#hair do
twinsforfashion · 2 years
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La noche buena pasada fue el último día que me afeité la cabeza. Han pasado casi 8 meses y este proceso me está matando. No es fácil, mis condiciones hacen que no me crezca el pelo a un ritmo normal, y no ha crecido como antes, aunque era de esperar, tengo largos y densidades distintas por toda la cabeza… Estava haciendo un video para enseñar el proceso pero ya he desistido porque soy un chiste y no me hace sentir bien. Soy Ace Ventura [Y ya no voy a entrar en porque no puedo llevarlo al natural] Pero vaya, que esta siendo un verdadero coñazo.
Antes nunca me había planteado como de incómoda te puedes sentir si no te gustas físicamente 24/7. Es decir, como todes hay muchas cosas de mi físico que querría mejorar o que fueran distintas pero son inseguridades puntuales que no tomarban el control de la percepción general que tengo de mi. Ya no. Ahora me siento como un catfish constante, ir con peluca me hace sentir bien, yo misma, guapa, pero el 80% del tiempo no la llevo y llego incluso a sentirme incomoda en mi propia casa y a solas. Eso es lo peor. Nunca me había pasado, y a parte esa incomodidad tiene muchas otras repercusiones en mi psique y vida diaria que ya os podéis imaginar.
Pero por fin, despues de casi 8 meses, he podido llegar a una solución con la que estoy cómoda, me veo bien y me siento yo las 24h y mi pelo queda protegido y a salvo de cualquiera otra de las opciones- como aplicar calor y demás. ¡Qué feliz me hacen las trenzas joder! Espero que os gusten junto a estas fotos desde Stockholm.
Last Christmas Eve was the last day I shaved my head. It's been almost 8 months and this process is killing me. It's not easy, my conditions mean that my hair doesn't grow at a normal rate, and it hasn't grown like it used to, even though it was expected, I have different lengths and densities all over my head... I was making a video to show the process but I've given up because I feel like a joke and it doesn't make me feel good. I look like Ace Ventura [And I'm not going to get into why I can't wear it au naturel] But uh, it's been a real pain in the ass.
I never really considered before how uncomfortable you can feel if you don't like yourself physically 24/7. I mean, like everyone else there are many things about my physique that I would want to improve or be different but they are one-off insecurities that didn't take over the overall perception I have of myself. Not anymore. Now I feel like a constant catfish, wearing the wig makes me feel good, like my true self, beautiful, but 80% of the time I don't wear it and I even feel uncomfortable in my own home and alone. That's the worst thing. It has never happened to me before, and besides this discomfort there are many other repercussions in my psyche and daily life that you can already imagine.
But finally, after almost 8 months, I have been able to reach a solution with which I am comfortable, I look good and feel like me 24h a day and my hair is protected and safe from any of the other options - like applying heat and so on. How happy braids make me! I hope you like them among these photos from Stockholm.
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Zara dress with vintage handbag & James Smith sandals.
+ Shoot by Audrey and Júlia.
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moncuries · 4 months
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guess what i watched on new years (a redraw kind of)
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juiche · 4 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
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mountainshroom · 17 days
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Felt like drawing some silly cats :)
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sergle · 1 month
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the threshold has been crossed, it is now springtime!!
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cymk8 · 3 months
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her hair so CRISPY
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finleycannotdraw · 9 months
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I like to think combat training for these two became more complicated as they got older, if you know what I mean
I colored the last one first and then lowered my standards. give it up for 10yo ambrosius and his glaringly yellow shirt
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fiddlepickdouglas · 7 months
Saw another poll that asked what your natural hair color was with half the choices being shades of blonde and that just won't do. Let's go about this the professional way (this does not describe tone but tones are based off this level system). Some natural levels fall in between these, as human variation will do, but go with what you believe is closest.
Feel free to describe your tone in the tags!
*some level systems include levels 11 and 12 but these are strictly to describe shades lightened above a level 10 and are not considered on the naturally occurring spectrum for hair aside from going lighter with age
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unofficialchronicle · 5 months
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Part the hair down the middle and divide it in two, making two ponytails on top of each side. Then wrap your hair around the base of the ponytail and secure them with little claw clips.
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tizzymcwizzy · 6 months
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! i hope you get to eat a lot of candy and watch a scary movie if you celebrate :D
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mangozic · 24 hours
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my dead goth son and his friendly neighborhood personified concept of insanity
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twinsforfashion · 5 months
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Uniforme de entre-tiempo: gorra, camisa debajo de sudadera XL, leggings, calcetín gordito y deportivas. Cómoda, calentita, sport & chic. Si hace más frío suelo combinar estos looks con una gabardina XXL, aunque este otoño se está resistiendo - hoy en Barcelona hemos llegado a los 27 grados… 
Fall uniform: cap, shirt under XL sweatshirt, leggings, thick socks and sneakers. Comfortable, warm, sporty & chic. If it's colder, I usually combine these looks with an XXL trench coat, although this fall it is resisting - today in Barcelona we have reached 27 degrees...
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Nude sweatshirt, Zara cap and shirt, Calzedonia leggings and socks with Kipling bag & Mango sneakers.
+ Shoot by @cucone.
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batbabydamian · 16 days
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reverse robins of my fav trio!
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st4rlex · 7 months
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dont feel like doing actual art sorry guys
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soaked-doors · 5 months
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a comic about wine, a wager, and reconnecting through your weird kids
this behemoth of a comic is finally done - and just in time for zoros birthday huehue. initially i wanted to make a zolu introspective from an outsider POV and was like you know who would have really funny input on this … mihawk. and then it spiraled into seven pages of mishanks sitting and talking. i thought it would be funny if mishanks ended up doing self imposed couples therapy the day mihawk brought luffys bounty bc well. its kind of hilarious to think abt mihawk realizing shanks was onto something all those years ago after he meets zoro and luffy. like sure this new generation is batshit crazy but my god are they cooking. anyways. cheers. get some kids
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gender-luster · 1 year
"love is in the air" wrong! that's the buildup of static electricity before the discharge of lightning. you'll want to seek cover. quickly
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