#germany langblr
hecho-a-mano · 8 months
a german woman who's a scammer call her a fräudlein
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moomin279 · 22 days
*gripping bathroom sink* every foreign accent is a sign of bravery, every foreign accent is a sign of bravery-
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german-garbage · 5 months
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This is the morst german thing I (a german living in germany) have read in months and it's coming from tumblr 💀
[Transl.: Holy crap (literal: holy straw bag)! You've reached 100k likes!]
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frenchiepal · 1 year
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eight long hours at the library with friends and lots of breaks
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sonicskullsalt · 8 months
I love their videos
This is indeed a great selection of German sayings
find their meanings under the cut
Touch me on the feet. (Fass mich an die Füße.) - a less graphic way of saying Kiss my ass
Life is not a pony courtyard. (Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof. [I would have said Life is not a pony farm]) - You don't always get what you want. Life isn't perfect.
You're going on my cookie. (Du gehst mir auf den Keks.) - You're annoying.
That is me sausage. (Das ist mir Wurst.) - I don't care.
Now, don't be such an offended liver sausage. (Jetzt sei nicht so eine beleidigte Leberwurst.) - Now, don't be such a sorehead. Don't get butthurt.
Now it goes about the sausage. (Jetzt geht's um die Wurst.) - This is the decisive moment.
Anyway, long talk, short sense. (Wie auch immer, lange Rede, kurzer Sinn.) - tldr; to put it briefly
Lies have short legs. (Lügen haben kurze Beine) - Lies don't pay off. Lies aren't worthwhile.
You're a lucky mushroom. (Du bist ein Glückspilz.) - You're a lucky fellow.
I think my pig is whistling. (Ich glaube mein Schwein pfeift.) - You can't be serious. On no account.
Latch closed, monkey dead. (Klappe zu, Affe tot.) - End of story. The matter is closed.
I have muscle cat. (Ich hab Muskelkater.) - My muscles are sore.
I only understand train station. (Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.) - I don't get it. I don't understand.
Everything has an end, but the sausage has two. (Alles hat eine Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.) - Everything must end at some point. Nothing lasts forever.
Brake your neck and legs. (Hals- und Beinbruch.) - Brake a leg. Good luck. Just like in English, this is a traditional way of saying good luck in the theatre.
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like-this-post-if-you · 2 months
Like if you speak German
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historygirl · 1 year
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Essen, Germany
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn German but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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learnelle · 2 years
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Der Berliner Dom, Summer 2019
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Mannheim ist eine Stadt in Baden-Württemberg mit etwa dreihunderttausend Einwohnern. Es ist neben dem Rhein, und ist auch neben Ludwigshafen in Rheinland-Pfalz. Die Stadt ist sehr historisch und hat mehrere Museen und Galerien: das Museum Weltkulturen, das Museum Zeughaus, die Kunsthalle Mannheim, und mehr. Heute ist Mannheim bekannt für Musik und für seine Universität in Mannheimer Schloss.
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salvadorbonaparte · 10 months
Would anyone be interested in helping me with an entirely informal study related to my MA thesis?
(the study is unpaid, in no way affiliated with my university and exists purely to satisfy my curiosity about one aspect of my topic but it might lead to a real study later on)
Are you a German native speaker?
Unfamiliar with the TV show M*A*S*H (familiarity with the film is allowed) and agree to not do any research beforehand?
Willing to watch a 2h long movie entirely for free and then answer some questions about it?
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organised-kitty · 8 months
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Tag 20-28 | 18/100 hours | 28/08/23
So basically this week I barely studied German, I only did like 2 hours in the entire week and I felt like a total failure to be honest. After careful analysis I realised I needed to re organize my goals, my plan, my study techniques and my mindset so I can make this work out the best possible. At this moment I’m in a stage where I feel like nothing works to help me get back on track but I need to see this as a period of experimentation to help me push forward. So this is my take on how to deal with failure and slumps in progress. (Inspired by selfcare-journey)
⭐️ Identify what’s not working
Personally, what’s keeping me from doing my tasks is the fact that I’m always feeling tired and I have frequent migraines; I have been sleeping less than 6 hours a day because of university and yet I haven’t done as much progress because I’m so tired, I can’t focus and therefore I worked very slowly which left me feeling lazier, very frustrated and unmotivated.
⭐️ Prioritizing health and self care
I think we have all been consumed at some point by the idea of toxic productivity where the one who works the most and sleeps the least is the best one, but ultimately enjoying learning and having quality study time will only be possible if we’re physically and mentally sane.
I feel hesitant to redefine my work hours because I feel guilty when I think of studying less, I’m scared of not meeting deadlines, but I already know that this toxic cycle isn’t working for me so I have to accept that it’s okay if I can’t study 8 hours straight, if I need more breaks than other people and it’s okay if I work slow, if I don’t grasp things quickly, it’s okay to fall behind..because I’m in the process of rewiring how I study and taking my time is better than not doing anything and giving up.
⭐️ Managing energy levels
Along with my horrid sleeping schedule this energy slump is also the result of me not eating throughout the day and then having a huge unhealthy meals later in the day, and it’s really affecting my energy levels. So I need to start keeping hydrated, doing light exercise, eating healthier and more regular meals along with having better sleep hygiene because honestly I feel half dead. I also need to go to a medical check up to figure out what’s the cause of my migraines.
⭐️ Dealing with procrastination
I think lately I really struggle with a sense of discomfort when I study because lately I associate studying with failure and frustration. So I think breaking my task into smaller bits might make it less overwhelming. When I was in therapy I learnt a lot about how to deal with intrusive thoughts and emotions so I will put some of those techniques into practice. I also want to work on self compassion and embracing the idea that even a little progress is a step closer to my goal, I think celebrating those small wins can create a positive cycle of motivation.
⭐️ Improving focus
For this aspect I will go back to the ultra short Pomodoro method. (10-15 min with 2 min break) Force myself to work for a small period of time and give myself a tiny break. It’s a pretty basic technique but the idea of this is to experiment and see how well it works for me, identify for how long I can work until things start to become difficult. I think the best breaks are those that keep you away from your phone, because 5 minutes of social media is a recipe for disaster. So I will try to do things like grab some water, stretch a bit, breathing exercises, clean my bag, walk around the room a bit, doodling, have a snack, so that I keep active but refreshed. I think being in a productive environment like a library or a cafeteria could also help to keep focused.
⭐️ Enjoying learning
Now that I’m coming across more difficult content I tend to get unmotivated, so I think the best strategy is try seeing it like a game, where I don’t focus on the learning outcome but rather focus on the process of understanding, problem solving and overcoming new challenges, perhaps that will make the journey more rewarding.
Reminding one self of why I started and connecting the connecting the content to my interests and real world applications could be really useful in boosting my curiosity and motivation as well.
⭐️ Active learning
My study sessions have turned into something very passive, just doing exercises and checking flashcards has become very boring. I think I need to re-incorporate more active learning techniques like writing in a journal in my target language and talking to native friends more.
Additionally I think I need to readjust my schedule and re organize myself so I can include these changes, track them and check for feedback, but this post is already long enough so I will make a separate one.
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adito-lang · 4 months
Norwegian Christmas vocabulary and traditions
Førjulstid / Adventstid 🕯🍷✨
Mange markerer adventssøndagene med en lysestake med fire stearinlys. Første søndag i advent tennes det første lyset, og for hver adventssøndag tennes et nytt lys.
I ukene før jul er det vanlig at bedrifter, foreninger og vennegjenger har julebord. Det er en førjulsfest, et selskap eller restaurantbesøk der det blir servert tradisjonell julemat, ofte i form av en buffet. 
På de fleste julemarkeder kan man smake på gløgg (en varm, kryddet drikk som inneholder vanligvis rødvin), i tillegg til tradisjonelle julegodterier som brente mandler. Juleøl, et mørkt og krydret øl, kommer i butikkene i november og serveres ofte i I adventstiden.
Mange pynter huset med julepynt: kranser, nisser, engler, stjerner osv. Det er vanlig med juletre i stua som dekoreres med glitter og julekuler. 
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Jul og Romjul 🎁🌲🍽
Lille juleaften, 23. desember: mange familier har egne tradisjoner denne kvelden, som å pynte juletreet, lage pepperkakehus, og se på Grevinnen og hovmesteren på NRK.
Julaften, 24. desember, er høydepunktet i norsk julefeiring. De fleste spiser julemiddag hjemme eller hos slektninger. Tradisjonelle juleretter er ribbe, pinnekjøtt, julepølse, lutefisk, juletorsk, medisterkaker, og risgrøt/julegrøt. Det finnes en utbredt tradisjon om å putte en skåldet mandel i julegrøten som serveres på (lille) julaften. Den som finner mandelen får en liten gave. Og når vi snakker om gaver: julegavene er på forhånd lagt under juletreet, og pakkes ut på kvelden julaften.
Første juledag (25. desember) og andre juledag (26. desember) er offentlige fridager. De fleste har fri fra jobben, og dagene brukes gjerne til familieselskaper, å gå ut på tur i skogen og å kose seg med gaver, filmer osv.
Romjulen starter når andre juledag er over, det vil si fra og med 27. - 31. desember. Fra 27. desember er butikkene åpne og mange haster rundt for å bytte julegaver som de ikke vil ha eller å kjøpe det de vil i romjulssalg til redusert pris. Men den er ofte en rolig tid, og mange tar en hyttetur eller bruker romjulen til friluftsaktiviteter. Det fant en tradisjon med å gå julebukk. Barn kledde seg ut, gikk rundt på besøk til folk, ringte på dørene og sang julesanger for de som åpner, men denne skikken er ikke vanlig lenger.
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Norsk - Deutsch - English
lysestake (en) - der Kerzenhalter - candle holder
julebord (et) - die Weihnachtsfeier (für Angestellte/Mitglieder/Freunde) - Christmas banquet for employees/members/friends
julemarked (en) - der Weihnachtsmarkt - Christmas market
gløgg (en) - der Glühwein - mulled wine
brente mandler - gebrannte Mandeln - roasted almonds
juleøl (et) - das Weihnachtsbier - Christmas beer
julepynt (en) - die Weihnachtsdekoration - Christmas decoration
nisse (en) - der Nisse (Hausgeist) - nisse (folklore creature)
juletre (et) - der Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas tree
julekule (en) - die Weihnachtskugel - Christmas baubel
Lille juleaften - "Kleiner Heilig Abend" - "Little Christmas Eve"
pepperkakehus (et) - das Lebkuchenhaus - gingerbread house
Grevinnen og hovmesteren - Dinner for One
Julaften - der Heiligabend - Christmas Eve
julemiddag (en) - das Weihnachtsessen - Christmas dinner
julerett (en) - das Weihnachtsgericht - Christmas dish
ribbe (en/ei) - Schweinerippen - pork ribs
risgrøt (en) - der Reisbrei - rice porridge
julegave (en/ei) - das Weihnachtsgeschenkt - Christmas present
Første juledag - erster Weihnachtstag - Christmas Day
Andre juledag - zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag - Boxing Day
Romjul (en/ei) - zwischen den Jahren - period between Dec 27th-31st
romjulssalg (et) - der Weihnachtsverkauf - Christmas sale starting on Dec 27th
å gå julebukk - Weihnachtssingen gehen (Kinder verkleiden sich) - to go Christmas carolling (kids dress up in costumes)
julesang (en) - das Weihnachtslied - Christmas song
God jul og godt nytt år! 🎉❤️
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cerisep0urrie · 8 days
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starting my german era… why is this literally the funnest language ever
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Hey I have so many thoughts that I would like to share but for right now I would like to share this one idea that came to me. So German is my first language and I've learnt English since elementary school. Learning English words had an entirely different way of associating and imprinting meaning since it came later. It was very interesting and had many different phases, I still learn new words sometimes, which I love and I dearly miss English class. But I digress.
There's the word "custard" that I've come across more frequently during the past days and I like it. It doesn't really have a German 1:1 translation, I know what it is and there's translations approaching its meaning. Which is wonderful because that leaves space for the word. Much like back in the day with your first language and with foreign languages you learnt during your teenage years, you just learn the word, you don't have as many associations and strategies to back up your language learning. So you actually have space to create your own feeling for that word, its haptics and what it means to you in this moment. If you're still following me, I would like to suggest something, I assume most people here don't know any German, so I would like to give you a German word sometimes and you can make it your own thing. I would absolutely love to hear what people associate with it and what it means to them. It's of course very easy to look things up in our day and age so it's unfortunately easy to find out what it really means in English or whatever tour Native language is. It's so beautiful to have a Native language by the way but that will be for another very long post. 😉😍🥰 Anyways, if you'd like to join in, I will think of a word and start this discussion this weekend. 🤓😀 Let me know what you think!
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moomin279 · 15 days
when i think im in heaven but the German cases and article rules arrive and i know this is hell
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