inbarfink · 9 months
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Concept Art - Joe Darke/Joe Aokage
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Skull tie.....
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lik the knife
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wayyyyy before there was clown banjou, there was clown aokage
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mugishochu · 2 years
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Aokage - Yanagita Shuzo
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boogiesenpai27 · 2 years
No one:
Absolutely nobody:
Me: omg look at my ship they made eye contact!!!!!
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LED sword by 青影ゆすてら https://ift.tt/36fR2FO
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naomipkx · 4 years
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Blackthorne and Gallagher’s Alumni as Disney Characters:
Jackson Stone as James P. Sullivan from Monsters Inc. | Naomi Powell-King as Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6 | Henry “Hal” Hardy as Ralph from Wreck it Ralph | Elise Park as Lady from Lady and the Tramp
ft. @jvckstone, @hal-hardy, && @eliseprks
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aenniesryu · 3 years
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about me
masterlist (haikyuu)
masterlist (obey me)
recommendations (kageyama rare pair)
knb fics (aomine x kagami)
latest :
aokage fics list [part 2]
upcoming :
omega kageyama fics list 
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ライブの記録 その6~ウクレレを買った~ 初夏に「夏といえばこの歌!」というお題をいただいたのに、9月になりました。誠に申し訳ございません。9月の終わりにやります(今やらないんかい) 楽天スーパーセール終了30分前くらいに駆け込みでウクレレを買った。何か新しく始めたいなと思いつき。友人が楽しそうに練習していたので真似してみた。ギター挫折人間がどのくらい持つのか、見物ですなこりゃ。 先週末、広島県は尾道市へ。 私が旅をする目的、そうライブ。(それでいいのか)(それでいいのだ) 20180908~09 ポルノグラフィティデビュー20周年イヤーキックオフライブ しまなみロマンスポルノ'18~Deep Breath~ びんご運動公園(広島県) ニュースでご存じの方も多いと思いますが、2日公演のうち2日目が豪雨のため中止に。 私は1日目のみ参加し宿泊→2日目はライブに行かず二人の出身地・因島を中心に尾道観光を予定しており、ライブ自体には参加することが出来た。しかし現地での中止発表の瞬間に遭遇し、更にライブの時のふたりの嬉しそうな表情を思い出してはこの決断に至った今の気持ちを考えるとどうしよう��なく苦しかった。参加出来た身でこんなことを言って良いのかもわからず、更に前を向こうとはしながらもショック症状の強いTLで旅のことを呟くのは気が引けたので、こちらに備忘録としてまとめてみた。前置き長くてすんません。 ライブビューイングも決まりそうですしネタバレダメな方は引き返してください。 ☆ 準備万端で行ったので大丈夫だったけれど、降り続ける雨にポンチョ二枚重ねで対抗、手こずりながらも着席。 はっさくメガネが客を煽り、場内を広島出身ミュージシャンの楽曲達が彩る。 YMCAで身体をあたためたところでポルノ登場。いきなりキング&クイーン!手拍子・コーラスで会場はひとつに。 その後おもむろにスクリーンに表示されたCDジャケット。作品は遡りワン・ウーマン・ショー~甘い幻~へ。 昭仁の「甘い…幻…」という台詞、いつも友人とカラオケでネタにするのに(するな)、本物聴いてしまうとハートを射ぬいてくるからズルい。 久々に聴きたかった瞬く星の下で、どんどん力強さを帯びてくるワンモアタイム(私の中では今回のベストアクトかも?)、とシングル曲のオンパレード。アニマロッサは演出も凝っていてスクリーンを見るのも楽しい。ギフトは私の応援歌なので定番になっているのが本当に嬉しい。Winding Road~ROLL~愛が呼ぶほうへの流れは心潤いまくり。雨の中響くハーモニカが美しい。 Mugenは踊りまくりボルテージ最高潮、サボテンは雨がもはや演出なのではないかと思うほど胸を締め付ける、そこからのデビューシングル・アポロ→最新シングル・ブレス。 全ての曲に勝手ながらリリースされた頃の思い出があって。あんなことしていたなあ、こんなこと考えていたなあとか。カップリングとか���ルバム曲で魅せる一面も大好きだけれど、やっぱりシングルの持つ力って強いなと改めて感じたし、「二人が大きくなって、代表曲たくさん引っ提げて地元に凱旋したんだ!!」という感慨深いものをこれまた勝手に感じ思わず涙しそうになった。 シングルオンパレードが終わり、因島を思う曲達や、ライブ定番ナンバー(Century Lovers最高)が後半は披露された。 狼、Aokage、そらいろ。地元を意識した歌だからだろうか、いつまでもフレッシュなのに最初から今まで懐かしさを感じる曲達、今の彼らで聴けたの嬉しかった~。(欲を言えばJazz upも聴きたかった) 城天を意識したセンターステージ(高さありすぎて滑らないか心配だった)でオーディエンスに囲まれた状態でのアゲハ蝶。昨年のロッキンでのアゲハ蝶のとんでもない絶景とはまた違う、素敵な景色が彼らの目に映ってくれていたらいいなあ。 最後に、悪天候のなか頑張っていただいたポルノチームの皆様、スタッフの皆様、休日営業で歓迎してくれた因島の皆様(シャインマスカット大福美味でした)、素敵な思い出をありがとうございました。あと宿泊したりご飯食べたりした尾道と福山周辺も最高だった!また、絶対、行きます! 20180912 明日はサウダージ発売から18年の記念日!
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wiseclown91 · 6 years
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
Amazing Rap Skirmishes of Fiction: Kyoko Kirigiri vs. Ema Skye
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jjGzR3
by wordwarrior (regachoisiah)
It's the monotone Ultimate Detective suffering from amnesia versus the science-loving forensics scientist from Japanifornia. And now...they're facing off to prove who is the better MC...
Words: 632, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Epic Rap Battles of History (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Makoto, Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey, Konaka Masaru | Redd White, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Houzuki Tomoe | Lana Skye, Itonokogiri Keisuke | Dick Gumshoe, Zaimon Naoto | Neil Marshall, Kishimoto Masashi, Ogami Sakura, Kirigiri Jin, Aokage Joe | Joe Darke, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Ganto Kaiji | Damon Gant, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Togami Byakuya, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice
Relationships: mentioned only, Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto
Additional Tags: Rap Battles, Rap Music, Epic Battles, Crossover, Music, Alternate Universe - Music, Detectives, Alternate Universe - Detectives, Case 1-5: Rise From The Ashes Spoilers, Case 1-5: Rise From The Ashes, SL-9 (Gyakuten Saiban), Dangan Ronpa Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), Post-Despair (Dangan Ronpa)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jjGzR3
0 notes
none of y'all reminded me but since i remembered: my thoughts on sonoshi being the kamen no ninja akakage homage
gonna cut it cause gonna get into spoilers for both shows (especially regarding sonoshi!)
first of all: according to both the fandom page and wikipedia, kamen no ninja was one of the first (if not the first) toku shows shot and shown in color. so from a like historical point of view, that's pretty big. it has an anime and a few movies, including a 2001 remake. i'm not sure how big of a historical impact it really had, considering i can't find subs other than the first two episodes on youtube (granted i didn't look THAT hard). but still. a show that has historical merit even if it doesn't have the biggest cultural impact.
so what's kamen no ninja akakage about? well, i'm not SUPER far into it, but since i've hit chapter 2 (it's in 4 chapters of 13 episodes each), we have stopped pretending to have like feasible ninja technology and are also making VERY questionable villain choices. like 😬😬😬 on that one. yes it was the 60s and still also wtf. but it's about three ninjas, one kid (aokage), one guy (akakage), and one older guy (shirokage), that are trying to stop a cult (and i only know this because of the two episodes with subs.) they have the powers of "whatever will get them out of this situation." the practical effects are very bad at times but it's very charming and funny. i'm enjoying the dynamics of our 3 ninjas very much, even though i understand basically NOTHING. (i have no idea if there'll be a love interest at some point, but i kinda doubt it because the dynamic is more between these 3)
now the fact SONOSHI is the homage to this show is very...something. sonoshi is word of god queer and like. okay i LOVE them. i really truly do. but like. queer rep? and then the way they die? lmao. sure. thanks inoue. please really truly bring sono456 back and have them become honorary donbros too. anyways. like i just have to wonder what aokage (the only one of the main 3 still alive, he's 67 and made an appearance in abaranger) thinks of this??? "my show about ninjas with 60s technology going against a cult is now a weird person who attacks the heroes and is all about cleanliness and dies because of the most last minute villains"
it's all just very...something.
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re-think00 · 6 years
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今日一のトークテーマVS常連客氏 「ポルノグラフィティ曲ランキング(暫定)」 1.free and freedom 2.ROLL 3.見えない世界 4.aokage 5.ライン 6.winding road 7.音のない森 8.月飼い 9.ネオメロドラマティック 10.元素L ですよろしくお願いします。 ちょっと誰か本と音楽の話できる人とかいないか
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boogiesenpai27 · 5 years
When you read smut in public of your otp and not regret it one bit.
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benediktine · 4 years
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【「電子タバコ」パンデミック~米国で何が起きているのか】 - Yahoo!ニュース : https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/ishidamasahiko/20191005-00145393/ : https://archive.is/QtAQT 石田雅彦  | ライター、編集者 10/5(土) 9:00
 {{ 図版 : (写真:アフロ) }}
■《電子タバコでどんな病気になるのか》  米国CDC(疾病予防管理センター)によれば、電子タバコによる健康被害は、 {{ 2019年10月3日の時点で48州と1つの米国領において1080の肺損傷症例と15の州で18人の死亡を報告 : https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html#what-we-know }} している。患者の約70%が男性、約80%が35歳未満(18~20歳が約21%)だという。
 例えば、急性好酸球性肺炎(Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia)という病気がある。日本から加熱式タバコ(アイコス=IQOS)を吸ったことで急性好酸球性肺炎になったという症例報告があるが(※2)、電子タバコでもこの病気になる危険性はありそうだ。
 電子タバコによるグリセリンはリポイド肺炎(Lipoid Pneumonia)という、これも珍しい呼吸器疾患との関連が示唆され、例えば呼吸困難とひどい咳、発熱で入院した42歳の女性の事例では、約7ヶ月前から電子タバコを吸い始めてから症状がひどくなり始めたという(※10)。
 2019年10月4日、米国FDA(食品医薬品局)は、電子タバコのどの成分が影響しているのか現状では不明としつつ、 {{ THCを含んだ電子タバコを使用しないように警告 : https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/statement-consumer-warning-stop-using-thc-vaping-products-amid-ongoing-investigation-lung-illnesses }} し、自分でリキッドに変更を加えず、違法なルートからの購入を止めるよう指示している。THC成分の添加を米国政府(FDA)は禁止しているが、合法的に認可している州も多い。実質的には野放し状態といっていいだろう。
 また、 {{ カナダのケベック州でも電子タバコによる重篤な肺疾患の患者が出て : https://www.msss.gouv.qc.ca/ministere/salle-de-presse/communique-1927/ }} いる。米国での事例を含め、2019年9月28日に {{ カナダ保健省は電子タバコを吸うことの健康上のリスクについて警告 : https://www.healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2019/70919a-eng.php }} した。
============≫ ※2019/10/05:15:37:内容を部分的に修正し、文献を3つ追加した。
※2019/10/06:15:12:英国の医学雑誌「BMJ(the British Medical Journal)」に2019年9月30日に出た論文(※18)によれば、電子タバコを吸うことによる長期的な悪影響は研究されていないが、呼吸器疾患の症例が増加している現状をみれば、電子タバコが肺に何らかの悪影響を及ぼすことは十分考えられるという。その理由として、電子タバコを吸うことで、肺に脂肪蓄積マクロファージ(lipid-laden macrophage)による泡沫細胞(Foam Cell)ができることが関与しているのかもしれないとする。マクロファージは白血球の一種で、死んだ細胞など生体廃棄物のスカベンジャー(腐肉あさり)の役割をする。脂質をあさって泡だった状態になったのが脂肪蓄積マクロファージだ。脂肪蓄積マクロファージはアテローム性動脈硬化症の原因になることが知られている。また、この論文では電子タバコの成分が免疫機能を抑制するかもしれないとも述べている。 ≪============ ============≫ ※1-1:Irfan Rahman, William MacNee, "Lung glutathione and oxidative stress: implications in cigarette smoke-induced airway disease." Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Vol.277, Issue6, L1067-L1088, 1999
※1-2:Anupam Kumar, et al., "Current Concepts in Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management of Smoking-Related Interstitial Lung Diseases." CHEST, Vol.154, Issue2, 394-408, 2018
※2-1:Takahiro Kamada, et al., "Acute eosinophilic pneumonia following heat‐not‐burn cigarette smoking." Respirology Case Reports, Vol.4, Issue6, 2016
※2-2:Toshiyuki Aokage, et al., "Heat-not-burn cigarettes induce fulminant acute eosinophilic pneumonia requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation." Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, Vol.26, 87-90, 2019
※3-1:Hiroshi Uchiyama, et al., "Alterations in Smoking Habits Are Associated with Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia." CHEST, Vol.133, Issue5, 1174-1180, 2008
※3-2:Federica De Giacomi, et al., "Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia. Cause, Diagnosis, and Management." American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Medicine, Vol.197, No.6, 2018
※3-3:Beenish Fayyaz, "Acute eosinophilic pneumonia associated with smoking: a case report." Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives, Vol.8, Issue3, 2018
※4:Federica De Giacomi, et al., "Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia: Correlation of Clinical Characteristics With Underlying Cause." Chest, Vol.152, Issue2, 379-385, 2017
※5:David R. Janz, et al., "Acute eosinophilic pneumonia: A case report and review of the literature." Critical Care Medicine, Vol.37, No.4, 1470-1474, 2009
※6:Darshan Thota, Emi Latham, "Case Report of Electronic Cigarettes Possibly Associated with Eosinophilic Pneumonitis in a Previously Healthy Active-duty Sailor." The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol.47, Issue1, 15-17, 2014
※7:Zhaohui I. Arter, et al., "Acute eosinophilic pneumonia following electronic cigarette use." Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, Vol.27, 2019
※8:Yasmeen M. Butt, et al., "Pathology of Vaping-Associated Lung Injury." New England Journal of Medicine, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1913069, 2019
※9:Dominic L. Palazzolo, "Electronic cigarettes and vaping: a new challenge in clinical medicine and public health. A literature review." frontiers in Public Health, doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2013.00056, 2013
※10:Lindsay Mccauley, et al., "An Unexpected Consequence of Electronic Cigarette Use." CHEST, DOI: 10.1378/chest.11-1334, 2012
※11:Kevin Davidson, et al., "Outbreak of Electronic-Cigarette-Associated Acute Lipoid Pneumonia-North Carolina, July-August 2019." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol.68(36), 784-786, 2019
※12:I Weinberg, Z G. Fridlender, "Exogenous lipoid pneumonia caused by paraffin in an amateur fire breather." Occupational Medicine, Vol.60, Issue3, 2010
※13:My Hua, Prue Talbot, "Potential health effects of electronic cigarettes: A systematic review of case reports." Preventive Medicine Reports, Vol.4, 169-178, 2016
※14:Sonia L. Betancourt, et al. "Lipoid pneumonia : spectrum of clinical and radiologic manifestations." American Journal of Roentgenology, Vol.194, Issue1, 103-109, 2010
※15:C G. Perrine, et al., "Characteristics of a Multistate Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with E-cigarette Use, or Vaping- United States, 2019." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol.68(39), 860-864, 2019
※16:I Ghana, et al., "E-cigarette Product Use, or Vaping, Among Persons with Associated Lung Injury- Illinois and Wisconsin, April-September 2019." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol.68(39), 865-869, 2019
※17:Christian Giroud, et al., "E-Cigarettes: A Review of New Trends in Cannabis Use." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.12, Issue8, 2015
※18:Jeffery E. Gotts, et al., "What are the respiratory effects of e-cigarettes?" the BMJ, Vol.366, doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l5275, 2019 ≪============ ============≫ ※筆者は喫煙者を批難しない。喫煙者は、日本では国によって推進されてきたタバコ政策とタバコ会社のビジネスの犠牲者だからだ。禁煙外来などで処方されるニコチンパッチやニコチンガム、ニコチン代替薬には免疫系への悪影響がないことがわかっている(1)。ある物質は毒にも薬にもなる。医師の適切な指示に従って処方されるなら、ニコチンは禁煙にとって重要な薬物となる。1)Kate Cahill, et al., "Nicotine receptor partial agonists for smoking cessation." Cochran Database of Systematic Reviews, 2008 ≪============
●石田雅彦 ライター、編集者  Masahiko Ishida:医科学修士(MMSc)。近代映画社で出版の基礎を学び、独立後はネットメディア編集長、紙媒体の商業誌編集長などを経験。ライターとして自然科学から社会科学まで多様な著述活動を行う。法政大学経済学部卒、横浜市立大学大学院医学研究科修士課程修了、同博士課程在学中。JASTJ会員。1日20本25年の元喫煙者。サイエンス系の著書に『恐竜大接近』(集英社、監修:小畠郁生)、『遺伝子・ゲノム最前線』(扶桑社、監修:和田昭允)、『ロボット・テクノロジーよ、日本を救え』(ポプラ社)などが、人文系著書に『季節の実用語』(アカシック)、『おんな城主 井伊直虎』(アスペクト)などがある。
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mugishochu · 5 years
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Aokage, Koma & Mizunara from Yanagita Shuzo. My favourite is Aokage for it's delicious buttery popcorn flavor!
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himitsusentaiblog · 7 years
Tokusatsu Series with Anime Adaptations (Part 2)
In the first part of this look at anime versions of tokusatsu series, we looked at three fairly well known in the West series that have all either been released here or adapted for release here. In this installment, I would like to take a step back and look at three lesser known series and their anime equivalents. Let’s start with a show going back all the way to 1958:
Moonlight Mask
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Moonlight Mask a.k.a. Gekko Kamen (月光仮面) was the first TV tokusatsu hero, debuting in 1958. Moonlight Mask was a mysterious hero who rode a motorcycle and carried two revolvers, a whip, shuriken and moon-shaped boomerangs in his war against crime and those who would take advantage of the innocent.  Though his identity was never out and out revealed in the course of the series (he is only ever credited as ? in the opening credits) it was clear to the audience at home that he was most likely a detective name Juro who would vanish mere moments before the hero would roar in to save the day.
Moonlight Mask was aired as a series of serialized episodes, much like the movie serials popular in US Cinemas in the 40s and 50s.  His 131 episodes were divided into 5 stories entitled: Skull Mask, The Secret of the Paradai Kingdom, Mammoth Kong, The Ghost Party Strikes Back and Don’t Turn Your Hand to Revenge. The show was also the basis for several theatrical pictures, which were the first live-action superhero work of Toei Studio. 
Sadly, the series came to an end because children began to emulate Moonlight Mask’s stunts and fights.  Some became hurt in the process including the death of young boy imitating one of his jumps. The series was cancelled in 1959 from television and the last movie was released in August of that year. Sadly, a lot of the TV episodes are missing or too damaged to ever be shown again, leaving the latter day DVD release with some big holes.
However, it returned as an anime in 1972, entitled The One Who Loves Justice: Moonlight Mask (正義を愛する者 - 月光仮面). It was produced by Knack Productions (now ICHI Corporation) and aired on Nippon Television with a total of 39 episodes. The hero’s costume changed a bit as the turban became an open-faced helmet and his cape now had a clasp but the general style of his adventures remained the same. This series was also divided into three serialized stories: The Claw of Satan, a remake of the Mammoth Kong story and The Dragon’s Fang.
In 1999, there was also a comedic version of the hero made into an anime entitled We Know You, Moonlight Mask (ごぞんじ!月光仮面くん). It lasted a total of 25 episodes and treated the subject manner as a spoof including a super deformed main hero.
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Masked Ninja Akakage
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Masked Ninja Akakage (仮面の忍者 赤影) was Toei’s very first color tokusatsu TV series as well as the first live-action Ninja series in color on Japanese television. The series was created by Mitsuteru Yokoyama who also created Giant Robo which premiered later that year (for more on Giant Robo see the first installment). The series revolves around the adventures of superhero ninja Akakage (Red Shadow) and his two sidekicks, AoKage (Blue Shadow) and ShiroKage (White Shadow) as they use their Ninja skills and a collection of oddly high-tech gadgets to battle evil warlords and giant monsters.
The series is set in the 16th Century, during the Sengoku Period of Japanese History when rival Daimyo were battling each other for the right to rule all of Japan. The three heroic Ninja work towards bringing Peace and battling those who would use the chaos of civil war to advance their own power at the expense of others. 
Each of the heroes has a different skill set that aids them in battle. Akakage is the best at swordplay and stealth, able to disguise himself to gain access to enemy fortifications.  He also has a beam that fires from the crystal in his mask for finishing off hard opponents. Aokage is an explosives expert and proficient with the use of the chain to bind and hold his does.  Lastly, Shirokage use a long pole arm in combat as well as using a huge kite to fly.
The series ended in 1968 but an anime version premiered on Nippon Television in October of 1987.  It followed much the same plot as the original tokusatsu version though with the freedom of animation, the plots could get a bit more wild without worrying about budgets. This was actually the version I saw first as a friend of mine had a collection of tapes recorded off of Japanese TV in the 1980s including the first 12 episodes of the Akakage anime.
This is the OP to the anime version:
Golden Bat
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I have mentioned Golden Bat a.k.a. Ogon Bat (黄金 バット) on this blog before. He predates all other Japanese superheroes and even the rise of the superhero in the US coming debuting in 1931, seven years before Superman would see his first adventure in the pages of Action Comics #1. However, the tokusatsu version would have a very different origin and story from the paper theater original.
The character appeared in three live action films, the first of which debuted in 1950 under the title Ogon Bat: Matenrou no Kaijin.  There was also a comedic biopic of the hero in 1972 titled  Ogon Batto ga Yattekuru.  However, the tokusatsu version I would like to focus on is the 1966 film Ogon Bat a.k.a Golden Bat produced by Toei which featured legendary martial arts actor Sonny Chiba as a scientist. 
In this film, our hero is a remnant of Atlantis put into a form of suspended animation for the day when his skills will be needed again. All that is needed to bring him back is water and the tears of a young woman who’s Father has been taken do the trick.  Now, she can call upon Golden Bat when she is in danger and he will come to her aid.  
Unlike a lot of superheroes, Golden Bat is rather vicious in the way he deals with his foes and isn’t above casually killing hordes of goons to get to their boss. He is also apparently immortal and invulnerable to bullets.  He can also fly and is an expert at hand to hand combat. 
After the success of the movie, a TV anime was commissioned and debuted on April 1, 1967.  The series ran for 52 episodes on both Yomiuri TV an Nippon TV (who had produced the series) and was successful enough to get several overseas releases. The series is known as Fantaman in Italy, Fantasmagórico in Mexico and Fantomas in Brazil (not to be confused with the criminal genius created by French author Marcel Allain). It never saw an official English release. 
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I will venture to say that the look of the character may be why he was popular in Italy and other countries that shared the tradition of masked criminals and outlaw heroes.  Anti-heroes like Diabolik (who had been inspired by the previously mentioned French Fantomas) were all the rage to the point where even Spider-Man was turned into a villain for a Turkish take on the genre thanks to his masked look. A character with a skull mask and flamboyant clothes would fit in perfectly with those cads, even if he was a hero.
Strangely, this brings us right back to Moonlight Mask as one of his first villains had a very similar look to the original, pre-tokusatsu Ogon Bat, that being Skull Mask from the very first series of episodes!
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