#Sola Scriptura
tonechkag · 2 years
Hearing the story of Abraham & Issac really fucked me up as a kid. The actions of the adults around me made it clear that they'd kill me if God told them to.
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anglocatholicboyo · 8 months
sola scriptura types act as if Jesus just came to earth, handed each of the apostles a KJV, told them 'good luck' and then left
how could one possibly believe 'i am with you evermore' and that the Holy Ghost rests on the church (as Christ breathed him onto the apostles), and *not* think that the tradition of the church, guided by the same Spirit, continues to reveal God's will?
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cristaprotestante · 7 months
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year
Equalitarian America attached a new, disproportionate importance to knowledge which all could get and techniques that all could master. [...] A stigma, the odium of an outdated priestly aristocracy, was put on anything that could not be made universally intelligible. [...] Popularity became confused with universality. If the Bible were truly an inspired Great Book, it must have something to say to everyone; by a quaint reversal, it then became axiomatic that anyone could understand the Bible.
Daniel J. Boorstin (The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America, pages 121, 121, 121-122)
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beginnerblueglass · 1 year
Sola Scriptura btw
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Sola Scriptura bros be like: I can figure out the Book of Deuteronomy all by myself, without any cultural context, using a translation of another translation.
The Holy Spirit would never let me arrive at the wrong conclusion.
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claudiogsaucedo · 3 days
Hay algunas personas que piensan que pueden tener una relación con Dios aunque no estén transformados. No, la salvación es una transformación; es la regeneración. Eres una persona nueva, y debes vivir como una persona nueva. hay que vivir de una manera transformada.
—Sobre Verdadera conversión
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Lo que es verdad de nosotros también se requiere de nosotros. Por el poder transformador del Espíritu Santo somos hechos nuevas criaturas en Cristo, por el poder transformador del Espíritu Santo somos hechos más semejantes a Cristo en santificación, pero no separados de la justicia. Lo que marca a una persona que no es convertida es la injusticia, la mentira, la impiedad y el engaño. La transformación produce a alguien que ha sido creado en justicia, santidad y verdad.
"y vestíos del nuevo hombre, creado según Dios en la justicia y santidad de la verdad." Efesios 4:24
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umanovamelissa · 1 month
Eu era de uma forma e agora eu sou completamente diferente.
e o que aconteceu entre uma coisa e outra, FOI ELE ❤️‍🔥
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trutown-the-bard · 3 months
Great video on the importance of Sola Scriptura and why it is a healthy and necessary doctrine.
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annagracewood · 5 months
Do we really believe in Sola Scriptura?
I believe in Sola Scriptura. I stand on it theologically in everything. Sola Scriptura literally means Scripture alone, meaning that Scripture alone is our authority.
Why does Sola Scriptura matter to biblical womanhood? Because without the authority of Scripture, there is no case for biblical womanhood. No Titus 2: 3-5. No Proverbs 31 woman.  Without Sola Scriptura, we have nothing. I stand on Sola Scriptura. I stand on it theologically in everything. Sola Scriptura literally means Scripture alone, meaning that Scripture alone is our authority. I’m a Titus 2…
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ellacrista · 6 months
{Texto novo} Mês da Reforma Protestante
Nos últimos anos da Idade Média, os reformadores da igreja recusaram-se a concordar com doutrinas e regras inventadas pela Igreja Católica Romana que marginalizavam a Bíblia e elevaram a igreja como a fonte primária do que Deus fez e disse. Cinco princípios fundamentais foram seguidos pelas igrejas reformadas desde aquela época. Nós os conhecemos como “Os 5 Solas da Reforma” – 5 coisas que devem…
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i12go4god · 6 months
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wisdomfish · 7 months
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The earliest Christian creedal statement was most likely the simple yet profound New Testament proclamation, “Jesus is Lord! Saying “Jesus is Lord” (Greek: Kyrios Iesous) was the New Testament equivalent of saying, “Jesus is Yahweh” (the Lord God). This declaration of Jesus’ Lordship as the Messiah and Savior set first-century Christians apart both from Judaism and from the Romans’ worship of Caesar. Acknowledging Jesus as Lord lies at the heart of the Christian faith...
For Protestants, the authority of the creeds is not intrinsic but rather derived from Scripture. According to the Protestant principle of ‘sola Scriptura’ even creeds are subject to the supreme authority—the written Word of God. While creeds provide a valuable summary of universal Christian beliefs, they are not divinely inspired… Creeds are at least conceivably open to correction, reform, or modification, but always in light of Scripture...
The Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed identify the three divine Persons of the Trinity (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit), focusing on their unique roles in redemption… Because too many Christian churches today fail to focus adequately on the full triune nature of God, many Christians live as functional Unitarians… The creeds which reflect a balanced trinitarianism can serve as a helpful corrective to today’s theological imbalances and lack of theological training...
The church fathers formulated the Nicene Creed in large part to address the Arian heresy that denied the unqualified deity of Jesus Christ by making him a creature. Arianism is still seen today in the theology of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christadelphiams, and Iglesia ni Cristo...
The Athanasian Creed sets forth the Christian doctrine of the Trinity (three in unity), rejecting both polytheism (the belief in more than one god) and modalism (belief that the one God merely changes modes of expression). Polytheism is evident today in Mormonism, and modalism lives on in the United Pentecostal Church (Jesus only)...
The Creed of Chalcedon set forth the normative theological standard concerning the two natures of Jesus Christ (divine and human), thus rejecting various christological heresies (such as Monophysitism, the doctrine that there is only one nature in Christ, a belief still held by the Coptic Church)...
A creed is not, and was never meant to be, a substitute for personal faith. It attempts to give substance to a personal faith that already exists. You do not become a Christian by reciting a creed. Rather the creed provides a useful summary of the main points of your faith...
Contrary to the message too often heard in churches today, doctrine and theology are critical to an individual's spiritual growth and can provide a much-needed biblical foundation to stand on...
~ Kenneth R. Samples; Alister E. McGrath
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biancabmf · 8 months
Na bíblia vemos o poder transformador de Deus (Moisés não era manso, ele ficou manso), e Moisés também não era gago como dizem alguns, em Êxodo capítulo 4 vemos ele mesmo dizendo que ele era pesado de boca e de língua.
O poder transformador da palavra de Deus é revelado na bíblia, e toca a vida de quem tem relacionamento diário com Deus, em leitura e oração.
É impossível alguém ter um encontro com Deus e permanecer o mesmo, alguma coisa muda sim! Caso contrário, a conversão deste é questionável.
Vemos no evangelho também o exercício do Fruto do Espírito que nos foi concedido por meio de Jesus, vemos santidade e santificação, sabedoria que vem de Deus por viver na dependência d’Ele e a possibilidade de sermos sim como Jesus.
O apóstolo Paulo não era Jesus e ele mesmo disse que completou a carreira que foi proposta, e também que fôssemos seus imitadores assim como ele foi imitador de Cristo.
Senão nem faria sentido lutarmos para nos despojar do velho homem e nos revestir do novo… Glória a Deus.
• Sobre as atitudes de Moisés
(a bíblia não esconde o lado humano/limitado/podre de ninguém não, mas ressalta o poder de Deus para transformar):
Êxodo 4:10-17, Êxodo 2:11-15, Números 20: 2-13, Números 12 (no verso 3 fala meeesmo que ele era muito manso, mais que todos os homens da terra). Vejam a atitude de Moisés em Números 12:11-16, igualzinha a de Jesus quando estava na cruz.
• Outras passagens para conhecer mais sobre o caráter de Cristo, quais são as obras da carne, que desagradam a Deus, e quais as obras geradas pelo Espírito Santo:
Gálatas 5,
Colossenses 3,
Efésios 5,
Romanos 8,
Mateus 11:29,
2 Timoteo 4: 6-7,
1 Coríntios 11:1,
Lucas 9:23-27
2 Coríntios 12:7-10
Tiago 4:6
Tiago capítulo 4 inteiro
Filipenses cap. 2 inteiro
Isaías 53
Isaías 9
1 Coríntios 4: 14-21
Atos 2:42-47
Atos cap.2
• Como era a pregação do apóstolo Paulo:
1 Coríntios 2: 1-5
1 Coríntios cap. 2
Escrito por: Bianca Beatriz Monteiro Faria, em 31 de agosto de 2023
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deremerstudios · 8 months
The Five Solas
BibleART: The Five Solas - the foundational truths of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) - Solus Christus (Christ Alone) - Sola Fide (Faith Alone) - Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) - Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory)!
The Five Solas – the foundational truths of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) – Solus Christus (Christ Alone) – Sola Fide (Faith Alone) – Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) – Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory)! Learn more about the Five Solas through this great Gospel Coalition Article. Download a shareable passage or quote, purchase museum-quality wall art, or simply stop by to…
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