#amanda nays
android-and-ale · 3 months
(Belated) WIP Wednesday
I've been tagged by pretty much everybody I would tag back. Since all y'all actually put something up yesterday, I won't spam your mentions.
Meanwhile, here's an excerpt from an Untitled Spirk WIP with the premise of "Wait, We're Married?" It takes place 4-5 months after Amok Time.
“How fares thy husband, Spock?” asked T’Pau.
Kirk watched the subtle march of expressions on Spock’s face as he tried to contain his exasperation. 
“As you know, great-grandmother, I remain unbonded.”
“Your husband,” T’Pau lifted a hand, pointing to the captain, “James Kirk.”
The bridge crew stared at Kirk. 
Kirk stared at Spock. 
Spock glared at T’Pau.
“Honored Matriarch, I understand how crude translations from Federation Standard into our Vulcan Golic may be misleading. James Kirk is my captain, not my husband.”
“Nay, Spock,” said T’Pau. “Be not ashamed. I know the men of my line.” 
As someone fluent in Spock’s own micro expressions, Kirk watched a faint but familiar bemused annoyance color T’Pau’s features. 
“Thy father and grandfather before thee found humans … irresistible,” said T’Pau.
“Great-Grandmother,” Spock began.
T’Pau held up a silencing hand. Everyone on the bridge reflexively sat up straighter. “Challenge was issued, and challenge was met. Thou fought with him upon our Sacred Sands of Vulcan and did not die. He fought with thee and yet still lives. By our laws, thou art wed.”
Kirk couldn’t suppress a grin. “Why, Mr. Spock! You didn’t even buy me a ring!”
“The consort of Sarek has taken responsibility for your territorial markers,” said T’Pau. 
“Wait, what?” Kirk’s eyes widened. 
Spock’s low voice was laced with frustration. “Great-Grandmother, no.”
“Challenge was made and accepted by our ancient laws.” said T’Pau. “Had thee died, T’Pring would be his consort. As thee live, thou belongst to him.”
The crew looked from Spock to Kirk and back again. 
“Your James Kirk must come to Vulcan. Consort Amanda Grayson will give unto thee the ring worn by her mother’s mother as a symbol of her own bonding. She is disappointed thee went not unto thy ancestral home to retrieve it when last thee walked the sands of Vulcan.”
Chekov leaned close to Sulu, “The keptin is in trouble with his mother-in-law!”
“Indeed,” said T’Pau. “Spock, there be a diplomatic gathering eighteen days hence. Thou shalt attend.”
“Honored Foremother, I am a Starfleet officer,” said Spock, “Not a diplomat.”
“Before the witnesses, thou shalt place thy ancestral ring upon Kirk’s hand so all who behold him will know he is thine. When he is so marked, he shall sculpt thy pendant with his own hands, so you will have his presence upon thy body whensoever thou shalt be parted.”
“That’s so romantic,” Uhura whispered. Sulu furtively nodded. 
“What kind of diplomatic event is this?” asked Chekov. 
“The kind that doubles as a wedding reception.” Uhura whispered.
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The extraordinarily amazing goodnightonion is far too kind and sewed May this amazing Starbucks apron! It is so accurate and well-made 😭😭😭
Also below the readmore is some silly doll story.
Amandine huffed and pulled her hood further forward over her head. First the underground parking at Nordstrom’s had inexplicably all been full, and now Beantown was randomly closed for a “team meeting.” She was going to have to go to Starbucks. Crowded, sunny, corporate Starbucks. Ugh.
She shifted her backpack as she stood in line. There wasn’t a free table in the back yet, but she was prepared to dart out of line and put her bag down as soon as someone stood up. Her focus was so intent on the seating that she wasn’t paying attention when—
“Good morning! Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you?”
Amandine’s eyes flicked over onto the cashier. She was smiling broadly, her high cheekbones touching wide eyes with a sparkle in them that should be illegal before ten a.m. “Um, a large Americano, please.”
The girl kept smiling. “Would you like 16 ounces with three shots of espresso, or 20 ounces with four shots of espresso?”
“20 ounces, please.” Stupid Starbucks sizing.
“Coming right up! What’s your name for the cup?”
“Amandine,” Amandine said, “A–” preparing to spell it, but the girl cut her off.
“Amandine! Like the cake?”
Something crunched in Amandine’s brain, and she actually looked at the girl. Made direct eye contact. Her eyes were a sort-of warm gray. Almost lavender, really. Her cheeks were dusted with freckles. Her shiny blonde hair, despite the flyaways, combined with the freckles to make her look like Ra himself had blessed her with his radiance. Wait. What the fuck was she thinking? “No. Like the potato.”
The girl laughed. “That’ll be $3.75, please. I like your contacts.”
“Thanks.” Amandine handed her a five, and dropped the change in the tip jar.
“Good morning! Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you?”
The back of the shop had a free table all of a sudden, and Amandine bolted for it. She unpacked her laptop on autopilot. Was she finally going crazy? She was something like 360 years old, more or less. A lot of vampires–turned ones, at least–lost it at 200. Lack of sleep and everyone you’d ever known being dead could do that to a person. Purebloods supposedly didn’t go crazy, but then again, they could also supposedly turn into bats, and she’d never seen Ambrose do that in the twenty years she lived with him. She’d have to be careful. Monitor herself for signs of insanity. Certainly something to Google.
“Amanda!” called a different barista. “Amanda Ee-nay?”
As Amandine shuffled over to get her coffee, she saw the sunny cashier looking at her again. Looking so hard she missed something her customer said, and he repeated himself loudly. Maybe the girl was from a hunter family. Maybe she suspected Amandine. She’d even brought up the “contacts.” Yeah, that must be it. Not, to be fair, that she had a killer vibe or anything. Maybe she had a bait vibe. She did seem like she’d be extremely good at being bitten.
The coffee smelled delicious, and Amandine felt her daily bitterness at not being able to drink it. She set the cup on the table and settled her laptop over her lap. She pulled up her “manager’s” e-mail and started reading. Most of the sponsorship offers were ludicrously low, but one for a new model of headset was worth replying to. Never say no to headsets with cute shit on them. She also had to reply to Greg at Raid Shadow Legends, again. Amandine worked, and occasionally held her cup to her lips. The fiery coffee felt heavenly, and it reminded her of her real thirst. She hadn’t bitten anyone in a few days. She was going to have to get that done tonight or tomorrow. It was really too bad about coffee being considered a morning drink. Biting someone with a caffeine addiction was much nicer than biting a drunk.
After two hours, Amandine decided to pack up. She resolved solidly that she was going to go out the side exit, and not pass the registers at all. She pulled her hood all the way forward again. She dumped her full coffee into the dump bucket so quickly nobody not supernatural would have noticed. And then she was walking right past the registers, and the girl was still there, and no one was in line, and her voice was like a bell. “Thanks for coming to Starbucks! See you next time!”
Amandine scowled so hard she thought her eyebrows might’ve crossed each other. She certainly hadn’t looked back at the girl again. She’d just suddenly realized that she’d read her nametag the first time. It was probably good, tactically, to know her name, so she could check it against known hunter families. Yup.
The girl’s name suited her. It was May.
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cupcraft · 2 years
ive been reading twitter over the past few days and i just want to say twitter will believe anything and promote any misinformation to discredit amanda's story. here are some of the things ive seen:
1: "dms are fake" despite dream admitting to them being real
2: the stories of someone who knows amanda from school (that was proven a bit) and they "know the scs are fake" with no solid evidence
3: story of "amanda stole my story" with no followup (and its not to say i want to downplay/disbelieve her im just pointing out the hypocrisy of those on twitter and who they believe)
4: there was a troll on twitter recently who admitted to being a troll and people think its amanda with again no solid evidence
5: adding contrast to amanda's photos that are a bit low res jpeg and saying the "pixels around the words means its edited oh my god" and then someone had to respond by putting their tweet into photoshop, lowering the quality, and educating people on what jpeg compression is and how it is not at all a sign of edited videos/images.
6: "amanda was a stan so nothing happened"
7: sc from amanda's tik tok where the quote says "he never said anything inappropriate" (paraphrased) but the sc is from 2021 and i dont think about this situation, and even if it was about this situation dont people realize victims can downplay/not acknowledge what happened to them esp early on because thats how grooming/this kind of stuff works?
8: "dream is so sweet he'd never do that :(!"
9. "amanda is from leaktwt" when shes not + the rumors shes a part of this secret discord group of dream anti's who were waiting to take dream down (srsly ???)
feel free to add on more but the point of me making this is just the amt of legwork people are doing to detective amanda and bend over backwards to discredit her with a vast amt of misinformation without holding nay other claim (especially dream's claims) to scrutiny is not baffling to me but unbelievably sickening.
also if theres errors here/i mispoke please let me know.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
ok am fascinated by the idea of physical strength as power in the miyagi-verse -- obviously cobra kai does this a lot, but you get it a bit in the karate kid too, more or less depending on your preferred read. that is, yeah, one might read daniel's kick to johnny's face, and punching out chozen, and the karate chop to mike's chest as mainly related to misdirection and confusion and underestimation, but there still had to be some power to them (mainly with regards to johnny and chozen + the fights daniel had pre-getting to the final in tkk1, mike did... not look that fazed, but also tkk3, it's a whole own thing)
all of this to say that I think ideas about physical strength and how I carry that into cobra kai the show play into how I feel about end s5 and daniel's final fight against terry. I also do find the narrative rushed the confrontation, and so neither terry nor dae-un had anything to do in the second half apart from terrorising tory specifically and then getting randomly attacked by johnny and co + the kids, and daniel with the amanda+carmen squad, and so I was just sort of disappointed to see all of that going nowhere very fast
however, even without that I personally didn't like the narrative of daniel's power coming from physically overpowering terry, for a variety of reasons (which I won't go into on this post), and so when I was first writing about it I was pretty scathing, but did see others who were much more into it, which I am curious to hear more of the reasons for + also if you also weren't so into it, or have more mixed feelings
and as I said in the first paragraph the karate fairytale story in which daniel/ralph is strong enough to physically defeat his opponents does have credence from the very first karate kid -- that was some kick to johnny's face after all, he was fully writhing about down there, and chozen was knocked to the ground with several punches, so it's not like daniel can't fight back
so overall I'm wondering what others feel about it/what the thought processes for others were while watching that scene --
was there satisfaction in watching daniel physically overpowering terry, a yay or a nay or a mix of both?
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kninedlog · 11 months
I swear I think that Wooly is not just Sam (in my game theory bag, Mat was really onto something I'll give that video that at least.) but also Jordan Cook, the poor little brother that was "kidnapped" and taken away from Joanne Cook. The woman Riley's aunt Kate was getting letters from in the beginning of the game.
THIS THEORY IS REALLY STREATCHING BUT IM PUTTING MY THOUGHTS OUT THERE IN THE POND OF IDEAS TO GET IT OUT MY HEAD, more under the cut. This is very very very long and I refuse to split it apart into seperate post.
- I say this because again, not only was Wooly showing off parently behavior like GT said, but I also see the behavior of just a mature child.
[Small tanget to justify up above: Speaking out my ass here but when I was growing up, (and I'm talking about single digit ages) I had a simmilar personality to the sheep, where if the people around me where taking the topic to inappropriate places or dark themes, I tried to either tune it out or redirect it to more child like things so that the adults around wouldn't be suspicious or so that we wouldn't get introuble. Kids aren't stupid.]
- I don't remember which update it was from the game jam version but y'all remember that picture that was beside the TV of the two kids, with the boy giving the little girl a piggy back ride. I forgotten about this too until I was watching the first GT video about this again fun and now I'm here. Keep that image in mind.
(now stay with me here please)
- Go to official Amanda TikTok and give them a follow and then check out this specific video, where the caption is only praising the truly fire sound accompanying it, but watch what the two are doing! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81JtDrw/
- A piggy back ride like the children's photo from that one update!
I'm speaking out my ass, but please let me cook!! Hear me out!
- I suspect that Jordan might one of the first ever victims (other than Rebecca) of HaMelN Entertainment doing their whole demonic shizz.
- With that in mind, think about this; what if before they "tested" it out on Sam and put him in the show as Wooly, they were so confident in their chances of success for summoning whichever of the demons they wanted, that they just started the whole shebang and plopped Jordan right into the whatever and made him Wooly after luring him away.
- But to their surprise, they find that Amanda (Rebecca) is fighting back way harder in turning the evil possession away because of the comfort of having another child around to experience this scary stuff with her. She's not alone and she feels confident enough that she and whoever she can see is inside of Wooly can figure this out and maybe get out too.
[Incoming Tanget: Throughout the game her efforts to try and fight back the possessions or the influence of whoever demon is in her are so lack luster and dry; with the exception of the "What's a family?" tape where's she's actively crying and screaming while undergoing the transformation; that I believe she's mostly given up when Riley is around and we as Riley are seeing what's happening.]
- After some time though, Amanda (Rebecca) starts to loose hope and control leaving it up to Wooly (Jordan) to still try and tell whoever is watching to help them, with subtle hints and clues.
- He can't speak about it directly or else Amanda will cut him off or hurt him. And we only see her actually hurt hurt Jordan Wooly.
[Another Tanget: You might be thinking, No we see her hurt Colton Wooly too, and to that I say, Nay! Because With Colton Wooly all the actions are cut off screen, yes, but that pertains to both, AND the aftermaths with Colton Wooly that we see; talking about the "What's a family?" Tape again; is a thousand times tammer than what happens to Jordan Wooly in vr1 of "Uh-oh Accidents"]
- I personally see two distinct types of people in Wooly depending on how deeper you go to finding secrets and getting to that final Amanda tape where she tell you that she, Rebecca is still out there.
(After finding out that each base tape has at least three different versions based off what you do and say on it, this is what I concluded)
- Wooly 1 (Jordan) is the Wooly that we see durring,
Tape 1: In the kitchen) All versions - Where everything goes as planned and they player/Riley answers everything correctly. Where the player/Riley is disobedient and gets Amanda upset. And when the player/Riley burns the kitchen down with the toy oven.
Tape 2: In the neighborhood) All versions - When the player/Riley plays as intended in both scenarios. Where Amanda is sending a package to Kate and then the one for Wooly's birthday. As well when the player/Riley is disobedient for both.
[Tanget: The question Wooly asked "Uh, Amanda, maybe some of our friends can come back to the neighborhood?" Implies that they weren't the only kids there in the past. And then when the player/Riley continues to type anything else but Wooly's name at the end of it, the "???: Gosh, I guess you really forgot..." Helps me out on this case too]
Tape 3: Uh-oh Accidents) vr1 - The one where Amanda hurts Wooly knee, in all possible scenarios when the player/Riley is being helpful or disobedient
- Wooly 2 (Sam Colton, Rebecca's Dad) is the Wooly we see in,
Tape 3: Uh-oh Accidents) vr2 - Where Amanda drugs Wooly and tries to attack him with medical equipment.
Extra EP tape 4: Everything Rots) All Versions - Where Amanda is being grossly fascinated with death and rotting things and Wooly, kinda like a parental figure is trying to pull her back in line kindly until he can't anymore.
Extra EP tape 5: What's a Family) All Versions - Where Amanda and Wooly go to the Zoo and Amanda starts to talk about family slowly making Wooly regress into a mindless animal.
In conclusion I think Wooly has two minds/souls/spirits(?) In him and that's why throughout the game you can see him sometimes being whimpy and more afraid of Amanda than anything else, and other times sticking up for himself and calling out Amanda's (more so the demon taking control of his little girl) BS
Thank you for taking the time to read my insane ramblings!
💖 It means a lot!
Bonus: The joke tape for hackers of Wooly just sitting there for 10 min, is truly nobody. It's actually just Wooly the character before any soul was put into it to give the character a real personality.
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My Essay on Why RK900 is a Nerd
Preface: This essay uses very loose evidence and is for entertainment purposes rather than actually analysing the RK900 scene. Enjoy. word count: 656
Y’all scrapping him up to be some sort of 7′5″ hardass because he stood next to the very-short-Amanda and moved his head slightly. Let me tell you a thing... In an Australian accent.
I present to you my case in which Nines is just a walking lab nerd and not a bloke who will hold Gavin up by the throat.
Point 1: First of All
Connor and Nines are both 6′0″. White lab coat lookin’ ass.
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Point 2: What are the Upgrades For?
Amanda states that Nines is to be more effective at the job. “Faster. Stronger. More resilient. And equipped with the latest technologies.”
Yeah, because they learned this android will be goin’ through it. Gunshots, stab wounds, Gavin gut-punches, the works. Equipped with the latest forensic technology? More resilient so his nerd ass can bounce back from DPD bathroom swirlies?
“Faster. Stronger.” Yeah, because why wouldn’t you upgrade any law enforcement android with those things? They have to keep up with other people! Humans birth humans and we sure as hell hope the next generation will be faster and stronger. Next question.
Point 3: Appearance vs Personality
Connor looks unintimidating upon initial interaction which can be accredited to his brown earthy colour scheme (cheers Bryan). Psychologically speaking, you think “hey this cop looks nice and friendly” and then he roars “twenty-eight stab wounds” and you shit yourself. Connor is a cold character personality-wise, in that warm interactions are still calculated and considered.
Nines is designed to be cold on the outside with blue eyes, lowered eyebrows, and a high collar. The seemingly smaller pupils are more hostile, the lowered eyebrows are angrier, and the collar ‘protects’ the neck which gives the illusion that he is less vulnerable. This appearance is specifically designed to deter people from harming the merchandise before it can even come close to them. Probably because if this pencil-dick lab-rat can make them cry by looking at them, they won’t make him cry by talking to him.
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Point 4: Socialisation
Connor tries really hard outwardly to get along with as many of his colleagues as humanly possible. (Or not, depending on your choices.) He also will just rip out a biocomponent to torture another android in order to get an answer. Shit, mate, as if that polar opposite snap doesn’t shake you to your core. We know nothing canon about Nines’ behaviour towards others, but I can guess that due to learnings from the RK800 model, he’d be a lot more reserved to preserve himself. Much like how Connor follows Hank around like a dog (which in positive experiences preserved him), Nines would pull a classic introvert move and attach himself to someone who wouldn’t pull a gun on his head. Note that due to the RK model and program, Nines would keep Connor’s professionalism. A fun thing to consider: Nines is the walking laboratory behind Connor, blinking for a flinch any time Connor snaps.
Point 5: Tank vs Glass Cannon
Connor is a sword and Nines is a shield. Nines, built to withstand bullies, would take the shots while Connor fires the shots.
And if Nines were to ever physically attack or defend, it would be such a big well-up that a single swing of his fist would fling a bot from Detroit to Canada. Coding anti-violence stability in the RK900 would be vital for human preservation. Would Nines push Gavin back? Nay. Gavin wouldn’t be able to push this nerd in the first place. It’d be like a brick wall. After Gavin’s fed up with trying to shove Nines over, Hank would call for the android to “come analyse evidence” and Nines would be like “coming lieutenant :)” and step out the break room so Gavin falls flat on his face.
In conclusion
Nines is the “don’t poke the bear” type. A nerdy forensic laboratory following around the leader of the investigation like a timid ginger middle-schooler who secretly knows Kung Fu.
Check out my other essays here.
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n0stalg1a404 · 1 year
Do y'all wanna hear a very out there Amanda the Adventurer theory? I think this person
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And the demon
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Are the same person.
In fact, I think that they're both Rebecca Colton herself. Or at least her physical body.
Listen, I know it makes no sense, but think about it. We don't know what Hamlien did to Rebecca. Specifically, what they did after they put her in the show. I personally think that Rebecca and the demon sort of 'switched places' and the demon has been acting as Rebecca ever since.
When Amanda/Rebecca says she feeling herself rotting, she's talking about how she's not in her own body. And when she tells the player that she's out there somewhere, she's talking about her physical body.
She knows the demon is parading around in her body, and she's trying to warn us in the endings where either the demon or the mysterious person shows up.
Like I said; very out there, and probably very off base, but what do you guys think?
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🎶 Spotify Wrapped 🎶
I keep seeing posts about specific numbers from Spotify Wrapped, *ehem* looking at you @iwilltrytobereasonable lol, so Im just going to go ahead and put up my whole list, if anyone cares enough to know 😅 I'll leave up the Top 10 and put the rest under a read more so you can just keep going about your day if you want ^^ 1. Rumble - Skrillex ft. Fred Again..., Flowdan 2. XENA - Skrillex ft. Nai Barghouti 3. Bel Mercy - Jengi 4. Running Up That Hill - Lø Spirit 5. お先に失礼します。- HANABIE. 6. Welcome Home - Coheed & Cambria 7. 怪物 - YOASOBI 8. THE DAY - PornoGraffitti 9. NEET GAME - HANABIE. 10. Ten Speed (Of God's Blood & Burial) - Coheed & Cambria
11. ピースサイン - Kenshi Yonezu 12. 空に歌えば - amazarashi 13. 超次元ギャラクシー - HANABIE. 14. Always & Never - Coheed & Cambria 15. ODD FUTURE - UVERworld 16. My Curse - Killswitch Engage 17. Blast Off - HANABIE. 18. Keeping The Blade - Coheed & Cambria 19. An Honest Mistake - The Bravery 20. Make my story - Lenny code fiction 21. ポラリス - BLUE ENCOUNT 22. Crossing The Frame - Coheed & Cambria 23. 今年こそギャル ~初夏 ver.~ - HANABIE. 24. Disobey - Crystal Lake 25. Counting Worms - Knocked Loose 26. Apollo I : The Writing Writer - Coheed & Cambria 27. The Light That Blinds - Shadows Fall 28. Sunshine (with The Knocks) - Whethan ft. The Knocks 29. Ojos Marrones - Lasso 30. Naruto Bluebird Freestyle - Khantrast 31. Enemy (with JID) - Imagine Dragons ft. JID 32. アイドル - YOASOBI 33. Quédate Con Ella - Natalia Jiménez 34. The Suffering - Coheed & Cambria 35. Coming Undone - Korn 36. Blackened - Metallica 37. Six - All That Remains 38. スターマーカー - KANA-BOON 39. Швайне - Glukoza 40. Tales of Villain - HANABIE. 41. S.O.B. - Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats 42. Grand Theft Autumn / Where Is Your Boy - Fall Out Boy 43. grayout - thrown 44. Once Upon Your Dead Body - Coheed & Cambria 45. *Equip Sunglasses* - Hot Mulligan 46. TOUSOU - HANABIE. 47. When You Were Young - The Killers 48. DISSENSION - NEMOPHILA 49. RATATA - Skrillex ft. Missy Elliot, Mr. Oizo 50. Kids - MGMT 51. Dashboard - Modest Mouse 52. Wake Up - Coheed & Cambria 53. Warning!! - HANABIE. 54. Whiskey Fever - Zach Bryan 55. La furie et la foi - Fonky Family 56. A Favor House Atlantic - Coheed & Cambria 57. 我は宇宙最強のインベーダーちゃんである - HANABIE. 58. dashstar* - VIP by Knock2 59. Again - CLIPZ ft. Jaykae, Ms Banks, Ms. Dynamite 60. The Comedown (RobotSonics Remix) - Bring Me The Horizon 61. We love sweets - HANABIE. 62. Say It Aint So - Weezer 63. Scream Aim Fire - Bullet For My Valentine 64. Duality - Slipknot 65. Chelsea Smile (KC Blitz Remix) - Bring Me The Horizon 66. Slumbering World - The Wise Man's Fear 67. Chop Suey! - System Of A Down 68. だから、ひとりじゃない - Little Glee Monster 69. Handlebars - Flobots 70. REVIVE - NEMOPHILA 71. In Autumn - Greywind 72. Tailspin - The Wise Man's Fear 73. Riptide - Vance Joy 74. Así No Te Amará Jamás - Amanda Miguel 75. HEROES - Brian the Sun 76. Through the Fire and Flames - DragonForce 77. The Thunder Rolls - All That Remains 78. You Can Have the Crown - Sturgill Simpson 79. Better Than Gold - Justin Hawkes ft. Andrew Hellier 80. My Wing - Otyken 81. Until Mourning Comes - Dying Wish 82. Hotel California - Gipsy Kings 83. Where the Sky is Empty - The Wise Man's Fear 84. Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz 85. Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand 86. Float On - Modest Mouse 87. Take This Life - In Flames 88. The Lying Lies & Dirty Secrets of Miss Erica Court - Coheed & Cambria 89. Magic - B.o.B. ft. Rivers Cuomo 90. About Damn Time - Lizzo 91. Sentimental Heroine - HANABIE. 92. White Noise - Disclosure ft. AlunaGeorge 93. 閃光 - [Alexandros] 94. Caramelldansen - Caramella Girls 95. SAY - Knock2 96. Some Chords - deadmau5 97. Short Change Hero - The Heavy 98. It Was Written In Blood (L'Amour La Morgue Remix) - Bring Me The Horizon 99. Paranoia - Chance The Rapper ft. Nosaj Thing 100. You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
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sovpologist · 1 year
Lightfall Review: TLDR
Read my full review here!
Best parts of the story:
Zavala immediately squashing the "The Traveler tried to abandon us" hot take by explaining that it went to confront the Witness at the end of Seraph. Like I felt like this was obvious but some people want the Traveler to secretly be evil so badly they'll use anything as proof
Osiris launching himself in a Cabal drop pod
Nimbus and Osiris bickering
Caiatl coming to help us and Nimbus thinking she's hot
Calling down orbital strikes
Neomuna being an Ishtar Collective colony (science wives Maya Sundaresh and Chioma Esi were alive! And thriving!)
Osiris' theory that Light = material/physical and Dark = mental/immaterial
And how this would build/add onto Ikora's theories about pain, forgiveness, and memory and why the Light forgets but the Dark remembers
The Witness taking control of Ghost to get to the Veil
There's precedent for this in the Vow raid lore; plus the Witness/Darkness has influenced/taken control of Ghost before. It also always seemed too good to be true that Ghost and the guardian could spy on the Witness with no issue but that connection didn't go the other way around
Worst parts of the story:
Amanda being on the front lines of the battle despite being a civilian non guardian??? and later in defiant battlegrounds devrim even has a line about how he and amanda cant be on the front lines bc they dont have lives to space so why was she there in the first place?
Osiris seeing the Witness touch the Traveler, leave, and immediately guessing that the Witness 1) saw the Veil 2) is going to get it right now
The Veil and the Radial Mast in general
Rohan's death being obvious from a mile away and him not getting enough screentime that wasn't draped in "I'm definitely going to die soon" red flags to actually be able to get attached to him
"Let's stand perfectly still in the dark!" -Mara, Zavala, Elsie, Ikora
Story: 4/10
Lots of mystery going into "Final Shape"
Strong aesthetics + vibe
Post-campaign content is largely better written and more engaging
Breakneck pacing
Poor motivations
Lack of setup
Overutilization of MacGuffins
Rapid, jarring tonal shifts
Obvious, guessable deaths
Stakes are supposed to be high but feel low
No payoff
Bungie telling people who are confused or unsatisfied to buy the year's seasons and play them to get answers… Expansions should be mandatory to understand seasons. Seasons should not be mandatory to understand expansions.
Characters: 6/10
Fun new characters
Interesting character interactions
Underutilized existing characters
Gameplay: 8/10
Difficult but not oppressive content
Strand is massively fun and engaging
Interesting, well-designed missions
Lots of opportunities to use/experiment with Strand during main campaign, meaning putting together a build post-campaign is easier
Strand is much easier to unlock than Stasis, which was a huge pain
Replayable activities in Neomuna
Some of the "secrets" on Neomuna are not really secrets (Vex disruption, Cabal ammunition, disrupting transmission)
Post campaign content with great lore (yay) is largely patrol based (nay...)
Will need to see the longevity of Neomuna + how it shakes up in the long run; Savathun's throne world had some things to do for leveling/unique replayable missions right after the campaign but a season or two later they were essentially worthless, meaning there was no reason to go back
QOL Changes: 9/10
Simplified mod system
Ada-1 sells shaders now!
Mod building screen!!!!
Commendations are fun
Artifact mods are intrinsic
Artifact is free to reset
Power system less relevant
More ways to stun champions
Guardian ranks system is underwhelming, just another list of tasks to check off
Lore being moved to triumphs is a bad design choice IMO; I much preferred being able to read it on the same screen I unlocked it 
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embershroud108 · 2 years
amanda once revealed that jinx has friends. do you think she moreso meant that jinx will have friends, or she already has them and we just havent seen them? if the latter, based on how well it'd work with the story, who do you think jinx's friends may be? ive seen people think it nay be ziggs, amy funsmith, or possibly a whole new zaun character.
Yeah I've speculated about Amanda's comment before. The way she phrased the tweet in question definitely makes it sound like Jinx already has friends. If that's the case (and Amanda wasn't trolling us and was referring to Jinx's hallucinations and/or weapons, in which case I'm going to be salty lmao) then I would bet it's a new character(s) we haven't seen yet. I had to look up Amy Funsmith, but yeah she and Jinx definitely seem like they would get along. That name even sounds like something Jinx would make up lol ("Funsmith the gunsmith"). In terms of champion characters who could be friends with Jinx my best guess right now is Ziggs, Viktor, and/or Warwick. Mayyyybe Ekko.
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imoim36news · 1 year
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Mới mẻ trên đây, theo chuyên nghiệp trang sắc đẹp mắt Sash Factor, Hoa khôi Trả vũ 2022 R'Bonney Gabriel thuộc Á hậu 1 Amanda Dudamel và Á hậu 2 Andreína Martínez Founier tiếp tục tới thăm Việt nam Phái mạnh từ thời điểm ngày 23/2 tới 26/2/2023. Theo chuyên nghiệp trang sắc đẹp mắt này, sát cánh đồng hành thuộc Top 3 Hoa khôi Trả vũ 2022 là tân Chủ toạ của Hoa khôi Trả vũ – phái nữ tỷ phú người Thái Lan Anne Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip.Sash Factor mang tin, Top 3 Hoa khôi Trả vũ 2022 tiếp tục sở hữu chuyến thăm Việt nam Phái mạnh. (Hình họa: Sash Factor)Phía trên được nghĩ rằng chuyến công tác làm việc đứng đầu của Hoa khôi R'Bonney Gabriel và nhì Á hậu sau tối đăng quang quẻ. Tin tức quan hệ tới Top 3 Hoa khôi Trả vũ 2022 tới Việt nam Phái mạnh sẽ có được sự quan hoài đặc biệt quan trọng của quần chúng yêu thương sắc đẹp. phần lớn fan hâm mộ thể hiện nay sự hồi hộp, chờ đón và ham muốn rõ được những hoạt động sinh hoạt của cha người đẹp mắt và bà Anne Jakrajutatip trên Việt nam Phái mạnh. Tuy vậy, phía BTC Hoa khôi Trả vũ thời điểm hiện tại không xác nhận tin tức về quá trình của Top 3 Hoa khôi Trả vũ 2022 vào tuổi thọ cho tới trên Việt nam Phái mạnh. Được biết thêm, trước Lúc được nghĩ rằng lịch sự Việt nam Phái mạnh vào tuổi thọ cho tới, Hoa khôi R'Bonney Gabriel tiếp tục sở hữu chuyến thăm thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Manila (Philippines). Sau đấy, cô tiếp tục tạt thăm Indonesia và sở hữu buổi chụp ảnh cùng với nội dung "Miss Universe Drinking Water". Hoạt động giải trí này được bố trí nhằm mục tiêu lôi kéo người dân... nội dung nguồn domain : danviet.vn #Top #Hoa #hậu #Trả #vũ #tiếp tục #tới #thăm #Việt nam #Phái mạnh
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Persuasion 2022 makes me want to visit Jane Austen’s grave and apologise
So here’s a compilation of hilariously scathing reviews. Enjoy!
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-Clarisse Loughrey
How exactly does the line, “it is said if you’re a five in London, you’re a 10 in Bath”, improve on Austen’s work or make it any more palatable to modern audiences? Or what about the comments on being “an empath” and focusing on “self-care”? 
When Anne is reunited with Wentworth (Cosmo Jarvis), the man she once rejected, Austen writes: “Now they were as strangers; nay, worse than strangers, for they could never become acquainted. It was a perpetual estrangement.” In the film? We get: “We are strangers. Worse than strangers. We’re exes.”
There’s nothing here that seems to drive her [Crackell’s] work (...) beyond the directive of capitalising on current trends. This is exactly what happens when art becomes a brand exercise.
There’s not even an attempt to be accurate here – Marianne Agertoft‘s costumes only look like Regency dress if you’d somehow been led to believe that the pages of this month’s Tatlermagazine had been shot out of a time machine. And, as much as I am loath to defend Bridgerton, the Netflix production Persuasion clearly modelled itself after, its anachronisms at least feel carefully chosen in order to give the series a poppy irreverence.
You can’t help but think what Austen would make of all this. She was nearly 40 when she wrote Persuasion, inches away from her deathbed. Anne’s pain in the novel is sharp, laced with the fear that she’s reached a point in life where she’s outrun every last opportunity, most especially for love. How do you absorb all of that feeling, only to give us an Anne who sighs performatively after she knocks a vessel of gravy on her head and boasts about dancing to Beethoven alone in her room “with a bottle of red”? How would the latter even happen in an era before record players?
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Austen should be allowed a chance at the Instagram generation. But the frozen expression on romantic lead Cosmo Jarvis’s face throughout speaks louder than any review. (He can relax: one of the few things that can be said about this film with certainty is that it will be forgotten quickly.)
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- Patrick Cremona
It all seems so forced and deliberate, more annoying and jarring than it is charming or inventive.
Then there are the frequent fourth-wall-breaking monologues, which start early on and continue to arrive at all too regular intervals throughout the runtime – with Alice providing a near-constant running commentary on the action, one that's neither witty nor insightful enough to be worth its while. It all allows a certain archness to take hold, a smugness that gets in the way of any emotional sincerity.
For the most part, it just feels rather drab and half-hearted, breezing along easily enough without ever injecting any real pizzazz into proceedings.
All this ensures the film commits one of cinema's cardinal sins – frankly, it's a little bit boring.
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In other words, the film’s Anne, unlike Austen’s quivering and stifled introvert, is that rom-com mainstay, the manic pixie dream girl, an ostensibly smart and capable woman whose klutziness and all-round-adorability ensures she’s completely non-threatening.
Sad but true, she (Dakota Johnson) is upstaged by the wallpaper on several occasions.
The famous ’letter scene’ is shrug-worthy. The final kiss moved me not.
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It’s set in the early 19th century, not remotely of Austen, but of Bridgerton, the success of which has unfortunately convinced Netflix that anything goes. Imagine flaunting an antique copy of the novel in a full-cosplay selfie, but holding it upside down.
Meanwhile, the dialogue perpetrates five war crimes per minute.
The way Michell finessed the most autumnal of Austen’s works, with Amanda Root cast to perfection, set a gold standard. This takes a flailing leap, but it’s neither audacious enough to commit to a singular vision, nor shrewd enough to get the novel right. It nosedives between two stools and never gets up.
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It is like an Austen amuse bouche — an entry-level cover version that tries to rev up the humor and speak directly to Gen Z by using its lingo — or at least an advertising executive's idea of what Gen Z sounds like. 
-Lindsey Bahr 
Instead, viewers get brief snippets of Anne’s internal character conflict and her yearning for Wentworth. By extension, Wentworth is always shafted and his character falls short due to the comedic tone of the film. Anne and Wentworth have clumsy and awkward exchanges that feature the sort of delivery you’d expect from an episode of The Office as opposed to a romance about healing the wounds of two heartbroken people.
Characters are constantly espousing modern beliefs. “A woman without a husband is not a problem to be solved,” says one sagely, greeted with a wry smile by Anne. Except that in 1817, unmarried women faced ridicule, lack of social agency and destitution, something Anne and Austen knew all too well. By removing Austen’s thematic concerns – class, spinsterhood, the questionable power of persuasion – there are simply no real barriers to Anne and Wentworth’s reunion. Indeed, it’s hard to see how this spirited person could be persuaded to do anything. With such low stakes, the film crawls along without momentum.
I’m all for modernising the classics (see 2020’s Emma for Austen with an injection of over-the-top fun) but this one can’t decide if it’s trying to amuse or edify and consequently does neither. Bring back Bridgerton, please.
- Francesca Steele
Sadly Persuasion, not only the worst Austen adaptation but one of the worst movies in recent memory, delivers on all the agony and none of the hope. 
The filmmakers have served up a soggy mess of limp rom-com clichés that does a disservice not only to Austen but to all her contemporary inheritors, from Cher Horowitz to Bridget Jones. As played by Dakota Johnson, the novel’s heroine Anne Elliot, a lovelorn, bookish, self-effacing woman on the cusp of spinsterhood, becomes an insufferably coy scatterbrain who speaks in 21st-century buzzwords 
There is updating classic literature to bring it in tune with modern sensibilities, and then there is insulting the viewer’s intelligence. Persuasion’s endlessly attempts to pander to young audiences presumed incapable of understanding any message not conveyed via Instagram hashtag 
Unfortunately, as played by Cosmo Jarvis, Wentworth is also something of a lifeless sad sack. His pining for Anne is believable enough, but his character is so thinly written that it’s hard to see whatever qualities induced her to spend eight years pining for him. 
In this movie, eligible men are mostly nattily attired scarecrows on which to hang romantic longing. 
The fine shadings of social class that drive the novel’s conflict are mostly lost in this translation to the screen. The presence of Black, Asian, and mixed-race actors in the cast at first feels refreshing, but any intended social commentary is lost in the script’s thematic muddle.
it’s hard to overstate what unpleasant company Johnson’s Anne Elliot is. She performatively chugs red wine straight from the bottle, goes everywhere cuddling a never-explained pet rabbit, and interrupts one stodgy teatime with an extended and charmless non sequitur about a recurring dream that an octopus is sucking her face.
she (Austen) describes Anne and Wentworth’s long-ago affair as “a short period of exquisite felicity.” The only such moment afforded by Persuasion is when the closing credits finally start to roll.
-Dana Stevens
(just read the whole review, seriously- https://slate.com/culture/2022/07/persuasion-netflix-movie-2022-dakota-johnson-jane-austen.html)
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tenhaychocon01 · 17 days
đặt tên tiếng anh cho con gái
Trong thế giới đa văn hóa và đa chủng tộc của ngày nay, xu hướng đặt tên tiếng Anh cho con gái đang ngày càng trở nên phổ biến. Tuy nhiên, điều này không chỉ đơn giản là việc chọn một tên đẹp mắt, mà còn là việc tìm kiếm một cái tên mang ý nghĩa sâu sắc và phản ánh giá trị của gia đình. Để giúp các bậc phụ huynh đặt tên tiếng anh cho con gái thật hay và ý nghĩa, Tên Hay Cho Con sẽ chia sẻ 50+ tên tiếng anh hay cho bé gái trong bài viết dưới đây! 3 cách đặt tên tiếng anh cho con gái Đối với những gia đình ấp ủ ước mơ cho con gái được học tại các trường quốc tế hoặc có cơ hội du học nước ngoài trong tương lai, việc đặt tên tiếng Anh cho bé trở thành một phần không thể thiếu trong chiến lược giáo dục. Không chỉ vậy, ngay cả khi bé ở Việt Nam, việc sở hữu một tên tiếng Anh sẽ giúp bé dễ dàng tiếp cận và tương tác với cộng đồng quốc tế, từ đó phát triển kỹ năng giao tiếp và tự tin của mình. Dưới đây là một số cách đặt tên tiếng anh cho con gái mà bố mẹ có thể tham khảo để đặt cho con: Dựa vào ý nghĩa: - May mắn, hạnh phúc: Amanda, Felicity, Beatrix, Elysia, Farrah, Serena, Gwen, Helen, Hilary - Thông minh, trí tuệ: Sophia, Clara, Alice, Bertha, Genevieve, Milcah, Rowena, Mirabel - Vẻ đẹp: Bella, Grace, Emma, Ivy, Aurelia, Brenna, Calliope, Charmaine, Drusilla, Delwyn, Dulcie - Quyền quý: Charlotte, Genevieve, Diana, Audrey, Evelyn, Regina, Otis, Aine, Almira, Ladonna - Thiên nhiên: Azura, Aster, Chloe, Camellia, Lilybelle, Dahlia, Akina, Celine, Diana, Camellia, Dandelion, Daisy, Esther - Phẩm chất cao đẹp: Amity, Agnes, Blanche, Alma, Agatha, Cosima, Dilys, Ernesta, Dulcie, Eulalia Dựa theo âm tiết: - 1 âm tiết: Ava, Eve, Mia, May, Zoe - 2 âm tiết: Chloe, Ella, Lily, Lucy, Sarah - 3 âm tiết: Amelia, Isabella, Sophia, Olivia, Emily Dựa theo xu hướng: - Tên cổ điển: Eleanor, Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary, Catherine - Tên hiện đại: Ava, Olivia, Sophia, Emma, Isabella - Tên độc đáo: Luna, Maeve, Willow, Freya, Hazel 50+ tên tiếng anh con gái hay và ý nghĩa Tên tiếng Anh hay cho bé gái mang ý nghĩa hạnh phúc, may mắn Tên tiếng Anh cho bé gái không chỉ là một cái tên, mà còn là lời chúc phúc và hy vọng từ bố mẹ. Dưới đây là một số gợi ý với những danh xưng mang ý nghĩa hạnh phúc và may mắn, mỗi cái tên đều là một điều nguyện cầu cho tương lai của bé: - Amanda: Mang ý nghĩa xứng đáng được yêu thương, là lời chúc cho bé được tràn đầy tình yêu thương từ mọi người xung quanh. - Helen: Tên gọi dành cho bé với hy vọng bé sẽ tỏa sáng trong mọi lĩnh vực của cuộc đời. - Hilary: Tên "Hilary" thường được hiểu là vui vẻ, là một lời chúc mong cho bé luôn giữ vững niềm vui và lạc quan trong mọi tình huống. - Farrah: Mang ý nghĩa hạnh phúc, tên "Farrah" là một lời chúc bé luôn được sống trong sự hạnh phúc và thịnh vượng. - Erasmus: "Erasmus" có ý nghĩa là được mọi người yêu quý, là một lời chúc mong cho bé được nhận được sự yêu thương và đánh giá từ xã hội. Tên tiếng Anh hay cho con gái mang ý nghĩa kiên cường, mạnh mẽ - Alexandra: "Alexandra" thường được hiểu là người bảo vệ, là một lời chúc mong cho bé trở thành người có khả năng bảo vệ và chăm sóc cho người thân và cộng đồng. - Bernice: Ý nghĩa của "Bernice" là người tạo nên chiến thắng, là một lời gợi nhắc cho bé về sự quyết đoán và khả năng vượt qua mọi thách thức. - Kelsey: "Kelsey" có nghĩa là nữ chiến binh, là một tuyên ngôn về sự mạnh mẽ và quyết đoán trong cuộc sống. - Jocelyn: Tên "Jocelyn" là nhà vô địch trong mọi trận chiến, là một lời chúc mong cho bé trở thành người chiến thắng và thành công trong mọi nỗ lực. - Sigourney: Ý nghĩa của "Sigourney" là người thích chinh phục, một lời chúc mong cho bé có khả năng vượt qua mọi rào cản và đạt được mục tiêu của mình. Tên tiếng Anh hay cho nữ mang ý nghĩa giàu sang Bố mẹ luôn mong ước cho con cái của mình một cuộc sống hạnh phúc và giàu sang. Dưới đây là một số tên tiếng Anh mang ý nghĩa về sự may mắn và giàu sang: - Alva: Thể hiện sự cao quý, là điều bố mẹ mong muốn cho con gái của mình. - Donna: Hình ảnh của một cô tiểu thư, biểu tượng cho sự giàu có và quyền lực. - Martha: Là quý cô sang trọng, người phụ nữ tinh tế và đẳng cấp. - Pearl: Hình ảnh của viên ngọc trai, thể hiện sự quý phái và thuần khiết. - Freya: Tên của nữ thần trong thần thoại, thể hiện một người phụ nữ quý tộc - Otis: "Otis" thể hiện sự giàu có và thịnh vượng, là một lời chúc tốt đẹp cho tương lai của con. - Courtney: Cô gái sinh ra trong hoàng gia, xuất thân cao quý, mong con có cuộc sống giàu có và quý phái. Cái tên tiếng anh hay cho bé gái có ý nghĩa thành công Dưới đây là một số tên tiếng Anh giúp bạn gửi gắm mong muốn cho con gái sẽ đạt được thành công: - Victoria: Tên của nữ hoàng Anh, với ý nghĩa là chiến thắng và sự lãnh đạo, là một lời chúc mong cho con gái sẽ trở thành người dẫn dắt và thành công. - Naila: Cũng có nghĩa là thành công, là một lời chúc mong cho con gái sẽ gặt hái được nhiều thành tựu trong cuộc sống. - Lisa: "Lisa" được coi là nữ thần của thành công, là một tên gọi dành cho con gái với hy vọng bé sẽ thành công và phát triển trong mọi lĩnh vực. - Maddy: Là cô gái nhiều tài năng, mong cho con gái sẽ phát huy và khai phá hết tiềm năng của mình. - Seward: Ý nghĩa của "Seward" là sự chiến thắng, mong cho con gái sẽ vượt qua mọi thử thách và đạt được mục tiêu trong cuộc sống. Tên tiếng Anh cho con gái theo ý nghĩa thông minh Thông minh và giỏi giang luôn là điều mà tất cả bố mẹ đều mong muốn cho con gái của mình. Dưới đây là một số tên tiếng Anh có ý nghĩa thông minh để bố mẹ có thể lựa chọn: - Sophia: Được hiểu là khôn ngoan, mong cho con có sự thông minh và sắc bén trong mọi tình huống. - Gina: Ý nghĩa của "Gina" là sự sáng tạo, là một lời chúc mong cho con có sự khéo léo và tinh tế trong việc tạo ra những ý tưởng mới. - Claire: "Claire" thường được hiểu là sáng dạ, mong cho con có sự thông minh và hiểu biết sâu rộng. - Avery: Có nghĩa là sự khôn ngoan và thông minh, mong cho con có khả năng suy luận và phán đoán đúng đắn. - Bertram: Có nghĩa là sự thông thái, mong cho con có khả năng hiểu biết sâu sắc và làm chủ mọi tình huống. Đặttên con gái tiếng anh đẹp theo màu sắc, đá quý Các loại đá quý không chỉ là trang sức mà còn là biểu tượng của vẻ đẹp cao quý và quý phái. Dưới đây là một số tên tiếng Anh cho con gái được lấy cảm hứng từ các loại đá quý mà bố mẹ có thể đặt tên cho thiên thần nhỏ: - Diamond: Vẻ đẹp và quý giá như kim cương, là lời chúc mong cho con gái sẽ sáng ngời và quý phái. - Emerald: Là tên của ngọc lục bảo, biểu tượng cho sự tinh khiết và quý phái. - Ruby: Biểu tượng cho sự nữ tính và quyến rũ. - Sapphire: Đây là loại đá quý, thể hiện sự quý phái và kiêu sa. - Moonstone: Tên của đá mặt trăng, mang ý nghĩa về sự bí ẩn và duyên dáng. - Quartz: Tên của thạch anh, biểu tượng cho sự tinh khiết và trong sáng. - Crystal: Là một loại pha lê, thể hiện sự lấp lánh và quý phái. Tên cho con gái mang ý nghĩa tôn giáo, tín ngưỡng Tên cho con gái thường mang theo ý nghĩa sâu sắc của tín ngưỡng và tôn giáo, đồng thời cầu mong may mắn và phước lành cho bé. Dưới đây là một số tên tiếng Anh cho con gái được lấy cảm hứng từ các nhân vật và đấng mạnh trong tín ngưỡng và thần thoại: - Ariadne: Trong thần thoại Hy Lạp, Ariadne là con gái của vua Minos, mang vẻ đẹp bí ẩn và tượng trưng cho sự mạnh mẽ và quyền lực. - Selene: Tên của nữ thần mặt trăng trong thần thoại Hy Lạp, biểu tượng của vẻ đẹp và sức mạnh của ánh sáng ban đêm. - Gaia: Gaia là nữ thần Mẹ Trái Đất trong thần thoại Hy Lạp, biểu tượng của sự sống và sức mạnh sáng tạo của tự nhiên. - Thea: "Thea" có nghĩa là "nữ thần", là một tên gọi tôn kính và tôn trọng đến những người mang trong mình sức mạnh và vẻ đẹp vượt trội. - Astraea: Tên của nữ thần của công lý và sự chính trực, Astraea đại diện cho lòng trung thành và tinh thần cao cả. Kết luận Bài viết trên chúng tôi đã cung cấp cho bố mẹ 50+ các tên tiếng anh cho con gái. Hy vọng rằng, thông qua những thông tin này, ba mẹ đã tìm thấy được một tên gọi đặc biệt và ý nghĩa cho bé yêu của mình. Hãy tiếp tục theo dõi trang web Ten Hay Cho Con để có thêm nhiều ý tưởng và sự lựa chọn tốt nhất cho con của bạn! Read the full article
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jackiebarnard11 · 2 months
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Hello all.
Feel free (you and yours) to vote in our 2024 Oscar Pool! 
Deadline is 6 pm ET Sunday, March 10th before the 7:00 pm ET ABC broadcast.
You must vote in all categories (feel free to also say who you want to win in any of the categories in addition to the one you think will win).
New this year: please include a charity organization if you can. No worries if you don't have one.
Charity organization:
Oscar Pool 2023 players by correct guesses (this is like when my 10th grade geometry teacher had us sit by grade after every class, boo). If you're not on this list, please consider joining, no worries. 
Jane, Josh, Sam, Caroline, Rebecca, Lizz, David, Louise, Mollie, George, Tracy, Amanda, John, Patty, Diana, Jeanne
Here is a link to a printable ballot, https://abc.com/shows/oscars/news/nominations/oscars-2024-printable-ballot, and the full list of nominees are pasted here, too. Email your choices to [email protected].
Best picture American Fiction Anatomy of a Fall Barbie The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Past Lives Poor Things The Zone of Interest Best actor in a leading role Bradley Cooper – Maestro Colman Domingo – Rustin Paul Giamatti – The Holdovers Cillian Murphy – Oppenheimer Jeffrey Wright – American Fiction
Best actor in a supporting role Sterling K Brown – American Fiction Robert De Niro – Killers of the Flower Moon Robert Downey Jr – Oppenheimer Ryan Gosling – Barbie Mark Ruffalo – Poor Things Best actress in a leading role Annette Bening – Nyad Lily Gladstone – Killers of the Flower Moon Sandra Hüller – Anatomy of a Fall Carey Mulligan – Maestro Emma Stone – Poor Things
Best actress in a supporting role Emily Blunt – Oppenheimer Danielle Brooks – The Color Purple America Ferrera – Barbie Jodie Foster – Nyad Da’Vine Joy Randolph – The Holdovers
Best directing Anatomy of a Fall – Justine Triet Killers of the Flower Moon – Martin Scorsese Oppenheimer – Christopher Nolan Poor Things – Yorgos Lanthimos The Zone of Interest – Jonathan Glazer
Best animated feature film The Boy and the Heron Elemental Nimona Robot Dreams Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Best adapted screenplay American Fiction Barbie Oppenheimer Poor Things The Zone of Interest
Best original screenplay Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Maestro May December Past Lives
Best cinematography El Conde Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things
Best costume design Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Best documentary feature film Bobi Wine: The People’s President The Eternal Memory Four Daughters To Kill a Tiger 20 Days in Mariupol
Best documentary short film The ABCs of Book Banning The Barber of Little Rock Island in Between The Last Repair Shop Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó
Best film editing Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Best international feature film Io Capitano Perfect Days Society of the Snow The Teachers’ Lounge The Zone of Interest
Best makeup and hairstyling Golda Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things Society of the Snow
Best original score American Fiction Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Best original song The Fire Inside – Flamin’ Hot I’m Just Ken – Barbie It Never Went Away – American Symphony Wahzhazhe (A Song for My People) – Killers of the Flower Moon What Was I Made For? – Barbie
Best production design Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Best animated short film Letter to a Pig Ninety-Five Senses Our Uniform Pachyderme WAR IS OVER! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko
Best live action short film The After Invincible Knight of Fortune Red, White and Blue The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
Best sound The Creator Maestro Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Oppenheimer The Zone of Interest
Best visual effects The Creator Godzilla Minus One Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Napoleon
Reminder: Please vote in all categories and include a charity organization suggestion (optional). 
Again, the deadline is SUNDAY MARCH 10th, 6:00PM ET to email me your votes.
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reiligvespre · 4 months
Saí com meus amigos pra reencontrar a Letícia que tinha voltado da Austrália. Dei um rolê incrível com a Nay, Flavia, Matheus, Gui, Amanda e Lucas; foi um dos dias que mais me diverti e ainda fico bobo pensando como conheci vocês e tornei esses momentos possíveis (menos a parte que vocês fizeram eu achar que tinha vomitado quando me encheram de pasta de dente enquanto dormia). Fui num rolê medieval com a Myrna e comprei meu colar favorito que atualmente esta perdido. Conheci a mg, um bicha e uma garota legal que tava com eles; mg vc é uma querida te adoro e foi uma das melhores aleatoriedades ter saído com vocês enquanto estavam em terras cariocas! Conheci meu mano Efesios e uivamos muitos; sei que foi só um dia, mas foi muito bom conhecer alguém que eu gostava muito do outro lado da tela, foi um prazer te conhecer e espero te ver mais vezes irmão.
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mszyreads · 1 year
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A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595/6) by William Shakespeare. My favorite part was when Hermia got roasted by Lysander for being short: "Get gone you dwarf; You minimus...You bead, You acorn."
As a very small adult human, I took that personally 😂
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