skyfallenxsoldier · 4 years
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// @featherskyhero​ Asked:  (    send   one   of   the   words   for   our   muses   to   interact   based   off   that   word   ) sacrifice :   my  muse  jumps  in  front  of  your  muse,  sacrificing  their  life  for  your  muses  life //
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     Cloud moved his feet before his brain could really catch up. He raised his sword, intending the block the attack as he threw his body between it and it’s intended target--  but it didn’t matter. 
     He felt it as his sword cracked in half, one half flying off in another direction and the other still gripped in his hand. It did little to protect him now, though. 
    He could feel the pain blooming in his abdomen, but only distantly; like his mind was protecting him from how bad it really hurt. Cloud opened his mouth and coughed up blood that spurted over his lips and down his chin. His body swayed and he dropped to one knee as blood spread through his shirt, soaking it red in seconds. 
    He felt the impact when his head hit the ground, too weak to stay kneeling any longer. He opened his eyes to search above him, hoping that Zack at least escaped. That he was okay. 
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greatxgospel · 4 years
featherskyhero a réagi à votre billet “uncomfortable question for your muse: have you had sex yet? And if so,...”
"Isn't exciting?" he sighed if he really left bad impression, "sorry if I wasn't gentle enough, that was my first experience too."
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“That... wasn’t what I meant.” 
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@featherskyhero​​ wanted a starter with Aerith!
The heavens had washed away the Stigma, that blue, blue sky that had once frightened her opening up and giving Cloud and the children a new hope in their life. Last steps taken out of the church—her home, her garden, everything she had treasured in life—and towards the man who had gone before her. Yet even still, she had to look back to the life and man left behind, before accepting her place in the afterlife.
Now that the two had passed into the light, the spirits didn’t seem to be plucked away into the lifestream. Rather, they had been deposited beyond Midgar, within the wastelands. Green eyes were gentle upon the Cliffside as footfalls were ephemeral, the ground void of the sword that had stood as a marker for the man at her side. “So,” her voice began out, finally directing towards Zack for one of the few times that they had managed to be reunited. “This is where it happened?” She had always known, when all her letters went unanswered. Something happened to him, something that had taken him away from her.
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Aerith turned, offering a gentle smile upon her dark haired companion. “You look like you did when you left, you know.” No marred skin, but her soul was not tarnished either. The wound from Sephiroth’s sword had vanished, and instead she had kept the same visage as when she prayed for Holy. “Have you changed at all, since the last time I saw you?” It was a gentle inquiry. Mostly, Aerith was still trying to accept what happened to them. What they could be now, in this purgatory. A teasing smile perked her lips as she stepped forward, folding her arms behind her. “You haven’t asked me for a date, so I’m worried that you may have changed after all.”
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brokeniisms · 4 years
plotted starter for @featherskyhero​ !
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     The events that had recently occurred had thrown Cloud in an absolute spiral. One moment he was being tormented in ways he couldn’t imagine and the next he was putting Aerith in harm's way. All of it soon went out of his control and he blacked out. He wasn’t sure where he was now, but his heart was still uneasy. All Cloud could see in front of him was a fog and a few fainted trees. 
  When he managed to stand in what he believed to be his dream, he walked into the distance to voices that called him. Right now it was sweet and soon revealed herself to be Aerith. He wanted to call out to her, but her smile silenced him. She spoke so softly. I’ll be going now... I’ll be back when it’s all over. Cloud was shocked by the kindness in her words... she couldn’t possibly have forgiven him, right? 
Sadly she soon disappeared and her figure was replaced by Sephiroth. This only made him scream out and rush to him. He simply fell through his spirit and his face hit the ground. He could feel his laughter echo and strain his ears. All the taunting. Would it ever end? Cloud curled up and tried to ignore all of the voices he was hearing. He just wanted someone to get him out, he just wanted a moment to breathe...
      ❛ Please... someone help me... ❜
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cetraed · 4 years
featherskyhero said: “Aerith, i thought i’d never see you again!” [ Tangled Meme ] | tangled (2010) meme
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She thought so too.
She was ashamed to admit this even to herself, let alone out loud. So many times, if not always, she ended her letters with a simple yet heartfelt plea, asking him to be safe. Those words, she thought, probably brought a smile to his face as he read them — an ever-so-familiar, cheerful and confident smile she could easily imagine even with her eyes wide open, for she remembered it so well. Perhaps, he even chuckled to himself, maybe even took a mental note to scold her for worrying so much. But letters had never been reliable. Quite often they got lost, and sometimes they took days and weeks to arrive. So it was, the job of a man who was with SOLDIER. Hopping from place to place, risking his life, never knowing what tomorrow was going to bring. And yet she waited, restless and lost in thought as she kept her glance turned to the horizon, willing to believe in him and his strength.
And he came back. Despite the distance, despite all her fears, concerns and even doubts, he came back. And that was all that truly mattered. And thus, she could only smile in return, just the way she always did when she talked to him.
“But you’re here now, right? You came back, and you kept your promise. And I am not going anywhere.”
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holywhitemateria · 4 years
The after in afterlife
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A soft sigh left her lips as she leaned back into the strong backside of Zack, so many calling her mother was making her worry even in this here after she’d get grey hair like her own mom. Chewing her lower lip thoughtfully she thought to the three lost boys who’d come recently. The shorter having already declared her Mother. Something Zack seemed to think was all too funny, and well it was rather hard to be stern and irritated when his laughter would ring out against the echos. 
“I still don’t see how I am Mother. Does this make you Father?”
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evcryopeneye · 4 years
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The only people here were the dead. The remains of a city that had fallen, literally and metaphorically. The idea, that this place was a grave in more ways than one, had struck him a long time ago, when you started to pick out personal belongings from the debris. He had always tried to ignore them, to not think about what they meant but…it was hard when you had that little nugget of hope inside, that one day you would stumble upon your own.
Each day was harder than the last, scrap picking was hard work…at first when there had been so many kids, making light work of the monumental task in front of them, it had been good. Well, as good as things could get after a narrowly averted apocalypse. Then the company, their jobs were replaced by ShinRa’s machines. Everything began to get scarce. Money. Food. The children themselves.
Sickness washed through the ones that were left, before he knew it. He was the only one left. Maybe soon, there would be no one left. It was a though that had crossed his mind more than once lately. Every was hard, took all of his effort. Until there was no more effort to be had. Too tired to put one foot in front of the other, he tripped, the fact he had hit the floor only registered seconds later, at which point, he genuinely contemplated just sleeping right there.
Except, if he did, it would likely be over. He had to find help, a challenge in the best of times, but now with the stigma? Near impossible. Hands pressed to the floor, he tried to push himself up, only to get a few inches off the ground before his arms gave way.
This was it, wasn’t it?
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dawnblxde · 4 years
featherskyhero replied to your post “„§ [ scenario generator ]”
"I want to go back to Midgar!!" @featherskyhero​
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“Too bad, that’s not possible. You died and were reborn onto this world. Your world history deems you to be dead. You can never return. Might as well get used to it.” The man simply stated in response to the others complaining.
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runexxknight · 4 years
Starter | @featherskyhero​
Celes was looking for allies. The Returners couldn’t be the only ones who could be at her side, right ? She had thought she belonged with them, but here she was, back in Vector again because she had wanted to PROTECT her friends. And anyway, she was still mad at Locke, who had thought she could betray them, after all they had shared. She knew the treasure hunter had his own issues to deal with, but that wasn’t a reason to doubt them.
She was out of Vector to slay monsters around. At least, protecting the people wasn’t something she despised from her job as a general. Hopefully, soon though, she would leave this place, and for good this time. She had just finished a fight when she heard someone coming in her direction - someone who seemed a bit lost. She raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t exactly good when it came to talking.
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“I’m sorry. Are you alright ?” 
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thememcry · 4 years
@featherskyhero​ ♡ for a starter !
      it had been a long time since aerith had a dream about zack. they were always sweet things, distorted memories of time spent together and soft words spoken to one another. she awoke with a smile on her face and a fresh feel to the day: though she never lacked in drive to keep going she certainly could use a boost every now and again. but this time it was different. this time it felt like he was there with her.
      “ i was wondering when you were going to come back, ” aerith whispered, clutching her hands before her to have something to hold onto. the softest of smile graced her tiers before it disappeared entirely, she’s sure they’re in the church but she doesn’t recall how she got there.
      and she wants to share with him the news of her latest adventures, but somehow it doesn’t feel right to spill out like tipped-over ink. instead she waits, patient and pleased that he’s there in any form at all. or perhaps she just wants to hear his voice?
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fabricatedsoldier · 4 years
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☆ ━━━ Cloud carries the Buster Sword as he walks into the church.
It’s a sunny day and inside the healing water still fills the flowerbed, gleaming as it slops about from a rare breeze rattling into the church from its many cracks and holes. 
Cloud feels... lighter. Like every step he takes he gets a little closer to actually healing. The rusty sword in his grasp gleams despite the years without care, the blood and the fight still alive inside it. It still remembers its many battles and does not regret them. 
Cloud begins walking along the pews, smashed apart and crumbling. He watches the dust motes swirl in the light. And still he holds the Buster Sword in his hands.
This sword... it belongs here with her. 
It doesn’t need to remain on a cliff-side overlooking a broken world. He likes the idea of it here in the front of the church, where it can give sermons to ghosts about honor and dreams. Maybe they can rest with the sword guarding this place. Zack always liked it here and Cloud doesn’t blame him. Now, just after the Geostigma crisis has passed, Cloud feels like this is a place where bones can sleep. 
It’s a place for healing, he knows that now.
He places the sword against a rotten wall so that it can be close to the lapping water of the flowerbed. 
“I hope--you’re happy,” Cloud tells the sword gently. “I hope... you can finally rest now.”
He wonders if Zack is listening. It’s the closest to acceptance that Cloud has ever gotten. 
Has Cloud made him proud?
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badassbarmaid · 4 years
elaceto replied to your post:Casual reminder for everyone to steal Tifa's...
[ @featherskyhero​ is that you? lmao ]
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It better not be. Urge to bruise rising. 
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churchflower · 4 years
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There was something so unnerving about the Temple before her. She had never been so open about her origins with anyone.  Denied her Ancient blood to anyone who said a word. Laughed it off. But standing there on the limestone bricks made her heart race in a way she had never felt before. Soft whispers lingered here, ghosts walked these halls. The keystone felt so heavy in her hand, and she shifted the weight of it back and forth unable to keep the cold item in one hand.
She had wandered into a labyrinth of some sort. The stairs going every which way. She didn’t know which staircase belonged to what and suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed did what her mother always told her to do. Sit put, and wait for someone to come find you. The keystone rested in her lap and for a moment she felt the heaviness of her own shoulders. There was a weight of fear and worry. She knew why she was moving forward, but did they? Were they prepared for the sacrifices that had to be made? The planet continued to call to her. It was pulling her closer and closer to it. She could feel it. Was her time coming so soon?
She felt a single tear hit her wrist and immediately it brought her back to the current moment, a hand went up to brush tears from shining green eyes, the bangles clicking together as she quickly eliminated all remnants of tears from her face. But she still sat there, exhaling. She pressed her lips together, tilting her head back,
    “Sure would be nice if someone came by right now.” she called out to the party, hopefully still within earshot. “These stairs are much more confusing than they look.” she turned at the waist trying to see if anyone had come up around the way. Aerith popped her lips,
    “Course not, it’s just you, Aerith.” she muttered to herself, moving to push herself up onto her feet. “So hard to find help around here.”
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oftifa · 4 years
( @featherskyhero​ | starter call liked! )
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Leafing through pictures with the kids, telling them endless tales; answering the plethora of questions they asked on each snapshot.  It hadn’t been a priority really, to take them during AVALANCHE days, but there were some. 
And there were many after.
What they always asked about, though, were the questions that she could never properly answer: what about Zack?
She knew a lot of secondhand knowledge of him, sure -- and she wished she’d known him firsthand, something she lamented often; and tucking them into bed, Tifa always promised that Cloud would fill int he gaps.
The spirit of said SOLDIER appearing after she left them, though... That was new.
❝I... Zack... Are you... Is this... Real?❞
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strifexcloud · 4 years
                        Cloud drifts in and out of consciousness. At times there was blessed darkness and the outside world ceases to exist. Other times he remembers the fire, the town... his mother... burning burning burning... that wicked smile and those wild murderous glowing eyes.
Most of the time however, there’s a familiar voice that speaks to him. Friendly and familiar, warm and encouraging. A warm solid presence as he’s encouraged to walk. Cloud could barely move or speak or think but at least that presence was always a comfort. Each time those arms come to hold him, protect him, it feels like all of the nightmares go away.
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In a moment of stark clarity and delirium, Cloud’s arm reaches out to grip the front of the other’s shirt. His eyes are blank and yet he forces himself to say the name.
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greatxgospel · 4 years
Zack wants to be [ dominance ] but Aerith goes with [ submission ]
[ DOMINANCE ]   your muse taking the lead and dominating mine.[ SUBMISSION ]   your muse letting mine take the lead and submitting to them.
Aerith was used to Zack being always so SOFT. When she had first been reunited with him in the Lifestream, she had asked for explanations, but now that she knew everything, she was only glad to be reunited with him, after all those years, and to not be alone. She still missed her friends and wanted to help her from where she was though. Zack seemed to think it was time for a short break though, by the way he grabbed her waist and start kissing her neck.
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“Does someone need attention ?” She asked PLAYFULLY as a smile appeared on her features. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, opening herself to him and letting him come on the top of her. 
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