mercifuil · 5 months
Masterpost of #UnProfessore2 Promo with English subs
So, I'm an #UnProfessore fan from the Philippines and I made a thread on Twitter of the promo videos they've released in the lead up to the second season. I've taken it upon my self to translate it using DeepL Translator and a bit of grammatical adjustment from moi, so please don't expect it to be 100% perfect but it will suffice.
Anyway, while waiting for the English translations to come out through that Telegram channel - you know the one (shout out Sarah) 😉 - you can watch the promos and interviews with English subs for now.
Twitter thread of Eng Subbed promos
Instagram in case you hate 3l0n
(bit of a disclaimer for insta, you'd have to sift through other posts on there a bit. but everything is there as well!)
Enjoy! 🩷
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nasirsagron · 5 months
So Rai actually took that bi icon of Pol Rubio and made it into a basic heterosexual boy
I didnt think people could fuck up worst than Hector after Saper Aude but Rai proved me wrong
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klaroarms · 4 months
Vorrei informare a chiunque non lo sappia, che oggi 27/12 su X twitteremo dalle ore 17:00 alle 19:00 per mandare in tendenza gli hashtag #BringSimuelBack e #JusticeForManuelFerro.
I motivi di questa iniziativa sono elencati in questo articolo che vi invitiamo a leggere:
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oshieteacapella · 1 year
I'm watching Merlí Sapere Aude's 2nd season and really... the whole vih story makes no sense and believe me, I love drama for the sake of drama, I was raised watching telenovelas... but this... and the other characters?? They don't exist! Rai doesn't have a personality anymore, Oti is now bestie with Pol? What's going on? Axel, until now, it's the best thing happening. And yes, I'm not even going to start on how much you need Bruno in the story because i knew he wasn't appearing but it just- how can you have that story line and think... un yeah this makes sense and yeah no Bruno needed at all.
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mereth · 2 years
I won't promise anything because 2022 is the year where Life fucks up with me as much as it can.
That said this is Bi awareness week and a comment in one of my fics gave me a idea for a short story. Brunol of course
Cross your fingers that I get a break
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Ok, tweet para mi misma... ¿por qué estas a punto de empezar a ver una serie mierda que se llama "Smiley" sólo con la intención de que, como sale Carlos Cuevas, puedas tener cierta sensación de fin con repecto a Brunol? JAMÁS TE LO PERDONARE, HECTOR LOZANO... JAMÁS.
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queenwille · 2 years
it’s been a lifetime and i know the epilogue got our backs but i’m still angry
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queenmab126 · 2 years
Un professore
Conosco very well il mio paese e soprattutto la Rai e sentire gli attori che zigzagano attorno alla parola gay o amore quando gli si chiede del rapporto Simone-Manuel non promette bene specie se comparati con l’original girato nel paese più gay friendly d’europa dove alla 6 puntata sapevamo persino nelle specifiche quale zozzeria Pol e Bruno avessero combinato. 
Ma i ragazzi sono attori meravigliosi e voglio credere che nel 2022 ce la facciamo a diventare un paese in grado di avere una serie come Merlì a casa nostra 
I know my country and especially the TV channel the show is on very well and hearing the actors going round in circles around words like gay and love when asked about Simone and Manuel doesn’t promise anything good especially when compared to the original (shot in probably the most gay friendly country in europe) where by mid season we were even aware of who did what with Bruno and Pol. But the guys are incredible actors and I wanna believe that in 2022 we can be a country capable of having a series like Merlì reproduced decently  
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David Solans: "Lo que más me duele es que la historia de Bruno no se haya podido contar bien en 'Merlí'" - Vídeo - FormulaTV
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omarfor-orchestra · 3 months
Però raga posso dire una cosa. Vi prego non dite che "l'amore di Pol e Bruno ha superato tutto" perché quelli in 3 stagioni di serie originale + 1 di spinoff hanno fatto tutto fuorché amarsi
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emca · 4 months
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mercifuil · 5 months
Picture this, it's summer. But you're stuck at the most boring job in the world and suddenly, you remember somebody from your past. Someone you knew. Someone who was dear to you. A love you wasted.
So I made a Merlí and Un Professore crossover back in 2022.
Not a lot of people really read it. I mean...It probably sounds gimmicky. But I'm very proud of it. So I'm going to take advantage of this new Un Professore season to redirect you all to it.
The story? It's Pol roaming the streets of Rome to look for Bruno. Along the way he bumps into Manuel who, similar to him, has hit a snag in his life. The two form an unlikely friendship and hopefully, along the way, find healing together.
(Italian has some human translation in it care of some friends, some also has Google Translate chapters in it. Be warned.)
After reading, I also wrote a short story set in the same universe as Finding You: Wattpad, AO3
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nasirsagron · 4 months
I don't know why but i decided to read the complete interview of the head-writer of Un Professore and let me tell you my brain was so right when it told me to never start this show.
First he says Manuel is heterosexual, because of course they don't care about Merlì, but he is just CREATIVE , actual word he used, so of course he would try but still when asked if there was no possibility for Simone and Manuel in the future he says" never say never", cause a queerbaiter is forever and because as he said they are the masters (the writers) of fludity, this man believes he is Newton or some shit.
Then you would think ok maybe Mimmo is the actual Bisexaul character?? No he says he presents himself as heterosexual but then stops to think about this thing and just decided to go for it, apparently never once in 12 episodes this character talks about his sexaulity
Like I have never read so much bullshit in one sitting, I have never seen so much disrespect and the fact they are getting a s3 says a lot about Italy and how far behind we are.
Hector Lozano i'm truly sorry for having hated you all this time.
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klaroarms · 4 months
I would like to inform anyone who doesn't know, that today 12/27 on X, we will be tweeting from 5pm to 7pm to trend the hashtags #BringSimuelBack and #JusticeForManuelFerro.
The reasons for this initiative are listed in this article which we invite you to read:
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mereth · 2 years
HAPPY BISEXUALITY AWARENESS DAY. I BRING FIC *throws confetti and disappears in a smoke bomb*
This was harder than I thought. I'm so fucking rusty *cries*
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unblogparaloschicos · 10 months
Literatura: Cuando fuimos los peripatéticos (2018)
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El extraordinario éxito de la serie catalana” Merlí” (tres temporadas entre 2015 y 2018) generó un impacto quizás impensado: además de acercarse al mundo de los adolescentes españoles y a sus pasiones y sinsabores, ha facilitado a las nuevas generaciones conceptos básicos sobre filosofía, popularizando el término “peripatéticos” (por los seguidores del filósofo griego Aristóteles). Fluctuando entre la comedia y el drama y narrada por Héctor Lozano con un desparpajo que la hace atrapante, la historia versaba sobre el personaje del título y su relación con sus alumnos, entre los que se encontraba su hijo Bruno, interpretado por David Solanz. Bruno (ningún spoiler) es gay y su padre lo sabe: durante la serie se muestra sus escarceos con Pol (Carlos Cuevas), el rebelde alumno predilecto del poco ortodoxo profesor.
Acompañando el final de la serie surge el libro, escrito por el propio Lozano, que da un repaso a las tres temporadas, incluyendo ese final que desconcertó a todos. Pero no es sólo un repaso somero de su original televisivo: narrado por Bruno a Mina (decir quién es ella sí sería un spoiler), la historia atraviesa su paso por Italia, adonde echa luz sobre los días pasados allí en compañía de Nicola, a quien conoce por esos lares.
Hubo una continuación de la serie (”Merlí: Sapere Aude”, dos temporadas entre 2019 y 2021), una versión italiana (”Un professore”, desde 2021) y aún un segundo libro, también escrito en primera persona: “Yo, Pol Rubio”. Claro, su verdadero autor es Lozano y prosigue sus pasos tras la primera “Merlí”.
No es la primera vez que este romance aparece en este blog: basta mencionar esta nota sobre la pareja mundialmente conocida por Brunol, publicada en 2019:
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