#be ready for an influx of she ra posts need to process my feelings somehow
mintmentos · 4 years
Wow so I just watched she ra s4 and I have a lot of thoughts
The friction between glimmer and adora was painful but incredible to watch. Especially when glimmer blamed adora for angellas death - you could see she immediate regretted it but there’s no taking something like that back
Catra was incredible - saw how far she will keep pushing to get what she wants, but the realisation that she was horrible to scorpia hit her so hard and she was desperate to find her. Then she was so defeated and ready for whatever glimmer threw at her but somehow managed to get on horde prime’s side? She’s clever I’ll give her that
More princesses! Got a lot more of the alliance than before which I loved! And spinnerella and netossa were super fun
Double trouble is so chaotic I live for them!
So much scorpia content and she’s finally found people who appreciate her!! When she told catra she’s a bad friend it felt so good!!
Loads more lonnie, kyle and rogelio which was fab! Love their interactions and so glad they defected
The whole thing with mara was ridiculous, didn’t see any of it coming
The sword? Broke? So there’s no more she ra? Madness have no clue how that’s going to play into things
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