#adventures of prefix
tokai-teio · 10 months
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wanted to try a spin on this meme
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Had someone argue in class today that the prefixes of the SI units couldn't be used on grams because we already used them on meters.
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kedreeva · 3 months
as someone who is ace and entering college years, how has your dating life been as an ace? what other struggles have there been that you have advice for? i dont know any aces or similar around me older or otherwise. thank you for your time and i hope you have an easy day!
Okay this will get a little long so I'll put it behind a cut
Honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I never really...struggled? Not specifically with asexuality or with anything related to it. I can tell you my experiences, though, and you can decide if there's anything worthwhile to take away from it!
I grew up in a house run by science and math. I knew the prefix a- meant without/not and I knew there was heterosexual and bisexual and homosexual, so when young and, importantly, before really ever interacting with other queer folk, I went Ah ha, these are (prefix)(sexual) and so therefore I am asexual (without sexuality), and that was that. That was literally all the thought I gave to it. People had crushes on other people, I didn't have crushes on people, end of story. If, for some reason, I developed a crush on someone, I would deal with it then.
Maybeeeee midway through HS, a very good friend of mine asked me about it, and I said well, some people like everyone the same, and I dislike everyone the same. And she said well, then it sounds like you like everyone the same, that amount is just zero, so that seems like bisexual? (she didn't know the term asexual was an actual sexuality term either at that point, just the biological term for reproduction and, well, I could reproduce theoretically so couldn't be that) And I said well, alright then, and called myself bisexual for the next 6 or 7 years. THEN I found out asexuality is a sexuality not just a mode of reproduction and I said Ah Ha, I was Correct, and that was that again.
So I guess if I was offering advice it would be... you know you. Don't let someone else tell you about you if you think they're wrong. Make up a word if there isn't one. Use a new word if you find one that already exists and fits.
Also, that it's fine to not worry about it. Literally it's fine to just never think about it if you have better things to do. I think a lot of people get really wrapped up in finding the right label and/or "what happens if-" when like... you're not a canned good. You don't need a label. Worry about what-ifs when they come up, don't borrow anxiety if you can help it.
I dated a few people in HS, like... three people I think, and one Almost. One predatory mistake I thankfully recognized (HEY because I had older folks online I could talk to about it!) and got out of quickly, and one hot mess relationship that was a LOT of fun- my boyfriend, Sark, and then his ex-girlfriend, and then I stepped out so they could get back together, and then they said wait no, and invited me back in, and that went on for most of the end of HS, and nearly into college, when I stepped out again (and peacefully, I am still friends with both of them and I married Sark in the end). There was one guy whom I was always, perpetually, extremely fond of, and we hung out a lot, kissed once, and I think we would have had a lot of fun dating, but ultimately it was a near miss that became a fond memory, because we were never in the right place together. Sometimes life does that, and that's okay, too.
In college, I simply didn't date anyone. I had better things to do. I met my best friend, @idkfandomwhatever, online that year (and still talk to her almost daily, sometimes for hours, despite that we are on opposite sides of the world!!), and in person @mishapeep who was the best roomie I ever had (hi!!!!! i love you!!!). I had great friends, I went on a TON of adventures, worked a cool job where I had awesome coworkers, and just all around had a blast learning stuff and napping in sunbeams or on couches at the food court. A couple of guys made passes, and I turned them down because I just wasn't into it, and we remained friends. There was one coworker at my dispatch job that I got along with like a house on fire, and everyone ELSE thought we should be dating, but neither of us ever brought it up- I can't say why he didn't for sure, but I know I never brought it up because I was 85% sure he didn't swing for the right team to date me, which I ALSO never brought up until he found me on facebook years later to tell me about his husband running for local election somewhere. so. again, don't let anyone else tell you what to do lol there was ALSO another guy that I had NO interest in that spent a lot of time around me, but we mostly sat in my bunk watching Queer as Folk, which I KNOW was his first exposure to queer material. I never talked about queer stuff with him otherwise, but I heard from a mutual friend of ours that he's also happily married to his husband. Sometimes just being yourself, openly and without shame about it, does more than you think, even if it's not doing anything directly for you (but it is, it's good for you too).
SINCE college ended, I dated one guy I met through an online game and that was great in person briefly, but ultimately didn't work out because he couldn't be a nice person, another guy I met through the same online game and that didn't work out at ALL in person, and then I started hanging out with Sark and co again. I was on the phone with him driving somewhere, and I said something to the effect of someday you're gonna find a gf and she's not gonna want you to keep going on adventures with your ex, and we won't be able to talk anymore and I had a real recordscratch moment where I realized absolutely NOT on MY watch, I wanted that boy in my life forever actually, and we've been married now for... this is year 8.
I may have landed in a soft place, but I didn't seek it out. I just lived my life and didn't worry about my sexuality or about who I was or wasn't gonna date. When I DID date, I was up front about what I wanted from any of those relationships and part of the problem with the relationships that didn't work out was sometimes that I did not KNOW what I wanted, yet. But, it was IMPORTANT I think, that I gave the chances I did, because I did learn about myself and what I wanted. That's probably the hardest fucking thing to learn, that relationships sometimes happen not because they're likely to be permanent, but because it may be fun or be a way to learn what you do or don't want. Maybe alongside of that, the lesson that it's okay to go "hm, actually this is Not For Me" and exit peacefully whenever possible. But it's okay to give temporary things a shot and see how it goes, even knowing up front it may be temporary (honestly maybe that even takes some of the stress of it off? if you don't have to worry about it being forever, and you don't have to worry about "what if I never experience other things," and you don't worry so much about messing it up so it feels easier to take chances saying and doing stuff you might otherwise consider too risky to ask for etc).
I'm aware I'm lucky that things went pretty smoothly for my entire life so far, insofar as dating or sexuality is concerned. Part of that was definitely because even the worst of the people I dated weren't really all that bad of people. A lot of it was that I just didn't date if I didn't want to. I didn't care about sex, so I didn't have sex for the first time until a few years after college, and only one guy ever pushed the issue at all (the guy in HS I immediately dropped all contact with).
The thing is... I dated or nearly dated like ten people, flirted with countless others (because it's FUN), and the only one I still have regular contact with (not just occasional friendly hellos) is the one I kept at the end.
But the friends I made in college? I kept a lot of those. I still talk to several of my college friends on a regular basis. I have made other friends since, some of whom I talk to every day, some of whom have become irregular contacts I am still fond of. But those bonds are important and the ones you make with your friends from here out do have the potential to span at least huge chunks of your life, if not the entirety of it. If you only take away one thing from this little novel...take that knowledge.
also this has nothing to do with asexuality but for pete's sake find SOME kind of hobby club to be a part of, or make one if there isn't one, follow your stupidest instincts for adventure on occasion (like playing freeze tag frisbee in a lightning storm on the PAC lawn at 11pm until the campus cops show up to make you go home), and take at least one "fuck it this sounds fun" class. Mine was archery at 7am, the only early-morning class I ever took. Worth it, we were all TERRIBLE but god it was awesome.
Good luck out there!
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xmasmonkey · 4 months
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Finally, I think this patch is good enough to publish, I've created a merged and a loose file versions of the assets. It's mostly build mode oriented, despite having some decorative objects.
But after all, I think those were more important to grasp the Minoan vibe.
All models should have a custom thumb with a monkey ribbon, so you should be able to find the items easily. Although all objects have the prefix Knossos, so it should be easy to search.
I hope you like it and enjoy it and if you publish screen or builds with this just tag me too so I can see them.
Oh! And Happy New Year, everybody!!!
Also, thanks to my family for being supportive and patient with me, I love you all very much.
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The first link is the loose version and the second one is the merged one.
Knossos fence stone require Jungle Adventure Knossos Stairs require Jungle Adventure Knossos pool trims require Jungle Adventure Knossos braziers require Get Famous Knossos hearth require Get Famous Knossos Pillars require University Knossos Roof Horns require Island Living Knossos Windows require Island Living Knossos Banners require Movie Night
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dropintomanga · 4 months
The Accidental Trauma of the Negators (Undead Unluck)
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The past few years, the word trauma has been thrown around a lot. Everyone's going through something. While one can argue who is suffering more, there's one thing that's certain - we still don't know how to talk about trauma in a healthy manner that heals everyone involved.
And I see this in the case of the Negators in Yoshifumi Tozuka's Undead Unluck.
Undead Unluck starts off with a young girl named Fuuko Izumo wanting to kill herself after causing a lot of death around her. She curses how unlucky she is until a mysterious person named Andy shows up to save her. Andy is someone who is looking to die as he is living a virtually-immortal existence. He believes Fuuko is the key to dying and decides to drag her on an adventure that would end up joining an organization made up of people with unique powers like themselves called Negators.
The Negators are individuals that have abilities that negate certain rules placed by the God of their world and by beings known as Uma. These abilities usually start with an "Un-" prefix, so Undead and Unluck are on the list. How those abilities are activated can be random, but there's consequences. Once Negators awaken to their power, they end up causing tragedy to those they love and most of the time, they kill them.
I'll talk about 3 Negators in particular.
Fuuko Izumo (Unluck) - Due to her ability to generate extremely bad luck on those she loved the most, her parents were killed in an airplane crash when she was 8 and with them. Three years later, Fuuko kissed her grandfather and he ended up dying some time after
Tatiana (Untouchable) - Her Negator ability activated at the age of 5 and destroyed an entire town as anything near her would be incinerated, including her parents.
Chikara Shigeno (Unmove) - When his Negator ability activated, he accidentally caused his parents to not be able to move by looking directly at them in front a speeding truck. Hence their imminent deaths.
You can guess why I want to talk about those 3 in particular - because they accidentally killed their parents.
In mental health, there have been cases of people living with mental illness who killed their family members. While this may not be shocking to some, it's still harboring to hear and a risque subject to talk about. Years ago, while working the front desk at my local NAMI, I took a phone call from a woman who was looking to inquire about what to do regarding her brother, who killed their parents. She was in tears and I said I understood and transferred her over to the helpline.
I recently listened to two stories about people who accidentally took the lives of others. One story focused on a woman who ran over a homeless person near an expressway. While she was mourning the loss and processing what she did, everyone around her was like "Oh, that person was just an outcast to society. You don't need to mourn them." The woman didn't know how to take that. The second story was about a man who was struggling with alcohol addiction for years. Things came to a head when he killed a small group of family members while drunk driving. While the man is making amends through advocacy work against drunk driving, he can't help but wonder if he will truly be forgiven for what he did.
What's scary is when you accidentally kill someone, it's easy to let the trauma define your entire identity. Fuuko, Tatiana and Chikara were like this before meeting Andy. They were afraid that their powers couldn't help anyone. They felt that they couldn't redeem themselves no matter what. If the 3 of them can't get close to anyone anymore, then so be it.
Thankfully, all three have managed to find ways to cope and grow. Fuuko realizes how much her power can save lives and knows how much her parents loved her. The best thing Fuuko can do was live and protect those she cares about just like her parents once did. Tatiana felt the same after Fuuko befriends her without judgement of her past actions. Chikara admits that his parents want him to live first and foremost while being kind to those who need it.
I will not lie that society will always judge anything violent in a black or white manner. I just wish that those who know they did something devastating are treated with compassion by more than just people similar to them. In Undead Unluck, the Negators only get sympathy from fellow Negators. The God who "blesses" them only sees them as pawns to be played with.
It's okay if you can't forgive yourself as long as you don't fall into total despair. Try to make the world around you a better place. If you can't, then definitely make your inner world a better place. And definitely find a community that you can feel safe and at peace with. This is why I appreciate Undead Unluck and understand why it was made a big deal at Anime NYC in 2023. Community (and some professional help) goes a long way to heal the trauma.
And more importantly, try to honor the victims as best you can. Do good for their sake.
There's absolutely no good card for this at all, but shrinking yourself to the abyss and wanting to die like some Negators have felt is not a good answer to live up to any grave mistakes you made. Do the UN-believable and prove to the awful voice that unfairly blames you that you are so much more than what you did.
If you are or know someone who accidentally hurt or killed someone, the Hyacinth Fellowship is a place to find help and I totally recommend visiting their website at: https://hyacinthfellowship.org/
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sanjoongie · 10 months
Library of Illusions~ Mystery Section
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Blue Blood
📚Part Six for the Library Of Illusions Event 📚Pairing: Android! Jongho x Detective! Reader (f) 📚Genre: Fantasy au, Sci-fi au, Detroit become human influenced, coworkers to lovers 📚Warnings: hostage situation, child endangerment, android racism, degradation kink, fingering (f receiving), sex in a public space, dom!jongho, begging, m and f orgasm 📚Word Count: 3,885 📚Rating: 18+ MDNI, smut 📚Summary: for your final test, you are transported to a world where androids and humans live and work together. but you hate androids and one gets assigned to you as your new partner 📚Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland the best beta readers a writer could bribe have
↫The Adventure Section ↭ MasterList ↭Keeper of the Keys↬
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You walked past the shelves in the Mystery section, continuously having to take double takes because the books disappeared and reappeared, sometimes in the same place, sometimes in a different place. It made picking a book extremely difficult but you honestly should have expected it with this being the final guardian to defeat before you moved onto the restricted section. 
A hand landed on your shoulder and goosebumps littered your skin. “If you succeed, I can make your greatest dreams come true.” A cheeky kiss on your cheek had your face burning. You didn’t bother to try to catch the entity this time. You knew it wouldn’t reveal itself until it was good and ready.
“Whatever slow burn this is, I’m not here for it,” You denied out loud.
You almost jumped out of your skin when a book flew from the shelf beside you and you caught it quickly with your reflexes. The front showed a bright blue circle and you read the title ‘Detroit Become Human’. 
You opened the book you had caught and watched patiently as the book flew out of your hands. It landed upright with its pages flipping open until it halted and grew to the size of a door. The center for the book was transparent and within you could see a desk and fans on the ceiling. Were you going to be a detective this time? You hesitated to step through, worried that you wouldn’t be able to solve a crime and receive your key.
“Hesitating now wouldn’t show good character,” The entity's voice mocked you.
You frowned and threw up double middle fingers. “And what does it say about a demon who won’t show itself,” You threw right back at him and finally walked through the portal.
You were sitting at a desk, business casual clothes on, a digital badge by your keyboard and a screen that said Detroit Police Department. The name plate said your name with a Detective prefix. You felt tired and cranky and you definitely needed another cup of coffee.
Your lieutenant said your name and beckoned you over. They gestured to a man in a long jacket. "Detective, this is your new partner JC-1012."
The android smiled closed mouth. "Jongho, actually. It's preferable if you refer to me by my name. Studies show--"
You grimaced and rolled your eyes. "A fucking 'Droid, are you kidding me? You couldn't find a human cop?"
Jongho’s eyebrows shot into his fringe, his face quite expressive. "Actually, with human error factored into the equation--"
"I don't care about the fucking math, I care about empathizing with other humans and being able to help them!” You insisted stubbornly.
The android continued his sentence like you didn’t say anything at all. "--androids like myself are 99.9999999--"
You rubbed your hand roughly over your face. "Fuck me, do you ever shut up?"
Your lieutenant crossed his arms over chest. "Detective, this is your new partner whether you like it or not. Our homicide rate for this part of the city is up by 5 whole points and that's not acceptable to the mayor. So he pushed the funding and now you have an android partner. Deal with it."
"Yes, Lieutenant," You said sourly.
You sat back to your desk with a hmph.
"Can you tell me something about yourself, Detective?" Jongho asked, unbuttoning his jacket and sitting down across from you at your "partner's" desk.
You continued working on the report you had been typing up earlier. "Why in the hell would I tell an android something about myself?"
"Well, statistics show--"
You tossed your head back and groaned. "Please!"
"--when you share personal details with your partner--"
"Okay." You stood up and marched over to your sergeant’s desk.
"--that you will bond," Jongho smiled like he was a friendly concierge at a hotel.
"Give me a case," You begged your sergeant.
Your sergeant pushed her glasses up her nose and scanned the screen before them. "There's a murder at the local strip club involving an android and a customer. I want you on all Android involved investigations, Detective."
You smashed your fist against the desk in frustration. "Fine. FINE. Jongho. Let's go."
“No problem, Detective.”
You and Jongho slipped into a squad car and made the drive towards the Eden Club. It was primarily a strip club but members could always pay an extra fee for a private room, which basically equated to a lovebot hotel. You sighed; that was the last place you wanted to go.
“Detective?” Jongho responded to your sigh, “Is there something wrong?”
“Nope, just tired,” You replied to him.
Jongho opened his mouth but his next question was lost when the radio screamed of Code 136: hostage situation. The minute you heard the operator say android, you pulled an illegal u-turn and zoomed to the address. 
“Detective, we already have a case,” Jongho stated.
“I’m aware of that,” You said, your grip on the wheel getting tighter.
Jongho frowned. “Detective, your heart rate--”
“Just shut up, Jongho. We’re going to the damn hostage situation, okay?” You shouted.
The car was completely silent, almost stifling. “Detective?”
“Jongho, I swear to God if you babble one more statistic at me, I will stab you with my pen and see your blue blood run,” You threatened.
“Actually, I was wondering if you’d let me talk down the android.”
You tore your gaze from the road to stare at Jongho and then went back to driving. “Why?” You spat out finally.
“I’d like to think I’m the best candidate to talk down a defective unit. I am an android after all,” Jongho supplied.
“I don’t think you can do anything. There’s a human’s life at stake here!” You shouted. 
“I’d like to save the life of both the human and the android, if that’s quite alright with you,” Jongho admitted quietly.
That made you pause. He wanted to save an android? It only made you more grumpy. “Fine, you can be the one to handle the hostage situation. But if I even sense that the situation is taking a turn for the worst, I am the head detective here, and you will listen to my commands.”
“Yes, Detective,” Jongho agreed solemnly.
The hostage situation was a high adrenaline scenario that had you worried every step of the way. The caregiver android of a child of a wealthy citizen was threatening to take them and the child over the building’s rooftop amenities. The child had expressed how hard it was to keep up with their studies and being friendless and the pressures of their parents' expectations and the android had taken the child’s ‘I wish I would just die’ a little too much to heart. Jongho spoke passionately to the android, speaking of how didn’t the android want to watch the child grow up and become an adult themselves, and wouldn’t the caregiver feel pride having been the one to help that development. 
“This is the moment where you decide your own fate!” Jongho said passionately. “Either you release that child or you condemn the both of you.”
The caretaker’s arm tightened around the child, who squealed in fright. Your instincts kicked in, and without saying a word, you began to run and dove for the child. You felt pain before you heard the gunshot behind you. You had managed to grab the child before Jongho shot the android and it fell to its demise to the pavement below.
The entire police department and emergency crew that were on sight lauded you for your quick thinking and no one said a word to Jongho, who had done the most for the case. You wanted to feel right, that you were the human and Jongho was the android. What did Jongho need recognition for? He was just doing his job. But then so were you.
After the emergency crew wrapped up your arm that had been grazed by Jongho’s bullet, the two of you went back to the squad car so that you could write up the report for the hostage situation. You ignored the calls of your sergeant for not taking the case that was assigned to you, and typed up everything you remembered while it was fresh in your memory on the tiny console in the squad car.
“Detective?” Jongho sought to gain your attention.
You tapped on the tiny keys as your windshield wipers lasered the rain from your window. “I have to do this right now Jongho, or the details will change or get hazy. I’m a human after all. I don’t have photographic memory.”
“I need to speak to you about shooting through you,” Jongho persisted.
“It’s not necessary,” You attempted to cut him off.
“It is necessary to explain!” Jongho frowned, “I calculated the angle and the risk, and ran through a great many scenarios, and the one with the best outcome--”
You closed the console softly. “Jongho. I understand.”
Jongho’s mouth snapped shut. “You understand?”
“If you had not shot that android, I might have gone down with the two of them. You did what was best to save the two humans in that scenario.” You sighed heavily. “At the expense of one of your own. I appreciate that,” You admitted gruffly.
You continued your report and the air lessened with its tension but your muscles did not. Your adrenaline had drained from you but you still held yourself stiffly in your seat. “Well--”
“Detective, is there anything I can do for your comfort level? My scanning tells me your muscles are so tight, they must be painful.”
You turned your head slowly in disbelief, “What?”
Jongho’s gaze went from your tailored slacks, up past your button blouse and met your eyes. “I can help you.”
“Help me how, Jongho?”
"Do you know what I was before they sent me to become your partner?" Jongho peeked at you through his eyelashes.
You swallowed but found there was no moisture in your mouth. "Don't tell me you were a lovebot?"
Jongho smiled, gummy and bright. "I was a lovebot," he confirmed.
"Shit," You cursed, "Jongho--"
"Do you know what I still retain from that job?" Jongho interrupted you, "I still have an innate want to please others." Jongho leaned forward. You held yourself very still as he looked you directly in the eyes, face centimeters from your face, and pulled the lever that made your seat lean back. "Let me please you?"
"That is such a breach of conduct," You breathed out in rushed words.
"You are stiff, Detective," Jongho bit down on his lower lip, his voice getting husky, "Let me help you get loose."
Jongho's hand slid down your pants and you didn't stop him. In fact, you spread your legs to give him easier access. A pool of wetness had already formed there, and Jongho smiled knowingly when his fingers met your wetness. "Do you want my fingers, Detective?"
"God, Jongho, stop playing these games," You growled.
"You have to agree to my services. I have to hear you say the words." Jongho's eyes danced with merriment.
"Want your fingers," You mumbled.
Jongho turned his head and cupped his ear. "Hmmm, what's that?"
"I want your fingers inside of me!" You shouted hoarsely.
"Would that please you?" Jongho asked with a cock of his head.
"Please," You whimpered, swallowing what was left of your pride.
"Oh pretty, all you had to do was ask!" Jongho assured you and then plunged one finger inside of you.
Your eyebrows furrowed and your hips thrusted upwards as you were finally filled. Jongho lifted his chin and looked at you through hooded eyes as his finger began to push and tap at the rough spot inside of you. You let out a high whine at the sensation.
"Want more?" Jongho asked in a low voice.
"Please," You murmured again and Jongho pushed a second finger into you. You began to pant at the two fat fingers that were stretching your hole.
"What's wrong, Detective? Why are you so tight and so wet for me? Has no one touched you in a long time? Are you only used to your own fingers fucking this tiny hole?" Jongho tsked you. "That's criminal, pretty, this hole deserves to be pounded into every morning in the sunbeams."
You whined at the imagery of Jongho bending you in half, your feet over his shoulder, as he jackhammered into you with nary a sweat drop as the morning sunlight drifted through some curtains. You should not be imagining such a sweet scene with your android partner, but there it was.
When those two fingers began to fuck you, Jongho's palm anchoring his hand, the lewd squealching noises that came from your cunt was embarrassing. Jongho laughed under his breath. "Aren't you sweet, getting embarrassed over the noise of your pussy taking my fingers so well. I gotta make you cum if you're gonna take my cock, hmmm?" The hum sent shivers down your spine.
"J-jongho, that's too fast--" Your words were cut off as Jongho sped up his pace, mercilessly passing over your g-spot until you came with a strangled cry.
"That's it, pretty, come for me and relax," Jongho talked you through your orgasm and then removed his fingers from under your pants. He wiped them on your thigh and raised an eyebrow at you. "What next, Detective?"
You evened your breathing but your legs were still spread and your underwear was a mess. "We gotta…return…the squad car…"
"We can return the car," Jongho ducked his head in agreement. "Or I can log a breaking and entering we found as we made our way back to the station and I could fuck you in the back of this cop car."
Just how far were you willing to take this? Jongho was offering but didn’t you hate him? But the look in his eyes… didn’t seem as soulless as you had originally perceived. This didn’t seem like a trap either. You just didn’t know anymore.
"Pretty?" Jongho brought your attention back to him. 
Jongho tilted his head. “If you’re concerned, I’m offering my services because--”
“Jongho, for once, can I not get one of your default answers,” You said dryly.
Jongho ducked his head, almost a shy motion, completely contradictory towards his recent behavior. “Yes, Detective. Perhaps I am being a little bit greedy but I prefer your reactions to me as I pleasure you, to when we are as partners.”
“You…prefer?” You looked for clarification.
Jongho’s eyebrows furrowed. “You respond to me in an innate way that feels more like a human experience than a human and android experience. I feel that is how I would like our interactions to proceed.”
“You want to feel like I’m treating you like a human and not an android,” You repeated back to him.
Jongho smiled again. “Yes!”
“You were right, earlier,” You admitted, “I haven’t been fucked in a very long time.”
“Won’t go see the lovebots, I assume,” Jongho asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No, and with my schedule, it’s hard to date,” You added.
“I can,” Jongho paused to bite down on his lip, somewhat conscientious and not tempting, “I can help you with that, Detective.”
You groaned, unsure if you could say no at this point. What have you turned into??? “Before I regret this…” You opened the backdoor and left the driver’s seat to shuffle into the back of the squad car.
Jongho met you in the back, a small smile pulling at his lips. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "Don't gloat or anything, JC-1012."
Jongho pouted at the reference to his model number. "Detective!"
"Yeah, yeah," You said while pulling off your pants and underwear and throwing them to the floor, "You don't want to be treated like an android."
Jongho's attitude changed at the drop of a coin once your messy and wet pussy was out on display. "Pretty, your cunt is calling for me," Jongho hummed.
You felt your nipples tighten at that phrase. "My neglected pussy needs you, Jongho," You whined.
"I can take care of you," Jongho promised. He folded his long jacket properly and tossed it back into the front passenger's seat. Next was his belt and button and zipper to his pants. His forearm muscles bulged as he rolled his sleeves up as well. "I'm going to fuck you so well that your pussy won't be neglected any longer." You let out a desperate noise from the back of your throat and Jongho smiled confidently again. 
If you thought that Jongho was just going to fuck you in the missionary position in the back of the squad car, you were sadly mistaken. Jongho bent you in half, your legs hitting his shoulders and his hips pressed into your ass. Jongho had also been right in making you come beforehand, because the extra wetness made so that his girth eased into you without resistance. However, when you come, you become tighter, so Jongho was all gritted teeth and grunts.
"Fuck, how are you tighter after coming?" Jongho panted, "Were my fingers that good, pretty? Is my dick that good?" You clenched down at his words and he grinned, fierce and ego-fulfilled, "It is me then. I feel honored."
You tossed your arm over your face in embarrassment. "Jongho, please."
Jongho immediately removed your arm from your face. "I want to hear it," He said in a gravelly voice.
You looked at the ceiling and said, "Your dick does this to me."
Jongho pulled back and thrusted into you, making your breath catch in the back of your throat. "What was that?"
"Fuuuuccckkkk, do that again," You begged.
Jongho, out of pure pettiness, kept his hips flush with your ass and raised an eyebrow at you. "Sorry, what was that?"
The corner of your lips turned downwards. "Your dick makes me tight and clench down on you. Please, Jongho, please don't stop."
Jongho shook his head so his fringe moved out of his eyes. "As you wish, pretty."
Jongho gave you harsh thrusts, and long pull outs, enough to give you what you wanted but also leave you wanting more. The pleas and promises that fell from your lips only fed Jongho even more. You could tell that he loved that you were at his mercy; that only he could give you what you needed at this moment. It was completely different from the disinterest and distrust you had given him earlier at the precinct.
"Oh god, Jongho, I think--!" A particularly sharp thrust had you crying out, interrupting your sentence, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum, just like that, yes!"
"Gonna come on my dick, pretty? Gonna milk me for all I'm worth? Gonna take all of my cum like a good little cum slut? Want me to fill you up and have my cum leaking out of your poor little hole? I bet you can barely hold any of it," Jongho mocked you.
You threw your head back and yelled as your orgasm coursed through you at Jongho's dirty talk. "Fuck fuck fuck," You whined as your walls pulsed around Jongho. 
Jongho gently let your legs go and pushed your hair behind your ear. "There, relaxed now, pretty?"
"So fucking relaxed," you said and then stiffened immediately. "you little shit, you are leaking out of me!"
Jongho chuckled, manly and full of ego, "I told you so."
The dispatcher called out your squad car's number and you groaned. "Sounds like they still want us to check in with the Eden Club. Guess our android work is never finished."
"Detective?" Jongho called out to grab your attention once again.
You stopped pushing yourself upwards to stare up at him. Not a hair out of place, he barely looked touched, where you probably looked like the epitome of a cumslut. "Jongho?"
"You're a really good person, under that tough exterior, aren't you Detective?"
The sentence caught you off guard. "I…guess I haven't thought about it that deeply. I mean I am in the police force, I suppose I put others before myself--"
Jongho sighed, fixing himself and helping you out of the squad car once you had put your pants back on. "No, pretty, that's not what I'm talking about."
Your face screwed up in confusion. "What are you talking about, Jongho?"
"You." Jongho poked your forehead with his index finger. "The one who came to the library of illusion with a selfless reason."
"Are you malfunctioning? Did my pussy do that to you?" You laughed dryly but Jongho did not join you.
Jongho pursed his lips to the side in thought. "I'm kicking you out. Your inner strength is unparalleled to any human I've come across while being trapped in this place. I'm not sure if you can defeat him but it's worth a try to support you."
You crossed your arms under your chest. "You're not kicking me out of anywhere, Jongho, I'm the detective--"
The air tensed, warping and stretching and suddenly it snapped and you were back in the Mystery Section. Jongho still had a long jacket but it was accompanied with leather pants. Jongho fondly poked your forehead again. "You're lucky I'm a softy."
"Jo-jongho," You groaned. You brought both hands to your face, an intense feeling of pain cutting through your head.
"Here." When you dropped your hands, Jongho was offering you his key: a badge. "You deserve this. I hope you know that."
You blinked and you felt like you had just been hit by a truck or had a concussion. "I'm not sure I can do this."
Jongho shook his head. "You can't give up now. Not when you're so close."
"I barely know which way is up right now though," You admitted.
Jongho took your hand and put the badge in your palm and curled your fingers around it. "Go back to Seonghwa. Show him that you have all the keys. He'll know what to do."
"Thank you," You said weakly.
Jongho shook his head. "No, thank you. I haven't come that hard in eons."
Your eyes widened and you felt your face heat up. Jongho's borderline evil laughter followed you out of the Mystery Section on your way to Seonghwa.
You dragged your body to Seonghwa's desk, where the keeper was playing a book version of Jenga. "Don't you have any respect for the books you keep here?"
Seonghwa jumped in the air and placed a hand over his heart. "You scared me!"
"Do you think…I could put the last key…?" You made a few shaky steps around the desk before you collapsed against Seonghwa who caught you.
A look of pity washed over his face. "It's finally caught up to you, huh?"
"That last one, there was barely a moment between me and the other me, I--" You grimaced at your still pounding headache. "Fuck."
Seonghwa kindly took the badge key from you and placed it beside the bumble bee. "The six keys required to open the restricted section." 
He firmly closed the display case and the both of you watched as the keys sunk into the black sand. Then your eyes swung to the large gate. 
And nothing changed.
"You got to be fucking kidding me," You cursed.
Tag list:  @yoonguurt   @hijirikaww   @flowerboykun   @starillusion13   @flurrys-creativity   @kitten4sannie   @a-soft-hornytiny
Library staff: @kwanisms   @smallfrye  @anyamaris   @stardragongalaxy   @kpop-stories-21
↫The Adventure Section ↭ MasterList ↭ Keeper of the Keys ↬
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dndhistory · 23 days
438. Carl Smith, Bruce Nesmith and Doug Niles - CA1: Swords of the Undercity (1985)
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After years without any new campaign settings in (A)D&D, with everyone playing in Greyhawk and the unnamed (later Mystara) world of D&D, campaign settings are coming out pretty frequently with the last couple of years seeing games set in Ravenloft, Hyboria, Dragonlance, Pelinore, Kara-Tur and now Lankhmar. 
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Originally the setting for Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser stories, this world was a huge influence on Gygax and his imagining of Greyhawk (you only have to read Gygax's Gord the Rogue novels to see how influential it was), so it was only natural that the game would eventually incorporate the universe of Lankhmar into itself. 
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With the prefix CA, standing for City of Adventure, this module is composed of three short adventures, each by a different writer, and a good selection of writers at that. A pretty good introduction to the world of Lankhmar with a seamless introduction of game mechanics into that world, this is a fun module with some great interior illustrations by Valerie Valusek. 
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lonertale · 8 months
Welcome To The Lonertale Blog
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Lonertale is an Undertale alternate universe where the war between humans and monster is vaguely post-poned from ancient times to what appears to be a medieval-like era. Although the "Loner" prefix seems like an oxymoron, it implies the internal and/or external struggles of the AU's main characters.
Lonertale is a coming of age story among many of Undertale’s original characters in a different fashion. The audience follows the adventures of Asriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, and a skeleton-amalgamate, Hypergade, as they grow up preparing themselves for war that is soon to blossom. As situations grow dire, these young adults aim to find a last ditch effort for salvation before the humans succeed and destroy everything they aim to protect.
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Content Warning
The story may include themes such as foul language, violence, death, and prejudice. The story takes place in a medieval-like time period. However, be mindful that there will be inconsistencies with some material (such as clothing and technological advancements) unrealistic to real-world history. This is meant to aid in telling the story that was imagined by the creator.
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Asriel | Asgore | Toriel | Undyne | Alphys | Papyrus Gaster | Hypergade | Cyrus
Flowey | Gerson | Napstablook | Mettaton | Mew Mew | River Person | Glyde | Onion San
[More Coming Soon]
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World Building & Lore
Lonertale FAQ
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#lonertale #lonertale au #hypergade #lonertale cyrus #lonertale asriel #lonertale asgore #lonertale toriel #lonertale undyne #lonertale alphys #lonertale papyrus #lonertale sans #lonertale gaster #lonertale flowey
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AU created by @blvdcharms
Special Thanks | @toxictoxicities, @revolvius, @theartist-june, @6nimus9, @stoukadraws
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shadowblade8192 · 10 months
Spore on the steam deck
so, i recently got a steam deck, and i also have the spore collection on gog, so obviously i was like "hell yeah lets get spore on the go"
i thought i could just install it and run, i could not. if you try, you'll get errors 2000 and 1004.
to fix this? well, i combined a couple guides i found here in the case that anyone here has the same problem (this should work for steam and gog, and *maybe* origin, the only thing that should be different is the file paths, and it should be the same for general linux desktops with different file paths). also some steps are only necessary for certain parts of it. i will put [SPORE] for base game, [GA] for galactic adventures, and [CC] for the parts pack
step 1) install the game [SPORE] [GA] [CC]
very simple step. on steam you just download it while in game mode (also download galactic adventures and the creepy and cute parts pack if you have those), and on gog you can use heroic launcher (which is what i used) or lutris (which i have never used, the only difference *should* be the file path which it might tell you).
step 2) edit the wine prefix registry [SPORE] [GA] [CC] and copy content [GA] [CC]
this is where the error 2000/1004 gets solved.
open the file "/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/17390/pfx/system.reg" if you are using steam, or "/home/deck/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/SPORE Collection/pfx/system.reg" if you are using gog. then, paste the following strings between any other pre-existing strings in that file:
[Software\Wow6432Node\electronic arts\spore] 1627191375 #time=1d78116fc363040 "appdir"="Spore" "datadir"="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Spore/Data" "installcompleted"=dword:00000001 "installloc"="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Spore" "locale"="en-us" "playerdir"="My Spore Creations" "reindexyesorno"=dword:00000000
if you only have the base game, this is all you need to do to get the game to load up properly (for other versions, replace the bits in datadir and installloc with the location you installed to)
[GA] you will also need to paste a second thing (again, anywhere between other things is fine):
[Software\\Wow6432Node\\electronic arts\\SPORE_EP1] 1240428288 #time=000000000 "AddOnID"=dword:00000002 "DataDir"="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Spore/Data" "PackID"=dword:28448390
[GA] [CC] in the same directory folder as the Data folder, you will also see the DataEP1 [GA] and bp1content [CC]. copy EVERYTHING from inside these folders into the Data folder. after doing this, you can now access the expansion packs ingame, and id also recommend changing the aspect ratio (requires restart of the game to take effect)
step 2.5) get 60fps patch [SPORE] [GA] [CC]
this is relatively simple, go back into the Data folder, then open the Config folder. in this folder you should see three text files, ConfigManager, Properties, and VideoCards.
first, open ConfigManager, scroll all the way to the bottom, and ad the very bottom make a new line and type "intProp frameLimitMS 17" (without the quotation marks)
second, open Properties, scroll all the way down, at the very bottom make a new line and type "property frameLimitMS 44 int" (again without quotation marks)
after editing both of those files, save them and then you should be running the game at around 60fps
step 3) controller config and game mode access
if you are using a steam deck, you will probably want to access this in game mode. steam version has this there by default so that doesnt matter, but other versions need to be added. heroic launcher has an option to just add a game to steam in heroic, and then booting into game mode shows it there. not entirely sure about lutris but its probably the same.
once its there in the game mode (or for regular linux desktops, just edit the controller config from the steam desktop app for spore specifically) just open the controller configurator, set up the controls you like (you NEED bindings for left and right mouse buttons, scroll wheel, middle mouse click, and mouse movement, and i recommend also adding 1, 2, 3, 4, F1, F2, F3, F4, space, esc, p, shift, ctrl, backspace, alt, wasd, and enter), i personally used the joystick for wasd, dpad for f1-4, left trackpad as a dpad for 1-4, a and b for jump and enter, start and select as esc and p, right trackpad and right stick as mouse, triggers as click and everything else on the paddles.
after all that, you can now play spore on the steam deck (or any linux pc i think)
(please note that mods might not work unless they dont require galactic adventures because of how the galactic adventures data was moved to the base game bit, bot parts pack does work, but i couldnt get the patch that gives them the sing ability to work)
why did i go through all that to play spore in a car? who knows. why am i posting it here rather than reddit? because i dont use reddit anymore. is anyone reading this likely to care? probably not but theres always a chance.
anyways hope you enjoyed reading this (or the very small chance you were following along with this cause you really wanted spore on steam deck) and uh have a good day i guess
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Missing Kits, Part 2/?
Part 1
Dragonflykit - Greenflower's son, now surviving greencough. Dragonflypaw is mentored by Grasswhisker, and becomes Dragonflynose. However, between Firestar's Quest and Midnight, before the Forest starts getting ripped up, Dragonflynose slips off to the Moonstone and transitions, becoming Dragonflywing! She looks a lot like her mom.
Duckkit - Now a dark tortoiseshell molly with a small tail, Duckkit does still pass, but Greenflower is seen getting reassurance from Mudfur that he saw her in Starclan, running around with a moss ball.
Featherkit - Now Dappletail and Stormpelt's son. His death is now retconned. He was deaf, yes, but he wasn't a strong kit to begin with. He passed from fading kitten syndrome, but had a nice life before that, and was starting to get interested in herbs.
Cricketkit - A blue-gray tom like Bluestar, but with yellow eyes. He was apprenticed to Russetmoth, Willowpelt's father, and named Cricketfang. He is mates with Longtail's sister, Heatherwish, and now the father of Cinderpelt and Brackenfur.
Sol's siblings are brought up but they're for another post, as are Cloudtail's and Firestar's.
Quietkit - Now a dark brown tabby molly with brilliant blue eyes. She has made it through her sickness! Her mother has been renamed from Ashheart to Gravelheart. She is currently apprenticed to Russetfur. I have bumped her up to have been born a few moons before ITW, but she should NOT be an apprentice right now, this is much too early. Thankfully, Russetfur is good to her. Her warrior name will be Quietfeather.
Her siblings are under the cut!
Turtlekit - Now a dilute tortoiseshell molly with one green eye and one yellow eye, Turtlekit is Gravelheart's second born child, and is currently apprenticed to Blackfoot. She is also too young for this. Her warrior name will be Turtlesong.
Rubblekit - Another rare prefix, a lot of these kits gave prefixes never seen before. Now he is a small gray tabby tom with (as a reference to his wiki sprite) bright green eyes! He is illegally apprenticed to Nettlespot, who thankfully acts tough but is very gentle with him. His warrior name will be Rubblefang.
Cherrypaw - Originally Robinwing and Fuzzypelt from long ago, appearing in Spottedleaf's Honest Answer. Well Robinfuzzy is getting destroyed and SHA no longer exists, so Cherrypaw is getting moved away from that and is now bulky ginger and white molly with amber eyes, and a child of Grayflower (OC) with her littermates Dustpelt and Ravenpaw. She was made a warrior early due to fighting off a boar! Her mentor was Frostfur and her name is Cherryshine.
Chestnutkit - He was bumped down to be Frostfur's littermate as Brindleface is no longer her sister, he was mentored by Snowfur, and he is also now a skinny pale brown tabby tom with a white chest and blue eyes named Chestnutwing. He will mentor Elderpaw after Russetmoth dies.
Lavenderkit - Now a rose-cream mollynwith deep blue eyes, Lavenderkit survives her illness and is apprenticed to Volewhisper. She becomes Lavenderpool, and is mates with Blossomclaw.
Smokepaw - Nightwing's boy, the apprentice that falls. He is a HUGE part of The New Prophecy! A main character now! He will still fall, but find his way home, and he is featured in WCR!Graystripe's Adventure, found by Graystripe and Cody. His name will be Smokeheart.
Talonpaw - Now pale gray with large white feet, the attack from the kittypets nearly killed him, and he collapsed unconscious when he dragged himself back to camp. He would lay in effectively a comatose state, being given a Dying Warrior Ceremony from Blackstar. He woke up during the end of Sunset, and was shocked to hear cheers of his new name: Talonshine.
Nightwhisper - Nightwhisper would not become Darkflower's mate, but instead brought his young daughter to be nursed by Queens who could help. Kinkfur was that kit. She is, for all intents and purposes, half Bloodclan.
Pouncetail - To avoid same names, this man had been not only hit with the Gender Beam, but also a cool new name. Meet Muntjactail! Now has an itty-bitty tail, a lighter chest and belly. She is mates with Stoatrunner (1 half of Stoatfur, who is now split into 2 cats) and is the mother of Beenose!
Since Wolfstep is dead, the lean tabby tom and tortoiseshell queen with 2 kits are now Rubblefang, and his sister Turtlesong. He is giving her loving support. Wetfoot has just died, he was the father of her kits. Ivykit (Ivytail) and Whitekit (Whitewater).
Crowfrost - Dawncloud now gets together with Picklewish (OC, kinda. One of the names from the Fan Vote that Wafflepaw won. He joins Shadowclan during the Journey) and has Crowfrost. He will also be surviving AVOS! She also has them a little bit later than canon.
Spiderfoot - Crowfrost's brother, a cowardly little guy who leaves to become a kittypet. His kittypet name is Socko, and he is loved.
Swallowtail - Now a skinny gray-cream molly with darker legs and amber eyes. Born to Vixenleap and a posthumous Swancall a few weeks after the Battle for Bloodclan, Swallowtail may look like a Windclan cat, but she is a shining star in Riverclan. She even earned her name early and was trusted with an apprentice before anyone else! She has secret kits with Rainwhisker!
Wait, what?
Pebblefoot - Now a mottled pale brown tom with bright green eyes and small paws, Pebblefoot is an alright enough guy. He had a bit of a celebrity crush on Ashfoot when he was young. His mentor is no longer Mosspelt, but now Heavystep, who is no longer an early elder. He gives the next Riverclan Leader a life after his death during The Hopeless Storm.
Minnowtail - Oh, I have BIG plans for this girl, should all go well with ASC. That's far away for now, but just know that us Mouse x Minnow fans are EATING.
Tumblekit - Now a chubby little boy. I am deeply sorry for anyone who likes this little guy and wanted him to live. He was never meant to survive. I tried to think of how I could spin him, but his death is a Canon Event for Minnowtail.
Mallowtail and Grasswhisker - Grasswhisker is now a trans tom who might later realize they're actually a tolly! That isn't set in stone, but what is is this relationship! But, since he and Mallowtail cannot have kits of biologically, they get help from a sire. Who, you ask? Well that's private! (a loner) after Mallowtail gives birth, they are shocked to see that one of their kits, Beechkit, looks VERY much like Grasswhisker! The other is Rippletail. Mates of Gorsetail and Petalfur.
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tokai-teio · 7 months
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"Tread carefully, lest ye come across those who would seek to end thine journey prematurely..."
a piece i did today for the Arkquest trend on twitter! it was a fun little community project of drawing Arknights characters in the medieval context of the 'Snowsant Quest' scenario
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the-orion-scribe · 2 years
Introducing my fic series!
So welcome to my blog! Here I'll post updates related to my next-generation fic series. Please feel free to reblog to promote my series, or ask any questions in the ask box!
What is it about?
It's time to pass the baton.
At least 30 years have passed since the summer that changed everything. Many have moved on, but while all the characters have grown up and settled down, the town of Gravity Falls is still a strange and weird place. Nesting among the woodlands and valleys, plenty of secrets remain, waiting to be unlocked.
Explore the stories and escapades of Dipper and Pacifica’s three children – Nita, Nilam and Taka – as they deal with all the endless paranormal absurdities and other ridiculousness that comes their way (preferably without their parents’ supervision).
Adventure! Mystery! Action! Grappling hook! These random bold-sounding words are alive and well in these exciting Tales!
Parental guidance is advised when browsing the following stories.
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Artwork by Pau_Sketches, an amazing and delightful artist to work with!
My goal with this series is to try and create a believable next-generation series for the show, by keeping the fun, quirky tone of the cartoon interspersed with paranormal and mythical elements. And, of course, plenty of family fluff, with endearing parental moments and the unavoidable siblings' bickering and teasing. While I work on longer adventures with these Pines children, I might at the same time devote some efforts to one-shots (labelled with the prefix "Appendix") to keep myself motivated. These one-shots are a couple of stories exploring the side characters and background of the new generation.
I recommend using this index if you wish to navigate my works in chronological order.
I understand that next-generation stories are quite niche. But if you’ve dropped by here seeking such stories, I would appreciate it if you check out some of these works and hit the kudos button and/or comment! Any comments and constructive criticism help keep me going forward. Reblog too to help promote this series!
In the meantime, also try to crack the weird keyboard smashes or string of numbers left at the end of every story. These are actually cryptic messages, encoded in various ways (whether Vigenère, Caesar or Atbash). They might mean something or nothing.
Once again, stay weird and have fun!
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twotailednekomata · 5 months
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Guess what I was up too ( =`ω´= )
A few days ago, I wanted to check out the latest Clangen update. However, the majority of the clans I have has some level of a big plot point or story commitment that I didn't want to screw up so...
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Meet AClan (colloquially known as GullClan)! I originally wanted to nicknamed it 'SeagullClan' but quickly realised it was too much of a mouthful for me
Long story short, this was supposed to be a dummy clan to transfer one of my older clans onto (before that no longer became necessary) and it ended up lingering in my saves before I decided to finally play it recently.
I also recently learned that MSP doodles are fun and a great way to warm up with digital art so I smushed that with Clangen and, boom, MSP kitty madness ฅ(ミ ゝ ᆽ ^ ミ)∫
Introduction to founding cats under the cut (I will explain the doodle board in the reblogs)
Also, if anybody has tips on how to export MSP saves in a way that keeps the pixels sharp and clean (& not a blurred mess) please let me know ˄·͈༝·͈˄ So far, the best idea I have is to copy & paste the save into Krita and export it from there ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Leader and Deputy
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First one up is our loveable granma: Warmstar (Formally Warmdawn)! She cares so much for her rambunctious clan and treats them all like her children (✿ >ω<)♡
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Next up is our deputy ♥ I believe GullClan has a tradition of appointing kind-hearted cats as their leaders/deputies hence why these cats have the positions they do The doylist explanation is that I did not think about the cat choices at all.
Fluttersmoke is a mother (as we will soon see) and a great one at that. She also likes to aid around the camp and is overall a pretty nice cat.
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This is our senior healer, Troutheart. He technically wasn't the starting healer but 'deep StarClan bond' on a healer is too good to pass up so I retconned it so that he was always a healer and mentored the starting one. (I need figure out how to doodle his bengal pelt (;^_^A )
Besides that, there isn't too much for him.
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I love his name. Such interesting imagery Snowyflame is a fun-loving medic that doesn't mind getting into a little bit of trouble. He is also the only cat whose MSP design I dislike (it looks too similar to one of the warriors and feels a bit generic).
Otherwise, he is a nice guy and started forming a bond with the clan's kit.
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First warrior up is our adventurous kitty, Rathaven >3 ! He is a simple cat in the sense that he just wants to do amazing travels and hikes but sticks around the clan due to its sense of community.
Quick aside: He has a bob tail :3
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Not much to say about Tallcreek besides the fact he is a little childish and can get really enthusiastic about things.
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Love Antlerhare (≧ᴗ≦✿)♥ She shares a prefix with one of my Lifegen cats (one of the parents of MC #2) but she is a playful, determined cat with a fierce tongue.
However, Antler has bad burn scars all over her tail which makes me wonder how she got them (especially since the clan is located in a beach where fires would be rare to non-existent).
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*chuckling* Well that text prompt describes Trembletooth amazingly. He's Rathaven's former apprentice and one of Flutter's kits. A bold and rambunctious prankster as an apprentice, he recently got his warrior name so there isn't much on that front. He is close with his younger sibling and is a cool, older brother to them.
On that topic...
Apprentices (of which there is one, who is...)
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Goldpaw! Fluttersmoke adopted this little orphan out of sympathy, when Gold was a kit, and he has become one with his family. I imaged he was Tremble's no. one partner in crime and they got up to all sorts of mischief. He wants to be the fiercest warrior the clan has ever seen and be like his exellent brother ฅ(≈>ܫ<≈)♥
Quick aside: He has a blep tongue (inspired by the Odd family)
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And last but not least, we have little Fidgetkit ˄·͈༝·͈˄ Warmstar is not just a granma in the metaphorical sense, but a literal one as well! Fidget is just a little youngin' but I can tell she wants to be taken seriously. Like I mentioned already, she as seem to have formed a quick bond with Snowyflame (=^ェ^=)
(Note: You may have noticed that Warmstar is listed as Fidget's direct parent. In game, I marked Fidget as Warmstar's adopted kit to prevent any potential accidental incest. That way, Fidget can express any potential recessive genes she could've gotten from her parents and not just give birth to kits that look exactly like her or Warmstar.
I am aware that this will make the in-game family tree a little off-based from what is 'canonical' but this is the best solution I could think of to express the fact that she and Warmstar are grankit/granparent. Without some super technical wizardry)
I'm currently one moon in (well, a part of moon one. I have yet to do any patrols on that moon) but I am excited for this clan's journey after months in digital limbo (^・ω・^)ノ"
Oh! But before I leave I want to quickly show-off this cat:
✩⋆。 ˚ StarClan Guide ⋆。˚✩
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Yep, this ancient as hell motherfucker is our guide. Don't ask me anything about him. He very recently died and I have a bit of a conspiracy theory that he and Warmstar are related.
Anyways I hope y'all have an amazing rest of your day (or Barbadian Independence Day, for those who celebrate).
ฅ ̳͒•ˑ̫• ̳͒ฅ
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multi-lefaiye · 5 months
SO this warrior cats ttrpg thing . sending it as an ask because its long and somewhat off topic to the post lmao Basically I made it entirely randomized (this part was vaguely based on the My Pride ttrpg) where players would start as apprentices and have their prefixes randomized (Each randomization would give them 2 options, if they didnt like either of those they reroll up to 2 more times) Then they'd have their fur color randomized, iirc same thing as above ^ where they could choose from 2 and then reroll if they didn't like the options I made my own classes, I cant remember what all of them were lmao but they were all kitty themed (Like Berserker was a cat strong with their claws in fights, I think one was like star-walker or something where they could call upon StarClan for help? There was a lot lmao) The "main NPCs" were the cats mentors which I just randomized up lol. Fighting worked like DnD fighting but without armor and weapons and stuff like that pff The idea was that at the end they would become warriors and I would choose their suffixes (but run it through them on the side first lmao) based on what their character accomplished or was known for in the campaign or session if it was a 1 shot
Tried this thrice, sadly never worked out due to lack of interest from the players, too many players or players fighting ;; but I'm debating trying a third time because I just cant be pulled away from warriors ttrpg
oh my god i forgot to respond to this-
but THIS IS SO COOL???? YOOOOOO OMG i love this!!! especially these classes and the names and such.... eats this eats this
my warriors ttrpg campaign was just the adventure game module but mangled to be more functional. i really like this though omgg that sounds so far up my alley
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nightsidewrestling · 4 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Llinos McConnell
The Mountain Princess of C.R.C Llinos McConnell (2020)
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Kirby's cousin, Hywel's niece, and Delwyn's daughter, Llinos. An Irish-Catholic woman living in Wales and an outdoorsy, adventurous and daring mother. Llinos is a talented hunter and can survive for a while in the wild.
"Cliché, but don't bring a stick to a knife fight, Roddy."
Full Legal Name: Llinos Doireann Clíodhna Brighid McConnell (Née Rhydderch)
First Name: Llinos
Meaning: Means 'Linnet, Finch' in Welsh.
Pronunciation: SHEE-naws / SHI-naws
Origin: Welsh
Middle Name(s): Doireann, Clíodhna, Brighid
Meaning(s): Doireann: Possibly from the Old Irish prefix 'Der' 'Daughter' and 'Finn' 'White, Blessed'. Clíodhna: Meaning Unknown. Brighid: Newer Irish form of 'Brigit', from Old Celtic 'Brigantī' meaning 'The Exalted One'
Pronunciation(s): DEH-ryan. KLYEE-na. BRYEED.
Origin(s): Irish, Irish Mythology. Irish, Irish Mythology. Irish, Irish Mythology.
Surname: McConnell (Née Rhydderch)
Meaning: Derived from Gaelic 'MacDhòmhnaill', meaning son of 'Donald', from the Scottish Gaelic name 'Dòmhnall' meaning 'ruler of the world'. (Rhydderch: From the given name 'Rhydderch' from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch', derived from 'Ri' 'King' and 'Derch' 'Exalted')
Pronunciation: mac-CON-el (HRUDH-ehrkh)
Origin: Scottish, Irish (Welsh)
Alias: Mountain Princess, Llinos McConnell
Reason: This is Llinos' ring name
Nicknames: Llin, Reann, Clío, Biddy
Titles: Mrs, Ma'am
Age: 35
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh. Irish-Welsh Mix. Dual Citizenship ROI-UK
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: April 4th 1985
Symbols: Mountains, Boulders, Snow, Crowns
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Aries
Theme Song: 'Say You'll Be There' - Spice Girls (2003-)
Voice Actor: Danielle Ryan
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Tullahought, Kilkenny, Ireland
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 5'3" / 160 cm
Weight: 140 lbs / 63 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: Dyed Black
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 20
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Double, Both), Bridge, Dahlia Bites
Scars: Lots of small scars on her legs
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Maeve Pritchard, Deirdre Llewellyn, Bridget Griffiths, Rosaleen O'Sullivan, Aisling O'Hannigan, Caoimhe O'Hannegan, Eithne O'Hannagan, Kathleen Mulrennan, Haf McFarlane, Tydfil McFarland, Olwen McDermott, Gwen McCracken, Branwen McCormick, Wanda Ott, Hortensia Marino, Genesis Winter
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Faust McConnell
Mentor: Delwyn Rhydderch
Significant Other: Faust McConnell (36, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Delwyn Rhydderch (65, Father), Rhosyn Rhydderch (66, Mother, Née Dougherty)
Parents-In-Law: Aled McConnell (96, Father-In-Law), Ffion McConnell (97, Mother-In-Law, Née MacEachern)
Siblings: Roderick Rhydderch (32, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Gethsemane Rhydderch (33, Roderick's Wife, Née Guillaume), Everard McConnell (54, Faust's Brother), Nergis McConnell (55, Everard's Wife, Née Vogel), Meltem Van As (51, Faust's Sister, Née McConnell), Forrest Van As (52, Meltem's Husband), Eugene McConnell (48, Faust's Brother), Nehir McConnell (49, Eugene's Wife, Née Smit), Melek Smets (45, Faust's Sister, Née McConnell), Fletcher Smets (46, Melek's Husband), Esmond McConnell (42, Faust's Brother), Nefes McConnell (43, Esmond's Wife, Née Simon), Kiraz Roosa (39, Faust's Sister, Née McConnell), Fenton Roosa (40, Kiraz's Husband), Hande Nagel (33, Faust's Sister, Née McConnell), Earl Nagel (34, Hande's Husband), Durward McConnell (30, Faust's Brother), Hiranur McConnell (31, Durward's Wife, Née Oomen), Hazal Otten (27, Faust's Sister, Née McConnell), Elihu Otten (28, Hazal's Husband), Irmak Peter (24, Faust's Sister, Née McConnell), Ennis Peter (26, Irmak's Husband), Elijah McConnell (21, Faust's Brother), Melek McConnell (22, Elijah's Wife, Née Rompa)
Nieces & Nephews: Too Many To List
Children: Paden McConnell (15, Son), Olindo McConnell (12, Son), Natalie McConnell (9, Daughter), Magdalene McConnell (6, Daughter), Lailoken McConnel (3, Son)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Kilkenny, Ireland
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Delwyn Rhydderch
Managers: Faust McConnell
Wrestlers Managed: Faust McConnell
Debut: 2003
Debut Match: Llinos Rhydderch VS Rhosyn Rhydderch. Llinos won via pinfall
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Powerhouse
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2003-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Throat Thrust, Two-Handed Chokelift, Running Low-Angle Dropkick To A Seated Opponent, Sidewalk Slam, Tilt-A-Whirl Mat Slam, Scoop Powerslam, Running Powerslam, Leg-Feed Enzuigiri, Pendulum Backbreaker, Diving Clothesline, Corner Clothesline, Big Boot, Spinebuster, Running Neckbreaker, Jumping Knee Drop, High Knee Strike, Figure-Four Leglock, Facebreaker Knee Smash, Chop Block
Finishers: Jacknife Powerbomb, DDT, Falling Powerbomb, Chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver, Double Underhook Facebuster
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Llinos McConnell (Née Rhydderch) of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch Family. When Delwyn dies Llinos will have a 1/16th ownership of the promotion. Llinos is a 'Mountain Style’ (Powerhouse) trainer. She’s Half-Welsh and Half-Irish.
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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myths-of-fantasy · 1 year
The MiracleClan Saga So Far!
Head's up y'all - this is about to be a long long post XD
The Basics
Base Backstory - MiracleClan is an offshoot of TwineClan; Tigerflame and the rest of the founders broke away and are trying to forge their own lives. TwineClan is still causing them trouble bc they think they're trying to defy fate/destiny and are trying to strong-arm them back into the clan. MiracleClan are all mollies atm as toms of TwineClan are often taken away to be trained separately. As a result; MiracleClan has remained primarily matriarchal as distrust of toms is an all-time high.
Clan Territory - Tidal Caverns | Said to be a gift from the Weavers themselves, a blessing for Tigerflame to lead the newly founded clan even as TwineClan was outraged
Common Prey - Minnows, salmon, frogs, crabs
Delicacy Prey - Octopus, Seal Pup, Soft Shells, 
Common Predators - Shore fox, 
Dangerous Predators - Seal, large foxes, Eagles, Hawks
Beliefs - The World Web | All of life is woven via strings of Fate; while TwineClan believes these strings can only be woven by certain cats and that everyone else must follow the strings that are laid before them; MiracleClan believes firmly that all cats are capable of weaving their own strings
Naming Conventions - Water | Stars | Fire | Aquatic Animals/Plants
Blessed Prefixes | Sun-, Moon-, Spider-, Tarantula-, Sewn-, Woven-,
Sacred Suffixes | star, -tongue, -sky, -spider, -weave(r), -blaze, -burn
Jinxed Prefixes | Bear-,
Taboo Suffixes |
Warrior Ranks - Guard | Fisher | Crafter | Sitter
Desired Traits - Dark Fur | Gold/Yellow/Amber Eyes | Ghost | Bengal Markings
Bland Traits - Unmarked/Agouti Fur | Blue Eyes | Single Color Pelt
Ugly Traits - Bright Fur | Short Fur | Short Tails/Tailless | 
Clan Traits - Benevolent | Nervous | Independent
Allied Clan(s) - N/A
Neutral Clan(s) - SycamoreClan
EnemyClan(s) - TwineClan
✧ ✧ ✧
Founder’s Allegiance
Leader: Tigerstar - A medium furred ghost black marbled tabby molly with yellow eyes
Deputy: Softstorm - A short furred silver marbled tabby molly with dark blue eyes
Medic: Wingsong - A soft furred light brown agouti molly with blue eyes
Wintersky - A long furred white molly with emerald eyes. Head Guard
Powderblaze - A medium furrewd white and dark ginger tabico molly with gold eyes
Nightnettle - A long furred ghost molly with green eyes. Head fisher
Mottledpaw - A medium furred silver speckled molly with pale green eyes. Apprentice to Nightnettle.
Monarchs and Kits
Wisteriakit - A short furred cream rosetted and white molly with blue eyes; Orphaned.
✧ ✧ ✧
Basic Personalities
Tigerstar - Compassionate | Intelligent | Cautious
Softstorm - Cold | Spiritual | Genial
Wingsong - Adventurous | Intelligent | Free Spirited
Wintersky - Playful | Skilled Hunter | 
Powderblaze - Playerful | Skilled Fighter |
Orangenettle - Sneaky | Skilled Hunter | Reserved
Mottledpaw - Empathetic | Intelligent
And now for the long ride that is MiracleClan so far
The Legacy of MiracleClan - Journey Doc
Year 1 - Establishment
Moon 0 - 12
Tigerblaze breaks away from the controlling and smothering control of TwineClan and Bearstar’s particularly obsessively controlling reign. She takes a small handful of cats with her including Softstorm, Wingsong, Nightnettle, the twins Wintersky and Powerblaze, Mottledpaw and orphan Wisteriakit. Bearstar and his elites are virulent and demanding about returning them but Tigerblaze established camp in a tidal cave that TwineClan can only reach during low-tides. It’s an easily defendable location and when she goes to the Moon Cavern and gazes upon the Fate Spire, she receives her Nine Lives in approval of the clan’s founding.
Tigerstar appoints her best friend, Softstorm as deputy
Wingsong is named medic
Nightnettle volunteers to tutor Mottledkit seeing as she is 10 moons old
Loner Flint - one of the few scattered survivors of a loner band - joins
Thriftkit is found beside her dead mother and accepted quickly
As things are getting settled, Tigerblaze is struggling a bit. Though it was she who led the final break-away; she who was unanimously decided to be the best bet as a leader, it’s nothing she’s used to. She’s scrambling to keep up with the tasks needed for everyday life, and thanks her stars that for now, their clan is small.
Tigerstar takes Thiftpaw as an apprentice
Mottledpaw is named Mottleddapple
TwineClan doesn’t respect their borders and it shows in the flagrant ways they cross them. Tigerstar doesn’t want to allow it but she knows her clan is too small to wage a proper war. That doesn’t stop her or their patrol from drenching their border with markers so potent you can smell them a tail away. Their former clan is getting more and more aggressive the longer MiracleClan holds out - as if Bearstar is finally realizing they’re not coming back - and they’ve been attacking Loner Holds to boost their numbers. Tigerstar grits her teeth at the waste of blood and life; accepting refugees from these bands as they come.
Softstorm leads a patrol and they scare a fox off of a beached shark
Cayenne is a victim of the Loner Raids; joins honorably
Mottledpelt gets bitten by a red-fox and gets assaulted
Wisteriapaw is apprenticed to Mottleddapple at her request
Sisterly relationship
Wingsong begins an aggressive campaign for herb collection; with TwineClan’s violence and Tigerstar accepting refugees, they’ll need all the herbs they can get. 
Thriftpaw is given the warrior name Thriftback
Wintersky and Wingsong come together as mates
Mottleddapple finds an abandoned kit - likely from the Loner Raids
Is named Kelpkit
As the year comes to an end, Bearstar officially declares war against MiracleClan - calling them Entanglers. Tigerstar keeps her head high at the declaration as does her clan - they may not be large but they are fierce and they will fight to keep themselves independent.
Wisteriapaw is named Wisteriabounce (enthusiasm)
Nightnettle and Softstorm come together as mates - Tigerstar is thrilled
Flint is injured by a stray dog - mangled tail
Flint orders the reinforcement of the camp walls and entrances
Another cat is taken in - this time a house-cat and her kits
Silvercrest, Dawnkit and Sandkit
Year 2 - The First War
Moons 12 - 24
With Bearstar’s threats echoing in her ears, Tigerstar is almost hesitant to name any new apprentices. But everyone in MiracleClan was a survivor, pulled through the thorns of TwineClan’s malice. Turning them away would be like denying that this war had anything to do with them.
Kelppaw is apprenticed to Silvercrest
Noonpaw is apprenticed to Thriftback
Dustpaw is apprenticed to Wisteriabounce
With Bearstar’s hostility now well-known to the surrounding area, MiracleClan has established a habit of leaving cats hidden in hollows to watch common entry-points as many loners - especially ones with kits - have begun trying to join MiracleClan for security and protection. Tigerstar can only thank the Star-Weavers that SycamoreClan at least seems to be willing to be civil; the clan s very neutral, choosing to stay out of the Miracle/Twine conflict and while their support could’ve been nice, it was also just fine to now have an enemy on both sides.
Tortillaheart joins the clan
Tortillaheart recovers a young kit and names her Thrushkit
Youngling Emi is found and given the name, Emipaw
The days are passing rapidly and though their clan hasn’t been established long, Tigerstar feels herself settling into this new role as leader. She’s delighted to be naming new warriors even in the awful circumstances - warriors who don’t look at her with fear, but with respect. It’s exhausting and sometimes she wants to give up the star on her forehead - run away as far as possible - but these cats depend on her now and show won’t let them down. 
Kelppaw is promoted to Kelptail (adaptability)
Noonpaw is promoted to Noonwillow (dedication)
Dustpaw is promoted to Dusttwist (adaptability)
Thrushpaw is apprenticed to Wintersky
Emipaw is promoted to Emiclaw
Wingsong is taking the initiative to teach all the apprentices basic herb recognition and showing kits the difference between safe and deadly berries; best to nip such mistakes in the bud while preparing them for the tribulations of war. Tigerstar appreciates it - one of the reasons they were able to escape in the first place was the untimely death of TwineClan’s healer as they took their secrets with them. It’s good that they’re removing that particular security flaw. She’s already frustrated with the way they lost a swathe of territory - a small swathe but it was more about TwineClan making a point. 
Loner Spider joins the clan and is curious by the respect they’re inherently offered
Wingsong eventually takes her aside and asks about her swelling belly. Tigerstar hesitates; unsure about whether they want to talk - she decides to be honest if not completely open. She lets her healer know she’d been seeing someone and Wingsong kindly doesn’t press. Tigerstar is finally forced to announce their pregnancy when their belly is far too swollen for a snow-beach hunt. Noonwillow is very brash and reckless - seemingly determined to fight every fox ever - but their enthusiasm is charming in such a dark time. 
Year 3 - Survival
Moons 25 - 35
During the first warm day of new-leaf, Tigerstar goes into labor. The clan waits anxiously while Wingsong helps her through it. In the end, the medic is pleased to announce the healthy births of three young kits - the first legacies of MiracleClan. Things still aren’t easy however - being on the coast is hard and when Havenkit is wandering; an osprey scoops them up. Tigerstar is heartbroken and pained - she lost her daughter so quickly after she was born! Not to the osprey itself, but to the wounds it left behind - she’s worried. Was it an omen? Is her clan doomed? She keeps these worries to herself even as she sinks into sadness, curling tightly around her remaining kits. With the tragedy of Havenkit, Nightnettle’s own little is a quiet affair; announced very gently and in private. 
Tigerstar has three kits - Sycamorekit, Baykit and Havenkit
Havenkit dies from osprey talon induced wounds
Nightnettle is expecting
If that wasn’t tragic enough, a dog wanders onto their territory. They discover it too late as Spider comes nose to nose with it. Cayenne and Thriftback are forced to watch in horror as it tears the loner’s throat apart, mangling his body until they snarl in rage and lunge for it. Even as the dog eventually retreats - likely to die with how aggressively they wounded it - there’s nothing but grief and shock as they return to the bleeding mess that is Spider’s body.
Spider died
Tigerstar drags herself from her nest, curled firmly around her kits to attend to Thrushpaw’s warrior ceremony. The tom deserved his name and she wouldn’t deny it to him just because she’s grieving.
Thrushpaw is promoted to Thrushsun
Wintersky is approached by a young house cat who joins as Erebuspaw
Time continues to creep forward unstopabbably and Nightnettle gives birth to Softstorm’s kits; a pair of twins the clan will adore. It hurts but Tigerstar still manages a small smile. While the most of the clan deals with a flea-outbreak, Wintersky is accepting that they had irrevocably injured themselves after dislocating a joint. Day by day it gets easier to handle the pain in her heart and she accepts that while she’ll likely always hurt from missing Havenkit, her remaining kits need her to be more present than ever.
Nightnettle has two kits - Carpkit and Raykit
A loner, Pichi joins for once just curious; she’s renamed Firjump
A kit is found abandoned and alone; it’s taken in and named Charkit
Charkit grows rapidly and is named Charpaw under Cayenne
Wintersky has constant joint pain in their front, right shoulder
Erberuspaw is named Erebuscoast
Tigerstar’s recovery comes just in time - Sycamorepaw and Baypaw are a bit surprised by the sudden attentiveness of their mother. Their uncertainty regarding her fades as she apprentices Baypaw to Wingsong when they didn’t think she’d even noticed she wanted to be a healer!
Sycamorepaw is apprenticed to Thiftback
Baypaw is apprenticed to Wingsong
The cold air mixing with constant ocean spray; Baypaw has greencough
Similarly, Charpaw catches whitecough not long after a fall
The peace in the camp is disturbed when a pair former TwineClan warriors - Cliffbreeze and Foamflight - are found, battered and bleeding near the border. The patrol doesn't hesitate to bring the injured warrior back, nursing them to health. As the warriors recover, Tigerstar is shocked to realize she’d been leader for almost 3 full cycles now - such a realization rattles her when her dearest friend Softstorm tells her quietly that she wants to retire. Though stunned, honors the request; allowing her best friend to become an elder and taking on her former apprentice Thriftback as a deputy.
Foamflight and Cliffbreeze both have broken backs
Softstorm retires to the elder’s den
Thriftack is the new deputy
Mottleddapple and Emiclaw become mates
A rogue by the name of Kate joins the clan, renaming herself Beetooth
She is from a locked down Loner Post determined to beat TwineClan
Carpkit is apprenticed to Dustleap
Raypaw is apprenticed to Flint
A wanderer with a young kit approaches their territory - it takes very little convincing for Darkfern to join MiracleClan when they realize how close they are to TwineClan. Tigerstar is both shocked and not to realize just how far news of Bearstar’s ruthlessness has spread; far beyond that of clan territory. She realizes it must be the refugees, the survivors telling tales of their suffering and warning others of it.
Tide comes in on Nightnettle; they survive being swept away but are concussed
Charpond earns their warrior name chasing off a large dog
It’s almost like the appearance of the TwineClan warriors was a curse. Not long after, Wintersky is caught in a riptide; snatched by the waves she’s dragged out to sea. It feels like time has stopped with one of the founding members being ripped from them so cruelly - Wingsong takes it the worst, refusing to eat, drink or leave her nest. Baypaw is left desperately scrambling as the clan’s sole medic while the rest of the founders struggle to move on. Tigerstar, Wisteriabounce and Softstorm try to help Wingsong but their words are half-hearted, distant as they struggle to stay grounded instead of disappearing into the fog of grief with her.
A litter of 5 kits show up asking for Foamflight and Cliffbreeze
It’s clear that this is why they were injured and left for dead
Year 4 - Struggle and Strife
Moons 36 - 48
Shaken and still upset, Tigerstar is somewhat distant no matter how hard she tries as she names Sycamorewish and allows Cayenne to retire. She has to step in for Wingsong when the molly is still too grief-stricken to give Baypaw their full name. She grits her teeth when both Firjump and Raypaw succumb to their illnesses - restraining herself from cursing out the stars that gave her her lives. How could they do this when they were thrones who encouraged her? She watches Carppaw snarl and reject the comfort of all his clanmates, completely destroyed from losing his twin sister
Baypaw is promoted to Baybush
Sycamorepaw is promoted to Sycamorewish
Cicadapaw is apprenticed to Thriftback
Firjump and Raypaw die from greencough
Softstorm has endless nightmares - of both TwineClan and lost loves
Nightnettle’s head injury is serious - his head sears
Despite all they tried, Foamflight was able to survive his wounds; the broken back becoming infectedl. Murkkit and Stonekit are devastated by the loss of their… father? Guardian? Tigerstar isn’t sure but her heart and soul aches for these kits who lost their protector far too soon.
Dustleap is expecting
Queso is expecting
Foamflight dies from his broken back
Nightnettle’s head injury seems to finally be healed
Cayenne’s join pain fades so gradually, she only noticed during the next storm
Softstorm’s nightmares have stopped
Petrelkit is found near a drowned loner, coughing up water
It feels like a death sentence; that’s what’s running through Tigerstar’s head as she named Carppaw. She’s privately relieved when Petrelpaw expresses discomfort in fighting, electing instead to become a healer. She doesn’t know how she’ll manage to do this for eight more lives. At the very least, Wingsong has finally picked herself back up; recovering from the lost of Wintersky. She loved her dearly and she will always have her heart but she knows it would pain her mate to see her so listless, alive but not living. It’s not easy but Tigerstar watched with pride and envy as Wingsong slowly begins reassembling the broken pieces of her heart.
Tortilaheart is expecting
Charppond has gone blind in their left eye; their left face is gone
Petrelpaw is apprenticed to Baybush
A kitten boon hits the clan - one desperately needed; both to boost numbers and to raise the spirits of the clan. Loathe as she is to admit it, the new kits work its magic on her. Sitting in her den, watching the young litter toddle to their paws; Tigerstar takes a deep breath in. It was always going to be hard, but nothing worth doing was ever easy -she’ll keep pressing on with the strength of all nine of her lives. The flurry of apprentices made next brings a grin to her muzzle, even in the face of the constant pestering of Finchpaw for when they’ll be a warrior.
Dustleap has 4 kits alone - Driftwoodkit, Ashenkit, Hawkkit and Bayoukit
Queso has one kit - Lapwingkit
Tortillaheart has one daughter - Ospreykit
Nightnettle adopts a litter of kits as her own - Coralkit and Crestedkit
Finchpaw is apprenticed to
Sprucepaw is apprenticed to Silvercrest
He’s still very angry; how come he had to lose Foamflight?
Why isn’t he here for this?
He stays quiet
Dragonflypaw is apprenticed to Mottleddapple
Murkpaw is apprenticed to Odd
Mistpaw is apprenticed to 
Stonepaw is apprenticed to Flint
Charpond is expecting
Still, as she visits the sickly Cliffbreeze; Tigerstar can’t help but think it’s only a matter of time before the tom joins his old friend in the stars. She hopes they both find that their tales have been woven in silver-silk.
CIcadapaw is promoted to Cicadaflower
Charpond has a pair of twins -  Cormorantkit and Mallardkit
Jessebracken is a loner rescued from an agitated TwineClan patrol
Crestedpaw is apprenticed to Beetooth
Coralpaw is apprenticed to Jessebracken
It’s to everyone’s surprise when Cliffbreeze begins taking a turn for the better but Baybush is prouder than ever. He’s moving around with a single-minded determination to get back at the bastards who nearly killed him; his loyalty to Tigerstar is almost disturbing in its thoroughness. 
Cliffbreeze recovers from their broken back
Charpond is struggling to nurser; her belly feels swollen and the nipples sore
Petrelpaw is promoted to Petrelnut
Ashenkit dies from a snake that warshed ashore
Tigerstar feels the tension in the air mixing with the joy of more new apprentices; TwineClan had been too quiet for a full season despite word of their reign of terror continuing. She thinks this is merely the calm before the storm even as she names Nightnettle’s litter. When Petrelnut drops dead not long later; poison found in his system, she knows she’s right. 
Driftwoodpaw is apprenticed to Darkfern
Hawkpaw is apprenticed to Tigerstar
Bayoupaw is apprenticed to Dustleap
Lapwingpaw is apprenticed to Tortillaheart
Petrelnut is poisoned and passes
The whole clan can feel what’s on the horizon as she moves onto promoting the next line of warriors with narrowed eyes; their own gazes reflecting the same dark determination that hers possessed.
Finchpaw is promoted to Finchpelt
Sprucepaw is prompted to Sprucesight
Dragonflypaw is promoted to Dragonflystalk
Murkpaw is promoted to Murkleap
Mistpaw is promoted to Mistsky
Stonepaw is promoted to Stoneheart
Ospreypaw is apprenticed to Nightnettle
Beetooth is expecting kits
A rogue named Raven joins the clan; professing to have information on TwineClan. With flexed claws and bared teeth, Tigerstar snarls that they are MiracleClan and never again will they allow their threads to be knotted and trapped by TwineClan. And with equal determination; MiracleClan roars back.
Year 5 - Inner Focus
Moons 49 - 60
Silvercrest tried to resist retirement; especially as the clan reached a sense of conviction that they would end TwineClan - or at least, devastate Bearstar - but the aches and pains in their joints force them to admit their age. Tigerstar touches noses with him and watches one of her first members settle into a position of offering advice.
Grousefish and xxx are recruited to work against TwineClan
Coralpaw drowns during a hide-tide flood
Bass is found highly wounded by a thunderpath and brought back for care
Crestedpaw is promoted to Crestedmask
Cormorantpaw is apprenticed to Erebuscoast
Mallardpaw is apprenticed to
Beetooth nurses her twins - Sealkit and Dolphinkit - happily
Kitten Dew is found in the surf with her mother
The mother expires not long after reaching camp
With the new dedication to the clan, Flint steps forward declaring them family. Tigerstar is happy to grant her a warrior name worthy of the clan. With this renaming, several more of their former loners stepped forward in agreement - MiracleClan was their home now. Even if they subdued TwineClan, they wouldn’t leave the friends they’d made and the loves they found. Tigerstar feels emotional, misty eyed as she looks over the loyal and determined warriors that make up her clan.
Flint takes on the name Flintwave
Queso takes on the name Starfishswipe
Chester takes on the name Hazechitter
Little Lady is renamed Merlinswoop
Odd takes on the name Drizzlepool
Bass takes on the suffix Basschime
Only a moon later, slightly bloody but deeply satisfied with the way she sent a TwineClan patrol running; Tigerstar starts naming new apprentices.
Sharkpaw is apprenticed to Ravenpelt
Minnowpaw is apprenticed to
Salmonpaw is apprenticed to Merlinswoop
Hazechitter flexes her leg while Baybush changes a poultice on her infected wound
Stoatfin joins the clan as a healer - brings his kits; Sharpaw, Minnowpaw and Salmonpaw
And then she’s naming new warriors directly after a short skirmish. The battles are coming more and more frequently lately - a fact she attributes to her clan no longer hiding from their rivals. Now they patrolled their borders openly and challenged both TwineClan and SycamoreClan when they trapeze over the scent lines. She rests her chin on Driftwoodpaw’s head as he licks her shoulder, becoming a full warrior of MiracleClan.
Driftwoodpaw is promoted to Driftwoodslink
Hawkpaw is promoted to Hawklilac
Bayourpaw is promoted to Bayoufern
Lapwingpaw is promoted to Lapwinggaze
Dewpaw is apprenticed to Cliffbreeze
Tigerstar hold a somber ceremony for Jay - a kindly and gently kittypet who had been serving as a messenger and scout. She performed one last message, stubbornly refusing to betray MiracleClan before she was killed. Unleashed dogs may be the biggest enemy to all clans as a scuffle was broken up by a large dog descending upon them. Tigerstar listened in horror as Drizzelpool shakily reported the way that Finchpelt was brutally mauled and that Finchpelt was slaughtered alongside two TwineClan warriors. Leading a patrol herself to retrieve her clan’s horrifically half devoured body, Tigerstar thinks this is the first time that TwineClan and MiracleClan encountered each other wirthout hostility.
Creekkit is found in a hollow not far from Jay
Beetooth and Tortilaheart both retire to the cheers of their clan
Ospreypaw is promoted to Ospreymind
Sealkit had salt-lungs and finally passed from tit
Dolphinkit is struggling to imagine a life without his sister and twin
Hazechitter’s infection cleared up but they’re scarred
Thrushsun was mauled by a dog and Finchpelt is outright killed
The pain and loss of Finchpelt and the mauling of Thrushsun was a shock to the system and several older cats softly requested to retire - Nightnettle and Starfishswipe in particular. As Tigerstar watched Baybush dress the deceased form of Finchpelt while Wingsong monitors, she agrees.
Nightnettle retires to the elder’s den
Starfishswipe retires
Silvercrest wandered from camp in an Elder Haze and was found dead
Once more on the TwineClan border
Sprucesight is in agony - yet another cat they’ve lost! How dare life? (Finchpelt)
Murkleap and Stoneheart shuffle closer together, needing their presence (Finchpelt)
Silvercrest was one of Softstorm’s closest friends; it’s painful that they’re gone now
Noonwilow buries his face in Dustleap’s shoulder as they mourn their father (Silvercrest)
Dolphinkit is having nightmares about Sealkit
She flexes her claws watching the new group of warriors returns from their silent patrol - with the war happening; it had been an unintentional tradition put into place. Where new warriors strode throughout the territory, chasing off any intruders and escorting loners back to camp.
Cormorantpaw is promoted to Cormorantroar
Mallardpaw is promoted to Mallardcall
Dolphinkit is apprenticed to Drizzlepool
Creekpaw is apprenticed to
Drizzlepool is now expecting
Sharkpaw drowned attempting to save Cormorantroar
After seasons of watching them dance around each other, Tigerstar flees from the little cove where Wingson and Flintwave were curled around each other grinning madly. She wouldn’t be surprised if her old friends sheepishly approach her to announce a pregnancy soon. Her joy was short-lived when she runs into a screaming Dewpaw struggling to get away from her mentor who had sunk his teeth into her throat. Tigrestar rips him off of her, demanding to know what the fuck he was doing to which Cliffbreeze defensively insists he was just disciplining her. The scars and wounds on the bodies of toms and masculine jacks in TwineClan come back to mind and Tigerstar is both furious and sickened to understand where Cliffbreeze’s own injuries must’ve come from. It makes sense - SycamoreClan were arrogant at times but they were never very violent; not enough for the number of wounds. 
She’s dismayed when Dewpaw admits it had been like that since she was first apprenticed and Cliffbreeze doesn’t even deny it. Her heart is heavy but when he shows no remorse and becomes stubborn about apologizing, she steels herself,. Cliffbreeze is exiled at sunhigh, much to his disbelief and the grim approval of her clan. It was possible that TwineClan would finish what they started if they saw him but Tigerstar would not change her mind - MiracleClan does not hurt each other to teach lessons and those who do are not MiracleClan cats.
Minnowpaw is promoted to Minnownose
Salmonpaw is promoted to Salmonsplash
Starfishswipe is expecting
Drizzlepool’s litter has three kits - Ternkit, Pintailkit and Goosekit
Cliffbreeze is exiled - Dewpaw is reassigned to Bayoufern for her last moon
It’s sad to watch how Dewpaw unfolds and becomes so joyous now that Cliffbreeze is gone and Tigerstar feels like she failed her. At the very least, she can take comfort in Dewpaw and any other apprentices knowing now that neither she nor their clanmates would tolerate such horrid behavior.
Dewpaw is promoted to Dewjingle
Mottleddapple is expecting
Dolphinpaw dislocates his shoulder and gains as weak limb
The bite from Cliffbreeze is starting to become infected
Dolphinpaw fights off a truly massive dog while their clan mates assist
Loner Shortflight joins the clan
Dewjingle is watched carefully as they recover as the clan continues to grow.
Starfishswipe has a pair of twins - Foggykit and Puddlekit
Chasingflick is acquired
Year 6
Moons 61 - 72
Tigerstar blinked owlishly as she recovered from the pain and confusion that had overtaken her mind lately; she’d lost a life. She glanced at her broken hind leg, a bit startled and kind of frightened - she wonders if The Twiners can heal infections or if she was doomed to lose more lives as this sickness was interwoven into her marrow. She grins when half the clan comes running to her, eager to tell her about Creekwhisker; the sensitive molly proving her hunting skills and high intelligence by bringing down an entire eagle while also taking the fish it tried to catch. Tigerstar legitimately contemplates changing her name to Creektalon over this feat.
Mottledapple and Emiclaw have a single kit - Storkkit
Dewjingle’s infection is cleared but her throat is scarred
Dolphinpaw is promoted to Dolphinhowl
Creekpaw is promoted to Creekwhisker
Tigerstar loses her first life - infection
Buckgrass is welcomed as a healer
Creekwhisker catches an eagle and its fish
Ergetkit is accepted into the clan
A loner named Amy was caught wandering up and down the border. Tigerstar has seen this song and dance routine a few times; amusement made her whiskers twitch as she casually placed herself in an easily accessible place a few times. It only took three days for him to approach her - she accepts him easily and when they arrive in camp; she renames him Cavesnow.
Cavesnow joins the clan
Ternpaw is apprenticed to Emiclaw
Pintailpaw is apprenticed to Ravenpelt
Goosepaw is apprenticed to Dustleap
Cayenne and Noonwillow have each brought back a litter of kits
Cayenne - Frogkit and Toadkit
Noonwillow - Morningkit, Sunrisekit, Eveningkit, Sunsetkit
Thriftback and Carpmoon come together as mates
Dolphinhowl comes out as nonbinary
Tigerstar feels like she spends half of her life standing upon the central stone, naming apprentices. An amusing thought but still an enjoyable task all the same. It’s what she thinks is half the reason she accepted Puddlepaw as her own apprentice - it’s been a while since she last trained one for herself after all.
Ergetpaw is apprenticed to Wisteriabounce
Loner Talon joins the clan as Dawntalon
Foggypaw is apprenticed to Creekwhisker
Puddlepaw is apprenticed to Tigerstar
Later that night, TwineClan makes their move. An invasion of epic proportions was led during the low tide and MiracleClan was caught off-guard. Tigerstar limps out of the throngs of battle, taking stock of their losses with gritted teeth. The cowardly bastard attacked the nursery, swipng at the younglings and managing to kill two of them before their warriors dragged them away bodily. With a snarl of rage, she sees her precious son laying still and cooling; curled around one of the apprentices and she staggers over to bury her face into his pelt. Baybush slinks over and presses into her side, burying his face in his brother’s fur with her. TwineClan would pay.
Sprucesight, Sycamorewish, Mistsky, Maplelion, Darkfern, Flintwave, Toadkit, Sunsetkit, Buckgrass and Ospreymind are killed in a camp invasion
Cicadaleaf sobs as she curls into her mother’s cooling body, cursing TwineClan for taking Darkfern from her
Dragonflytuft isn’t sure how much more she can take - first Finchpelt now Mistsky and Sprucewhisker? How many more siblings will she lose?
Cayenne trembles, sinking her claws into the ground
TwineClan killed her son (Toadkit)
She loved Flintfave, platonically but deeply and dearly; they will pay
Heathersnow the loner is taken in
Things are getting worse and worse - Softstorm is found on the border to SycamoreClan, stinking of TwineClan. Tigerstar almost attacks the SycamoreClan patrol at first sight but her patrol stops her - the leader of the other patrol seems nothing but sympathetic as she sobs over the loss of her best friend. She huddles closer to Mottleddapple, Wingsong and Carpmoon - the only cats she believes can possibly understand her grief - and wonders not for the first time if nine lives are a blessing or a curse.
Softstorm is found dead on the SycamoreClan border
Storkkit is apprenticed to 
Charpond is expecting
Dawntalon has a weak leg
Heathersnow couldn’t survive her mangled leg anf passes from infection
Frogkit gets greecough, Sunrisekit has kittencough
Goosepaw’s wound is infected
Thriftback orders the reinforcement of the clan’s barriers and defenses with a serious voice while Tigerstar is still struggling through her haze. Her former apprentice was such a blessing and she’s grateful for everyday she was allowed to know her. Her deputy manages to rouse her enough to promote the new warriors in the wake of the camp’s rebuilding and in anticipation for another attack.
Charpond has three kits - Peregrinekit, Kestrelkit and Falconkit
Thrushsun has a snake bite scar
Dolphinhowl and Storkpaw catch whitecough
Ternpaw is promoted to Ternthistle
Pintailpaw is promoted to Pintailroar
Goosepaw is promoted to Gooseeyes
Morningpaw is apprenticed to Hawklilac
Sunrisepaw is apprenticed to Salmonsplash
Eveningpaw is apprenticed to Dewjingle
Stoatfin is expecting
Murkleap drowns, captured by a riptide
It feels like too much and not enough is happening at the same time. As Ergetblaze is named a warrior, Tigerstar notes that her gaze is on the horizon.
Ergetpaw is promoted to Ergretblaze
Jessebracken retires happily to the elder’s den
Charpond has yellowcough
Stoatfin has a litter of 3 -  Rubblekit, Ruinkit and Shardkit
Hazechitter retires to the elder’s den
Foggypaw is a source of amusement but earns the name Foggycloud
Puddlepaw is promoted to Puddlebloom
Tigerstar and Sunrisepaw catch greencough
Rubblekit is grabbed by a seagull but Chasingkit fights it off
Carpmoon is taken away by humans
Year 7 - 
Moons 73 - 84
Tigerstar is going to find a kittypet leash and string Thrushsun to it. She can’t believe one cat could get caught up fighting so many dogs. Not long after, Ergretblaze comes back to the clan horrified and deeply guilty - apparently they’d convinced their mate to hunt along the human nests and has Ternthistle had been taken the same day. Tigerstar had been tempted to punish him but the horror and pain Ergretblaze was in felt like enough.
Erebuscoast confessed to Cicadaleaf and now they’re together
Nightnettle is stunned; her child is dead
Tigerstar lost a life to greencough; she wonders if she’ll only lose lives to sickness
Kestrelkit was almost killed by a fox, thank twiners for Emiclaw
Shardkit joins Rubblekit in the medic’s den after also being attacked by a seagull
Ergretblaze and Ternthistle have come together as mates
Thrushsun fought another dog and is badly injured
More new apprentices! This time, the kits known teasingly as “the bird trio” were promoted. As she promoted Frogtear, she eyed Cayenne who cheered her daughter’s name to the sky; likely telling her brother Frogkit as best as she could. 
Peregrinepaw is apprenticed to Mallardpaw
Kestrelpaw is apprenticed to
Falconpaw is apprenticed to Dustleap
Crestedmask has a litter of 3 -  Rainkit, Drizzlekit and Droughtkit
Thrushsun’s injuries have become infected over the moon
Dustleap saved Crestedmask from a hawk and got injured
Rubblekit is scarred from her bad event
Morningpaw is promoted to Morninghawthorne
Sunrisepaw is promoted to Sunriserowan
Eveningpaw is promoted to Eveningmayhaw
Loner Starlingdrift joins with her kits - Buntingkit and Chaffinchkit
Orphan Bluffkit is found and brought to the clan
Buntingkit and Chaffinchkit take a moon to settle in with their clanmates and new denmates before Tigerstar broaches how old they are with her mother. Starlingdrift pleasantly confirms the age of her kits and then gives her permission to make them apprentices. She barely gets a word in before both kits are running full pelt to the center of the clearing, eager to join MiracleClan as warriors and learn to defend themselves. 
Buntingpaw is apprenticed to Storkspeck as a medic
Chaffinchpaw is apprenticed to Summergrace
Whitecough finally claims Starfishswipe’s life - much to the agony of Wisteriabounce and Foggycloud
Thrushsun’s infection has been cured
Peregrinepaw’s leg gets stuck in a trap and ends up badly mangled
On the edges of their territory, a cat wreaking of herbs and medicine appears. He calls himself Rattle and has a pair of kits. A former healer of TwineClan; he’d gotten a molly pregnant against the permission of the Higher Twiners. Tigerstar feels deep sympathy for him, listening to him describe how he lost his mate to her kitting and how he panicked, fighting off the warriors that came to take his kits from him. He refused for his daughter to become a maid or a breeder and refused to allow his son to be brainwashed. Tigerstar allowed them in without a second thought.
Rattleweave joins the clan with kits Fennelkit and Hemlockkit
Rubblepaw is apprenticed to Morninghawthorne
Shardpaw is apprenticed to Tigerstar
Ruinpaw is apprenticed to Chasingfeather
Sheerpaw is apprenticed to Basschime
Dolphinhowl has taken in 3 kits - Ridgekit, Pebblekit and Sandykit
Baybush and Thrushsun are now mates - Tigerstar is watching Thrush carefully
It’s not that she doesn’t trust him, but Baybush is her only remaining kit so she’s deeply protective of him. Tigerstar mimes slitting a throat to Thrushsun who swallows nervously and promises to treat his mate as perfectly as possible.
Mottleddapple and Emiclaw has a pair of twins - Dandelionkit and Daisykit
Rumor has it that Cliffbreeze died recently
Summergrace is expecting
Minnownose’s tail was mangled by a fox - the damage got it removed
Peregrinepaw’s leg is deeply wounded and remains weak
Tigerstar’s decision to open a care-camp for all loners and rogues that need medical attention helped immensely. It was put to use rapidly when a cat was brought back, found on the edge of a road.
Talonstalk is brought to the clan with three kits - Tansykit, Yarrowkit and Sedgekit
Ternthistle passes away out of the clan
Cavesnow’s leg gets badly injured from a trap
Drizzlekit and Dandlelionkit catch kittencough as Bluffkit recovers
Peregrinepaw is promoted to Peregrinecreek
Kesterlpaw is promoted to Kestrelwhisper
Falconpaw is promoted to Falconrump
Rainpaw is apprenticed to Minnownose
Drizzlepaw is apprenticed to Merlinswoop
Droughtpaw is apprenticed to Salmonsplash
Bluffpaw is apprenticed to Foggycloud
Hemlockpaw is apprenticed to Stoneheart
Fennelpaw is apprenticed to Bayoufern
Summergrace has 3 kits - Blossomkit, Honeykit and Flowerkit
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