#bilight's bored
morelike-bi-light · 4 years
new ask game: tell me what my vampire power would be and why
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morelike-bi-light · 4 years
Hypnotism. It's what Victoria should've had.
Omg ty I love this, that's so fuckin cool.... and shit u right that wouldve been so badass and made so much sense........ the potential bro the potential jsjsjajaj although I actually love her canon power but to be clear NOT because of what steph did with it.... it's for olympic vic au related reasons.... anyways ily you made my day bro
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morelike-bi-light · 5 years
dragon, basilisk and minotaur
Ooh, these are good... Okay so, Dragon is last thing that made you smile, and that would be my cat, June, because I am the biggest sucker for her. If I'm being honest, 50% of the time, it's gonna be her. She's my baby, as I so often remind her. Just looking at her back as she sleeps is making me smile now. Although, I have been smiling a lot tonight because of all the replies and asks I've been getting! I like to pretend to be cool, but every time someone talks to me online I start grinning and blushing like a fool.
Basilisk is 'books or films' which is so hard for me, you have no idea. I actually want to be either a video game writer or a teacher, so media is really big for me. I've gotten super into learning about film as an art lately, (just through youtube channels like Cinefix and Lindsay Ellis) because it's really fascinating. But books were like, my best friend as a child when no one else would be, and the written word is v important to me, so end of the day, books is what I'll always choose. Though, like everybody always says, I need to read more.
Last one is Minotaur, which is who you dislike the most right now! This might be a cop-out, but at the moment? Anish Kapoor. I was just rereading about the vantablack/pinkest pink/etc. Semple vs Kapoor issue this morning and he's just such an aggravating person. I feel very strongly that no one has the right to place limits on other artists' creations, particularly through advanced capitalism. He is just the worst. Support Semple guys!
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