#aml quotes
Adelaide: Truth or dare?
Edwin: Truth.
Maude: How many hours have you slept this week?
Edwin: Dare.
Robin: Go to sleep
Edwin: I do not like this game.
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katytrailcreations · 5 months
The Quiet Room
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childotkw · 2 years
"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever." I loved that quote from Marvel so much, and I immediately thought of the Dark Regulus you write about.
One of the good parts of CW, I will admit!
That quote really does resonate with Regulus for me - particularly in AYS(AML).
He’s been entrenched in Dark magic and it’s culture since he was a child. He knows it inside and outside, and is not ashamed of that part of himself. He does not hide or try to bury or rebrand himself, not like Sirius did.
And it’s because he is a part of that system that means he can dismantle it and bring Voldemort’s regime to a screeching halt.
It’s got the same vibe as “betrayal never comes from your enemies”.
Everyone expected Regulus to follow in his parents’ footsteps in this AU. To be a good little boy and bend his neck to the Dark Lord.
Too bad for them, Regulus is angry and disillusioned, and is willing to do something about it.
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meddwlyngymraeg · 2 years
I have some slang for you today, this morning of the World Cup qualifier final cyffrous iawn between Cymru and Ukraine. The internet's a vast source of vocab!
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(Mae'n drwg 'da fi, ro'n i wedi dweud hynny o'r blaen, ond dwi'n dyfynnu Elis yn aml. Efallai, rhy'n aml!)
Description o'r lluniau:
Elis: "Iesu beis, ma heddi'n llusgo" Today's dragging.
But what's the exclamation, Iesu beis? Someone asks:
"Beth yw beis?" Elis: "Ultra colloquial version of boys, (Gorllewin Cymru)" (West Wales)
llusgo -> to drag, tug gorllewin -> west
o'r blaen -> earlier, before (blaen -> point, head, front (yn gyffredinol)) dyfynnu -> to quote cyffrous -> exciting
yn gyffredinol -> in general
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bitcoinreportitalia · 3 months
💸 NON COMPRARE L’ETF! Benissimo! 💸
☄️ Ora che l’ETF spot su Bitcoin è stato approvato è tempo di ignorarlo. Sì, proprio così. L’approvazione dell’ETF è più importante del prodotto stesso. Comprando l’ETF spot non comprerai dei Bitcoin veri ma dei Bitcoin “cartacei”, cioè un prodotto finanziario che segue il prezzo di Bitcoin.
☄️ Comprare l’ETF equivale ad acquistare Bitcoin su un exchange. I Bitcoin non sono di proprietà dell’utente. Su otto degli undici ETF approvati, gli emittenti hanno scelto di affidarsi a una società terza per effettuare la custodia dei fondi (in nove casi è stato scelto Coinbase, in un caso BitGo, in un altro caso Gemini). Soltanto la società Fidelity ha deciso di efettuare la self-custody dei propri bitcoin.
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☄️ Per molte persone acquistare quote dell’ETF sarà certamente più facile, ma perché non imparare ad acquistare Bitcoin veri e riprendere il controllo del proprio denaro? Perché mai una persona dovrebbe rinunciare a tutti i vantaggi del possedere dei Bitcoin veri?
☄️ Insomma, l’approvazione dell’ETF sarà pure un evento eccitante, ma hai mai provato ad acquistare dei Bitcoin veri senza KYC?
💸 Not your keys, not your coins 💸
☄️ Il primo vantaggio che viene meno acquistando quote dell’ETF è il controllo del proprio denaro.
💸 Se non detieni le tue chiavi private, non possiedi i tuoi Bitcoin. 💸
☄️ Questa è una delle massime più importanti all’interno della comunità Bitcoin. L’utente che ha il pieno controllo delle proprie chiavi private, è l’unico proprietario dei Bitcoin e l’unico responsabile della sicurezza dei fondi. Inoltre, la quantità di Bitcoin che sarà detenuta dalle società di custodia potrà attirare le attenzioni di potenziali attaccanti esterni.
💸 Privacy 💸
☄️ Tutti i broker e gli intermediari con cui sarà possibile comprare l’ETF richiederanno sicuramente le procedure di verifica dell’identità e di provenienza dei fondi, noto come KYC & AML. Tali procedure compromettono la privacy dell’utente. Al contrario, un normale wallet non-custodial non richiede alcuna procedura di KYC & AML.
💸 Rischio confisca 💸
☄️ Sebbene possa sembrare una possibilità molto remota, il rischio di una possibile confisca di tutti i Bitcoin detenuti dalle società di custodia da parte del governo degli Stati Uniti non è nullo. In uno scenario in cui Bitcoin continua ad attrarre liquidità da altri mercati e da altre valute fiat, con il dollaro americano in sofferenza, il governo USA potrebbe pensare a una mossa di questo tipo. Del resto, un evento simile è già accaduto il 5 aprile 1933 attraverso l’ordine esecutivo 6102, con cui il governo USA decise di confiscare l’oro dei privati cittadini.
💸 Altri svantaggi dell’ETF 💸
L’unica azione possibile con l’ETF è vendere le quote dell’ETF per valuta fiat;
Gli ETF applicano commissioni di gestione. Se possiedi direttamente dei Bitcoin, non c’è alcun costo per detenerli dato che non ci sono intermediari. Nel tempo, le commissioni degli ETF possono aumentare;
L’ETF può essere acquistato e venduto solamente durante gli orari del mercato finanziario tradizionale.
☄️ Purtroppo, per quanto ognuno di noi possa consigliare la self-custody, esisteranno sempre entità o persone che non vorranno prendersi la responsabilità di detenere Bitcoin ma affidarsi a terze parti. Il mercato deciderà cosa desiderano le persone. Molto probabilmente milioni di persone non avranno mai dei Bitcoin veri, ma dei Bitcoin “cartacei”.
☄️ D’altronde persino Hal Finney già nel 2010 ipotizzò per la prima volta la creazione delle “Bitcoin banks”, cioè delle istituzioni che detengono Bitcoin nelle proprie riserve ed emettono un token riscattabile in Bitcoin. Un po’ come facevano le banche quando detenevano oro fisico nei propri caveau e consegnavano ai cittadini banconote riscattabili in oro.
☄️ Una delle tante ingiustizie insite nel sistema politico ed economico nel quale siamo immersi – e sicuramente uno degli aspetti più incisivi sulla nostra qualità della vita – ruota intorno al tema annoso del risparmio, reso sempre più sconveniente e oramai impossibile da perseguire dall’attuale sistema fiat. Inutile dirlo, anche in questo caso Bitcoin fixes this.
☄️ Checché se ne dica, il sistema fiat oggi impedisce il risparmio. Un lavoratore, un’impresa, una famiglia o un risparmiatore, anche volendo, oggi non può risparmiare. Non ha la possibilità di risparmiare.
☄️ Quando una moneta imposta per legge e in regime di monopolio perde potere d’acquisto col passare del tempo by design, ecco che la pratica di accantonare dei fondi in euro perde ogni senso. Risparmiare in euro diventa irrazionale. Indebitarsi diviene conveniente.
☄️ Nel solo anno 2022 la moneta che siamo costretti a utilizzare all’interno dell’eurozona ha perso in media il 12% (sì, è bene rimarcarlo: dodici per cento!) del suo potere d’acquisto. Siamo tutti più poveri del 12 per cento in un anno (per di più dati nominali, non reali). Il tutto senza esserci abbandonati al lusso sfrenato e senza averne alcuna colpa.
☄️ Oggi un individuo si trova nella situazione surreale per cui, dopo aver guadagnato col sudore della fronte il suo meritato stipendio, si trova poi inevitabilmente costretto ad effettuare un secondo lavoro: quello di ricercare freneticamente un modo per evitare che il valore appena ottenuto non svilisca mestamente col passare del tempo, mangiato dall’inevitabile inflazione.
☄️ Da qui il ricorso a consulenti finanziari ed esperti di mercati per decidere non tanto se; quanto mai dove investire i propri risparmi: se in azioni, in titoli di stato, in qualche fondo, nelle obbligazioni, addirittura nei mercati azionari o altre forme di investimento nel tentativo di “far fruttare” il proprio capitale al fine di non vederlo svilire mestamente.
☄️ Tradotto: i nostri averi non restano affatto al sicuro, ma vengono continuamente esposti a rischi, più o meno vertiginosi. Praticamente siamo obbligati a giocare d’azzardo con i nostri risparmi.
☄️ La causa di tutto questo è presto detto: per usare un eufemismo, la moneta che oggi dobbiamo utilizzare è quantomeno inadeguata in riferimento a quello che uno strumento monetario dovrebbe anzitutto garantire come primo requisito, ossia quello di Riserva di Valore.
☄️ La moneta fiat stampata dal nulla è (volutamente) una pessima riserva di valore. ☄️
☄️ Suonano davvero beffarde le parole presenti nella carta costituzionale italiana secondo la quale le Istituzioni hanno a cuore i risparmi dei cittadini.
☄️ La Repubblica incoraggia e tutela il risparmio in tutte le sue forme; disciplina, coordina e controlla l’esercizio del credito. ☄️
47, primo comma, Costituzione Italiana
☄️ Oltre al danno, quindi, anche la beffa. Non sono i verba a volare (delle parole vuote della politica ormai ha poco senso scandalizzarsi). Sono proprio le scripta a venire disattese e smentite allegramente per mezzo di pratiche truffaldine contro il risparmio.
☄️ La cosa curiosa è che queste pratiche (tra tutte, l’imposizione di una moneta fiat a corso forzoso, oppure la pratica della riserva frazionaria) risultano oggi legalizzate… dalle Istituzioni stesse!
☄️ Come mettersi al riparo da questa situazione, riprendendoci finalmente il controllo dei nostri risparmi, e di conseguenza del nostro benessere economico, affettivo e psicologico?
☄️ Per uscire dall’impasse occorre rovesciare lo strumento monetario alla base della nostra società mediante una moneta sana e onesta come Bitcoin.
💸 Se poi governi, banchieri centrali o improbabili autorità – ormai sempre meno credibili – tenteranno l’inverosimile per imporre la loro moneta stampata dal nulla, impedendoci di risparmiare, beh: poco importa. Di fronte all’esistenza di Bitcoin, che ogni 10 minuti continua inesorabile a impartirci lezioni di economia applicata, adesso il re è nudo.
Non credo che potremo disporre ancora di una moneta sana e onesta, senza prima averla tolta dalle mani dei governi. Se non possiamo con la violenza, dobbiamo inventarci uno stratagemma, introducendo qualcosa che loro non possono fermare.
Friedrich von Hayek premio Nobel per l’economia, esponente della Scuola economica Austriaca
Anche senza il benestare di questi signori, con Bitcoin abbiamo finalmente trovato un modo di ripristinare la normalità, difendendoci dai soprusi e dall’indebita sottrazione delle nostre ricchezze, del nostro lavoro e del nostro tempo.
Con Bitcoin, possiamo finalmente riprenderci il diritto di risparmiare. Senza chiedere il permesso a nessuno.
🚨 Scopri come Bitcoin sta veramente cambiando il mondo! Entra nella nostra community Telegram per approfondire la discussione sulla rivoluzione Bitcoin, strategie di trading e altro ancora! 🚀
📣 https://t.me/Bitcoin_Report_Italia
🚀 Leggi tutti i nostri articoli: https://t.me/BitcoinReportChannel
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ailtrahq · 7 months
Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico were among the top 20 countries in grassroots adoption. Nearly every country in the region had a greater dominance of CEXes when compared to the global average. Cryptocurrencies became a global phenomenon in recent years with countries across the world witnessing a surge in adoption. Latin America, though having a smaller crypto economy than hotspots like Europe and North America, experienced steady growth since the Covid-19 pandemic, as per a Chainalysis report on crypto adoption trends in the region. Comprising of nations like Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil, Latin America was the seventh-largest region for crypto transactions from Q3 2021 to Q2 2023. Source: Chainalysis Greater penetration of crypto exchanges In fact, according to the 2023 Global Crypto Adoption Index, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico were among the top 20 countries in grassroots adoption. This implied that a considerable chunk of the general public in these nations were putting their wealth into cryptos. Notably, most of the people were using centralized crypto exchanges (CEX) to buy and sell digital assets. More than 60% of the crypto activity in Latin America was facilitated through such platforms, compared to less than 50% for much of Europe and North America. Source: Chainalysis Moreover, almost every country in the region had a greater dominance of CEXes when compared to the global average. While Venezuela had more than 90% of the crypto activity through exchanges, Argentina and Brazil observed CEX dominance of 63.8% and 60.7% respectively. The outlier was Mexico, with a fairly equitable share of CEXs and decentralized exchanges (DEX). Chainalysis attributed the divergence to the higher share of altcoin volumes in Mexico. Altcoins, in general, were more accessible on DEXes. Source: Chainalysis However, despite the increased demand for altcoins, the majority of the populace were buying stablecoins. This behavior was observed across all major countries of the region. Well, the reasons could be found by looking at the example of Argentina. Stablecoins: A refuge against inflation The South American nation was reeling under hyperinflation, with the annual rate surging to 124.4% in August, the highest in 32 years. The national currency Argentinian Peso (ARS) has been on a multi-year downtrend for the last few years, with value plunging more than 50% in a year. Source: Google Finance The sharp rise in consumer prices has triggered a cost-of-living crisis with many residents cutting down on the intake of essential food items. Now, generally when native currency undergoes massive devaluation, people look to convert their savings to safe-haven assets like the U.S. Dollar (USD).  Conventional methods of exchange like commercial banks and online forex services could be time-consuming. What’s the next option – stablecoins. Most stablecoins are tethered to the value of USD and unlike other cryptos, they stick to the peg invariably. This makes them an attractive hedge against inflation and more importantly convenient, as they can be easily availed through crypto exchanges. Alfonso Martel Seward, Head of Compliance & AML at local cryptocurrency exchange Lemon Cash said and Chainalysis quoted, “We have really high inflation, and there are lots of restrictions against buying foreign currencies. That makes crypto a valuable option for saving. As crypto adoption has grown, lots of people here will now get their paycheck and immediately put it into USDT or USDC.” The chart below perfectly encapsulates the correlation between growing preference for cryptos and soaring inflation. Evidently, the volume of digital assets purchased with Argentinian Peso increased as the currency fell in value. Notably, crypto volumes spiked in April, the time when inflation had crossed 100%. Source: Chainalysis A look at Brazil’s market dynamics The largest economy of Latin America has always boasted of a well-developed crypto infrastructure. The country was amongst the first in the region to adopt crypto and other verticals like decentralized finance (DeFi).
Even though large institutional transactions have declined, largely a fallout of the crypto winter, there were signs of a comeback. Three consecutive months of increase was seen in professional-driven volumes in Q2. Source: Chainalysis It was important to note that Brazil, unlike Argentina, wasn’t a crisis-hit economy. Hence, the demand was distributed across a diverse set of assets, including Bitcoin [BTC] and altcoins, rather than just stablecoins. It also highlighted that Brazilians interest in cryptos was rooted in long-term investment and speculation instead of hunting for an asset to shield them from inflation. Richard Gardner, CEO of trading technology developer Modulus, stressed on the varied use cases of cryptos in the region while talking to AMB Crypto. He said, “When we think of Latin America, there’s a tendency to think of the countries therein as a block — similar both culturally and economically. However, there’s really a great deal of difference when you consider what’s driving interest in cryptocurrencies within these countries. It is easy for Americans and Europeans to forget that there are a number of real-world problems that Bitcoin solves, even if they are problems not often found in our own backyard.”
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greylabel · 8 months
A Forex MT5 Grey Label is a business arrangement in the foreign exchange (forex) industry where a financial institution or company the Grey Label Provider licenses the Meta Trader 5 (MT5) trading platform from Meta Quotes Software and offers it to clients under their own branding and with certain customizations. This arrangement allows the Grey Label Provider to enter the forex market and offer trading services without having to develop their own trading platform. 1. Platform Licensing: The core of the Grey Label arrangement is the licensing of the MT5 trading platform from Meta Quotes Software. Forex MT5 Grey Label is a popular and robust trading platform widely used in the forex industry, known for its advanced charting, technical analysis tools, automated trading capabilities, and multi-asset support. 2. Branding: The Grey Label Provider has the opportunity to brand the MT5 platform with their own name, logo, and design elements. This allows them to establish their own unique brand identity in the forex market. 3. Customization: Grey Label Providers can customize the Forex MT5 Grey Label platform to suit their specific needs and the preferences of their target audience. This may include adjustments to the user interface, the addition of proprietary trading tools, and the integration of payment gateways and risk management features. 4. Client Onboarding: Grey Label Providers are responsible for client onboarding, including account registration, KYC (Know Your Customer) verification, and account funding. They have control over client data and the client experience. 5. Risk Management: Grey Label Providers often implement risk management measures to monitor and control trading activities. This can include setting leverage limits, monitoring margin requirements, and implementing risk mitigation strategies to protect both the clients and the provider. 6. Liquidity Sourcing: In many cases, Grey Label Providers are responsible for sourcing liquidity for their clients' trades. This involves establishing relationships with liquidity providers, banks, and other financial institutions to ensure competitive pricing and order execution. 7. Regulatory Compliance: Grey Label Providers must comply with the regulatory requirements of the regions in which they operate. This includes adherence to financial regulations, anti-money laundering (AML) rules, and other legal obligations. 8. Customer Support: Providing customer support is a crucial aspect of the Grey Label business. Providers are responsible for addressing client inquiries, technical issues, and trading-related concerns. Offering efficient and responsive customer support is vital for client retention. 9. Revenue Sharing: Typically, Grey Label Providers and Meta Quotes Software negotiate a revenue-sharing agreement. The Grey Label Provider earns revenue from spreads, commissions, or other fees generated by their clients' trading activities, while Meta Quotes Software earns a licensing fee. 10. Marketing and Promotion: Grey Label Providers are responsible for marketing and promoting their forex services to attract and retain clients. This may involve advertising, educational resources, and other marketing strategies.
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gisellajosephine · 1 year
Build a P2P Crypto Exchange Platform with LocalBitcoins Clone Script
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What is Localbitcoins Clone Script?
LocalBitcoins Clone Script is pre-designed peer-to-peer crypto exchange script/software that helps many beginners and startups/entrepreneurs to build their cryptocurrency website to buy and sell cryptocurrencies easily and securely. LocalBitcoins clone software is a 100% legitimate site that might deal with the trading, buying, and selling of Bitcoins. The term ”LocalBitcoins Clone Script” denotes the double bitcoins with zero investments and zero risks for entrepreneurs.
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assetfinx · 1 year
Features of White Label Cryptocurrency Exchange Software
Features of White Label Cryptocurrency Exchange Software:
If you want to run a profitable crypto exchange company in the blockchain industry, you must enable the newest and most popular features in your trading platform. In spite of that, I've outlined some of the unique features available in the top white-label cryptocurrency exchange software here,
1. Order-Book Software 2. Integration of KYC 3. Integration of AML 4. Crypto payment gateway 5. Market Making 6. Liquidity API 7. Margin Trading 8. Cryptocurrency Wallet
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These are a few of the essential features that will enable you to run the cryptocurrency exchange in the long run. Additionally, you can personalize your features.
How Can I Get Started with the best White Label Cryptocurrency Exchange Software?
White-label software offers an abundance of benefits for businesses that are almost unimaginable. Therefore, it is strongly advised to connect with a reputed White label Crypto Exchange Software provider in the industry in order to launch a profitable crypto exchange. This is how AssetFinx can handle your project with ease and build the exchange in accordance with your business requirements. Additionally, guidance from professionals for your business exposure is crucial for your long-term success in the cryptocurrency market. Connect with us to find out more about the services to help you grow your business
Do you want to start a cryptocurrency exchange platform, get  White label Crypto Exchange Software Development from AssetfinX.
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pepperonidk · 1 year
viii. one by one || all my love
"Letting go. Everyone talks about it like it's the easiest thing. Unfurl your fingers one by one until your hand is open." - Where She Went; Gayle Forman
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoox f!Reader Summary: What do you do when you feel like the world is changing and you're the only one who isn't? alt. Mingyu and Seokmin have a sleepover therapy session. alt. alt. all too well (Mingyu's version) Warnings:  food mention Word Count:  1.9k A/N: this quote isn't from a classic novel but i just thought it was very fitting... this chapter is sad... oh you're sad? hi sad, i'm sadder. also i think we all need to hear seokmin's words sometimes.
take a look at my pinned post to see how to join the aml taglist!
previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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As soon as Mingyu shut the door behind him, he felt the icy November wind whip against his face like shards of glass and he pulled his scarf up just a little bit higher before shoving his hands into his coat pockets. Without the wind, it would have been a lovely night, but when does life ever go the way we’d like it to?
It’s not a long walk from Wonwoo’s house to Joshua’s, but even in the biting cold, Mingyu decides to take his time. The scene from earlier playing again in his head, and he can’t help but feel his heart sink once again at the sight of you reaching out for Wonwoo in your tired state. Would he still be walking alone like this if you were reaching for his hand instead? Or would you be out here with him, your hand intertwined with his, warm and tucked safely in his coat pocket?
He lets out a sigh and looks up to the sky. 
He recalls the time you dragged him to ride the tallest rollercoaster at the fair, remembering his own hand reaching out for yours, and squeezing it much too tightly when the car went down its first drop. The air was buzzing and his heart was thumping but when he forced his eyes open, and he saw your hands together, he felt like he might as well had been flying.
Despite himself, he smiles at the thought and continues his walk. He finds himself in front of a playground, much like the one he was at when he met you. He remembers going out to recess that day, crying because Wonwoo had moved away and he and Seokmin were worried no one else would want to play pirates with them. It wasn’t until he saw a shadow standing in front of him that he finally stopped his tears. 
You and Seokmin pulled him up and before you even said your name, you told him, “Follow me, I found some treasure!” 
That moment, he remembers, was the moment he decided he would follow you anywhere.
But would you do the same? He thinks.
Before he can wonder any further, he finds himself back at his car. He climbs inside and immediately turns on the heater, and desperately wishes it would work faster. While he waits, he pulls out his phone, and he feels even colder. His wallpaper, the picture Seokmin took at the football game of you and him making a heart, is staring up at him and he wishes he could make a home in that picture and stay in that  moment forever. 
Mingyu never told you, but Seokmin had two versions of the picture – the one he sent you, where you and Mingyu were both laughing and waving to Seokmin, and the one Mingyu has as his wallpaper, where you were still laughing and waving but Mingyu’s eyes were fixed on you with a dopey smile. He smiles a different smile now, one that doesn’t reach his eyes.
He moves to his call screen, and finds Seokmin’s number and dials it, hoping that he’s still awake. After a few rings, he finally does, and Mingyu feels relief wash through his tense shoulders.
“Gyu? Are you okay? What’s up?” Seokmin’s voice fills the car. Mingyu can hear the faint sounds of a video game in the background and he feels less guilty for calling him up so late, not that he should feel guilty at all. Seokmin was always more than happy to answer a call from his friends, no matter the time of day.
Mingyu lets out a quiet chuckle at his best friend’s worried voice. “I’m fine, I’m fine,” Mingyu assures him. “I just need someone to talk to while I drive home.” 
A soft exhale is heard from the other side of the line. “You’re driving home? At this time of night?” he asks in concern. “Why don’t you just drive here and sleep over? It’s like half the drive.”
“Are you sure?” Mingyu asks.
“Of course,” Seokmin says back, and Mingyu can hear the kind smile in his voice. Seokmin has always been one to take care of not just Mingyu, but all of the people around him. He knew Seokmin didn’t realize how many people relied on him for a good talk, a good meal, or a good hug, but he knew that wouldn’t deter him from always being a bringer of joy. Tonight would be no different.
Mingyu puts his car in drive and heads to Seokmin’s house, no longer alone with his thoughts. He drives by whatever fast food drive through to pick up enough french fries for the two of them, as a thank you to his friend for being there for him. 
He spends the next 20 minutes of the drive still on the phone with Seokmin, who excitedly chatters about the new game he bought himself as an early Christmas gift and refuses to hang up until he hears Mingyu’s actual voice through his front door.
Seokmin unlocks the door and without another word, immediately wraps Mingyu in an embrace, as if knowing exactly what he needs without him having to say a word. Mingyu feels himself relaxed and when Seokmin pulls away with a knowing, sad smile, Mingyu feels seen. They quietly make their way to Seokmin’s room, the path all too familiar to him, having spent many nights here.
Upon entering Seokmin’s room and closing the door, Seokmin immediately asks Mingyu, “Video games or talk first?”
“Do I have to talk?” Mingyu asks, knowing Seokmin will say yes anyway. 
Seokmin scoffs at his question. “Obviously. But you can either talk now, or talk after we kick some ass at this game.”
“Let’s kick some ass then,” Mingyu agrees to his terms as Seokmin passes him a controller.
They don’t get very far in the game before Seokmin breaks the relative silence. “How was your road trip?” he asked, glancing over at Mingyu just enough to see him start chewing on his lip.
“I thought we were talking later?” Mingyu retorted.
“I lied. It’s like 5 a.m. and I’m not waiting till sunrise to hear the juicy deets,” Seokmin shrugged turning his attention back to the game.
“It was… fine,” Mingyu answered vaguely.
Seokmin, unamused by his dodgy answer, moved his character to the edge of the map. “If you don’t start talking, I’ll jump and we’ll have to start the whole level over again.”
“No, no, no,” Mingyu called out, letting out a sigh at Seokmin’s raised eyebrow. “It sucked.” 
“Aw, why?” Seokmin asked, finally moving his character away from the edge.
Mingyu sighed, nearly missing the enemy approaching his character. “I’m pretty sure she’s like… in love with Wonwoo,” he began. “And I think he’s in love with her.”
“Okay but that doesn’t explain why it sucked for you,” Seokmin prodded.
“It just does, I guess.” Mingyu replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
“That’s bull,” Seokmin replied. “Why don’t you just tell her? It’s like you’re losing a game that you’re not even playing.”
Mingyu let out a sigh and let himself fall back onto the bed, running his hands through his hair. “It’s scary, you know?” Seokmin nodded, allowing Mingyu to continue. “On one hand, it’s always been me and her–” Seokmin let out a cough. “And you, against the world. And for so long it’s been easy to feel like it’ll be that way forever. So I never said anything, because I never thought I needed to. It was always enough.”
“But…?” Seokmin added.
“But now it feels like things are changing, she’s changing, you’re changing, and I’m the one who’s left behind. Now I have to ask myself… what happens now?” 
“That’s a good question,” Seokmin agreed, humming in thought. “What does happen now?” 
“That’s the hard part. For once… I don’t know.”
“And is that so bad?” Seokmin asked, grabbing a pillow and holding it to his chest. “Maybe it’s time for you to grow too. We won’t be in high school forever, Gyu. Change is good.”
Mingyu covered his hands with his face and let out a sigh before admitting to his friend. “I turned in my application to that school in France. But I think I’m going to turn them down.”
“Wait why?,” Seokmin asked incredulously. “Did they accept you?”
Mingyu finally sat up. “Not yet.”
“Then why are you already planning on turning them down?” Seokmin asked with a scoff. 
Because of her, Mingyu thought to himself. “Because… it’ll mess everything up. We’re supposed to go to university together.”
“Don’t do that Mingyu,” Seokmin chided with a firm voice that made Mingyu turn to him in surprise. “Don’t underestimate our friendship because you’re scared to do something that will make you happy… that will help you grow. This is what happens now. You’ll try something new and your best friends will be here when you succeed and if you fail, which you won’t because you’re an insanely talented chef.”
Mingyu nodded and let out a soft chuckle. “That’s what her dad said to me when he sent me the application,” He admitted. “That I’ll be able to handle anything because I’ve got the two of you in my corner.”
Seokmin nodded, patting him on the back. “Exactly,” he agreed. “Just because our friendship will look differently if you’re thousands of miles away, doesn’t mean it’ll disappear. Let go, Gyu. We’ll hold onto you this time.”
Despite himself, Mingyu felt a tear make its way down from the corner of his eye. Maybe, he thought, life will work itself out even if he lets go of the reins.
As if on cue, a quiet ping from his phone followed by a notification that covers nearly half the screen makes Mingyu and Seokmin freeze in surprise.
“Are you gonna check that?” Seokmin asks, his eyes not leaving Mingyu, who’s own eyes were fixed on the phone.
“I… You do it,” Mingyu panicked, tossing the phone to Seokmin. 
“First,” Seokmin began before unlocking the phone. “What do you hope it’ll say?”
“I’m not sure,” Mingyu confessed.
Seokmin looks down at the phone. “You didn’t get accepted.” His eyes scan Mingyu’s face, finding disappointment washing over his features.
“Oh,” was all Mingyu could say.
“See? You do want to get in,” Seokmin deduced. “I haven’t opened the email. I just wanted to see how you’d react.” Mingyu grabbed a pillow to hit Seokmin, who attempted to block it away.
“Just read the damn email,” Mingyu sighed in frustration.
Seokmin opened the notification and began to read it out loud. “Dear Mr. Mingyu Kim, we are pleased to offer you an early placement as a student at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris as part of our Bachelor of Business in Culinary Arts program,” he read aloud before putting the phone down, once again looking to measure Mingyu’s reaction before providing his own.
 “Oh my god. I got in.” Mingyu found himself grinning. “Oh my god… I got in.” 
Seokmin finally smiled back at his friend, handing him the phone to read the email for himself. “Congratulations, Chef Gyu.” 
Mingyu rolled his eyes before pulling Seokmin into a hug. “Thank you,” was all he said.
“Always,” Seokmin replied. “Now let’s go to bed, I’m beat.”
Mingyu nodded, and too lazy to move from his spot on the bed settled in next to Seokmin. He grabbed his phone once more to look at the time. 6:00. The sun will be up soon, he reminded himself, and the night will end. 
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bitcofun · 1 year
Cryptocurrencies CryptoSlate Wrapped Daily: SBF out as CEO as FTX apply for personal bankruptcy; SEC Chairman's ties with exchange under examination Christian Nwobodo ·18 hours back · 4 minutes read Congressman Tom Emmer has actually guaranteed to examine SEC Chairman Gary Gensler over his doubtful relate to FTX, Grayscale GBTC trades at less than $10,000 BTC equivalent, and a lot more in this edition of CryptoSlate Wrapped Daily. 4 minutes read Updated: November 11, 2022 at 11: 28 pm Cover art/illustration through CryptoSlate The greatest news in the cryptoverse for Nov. 11 consists of FTX declare insolvency as John Ray III takes over from Sam Bankman-Fried as CEO, FTX users looking for to bypass personal bankruptcy procedure utilizing the "Bahamas loophole", United States Congressman implicated SEC Chairman of having suspicious ties to FTX, and Crypto.com divulging reserve holdings to ease reports of insolvency. Cryptocurrencies CryptoSlate Top Stories FTX declare insolvency, Sam Bankman-Fried steps down from CEO function About 130 business associated with the FTX Group have actually jointly declared Chapter 11 personal bankruptcy on Nov.11 The exchange stated that it will work to reorganize its staying properties so regarding reimburse afflicted stakeholders. In addition, John Ray III will use up the CEO function from Sam Bankman-Fried. Binance CEO anticipates more regulative analysis following FTX implosion Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao "CZ" stated it needed to withdraw the FTX offer, as an outcome of the regulative analysis FTX needs to fight with. CZ included that the FTX collapse will require increased examination of crypto exchanges. For more openness, CZ suggests that regulators need to think about auditing the exchange's company designs and proof-of-reserves, in addition to KYC and AML laws. Crypto.com divulges partial reserves in quote to counter insolvency reports Following the FTX fallout, numerous crypto exchanges consisting of Crypto.com have actually relocated to reveal their reserve holdings, to ease worries of insolvency. According to information shared by Crypto.com CEO Kris Marszalek, the exchange holds about 53,024 Bitcoin, 391,564 Ethereum, and some altcoins which amounted to around $3 billion. Pantera Capital promptly carries out preventive procedures following FTX, Alameda fallout Venture Capital company Pantera stated it carried out a danger evaluation for tasks in its financial investment portfolio, so regarding take preventive procedures following the FTX collapse. From the evaluation report, about 95% of the jobs in Pantera's portfolio have no direct exposure to FTX or Alameda. 2 start-ups were impacted and will get more support from the financial investment company. United States Congressman states SEC's Gensler presumably had suspicious ties to FTX, guarantees examination SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, and Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, supposedly have an enduring relationship that was connected to MIT. As an outcome, reports are spreading out that Gensler had ominous ties to FTX, in an effort to assist FTX get more control over the crypto area. In reaction to the speculations, crypto-friendly U.S. Congressman Tom Emmer stated he would introduce an examination to reveal Gensler's function in assisting FTX acquire a regulative monopoly. Desperate FTX users utilize dubious techniques to bypass insolvency procedure In the wake of the FTX collapse, the Bahamas' authority froze FTX's properties. It licensed Bahamians to withdraw their staying funds. As an outcome, numerous FTX users are choosing to team up with Bahamian residents to assist withdraw their funds. While some crypto neighborhood members have actually slammed the serve as unlawful, lots of financiers consisting of @depression2019 stated it was much better to use such strategies to recover complete funds rather of awaiting a 5-year insolvency procedure. BlockFi stops withdrawals in the middle of FTX crisis, Genesis Trading, Crypto.
com stress openness The FTX fallout impact has actually overtaken BlockFi as it transferred to suspend withdrawals and trading activities on its platform. BlockFi supposedly has a $400 million loan from FTX.US due for July 2023. Kucoin CEO addresses rumours surrounding FTX, FTT direct exposure In efforts to distance Kucoin from the FTX collapse, CEO Johnny Lyu shared some information of the Kucoin proof-of-reserve. As of publication, Kucoin held about 20,504 BTC, 180,299 ETH, 69.6 million KCS, 1.08 million USDT, and 365 million USDC. Realized Bitcoin losses increase as Grayscale GBTC trades at less than $10 k BTC equivalent FTX's collapse which began on Nov. 9 required Bitcoin to fall listed below $15,590 As an outcome, the understood losses on the flagship property have actually surged to brand-new highs. Similarly, Grayscale's GBTC share has actually decreased to a lowest level of $9,771 The GBTC is trading at a 41% discount rate to its net possession worth (NAV). FTX crash presses Bitcoin to self-custody; Ethereum changed for stablecoins As the FTX contagion unfolds, more financiers are moving their Bitcoin method from central exchanges into self-custody wallets. Glassnode information reveals that since Nov. 11, out of approximately 19 million BTC in blood circulation, as much as 78% (around 15 million) are kept in self-custody. As an outcome, Bitcoin's illiquid supply chart has actually increased to brand-new highs. Further on-chain examination exposed that the marketplace cap of the leading 4 stablecoins has actually turned that of Ethereum. By ramification, more financiers are moving funds into stablecoins to hedge versus the growing crypto market unpredictability.Cryptocurrencies Research Highlight In spite of FTX disaster, Bitcoin whales lead aggressive build-up stage The FTX collapse has actually sustained bearish belief throughout the marketplace. On-chain information evaluated by CryptoSlate suggests that Bitcoin whales increasing their holdings. As of Nov. 10, the build-up pattern rating (ATS) reached about 0.74, which shows that Bitcoin financiers are actively collecting. Similarly, the exchange net position modification chart reveals that holdings of whales and incredibly whales have actually increased considerably more just recently.Cryptocurrencies News from the Cryptoverse FTX withdraws United States CFTC derivatives strategy Following the insolvency filing of the FTX Group previously on Nov. 11, Bloomberg reported that the business has actually withdrawn a derivatives clearing strategy sent to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The proposition would have enabled FTX users to gain access to and reduce derivatives run the risk of in genuine time. Deribit changes withdrawals and deposits treatment Deribit exchange has alerted users to develop brand-new wallet addresses following its Fireblocks upgrade. Users were warned versus sending out funds to their previous accounts. Withdrawal demands on the exchange will be authorized and processed by hand by a Deribit withdrawal.Cryptocurrencies Crypto Market In the last 24 hours, Bitcoin (BTC) reduced by over 3% to trade at $16,722, while Ethereum (ETH) decreased by 2.2% to trade at $1,258 Biggest Gainers (24 h) DeXe (DEXE): +256% dYdX (DYDX): +1402% MX Token (MX): 11.78% Biggest Losers (24 h) FTX Token (FTT): -25% Nexo (NEXO): -16% Ren (REN): -1574% Read More
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lizseyi · 2 years
Gibraltar Firm Being Targeted With Ransomware Prompts Police Warning - TAG Consultancy
A business in Gibraltar recently being hit with a ransomware attack has prompted authorities in the British Overseas Territory to warn other firms about this risk, while advising them on how they can minimise their own risk of cyber-attacks, and what to do in the event of being impacted. 
What is ransomware? 
The term “ransomware” is short for “ransom malware”; it refers to a type of cyber attack that prevents the affected user from getting into their computer system until they have paid a ransom. 
Attackers typically leave a “ransom note”, which tells the victim that the only way to access their files is to use a “key” that can only be bought from the attackers. The victim is then usually given a 48-hour window in which to contact the attackers – otherwise, they face their files being deleted and/or shared on various parts of the web, such as hackers’ forums. 
In a ransomware situation like this, the attackers usually send a link to the dark web, which gives them a means of contacting their victims and making demands without revealing their identities. 
Ransomware has a long history, the earliest versions from the late 1980s demanding that payment be sent through the postal system. Today, however, the targets of ransomware attacks are typically asked to send payment via cryptocurrency or credit card. 
Gibraltar police shares advice and guidance on combating ransomware risk 
The warning on the ransomware risk to businesses was issued by the Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP), which said its investigation was ongoing into an attack on a local firm. 
An RGP spokesperson was quoted as saying by SUR in English: “If anyone believes that they have been targeted, they should speak to an IT professional or their Internet Service Provider for help, as they may be able to assist immediately in preventing the attack from continuing.
“If a ransomware attack is confirmed, the relevant server/computer should be considered as a crime scene, which contains vital evidence. It is important to keep a timeline of events and to save server logs, web logs, email logs, network graphs and reports. These would assist in any future investigation.” 
The RGP also set out various steps that businesses in Gibraltar can take to minimise their likelihood of becoming subject to a ransomware attack in the first place. Those included only browsing and downloading software from trusted websites, and ensuring they did not download any unknown or non-trusted software. 
The police force also urged local businesspeople to install and keep antivirus and firewall software on their computers, and to take the time to regularly back up the data stored on their devices. 
How can TAG Consultancy make your life easier as a businessperson this autumn and winter? 
As we leave the summer months behind, businesses in Gibraltar are looking to how they can best cater to their priorities over the last few months of 2022. But is your own firm in the British Overseas Territory suitably supported by the most professional and capable experts? 
With our own solutions here at TAG Consultancy encompassing leading accounting, payroll and audit services, business development assistance, help with launching an AML compliant ICO, and so much more, there’s no need for you to look any further than our team for such knowhow, this year or beyond. Simply contact us now to learn more about how we could work together. 
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
EU Agreement Reached on Anti-money Laundering Rules for Cryptocurrencies
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European institutions have reached an interim consensus on a set of EU regulations that will burden crypto companies with the obligation to help prevent money laundering, among other illicit activities potentially involving digital assets. The progress comes as the Union seeks to comprehensively regulate the continent’s cryptocurrency market.
EU Officials and Lawmakers Agree on AML Measures in Crypto Space
Negotiators representing the key participants in the EU’s decision-making process have reached an agreement on anti-money laundering (AML) rules that will require businesses in the crypto industry to verify the identities of their customers and report suspicious transactions. In the future, Europe’s Transfer of Funds Regulation (ToFR) will also cover cryptocurrency transactions. The regulations are yet to be finalized and approved by the relevant European institutions but the provisional deal signals an upcoming tightening for the sector. Crypto firms will have to assist financial authorities in efforts to crack down on dirty money, the European Parliament and EU Council indicated on Wednesday. The improved oversight should ensure that crypto assets can be traced just like traditional money transfers, Reuters reported, referring to a released official statement. Quoted by the news agency, Spanish Green Party lawmaker Ernest Urtasun, who took part in the process, elaborated: The new rules will enable law enforcement officials to be able to link certain transfers to criminal activities and identify the real person behind those transactions. The EU bodies further noted that the rules would also cover ‘unhosted‘ crypto wallets, a term used by European officials to designate wallets held by private individuals that are not managed by a licensed platform. That will apply to transactions with crypto service providers exceeding €1,000 in fiat value (around $1,040). The proposals have not been met with enthusiasm by the crypto industry. In a letter addressed to the finance ministers of the 27 EU member states, sent in mid-April, businesses working with crypto assets urged European policymakers to ensure that their regulations did not go beyond the standards adopted by FATF, the global Financial Action Task Force (on Money Laundering). On Thursday, the EU also seeks agreement on a broad framework designed to regulate crypto-related activities across the Union. Members of the European Parliament and representatives of the EU states need to align their positions on the new Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) legislative proposal, which is expected enter into force before the end of next year. Crypto companies will have 18 months after that to obtain a MiCA license to operate in the European Union. What effect, do you think, will the upcoming EU regulations have on the crypto industry? Share your opinion in the comments section below. Read the full article
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divingchess08 · 2 years
Ribociclib plus altered docetaxel-cisplatin-5-fluorouracil (mDCF) strategy compared to mDCF in individuals along with metastatic or perhaps unresectable in the area innovative repeated butt squamous cellular carcinoma: the randomized, non-comparative period The second Rare GERCOR trial
Sixty five; 95% CI, A single.28-2.A dozen) along with child years AML (A single.58; 95% CI, One.20-2.'08). All of us witnessed the linear dose-response romantic relationship regarding espresso intake and the child years 's (S with regard to nonlinearity Equals .Sixty eight), including childhood ALL and child years AML; with increased #Link# java ingestion, the chance of child years 's greater. CONCLUSION: The results from the metaanalysis declare that mother's caffeine intake while pregnant may increase the chance of child years Ing. Because of constrained studies, additional potential research is urgently necessary to explore the undesirable aftereffect of java intake about child years 's.The enzyme immobilization has become linked to the amount of stabilization/modification of the proteins composition, which in turn finally determines its exercise and stability beneath different situations (temperatures, synthetic cleaning agent as well as substrate). Your winter stability along with the balance within solvated effect method of different derivatives involving Thrush cylindracea lipase (CCL) had been assessed for their hydrolysis action regarding p-nitrophenyl butyrate plus obtaining Omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA as well as DHA through fish oil triacylglycerols. CCL had been immobilized by hydrophobic relationships and by covalent holding. In addition, hydrophobic derivatives ended up combination linked with well-designed polymers, including dextran aldehyde along with dextran sulfate, soon after compound amination of their surface in order to avoid lipase desorption. Omega3 hydrolysis reactions had been performed employing Thirty-five You of biocatalyst for every gram of acrylic, in Thirty eight certifications D along with a single:1 aqueous/organic period proportion. The particular aqueous cycle was obviously a 40% polyethylene glycol/phosphate load solution, ph 6, along with the natural and organic phase single:Several sea food oil/hexane remedy #Link# . As outlined by their half-life period, essentially the most thermostable kind corresponds to CCL incapacitated throughout glyoxyl-agarose. Types associated with CCL immobilized upon octyl-agarose (O-CCL) along with CCL immobilized upon octyl-agarose cross linked with dextran sulfate (O-CCL-NH2-DxSO(4)) showed a great initial effect of regarding 10 folds over compared to it's original activity whenever they have been incubated in solution along with co-solvent biphasic impulse mass media. Right after Forty eight they would associated with impulse. O-CCL as well as O-CCL-NH2-DxSO(Some) were people types with maximum makes regarding omega3 hydrolysis: it's differential price involving hydrolysis recognized regarding polyunsaturated fatty acids make them a very important instrument pertaining to EPA/DHA glycerides concentration. (H) Next year Elsevier N.V. Just about all rights set aside.Classical density-modification tactics (in contrast to statistical techniques) give a computationally low-cost way for increasing period quotes in order to provide a #Link# great electron-density map regarding style constructing. The growth of record techniques has resulted in a new shift in target away from the classical methods; consequently, several recent innovations have never made his or her way into established density-modification computer software. This particular paper details the effective use of some recent methods, including most of all the usage of earlier phase details inside the chance calculate of phase mistakes within a traditional density-modification platform.
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primorcoin · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://primorcoin.com/ecb-favors-transparency-over-privacy-in-digital-euro-design-presentation-reveals-finance-bitcoin-news/
ECB Favors Transparency Over Privacy in Digital Euro Design, Presentation Reveals – Finance Bitcoin News
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The European Central Bank (ECB) leans toward a “transparent” digital euro over one that ensures a higher level of privacy for its users, a presentation devoted to the project has indicated. In the document, the monetary authority explores different privacy options for the eurozone’s digital fiat.
User Anonymity Not Desirable for Digital Euro, ECB Says
A presentation by the European Central Bank has thrown some light on the regulator’s “preliminary views” on the privacy-related features of the digital euro. It comes as the project to issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the eurozone is still in its investigation phase.
Recognizing that maintaining control over their personal data and upholding privacy as a fundamental right is important for Europeans, the monetary authority nevertheless remarks that a shift towards digital payments implies less privacy by default. That’s despite the possibility to preserve some cash-like features in a digital version of the euro.
A report by the ECB highlighted privacy as a key concern for future users of the digital euro, but the bank now says that privacy needs to be assessed in the context of other EU policies. Among them, anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) efforts. Elaborating on the matter, the regulator states:
User anonymity is not a desirable feature, as this would make it impossible to control the amount in circulation and to prevent money laundering.
Digital Euro Data to Be Transparent Rather Than Private
The European central bank further insists that the Eurosystem, which consists of the ECB and the central banks of the eurozone members, should have access to the digital euro transaction data in order to validate payments. Also, anonymized, aggregate data should be available for statistical and oversight purposes as well as to fight fraud and crime.
In the presentation, brought to the public’s attention by crypto venture advisor Patrick Hansen this week, the ECB lists three privacy options for the digital euro platform. The first one, which is referred to as the “currently applicable baseline scenario,” aims to ensure that personal and transaction data is transparent to intermediaries which need to comply with AML and CFT regulations.
The second approach would allow a higher degree of privacy for low-value payments and the last one envisages privacy for offline transfers, in which case low-value balances and amounts would not be known to financial intermediaries or authorities. The ECB admits that the latter two “desirable options” could be investigated together with European legislators.
Tags in this story
Cash, CBDC, Central Bank, data, Digital Currency, digital euro, ECB, Euro, Eurosystem, Eurozone, Fiat, Personal Data, presentation, Privacy, project, transactions, Transparency
What are your thoughts on the privacy options for the digital euro reviewed by the European Central Bank? Tell us in the comments section below.
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Lubomir Tassev
Lubomir Tassev is a journalist from tech-savvy Eastern Europe who likes Hitchens’s quote: “Being a writer is what I am, rather than what I do.” Besides crypto, blockchain and fintech, international politics and economics are two other sources of inspiration.
Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons
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ailtrahq · 7 months
The cryptocurrency industry has struggled to counter the view that it facilitates money laundering. The latest enforcement action by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a reminder of how pervasive money laundering, and the lack of safeguards against it, are among the most reputable and powerful financial institutions. The SEC has fined DWS Investment Management Americas, a Deutsche Bank subsidiary. One charge is failing to adopt adequate anti-money laundering (AML) policies. A separate charge faults DWS for inaccurate disclosures regarding its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. The SEC Pursues Deutsche Bank’s DWS for Lack of AML Program According to an SEC statement, DWS was not merely guilty of a passive failure. It did not simply overlook the development of an AML program. Rather, the agency charges that DWS “caused mutual funds it advised to fail to develop and implement a reasonably designed AML program” pursuant to its obligations under the Bank Secrecy Act and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network rules. The statement quotes Gurbir S. Grewal, director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, who blasts DWS’s compliance failures. According to Grewal, DWS failed in one of its basic duties. Namely, to make sure that the multibillion-dollar mutual funds it advised had AML programs with their specific profiles and operational risks in mind. To have such programs in place is in the funds’ best interest as well as being a strict legal requirement. “Importantly, those AML obligations require mutual funds to establish and implement individualized programs to detect and prevent money laundering and terrorism financing,” Grewal said. For these AML failures, and the separate ESG misreporting, DWS must pay a fine of $25 million. Many banks are weighing whether to enter the crypto space, but Deutsche Bank subsidiary DWS’s lack of robust AML programs may deter prospective investors. Source: Statista Deutsche Bank FUD Grows Steadily Deutsche Bank has been exploring the idea of establishing a digital asset custody venture since at least 2020. In February of this year, a Bloomberg article stated that the bank was weighing buying shares in two Frankfurt-based firms active in digital asset investing and trading. But as things stand now, it is still not widely seen as a player in the crypto space. The DWS breaches stand as a reminder that money laundering is far from the exclusive domain of crypto. The SEC’s move against DWS is the second embarrassing development involving a current or former Deutsche Bank affiliate in a matter of days. Just last week, former Deutsche Bank investment banker Rashawn Russell, pled guilty to helping himself to funds from clients. He had courted them with promises of a crypto investing opportunity. Though Russell has entered into a plea agreement, he will have to pay more than $1.5 million in restitution. When sentenced, he faces up to 30 years in prison. The reputational problems of a mainstream financial problem appear to be growing. Time will tell whether Deutsche Bank can retain investors’ faith and trust as it explores taking a larger position in the crypto markets. Source
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