madamebaggio · 6 months
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“What happened to you?”
“Well, I was born and then it kept getting worse.”
Matt’s frown just got deeper. “Jess, I’m serious. Your face…”
She rolled her eyes. “You can’t even see it.”
“I know you’re hurt!” He pressed. “What happened?”
His tone made Jessica cross her arms. “None of your business, Murdock.”
He could hear the warning in her tone. Jessica didn’t like it when he showed that he cared. She had all those walls around her, and every time he tried to break one down, she just made them stronger.
“Yes, it’s my business.” He threw back. “Because I care about you.”
“Then don’t.” She snarled at him.
This was different. She was shaking with fury, her heartbeat was out of control and Matt didn’t really think this was about him. Not exactly.
“Jess.” He called softly. “I’m not against you. I know you’re strong and fucking smart, but it doesn’t mean you have to do anything alone.”
“Just tell me what happened.” He asked, so gently. “And I’ll get you pizza, a drink, a place to rest. Whatever you need.”
“I can’t…”
“You know you can trust me.” He pointed out.
And he could hear her body relaxing.
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Jessica, all the time: Matt you stupid bitch.
Jessica when she is not the one that insults Matt: Listen here you son of a bitch, you will be dead before dawn and no one will find your body.
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astromechs · 4 months
also 💛 for matt/jessica! (please)
this is the slowest i am ever circling back through anything LMAO but i missed these disaster children, so here we are ❤️ from this list; also on ao3!
When he comes to, everything’s disoriented. It’s the ringing in his ears that overtakes pretty much everything, making it impossible to get any bearings, relentless and painful; all that filters through is the scent of copper — blood, his own blood — and between that and the ringing, he can’t stabilize any sense of balance for more than a second.
Is this a concussion? Maybe; the last thing he remembers is being thrown into a wall, and the crack he’d heard had been an indication that his helmet hadn’t survived the impact completely intact. In the end, though, Matt can’t be sure — and he also can’t afford to waste any time trying to be, if they’re still out there.
Slowly, he reaches for what hard surface he can (pavement), curling both of his hands into fists as he pushes himself up; he tastes the copper as well as smells it now, more intensely than he has over the past few minutes, and he can feel the skin split from his knuckles. He swallows down bile, bites back nausea (literally, with the inside of his cheek caught between teeth), as he finds unsteady feet and wills himself to keep standing.
His heart rattles in his own chest; his breaths are rasping and shallow, caught only with difficulty.
But they can still, nevertheless, be caught. He can still get to work.
The sounds and smells of Hell’s Kitchen come back to him, one by one, as the ringing starts to fade. There’s the scent of urine and burned rubber wafting in from down the block, which, in combination with an entire assembly of every sugary Starbucks latte known to man passing by, almost makes that nausea come right back. Between cab horns being slammed and the constant rumble of engines around, there are snatches of conversation that reach him — discussions of plans for the rest of the night, relationship drama, more than one “Fuck!” about one forgotten item or another.
Nothing from anyone he’d been tracking, fighting. Somewhere in between him making contact with the wall and regaining consciousness, they’d had time to clear the area and go back to wherever their base of operations is, which he still hasn’t been able to track, even after following them every night for weeks.
Matt drives one hand still curled into a fist, which he hadn’t bothered to flatten, into the wall behind him. If he feels, hears, a bone snap, he ignores it; this is exactly what he deserves for letting these people get away again.
Footsteps coming from nearby, though, derail that line of thought and draw his attention, and so does what comes with it: a combined scent of leather, sweat, and whiskey that can only belong to one person he knows.
The breath he hears is hitched, the accompanying heartbeat quick and scattered; he swears he can pick up on a hint of salt in the air, and the realization has something sticking in his throat. There isn’t much time to put all this together, though, because in the next instant —
He’s nearly bowled over from the force of another body colliding with his, of lips crashing into his with absolutely no mercy.
It takes a second to regain what precarious sense of balance he’d managed to find, but he winds an arm around Jessica’s shoulder and pulls her in close as he can hear her heart begin to steady, opens himself up to the taste of salt, copper, and 80 proof, but what also, maybe, just maybe, seems like relief.
Not that she’d ever admit it — but there’s something warm and easy that settles in his chest at the thought.
Breaking apart comes slowly — and with breath much more difficult to catch than before. Her fingers are soft, a stark contrast to everything Jessica Jones nearly always is, as they reach for his face and graze over skin; her inhale is sharp, just subtly so, when they pause over something (where he figures the blood, at least in part, is coming from).
The helmet’s definitely going to need a repair, he thinks — and to be fortified with something stronger.
Her fingers drop, and with a swish of fabric, he assumes that she’s dropped both of her hands back down by her sides. The sounds of the city, never stopping for anyone or anything, fill in the space that’s returned between them; neons buzz, a man yells at a cab driver three blocks away, shoes scuffle against pavement, someone’s phone clatters out of their fingers, faint drops of rain begin to hit brick and metal hoods.
He doesn’t know how much time passes before he finally steps into it, in a voice that’s still raspy even after he’s swallowed down the dryness in his throat. “What happened?”
“Luke,” is all she offers him at first, a shift in the leather of her jacket indicating a shrug. When he tilts his head, she huffs out an irritated sigh, and adds, “He and I beat the shit out of them when they beat the shit out of you. You’re welcome, by the way.”
Under his cracked helmet, he lifts an eyebrow. “You called Luke?”
“Texted him, one-handed, while I punched a guy.” With the way he can hear her eyes moving in their sockets, it’s clear that she’s rolling them; actually, that alone is clear enough from the tone of her voice. “Don’t even start thinking about gift baskets, because he hates that shit, and so do I.”
He can’t help the faint snort that escapes him then. He also can’t help the grin that slowly begins to stretch on his face. “So you were worried about me.”
“Shut up,” Jessica tells him, with much less force than she could. “Or I won’t let you finish later.”
“Is that a threat, Miss Jones?” His grin spreads. “Because if so, I may have to call my —”
She cuts off his joke with another kiss before he’s able to even get it off the ground, and, honestly, Matt has to concede that doing so might be a benefit to everyone involved.
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briefcasejuice · 1 year
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darejones crumbs: one of those ships where i love them not being together but i would also throw up with joy should they ever fuck
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hhhuuuuuuuuuh · 3 months
(Kinda based on a fic I read a couple years ago)
Foggy: Hey man do you ha- oh shit sorry do you have someone over?
Matt: No
* shower sounds*
Foggy: Why are you lying?
Matt: I'm not lying it's not someone it's jess
Foggy: Oh my God you slept with jess?Jess?!
Matt: No she feel into the Manhattan
Foggy: But its-
Matt: January yes and she has a mild case of hypothermia. Don't worry I already called Claire, she said to keep her warm and despite jess' insistence that * with finger quotes* "they'd grow back" we are not to cut off any limbs
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Thoughts on Darejones? They’re my preferred ship, but I still have to agree: multi-shipping is where it’s at with Matt!
I like them a lot! I don’t think either one of them was in a particularly good place emotionally in Defenders, but they still somehow managed to have fun together, which was cool. They were both very jokey, and Matt actually smiled a lot around Jessica. I think they both hate when people try to dance around them, and they both have a pretty dry sense of humor, and all of that translated to them clicking. 
I also like that they have some shared experiences (losing their family, gaining their abilities, having their mom unexpectedly re-enter their life, etc.). I don’t think you need to be exactly like a romantic partner, but I think being able to relate helps. 
I also want Jessica to have more friends (especially after everything that went down with Trish), so I like that she’d hopefully inherit Foggy and Karen as friends through Matt. And I think that it would be nice for Matt to date someone who is a little more “durable” so he wouldn’t have to worry about them as much. 
So yeah, tl;dr: I like them! 
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purplelilies · 2 years
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wikkidly · 2 years
If you're still interested in prompts, what about Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock with the line "'I love you' was my codeword for things going to shit."
Just like that movie | Jessica Jones x Matt Murdock
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Request by: anonymous.
Pairing: Jessica Jones and Matthew Murdock.
Summary: Someone gets called out for not being able to use their adult words to say their adult feelings.
Warnings: Explicit language
Word Count: 2659
It had started out simply enough; once she knew that Matt was back in mostly one piece, Jessica had opted to drop by the office at least once a week. She used the excuse of bringing coffee, but it was to check up and make sure that piece stayed singular and breathing. Not that she wanted to acknowledge why she had that niggling need to check on him, but it was there and it didn't seem to be going anywhere. Foggy and Karen had gotten used to the impromptu barging in, skeptical eyes flicking over the pair of them to gauge their mood before she made her way into the office Matt was usually sitting in- client or not. She didn't stay long, so her presence was tolerated since all three seemed to have some annoying ability to discern why she was really there, even if she said otherwise. Matt would smile at her, accept the coffee along with the threat that she was going to kick his ass if he didn't wind up replacing her broken camera.
Was she still upset about that? No, not really, but it was a very real, solid thing she could put out there to point at to explain everything. And everyone thought of her as some kind of salty, bitter bitch-type anyway, so she thought her plan was genius. Until Foggy called her on it one morning. She came in, as usual, glanced over at Foggy poking at the pie that a client had apparently just left, Karen at the desk typing something up. The door to Matt's office was closed and she could hear something that sounded like a sob. Okay, fine. So she'd wait until that one came out without barging in. See? She had tact. Foggy looked up from the pie, giving her a bit of a crooked grin. "Hey there, Dread Pirate Roberts."
Jessica blinked, nonplussed and confused at the comment. "What did you just call me?"
Foggy's smile widened, and Karen cleared her throat, as if trying to warn him of the impending doom lingering over his head. "Dread Pirate Roberts. You know, from the Princess Bride?"
Green eyes narrowed as she glared at him, trying to figure out just what was going on in the mind of this weirdly-named lawyer. Maybe he'd been hit on the head recently. "I'm carrying hot coffee and I have a short fuse. Explain with a little more detail, Nelson."
Karen had stopped typing at this point and looked like she wanted to get up and diffuse the situation. Foggy just kept on going. "Come on, Jessica. You know what I mean. You come here every week and threaten to kill Matt over your camera. 'Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.'"
Jessica stared blankly at him for a moment, memories of that movie flicking through her mind as she tried to decide if she was pissed off or not. Karen got up, apparently concerned by Jessica's lack of response and came over to stand by Foggy. "I don't think he's saying you're going to kill Matt or anything. Or that you say you're going to-."
"Oh, no. No, I don't mean that. Just that it's an empty threat. And you're using it as an excuse to keep coming here to check on him. I'm just not sure if you're planning on handing him your piratic legacy or making out with him." Foggy was grinning as he clarified what he meant.
Karen looked like she wanted to smack him. Jessica wished she would. She heard the screech of a chair being pushed along the floor and the door to Matt's office opened, the man having apparently been summoned by the silence and maybe Karen's panicked heartbeat. Or maybe he just smelled confusion, like neon or something. She had no idea at this point. "Jess. Hey. Ah, I'm just- Foggy, would you come in and talk to Ms. Ramirez for a moment? She needs to go over the severance clause from her job."
The odd static feeling in the air seemed to diffuse with Matt poking his head out, but Jessica was still just staring at Foggy, trying to figure out what kind of brain damage he'd suffered. Foggy was just grinning, moving to enter Matt's office, patting him on the chest as he passed him. "Whatever you say, buddy. Just trying to get that train moving where it needed to go." Then he went in and closed the door, leaving Jessica, Matt, and Karen standing there. Quietly.
Until Karen apparently couldn't quite take the tension and went to grab her purse. "I think I'm going to take my lunch. You good with that, Matt?" Not that she waited around to see if he was or wasn't, purse snagged and coat slung over her shoulder as she moved to leave.
"Yeah, yeah. Lunch is… good." And just like that, the room was cleared and aside from the sound of traffic outside, it was quiet in the main office of Nelson, Murdock & Page, and Matt licked his lips and smoothed down his tie as he faced Jessica, all signs that her very keen detective skills had picked up as his fidgeting tics.
"Is he high?" Jessica felt that slip out as she shot a glare at the closed door to Matt's office.
A choked laugh and a shake of his head, and Matt came a few steps closer. "No, just… he's Foggy." He said some pretty ballsy things to some people in a way that they just didn't expect it, mostly because of how soft and squishy he looked. Foggy being a stand up guy was one of the reasons Matt knew that they'd make such good partners as well as friends. But his affection for Foggy might not save him from a verbal tongue lashing from Jessica Jones. He just hoped to at least deter the barrage from happening in his office in front of clients. "He does have a point, though. You do come in and threaten me all the time, and get mad all you want, but we all know you're not going to follow through on it. I'm, ah, not sure about the last part, though." He had suspicions, but Jessica wasn't the person he wanted to be the one to cross that very firmly entrenched boundary with first.
Her mouth opened to counter that, but nothing came out. Instead, it snapped shut and she held his coffee out to him, scowling with enough force that he'd better feel it. "Take it before I dump it over your smug head. The balls on you guys. Make out with you? Why the shit would I want to make out with some smug goddamn lawyer who'd probably go cry in a confessional over it after the fact. I don't want your fucking priest knowing about my goddamn sex habits, Murdock. Are you kidding me? I'm being nice by not breaking both your legs instead of giving you time to-"
"I got your camera, Jess." He broke that quietly into the middle of her rant.
"-because some people aren't made of fucking money. Wait, what?" She tipped her head playing back in her head to the words she'd almost missed. "When?"
"About three months after I came back." He tucked his hands in his pockets, head tipped in that way that he had when he was listening to her, everything about her and not just her words.
She wasn't sure if she was more annoyed that he was doing it or that she knew him well enough to know what he was doing. Goddammit. "Why the hell haven't you given it to me?"
A half of a shrug, and his smile seemed a little too lazy for her liking. "I was waiting until your birthday. Or until one of those threats actually sounded like you meant it."
"I meant them." She firmed her lips in a line as she glared at him.
"No you didn't. And your heartbeat tells me that you know you didn't." The smile looked a little too smug again.
She came closer, finger out and poking him in the chest. "Don't use your creepy bat radar on me. That's cheating. My heartbeat is currently telling you to go fuck yourself."
No, it wasn't. "You sure it's not telling me you love me?"
Jessica felt her stomach drop out, and she scrunched her nose up, giving him another poke. "I don't say that. Nothing in my body says that. The only time I'd ever say 'I love you' is as a codeword for everything's gone to shit." She remembered saying similar words to Trish, and she felt that same complex blend of feelings that she didn't want to try to untangle while she was face to face with Matt Murdock and his stupid red glasses.
Matt felt something dip in his chest, something that was sad and sympathetic for her, but as he wasn't suicidal, he kept that to himself. "So what do you say when you like someone?"
"I don't like people. I tolerate them." What annoyed her the most about that was that she knew he was able to tell the lie of that and she couldn't do anything to hide it. Fuck. "You know you're a dick for not giving me my camera already, Murdock."
His smile curved up one corner of his mouth, making it seem cheeky. "Maybe I liked giving you a valid excuse to come see me so you'd keep doing it." Matt was a smart guy. He'd been learning that there was a method to trying to woo Jessica Jones. And that apparently meant pretending he wasn't and letting her figure it out on herself. Only it seemed she'd been in deeper denial than he'd thought. Which was apparently why Foggy had decided to poke the angry alcoholic bear.
"That doesn't make any sense. You don't make any goddamn sense." And yet he did. It all started to fall into place in her mind; the fact that if she happened to stay a little longer on one of her check-ins, Foggy and Karen never came in to interrupt them, even if there were clients waiting. How he always knew she was coming and never had her camera, pulling the stupid puppy face instead and just thanking her for the coffee. The looks that Karen and Foggy shared when she came in and left, like they were disappointed that something hadn't happened. "Oh goddammit."
Matt just waited patiently as she found her own way through the maze of her own actions and emotions to the center of it and the realization there. Quiet. Smiling. Uncertain how she'd react once she actually figured it out. He didn't want her to leave over it or to stop coming. He didn't want her mad over it, but Jessica was an unknown element to him and he didn't always know how she was going to react. So he reached out and finally took the coffee that he was pretty sure she'd forgotten she was holding at that point. "Thanks for the coffee."
She jerked a bit at the contact and the words that mirrored where she was in her thoughts, stunned a little at the fact that a whole office of lawyers apparently knew her better than she did. "I hate you."
"No, you don't." Said softly, because he didn't think being smug was a good move at that moment.
She breathed out noisily, huffing out an exclamation. "No, I don't." She didn't ask him why he didn't tell her. He'd read her file, after all. He'd been around her for more than five minutes. He knew how prickley she was, particularly with anything emotional.
"You going to be mad at me if I ask you out on a date?" He sipped at his coffee, doing his best not to sound like he was hanging his hopes on that simple request.
He kept catching her off guard, and she was frustrated with the fact that he'd had more time to come to terms with this than she had. Consciously, anyway. Apparently her subsconscious had been sending out a bunch of smoke signals that he'd picked up on. Weirdo. "Depends on what you want to do and where." Because she might be an emotionally stunted idiot at times, but she didn't pussyfoot around anything. Not the important things. She might be more careful with it if it mattered, but because it mattered, she wanted to be clear.
It was his turn to clear his throat, lifting his free hand to smooth down his tie. Matt Murdock's thoughts had gotten excessively prurient lately, both because of having a person that had gotten his attention and not having the access he wanted to that person. Maybe it that visible tension that had prompted Foggy to make that push. Probably. The man was almost as good as Matt was at reading the people that mattered to him. "I'm, ah, pretty open to whatever you'd like. I don't want you out of your comfort zone."
It was the way he smoothed his tie and- was that a blush? Jessica finally broke a smile for the first time since she'd stepped in the office that day. "Now you're worried about my comfort zone, huh? Pretty sure you couldn't keep up with my 'zone', Murdock."
Was that a challenge? It sounded like a challenge, especially to a born fighter who also argued for a living. His tongue tapped at the back of one of his teeth as he contemplated his answer, but the smile was back as he heard hers. "I think you'd be surprised at what I can manage, Jones."
No, she wouldn't be, but she was certainly interested. They were messy, the both of them. She had her baggage; her sister, her partner, her past relationships, her emotional and physical damage. So did he. He'd all but died in a hole in the ground because of his baggage. He cared, sometimes too much. He had an odd sort of hope that she'd thought had been squelched out in this day and age. Funny to find it in a lawyer that ran around in a Spank Me suit at night beating up the criminal element. "Then surprise me, Matt."
Her baggage was why he'd been so careful beforehand with acknowledging anything, but he'd been doing her a disservice. She was tough. She was a survivor. She could handle a little pressure, or a little wooing. She wasn't as fragile as Foggy told him she looked. "Keep tomorrow night open."
It was at that moment that the Matt's office door opened, Matt's client stepping out with a tissue in her hands that she'd been using to dab at reddened eyes. Foggy gave them an apologetic look as he started to lead Ms. Ramirez to the main office door, confirming another appointment for the following week that Matt nodded at Foggy to agree with. "Sorry guys, but we have another couple of clients coming in-" he checked his watch, "ten minutes."
Jess nodded, then moved to follow the soothed Ms. Ramirez out of the office. At the door, she turned back to both men standing there. "About tomorrow, Murdock...? As you wish."
She closed the door and it was a good two heartbeats before she heard a whoop from Foggy. "I knew it, man. I knew it. She is so the Dread Pirate Roberts, and she looooooves you, Princess Mattycup."
That had her chuckling to herself as she followed the older woman to the elevator, trying not to feel overly giddy about this supposed surprise. She did call back out over her shoulder, loud enough that both of them would hear her. "Better have my camera, Murdock." And more quietly, so that only Matt would hear her, "Or I'll most likely kill you in the morning."
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superfandomcorp · 2 years
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Darejones edit 🕶️
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madamebaggio · 2 months
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Notes: Previously...
More DareJones where Jess is basicaly a grumpy cat.
Jessica -like most cats out there -would spend her days acting like she didn’t want his attention, company or his touch. Then, at 3 am, she’d break into his apartment and crawl into bed, like it was the most normal thing to do.
Now, Matt was quite aware she was entering his apartment -he could hear her from a few blocks away -but he liked this game they played. He pretended to be asleep while she kicked off her shoes and jeans, then continued to pretend as she climbed on the bed and covered his body with hers.
Only when she hid her face on his neck would he put his arms around her and say ‘I missed you’.
Sometimes she didn’t say anything back, other times she’d say she was sorry for being a bitch earlier. Other days she’d just press her lips to his neck.
But his favorite nights were when she’d say ‘I missed you too’.
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Jessica: Why do people keep thinking we’re a couple?
Matt: Because we act like one.
Matt: And your hand is on my ass.
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astromechs · 2 years
DareJones Or Mess
first of all, these two truly are a mess, living up to their name 💙 second, hope you enjoy!
Rain, especially a torrential downpour like this, always makes things harder. Unless Matt’s focusing, really focusing, the sound of the drops hitting on surfaces all around him can obscure everything else; the sound of his cane tapping against the sidewalk, heartbeats that can indicate intent. Now, in this one, with the wind cutting against his ears, he almost even misses —
“You’re lucky I don’t add a douchebag tax to your invoice, asshole!”
Almost. The dulcet swears of Jessica Jones would probably still be hard to miss even in a full-blown hurricane.
With a grunt and a series of huffed exhales, each one more exasperated than the last, a man (the “asshole”, he guesses), passes by, shoving him on the shoulder as he goes. His mutters, ultimately inconsequential to him and thus not worth the effort to focus on, are lost to the rain.
Both hands folded over the top of his cane, Matt pivots on his heel toward what he can gather of Jessica’s general direction. Calls out: “Busy day?”
The smell of whiskey on breath becomes more pronounced by the second, distinct even with all the interference of the rain, and that, even above a specific footfall against the concrete, is a sign that Jessica has come closer. “You know me. Always is”. She sounds bored because she always does; bored, disaffected. By now, Matt knows that just means hello. He thinks he might even be half-fond, especially because she adds, “And meeting your stupid ass here isn’t doing anything to make that any better.”
A smile cracks onto his face. “Well, uh — thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule, regardless.” He tilts his head toward her. “I promise I’ll be quick.”
Read More On AO3
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elektrasimp · 1 year
Darejones is such an underrated ship. I feel like they’d have a FWB kind of situation cuz I don’t think they’d ever date date, but they would def have a deep mutual understanding of each other. They have this great dynamic where their relationship wouldn’t be “romantic” but that’s what makes it even more romantic because they’re good friends, they have fun together, and they can call each out on their bs. (I think they can be pretty angsty together also but that’s for another post)
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hhhuuuuuuuuuh · 1 year
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"Where the fuck have you been?"
"I was on a case."
"On a case?!"
"No one has heard from you in two weeks."
"Yeah, we thought you were missing, Jessica."
"Missing implies that nobody knew where I was, I knew where I was the entire time."
"No missing implies that you were unable to be reached, at all and we were unknolageable to you state of health."
"No missing implies that a pattern of logical appearance was broken and that there was an apparent need for help. I "dissappear" all the time, you guys only just noticed it this time."
"Are you alright Jess?"
"You guys are insufferable, yes I'm fine I'm seriously alright"
"Ok then Danny and I will be on our way."
"See you guys later."
"You've got two broken ribs"
"Oh my goodness really, I haden't even noticed."
"Has there ever a time you weren't sarcastic?"
"Yes July 18th 2009, I was entirely serious about everything the entire day."
"I was being rhetorical."
"Matt come over here."
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hovererthere · 1 year
here i lay my regrets to you
you might have known, but ive thought of you
in passing moments, you appeared
and right now you're nowhere to be seen
some nights
i couldve sworn i saw you
fighting in that alley
jumping across buildings
maybe it was the alcohol
or the guilt i bear on the shoulders
my strength is unpredictable
yet you saw the beauty in control
should i have not dropped it on you?
i knew i could've take the load
all these what ifs on my mind
wishing it were true
just to see you again
the shining light in darkness once more
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elliedearest · 2 years
So i just learned that according to Bendis, the creator of Jessica Jone's Alias comics, the Ultimates and so many other comics it'll take too long to say, apparently Jessica Jones at some point was in love with Matt Murdock. First Peter Parker and now this.
And this new variant series with Jessica, kind of makes that random trivia into a thing for one of those Jessicas.
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