licca-hylden · 5 years
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Wish x South Park. Recordando viejos animes y mangas que leí, recordé Wish de las Clamp, uno de los mangas más lindos que he leído, simplemente Kohaku y  Shūichirō, eran tan lindos!!!. En fin, viéndolos me recordaron un poco a Tweek y Craig, aunque Kohaku era torpe y tímido mientras que Tweek es paranoico y cafemaniaco. Me anime a hacer un boceto de Tweek-Kohaku y una pequeña escena de wish con angel Tweek (si ya se que en south park lo representan como demonio Imp Tweek, pero por esta ocasión el es un ángel!! o_ó) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wish x South Park. Remembering old animes and sleeves I read, I remembered Wish of the Clamps, one of the cutest sleeves I've read, just Kohaku and Shūichirō, they were so cute! Anyway, seeing them reminded me a little Tweek and Craig, although Kohaku was clumsy and shy while Tweek is paranoid and caffeine. I am encouraged to make a sketch of Tweek-Kohaku and a small scene of wish with angel Tweek (if I know that in South Park he is represented as a demon Imp Tweek, but for this occasion he is an angel !! o_ó)
Manga: https://tmofans.com/library/manga/10870/wish (esta en español)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulEUxPK_E1k (Opening Wish, fue lo unico que sacaron en animación)
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syurreal · 6 years
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Secret santa i did for @angeltweek <3 (ps you should go check out their art, its really rad~)
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