will never get to see more of Airk and Kit’s relationship, I will never see Scorpia again, I will never get to see more of Kit fighting in the cuirass.
But also more importantly, I won’t get to see the cast together. After watching the documentary it really cemented in my mind how much of a family the actors became. How they totally and completely brightened each other.
How rotten it is to be forever wondering what could have been. All because the greed of a corporation decided to erase the best television I have ever watched.
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acre-of-wheat · 1 year
So I was watching The Whispers of Nockmaar for the millionth time, as you do, when I caught something about the scene where Jade sees the vision of her mother after the supposed Bone Reaver attack.
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Check out that arrow, specifically the fletching and coloration.
We learn later from Scorpia that it wasn’t Bone Reavers who killed Jade’s family, but actually rangers of Tir Asleen.
And if you may have doubted the veracity of Scorpia’s claim, just take a look at what’s in the Tir Asleen Princess’ quiver.
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Those look kinda familiar, huh?
I think it’s interesting how either Jade remembered this little detail and didn’t make the connection about the arrows, or that this was Nockmaar trying to reveal an unhappy truth to her, in much the same way as showing Elora her own mother’s death.
There’s definitely something very wrong with this castle...
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jidblogger · 1 year
I do sometimes feel like Hordak and Scorpia family did intimately “Team up” only because it would seem easier for Hordak to be like
“Hey join the Horde we have Tech and will make your Kingdom cool”
then something happened as to why you’ll see Scorpino people being rounded up in the episode Lightspinner . 
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spyskater · 1 year
Alright folks, you asked for an essay. We all know Jade Claymore is your quintessential knight archetype. As such, she is extremely dedicated to the path she’s set out for her life. She is bound to the oaths that she’s made and while we don’t know what those oaths are, it’s easy to assume that she is entirely committed to Tir Asleen and Sorsha and, by association, the entire Tanthalos family. Due to the restrictions set upon her as servant of the crown, Jade is wound rather tight. You know what else is bound and wound up rather tight at the beginning of the season? Her hair.
Note the way her hair is constantly close to her head, making it seem rather small. She’s got these ties running through her curls for half of the journey, keeping everything neatly in place. It’s very Jade, a character for which things are rarely out of order (unlike Kit, whose hair typically flies about everywhere). There are two physical attributes Jade gets rid of over the course of the season, both of which we’re introduced to her with: her mask and her bound curls. 
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Jade's different styles in episode one. Even when her hair is out, there's always a section bound or twisted.
When we meet Jade, her mask is on and her hair is braided back. This Jade is at her most duty and honor bound and the unforeseen adventure ahead will evolve her beliefs about what it means to be those things. By the way the mask is made, it almost forces Jade to keep her hair pretty low, due to the head strap in the back. In episode three, after her mask is knocked off of her face, she never picks it back up again. The mask represents an identity that she ties to Tir Asleen and Ballantine (it’s paralleled with his helm). Kit offers to return it to her, but Jade refuses it and begins her crisis of faith and journey to discovering who Jade Claymore really is. We never see it again. This Jade Claymore died in the Pitiless Pass with Ballantine.
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Episode two is where Jade's signature style truly begins through the next few episodes. Note the ties in her hair and how they hold it down.
In episode five, something similar happens with her hair. After Scorpia tells her the truth about her history, that she is a Bone Reaver stolen by Tir Asleen, her hair is never bound again. She loses all of the ties and strings holding it. Instead, her Bone Reaver look consists of Bantu knots that crown her head like her sister’s and fully freeing the rest of her hair. She’s accepted her Bone Reaver heritage and gone is the orphan girl always searching for family. Also important, she finally allows herself to be honest about her feelings to Kit, something that has been forbidden by the duties she’s bound herself to.
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Episode 5: before and after her Bone Reaver heritage is revealed.
And as the season goes on, she continues to allow her hair to freely flow, even if it’s tied back. With every episode, it seems to get bigger and bigger until we have the ponytail she’s wearing in episode seven and eight that sits high on her head. I would argue that, despite the life threatening quest they’re on, at this point, Jade is at her happiest and most liberated. Note that she is the only one that doesn’t appear as broken down by the Shattered Sea like everyone else. She’s found her family, discovered her purpose, and has Kit.
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Jade's styles, post-Wildwood.
Episode eight is where she breaks her final chain: she’s finally able to admit she loves Kit in front of other people. Willow basically gives her the permission and it leads to Jade’s most important quote of the series, the purpose of her journey. From bound and restrained to a knight who understands that duty and honor means nothing without love. By unbinding her hair, Jade unshackles herself.
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