chrismarilein · 2 days
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pratchettquotes · 2 months
"Smeems says he keeps himself to himself. He says he thinks the boy is cunning."
"Oh, good," said Vetinari, still seeming to find something totally engrossing in the layout of playing pieces.
"We need cunning people in Ankh-Morpork. We have a Street of Cunning Artificers, do we not?"
"Well, yes, but--"
"Ah, then it is context that has power," said Vetinari, turning around with a look of unmasked delight. "Did I say that I am a politician? Cunning: artful, sly, deceptive, shrewd, astute, cute, on the ball, and, indeed, arch. A word for any praise and every prejudice. Cunning...is a cunning word."
Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals
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asteriass · 4 months
Haruaki’s intelligence
I love that despite how severely pathetic and cowardly (affectionate) Haruaki is, he is by no means stupid or an idiot. On the contrary, he’s really fricking intelligent. However, what’s the use of smarts when a good number of the times you are too wimpy to even think coherently.
But, once you take away that cowardice and emotionality factor of his, you realise how in canon scarily intelligent he is. And also very cunning.
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[I say intelligent to point of scary because back when his souls separated into multiple parts, the soul that represented his intelligence quite literally planned on essentially killing/destroying the other parts of his soul and taking total control of the body. Because with those other parts he recognized he became weird and irrational]
This is one of the things that makes me SO interested about Haruaki’s previous life as Abe-no-Seimei. Because Seimei did not have that cowardice or those ‘irrational desires’ that Haruaki does in his current life. So given the way we know how deviously cunning Haruaki’s is capable of being (+ what we have already seen of Seimei’s smarts), and just in general how very shady Seimei is portrayed to be, I am quite curious as to what type of person he actually was
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Anyways, Haruaki is my bbg and no part of him ever does any wrong (even the shenanigans his intelligence was up to during the trip to Kyoto) 🫶
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philosophybits · 1 year
The more cunning a man is, the less he suspects that he will be caught in a simple thing. The more cunning a man is, the simpler the trap he must be caught in.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
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catharsistine · 1 year
Guys, as many parallels we try to see between Wren and Jude, ultimately it is Wren and Cardan who are parallel characters.
Being unloved your entire life? Thinking that you don't matter and living on the edge, whether that edge is perpetual drunkeness or wilderness habitation? Having a mother whom you hate, who believes she can control you? Being betrayed by the person who promised you freedom? Hating them for betraying you because acknowledging that you love them is the most painful thing you can think of? Having power that might make you even more of a monster even though you never wanted it? Becoming monarch because you know that it is your destiny, even if it is a destiny you don't want?
Wren and Cardan are the true contemporaries, two monarchs sentenced to doom.
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xinambercladx · 1 year
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This may have been done already, but I don't care. This meme parody has been living rent free in my head ever since I saw Rebels, and I was re-introduced to Grand Admiral Thrawn. He loves Art. Like. A lot. I think he and I would get along well if I weren't on the side of the Rebels. XD Why YES. I DID learn how to draw Thrawn JUST for this meme. Why do you ask? haha.
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Thrawn's face... yet another alien with a bizarre facial structure. How-to-Draw Thrawn Notes: His cheekbones point to his mouth. His hairline is equi-distant with his cheek outline. He has a TINY mouth with very thin lips. His face is stone cold, calculating. Because of that, even the most minute change in expression = massive notation to his mood. His eyes droop on the lower lid, very round, however the top lids are very angular. This is emphasized by his reddish eyeliner. His very small chin is made masculine with the added musculature around his mouth. His jaw is pretty standard near the ears. Straight as a rail posture. A proper soldier, even though he's a high rank now. This posture demands/commands respect.
I hate to admit it, but while drawing him, he has that gross, slicked back hair style of a lawyer. Eww nooooo. I mean, sure, Kallus has it too, but eh. I never liked it. It just screams greasy lawyer. I KNOW, I know! Thrawn is anything but that, he's by far the most attractive officer in the entire Empire, at least to me, and he completely deserves his rank due to his intellect and cunning. There's a reason he's a lot of people's favorite villain. :D
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gracelyngrausamkeit · 5 months
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So, here's a drawing I did for a RP booklet project some years ago. This was supposed to be a beastman miscreant, if I am not mistaken.
The entire project was heavily inspired by Bulgarian/Eastern European folklore and featured many local creatures and concepts. For the design of this one, I opted for a more oriental vibe, as local tales often depict the Ottoman rulers of the Balkans as cunning and mercantile.
Sadly, I think that there were some issues with the international shipping of the finalized project, which is why the original creator left it as a digital-only. He never provided an update, so I am not absolutely certain what happened with the book and wheter it is still distributed in Bulgaria or elsewhere.
In any case, it was one of the first projects I worked on and I still remember it fondly.
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angeliqueoolala · 1 month
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A poem about the hunted becoming the hunter. All at a cost.
Cause nothing is for free.
If you like it, and want to share it, give me credit, since I am the writer of this poem.
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blackswaneuroparedux · 11 months
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His eyes gleamed with a vulpine cunning.
- H.P. Lovecraft
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ncwortcunning · 3 months
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Haint Tree - North Carolina.
Blue bottles hanging from a tree are an old protection against devils and evil spirits. It is said that the bottles will trap these supernatural pests whereby they will be burned up in the sunlight. A Haint tree in your yard can protect your home from unwanted supernatural guests.
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✦ A L T A L U N A & V A L E R I A N O ✦ Research
INTRODUCTION: "Corresponding to the human metis in Homer and the animal metis in Oppian [the fox & the octopus], in Hesiod we find the goddess Metis, the daughter of Tethys and Oceanus […] She is the first wife of Zeus, the wife he takes to bed as soon as the war against the Titans is brought to an end and as soon as he is proclaimed king of the gods, and thus this marriage crowns his victory and consecrates his sovereignty as monarch. There would, in effect, be no sovereignty without Metis. Without the help of the goddess, without the assistance of the weapons of cunning which she controls through her magic knowledge, supreme power could neither be won nor exercised nor maintained." - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
HOW SHE HELPED ZEUS WIN THE THRONE (Part 1): "When Zeus was grown, he engaged Okeanos' (Oceanus') daughter Metis as a colleague. She gave Kronos (Cronus) a drug, by which he was forced to vomit forth first the stone and then the children he had swallowed." - Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. 6 (trans. Aldrich) 
HOW SHE HELPED ZEUS WIN THE THRONE (Part 2): "Metis […] is the ‘foreseeing’ one who, knowing everything in advance, possesses that type of knowledge essential to anyone engaged in a battle whose outcome is still uncertain. Metis ‘knows more things than any god or mortal man." - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant [Note: She is the foreseeing one because, by her cleverness, she is always three steps ahead, so to speak. She is not 'all-seeing' in the sense that she has a psychic ability to 'see' the future].
ZEUS TURNS ON METIS AND SUBSUMES HER GIFTS (Part 1): "Zeus, as king of the gods, took as his first wife Metis, and she knew more than all the gods or mortal people. But when she was about to be delivered of the goddess, gray-eyed Athene (Athena), then Zeus, deceiving her perception by treachery and by slippery speeches, put her away inside his own belly. This was by the advices of Gaia (Gaea, the Earth) and starry Ouranos (Uranus, the Sky), for so they counselled, in order that no other everlasting god, beside Zeus, should ever be given kingly position. For it had been arranged that, from her, children surpassing in wisdom should be born, first the gray-eyed girl, the Tritogeneia Athene . . . but then a son to be king over gods and mortals was to be born to her and his heart would be overmastering; but before this, Zeus put her away inside his own belly so that this goddess should think for him, for good and for evil." - Hesiod, Theogony 886 ff (Trans. Evelyn-White)
ZEUS TURNS ON METIS AND SUBSUMES HER GIFTS (Part 2): "Metis, inside Zeus’ belly, will make known to him everything that will bring him good or evil fortune.” - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
HOW SUBSUMED METIS HELPS ZEUS MAINTAIN POWER: “Forewarned of the danger that awaits him [the birth of a son that would supplant him on the throne], as his father was, he goes straight to the root of the evil […] Appropriating the wiles of Aphrodite, he treacherously seduces his wife with caressing words (haimulioisi logoisi), and having beguiled her wits by cunning (dolly phrase expatesas), he engulfs her within himself […] So this time Zeus was able to make the weapons which made the goddess invincible rebound against her, namely cunning, deceit and surprise attack. His victory eradicates forever from the course of time the possibility of any cunning trick which could threaten his power, by taking him by surprise. The sovereign Zeus is no longer, like Kronos or any other god, simply a deity who possesses metis [cunning]. He is metieta, the Cunning One, the standard gauge and the measure of cunning, the god himself becomes entirely metis." - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
CONCLUSION OR WHY ZEUS NEEDS METIS SO BADLY: In every confrontation or competitive situation - whether the adversary be a man, an animal or a natural force- success can be won by two means, either thanks to a superiority in ‘power’ in the particular sphere in which the contest is taking place, with the stronger gaining the victory; or by the use of methods of a different order whose effect is, precisely, to reverse the natural outcome of the encounter and to allow victory to fall to the party whose defeat had appeared inevitable. Thus, success obtained through mētis can be seen in two different ways. Depending on the circumstances, it can arouse opposite reactions. In some cases, it will be considered the result of cheating since the rules of the game have been disregarded. In others, the more surprise it provokes, the greater the admiration it will arouse, the weaker party having, against every expectation, found within itself resources capable of putting the stronger at his mercy. […] It [Mētis] is, in a sense, the absolute weapon, the only one that has the power to ensure victory and domination over others, whatever the circumstances, whatever the conditions of the conflict. - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
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stackofstories · 4 months
There is no hatstall with Percy Jackson. He’s a Slytherin, ep.4 confirmed it with that single move.
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fatecanberewritten · 4 months
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Richard Adams, Watership Down
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toomanyclown · 10 months
Hello!!! How are all of you silly goobers doing currently?! I brought cookies and milk for everyone!! 🍪🥛
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C: You know that's probably been either poisoned, drugged or both, right? ... I'm not touching it.
M: More for me then!!
C: > I suppose this machine will send a message back to the sender i presume? Well, in that case... To answer your question i am both perplexed and intrigued by our current situation.
Not only are we dealing with clones, but now a weird machine that pops out these messages along with objects.
It's all strange, but i can't help being so curious of it all.
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