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Ewa Aulin.
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nalfirstart · 1 year
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And finally DK! You can check the rest of the NSR series on my Instagram 😌
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realnylonewa · 4 months
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cyazurai · 11 months
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Obsessed with our new teens, can you tell?
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callese · 2 years
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tekpreacher · 10 months
Major Sign of Revival as Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship Bapti...
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bambi2x · 1 year
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{ 14 . 04 . 2023 }
dzisiaj mnie wzięło na zdobywanie wiedzy na temat pewnej Demonicznej Kobiety - Lilith
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a zatem
postać zapomniana. podobno to właśnie Ona była pierwszą żoną (towarzyszką) Adama. jednak zbuntowała się. nie zamierzała być posłuszna Adamowi. Być pod nim. pragnęła wolności i też ją wybrała . opuściła ogród Eden.
Lilith nie została stworzona tak jak Ewa z żebra Adama. narodziła w z brudu i błota... mimo to była Baaaardzo piękna, a na świecie nie pojawiła się nigdy później piękniejsza kobieta od niej.
po odejściu z Edenu udała się nad morze czerwone i zamieszkała z demonami z którymi oddawała się rozpuście. codziennie rodziła 100 demonów. Bóg wysłał swoje Anioły aby odnalazły Lilith. i znalazły ją, dał jej szanse, chciał ocalić jej duszę , ale Ona odmówiła. Nie zamierzała wracać do Adama. w tym momencie Bóg postanowił ukarać buntowniczkę i skazał na śmierć wszystkich jej potomków . Mocno ją to rozłościło więc aby jeszcze bardziej sprzeciwić się Bogu została kochanką Lucyfera.
podobno w akcie zemsty kradnie i odbiera dzieciom życie. a to przez to że Bój ukarał ją wcześniej za nieposłuszeństwo zabijąc jej nowo narodzone potomstwo. prócz dzieci kradnie również męskie nasienie by płodzić nowe demony.
Została pierwszą niezależną kobietą na świecie. nie dała sie zdominować Adamowi.
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[ dla mnie jest symbolem kobiecej siły ]
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natakiio · 1 year
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girl is sleepy after a whole night of writing the most gut-wrenching, toe curling smut imaginable
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tunavision · 2 years
I had fun 
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name-of-the-day · 2 years
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dreamcelebration · 2 years
Church of God in Christ Reaffirms Pro-Life Stance
MEMPHIS, TN January 21, 2022 – The Church of God in Christ (COGIC), the largest African American Pentecostal denomination in the United States, today reaffirms their historic commitment to the sacredness of human life.  Presiding Bishop, J. Drew Sheard issued the following statement:
“The Church Of God In Christ is pro-life and pro-family, and we march for life – all life with the deep-seated hope that abortion will soon be unthinkable and unnecessary. We acknowledge the disproportionate damage abortion has caused to the black community – particularly to women – and long to see women in crisis and children in need genuinely cared for. Women deserve better than abortion. Every human being is made in the image of God and worthy of respect, love, and justice.  Psalms 139:14-15 states God knit us together in our Mothers womb…We are fearfully and wonderfully made.”
“COGIC has always been pro-life in doctrine, but today we reaffirm our stance and will continue to be visible and vocal on this matter.  We need to make sure our churches, neighborhoods, cities and states are equipped to speak life and offer hope to those who have been deceived into believing that abortion is their only option.”
Last year, COGIC reaffirmed its strategic collaboration with Human Coalition, one of the largest pro-life organizations in the nation, operating a growing network of Telecare and Brick-and-Mortar Women’s Care Clinics across the nation. Additionally, COGIC recently acquired the Monastery of St. Clare in Memphis, which will become their Kingdom World Missions Center.  They plan to have a Pregnancy and Continuum of Care Clinic for Women and Families along with housing for Women in need.  Click here to read COGIC’s Resolution on the Sanctity of Human Life.
The Church of God in Christ is one of the oldest Pentecostal denominations in the World and the fourth largest Protestant group in the United States, with 12,000 churches in 120 countries and millions of adherents worldwide.
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realnylonewa · 4 months
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astonishinglegends · 11 days
Ep 281: The Elusive Force – A Powerful Polish Poltergeist Part 1
"There is a fundamental difference between the scientist and the scholar. Only someone who has the courage to pursue and uphold the truth regardless of his colleagues’ reactions, the etiquette of his profession, and conventional wisdom deserves to be called a scholar."  -- Professor Julian Aleksandrowicz, 1985
Significant poltergeist events often start with a minor incident and incrementally grow with a bit of intensity until they eventually fade. This is somewhat true about the paranormal activity in a small town in southern Poland in 1983, except in this case, what started as a weird action by an unseen force quickly escalated into one of the most extreme and extraordinary poltergeist cases ever recorded. Around 3:00 a.m. on April 4th of that year, Marian Tomecki awoke to a decorative straw mat falling on his head. He tried to fasten it back to the wall when it "tore itself from his hands and danced around." Immediately, glassware and household items erratically fly around the apartment belonging to his daughter and son-in-law where he was staying, smashing into walls and furniture. Andrzej and Ewa Gajewski's 13-year-old daughter and Marian's grandaughter, Joasia, appeared to be the catalyst for the impossible destruction, consistent with current theories about human conduits in many cases of the phenomena. As the Gajewski family continued to be terrorized by the violent trashing, neighbors, local authorities, Joasia's school, and even a Japanese news crew became eyewitnesses to the bizarre happenings, becoming national news in Poland. What also makes the Gajewski case groundbreaking is that it continued for an extended period and with such consistent power that scientists could study it. Join us for a case of RSPK or "recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" so disturbing and astonishing it has divided the parapsychologist community.
Reference Links:
“THE ELUSIVE FORCE: A Remarkable Case of Poltergeist Activity and Psychokinetic Power” at Anomalist Books
“The Elusive Force: Case of Psychokinesis” from the 3 Beards Podcast on YouTube
“Terrifying true case of 13-year-old Polish poltergeist girl” on reddit r/abovethenormnews
Ghosted!: Exploring the Haunting Reality of Paranormal Encounters by Brian Laythe, James Houran, Neil Dagnall
Sosnowiec, Poland
William G. Roll
“Unforgettable Uri Geller Appearance | Carson Tonight Show” on the Johnny Carson YouTube channel
“James Randi Demonstrates How 'psychic' Uri Geller Bends Spoons And Other Magic Tricks On The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson” from the Fun Facts and Music YouTube channel
Spoon bending on Wikipedia
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Episode 281: The Elusive Force – A Powerful Polish Poltergeist Part 1. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2024 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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nisay1312 · 5 months
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