ifindus · 1 year
hear me out: Norge, Island og Sverige = blånisser💙 / Danmark = rødnisse❤️ / Finland = grånisse🤍
Men ja? 👀 Hadde det altfor artig med å designe antrekkene deres, men ja?? Jul i Blåfjell AU når???
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real-seadweller-heir · 2 months
<3< What can 1 trade y0u f0r a v1al 0r tw0 0f that c0rpze'z bl0od.
I need all øf the bløød actually. it's kind øf my whøle entire thing if yøu haven't nøticed.
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Har været lidt nedslået over manglen på venner her i begyndelsen, men en af min kærestes venner ringede lige til mig for at høre, om jeg vil i byen med ham og hans kæreste, så nu skal jeg hjem til dem til forfest <33
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aestetikeren-genfoedt · 3 months
Min kærestes navn har nok bogstaver til fælles med min døde ekskærestes navn til, at jeg var lidt nervøs for jeg ville komme til at stønne hendes navn da han kneppede mig i går, fordi hun er hvad jeg tænker på 90% af tiden
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bloodlesscecropia · 12 days
Lyrcec recieves a parcel in the mail. a letter is attatched; "Th∞ught I w∞uld use my limited time here t∞ finally give y∞u what y∞u asked f∞r. YM" inside the package is three vials -- a gold, fuchsia, and a bronze. all from the same person. of course he'd keep his blood in such pristine condition, even after all these years. The gold tastes normal. The other two taste like the worst fucking blood lyrcec has ever had the misfortune of tasting in their entire life up until this point.
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Tæsting viæl number øne…
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Clæssic gøld, ælwæys øne øf my fævørites. Tæstes æ little weird, but thæt’s hønestly whæt I expected frøm him
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Viæl number twø…
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Høly shit dude this is æwful. Nøt nørmæl like. Fuchsiæ ør viølet æwful. New rænking øn my list just før this. Terrible.
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I æm NØT tøuching thæt læst viæl.
Thænk yøu Øldvette, I knew it wøuld be bæd but wøw. Yøu hæve ælwæys been æn øveræchiever! In everything frøm yøur gøæls tø tæking the grubløæf øf wørst bløød I’ve ever tæsted. Whæt did yøu DØ tø mæke yøur bløød like this?? Never dø it ægæin.
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tips-for-the-culled · 6 months
nøbody tips
døn't get tøø distracted by scrølling thrøugh grumblr and almøst get caught by yøur culler on søcial media when yøu aren't alløwed
even prøs at sneaking can make røøkie mistakes
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ejendommelig · 2 months
Var inde på en hjemmeside i går aftes for at købe en gave til min oldemor til på lørdag, d. 24. Da jeg nåede til levering, trykkede jeg levering til døren, fordi det var billigere end til pakkeshop. Den vil ankomme enten d. 22 eller d. 23. Lige efter jeg havde betalt tænkte jeg, at det var åndssvagt, for det er Postnord der leverer pakken, og de plejer ALTID at sige, at ‘der var ikke nogen hjemme’ når de leverer pakker til mig selvom JEG VAR HJEMME HELE DAGEN (jeg VED at det også sker (alt for ofte) for alle andre også!!). Dvs. hvis de kommer med pakken på fredag, og de laver det samme stunt, så tager det en dag at nå den nærmeste pakkeshop, AKA in that case får jeg først min pakke om lørdagen, altså har jeg ikke tid til at hente den :) fuck man, håber at postbuddet tager sig sammen bare denne ene gang
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What do you mean by brush?
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thinkingabout-girls · 5 months
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starchaserr · 1 year
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uforglemmeligtglemt · 9 months
fuuuck under en uge til ny tat, dør hvis jeg bliver syg inden
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ifindus · 3 months
har sverige fler arkeolog jobber enn norge?🧐
Har ikke sjekka enda, men bor jo dobbelt så mange folk der og de har større landskap egnet til utgravinger, så vil tro de har flere enn Norge iallefall 😅
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Alright. I wøuld like tø...førmally apøløgize. Før my behaviøur and wørds. My emøtiøns gøt the best øf me. I was distraught. I knøw nøne øf yøu mean half øf the wørds yøu say. ..this was gøing tø happen anyways, but. well. I shøuld have handled it with møre tact. Thank yøu all før the kindness yøu have displayed. Yøur patience... It is appreciated. I will be a better emperør-slash-heir tø make up før this in the future.
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Jeg er gået en størrelse ned i tøj, selvom jeg ikke længere går i fitness, jeg spiser, hvad jeg vil, og jeg drikker (måske lidt for ofte, lol). Det må være alt det sex
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leviabeat · 10 months
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Michael Poulsen, Stine Bramsen, and Jacob Hansen in the studio.
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blurryfce300 · 1 year
everything abøut vøidstalkers as øf nøw
because its my bløg i can dø what i want
its gøing tø be long sø i'm putting a cut
vøidstalkers are an open species by the way
vøidstalkers are always dark in color, being almøst black and ranging in hues from red all the way tø purple. they alsø have almøst-white markings and even darker markings tøø.
pure vøidstalkers tend tø have striped tails, like a king snake ør coral snake. hybrids can have this trait tøø, but it's less common.
false eye patterns are alsø common.
each vøidstalker alsø has øne øther color, which aligns with the color they can see the møst. every øther color tø them is heavily muted. før example, a voidstalker with green markings can see green in its full capacity, but orange and blue are almøst grayscale tø them.
individuals alsø have special "identifier" markings, which dø exactly what the name wøuld imply. they are markings which help individuals distinguish themselves and recognize øthers, and these markings are the ønly ones unable tø be shifted away.
vøidstalkers are digitigrade, and have long tails før balance. their tails, fingers, and toes are very strong in comparison tø humans. their tails are particularly strong and prehensile, being able tø høld the body's weight up by itself.
they can "lock" their fingers and toes sø that prey has a lower chance øf escaping once they are caught. they alsø have øne fewer joint øn their fingers and toes, twø instead øf the three a human has.
vøidstalker like tø hide their mouths and eyes, the latter øf which is covered by a protective film at all times.
they have sharp spurs øn their wrists and ankles, which use their corrosive and highly toxic goop blood as venom tø kill prey.
their eyes glow in the dark.
vøidstalkers "shed" bi-annually. when they shed, the outer layer øf their bodies melt øff them.
they have padding øn their hands and feet tø help protect them and tø make them quieter when moving arøund.
vøidstalkers lack a skeleton, instead relying øn a system øf interconnected nerves tø maintain their shape and tø control movement. having nø skeleton makes shapeshifting much easier and much less painful.
they alsø lack møst organs traditionally found in living creatures, having a singular core which functions as a joint heart and brain, as well as the rest øf the goop that makes up their bodies handling respiration, digestion, reproduction, and waste management.
their core is surrounded by a thick shell før protection, like a ribcage provides før a heart and lungs.
pure vøidstalkers lack a sense øf smell ør taste, but have very enhanced hearing. hybrids have very weak senses øf taste and smell.
the species alsø has twø methods øf gaining energy. the first is standard predation, consuming the energy øf anøther living being. the second is by taking in energy from their surroundings, but this has a downside tø it. because øf the continuous energy gaining, tøø much will cause the body tø overload and førce all its energy øut in the form øf vomit, leaving the vøidstalker unconscious før a number øf hours and weakened før days afterwards.
vøidstalkers are mesothermic, meaning between the regions øf warm and cøld-blooded. normal body temperatures range from 75-80 degrees F.
they lack vocal cords, and rely øn hisses, growls, grunts, clicks, and øther simple noises tø communicate, as well as using body language.
all vøidstalkers have a set øf horns that usually grøw in arøund 3-4 years øf age.
they have very long and sharp canines, think cat teeth but larger and longer. their teeth placement is alsø similar tø felids.
the species reproduce via goop blood contact, as it holds all their genetic information. this has led tø vøidstalkers forming øn accident as a result øf a conflict between twø individuals.
they are known før their ability tø shapeshift, which relies øn visual memory. they need tø see sømething in action beføre they are able tø shift intø it, needing tø knøw høw that form ør part functions in order tø replicate it.
when they sleep, they shift back tø their original forms.
this ability is alsø a learned øne, taking potentially years øf practice tø master, but once it is learned, it cannot be un-learned.
vøidstalkers can alsø regenerate parts øf their bodies and heal injuries quickly. the less severe, the quicker it heals. however, injuries leave scars. and vøidstalkers are prone tø scarring.
their scars dø nøt show physically øn their bodies in møst conditions, but when upset, scared, ør angry, the scars appear and glow. the brighter the glow, the stronger the emotion that caused them tø appear.
they adapt tø their surroundings very easily, usually without even knowing it. the longer they spend arøund a certain species ør group, the møre traits they will pick up from that group ør species.
all vøidstalkers smell like rotting flesh, a defense mechanism tø ward øff predators. given their lack øf smell, it wørks in their favor.
vøidstalkers cannot get drunk ør high.
they are alsø able tø "possess" øther living beings by putting a part øf their goop intø a host and then using that as an attachment point, encompassing the host. like a symbiote, sørta.
vøidstalkers are prone tø overheating, and are møre susceptible tø heat stroke than humans are, especially hybrids.
they alsø alsø prone tø hypothermia.
vøidstalkers lack the ability tø høld their breath før møre than a few seconds, leaving them very susceptible tø drowning. it doesn't help that water contact øn their skin makes the afflicted area gø numb.
due tø their enhanced hearing, vøidstalkers are incredibly vulnerable tø sudden and/or loud noises. exposure tø loud and/or sudden noises can disorient and physically hurt a vøidstalker.
they are alsø weak tø bright lights and flashing lights. it has the same effect as sound can, but nøt øn the same level.
when their scars show, they start tø feel the impact øf the injury that caused the scar tø form.
as mentioned beføre, the energy expulsion vomit thing will leave a vøidstalker weakened før a few days while they regain what they lost.
vøidstalkers are naturally aggressive and violent towards øthers, some møre than øthers.
they are alsø territorial and very protective øver their area and thøse they care abøut.
they alsø like tø mimic øthers, and can imprint øn ølder vøidstalkers at young ages.
they have prey drives (the need tø hunt and kill prey) and are very protective øver their kills, like dogs when yøu try taking away a toy.
they rely a løt øn body language tø convey emotion and intentions, their ears and tails being used the møst.
vøidstalkers are nocturnal, being møre active at night and resting during the day.
their main method øf taking døwn prey is by jumping øntø them, locking in their toes and/or fingers, and then stabbing with their spurs and waiting før their opponent tø fall.
vøidstalker will wrap their tails arøund øthers as a show øf affection and/or trust.
the species can be classified as ambush predators.
vøidstalkers form very cløse and tight bonds with loved ones.
the name vøidstalker cømes from an øld spiritux myth about them having the ability to move amongst shadows, ør "stalk the voids". they dø nøt have this ability.
vøidstalkers gain møst øf their markings 1-2 months after formation, their horns following at arøund 3-4 years. their horn growth signifies adulthood før them.
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example vøidstalker
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