#baby langblr
frenchiepal · 11 months
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28.5.23 🎈 yay a calm weekend! i spent a couple of hours catching up on my lectures (a great opportunity to work on embroidering my jacket) and correcting an assignment for phonetics class
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mehilaiselokuva · 9 months
Rare, interesting and old Finnish names
Ahti - The god of the fish and water (masculine) Annu - From name Anna (feminine) Auku - from name Aukusti (masculine) Aurinko - sun(extremely rare)  (unknown) Eera - Pretty unknown. Can be a name of a devil (unisex) Eini - From name Eine (feminine) Elma - Could be a shortening of another name (feminine) Emeli - an old version of Emilia (feminine) Havu - sprig, twig (unisex) Hellin - From name Hellä/Helli (Loving/gentle) (feminine) Ilo - Joy, happiness (extremely rare)  (unisex) Iro - From Finnish mythology, “A virgin that births three children” (feminine) Inari - From the place name Inari. (unisex) Jalo - noble (masculine) Jatta - From name Marjatta (feminine) Kaino - Shy, modest (unisex) Kaisu - An affectionate form of name Kaisa (feminine) Kastehelmi - “Dewpearl” (feminine) Kumu - boom, thump (sound) (extremely rare) (unknown) Liina - From names Pauliina or Karoliina (feminine) Lyly - reaction wood, hard sapwood that forms in conifers (masculine) Maini - mention, praise (unisex) Minka - will, helmet (feminine) Noh - unknown (unisex) Pulmu - from the bird Pulmunen (the snow bunting), “clean child” (feminine) Puru - dust, crushed material (extremely rare) (unknown) Raita - from a certain willow tree of the same name (feminine) Riemu - joy (extremely rare) (unknown) Sippo - from name Siegfried (masculine) Suni - from names Sven, Soini (masculine) Taika - magic, “interesting power” (feminine) Taimi - sprout (plant) (feminine) Toini - from name Antoinette (feminine) Tuovi - Apparently from the name Tove (in history:unisex, now feminine) Tuua - lasting, permanent, forever (feminine) Unna - unknown (feminine) Vadelma - raspberry(extremely rare)  (feminine)
The "extremely rare" names are legitimate names, but with only <10 people having said name.
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kinakolatte · 4 months
It's your daily reminder that you should treat watching videos in your target language as a substantial part of your learning. No, studying from books is not 'more important' nor is watching films 'less important'.
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linguisticdiscovery · 8 months
How babies learn language
The article is from 2015 but remains a great overview of the science of first language acquisition:
Further Reading: The infinite gift: How children learn and unlearn the languages of the world
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
Child Rearing in Japanese
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子育て こそだて child rearing
育てる そだてる to raise (a child, plant, etc.)
育つ そだつ to grow up ( a child, plant, etc.)
すくすく growing up healthy
のびのび (growing) quickly
成長する せいちょうする to grow up, to develop
面倒を見る めんどうをみる to watch or to take care of (a child)
~児 ~じ suffix for young children (e.g. 2歳児 [にさいじ], a two-year-old child)
イヤイヤ期 イヤイヤき terrible twos (a period where children are becoming independent and have more frequent tantrums, etc.; usually 2-3 years old)
魔の2歳児 まのにさいじ terrible twos
寝かしつける ねかしつける to put a child to sleep
寝かす ねかす to put to bed
ぐっすり眠る ぐっすりねむる to sleep soundly
読み聞かせる よみきかせる to read aloud to another
暴れる あばれる to act violently, to struggle
乱暴する らんぼうする to behave violently, to be rowdy
叱る しかる to scold
すねる to pout, to sulk
ぐずる to complain about something
歯ぐずり teething
怒鳴る どなる to shout (in anger), to yell
嫌がる いやがる to express dislike, to appear to dislike
喜ぶ よろこぶ to be happy with something
優しくする やさしくする to be nice to someone or something
仲良くする なかよくする to get along with others
抱っこする だっこする to hug, to carry in one's arms (e.g. a child, a pet, etc.)
おんぶ piggy-back (carrying someone on your back, with their arms around your neck or shoulders)
肩車 かたぐるま carrying someone sitting on your shoulders
ハイハイする to crawl (on all fours)
四つん這いする よつんばいする to crawl (on all fours)
おむつ diaper
おしゃぶり pacifier
絵本 えほん picture book
おもちゃ toy
積み木 つみき wooden blocks
滑り台 すべりだい slide
ブランコ swing set
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princesastudies · 10 months
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pink academia moodboard .˚⊹ ⁺‧( *´꒳`*)‧⁺ ⊹˚.
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polyglot-thought-2 · 1 year
[Japanese->English] @tokkaricenter_official May 4th 2023 Instagram Post Translation
Link to original post
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This is a notice from Seal Land.
On May 4th, 2023, Ponsuke-kun the ringed seal passed away at 7 years old.
Ponsuke-kun was conserved* April 17th, 2016, and from then on, the cute face where he smiles and sticks out his tongue, and his charming personality caused a lot of people to love him.
*Conserved meaning he was put into an animal conservatory
Because for a few days his appetite was declining, he was transferred to a seal pen, and then medical treatment was given; But on April 4th, he went on a trip to heaven under the watch of his caretakers.
Because the direct cause of death has not been established, from now on there are plans for an autopsy and pathological examination and etc. to investigate the cause of death.
Once again, to everyone who doted on Ponsuke-kun, we thank you, and we express our feelings of gratitude for “Ponsuke” *
*Im not very confident with the translation of this sentence.
Furthermore, from May 5th through the 28th 2023 there will be a altar (for flowers) installed inside the observation room.
Pon-chan, thank you. We love you.
-On behalf of the caretakers.
#tokkaricenter #sealland #hokkaido #mombetsu #seal #ringedseal #seal
Please correct me if I made a mistake
$5 translation commissions here
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lacinkaju · 9 months
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vegetables – harodnina (гародніна)
beet – burak (бурак) * sugar beets — cukrovyja buraki (цукровыя буракі)
broccoli – brokali (брокалі)
brussels sprouts - bruselskaja kapusta (брусэльская капуста) * [official orthography] брусельская капуста
cabbage – kapusta (капуста)
celery – salera (салера), sielderej (сельдэрэй)
lettuce – sałata (салата)
mustard – harčyca (гарчыца)
spinach – špinat (шпінат)
cucumber – hurok (гурок), ahurok (агурок)
eggplant – bakłažan (баклажан)
pumpkin, squash – harbuz (гарбуз)
tomato – pamidor (памідор), tamat (тамат)
olive – aliŭka (аліўка), maślina (масьліна) * [official orthography] аліва, масліна
zucchini – cukinija (цукінія)
courgette – kabačok (кабачок)
pepper – pierac (перац)
artichoke – artyšok (артышок)
cauliflower – ćviatnaja kapusta (цьвятная капуста), kalafijor (каляфіёр) * [official orthography] цвятная капуста
bean – fasola (фасоля), bob (боб)
lentil – sačyŭka (сачыўка), sačavica (сачавіца)
pea – haroch (гарох)
peanut – ziemlany arech (земляны арэх), arachis (арахіс)
soybean – sojevyja baby (соевыя бабы)
asparagus – sparža (спаржа)
chive – zialonaja cybula (зялёная цыбуля), piory cybuli (пёры цыбулі)
fennel – fenchiel (фэнхель), sałodki krop (салодкі кроп) * [official orthography] фенхель
garlic – časnok (часнок)
leek – parej (парэй) * [official orthography] цыбуля-парэй
onion – cybula (цыбуля)
shallot – šalot (шалёт) * [official orthography] цыбуля-шалот
carrot – morkva (морква)
ginger – imbir (імбір)
potato – bulba (бульба) * [regional] kartopla (картопля)
yam, sweet potato – sałodkaja bulba (салодкая бульба), trapikalnaja bulba (трапікальная бульба) * [official orthography] батат
horseradish – chren (хрэн)
parsnip – pastarnak (пастарнак)
turnip – repa (рэпа), bručka (бручка), turneps (турнэпс)
radish – radyska (радыска), redźka (рэдзька)
corn – kukuruza (кукуруза)
dill – krop (кроп)
parsley – piatruška (пятрушка)
watermelon – kavun (кавун)
mushroom – hryb (грыб)
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hebrewbyinbal · 3 months
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adhd-languages · 1 year
Sometimes if I listen too closely to English I’ll just notice some phrase.
Most recently, “bundle of joy”
It’s pretty much exclusively used to talk about newborn babies. Isn’t it kind of an interesting phrase?
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roadmapplus · 2 years
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Half-year reboot, day 2. Day's not over yet, but wanted to get accountable photo out of the way.
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aro-langblr · 10 months
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gulabilli · 10 months
i'm going to italy in less than a month!!! so naturally now i have to speedrun duolingo italian!!!
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haireyes · 1 year
Favourite reads of the year! I read 25 books this year. I definitely completed my goal of reading more non-fiction. My goal for 2023 is to read more non-English books.
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linguisticdiscovery · 11 months
Why are words for 'mother' similar in languages across the world??
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The word for ‘mother’ is similar in languages all over the world!
English: mother, ma
Basque: ama
Spanish: madre
Maltese: omm
Mandarin: ma
Vietnamese: me
Hebrew: ima
Swahili: mama
They all have that /m/ sound in common. Not all languages have this (these are cherry-picked examples), but it’s way more common than we would expect from chance!
/m/ is one of the first sounds that infants learn how to make, along with /b/, /d/, and /n/. All of those sounds are much more common in words for 'mother' and 'father' across languages than would be expected by chance.
When parents hear their children experimenting with making their first sounds, they assume that they're trying to say 'mother' or 'father'. So in languages all across the world, words with those sounds in them become the words for 'mother' and 'father'.
Bonus Fact
mother, father, brother, and sister all end in -ter because that was a generic kinship suffix in Proto-Indo-European (the first language from which English and other Indo-European languages evolved from).
The Proto-Indo-European word mater 'mother' was actually ma + -ter. So even in Proto-Indo-European 6,000 years ago, we can see how the word for 'mother' came from baby talk, ma.
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incipitinterpreter · 2 years
I spoke to my nail techs today in Korean!!!! I am so happy!!!
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