a--z--u--l · 22 hours
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1. & 14. With Paul please
1. I saw someone at the window.
14. Are you alright?
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this!
A soft sigh escaped me as I reached for the remote control. Somehow, even though I had it only a moment ago, it had moved just out of reach. The channel I was stuck at was playing a horror movie, although I wasn't sure whether it was Halloween 1 or 2. Still, it didn't really matter. It was almost the same movie anyway - whether Laurie Strode was being chased by Michael in Hatchetfield or in the hospital, in the end, she would survive. I paused the movie to get some drink for myself, wondering whether a final girl would know she was a final girl. At one point, maybe after finding all the bodies of dead friends while you're being chased, someone should realise that, right?
I poured myself some coke, putting the bottle back in the fridge and looking out the kitchen window. It would be a clear night. Still, it was to early for the boys to be out - the sun was still painting the sky a deep red - but I knew they would be on the boardwalk within the hour. I decided I'd finish the movie, and then head out.
I was about to turn back to the livingroom, when I could have sworn, I saw something. A figure. Someone outside, staring in. I froze. I looked.
I shook my head. I'd probably imagined it, being too caught up with the movie or something, right? I entered the living room, putting my glass down and closing the curtains. If there was someone outside-
I froze, staring out my window. Fifteen feet away was a figure. Staring at me, at the house, at the window - holding something.
I quickly closed the curtains, locking the windows and the doors. I searched for my phone, finding it on the couch. "Please be awake, please be awake!" I muttered as the phone rang several times on the other line.
"What's up?"
The voice on the other end sounded sleepy, and barely awake - but he was awake.
"Paul? Could you skip the boardwalk and come over, please?"
I heard some stumbling noises on the other end.
"Eh, sure. What's going on?"
"I don't know. There's - I saw someone at the window. And he's staring at me, and he's just moving around the house and I am kind of scared?"
"Shit, babe," I heard him sigh. "Have you locked everything?"
"Alright. Check upstairs too, make sure everything is locked tight, and don't go anywhere without a weapon."
"A weapon? I don't-"
"Get a knife from the kitchen, alright? I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Okay. Please hurry?"
"Sure thing, babe."
He hung up the phone, and I did as he had recommended. I ran to the kitchen, grabbing a large knife. I tried to keep a strong grip on it, but my palms were sweaty. I ran up the stairs, making sure everything was locked. I entered the bathroom, locking the window, when I heard a noise. It was coming from my bedroom.
And then I remembered how I used the balcony this morning, enjoying my morning cup of coffee there. And how I'd forgotten to lock the door.
"Shit, shit, shit!" I breathed panicky, moving to my bedroom as quietly as I could. I didn't dare to make a noise. On my tiptoes, I moved into the room, noting that it was empty and quickly closing the door and locking it.
I turned around, screaming as I saw the figure I'd seen outside standing in the doorway.
"Who are you?!"
I got no answer, and I decided to do the one thing I could think of. With my free hand, I unlocked the balcony door. Slowly, without breaking eyecontact, I slided the door open.
I quickly turned, running out, climbing over the railing. The man ran after me, grabbing for my arm, my leg - I screamed as I hung upside down, held up by my own leg.
"Let go of me!"
He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. I saw the knife in his hand, I saw the glee in his eyes... I closed my eyes, terrified of the fall - and I kicked him. Hard. He let go, and I fell down. Down, ready to feel my face land in the cold hard gravel, ready to be taken to the hospital because either jumped out of a window, only to not land.
With a slight frown, I opened my eyes, realising he was here. He held me, holding me in his arms.
I hugged him tightly, breathing a sigh of relief. No matter who was inside my house, Paul could handle the guy and kill him if necessary.
"Are you alright?" He asked as he put me down, looking me over. I nodded. I might have some bruises come morning, but no lasting injuries. Scare wise, however, I was not alright.
"He's inside the house. He tried to grab me, and-" I took a deep breath. "I thought I'd die."
"I told you I'd be here as quick as I could."
I smiled weakly. "Do you think you could kill the one behind this?"
He grinned, a little to enthusiastically if you didn't know better. "Absolutely!"
He was about to move to the house, when he turned to me, kissing me softly.
"Stay here, alright. I'll take care of it. And when he's gone, I'm going to help you put new looks on your doors."
"Thank you." I took his hand, before letting go. "Please don't damage the house to much?"
"No promises, he tried to hurt you. Forigve me for being a little vengeful."
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palettepainter · 2 days
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Behold a very rare drawing of flustered Raph and his husband David
(David belongs to @rottedbrainz)
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trofysisters · 2 days
Из-за значительного понижения в должности моральный дух Анфисы упал. Чтобы поддержать жену и поднять ей настроение, Эдуард решил показать ей водолаза и нырнуть в унитаз. (Due to the significant demotion, Anfisa's morale dropped. To support his wife and cheer her up, Eduard decided to show her a diver and dive into the toilet)
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Но ничто не улучшает самооценку, как блестящая победа над террористами. И пусть Анфисе много лет, и она уже не наденет миниюбку и колготки в сеточку - униформу секретного агента, но спасти мир она еще способна, что и сделает через полтора часа на новой должности. (But nothing improves self-esteem like a brilliant victory over terrorists. And even though Anfisa is many years old, and she will no longer wear a miniskirt and fishnet tights - the uniform of a secret agent, she is still capable of saving the world, which she will do after an hour and a half in her new position)
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Если Анфиса обладает многолетним опытом и знанием о несправедливости мира, то ее сын, Давид, еще юн, наивен и считает себя идеальным кандидатом в члены Конгресса. Он и представить не мог сколько грязи и лжи на него выльют соперники: - У Вас грязные руки! Коррупционер! - Я всегда мою руки с мылом и невинен, - оправдывался Давид. - Девственник! Вы не исполняете супружеский долг, не исполните долг и перед народом! Ваша жена - светлая! Вы расист! - Я не женат, и мы не спим вместе. Я не расист, я - метис, - пытался отбиваться Давид, но тщетно. Он выбыл из предвыборной гонки и сильно растерял харизму. (If Anfisa has many years of experience and knowledge of the injustice of the world, then her son, David, is still young, naive and considers himself an ideal candidate for member of Congress. He could not even imagine how much dirt and lies his rivals would pour on him: - Your hands are dirty! Corrupt official! - I always wash my hands with soap and am innocent, - David justified himself. - Virgin! You do not fulfill your marital duty, and you will not fulfill your duty to the people! Your wife is light! You are a racist! - I'm not married, and we don't sleep together. I’m not a racist, I’m a mestizo, - David tried to fight back, but in vain. He dropped out of the election race and lost much of his charisma)
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Пока Давид учился противостоять нападкам конкурентов, Эдуард поддерживал его дух музыкой. (While David was learning to withstand the attacks of competitors, Eduard supported his son’s spirit with music)
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Вскоре с миссии вернулась Анфиса снова в должности Космического пирата. И всё внимание Эдуарда переключилось на нее. А сын справиться сам, он же - сильный мужчина. (Soon Anfisa returned from the mission as a Space Pirate again. And all of Eduard’s attention switched to her. And the son can handle it on his own, he is a strong man)
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Неудивительно, что, втайне мечтая о других мужчинах, Анфиса их не замечала (даже если они стояли прямо у нее за спиной и сигнализировали о готовности), желая только своего мужа. (It is not surprising that, secretly dreaming of other men, Anfisa did not notice them (even if they stood right behind her and signaled their readiness), wanting only her husband)
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В свой выходной день Эдуард по приглашению старого друга поехал на прогулку в Лавку мастеров. Как настоящий мужчина он думал только о жене и о том, чем ее порадовать, например, изумрудными сережками. (On his day off, Eduard, at the invitation of an old friend, went for a walk to the Craftsmen's Shop. Like a real man, he thought only about his wife and what to please her with, for example, emerald earrings)
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Даже проводя время со старым другом, он мечтал об Анфисе, и по окончании прогулки купил ей букет цветов. Не муж, а мечта! (Even while spending time with an old friend, he dreamed of Anfisa, and at the end of the walk he bought her a bouquet of flowers. Not a husband, but a dream!)
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За это время Давид почти в совершенстве овладел ораторским искусством. Соперники думали, что он их не переиграет? Он их уничтожит! (During this time, David almost perfectly mastered the art of oratory. Did his opponents think that he wouldn’t beat them? He will destroy them!)
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taffybuns · 4 months
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finally finished hilda s3 !!! what a special little show, i'm gonna miss it so much !!
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turnipoddity · 5 months
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living’s overrated
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bloodstainedmuzzle · 1 month
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Sculpture (2009) dir. Pete Jacelone
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dailynetflix · 2 months
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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015-2020) Season 1 | Episode 4
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nikki-rook · 6 months
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David Tennant as Crowley - Good Omens[S2]
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itsafternoonpast5 · 2 months
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can you believe it max? just a few more days!
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dailyb99gifs · 3 months
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
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first pass on david/jonathan designs
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6 and 17 with David?
6. Why are you completely drenched?
17. I did everything you asked, and still you talk to me as if I'm nothing!
I hope you like this! 💜
I sat at the edge of the cliff, staring out at the ocean in front of me. It's weird how something so gigantic and powerful could look so soothing and calming. Especially when everything surrounding it was getting crushed by an uncontrollable storm. I closed my eyes as the wind beat against my chest, feeling somewhat alive for the first time in days. I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps behind me.
"What's going on?"
I shrugged. To be completely honest, even I didn't know what exactly was going on. Or at least I didn't think I could accurately put it into words. David sat down next to me.
"If you're not going to talk-"
"I am." I said, with more force than I had intended. I sighed, looking at the ocean. "It's just all a bit much, alright?"
Now he didn't say anything, but I knew enough. This was a discussion we'd had many a time in the past few weeks. I had been pushed into a life I hadn't asked for, had changed, and left everything behind for him, and still - he acted as if it had been an easy and light decision. Maybe that was why I felt this storm brewing inside me, this anger that started to fester inside me and grow more toxic with the day.
"So you say."
I glared at David, getting up. "You know what, fuck you."
With those words, I walked off. If he didn't want to listen, I didn't want to waste my time talking. I could always go somewhere else, find someplace else to sleep. It was of no use, though. I knew he'd follow me. And I was right. The second I entered the woods, he stood behind me, responding to my earlier statement
"I think we played that game before."
"You told me that I had to change. Why?"
"You're my mate."
"You told me that mates were supposed to care for each other."
He nodded. I noticed an ice cold glare forming in his eyes, but I decided to ignore it. It was my time to be pissed now, not his.
"So why, if that's what you told me, do you act as if every single thing I did for you was nothing?"
"I don't-"
"Yes, you do! You belittle me when I miss my old life, you ignored me on my birthday when I realised that I wouldn't see my parents - every single time I as your supposed mate might have needed you, you fucking left me!"
"You needed time!" He started to raise his voice.
"I needed you!" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "You told me, if I changed, you'd always be there for me. That we'd share everything. No more secrets, no more distance - just us."
"So?" I repeated, my voice filled with anger and disdain. "I did everything you asked, and still you talk to me as if I'm nothing! Treat me as if I am nothing to you!"
"You're not nothing."
I glared at him. "Then maybe you should treat me differently. I'm not Star. I am not a liability, nor am I some stranger you let into your life."
I walked away from him, and this time, he didn't follow me.
I didn't do much that evening. I cried, fed and cried some more. This was not the immortality he had promised me, and it hurt me more than I had liked to admit. I wanted the live he had promised me, I wanted the companionship he had promised me - I wanted to be his, and him to be mine. But if this was what it would be like? I sighed as I saw the sky turn slightly orange, knowing that the only place I could go now was the cave.
As I entered the cave, with my head held high and ignoring my anger and sadness, I walked straight towards my bedroom. I didn't say anything to the others, and I appreciated the fact that they didn't say anything to me either. I expected to find my room empty. Instead, I found David there. He sat on the ground, a bottle with whiskey in his hand. He looked horrible, and somehow he was soaking wet.
"Why are you completely drenched?"
"I needed to cool down." His voice was low, void of any emotion.
I took my shoes off, changed into my pyjamas, and brushed my teeth. I was about to step in bed when he spoke up again.
"You're right, you know."
"I'm sorry?" I asked surprised.
"I've been doing a shit job. The boys agree with you."
"So what are you going to do about it?" I asked, realising that the fact that he admitted he was wrong was a big step already.
I nodded. "How about compromising, sometimes?"
"No, that's something you need to do. I am not going to follow your orders blindly - I never have and never will. If I don't agree with you in something, you need to be open to a compromise."
"Thank you." I said, stepping into bed, pulling the covers over me. It was quiet for a moment, before I spoke up again. "The bed is more comfortable than the floor."
He looked at me, before getting up, getting undressed and laying down next to me.
"I know you gave up a lot to be with me." He said after a little while, his hands lazily brushing through my hair. "I sometimes forget how much they meant to you because none of us ever had that kind of relationship with our family."
"I know."
"I'm sorry I treated you like that."
I nodded. "We should start again tomorrow. Just the two of us."
"Like a date?"
"Yeah. We need to work on us, and I think a date is the best way to do it."
David thought for a moment before nodding. "Alright."
I smiled as I looked at him, kissing his cheek softly, before falling asleep. Things would be alright between us, I was sure of that.
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coulsart · 8 months
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So I read the mimic’s lore………………..
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filmtvtoday · 26 days
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rwrbsource · 1 month
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE (2023) dir. Matthew López
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