meadow-roses · 23 hours
Quick Helmer turn around animation! The key frames were drawn on paper in pencil, clean-up, tweens and color were added in OpenToonz.
Helmer and The Green Ember belong to S. D. Smith and the Story Warren.
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sleepvines · 2 years
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kilmarnock228 · 4 months
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warrior-of-sunlight · 9 months
Going to the emergency vet with Helmer in half an hour, he seems to have a mass in his stomach and isn't feeling well. He is also having diarrhoea and pees a lot. Thought it was the warmer weather at first because he is known to have an upset stomach then, but the mass is concerning. Hoping this is going to be an expensive fart and not something life threatening, keeping my fingers crossed.
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techniktagebuch · 11 days
April 2024
eID und Barmer App
Die Schwiegermutter möchte ihren Gesundheitskurs bei der Krankenkasse einreichen. Wie viele Menschen ihrer Alterklasse schimpft sie über die Digitalisierung, und wir jungen Leute versuchen ihr die Vorteile nahezubringen.
Zunächst installiere ich die Barmer App auf ihrem iPad. Beim Einrichten kann man den digitalen Ausweis oder die digitale Krankenkassenkarte verwenden. Ich erwarte, dass ich auch die Ausweis App auf iPad und iPhone nutzen muss. Aber es passiert einfach nix. Ich stelle noch mal sicher, dass iPad mit iPhone als Kartenleser verbunden ist, aber nichts passiert.
Dann installiere ich die App auf dem iPhone. Als ich dort beim Einrichten wieder an die Stelle des Ausweisscannens komme, wird direkt das Auflegen des Ausweises gefordert. Die Barmer App hat also die Ausweis App Funktion direkt eingebaut, was super ist. Dann öffne ich den Bonusprogrammreiter und lade das PDF der Volkshochschule hoch. Optimaler wäre nur noch, wenn die Barmer App beim Sharedialog für PDFs direkt angeboten werden würde, aber das kann ja noch werden.
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what do you mean i can't bury my family member because he was a traitor surely one can follow the laws of gods and of men
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bear-the-flame · 10 months
Helmer: don't worry. There are no stupid answers, just stupid people.
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scribbly-bear · 2 years
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“My arm for the cause and crown.
My all for the cause and crown.” ~ Helmer
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twafordizzy · 1 year
Het Italiaanse Amerika van John Fante
bron beeld: welt.de In Wacht tot het voorjaar, Bandini van de Amerikaanse schrijver John Fante (1909-1983) volgen we een Italiaans-Amerikaans gezin waarin overleven een belangrijk ding is. Vader Svevo is metselaar, werkeloos want het is winter. Moeder Maria is van goede katholieke komaf en belijdend. De drie kinderen, August, Fredrico en Arturo, redden zich redelijk op school en in hun nieuwe…
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random-brushstrokes · 1 month
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Helmer Osslund (Sweden, 1866-1938) - Brooding skies
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sleepvines · 2 years
Is there an origin and world setting for those fur-hire guys? And I'm curious how they all got together if there's something behind that too :>
OKAY SO the thing is, since these guys originate from yugioh cards its actually kinda hard to ascertain what their setting would be like [there’s literally no provided lore at all aside from the art on the cards themselves] so lets go with high fantasy, due to the presence of things like flying boats and animal people, magic, etc.
As for how they got together, it started with Helmer, who worked as a freelance pilot. He’s actually a very skilled helmsman, who was sought out for his impressive airship-driving skills to ferry clients quickly and safely.
That is until he was approached by a mercenary by the name of Rafale, who thought Helmer would make a great addition to his team: the Skyfang Brigade. Rafale paid very well, and with Helmer bored by his repetitive work, becoming a mercenary sounded enticing. (Not to mention he found the man attractive.) So Helmer lent both his ship and his talents to the brigade, since their old ship was…not so great. Unfortunately this meant leaving behind his high profile career, since being a mercenary isn’t exactly favoured by his old clientele. He was fine with that.
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Eventually, some of Rafale’s associates found out about the sick new boat, and decided to fully join the team as well! As they went about doing their work in defending people, carrying out assassinations, and providing escort, more and more people eventually joined the team. Through the close bond of being a tight-knit crew and having to depend on each other with their lives, most of them said fuck it! We’re all in a relationship now.
Of course, some of them are decidedly not involved with that
But yeah! That’s what we got so far :]
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lionofchaeronea · 7 months
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Autumn, Helmer Osslund, 1907
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techniktagebuch · 1 month
Früher war der Wechsel des geleasten Arbeitslaptop immer ungeliebt, da man doch zahlreiche Daten unfreiwillig beim Kopieren verlor. Mancher Kollege versuchte das möglicht lange herauzuschieben.
2023 gibt es eine einseitige Anleitung, wie man selbst sein Windowslaptop an die Microsoftcloud anklemmt und nach zwei Neustarts muss man lediglich ein paar Programme nachinstallieren und Repos neu clonen. Der Rest kommt aus der Microsoft 365 Cloud heruntergeregnet. Statt in mehreren Tage ist man in wenigen Stunden umgezogen.
Allerdings hat der Reiz des neuen Laptops auch einiges verloren, weil die Geräte fast gleich aussehen und die Leistung kaum merklich ansteigt.
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enjoydd · 2 years
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Helmer och Esther
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balkanparamo · 1 year
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Helmer MasOlle (Swedish, 1884 - 1969) Zefyr , 1931
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bear-the-flame · 2 years
Picket: I wasn't done talking!
Helmer: I was done listening
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