#but i will rise from the dead to be happy for oli
otomefiend · 11 months
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Alfons Sylvatica
Story Event: Black Wedding. A false vow to a dark bride.
Chapter 3 Bitter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Hear me out. I wanted to include the Bitter ending anyway, and it flows better imo to go from mc's pov to the suitor's. Hence the premium chapter will come after this one.
~~Part 1~~
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Before we knew it, the person we've been waiting for all this time appeared at the altar.
Guru: "...where's everyone? My precious believers...?"
(The lovers... this man is responsible for killing all those people)
Alfons: "I'm good with my hands, so I've done a little work on them."
Alfons: "Right now, your precious believers should be treated by a shrink."
Alfons: "Rest assured, we will provide you with generous support under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen."
Guru: "Her Majesty the Queen....? Who the hell are you people?"
Alfons: "What does it matter where us, nobodies come from?"
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Alfons: "Now, let's begin our delighful, delightful wedding ceremony."
Guru: ".... now, wait a minute."
Alfons: "Oh, do you have any complaints?"
Alfons: "Ah! We haven't said our vows yet. What a terrible discourtesy."
Alfons: "Kate."
Alfons removed my veil and peered into my face.
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Alfons: "I love you, my bride. Will you be my toy for the rest of your life?"
Alfons: "What's your answer?"
~~Part 2~~
When he looked into my face at such close proximity, I answered without thinking.
Kate: "Y-yes..."
Alfons: "Heh, an excellent response."
(Ah, my heart just fluttered unexpectedly...)
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Alfons: "Are you satisfied now?"
Guru: "....don't be ridiculous!"
Before the man had a chance to pull out his knife, Alfons was already behind him.
He removed the leather glove with his mouth and brushed his fingertips up the nape of the man's neck.
(....it's Alfons' ability to show illusions)
Guru: "......"
Guru: " ...Olivia?"
Kate: "Huh?"
The man's eyes widened in surprise when he saw me.
And then, they gradually filled with joy--
Guru: "My Olivia....."
Kate: "!"
He rushed over, kneeled down, and hugged my feet.
Guru: "You're supposed to be dead. Why are you here...?"
Guru: "Ah, it doesn't matter. I wanted to see you..."
(I look like this person's dead lover, don't I)
His clinging gaze and the strength of his embrace made me realize the intensity of his affection.
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Alfons: "Let's ask him why he committed those murder?"
I was afraid to ask, but -- as a fairytale writer, I had to do it.
Kate: "Why did you do this?"
~~Part 3~~
Alfons: "Let's ask him why he committed those murder?"
I was afraid to ask, but -- as a fairytale writer, I had to do it.
Kate: "Why did you do this?"
Guru: "'When you died from your illness, I despaired that I'd never be able to hold you in my arms again."
Guru: "At that time, I came across a book. In that book, it was written..."
Guru: "He who sacrifices lovers can make the dead rise again."
(It couldn't possibly happen, so why)
Alfons: "The world is overflowing with alchemy-like books."
Alfons: "Among the bodies piled up in the basement, there was a coffin."
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Alfons: "The remains of a woman were carefully stored in there."
(It was the body of Olivia)
(....this person's heart is broken by the loss of a loved one)
Guru: "The book was right...!"
Guru: "That's why you showed yourself like this in front of me, isn't it?"
Kate: ".....n"
Guru: "Olivia? Are you dead? Or are you ......"
Guru: "Anything. Anything you want. ......just, please."
Guru: "Don't ever leave me again..."
Alfons: "Shouldn't you answer him, bride?"
(Well, I don't know what to say. But--)
Kate: "This is wrong--"
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Alfons: "Too bad. Time's up, you know."
He pulled out his sabre and pierced the man's heart in one swift motion.
Guru: "...Oli...via..."
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Alfons: "Oh, what a happy face for a murderer."
Alfons: "I'm glad the painful reality won't chase him anymore."
~~Part 4~~
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When he was no longer breathing, Alfons called in the Crown to clear the bodies.
That would ensure no more lovers died there.
Alfons: 'Well then, thank you for the last two days' work. This has been a real pain."
Alfons: "Oh, what's wrong, Kate? You look anxious."
Kate: "......"
Kate: "That man must have suffered from reliving his happy memories over and over again."
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Alfons: "I'd rather just forget than let the memories torment me."
Kate: "Huh?"
Alfons: "Then there would be no pain, no suffering, only comedy."
(Sure, that would be nice)
Kate: "I wish it was possible, but it isn't..."
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Alfons: "…………..?"
Kate: "The more precious the memory, the harder it is to forget."
(It's like they're etched deep into my heart)
Whether it brought people hope or misfortune, I couldn't yet say for sure.
Alfons: ".... Kate, may I borrow your mouth?"
Kate: "Eh...... mmm."
Kate: ".....candy?"
Alfons: "Yes, I pinched it. I told you, I'm good with my hands."
The candy thrown into my mouth released a delicate sweetness.
Alfons: "The candy has a little trick to it."
(No way......)
Kate: "Poison..."
Alfons: "Heh, you wouldn't be alive right now, would you."
Kate: "What is it then?"
Alfons: "Eating the candy does wonders. You'll forget everything that happened today."
(Forget everything?)
Kate: "Alfons, you want me to forget --"
I started speaking, then paused.
(No. Surely that can't be it.)
Alfons always hid his true intentions behind flippant remarks, but
(Is it possible....)
Kate: "......do you want me to remember?"
~~Part 5~~
Alfons: "Eating the candy does wonders. You'll forget everything that happened today."
(Forget everything?)
Kate: "Alfons, you want me to forget --"
I started speaking, then paused.
(No. Surely that can't be it.)
Alfons always hid his true intentions behind flippant remarks, but
(Is it possible....)
Kate: "......do you want me to remember?"
Alfons: "Haha!"
Alfons: "Yes, I want you to remember for a long time."
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Alfons: "But...forget that I said it."
Kate: "Alfons?"
Alfons: "What colour is the candy you're eating right now, Kate?"
Kate: "What? It's..."
Alfons: "Ha, you see."
Kate: "Doh, I just didn't notice it because it was thrown in my mouth."
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Alfons: "You are very good at making excuses, little Robin."
Kate: "Hey, Alfons!"
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The next day, I described the case in a report and submitted it.
Victor: "I have received your report. I will present it properly to Her Majesty, so you don't need to worry."
Kate: "Please. Oh, and thank you for the wedding dress."
Victor: "It was lovely, wasn't it? I thought I'd take the opportunity to get something that would suit you."
Victor: "A pure white dress would have been nice, but black felt more appropriate! So, you know..."
Victor's tense speech picked up pace and involuntarily made me laugh.
Victor: "Oh, yes. The dress was my idea...."
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Victor: "...but the veil was chosen by Alfons."
Kate: "Huh?"
Victor: "........"
Victor: "I believe he's heading for a mission now.”
Victor: "If you chase him, I'm sure you're going to make it in time...."
Kate: "...I'm going."
Alfons Sylvatica. He was impudent and deceitful - a nightmare.
And today, he still confused and drove me crazy.
I would rather not get involved with him when my heart and my mind were at risk--
Kate: "Alfons."
Alfons: "Kate? What's wrong?"
Kate: "Can I accompany you on your mission?"
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Alfons: "......."
Alfons: "You never learn, do you?"
I couldn't help wanting to know him.
Chapter 3 Premium
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
love isn’t for us.
an oliver wood x reader wherein there are certain things people can have, maybe love wasn’t for the both of you.
WARNING: angst, just angst. mentions of blood, death and swearing.
A/N: okay so this is an anonymous request from my 100-follower celebration and now we have our lovely quidditch captain, Oliver wood !! i hope you guys would love this and cry (as much as i did) when i was writing this. yeah i won’t consider this as blurb anymore.
request:  “could i get a 🥳 with oliver and the sentence ‘i’m sorry we couldn’t have forever, love.’ could it also be really angsty?”
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they say when people die, the life that person had flashes through their eyes in the mere seconds of their last breath before finally leaving the earth. 
You and Oliver were a solid team, having grown up together, it was safe to say that the both of you were inseparable. The only time would leave his side was either during classes and/or his quidditch match and practices but aside from that? you were never out of his sight. 
Some even say that you’re the only one that Oliver loves more than Quidditch; and if you know that man well enough, he’s absolutely smitten for that game.
That being said, you two got together in your fifth year and everyone swooned and finally breathed properly from waiting on the love story that you have with him. 
But sadly, not all love stories have happy endings. 
After the two of you graduated, you entered your to be an Auror while Oliver continued his dream of being a professional Quidditch player. The first few months of you having very different schedules went fine, the both of you adjusting your schedules for dates and cuddle nights. 
Until the fights came, the throwing and smashing of whatever the both of you can grab during your heated moments. It was all going south, with the Dark Lord rising once again, you had more extensive trainings and long hours with your superiors about what’s happening. Oliver had been on his training with Puddlemere, going on tours and whatnot for the tournaments, there was just no time anymore. 
It wasn’t the same anymore.
Another fight ensued from the both of you after he shrugged you off quite easily after you asked him how his day went, with him passive-aggressively answering that it was alright. You on the other hand, didn’t want to put up with his moodiness and asked him what his problem was.
“What the fuck is your problem, Oliver?!” You asked him hands slamming down the table as you stood up, eyes piercing directly into his. He scoffed and crossed him arms, rolling his eyes at you.
“My problem? Are you even sure that it’s my problem? (Y/N). Take a look into the mirror and ask yourself.” He answered, his voice slowly rising as he stood up, his nerves now getting the best of him again.
The second stage of you guys fighting ensued, you threw your chair behind as you walked in front him, “What the fuck does that even mean?! All I asked was how are your day and your ass is here being all passive-aggressive!” 
“Because you can cut the bullshit, (L/N). When was the last time you even asked me that?! I know you don’t care!” His voice bellowed through the apartment. Admittedly, his voice was always loud because of him shouting during his days as a Quidditch captain but nothing prepared you for that. 
Those words he said was like a knife that stabbed right through your heart and his words echoed through your mind. 
“Do you really- do you really think I don’t care anymore, Oli?” You asked, voice now broken as your arms fell to your side, tears brimming your eyes. “You know how hard my training is right now, right? How hard it is to keep on fighting everyday without uncertainty if I get to go back home?” You continued, not even bothering to wipe the tears that are free-flowing to your cheeks.
Oliver was at a loss, he, himself was surprised at his own words. He stood there quietly as you continued to speak, “If that’s the case then, I’m sorry Wood, but we’re through. I can’t do this anymore.” 
His heart was shattered at the sound of your voice, but he couldn’t even move. How can he even talk to you when he said such harsh things that caused you to cry? He couldn’t bear the thought.
Your sobs filled the now dead silent house as you quickly packed up your clothes, not even even bringing your other belongings as you walked out the room you both shared- or shall we say, once shared. 
“Just so you know, Oliver, I never stopped caring about you, I can promise you that. I love you, Oli.” 
And just like that you were gone, and he didn’t even stop you.
“C’mon! Hurry up, let’s go!” Oliver’s voice boomed through the air as he dashed down to Hogwarts, the flashes of green and red lights filled the once peaceful school yard as loud booms commenced from left and right of the castle.
The Second Wizarding War was already happening yet the fear of dying here wasn’t Oliver’s concern. It was you.
All he wanted to see was you be alright, to be safe and sound after all of this commences. He was dead set on finding you before the war ends, to tell you he made a mistake, to tell you that he needed you, to tell you that nothing was the same with you. 
Fighting left and right, he couldn’t seem to find the (H/C) locks he had grown very familiar with and the panic was already eating him up inside. He ran through the Great Hall to see if you were there to no avail, he passed through multiple students who were trying to escape the wrath of the death eaters, nearly falling through the pieces of rubble that was scattered throughout the whole school just to find you
But alas, he couldn’t even see you.
He sighted a familiar ginger who he once shared a dorm with, “Percy!” He shouted, running straight to his old friend. “(Y/N)! Have you seen (Y/N)?!” His voice was strained from shouting too much, tears threatening to fall.
“I’m sorry, Wood but I haven’t sighted her just yet. I’ll tell her I’ve seen you though.” Percy answered, giving his friend a smile as he patted his shoulder. “Focus on yourself first and then find her!”
He gave the ginger a nod and ran once again, his wand flickering through as he fought, until he got cornered. He shut his eyes as one of the death eaters were nearing him when he heard a familiar voice cry out, “Stupefy!” and when he opened his eyes, the man was gone. 
What replaced him was smiling you, shaking your head at him. “How stupid can you get, Wood?! What were the disarming tricks Flitwick taught us? For display?”
He laughed along with you as he slowly approached you, “(Y/N), I missed-” 
Suddenly a loud boom erupted from your side, and the next thing Oliver saw was the wall crushed over once where you were standing at. The color drained from his face as he ran over to where you were, “NO! No, no no!”
His hands pushed through the rubble as students came to help him push away the big blocks, until he saw your hair and soon enough, your limp body. “(Y/N)! Hang on in there, okay? I’m almost there!” 
With the amount of adrenaline coursing through his veins, he pushed the last big piece away and pulled you from under the wall, taking you into his arms as he ran to the Great Hall where most of the bodies lay. 
He placed you down a stretcher and immediately called out for help, taking your hand in his as he placed his other hand on your hair. “Hang on in there, love. Help is almost here, okay?”
With the remaining energy you have left, you opened your eyes and stared into his brown ones, giving him a small smile as you coughed up blood. As you shut your eyes, you realized you were in your final moments.
“(Y/N)! Look at how high I am!” a nine-year old Oliver boasted as he zoomed through the field on his broom, his laugh reaching you from the ground. He looked down at you with a rather smug grin. “Can’t get up here, shorty?” He teased, waving his hand from up high.
You grumbled softly and marched over to the spare broom on the ground, readying yourself to fly up next to him, “I’ll show you, Oli!” as you floated off the ground, until you suddenly lost control of the broom and fell straight back down to the field. 
“(Y/N)!” Oliver shouted, coming back down to the ground and rushed to your side, hand brushing through your locks as he asked, “Are you alright? Why did you even attempt that?” 
You smiled at him softly and said, “I just wanted to be good as you, Oli. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“No, (Y/N). I’m sorry for not being there for you at once.”
“Hurry up, (L/N)! We’re almost there!” Fifteen year old Oliver’s voice resonated through the field in your backyard, running towards a tree that was set in the middle of the vast land. A big smile was on his face despite being out of breath from running too much as he watched you run towards him.
“I swear on Godric Gryffindor if this is something useless- Oh my Merlin, what on earth is this, Oli?” You suddenly asked him as you saw a blanket laid out with various treats. “Is this a date, Mr. Wood?” 
“Only if you want it to be, Ms. (L/N).” He humored back, sending you a playful wink as motioned you to sit down with him. The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter as the both of you shared stories from Hogwarts and whatever the sun could shine on.
“Before I could forget, come here.” He motioned you over to the tree as he pulled out a knife and carved his initials unto the tree. Oliver had a big smile at his work as he faced you once again, “I carved this into the tree as a sign of the promises I will be sharing to you today, (Y/N.” He started off, his cheeks now starting to flush as he spoke.
“I, Oliver Wood, promise to keep you safe from all harm. I promise to keep you happy and content throughout the days of us being together. I would always care for you and I promise to love you until my very last breath.” He finished off, the smile on his lips even larger as you took the knife to carve in your own initials, placing it by the blanket as you stared back at him.
“I, (Y/N) (L/N), promise to be your shoulder to cry on when you have those days, to be someone you can trust and put your heart into. I promise to be your person and home when the day arrives there is no one else by your side. Lastly, I promise to make you happy, to make you feel that you are cared for and that you are loved by me, for eternity.”
The scottish man had the brightest grin as he cupped your face and pressed his lips against yours for a gentle kiss.
“I love you, Oli.” “I love you too, darling.”
“(Y/N)! Wake up!” Oliver’s voice broke your thoughts off as you stirred, your body as weak as ever. You could barely feel anything except for the pain that shot through you. 
Your eyes met his once more and gave him a sad smile, “It’s time, Oli...” You croaked, tears filling in your eyes as you brought a hand up to hold his cheek, thumb caressing his skin gently as he held unto you.
He shook his head in denial, “No, baby. You have to fight, remember all the promises we shared? I know you’re not the one to break promises, right? Darling please, don’t give up. We can fix you straight up.” He rambled on, voice breaking as tears spilled out from his eyes, lips kissing your hand as he tightened his grasp, like is life depended on it. 
“Of course I remember the promises, Oli.” You said weakly, feeling yourself slowly slipping away from reality, from this life. “I’m sorry that I failed in showing you that I care for you, my love.” You apologized, a sad smile forming on your lips as you felt yourself slowly slipping away from this reality, from this lifetime.
 “I’m sorry we couldn’t have forever, love.” You whispered, heaving in your last breath as you fell back into slumber.
“No, no, no! (Y/N)! Wake up! Wake up right now and tell me you’re just playing a cruel joke!” Oliver shouted, shaking the lifeless body of the one he loved. His body trembled as he hugged you close to his chest, face buried into your clothes as your familiar scent filled his senses, making him cry even more.
Just like that, you were gone from him again, this time there was no return.
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
Could you please liveblog the making of Sonne?
I got a few of the same request yes hello
Fun fact everyone already knows Sonne was my first Rammstein experience (that I remember). The video was played at least once a day on kerrang and my dad would play it to help me sleep when I was a bairn.
Okay was it a fan added thing or was Oli stoned when he had the idea? It seems like a stoned thing to do
Maybe it's because I grew up around mining towns but... Hot.
They all look so cute schneider looks like a Rat
"did touring in the US have any influence on the album?"
"Nope" the most adorable twisty smile I've ever seen
"I hope not"
*very strange noises from Richard that I have never heard before or since* "it wasn't an influence"
Does till drink super strangely out of that cup or am I overanalysing?
This hair is what immediately comes to mind when I think Till Lindemann
Rat. Rodent man.
It's interesting that they're all saying such soft lovely things about making the album as if nothing happened and everything was fine the whole time. I guess it's nice they didn't just sit and complain about each other though. Love and solidarity.
Richard. Looks very nice :) good shoulders. Next person who meets him say good job growing those shoulders. More people should wear tank tops I feel.
God they're all so adorable I have to keep replaying bits.
He does say Glück auf right? Why did they have to completely soot him up is it because the truth looks a little silly?
The grin at Richard will end me one day.
@struwwelzeter I think? Once pointed out that he says irgendwie a lot and ever since I've been unable to not hear it when he says it in the last minute he's said it at least twice. I mean I get it I too have things I say a lot but god it's worse than "you know?"
It's just such a long sound to make as filler? It has three syllables
I love the way he's talking and would like a full documentary of him just discussing things like this just ask a vague question and let him run with it
It's so nice hearing from Oli always I think he does it on purpose. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that. A treat
Schneider is a dumbass yes but his intelligence also. He's right, you don't actually have to do what you're supposed to as long as you're doing good work
"we tried to make songs we'd still like in two years" smart move, they're playing several of those songs still not far off two decades later
I can really feel Paul's accent when he talks right after someone else it's so round and I love it but I do worry that if I ever decide to properly learn German I will accidentally develop his accent
Schneider doing the pounding will be the death of me actually that's what'll do it
Why does Richard just kind of lick the spoon I can almost hear the found of his jaw clicking shut
I like Jörn a lot. Im tempted to hit him over the autistic thing but in his defence that was fifteen years ago
It's really cool actually that they use the same few directors for the most part, I love seeing how their ideas and techniques have evolved even though I don't know very much about that kind of stuff. Sonne vs Ausländer.
It doesn't help that they made Paul look MINISCULE next to till in this shot. Why does he seem to like the short jokes? I suppose he gets them a lot he has known flake since he was 18
Till is so ! giggly ! In this video ! He is enjoying this so so much! Like a proper big laugh teeth fully out
The boys slow motion headbanging together gets me in my feelings for some reason it's just very sweet and fun
They too look high
The entire "we wanted to name it Herzeleid" bit almost always has me cry-laughing for some reason it's just so Him and so Funny and Cute and you can see his own amusement building inside of him as he prepares to deliver the line
There is already a Herzeleid album and unfortunately it is also by us
He's a pretty man I love when you can see that glint in his eyes
Did Paul mispronounce synthesiser?
Till eats like he's the youngest of six children have you ever noticed that?
The Cain Instinct rising within Paul and nobody moving to stop him. Flake and Schneider just stare and wait to see what he'll do looking just a little concerned. He looks like he's trying to explain and demonstrate something to Schneider but I don't know what he's saying just before he does it
It's funny that their objectively best song was written for and seemingly rejected by a boxer. It's obvious if you know but if you don't you'd have no idea
That sounds very silly im sorry I still have ok stick in my head
Till is flirting. I think Till is flirting. Too many little genuine smiles.
Have any if you played Skyrim? Schneider is sitting in that chair like a Jarl in a bonnet
I think Paul just picks random numbers any time he needs numbers. What was it, 37 extra new songs after the untitled album was finalised? 27? I don't trust him.
Oli is refusing it seems to take credit and also talking like a sub just saying don't @ me
Ways the dwarves. Were right.
A little bit indignant? Yeah rather shocked
Poor Robert hhh
I'm not saying Paul seems excited about being spanked but what I am saying is
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He can't explain it but I think we all can
God till is pretty in this tree bit
"eins, zwei, drei, oh!" Typical Schneider behaviour and I truly do adore.
Putting Paul on Olis side was a choice that was made
I really do appreciate just how much work they put into all the details of this, I don't know what professionals think but I for one think they did an amazing job. No wonder they kept hold of Jörn
The boys doing their cuddles! I wonder why there isn't more fic based on Sonne, I think I've only read one or two? Is it because you guys don't know enough about mining because I don't think anyone would mind
I would do many things for a documentary with Paul as the David Attenborough type figure
There's something so charming about Till arguing about the logic of finding out snow white is dead(?) and whether or not Schneider needs to inform them of that fact
Of course they'd put Schneider first look at his little suspicious face
Okay this but they go into way more detail about their favourite parts.
Flake likes to grumble but he is also the most genuinely content man I have ever layed eyes on. If he's with the band he's happy.
Olis little gesture is the cutest actually?
Okay yeah you can totally tell they made up and it's all water under the bridge they worked it out and are happy
Nevermind, Flake just had to do it. "Perhaps in time we'll learn that not everyone has to concern themselves with everything" honey you can say Richard, Paul and Schneider it's okay
They learned to trust each other, basically. They accept the support and help and recognise the expertise of the others. A lot of bands never find that. A lot of people in general never find that, actually.
I still cannot tell whose laugh is the fucking ridiculous one, it's either Richard or Schneider and I think it's Schneider despite Richard looking like a yawning dog
Oh that's Paul's partner next to him right? With the red hair?
Who is the dude till is cuddling with? He looks familiar is he in the ITDW making of?
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I do love to see a gaggle of giggling boys
Okay no it's schneider, the fool. His laugh is completely unrestrained and cascading and barking and odd and its glorious to behold.
I would love to see them watch and reach to their older making ofs because so much of it is mirrored. What Paul says about it needing to be fun, the Keine Lust thing that. Actually that's also about it needing to just be for fun. Hm. Still, do it.
Tills joke about getting to that point in the next twenty years how did he knowwwwwww
Fortunately I can knock on wo—thats not wood
Alleth gut, he says.
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streetgxth · 4 years
you can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to
rules: hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 20 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
ok so i am fashionably late to doing this (very on brand for me) but i really wanted to do it so here we are. extra special thank you to @himbocalum for tagging me in this. out of all my 8 years of being on tumblr this is my first tag game can you believe? anyways lets go this is gonna be a little long and so if i can’t figure out how to put this up as a read more then i apologize. feel free to come talk to me about any of these songs or bands i'd be more than happy to chat!!
1. graveyard souls - crown the empire: i love this band so fucking much ooooomg y'all don't even know. this song goes so hard and dave and andy's vocals on it... yes. also "just shut your eyes and remember you're never alone" i'm emo about it and always will be thnx
2. teenagers - my chemical romance: speaking of emo lmao. this right here a fucking emo kid classic. this song is fun af and i love my chem v much
3. bury a friend - billie eilish: i don't care i'm gonna say it. this is a great fucking song and the vibes are immaculate especially the bridge like are you kidding? i love the horror movie energy of it so much
4. nightmare - halsey: MY MF WIFE omg i love miss halsey with my whole heart. she really went tf in on this one and for that i thank her. she sounds so powerful on this one and i just- yes
5. horizon - bad seed rising: rip to this band they not dead just broken up :( anyways i love their singers voice here and lyrics on this one feel very hopeful and the song kinda makes me think of spring time for some reason? i don't know but it's a great song
6. the fallout - crown the empire: once again I LOVE THIS BAND especially this song bc it was the first one i ever heard by them and that made me love them from the start. it has a special place in my heart for that fact and even tho it's not an emotional song it makes me emotional bc of the memories i have with it. so yeah an amazing song i love the theatrics of it and the breakdown!!! pure fuego
7. kids in love - mayday parade: this one really throws me back to the start of my emo days. i listened to this song bc it was the basis of a 5sos one shot djskdhdjd. ANYWAYS love this song it's a bop and i listen to it every time it comes on shuffle
8. rest in piss - old wounds: oof we really getting into the diversity of my music taste with this one. so basically what this song is saying is FUCK FASCISM!!! and i agree. this song goes crazy and i love it and i love his voice and i love this band
9. voodoo doll - 5 seconds of summer: this song is a bop! such a throwback to my early emo days as well. self titled era was a Time™ and i've lowkey been missing it
10. choker - beach goons: this song is pretty short and simple but i love her bc it was the first song i heard by this band and i immediately fell in love with them. i miss them so much as well. nothing happened to them just thinking about seeing them live
11. untouchable - motionless in white: i fucking love motionless in white holy fuck. i will say that this is a song by them i'm more neutral towards like she's good and all but i don't love it like some others songs by them
12. detox - darke complex: another one of my absolute favorite bands and i'm still sad about them breaking up. ugh this song is so fucking good i love it so much. the bridge on this *chefs kiss* they did not have to snap so hard like damn!!
13. autumn leaves - ed sheeran: i don't listen to him v much anymore but this song still hurts. it's so pretty and the first time i heard it i cried (which partly may or may not have been bc once again it was the basis for a fic i was reading djsjskdjfk)
14. blasphemy - bring me the horizon: another song i'm a bit more neutral towards but still really enjoy this band. oli sounds great on this song tho i love his voice
15. breathe in, breathe out - set it off: I LOVE THIS BAND AHHH!! you know how some bands really aren't THAT great when they first start one which is fine but like set it off is hardly one of those bands. this is an older song by them and like they've just always been so fucking good and i love that about them
16. lucky strike - troye sivan: my mf baby troye omg. this song is a certified bop! it's so catchy and fun and he sounds so good on it. ugh i love my son
17. concrete - as it is: my other son!! I know patty walters is not the only member but i do have a special place for him in my heart so! anyways this song launches me into my sophomore year omg. i listened to this song a lot and it's just such a pure pop punk song imo and i just love it
18. fountain of youth - cane hill: this brings me back to summer 2016 which ugh one for the books y'all such a good summer. but uh yeah this song is sick i love me some good metalcore
19. all i see is gold - bridgit mendler: y'all we failed bridgit she was the unproblematic pop girlie that we needed!! this song is just stunning she sounds amazing and the energy of this song is just so real and you can really feel the tension in it
20. winter - pvris: i love pvris!!! this song lyrically isn't that fun but overall sonically it's so bouncy and upbeat and i love songs like that especially ones by pvris bc i adore lynn's voice
if you’ve already done this pls just ignore this of course but if you haven’t then go ahead and do it if you’d like: @reddestdesert @fourdrunksluts @malumsmermaid @calsbunny @babyboyafi @killmytyme ​ @wheniminouterspace ​ @singledadharrington ​ @jizzhands ​ @daftprettyboyys
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softforcal · 5 years
Can you do a Luke x opener continuation?? I loved it so much
Luke x Opener!Reader
Poly, Cal, Ash, Michael
-you’re an rising performer and they saw you live once while creating their new album and all fell in love with your voice on the spot
-they convince management that they want you as their opener because you’re amazing
-when your management approaches you about it, of course you say yes and soon after that you’re following all of 5sos on insta and they’re following you
-they want to get to know you pre tour to see if you’re chill, it will be easier to tour together if you’re all buds
-so you go meet up with them at Cal’s house and spend the whole day getting to know each other
-they’re all super cool and you find yourselves all laughing and chilling next to the pool having a great time
-they show you some of their new songs and you all end up having an impromptu singing and dancing party
-yeah, its going to be a great tour
-you have to leave and they all offer to drive you home but you have it covered
-as soon as you’re gone they’re all just like “wow.” “yeah, she’s an angel.”
-they make a group chat with you in it and you all talk a bunch before the tour starts
-meeting up with them whenever you can
-Ashton convinces you to go to yoga
-you go walk Cal’s dog with him
-Michael getting you to create fortnite so you can play with him and Luke
-the first day of tour arrives and you show up to the airport only to be sneak attacked by Ashton who was totally waiting for you, he’d really want you to feel included and welcome
-getting to the plane and you go to sit by yourself but then Michael just comes and sits next to you and smiley, and he’s like “are you ready for tour?!” and he’s just a ray of absolute sunshine
-they all kind of take turns sitting next to you because the flight is so long
-you end up falling asleep on Luke’s shoulder and they’re all just like “oh my god she’s so cute.”
-Luke doesn’t let anyone wake you
-usually the opener would travel in a different van and tour bus but they really want to ‘include’ you so you end up being in their van most of the time and you sleep on the other tour bus but you’re in their bus most of the time
-your first show you go out there and you have an amazing set, as you get off the stage the guys all pull you into a huge hug to tell you how amazing you were
-getting to watch them preform and they are brilliant
-hanging out after the concert in a back stage room laughing and talking about the tour
-singing with them
-going over their note changes with them
-can you imagine singing with Calum and Luke and they both just adore your voice
-Michael trying to teach you how to play guitar if you don’t know how to already
-Cal trying to teach you to play bass
-And Ashton letting you dick around with his drums
-going out after concerts to look at the city
-you always get cold and one of them always ends up giving you their jacket
-or one of them offers to hug you to keep you warm
-Michael gives the best fucking hugs but Cal is a close second
-its because Michael is a lil squish okay!?! don’t fight me on this
-all of you taking pictures of each other and being able to freely post them because you’re their opener and its the cutest thing ever
-everyone speculating that you might be dating one of them
-taking cheeky photos where you’re kissing one of their cheeks or their kissing yours and everyone flips out
-spending entire bus rides in their bus goofing off and laughing and having a great time
-when you leave to go to your own bus for the night they spend at least an hour usually talking about the cute things you did while with them
-one night you’re in the chill area with them watching a movie and you fall asleep cuddled against Calum
-none of them want to move to wake you up so they all sleep there
-waking up next to these four guys, you all having moved at some time during the night and you’re just a cuddle blob
-pre concert rituals together with huge group hugs
-helping Luke put glitter on before a show because “more glitter!”
-sometimes they bring you on stage to sing with them as an encore
-you and Luke just have such vocal chemistry
-”and can we give it up for our angel and opening act, Y/N!”
-so many hugs
-group dogpiles after the show
-you all write songs together and bounce ideas off of each other
-harmonizing together
-tapping out beats together
-running around cities and usually one of them grabs your hand and starts running and then you’re all running around looking at stuff
-Cal and Ashton are huge fans of carrying you when you get tired
-getting shipped with all of them
-the five of you looking at the ship names and laughing then picking favourites
-so every guys favourite ship name is their own name with yours? what a fucking coincidence eh?
-they all ask your favourite ship name and you’re just like…… “uhhhhhh….”
-refusing to choose
-it would honestly be such a mess because it’s not like you don’t know they’re into you but its hard to choose because they’re all hella
—————————————————————–Luke con’t here
-so on tour there are also a lot of interviews the guys have to do
-you usually don’t have to do any interviews which is great, you can just spend the day looking around
-one day you get a phone call from Luke, they’re all set to do this super low key interview that they doubt will get much coverage and he has no idea where the other three are and no one is answering their phones except you and the interviewer suggested if you were available you could go because you’re their opener and they could talk about tour life from an outside perspective
-your management sends you a message and they think its a good idea so before you know it, you’re going and meeting Luke for an interview
-the interview starts kinda funny because you’re all laughing about how three members of 5sos are just MIA but you must be the new 5th member
-the interviewer is actually super sweet about it and its obvious that she’s just coming up with questions because obviously she had made questions for the group of guys but can’t use them anymore cuz they aint there
-”so give us an inside look on what it’s like to be on tour with four giant Aussie men?”
-”oh my god it’s the worst.” you joke, Luke pushing you with a grin, “no it’s great, they’re all super great guys.”
-talking about what it’s like to practice vocals with Luke and if there’s a possibility of there ever being an actual duet that might be released
-”i’d be down to write one. Y/N’s a lyrical genius.” Luke grins
-talking about tour shenanigans
-the other three boys showing up ten minutes in, breathless and with dead phones
-they swap in for you and complete their interview
-but the interviewer asks if it’s okay if she posts both interview videos separately
-management agrees
-its a decent interview and you’re not worried because management assured you it’s a super low key interview company and because it’s the two of you it probably wont get as many views as a normal interview would
-so management is wrong
-the interview blows up online
-for very good reason
-every time you speak Luke just looks at you with the most complete adoration and you hadn’t even noticed
-watching a gif of it because holy fuck how could you have not noticed? well, you were looking at the interviewer so it makes sense
-but holy shit this boy has heart eyes
-you never really know how someone feels about you until you see how they look at you when you’re not looking i guess
-you’re at the hotel later that night, you havent seen Luke since the interview
-you have no idea if he’s seen the frenzy on twitter, your ship name is trending and its mayhem
-you’d always kinda guessed that the band all had sorta crushes on you but the way Luke had been looking at you wasnt a simple crush
-there’s a knock at your door and of course when you open it, its Luke
-”hey, uh, can i come in?” he seems kind of nervous, you’re nervous too, i mean how do you even deal with this situation?
-you’re his opener and you’re not even half way into tour, if this goes bad, it will be very bad
-”i wrote some stuff i wanted you to take a look at.” he says, pulling out his phone and opening the app he keeps all his new lyrics on
-the two of you get comfortable and you take his phone and begin to read
-they’re love songs. really good love songs about passion and the inability to make a move and you start to realize little details about the person the speaker is talking about are little things about you
-”what do you think?” he asks nervously
-”i think whoever these are about is a really lucky girl.” i mean, you’re not just going to assume they’re about you because if you’re wrong you’re fucked
-Luke sighs, “you’re going to make me say it arent you?” “what do you mean?” “they’re about you.”
-”oh thank god!” you laugh, closing the space between the two of you so your lips can meet his
-the two of you crash onto the bed with you on top and you both giggle, lips meeting again
-when you pull away and red your forehead against his, just taking in the happiness, his fingers rub small circles on the bit of exposed skin on your waist
-”you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to kiss you.” he breathes ”was it everything you dreamed of?” “better… i want to take you on a date. a proper date. just you and me. have you eaten yet?”
-the two of you decide to go out for dinner, a late dinner but still
-he holds your hand as the two of you walk
-”Luke should we worry about Paparazzi?” “the entire internet already thinks we’re dating… unless you don’t want to hold my hand?”
-gripping his hand tighter
-you’re already such great buds its like almost any other night, except its just you and him (usually at least one of the others tags along)
-and then his hand goes to cover yours on the table and you melt
-so much laughing
-”i’m so glad those dumb asses missed that interview.”
-he insists on paying
-as you’re leaving the restaurant you get papped a bunch but Luke tries to shield you to the best of his abilities
-ending with the two of you running down dark streets like mischievous children to escape the cameras
-him pulling you into a dark alleyway to kiss you as he presses you against the wall
-”wow Hemmings, you know how to sweep a girl off her feet.” “Princesses are meant to be swept off their feet so it’s only natural.” (ok he would not say this, like straight up he wouldnt, but let me live okay. fuck ya’ll i’m soft and a girl can dream of a guy being this squishy okay?)
-running your fingers through his curls
-the two of you getting back to the hotel and as you’re walking down your hallway to your separate rooms, Cal, Michael and Ashton’s doors all open to stare at you two
-”so how was the date?” “do you two need condoms?” “Luke you’re a walking meme again.”
-like yeah they were all into you, yeah you’re gorgeous, but Luke went for it and you’re obviously reciprocating and bros before hoes, man, they gon support their tall bean friend
-”could you guys give us a bit of space?” Luke laughs but he’s serious
-they all kinda begrudgingly close their eyes as Luke walks you to your door, “see you in the morning?” “yeah we’re bussing to the next city.” “just making sure you’re not getting on the next plane or something.”
-soft boy being worried because he can’t believe it’s real
-reaching up and kissing him again
-he goes from soft to hardcore in an instant, his body pinning you against the wall as his hand cups your face and his other goes to your waist
-whistles erupting through the hallways because of course those nosy fucks opened their doors again to see if Luke got a goodnight kiss
-blushing as you hide in your apartment, giving Luke a quick peck before closing the door
-tour continues sort of like normal
-going on stage is kinda weird now because the fans definitely know you and Luke are trying it out
-you and Luke try to find more time alone
-lots of cute short dates when you can find the time
-holding hands on the tour bus
-he invites you to chill in his bunk for a bit one night and you both just talk about lyrics and vocals until you fall asleep
-waking up the next morning to the rest of the boys teasing you and Luke
-you’ve been dating a while and you’re both anxiously awaiting the next time you get to stay at a hotel because like… there’s been some close calls in hallways and on his bunk but he wants your first time to be somewhere you won’t get interrupted
-and the sexual tension is as thick as smoke
-like the boys don’t even want to be around the two of you
-because you and Luke are just looking at each other with such hungry eyes
-Luke getting kinda weird when any of the other guys are doing cute things with you…. like, Ashton had his arm over your shoulders and Luke growled.
-everyone knows that your casual dating is reaching something more
-the day arrives and you have the longest concert of your life before you all pack into a van to go to the hotel
-the van is silent. you all know what’s about to happen let’s be serious
-”so…. my condom offer still stands.”
-”shut up Michael!”
-as soon as the van stops Luke grabs your hand and the two of you practically run into the hotel and up to your rooms, the door isnt even closed and his lips are on yours.
-first time with Luke when you’re his opener is pent up and needy because you’ve both been waiting for a while and patience is not this boys best feature
-hands are everywhere
-clashing teeth
-tearing clothes
-not wanting to have your lips away from each other for that long
-lots of whining and moaning
-the two of you finally get on the bed and he pulls away, “Luke-” you try to protest but he just brushes his fingers softly against your face, “give me a moment to just look at you. you’re so beautiful.”
-his fingers gently roaming your body
-its like the eye of the storm. a few moments of him just cherishing you and being so soft
-”Luke i need you.”
-and then he’s back at making you moan so loudly you’re sure the others arent going to get any sleep
-i feel like he’d spend a lot of time worshipping your body with his fingers and mouth
-yeah, at least one orgasm before he’s even actually inside of you
-he works you up until you’re begging him for it before he actually goes inside of you
-staying still for a moment, his fingers brushing over your face again
-then he just goes ham fam,
-i feel like he’d really be down for first time missionary with someone he actually loves
-having access to his beautiful, broad back and shoulders
-scratching him up
-”fuck you’re so pretty!”
-a super intense orgasm lets be serious
-both of you just lying next to each other after, his arm around you as you both stare at the ceiling.
-”i love you.”
-”i love you too Hemmings.”
-okay i just killed myself. sorry fam. i’m dead. i like need a second.
-waking up next to each other
-going for breakfast with Ashton and Calum the next morning and they’re both just grinning hard core. “where’s Michael?” “still sleeping, he’s the one who had a room next to yours last night.”
-so much hand holding
-long sweet kisses before you go on stage
-singing your love songs and having to fight the urge to look at Luke who’s watching you from side stage
-kissing him before it’s his turn to go on
-the band all making grossed out noises whenever you two kiss but you know they’re all soft for you and Luke
-Ashton sending you a bunch of pictures of you and Luke for “when you wanna make it official on the Gram.”
-you and Luke agreeing to each choose your favourite picture and post it at the same time without showing each other so it’s a surprise
-you both choose the same picture because you’re #that couple
-fans go wild. i mean, they knew, but its like official now
-interviewers everywhere want you to start doing interviews with the band because you’re their opener and you’re dating Luke?
-so many cute pictures of the two of you
-i love this concept. i mean. i love 5sos opener concepts but like, Luke is bae.
-Luke singing Valentine to you all the time
-he sings it while grabbing your face and kissing you
-lots of quickies wherever you can but it’s always amazing because you’re like so in love
-Michael refusing to sleep in the room next to yours when ya’ll get a hotel
-the boys switch each time
-you and Luke buying them ear plugs and then laughing your ass off about it
-Luke’s arm over your shoulders
-he’s very protective of you, especially in cities you’re visiting
-he buys you little presents from most of the cities you’re in
-chasing each other through arenas and venues
-yeah, if people hear giggles or screams they know it’s you and Luke messing around
-”have you seen Y/N?” “are the two of you playing sexy hide and seek again?” “no….”
-”how do you even play sexy hide and seek?” “trust me Cal, you don’t wanna know.”
-you and Luke getting so distracted before he goes on stage that sometimes Ashton has to like tear Luke away from you
-getting to help him take off those gorgeous on stage #looks
-just so soft fam. i am so soft.
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years
   The moment the children had stepped out of the Ruins, bitter cold had assaulted them, except a select few, who were the kids wearing long sleeves.
   Andres had blinked at the few freezing kids, confused, “Why’re y'all shiverin’?” He asked, head tilting slightly.
   Cason gave a soft, chilling chuckle, “Just- just the snow, Andres.” He replied, Diction sighed, “Cason, you are in shorts, a short sleeved shirt and a bandanna- and the gloves! Honestly, you'll freeze.” The boy removed his jacket, dumping it on him with yet another sigh, Cason gave a small, grateful nod.
   “Anyways- doesn't this road look a tad bit… long?” Vic asked, gesturing to their only way forward, “What if- something pops up along the way? It's a tad risky.” Gracie gave him a look, and smiled, “Well, we should go check it, right?” She asked, giggling softly, “The more we check, the more we know!” “Yeah, yeah…” He sighed, and began to walk, Frisk on his tail, and the others soon followed.
   As they walked, the children chatted happily, Oli, despite the cold, was skipping around.
   And Andres, having walked ahead of everyone for a moment, ended up coming across a stick.
   “Hey- guys! Check it!” He called out, gesturing to it, everyone crowded around it, murmuring.
   “* It’s a tough-looking branch, it’s too heavy to pick up.” “...” “Do ya think it fell from a great height?” “It would’ve snapped to pieces, otherwise.” “It's a pretty big stick….” “I don't think we can pick it up.” “Duh, genius! Cason is trying to do that!” Victor listened to the others, ‘...So they can’t hear Choc, huh?’ He thought.
   Frisk broke up the conversation with a gesture to carry on.
   And so they did, however....
   C r u n c h.
   The cowboy spun to look at what did the noise, and stared at the now-broken stick.
   “...” He seemed to have kicked into high alert, turning to rush back to the others.
   And they continued walking.
   The sounds of happy chatting had resumed, at some point, Diction had turned to look behind them.
   And caught the sight of something moving, he froze up, eyes widening.
   Frisk tugged his sleeve, having noticed him freeze, he glanced at them, relaxing slightly.
   ‘What’s wrong?’ “Nothing, kid.” Was his answer, Diction gave a shaky grin, “Let’s keep going.”
   And they kept walking.
   Soon enough, they came to a barred bridge, they looked between each other, confused.
   And then they all froze up, were those… footsteps?
   They were getting closer, and closer…
   S o v e r y  c l o s e . . .
   “H u m a n s.” Andres had reached over, gripping Victor’s hand nervously, his eyes were wide, Victor’s eyes flicked back to him, he didn’t seem as scared.
   “D o n ‘ t  y o u k n o w  h o w t o g r e e t  a n e w p a l ?” Frisk clung to Diction, shaking a bit, Diction bit his lip, maybe he should’ve told the others…
   “T u r n  a r o u n d  a n d s h a k e  m y h a n d .” Cason had place a gloved hand on Oli’s shoulder, to stop the little girl from shaking so hard.
   ...No one turned.
   Except Gracie, who spun around carefully, and reached for the outstretched hand, grabbing it.
   Cason absolutely lost it the moment he heard the noise, Oli seemed confused, as did the others, Gracie gave a small, nervous smile.
   “heheh… the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it’s ALWAYS funny.” The newcomer spoke, Gracie gasped at their appearance, “You’re…” She stopped herself, thinking it might’ve been rude to point out the fact that this monster is literally no skin and all bones, but he continued, “anyways, you’re all human, right?” “I- well, yes-” “that’s hilarious. i’m sans. sans the skeleton.” The ballerina gave a soft sigh of relief at that, okay, good, he was suppose to be that way, “i’m actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now.” AND BACK TO THE TENSING.
   “but… y’know… i don’t really care about capturing anybody.” And the sighs of relief.
   “now, my brother, papyrus… he’s a human-hunting FANATIC.” CUE INTERNAL WORRY FROM THE CHILDREN. “hey, actually, i think that’s him over there.” “Oh fuck-” “i have an idea. go through this gate thingy.” “You want us to wHAT-” “yeah, go right through, my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone.” “I… I mean…” And he’s ushering them all through.
   Once through, Sans pointed at… seven lamps, why were there seven lamps there, “quick, behind those conveniently-shaped lamps.” The children looked between each other, going behind their respective lamps, some found this to be goddamn hilarious, especially Victor and Cason, of all people.
   They quietened down upon hearing footsteps nearby, coming closer and closer until…
   “s’up, bro?” Sans started, and he was answered with a loud voice, “YOU KNOW WHAT’S ‘S’UP’, BROTHER!” They started, “IT’S BEEN EIGHT DAYS AND YOU STILL HAVEN’T RECALIBRATED. YOUR. PUZZLES! YOU JUST HANG AROUND OUTSIDE YOUR STATION! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?!” “staring at these lamps. they’re really cool. do you wanna look?” Victor had peeked slightly out of his lamp’s hiding space to draw his finger across his throat to the skeleton, eyes narrowed, “I will fucking murder you if you give us away.” He hissed lowly.
   “NO!!” Papyrus exclaimed, “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT! WHAT IF A HUMAN COMES THROUGH HERE!?!” The taller skeleton stomped his foot on the snow, “I WANT TO BE READY! I WILL BE THE ONE, I MUST BE THE ONE!” He huffed, “I WILL CAPTURE A HUMAN!” He placed his hand on his chest, having stopped stomping, “THEN, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS… WILL GET ALL THE THINGS I UTTERLY DESERVE!” Diction looked at Victor, “First impression?” “Kinda conceited, but…” “RESPECT... RECOGNITION… I WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO JOIN THE ROYAL GUARD.” Papyrus continued, Vic chuckled, “I think his heart is in the right place- wait, what’s a Royal Guard?” Vic whispered, eyes widening, Diction shrugged, “Let’s hope we don’t find out.”
   Though, Papyrus continued with his speech, his brother listening in, “PEOPLE WILL ASK, TO, BE MY, ‘FRIEND’? I WILL BATHE IN A SHOWER OF KISSES EVERY MORNING.” Sans gave a chuckle, “hmm...” He started, “maybe these lamps can help you.” “BITCH SHUT YOUR FUCK-” Victor hissed, though, he was interrupted by Papyrus, “SANS!! YOU ARE NOT HELPING!! YOU LAZYBONES!! ALL YOU DO IS SIT AND BOONDOGGLE!!” “Boon-” Diction started, “Boon-what now-” “YOU GET LAZIER AND LAZIER EVERY DAY!!” “Roasted.” Andres quipped, “hey, take it easy, i got a ton of work done.” Sans started, there’s a small pause.
  “A skele-ton.” For a second there, Sans had turned to someone and winked, but who knows who it was, the sound of a ‘ba-dum-tss’ was heard, Andres giggled at that and Vic almost lost it in a small fit of rage.
   Victor hates puns.
   And it seems that Papyrus shares a bit of that sentiment, though he doesn’t seem as aggravated as the apron-clad boy, “SANS!!” He hollered, “come on.” Sans stated, “you’re smiling.” “I AM AND I HATE IT!! UGH…” The skeleton huffed yet again, “WHY DOES SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME… HAVE TO DO SO MUCH JUST TO GET SOME RECOGNITION?” “wow, sounds like you’re really working yourself…” And Vic groans, here it comes again.
   “down to the bone.” And he does it again, he turns, winks off at someone, whoever they may be, as well as the ‘ba-dum-tss’, and turned back, grinning, “UGH!!” Papyrus groaned as well, “I WILL ATTEND TO MY PUZZLES.” He stated, recollecting himself, “AS FOR YOUR WORK.” He started, “PUT A LITTLE MORE… ‘BACKBONE’ INTO IT!!! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!” And off he goes, turning his heel and leaving.
   Though he does return for a second with a final “HEH!” and then, truly left.
   A blanket of silence befell the area, and Sans broke it with a chuckle, “ok, you can come out now.”
   And one by one, the children- some reluctant to do so- shuffled out from behind the lamps, they gave a look to Sans, who, again, chuckled, “you all oughta get going, he might come back. and if he does… well, you’ll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes.” “Yeah that’s it we’re going.” Vic grabbed Cason by his wrist, heading off, the others looked between each other, and Gracie sighed, “Let’s go.” She murmured, and off they went.
   Before they could, though, Sans piped up, and they looked at him, “actually, hey… hate to bother ya, but can you all do me a favour?” He asked, Diction tilted his head, “Oh..?” “i was thinking, my brother’s been kind of down lately.” The skeleton admitted, “he’s never seen a human before- let alone seven, and seeing you all just might make his day.” The children looked between each other, “don’t worry, he’s not dangerous.” Sans added, “even if he tries to be.” He chuckled, “thanks a million, i’ll be up ahead.” And… he turns on his heel and goes back the way they all came.
   Silence overcame the children yet again, though, Vic broke it.
   “I have a question.” “Yes, Vic?” Diction murmured.
   “WHAT, THE KRIS-KRINGLING FUCK, WAS ALL THAT ABOUT?!” The older children burst into a fit of laughter- Gracie blushed and quietly told the younger children to never repeat anything the boy says.
   With that, they were quick to head on- chatter rising from the group, within the next area, one of those stars lay- Micah was quick to grab it and save, Andres was marvelling over the the snow, giggling softly, “When can we play in it?” He asked, yellow eyes wide, Gracie gave a small smile, and patted his shoulder, “Soon, dear.” The girl cooed, Cason had gone up to their left and came back, looking a bit sad, he earned some quizzical looks, and all he could muster was; “There was some sort of note saying to call someone, my phone is dead…” Victor snorted, covering his mouth, though he doesn’t make a witty comment.
   They head onwards, and the first they note- those two again. Diction raised an eyebrow, slowly pushing the other children behind him.
   “SO, AS I WAS SAYING ABOUT UNDYNE-” Papyrus started, but he caught sight of the group, and looked to Sans, who, when he turns back to, turns to look at the group, they repeated this, slowly getting faster and faster until they were flat out spinning- the kids looked between themselves in mutual concern- before they both turn their backs, “SANS!! OH MY GOD!! ARE THOSE... HUMANS?!?!?!” They turn back to the group, the tall blonde raises an eyebrow at them.
   Sans leans to his side ever-so-slightly, a thing only Diction had noticed, “actually… i think those are rocks.” He pointed out, and Diction looks behind him, noticing three, four rocks behind the group, he rolled his eyes, turning back to the skeletons- Oli’s grip of fear on his hand was tight.
   “OH.” Papyrus slumped a bit at that, and Sans makes a glance towards the group, “hey, what’re those in front of the rocks?” He asked, and Papyrus turns to look at them, eye sockets lighting up, “OH MY GOD!!!” He yelled, and leaned towards Sans, “(ARE… ARE THOSE HUMANS.)” He whisper-yelled, Sans winked, “(yes.)” The taller skeleton gasps, looking to them, “OH MY GOD!!!!” He exclaimed, and Diction sighed, “My e a r s.” He grumbled, frowning.
   “SANS! I FINALLY DID IT!!” Papyrus exclaimed, “UNDYNE WILL… I’M GONNA… I’LL BE SO…”
   “POPULAR!!! POPULAR!!! POPULAR!!!” He pauses, “...AHEM.” He regains his composure, and points to the group, “HUMANS! YOU SHALL NOT PASS THIS AREA!” He proclaims boldly, “I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL STOP YOU!! I WILL THEN CAPTURE YOU! YOU WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE CAPITAL! THEN… THEN!!” A pause, “I’M NOT SURE WHAT’S NEXT… IN ANY CASE! CONTINUE, ONLY IF YOU DARE!!” He then proceeded to rush off, yelling ‘NYEH-HEH-HEH’, Diction facepalmed, sighing, Sans turns to them, “well, that went well.” He admitted, “don’t sweat it, kids.” He then winks again, “i’ll keep an eye socket out for ya.” He then heads off after his brother, leaving the kids in silence, Victor takes a deep breath.
   “I’ve decided; I fucking hate the short one in particular.” He stated, Diction rolled his eyes.
   And so they proceed.
(( aaa goodness! this took so long- and i’m sorry it did! i honestly need to post this story more often aaa, anyways, thank you for the patience in waiting for this, and sorry, no pictures this time because i wanted it out! i’m gonna get to the next chapter real soon <3 ))
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Prank Gone Wrong Part 2 - Jack Maynard
Request: hi!! I really loved the prank gone wrong imagine it was so good, could you maybe do a part 2 with a happy ending?? it’s fine if you don’t want to but I’d love to see a happy ending to that, thanks so much! Xx
Request: hi hope your doing well, could you possibly do a part 2 to ‘prank gone wrong’ where jack goes to the boys and blames them for everything and they feel bad so they get y/n and jack back together. thank u!!💛☺️
Part One
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
“Thanks a lot guys.” Jack said as he slammed his apartment door shut. He threw his wallet onto the kitchen counter and pulled out his phone, hoping for a message from you but nothing ever came. 
“She’ll get over it.” Conor explained, not paying too much attention. The boys all loved the thought of being single as a group. Apart from Oli and Jack, the group was made up of single boys who were ready for a good time. Jack was someone who had a reputation and the boys wanted that Jack to rise from the dead so everything could go back to normal.
“No, she won’t just get over it.” Jack replied, getting angry with the boys for not caring. “You realize she hates me now, right? The one person I could see myself with and actually wanted to treat right hates me and it’s all because of you.” He blamed. Sure, he shouldn’t have gone along with the prank but the boys shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place. “Congratulations, you got what you wanted; Single Jack is back.” He said, shaking his head before heading towards his room.
Weeks passed of going out, drinking, chatting girls up and not bothering to call them the next day. The boys were having trouble keeping up with Single Jack and although they knew he was only doing it to get his mind off you, they couldn’t help but regret meddling with his relationship.
“No.” Before he even got the chance to speak, you began shutting the door in his face but his left hand stopped it from closing all the way. “Haven’t you done enough, Conor?” You asked, not understanding why he was even there.
“Listen to me,” He begged, taking a step forward to stand in between the doorway so you couldn’t attempt to shut it again. “I took advantage of the fact that I knew he would do whatever I said. Jack will do anything when he’s drunk without even realizing what the consequences are. It wasn’t meant to go as far as it did and I will never be able to explain to you how stupid, disrespectful and just plain horrible that idea was. Please talk to him. I know you don’t owe me anything but I’m asking you to do this...not for me but for you and for Jack.” 
“No.” You repeated, pushing Conor out of the doorway and closing the door. You told yourself he didn’t deserve to see you nor did he deserve to have you. He ruined whatever chance you two had and there was no way in hell he was getting it back.
“I can’t believe I got it.” You smiled as Lucy spoke about her new internship later that day. You had gone out for dinner to celebrate and although you were having an amazing time, the sight of him ruined everything.
“I’m sorry guys, something’s come up.” You explained, holding up your phone. “I’ve got to run but I’ll try to make it out, I promise.” You smiled at the group of girls before pushing your way through the restaurant. Just as you made it outside, you froze as you felt someone grab your left wrist, stopping you from leaving. “Why are you doing this to me?” You asked, turning to face him. “First Conor, now you. Just leave me alone.” You begged, tears beginning to form. You stayed strong in front of Conor but seeing Jack and being able to actually see how broken he was made you question everything.
“Tell me what I’ve got to do to have another chance. Please. (y/n), I love you. God, I love you so much.” He expressed. Sure, he messed up and judging by the state of him, he was definitely suffering. “I just need you to tell me that we can work on it.” You breathed in as Jack brought his body closer to yours. He pushed a strand of hair out of your face, placing his forehead against yours. Sliding his hand down the side of your face, he cupped your right cheek, running his thumb over your skin. Looking in his eyes, you knew him better than anyone and you knew he meant every word.
“We can work on it.” You replied, causing Jack to pull his head back in surprise. “But I’m not making any promises.” You watched as he let out a smile and his eyes directly went for your lips and even though you missed the feeling, you weren’t at that stage yet. You pulled back, walking towards a parked taxi and as you closed the car door, you looked out the window at the one boy who loved you the most and driving away, you knew this time would be different.
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marytagus · 7 years
Arrow 5x20 “Underneath” - After thoughts
Main thought
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Olicity (all around Olicity)
It was a heart wrenching episode. 
For a while Flashbacks gave pause to the tightness in my heart but as soon as the sex was over and we jump to the serious talk the wrench pulled so hard I almost crumbled.
We knew it was going to be hard. Olicity is in a hard spot and it won’t miraculously rise in a pain free way.
I was ready. Must say I was not very surprised when it came to the why Olicity broke up in Season 4; trust was the issue, the motive. Not William, I dare say Felicity is happy William has a dad and a mom that care about him, it was the way Oliver didn’t trust her. She loves Oliver so much that settling for less than a relationship where full trust exists is not an option.
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(GIFs credit @felicitys )
The Flasback’s were what I expected and much of what I didn’t want to watch. Drunken sex, my bad reaction to it was somewhat “erased” by the love I felt existed for real. The Flashbacks end with Felicity giving hope to Oliver that maybe someday she could be ready for them to talk about their break up and Oliver getting his hopes up about coming back together.
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(GIFs credit @amanitacaplan )
This scene broke me to pieces. I knew it was going to happen. I knew it had to be something like this happening in 4.5 for us to get Oliver and Felicity behaving like they did in 5x01 but I admit that, sex scene aside (that was... WOW), Flashbacks were as painful to watch as present time with the smiles ending up on an even deeper Olicity break up.
I find a bit of solice in knowing that both me and the characters know things are bad (maybe it’s just me...) and if that wasn’t the case in the Flashbacks (with Oliver all hopeful) it was the case on present time.
Felicity’s chip isn’t working. I was a bit emotional about Felicity down playing it to Oliver while the imeadiate threat was Chase, just as much as I was emotional about Oliver’s concern when Felicity told him.
Oliver understanding of Prometheus game play is growing and Chase isn’t ten steps ahead anymore. Granted he’s still ahead but not 10 steps, Oliver knew exactly what Chase was planning to do outside and why he had trapped Oliver and Felicity inside the bunker... he was getting William.
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The urgency of getting out sends Oliver on another Lone Ranger like mission. Not even considering what Felicity is proposing he tries to get out trough the elevator shaft.
He falls and gets badly hurt. How badly we only get to see later on, but right from the start we could tell it’s bad.
I personaly don’t like to hear “I told you so” after something goes wrong. Felicity telling it to Oliver once I would have deal with but she kept repeating it. I can only read this as a tell tale sign of how upset she is, how frustrated that her words to Oliver seem to be crushing into a brick wall. This is as bad as Olicity could get.
Oliver is in pain in more ways than one. He sees Felicity’s poin,t if  there’s another way he will follow. It’s said this is the first time he follows Felicity’s advice (and needs), that is simply not true.
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Maybe I’m being harsh on the show but Oliver did listened to Felicity before; he did follow her advice and wishes before, somewhere along the line the Show “forgot” that. Oliver is no saint, he’s anything but, but he’s no devil neither. I know I’m probably stating something unpopular but I love Oliver and I didn’t like that Felicity accepted Oliver statement that it was the first time he followed her advice because it’s not true.
Felicity’s plan is brilliant but it backfires and they are in a worse situation than before with poisoness gas filling the bunker. Not only is air already scarce now it’s turning into poison.
Felicity manages to balance the explosive arrow enough to blast the access to the vapor drain (not sure that was the name...) without blowing the bunker up and Oliver manages to get the arrow exactly where it was needed, an act we appreciate even more when we consider that he’s seriously injured and just inhaled alot of gas while trying to stop the leak. Further more he carries Felicity down a two floors heigth before he colapses. The man is a hero and amazes me week after week.
Desperation hits Felicity like the all world just colapsed on her. Oliver is her rock he always has been, the rock is crumbling and she’s unable to stop it just as much as she’s unable to accept it the possibility that he’s dying.
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The talk time is finaly arriving, at least the first part of it. More than sex scenes from the past that’s what I was waiting for.
Oliver confides in Felicity and she finaly understands how bad things, how broken Oliver is. 
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(GIFs credit to  gothsmoak )
Oliver trusts her, he always did he just doesn’t trust himself because he’s a Monster in his mind, he always was. He’s no hero he’s a killer that kills for pleasure, Chase made him face that truth about himself. He not only doesn’t trust himself he lost himself, he doesn’t know what kind of man he is.
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Felicity knows what kind of man Oliver is. He’s the man that she loves, the man she wanted to marry, she knows exactly what kind of men he is. Personal Translation: He’s no monster; he’s a killer because 5 years in Hell made him be out of necessity; she’s light, she’s Felicity, she would never feel about Oliver the love she does if he was what he thinks he is.
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(GIFs credit to  gothsmoak )
ANd then the Sphere blasts trough the wall...
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The rescueing mission is on the way but Oliver and Felicity are not out of the woods yet something about the generator coming back on and the electricity igniting the gas in the bunker. That is definitly life threatning.
Oliver is getting incresingly worse. He tries to get to safety, carrying Felicity, but Felicity makes him stop, he can’t go further he’s bleeding, he has been losing blood for a while now. And Oliver just colapses.
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But they are both dead if they stay. There’s no one coming for them, they have to get out and without the use of her legs Felicity is powerless to move and take Oliver (I do think she would try if she was walking)
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It pained me to watch the adrenaline shot to his heart. I get why they need to do it but... this is a man that takes just about all physical pain or an injury without so much as a complain and now he colapsed, not once but twice, so this is a seriously live threating injury, making him go beyond his limit (and his limit is high) was so painful to watch. 
But he does it. With Diggle’s help he does it. And he refuses to let go of Felicity even when his life is on the line and letting her go, like she’s asking, will save him.
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(GIFs credit @felicitys )
The willing to sacrifice themselves for the other to survive never ceases to amaze me.
The Hospital scene was the outcome that fitted with all the hints we have been getting.
Felicity understands Oliver better now. I don’t care what the writers wrote and Felicity said IMO she understands Oliver better because he finaly openned up to her, yes her involvement with Helix and the fact she set a criminal free to get Chase Oliver’s style also gives her another level of understanding of Oliver. But to me the talk was key. Felicity finaly knows what has been lurking inside Oliver since forever, what has made him keep everyone at bay, he doesn’t trust himself.
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(GIFs credit @felicitys ) Note: amazing work.
Oliver is in pain, the pain of a man that stands bare, stripped down of all barriers, all secrets, in front of the woman he loves. There’s nothing more Felicity doesn’t know, and she’s still there, with him, by his side.
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This is my OTP. This is an real unshinkable ship.
The most simple gesture and I knew Olicity was back
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The hand holding. It’s impressive that with all the wonderful sex scene this is the scene that makes me most happy, but it is because it shows me the future.
Random thoughts:
- Dyla paralleled Olicity perfectly this episode. Word for word...Note: a lot of Ctrl-C Ctrl-V use on the Writers room.
Lyla is Oliver in Dyla but this time she was in Felicity position. Pointing out to Diggle that Team Arrow and ARGUS are not perfect they both have sins, they both cross the line.Diggle aknowledges this and I do think Dyla is going to be fine.
- ARGUS has Curtis T-spheres and even managed to make them better
- The “kids” are getting funnier by the minute
- Olicity Sex was a good scene. But it was the past not much relevant going forward hence I didn’t foccused much on it but, for science,so I’ll leave you with it
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(GIF credit @amanitacaplan )
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thesaintking · 7 years
On the telly, so far... (Part 1)
Fair warning: this is going to be a long post and there may be spoilers
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RATINGS: (all scores out of 10)
Bates Motel - 9.5
Gotham - 9.5
The Flash - 4
DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow - 6
Grimm - 7
Lucifer - 8.5
Arrow - 7.5
Supergirl - 5.5
Bates Motel has been an incredible show from the beginning. The creepiness, the disgust, the drama, the madness are always turned up to the max. Freddie Highmore's acting is an absolute delight to watch; needless to say, he steals the show. The rest of the cast bring their best as well, especially Vera Farmiga and Max Thieriot. The acting on the show is so good that you just cannot help but feel everything those characters are feeling along with them - and if a show is capable of doing that, it is a brilliant show.
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Till the season finale, the Bates Motel served as a precursor to Psycho (the movie), but the finale makes it clear that show is a reimagining of the original with characters of the same name and a slightly different story.
Season 5, like all the prior seasons had me on the edge of my seat througout. The ending was both daring and heartbreaking, but it was perfect! Kudos to the makers of the show and the brilliant cast without whom the show wouldn't have been as engaging as it was.
I would love to see Vera, Freddie and Max together in another psychological horror show/movie.
Gotham has an amazing cast. I don't know how the makers of the show picked these perfect actors - I honestly cannot think of anyone better suited to those roles than the actors playing those roles. I've gotten so used to seeing these characters that the animated characters look wrong now. If a show is capable of that, then you already know its a great show. One might think I'm biased towards the show because I loved the Dark Knight movies (who didn't?) and I've really liked the Batman cartoons and animated movies; but that’s not true. Batman wasn't even my favourite superhero when I was younger.
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After the first season, the writers began to split the show into two parts - the second season had "Rise Of The Villains" and "Wrath Of The Villains"; the third had "Mad City" and "Heroes Rise". Each episode brings its own little story and connects it to the next one; each part of the season feels like one big movie, with disparate events converging to one big cliffhanger. The writers make us wait a little while before the second part comes along and sweeps us off our feet with even better stories, character sketches, action and whatnot. The show is packed suspense, action, drama, romance and even some dark humour.
I've said this before and I'll say it again - its great to see all the characters grow in the show - both the villains and the good guys. The third season ended with young Bruce ready to take justice into his hands like a vigilante. I wonder where the show will go from here. I don't want the show to start focusing on Batman just yet. There are plenty more villains to rise and I'd like to see all those characters first.
Kudos to the makers and the cast - this is one of the best shows on TV!
Here's my problem with The Flash: do all his villains have to be speedsters? Season 1 was amazing, because:
Tom Cavanagh is a brilliant actor and he saved the show;
Tom Cavanagh is a brilliant actor and he saved the show;
Tom Cavanagh is a brilliant actor and he saved the show; and
The almost Avengers-like ending was great.
And then we had Zoom in Season 2. That was boring! They brought back Tom Cavanagh in a different role too, which was a little difficult to digest. Overall, the season didn't really bring anything that wasn't already done before (Flash beats evil speedster and saves the day, yay!)
Season 3 had a promising start. We saw a new type of villain, one who wasn't a speedster. But then the show's writers went on to make him a speedster too. The monstrous looking creature was still a nice little twist, but then it turned out to be a suit. CRINGE! Oh and guess who was in the suit? CRINGE! Why make it so obvious? And all the melodrama just brought the show further down. The final nail in the coffin was Tom Cavanagh; what the hell were the writers thinking? You can't make a lovable goof out of a sinister-supervillain-from-the-future-rebadged-as-an-overprotective-father-from-another-dimension. I mean, seriously, what the fuck!
DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow is always going to be slightly more cartoonish than the rest of the DC shows on TV. There’s nothing particularly wrong with it and nothing outstanding that makes you want to watch it. The stories that the writers come up with are definitely entertaining, the cast do a great job with it too, but you can’t seem to shake off the feeling that this show is more like bonus content on an Arrow or Flash DVD, put together with all the actors who were written off from the main shows.
Having said that, the action sequences are great, all the cliffhangers throughout the show are excellent and how the writers built the story after the end of the first season was impressive! I really wish the show started taking on charge and being its own independent thing with its own villains; I will never say no to the crossovers that they have between Arrow, Flash, Supergirl and Legends...but maybe its time to stop borrowing failed villains from the other shows.
Grimm was a great show. I'm a little disappointed that it ended even though 6 seasons is an impressive run. But I genuinely wanted more from the show. Perhaps my disappointment has more to do with how quickly things were wound up in the final season. The first five seasons were great - it was a "new day, new case" type of show with a whole lot of supernatural stuff to keep it from becoming your standard cop procedural; and the bigger story running in the background over the first five seasons kept me hooked onto the show.
I feel like the writers didn't know where to go after Season 5 ended. What they did get right is with the season was telling us about the keys and the treasure and bringing a new side to every character. The finale was daring - killing off all the main characters was a bold move; but then the writers sort of chickened out and brought them all back with a happy ending. Its not that I have a problem with happy endings, its just the way they did it - the whole thing was rushed. I don't know why season 6 was the shortest season in the series but that explains why things were rushed in. If not for that, this would have gotten a 9/10.
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The cast were great; David Giuntoli and Silas Weir Mitchell obviously stole the show right from the beginning, but all the main characters did a great job on the show.
Season two was better than season one - and that’s a good thing. The overall story is getting better, the weekly cases aren’t boring; and while Tom Ellis continues to steal the show, all the other actors are performing better than they did on the first season. Special shout out to Rachael Harris (Dr. Linda) who has upped her game so much since the first season. Tricia Helfer (Charlotte Richards / Mum) was brilliant throughout the series as well. I sincerely hope we get to see her again sometime in the show.
Will Lucifer ever tell Chloe everything? Did Amenadiel become divine again? And most of all (HUGE SPOILER AHEAD):
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OH MY GOD! I can’t wait for the next season to start! 
I've always said this (and my friends know it well because I always stress on this): a hero will only be appreciated when the villain brings his best. Everyone loved Season 2 of Arrow - and that's because it was the only season with an amazing villain (Slade Wilson a.k.a Deathstroke). Season 3 was a mess and Season 4 was struggling to redeem the show's quality. So, it came as no surprise when the makers of the show took things back to the drawing board with Season 5... and in the end, it really paid off. Prometheus is the best villain we've seen on Arrow since Deathstroke. Having said that, Season 5 came nowhere close to the overall greatness of the first two seasons. And here's why:
The makers of the show were still experimenting with the cast well into the season - first they introduced a whole new bunch of characters into Team Arrow (Rag Man, Artemis and Wild Dog); then they re-branded Curtis as Mister Terrific and then for no apparent reason, they wrote off Rag Man only to introduce a new character to take Laurel's place as the new Black Canary. MESS!
It seemed like the makers of the show were still trying to figure out what they wanted from the new villain. Tobias Church seemed like the main bad guy until Prometheus came along and stole the show. It's tragic and simultaneously funny that I had no recollection of Tobias Church until I re-watched the season before writing this review. That is how pointless his role was in the series, even though he took up a good amount of screen-time. MESS!
"Oli-city" becoming a thing again was imminent - but the way they makers of the show made it happen was cringe-worthy! I think the writers were taking the piss at viewers with their relationship. The writers threw that budding affair out the window for no bloody reason and then wasted precious screen-time with an obvious dead-end relationship. Out of nowhere, there's one secret night of passion in the recent past that nobody knew about, which is used as the introduction to Oli-city Part II. CRINGE-WORTHY!
The chopped pieces of Oliver's apparent time on Lian Yu were forced. Up until Season 3, those excerpts of the past were refreshing and added so much to the show - it almost felt like we were watching two different shows in one. However, those past scenes were so short and pointless in this season - it was clear that the writers were running out of ideas for Year 5 and they were pressured to write something meaningful and link it to the first episode. That said, I liked excerpts in the last few episodes with Oliver reaching Lian Yu and finally escaping. While it didn't bring much of its own, it added a dark subtext to the show's current story-line. 
Thea and Diggle's roles seemed somewhat disposable throughout the series. Not that its a bad thing, but it just seemed off, a little bit.
With all its shortcomings, the season was still so much better than the last two. The writers let the supporting character's grow a little - the budding friendship between Quentin and Rene; Felicity working with the sinister group of hackers - both were nice little additions to the story. Stephen Amell's acting was much better this time around, possibly because he felt challenged by Josh Segarra's role and acting. All said and done, the show owes everything to Josh Segarra's and his character, Adrian Chase for bringing it back on track with Seasons 1 and 2.
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Prometheus was a brilliant psychopath and his personal vendetta with the Green Arrow made the series genuinely watchable again. The writers did an amazing job with his story and Josh performed incredibly! It was almost romantic - the growing hatred between Oliver and Adrian, the brilliantly devised evil ways of personal torture that Adrian employed over and over, the pity and disgust that Adrian felt for Oliver, the fear and the weakening of the Green Arrow... Romantic might not be the best word to describe the struggle between Adrian and Oliver, but it seemed sort of satirical - Adrian wouldn't give up on Oliver and Oliver would go to any extent when it came to Adrian - that's almost like love, even though its quite the opposite in this case.
Oh and the cliffhanger at the end - MY GOD! I really hope Season 6 picks up where this one left off and takes the show back to its amazing heights.
I find that this show is still struggling. I really wish the makers give us something to keep us hooked to the show. The crossover episode with The Flash, called “Duet”, was a refreshing change from the overall nothingness of this show.
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