#hoo fic
vivitalks · 3 months
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directions to the truth
pairing: jason grace/nico di angelo rating: T total word count: 35.7k important tags: canon universe, POV alternating, fluff & angst & humor, hurt/comfort, grief/mourning, nightmares, sword fighting
Three times in three days. This guy is really sticking it to Nico’s trust issues. A small voice in the back of Nico’s head whispers, what does he want with you? People — especially people like Jason — don't just decide you're worth their time. He must want something. Everyone does. Except… The look on Jason’s face when Nico thought he was using him to get Leo back. The genuine distress. The fact that when Jason confronted Nico in Auster’s palace, when Nico pushed, Jason only pushed back, stern and unafraid. Telling him take a risk. No, not telling him; challenging him. • Immediately following the war, Jason and Nico keep choosing each other.
welcome to my post-BoO canonverse exploration of jasico at camp half-blood after the war. it was supposed to be short, and then predictably spiraled way out of control. there are eight chapters, linked below as i update them, which will happen most likely over the next few days. have fun :)
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sodamnbored · 7 months
Thalia picked the last of Jason’s socks up off his bedroom floor and added them to the bundle of clothes in her arms. She carried her load back out into the hall, satisfied that she had enough for a load of laundry to go into the washing machine. She made her way down the hall to the sitting room, head tilted to the side to see where she was going around the mound of washing. That was when she spotted Jason.
Jason was sitting right where she’d left him in front of the couch. It seemed at some point, however, he’d managed to pull out the little drawer from the cabinet beside the couch and upended the contents onto the floor in front of him.
There wasn’t much in the drawer; a load of junk mail, some scattered stationery, all the things that they didn’t have anywhere else to dump. Thankfully, he’d ignored the scissors and loose change so far. From what Thalia could see, her little brother had been entertaining himself by gnawing on pencils. Jason had been chewing anything he could get his little paws on for weeks now, making use of his newly grown in teeth. Thalia had asked her mom about it, who had explained it was normal for babies to bite things while they were teething. Their mother was standing by the window, distractedly gazing out of it with her back to her son.
Jason had abandoned the pencils when they’d started to get too pulpy to be satisfying. He currently had a stapler clutched in his little hands, already raised to his mouth. He was innocently twisting it this way and that, trying to fit the large object into his mouth, scraping his teeth at the plastic shell experimentally, drooling all over it. Thalia’s eyes went wide in alarm, and she instantly dropped the clothes in her arms, reaching out instinctively to stop him.
“Don’t –” she cried out in warning, just as she saw Jason’s jaw close around the stapler, applying just enough pressure to push the metal mechanism back into the plastic shell with an audible click.
The click of the stapler’s discharge was almost entirely drowned out by Jason’s sudden squeal, followed by a long wail. Jason dropped the stapler with a heavy thunk, curling away from it as he continued to shriek in pain. Thalia was already halfway across the room. She scooped him up into her arms without hesitation, running a hand through the back of his hair soothingly as she fretted over him. Jason clung to her tightly, his high-pitched sobs never ceasing. Their mother had finally managed to pry her eyes away from the window at the sound of Jason’s shrill crying. She hovered by the window, wringing her hands anxiously as she watched them. She still looked too absent to be of any real use to Thalia.
“It’s okay now, you’re fine, you’re fine,” soothed Thalia, bouncing her little brother gently.
She carefully tipped him back a little, just enough to get a look at his face and see how bad it was. Jason’s face was bright red with the force of his shrieking, thick tears wetting his cheeks. His features were scrunched up in pain and there was blood around his lips on one side, enough to have started dripping down to his chin. The sight of the blood made Thalia’s breath catch in her throat. She’d never seen her little brother bleed before.
“If your father was here, he could fix it in no time at all,” said their mother, sounding far away and far too calm. She glanced back to the window, at the sky dreamily. “He’d know just what to do to make it all better.”
For a second, Thalia couldn’t even speak she was so mad. She’d left mom in charge. She was supposed to have been watching Jason and she hadn’t. Now Jason was hurt – was bleeding – and it was all her fault, but she still wasn’t helping, just mumbling about dad who’d never been any help either. She threw her mother a dark look over Jason’s head, seething with anger.
“Well Dad isn’t here,” she hissed venomously. “Why don’t you do something about it for once?”
Her mother looked mildly guilty and quite affronted, but Thalia ignored her. She cradled Jason’s head back into her shoulder gently, and spun on her heel, marching down the hall towards the bathroom. She had to get Jason cleaned up and taken care of before anything else. She’d never trust her mom with her baby brother again.
Was just bored and trying to get motivated to write something proper. Only spent like five minutes on this, but hopefully it’ll spark something. Figured I’d post it here cause why not.
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whitesunlars · 2 years
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and many more
the percy jackson birthday fic i wrote in less than four hours so you're not allowed to judge the quality of
Waking up, Sally knows she’s not alone. She doesn’t need to roll over and look around the room to know. She can feel his overwhelming presence filling the air, calmer than it had ever felt before, even in their most serene moments. Her hospital room looked out over the river. From far away, the water always looked still, and the Hudson never churns angrily, yet staring out the window, the water has never looked quite as peaceful. “He’s beautiful,” A familiar voice, deep and warm like the ocean waves heated by the sun.
Sally rolled over, wincing slightly at the pain from the movement, her entire lower body was sore in a way it had never been. The pain was worth it though, it was all worth it, for that little baby being cradled in the arms of a god like he was the most precious thing in the world. Scoffing, Sally teased the god playfully, “You’re just saying that because he looks like you.”
Sea green eyes met hers, filled with sincerity, love, and wonder. Poseidon, the god of the sea, of earthquakes, of storms, the man she loved, and the father of her newly born son. Smiling, Poseidon walked towards the hospital bed where Sally rested, having given birth earlier that very day. “I’m saying that because he looks like you. Sure, he has my eyes, but that nose? That chin? That’s all you, Sally.” Gently, Poseidon sat down on the edge of the bed, holding the baby close to his chest. “What did you name him?”
Displeased, Poseidon grunted and shot Sally an angry look, “You named him after my brother’s son?”
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Before a storm could begin to brew, Sally cut off Poseidon’s anger, “I named him after the only hero to have a happy ending.”
Guilt washed over Poseidon like the tide, and he softened once more, looking down at his son sadly. Happy endings were rare for demigods and the parents of the young baby were painfully aware how true that would be for their son.
Sighing heavily, Sally asked, “You still won’t tell me what the prophecy says, will you? The reason our son shouldn’t exist, the reason he’s in danger, I can’t know it?”
Poseidon shook his head, forlorn.
“Then there’s no better name for him than Perseus. If just a little luck and a little hope gives him more of a chance then I’ll give it to him, in any way I can.” Smiling slightly, Sally added, “If it makes you feel any better, I plan on calling him Percy.”
“Come with me, both of you,” Poseidon urged.
Sitting up a little more, Sally reached over and lifted her son out of his father’s arms, settling the sleeping infant against her chest. A small and warm squishy baby with chubby cheeks and bright green eyes, he was amazing. He was perfect. He was in danger. Sally would do everything in her limited power to keep him safe, to keep him alive. “We both know we can’t do that, Po,” Sally chided softly, carding a hand through the thick, soft curls that already covered the baby’s head. “If nobody can know about him, coming to live with you will just put him at risk. I can’t let that happen.”
“His life will be dangerous.” Poseidon warned.
“And it wouldn’t be if we came below the sea with you?” Sally shot back, annoyed. “At least here I can protect him whatever way I can. There’s nothing I can do there.”
Standing, Poseidon reached into the front pocket of his bright Hawaiian shirt and pulled out a crisp business card. “There’s going to come a time you won’t be able to protect him anymore.” Handing Sally the card, Poseidon continued, “When that day comes, call this number, you’ll find help and he’ll find a safe haven.” For a moment, Poseidon paused, looking down at Percy and then back up at Sally, “I wish…”
“I know.”
With a nod, Poseidon warned Sally to cover her eyes. She did. In a flash Poseidon was gone. The only proof he ever had existed, let alone been in that room, was the lingering salty smell of the ocean and the green-eyed baby safe in Sally’s embrace. Pressing a gentle kiss to Percy’s forehead, Sally began to sing “happy birthday”, the words filling her with warmth at the baby she had carried for nine months. A day would come where she wouldn’t be able to protect him, already now she could do less to keep him safe than she could hours ago when he was still within her. The life he had ahead of him would be hard and dangerous in ways Sally could never predict. He would face horrors and monsters and gods and there would be nothing Sally could do to help him. But she could give him a strong name, she could give him hope, she could guide him as far as she could, and she could wish him “happy birthday” and pray with her very soul for there to be many more to follow.
Things were better before Gabe. Back when it was just Percy and Mommy. He liked their small studio apartment and cuddling in bed. He liked sitting somewhere tucked away when she snuck him into her job at the diner, or the one at the make-up booth, or the one at the butcher shop, and told him to be quiet. She would walk around and sing as she worked to keep him entertained. He liked life like that.
But then the lady with the hairy leg and weird limp and fangs and fire for hair approached him at the park and suddenly Percy and Mommy were moving in with Gabe. Mommy told Percy he imagined the scary lady, but he knew that wasn’t true. He remembered her. It couldn’t be a dream, but Mommy said it was and he trusted Mommy more than scary ladies.
Whether or not the fang lady was real, the next thing Percy knew they were moving into Gabe’s apartment where Percy had his own room, but everything smelled and Mommy never seemed happy. She seemed busier than ever before, and she seemed tired and sad and Gabe was mean to her. Gabe was mean to Percy, too. He said words to Percy that Percy knew were bad and Mommy would scold him but that didn’t stop him. He said things to Percy that Percy did understand, calling him dumb and worthless and a waste. Each word hurt almost as much as the way Gabe’s grip on his arm did when Percy was in his way. Almost.
Everything had gotten worse since they moved in with Gabe, even Percy’s birthday. He was turning five, which was a very big number, but Mommy couldn’t celebrate with him and Percy didn’t want to celebrate with Gabe, not like the jerk would want to eat cake with Percy anyways. Just the other day Mommy and Gabe had gotten in a fight about food and whether it could be blue or not and suddenly everything they ate was blue, which Percy really liked. Blue was his favorite color and blue things tasted better. He would have wanted a blue birthday cake, just to share with Mommy, but she had to work. Instead, Percy went to sleep on his birthday in his empty room with his too big and lonely bed, missing his mom.
Percy didn’t know what time it was when he woke up to gentle fingers running through his hair. Blinking his eyes open, he smiled wide at the sight of his Mommy. She looked like she hadn’t slept in years, her hair was messy and there were bags under her eyes, but she looked so happy to see Percy that everything had to be alright.
“Happy birthday,” Mommy said, pressing a kiss to Percy’s forehead, “I’m sorry I missed most of it, but I brought you this,” She pulled out from behind her back a bright blue chocolate chip cookie. Grinning Percy reached for it. He paused for a moment and looked at his Mommy. She looked happy and sad and tired, and she deserved something good too, so without thinking any harder, Percy split the cookie in half and handed the other half back to her. It was the smaller half, though, it was his birthday after all. Mommy tried to protest but Percy didn’t let her. Birthdays are meant to be shared. There were no candles to blowout, but that was okay. Mommy still sang to him and told him to make a wish, as she promised him, “and many more.”
Dinner ends with the entire camp singing “Happy Birthday” and blue cake that tastes like chocolate appearing on everybody’s plates. Camp ends in two days so Percy is pretty sure most of the campers are only singing because they want the cake to celebrate, but he doesn’t complain.
He had spent the day racing in the canoe lake, beating all the Hermes kids without breaking a sweat. He climbed the lava wall, which he made it nearly halfway up on before he needed to jump into the water below to avoid being burnt, his best record yet. Annabeth still laughed at him from the top, but he knew he would make it up there one day soon. He missed Grover desperately and wished his best friend could have stayed at camp longer, but he did get an IM and was happy to tell him all about beating Annabeth in a duel. She argued that she went easy on him for his birthday, but Percy was pretty sure she was lying. Annabeth never went easy on him. She would never make things easy on him. All of that, plus the camp singing for him whether because he was their friend, a returned hero, or because they just wanted dessert, the day was basically his best birthday ever.
A weird feeling churned in his gut when they reached the end of the song and nobody added, “And many more.” His mom always added “and many more.” To him it was part of the birthday song. Not hearing it felt strange. Looking at the faces of his friends and tense acquaintances (the entire Ares cabin, mostly), realization washed over Percy. Demigods probably don’t like to add “and many more.” Tomorrow, let alone many more years, is never guaranteed for a half-blood. Gruesome death at a tragically young age was the most common fate awaiting the children of gods.
For a moment, Percy pictured his mom’s face every time she sang him happy birthday. It was never fully happy. Her smile never quite reached her eyes as she added her earnest, “and many more.” Percy had always thought it was because she was seeing his dad when she looked at him, but that wasn’t it. Or at least wasn’t it entirely. She was looking at him as a demigod, as a son of Poseidon who should never have been born. His mom didn’t sing “and many more” because it was part of the song, she added it because she was praying for that to be true. She knew the dangers he faced, she knew that he might not have many more, that he probably would have a very short life, yet every year she helped him blow out the candles on his blue birthday cake and added the words, praying for them to be true.
Suddenly, there was nothing Percy wanted more than to be with his mom. The two days between them felt very far apart. Every day it felt like he was learning more about the sacrifices she made to keep him safe and alive and everyday he was loving her a little more. He had the greatest mom in the world, and he would make sure he had many more years just to keep her happy. Also, because he didn’t really want to be dead. Dying at thirteen would suck. Percy wanted many more years for himself, too, even if he didn’t really want to be a half-blood.
Being alive was amazing. Percy was sure it was something he would never take for granted again. He had woken up that morning certain that it would be his last and resigned to his fate if it meant his friends would live on without him. Instead, he was walking Annabeth back to her cabin, heart bursting with happiness, and their hands linked together. It was dark out, but the harpies were told to let the campers have free reign of the camp, just for that night. There had been enough pain and suffering for one day. If the campers wanted to seek comfort from their friends with a different godly parent or solace in the fresh air of a safe world, they were granted that freedom.
Percy and Annabeth had taken advantage of the lack of harpies and stayed under the canoe lake long after it had grown dark, and their friends had realized they would not come to the surface any time soon. Most of their time in their private bubble under the water was spent kissing. It was new, it was exciting, and it was very well deserved for both of them. They talked, too. One of the best things about the two of them together was that they could talk. The past year filled with tension and anger and worry made it hard for them to talk but finally they were both unburdened and honest and able to share conversation once more. Talking with Annabeth, actually talking and sharing his feelings rather than swapping sharp barbs laced with hidden meaning, felt like coming home. Holding her hand felt like coming home, too. Kissing her felt like… it felt like the future. A future he had never imagined.
It was nearing midnight when they reached her cabin, only having come to the surface when Percy started yawning and they feared his control over their air bubble would fade with his exhaustion. Reaching the porch of the Athena Cabin, Percy was reluctant to let go of Annabeth’s hand. There was so much that still needed to be said, apologies, explanations, confessions. Leaving her, even for a moment felt wrong. He paused, opening his mouth trying to think of something to say.
As if reading his mind, Annabeth cut off his unformed sentence with a short kiss, something Percy was already coming to realize they would both be doing a lot, kissing and using it to interrupt the other one. When she pulled back she promised, “We can talk tomorrow, okay?”
Tomorrow. The word felt foreign. He had spent so long counting all his tomorrows up until sixteen, not knowing if there would be another. Tomorrow had never felt promised and suddenly he had a lifetime, a real lifetime not a shortened demigod lifetime, of tomorrows ahead of him. It was his sixteenth birthday and suddenly he felt like he was born all over again. For the first time, maybe since he was born, maybe since he was twelve, maybe since he heard the prophecy earlier that summer, he had tomorrows to look forward to.
Gods. It was his sixteenth birthday. He barely saw his mom. He would need to go into the city tomorrow and tell her everything. Which he could do, because he had a tomorrow. Clearly, Annabeth could tell his thoughts were spiraling, because she kissed him again. Or, as he looked at the soft smile on her lips, he thought she might just have wanted to kiss him again because she could.
There was a lot that could be said tomorrow, but there was one thing that had to be said before midnight. Kissing him again, Annabeth mumbled a fond, “Happy birthday.” She kissed him again. Percy was really starting to love this new development. “And here’s to many more.”
A broad smile burst across Percy’s face. There would be many more and all of them would be spent with Annabeth, he was sure.
Just over a month ago they had celebrated Annabeth’s birthday. Twenty-one was a big birthday to celebrate, becoming legal after all was exciting, even if alcohol was always easy to come by when you were friends with the Stoll brothers. Yet Annabeth had celebrated hard, getting drunker than Percy had ever seen her. He happily nursed her through her hangover and wiped dried vomit from her mouth. In her drunken haze, she had repeatedly told him how much she loved him and Percy would reply fondly that he felt the same. Each time he said that she would light up, joy radiating through the alcohol induced fogginess.
Percy’s twenty-first birthday was very different from his girlfriend’s. It was different from all of his friends’ twenty-first birthdays because Percy did not drink. The smell of alcohol made his stomach recoil, which showed how much he adored Annabeth that he still tended to her when she reeked of cheap vodka. Beer, liquor, wine, it all reminded Percy too much of Gabe. The smell would bring him back to that disgusting apartment and suddenly he would feel rough hands grabbing him and throwing him around and the sharp burn of a cigarette the one time he pressed it to Percy’s skin before Sally nearly murdered him, before Sally actually murdered him. Percy tried drinking, once. He threw up after one beer. He felt sick to his stomach the moment he tasted it.
On his twenty-first birthday, Percy didn’t drink. He didn’t go to a bar or a club like all of his friends had to celebrate theirs. Instead, Percy had a small party on the beach. Sure, there were drinks for everyone else, but Percy was happy drinking his blue Coke and playing in the water with his girlfriend.
When it came time to sing and blow out candles, his mom appeared like a baking goddess, with a large blue cake covered in iced ocean waves. Even without any alcohol in his system, Percy felt warm and giddy as he blew out the candles. Surrounded by his friends, his family, and holding the hand of the love of his life, there was no other way he could feel. As everyone wished him many more birthdays to come, Percy grinned, because he knew they were only going to keep getting better.
Throughout his life, Percy Jackson has been called many different things and held many different titles. Son, husband, bad kid, demigod, hero. There are plenty more things he has never been called. He was never once a “pleasure to have in class,” not even from Chiron, and he most certainly was never called a morning person. Life as a demigod, then as an Olympic athlete, and after that as a firefighter, meant Percy frequently had to wake up early. He never enjoyed doing that. He never liked leaving his bed and facing the day, not when he could stay curled up and wait a little longer. Birthdays, aside from the ones during a literal war, were always his guaranteed day to sleep in. Annabeth, his mom, everybody, knew not to wake him before 11 at the earliest. Everybody except the person who just a few months earlier who had given him his newest and favorite title: Dad.
Sharp and loud cries, Sophie’s feed me screams, woke Percy and Annabeth at roughly the same time. It was early, the sun was just starting to peek through the curtains but was not fully risen. Instead of feeling annoyed to be woken so early, Percy felt elated. His daughter woke him up. A little piece of him and Annabeth brought to life with light brown hair and Percy’s eyes. She was perfect in ways Percy could never have expected and filled him with so much happiness that waking up before sunrise on his birthday didn’t upset him.
“Go back to sleep,” Annabeth mumbled, “I’ve got her.”
Grinning, already wide awake, Percy gently pushed Annabeth back down to the bed and she happily buried her face into her pillow, already snoring again despite her denial that she ever snored. Percy took a single moment to push a curl out of Annabeth’s face and press a kiss to her cheek. The baby was still crying so he didn’t take long and hurried down the hallway toward his wailing daughter.
“Good morning,” Percy said softly as he pulled Sophie out of her crib. The cries lessened for a moment when she realized someone was paying attention to her, but resumed just as quickly when she realized she wasn’t immediately being fed. “Hold your horses,” Percy playfully chided, “It’s daddy’s birthday, you know, give your old man a little time to get your bottle ready.”
Uncaring and unable to understand, Sophie kept sobbing. Bouncing her slightly as he walked, Percy moved around the kitchen, prepping her bottle one handed. Through the window, he could see the sun slowly rise higher and the sky start to brighten to a clear blue. Birthdays used to be meant for sleeping in. One day he would have many more chances to do so, but his first birthday with his daughter, that was something that would only happen once and Percy planned to cherish that.
The fates said that reaching sixteen was against all odds and yet Percy had officially doubled that number. Thirty-two years ago, he was born when he was never supposed to exist, sixteen years ago he had survived a war that prophesied his demise. Considering everything, reaching his thirty-second birthday should have been impossible. Percy should have been dead a dozen times over. He had fought gods, titans, and primordial beings, he had blown up a volcano and his heart kept beating, he had walked through the darkest pit of the Underworld and come out breathing. Odds said Percy should have been dead before he was sixteen, yet there he was, thirty-two.
Sitting on the cabin porch, watching the sunset over the ocean and the light catch on the waves, the numbers and probabilities kept rolling around Percy’s mind. He had an amazing life. He was married to his best friend, he had two perfect daughters, he had a job he loved, and a future that seemed never ending. Sixteen years ago, none of what he had seemed possible. On his thirty-second birthday it was his reality and it felt like a miracle every day.
Lost in his head, Percy didn’t hear the footsteps behind him. He didn’t startle, though, when arms wrapped around his shoulders. They were familiar, tan and warm. The scars littering the skin were familiar ones, Percy knew the story behind every healed wound that left its permanent mark. Leaning back, Percy looked up at his wife and smiled. Carding her fingers lovingly through his curls, which were a few days overdue for a haircut, Annabeth asked, “Drachma for your thoughts, birthday boy?”
Tugging on her arm to bring her around the couch to sit beside him, Percy protested, “My thoughts have to be worth at least two drachmas.”
Annabeth shook her head, “Friends and family discount,” She settled on the couch, leaning against Percy’s shoulder and kicking her feet up on the coffee table in front of them. “Technically, I think I should get those thoughts for free, so the drachma is generous.”
“The thoughts are about you, so I guess I can donate them,” Percy wrapped an arm around Annabeth’s shoulder and brought her close, “Just this once.”
“How generous.”
“For you?” Percy pressed a quick kiss to Annabeth’s lips, “Always.”
Tilting her head back to get a better look at Percy’s face, Annabeth asked sincerely, “What are you thinking about? When I came back out after putting the girls to bed, you had this…aura, I guess. I could tell you were thinking and thinking hard.”
Thirty-two had felt impossible. Half a lifetime ago tomorrow felt impossible. He thought of his mom and her hopes and dreams of many more birthdays and those desires had come to fruition. “I was supposed to die sixteen years ago,” Percy shrugged, “And here I am, celebrating my birthday, officially having spent half my life in a relationship with my wonderful wife, with two incredible daughters asleep just inside, and a beautiful sunset in front of me.” Gratitude overwhelmed Percy. He paused and looked at Annabeth, her hair was glowing golden, catching the rays of the sinking sun. Her eyes were sparkling, bright with love and understanding. She was ethereal, she was everything. “I guess….” Percy trailed off for a moment, then looked out at the sun, just starting to drop below the horizon, “I guess I’m just looking forward to tomorrow and the many more to come.”
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This is the Part Where I Shut Up (And Let You Infest My Brain)
woah? whimsy wrote something?
Nico looked around the room, melting into the cacophony of music surrounding him. Piper was attacking the drums full force, sweat dripping from her face. She was so good at her instrument. It helped that she practiced for hours on end. Her dad bought her two drum sets: one for Leo’s house, where most band practices happened, and one for her house. She was like a human metronome, never straying from the beat. By this point, the boys knew better than to argue with her about who was off-tempo.
Jason was relatively new at the bass, but he was picking it up so quickly. He enjoyed being the lower instrument, carrying both the beat and a rhythm, and it showed. He didn’t have as much time to practice, being president of about three or four clubs at school, but sometimes he would call Nico late at night to show off the latest song he learned. Nico did love those calls, even if he knew it was likely because he was the only one still awake. Jason was incredibly talented and Nico adored getting to watch him grow.
Leo was… a nightmare on the guitar. He’d been playing basically since he was big enough to hold it and never put it down again. At the risk of Nico genuinely complimenting him, he sounded beautiful. There were moments where Leo would get frustrated with how he was playing and fully walk away from practice, leaving the rest of them to wonder how he heard anything but perfection. He picked up new music insanely fast, then worked it until it was up to his standards. Nico suspected that guitar was a way for him to productively fidget, a way to get his fingers moving and fill the silence; he would never go so far as to psychoanalyze him, but he noticed Leo didn’t do so well without motion and sensory input. Still, it worked out well. Leo was the best guitar player Nico knew.
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timelesslords · 1 year
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For Real This Time // a Percabeth AU by @captain-jackson and @timelesslords
Annabeth breathed a small sigh of relief as the plane jolted onto the runway. 
The bumpy landing didn’t matter to her as long as they were finally solidly on the ground. She hadn’t quite been able to believe this was happening until she’d gotten on the plane, and even now that the flight was over she still couldn’t entirely process that she had made it. People around her were already starting to stand, anxious to get off the metal tube they’d been trapped in for the past nine hours, and Annabeth followed them listlessly, her brain still a bit foggy from disbelief. 
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Lost Hero XIV - Breisa
Heavy powers
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Warnings: Cursing, teenagers being teenagers, angst, Gaea being a bitch
Word count: 1890
Summary: My burdens aren’t easy to carry, that doesn’t mean yours should be too
Likes❤️, Comments💬, Reblogs 🔁are very much appreciated!!
Snow and sneakers don’t mix. Breisa thought as she tread through the ice cold ground. 
She had been searching for Leo for a good minute. Then snow wasn’t making her move faster. She finally spotted him (with a bright flashlight?) , passed a chain link face with dozens of porta potties.
He stood over Festus—  who had landed on the blue plastic boxes and flattened them all. There were some pretty gross chemicals leaking out of the wreckage. 
Breisa made her way through and tried not to breathe through her nose. Heavy snow was coming down, though it didn’t seem to bother him.
“Leo!” She called.
He turned confused, and his eyes widened in panic. 
Breisa was going to ask what was wrong. Then she noticed it… a little ball of fire sat in his palm. 
“I— you—” Leo stumbled over his words. He quickly extinguished the flames. “You didn’t see anything. Ok? And you can not tell anyone about this.”
“Leo—” Breisa started.
“No! This isn’t some joke or something you can hold against me! You have to promise you won’t say anything.” Leo was frantic. “Alright?” His voice wavered and he was trembling a bit. 
“I won’t say a word.”
Leo studied her for a good minute. She could not read his thoughts completely, but his internal battle was flickering towards anxiousness and relief. He was debating whether or not to trust her word.
“I promise.” Breisa put a hand over her heart.
He seemed at least satisfied with that. “What are you doing here anyways? You should be inside with them.”
“Because I got tired of third wheeling for Jason and Piper.” She rolled her eyes. “I came here looking for you, dummy.”
“Why?” Leo furrowed his eyebrows.
“We're stuck in the middle of nowhere, in a creepy abandoned car plant.” Breisa gestured to the dragon, “Festus needs our help. And we need him if we want to go anywhere. I couldn’t leave you alone to deal with this on your own. Even if we have our issues.”
Leo looked at her like she was crazy. He probably thought she was.
What kind of girl would risk their life in the middle of a blizzard, an exaggeration really , to look for him.
And then he shook his head. 
“If you die from frostbite, that's your own fault.” He leaned over Festus' head and turned to her. “You gonna help or what?”
Breisa grinned. 
Leo had given a simple task. Hold the flashlight steady.
“Aim it a little over here.” He said pointing at the square door control panel along the dragon's head. 
She pointed the flashlight toward it.
“No higher.” 
She moved it up.
“Too high.”
She lowered it.
“To the right.”
“Leo!” Breisa grumbled.
He snickered under his breath. “There is fine.”
Leo opened the control panel and he exhaled in disbelief. “Oh, Festus, what the heck?” 
The tangled up wires inside were frozen over. There was a little cd looking disk charred and blackened— Breisa could make out some Greek letters but they were mostly blurred.
She guessed it wasn’t a good thing, since Leo was muttering things to himself.
“Nothing is unfixable.” He declared finally. “Gimme a nylon bristle detail brush, some nitrile gloves, and maybe a can of that aerosol cleaning solvent.”
 The tool belt obliged. And Leo began to work.
He started off cleaning off the control disk; he had to stop from time to time to summon fire and melt away snow. But mostly he went into autopilot mode, his hands working by themselves.
Leo was really in his element. But as he worked, his mind wandered—that wouldn’t have been such a problem, if Breisa stupid power would just shut off.
Breisa couldn’t exactly tell what he was thinking…
Well sort of. It was hard to explain. 
 But back at the hotel—after the whole argument—the spellbook had filled a new page. Glowing and all misty. Obviously she had to read it. 
It sort of explained why she could feel strong emotions.
 She could connect to people through their emotions— an empathy link. People who had empathy links were most likely to have strong psyche. 
The stronger the psyche, the stronger the empathic (even telepathic) powers a magic user has.
It wasn’t much but it sort of made her understand herself. 
That’s why she could sense Leo’s current anxiousness and self-pity. 
“Enough, Valdez,” He scolded himself suddenly. “Nobody’s going to play any violins for you just because you’re not important. Fix the stupid dragon.”
“Um Leo?” 
He froze, remembering that he wasn’t alone. He coughed awkwardly, “...I didn’t mean to say that outloud.”
“Are you good?” She asked, fidgeting with her necklace. 
“Hmn? Oh yeah totally.” Leo dismissed and went back to working on the dragon. On the inside, his anxiousness spiked. 
“You’re lying again.” 
Leo stopped working.
Breisa hesitated, but remembered the embers on his palm. “Is that what you were trying to hide…the fire?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He grumbled. 
She sighed, kicking at the melted puddles of snow. “Well you’re going to have to eventually.”
“Why does it matter if I do talk about it or not?!” Leo snapped.
“Because we have to settle this!” Breisa shouted. 
Leo turned to her, all his emotions attacked her all at once. They were negative. But mainly resentment.
“Look, I know I said some hurtful things before. Or recently.” She sighed, “I know we aren’t friends. But I’m sorry. Even if you don’t forgive me, I’m sorry. And I can't let you hold this weight on your shoulders. No one should have to suffer like this.” 
Breisa  could feel his emotions that spurred randomly slowed down to grief and anger. 
“You talk about it like…” Leo hesitated, “Like you knew about my powers. Before you caught me using them.”
Breisa breathed shakily. “I had an intuition about it. You were lying… You're emotions they tell so much.”
“My emotions?” He was confused. 
“Ju-just let me show you.” She tread over to him, and got close. “Um, don't freak out.”
“Why would I-” Leo cut himself off as Breisa grabbed his hand. He was getting flustered. 
“You’re embarrassed that I’m holding your hand.” 
“W-well anyone would be I mean…hand holding…” He trailed off, his face burning.
“Think of something else. Think of Festus. How you saw him fall.”
Suddenly Leo was guilty.
“You think it’s all your fault that Festus broke down, despite what Jason said …that you couldn’t fix him long enough to withstand the cold. That you could have done better.”
“How did you?” Leo was stunned.
“I told you. Your emotions are strong.” Breisa half-frown. “I don’t know why, but I can feel someone else’s emotions. It’s some weird empathy power. And when I’m close or touching them I can—
‘Do this.’
He jumped back a bit.
“Did you just—in my— in here?” He tapped his head as his eyes widened. 
Breisa chewed her lips nervously and nodded.‘That’s how I knew about the fire….I…I read your mind by accident.’
“You did what?!” Leo took his hand from hers. “Why did you do that?!”
“It wasn’t on purpose, pendejo!” She huffed ashamed. “I had a vision of your powers, on our way to Boreas. And when we were in the hotel—when you were angry, it was just too much...The vision, I saw you and the machine shop.”
Leo stood quiet for a moment.
“So whenever my emotions get too much. You can see what I am thinking about?” He asked after a minute, even though he already knew the answer.
“Pretty much.” Breisa fiddled with her ring. “It’s not like I wanted to. But maybe I had to.” She shrugged. “Powers are difficult to have. And with my little experience or what’s happened in my life with mine. I want to understand. And be better than how I was.”
Leo went quiet again. “But why? I mean I wasn't any better. I’m still not. So why would you want a truce or somethin’?”
“Something like that.” Breisa put simply. “And because of this odd little group we have. We need to stay together. You’re just as important as everyone else.”
You’re right, Breisa, A voice said. 
Leo fumbled his brush and dropped it into the dragon’s head. Breisa felt her stomach twist.
This felt like the voice from the dream but this one had no accent and sounded more sinister. 
They both turned to see who had spoken. Then they looked at the ground.
Snow and chemical sludge from the toilets, even the asphalt itself was shifting like it was turning to liquid.
A ten-foot-wide area formed eyes, a nose, and a mouth —the giant face of a sleeping woman. She didn’t exactly speak. Her lips didn’t move.
But Breisa could hear her voice in her head, as if the vibrations were coming through the ground into her skull. 
You all need him desperately, She said. In some ways, he is the most important of the seven—like the control disk in the dragon’s brain. Without him, the power of the others means nothing. You will never reach me, never stop me. And I will fully wake.
“You.” Leo was shaking so badly, it was hard to tell if it was from the earth or his own fear. “You killed my mom.” 
The face shifted. The mouth formed a sleepy smile like it was having a pleasant dream.
Ah, but Leo. I am your mother too—the First Mother. You both shall not oppose me. I will ease your burdens. You will tread lightly on the earth.
Breisa thought, ‘Like hell we would do that.’
Dirt-fcae hummed, not exactly pleased.
You know little witch. You need these burdens to be eased. So fragile minded. So easy to lose control. You invade others' minds and space, what makes you think you can be a part of this? All that chaos in you, and your clueless to it all— will be your downfall.
The necklace felt cold. It flickered with a purple glow. She felt the knots in her stomach squirm, and her hands began to shake as the ground rumbled with cracks around her sneakers.
“Y-You don’t know me! You won’t get in my head!”
Her sleepy smile grew wider.
Ah that’s right. I will make sure she finishes the job..if you survive that long. But you wouldn’t want that, would you? So both of you, walk away now let my son Porphyrion rise and become king.
Leo grabbed the nearest thing he could find—a Porta-Potty seat— and threw it at the face. “Leave us alone!”
The toilet seat sank into the liquid earth. Snow and sludge rippled, and the face dissolved. 
Leo stared at the ground, waiting for the face to reappear. But it didn’t.
He looked at Breisa to make sure Dirt-face was really gone and she nodded. 
Then from the direction of the factory, a crash—like two dump trucks slamming together. Metal crumpled and groaned, and the noise echoed across the yard. 
Instantly they knew that Jason and Piper were in trouble. 
Walk away now, the voice had urged. 
“Not likely,” Leo growled. “Gimme the biggest hammer you got.” 
He reached into his tool belt and pulled out a three-pound club hammer with a double-faced head the size of a baked potato. 
Breisa summoned her ax from the ring. In perfect size and condition. The bronze shone in the setting moonlight. 
Together they ran from the wreckage and toward the warehouse.
(A/N: Another chapter! Procrastistion be damn! I'm gonna try to be posting as often as I can no more cliffhangers. Also Happy Bleated Valentine's day <33!)
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thaliaisalesbian · 1 year
Lights will guide you home: And ignite your bones
She doesn’t know how she’s going to think their way out of this one. 
They can’t fight their way out. It’s not possible.
Not when they’d sat down in the first place because of her panic attack; especially not when they’re surrounded on all sides—a whole crowd turned against them in the seconds before they struck.
She’s blinded, again. Blinded with a weapon that won’t do anything against these enemies and a boy who wouldn’t take a chance to escape if she told him to.
She can’t think of a way out.
She knows all the myths, has learned everything she can. That knowledge has kept her alive many times.
That knowledge means nothing in the face of one of her worst traumas; it can’t help her keep her breathing steady.
She’s fought and won wars, but she can’t fight an enemy she can’t hurt. She can’t fight anyone when she can’t stay on her feet.
She hears a sound that’s far too close to bone breaking for her comfort, but the pain never hits her despite the too-tight grip on her wrists.
The metal they wrap around them is slick; coated in something just on the wrong side of too sweet. Innocuous, probably not deadly.
It would be much easier to kill them than to go to all this trouble.
finish on ao3
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Today’s dose of pipabeth fanfiction isss:
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It’s really engaging and beautiful- sunkelles has a lot of fantastic pipabeth oneshots on top of this one
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seaweedbraens · 2 years
we can walk straight through hell (with a smile) chapter 4 - part 2
title: we could walk straight through hell (with a smile)
summary: The titans have won the war, the child of the prophecy was killed, and what remains of the demigod alliance is hidden underground. Many believe that the great prophecy was false, and that another will be revealed in time, but the sudden introduction of a new face throws everything into question all over again.
[pjo+hoo (kinda), retains elements of canon]
percy/annabeth; piper/jason; hazel/frank
word count: 45k+
link: ao3 [part 2 only]
full fic masterpost
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tratieiscanon · 2 years
Relationships: Silena Beauregard/Clarisse La Rue, Nyssa Barrera/Drew Tanaka, Katie Gardner/Travis Stoll, Mitchell/Connor Stoll, Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean, Jason Grace/Leo Valdez, Thalia Grace/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano Summary:
The The summer I turned pretty / High School Musical 2 AU nobody asked for, aka a summer (love) fic.
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foxbearclub · 1 year
an affinity for aloneness (leo valdez-centric, leo & jason fic)
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title: an affinity for aloneness fandom: percy jackson and the olympians, heroes of olympus pairing: leo valdez & jason grace, mainly leo valdez-centric word count: 1.3k words content rating: teen and up audiences you can read it here ✶
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sodamnbored · 7 months
I fucking LOVE writing oh my god
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whitesunlars · 1 year
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mixed with thy soul
the trojan war au, chapter two
part x: the stalemate
At what point does one have to accept defeat? At what point is an endeavor clearly going to be unsuccessful, a battle a lost cause, a war unworthy of any reward, should one accept their losses and move on? Could there ever be such a moment, when the thing you're fighting for is your wife? Percy would let the world burn for Annabeth, but could he let it bring his city-state to ruin? He was a king. No matter how loyal and devoted a husband he was, he was also a king. At what point would his duty to his men outweigh that towards his wife? Had that moment already come to pass and he ignored it? Would that moment ever come? Was five years at war too much for him to ask of his men?
keep reading on Ao3
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My AO3 MasterList
((Idk why I'm doing this lol)) Main Navigation Center AO3 Incorrect quotes My AO3
Illegal Elemental Masters au: Ninjago - Status: Incomplete (On Haitus!) -Short summary: Elemental powers are considered illegal so every elemental master is locked up. Yet a new evil is brewing on the horizon, and Jay needs all the help he can get. -WARNINGS: None
Merged Masters: Ninjago - Status: Incomplete (On Haitus!) -Short summary: Takes place in the future, the ninja have merged with their elements. Yet they are missing one of the ninja and after (accidently) adopting some children, they set out to find their missing member. Oh, and also there is another great evil. (Surprise Suprise!) -WARNINGS: None (so far)
Over and Over again: Linked Universe - Status: Incomplete (Currently in progress!) -Short summary: Dark Link got his hands on a powerful artifact and now its up to Four to try and stop Dink and get out of the loop. -WARNINGS: Death, Gore, Major Characters Death, EXTREMLY whumpt/angsty.
Universe's Great book of LU fics: Linked Universe - Status: Always updating. (No ending) -Short summary: Just a bunch of short, mini fics around the LU links. -WARNINGS: Extreme crack, some may be dark/angsty tho!
Might I offer you some Colorful fics in these trying times?: Linked Universe & Four Swords/Four Swords Adventures - Status: Always updating. (No ending) -Short summary: Just a bunch of short, mini fics around Four (LU) or the Colors (links). Most of the fics are Red-centered -WARNINGS: Some are pretty angsty!
Flipping through the different perspectives: Linked Universe - Status: Coming soon!! -Short summary: Each chapter is centered around a different Link and each take place within different AUs. -WARNINGS: Unsure quite yet.
Bonked Universe: Linked Universe - Status: Complete! -Short summary: Four and Sky are hit with a brick and I take a crack-y approach to it. -WARNINGS: None!
There is No Story: There is no Game - Status: Complete! -Short summary: You, the reader, has stumbled upon a mysterious book within the AO3 archives... -WARNINGS: None!
PJO in Amphibia: Percy Jackson & Amphibia - Status: Incomplete (On haitus) -Short summary: Percy, Annabeth and Grover are all strange in a new, strange world full of talking anphibians! -WARNINGS: Spoilers for Amphibia!, Death (spoilers), some gore and unnatural creatures/descriptions
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Three To A Ball excerpt
I was reading a fic of mine up on AO3 (Three To A Ball) from some time back where Annabeth visits Cerberus and plays ball with him post-tartarus, and I wanted to share this one bit I really liked:
“I don’t see why you can’t visit, and anyways Cerberus is in his small phase right now…”
“Small phase?” Annabeth's eyes sparked something dangerous, and Nico felt fear.
“Well. I mean.”
“Yes?” Annabeth said. Both her eyes were on him, which was supposed to be normal, yet with Annabeth was sometimes quite strange. Sometimes he got the feeling that her gaze would follow him all the way behind her back.
He watched her carefully. That was the problem with Annabeth. You had to watch her carefully all the time.
“Cerberus, he sort of, gets bored, being huge all the time? Everyone always reacts the same you know, terrified and all, so he changes size sometimes. Becomes small,” Nico said.
“Relatively,” he added, after a moment’s thought.
Annabeth nodded, and that was another thing. It was a very agreeable nod, and you couldn’t trust those. Nobody could agree to that extent with another person. Machiavelli would have hanged himself. Or complimented her. And then hanged himself.
Alexander and his infinite worlds indeed.
Nico sighed. Hazel whooped from atop the wall.
Go check it out on AO3 if you liked it lol. Lemme know what you think in the comments :)
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dontspillthefrijoles43 · 10 months
Birthdays aren’t a bummer with you by my side
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Chapter summary: In honor of Leo's birthday I made an excerpt, it can be seen as a stand alone or apart of the Chispo and Bruja series Warnings: Slight angst Word count: 1083
Leo sighed in relief.
The clear blue waves pushed against Piper’s surfboard— that he was temporarily borrowing—making him bob through coast lazily. 
The fresh salty air blew through his curls. The seagulls squawked in the distance. And the sun slowly started to sink into the horizon.
It was calm.
The whole day Leo and his friends had a beach day. It was non-stop fun in the sun.
First thing they did was make sandcastles along the shore. Harley and Nyssa had the best one. Annabeth and Hazel were a close second— since the low tide came in and knocked half the castle off.
When it got hot enough they played chicken. Jason and Percy were tag teaming pretty well, lasting about three rounds. Coach called the shots, making sure it was fair game. He declared Reyena and Frank the winners for knocking them down.
Then they played hooky with the waves. Diving into them when they’d come crashing by. Percy lasted the longest underwater—although it wasn’t really fair with him being the son of Poseidon and all. So they called it a tie with Breisa and Nico.
Later as the waves crash in stronger, Piper attempted to teach Jason, Breisa, and Leo how to surf. Of course they all wiped out by just standing on the board. Piper had laughed but encouraged them to keep going. Leo had learned some of the basics, just enough to keep him afloat. He was not confident enough to challenge Poseidon at his own game. Breisa had only been knocked off the board a couple of times. And Jason could not surf for the life of him. But he was cool with that.
Now everyone stood by the bonfire, closer to the shore. They were drying off while roasting hotdogs and eating s’mores. While Will strummed his guitar to classic summer songs, mostly playing reggae. Will wanted to prove they were the best summer songs. He turned out to be right. Everyone looked at ease and either sun kissed or sunburned (sucks for Nico and Jason).
Leo opted to go back into the water to watch the sunset. So here he was.
 Everything felt great. He can’t complain.
‘Quit lying to yourself’ His brain grumbled.
Ok maybe everything wasn’t so great. 
Because today wasn’t just a casual summer day. 
His friends hadn’t spontaneously planned a beach day. It was for a birthday. Leo’s birthday. 
They surprise him with this outing. To make up for before. They couldn’t celebrate it because …well demigod business and everything had been stressful on their minds. 
Not that Leo minded, he didn’t really pay attention to his birthday. Not since his mom passed. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t love his birthday. Just too many painful memories for him to enjoy it.
So every year since her passing, Leo wouldn’t be boasting about it. 
But Breisa found out about his birthday. She was bummed that she missed the previous one. So she planned this whole get together. 
That’s another reason why he didn’t steer the party away. He was touched by the effort she put in for him. 
But it felt weird to be celebrated and given all this attention. He was happy but…Why was he so guilty and not feeling just as excited like everyone else was?
“Needed a minute to get away?” Breisa's voice came from beside him. 
He turned to see her swimming up to him. 
“Yeah.” Leo answered softly, “Nothing against everyone else. I’ve been having fun and all. Sometimes it’s just—”
“Too much?” Breisa finished. 
“Exactly.” He sighed without saying anything more, but Breisa knew better.
“Drachma for your thoughts?” She asked, leaning onto the board. 
The waves rocked them up and back gently as Leo tried to place his racing mind together. 
“I…I am happy. But it feels weird to be this happy.” He confessed. 
“What do you mean, Chispo?” She tilted her head and her wet curls fell over her shoulder. She glowed with magic golden-orange color. 
“Like I don’t deserve all this.” He ran his hands through his hair, “I don’t deserve my friends. I don’t deserve this party. Or these gifts. I don’t deserve—” He almost said “you”, but caught himself. “I just…I don’t know why I am feeling like this. It’s my birthday. I shouldn't be feeling weird about being happy.”
Breisa splashed him with water without warning. 
“What the hell was that for?!” He sputtered. 
“To snap you out of your self-deprecating thoughts.” She huffed, “You put yourself down too much. And I don’t think that’s fair to you at all. You saved the world twice. You saved Jason, Piper, and me an abundance of times. You’re literally a mechanical engineer genius. And all that stuff that happened — we could have never survived without you. Leo, you deserve to be happy. Even if you can’t see it yourself.”
If he wasn’t blushing during her rant, he sure was now. 
“Leo hair.” She pointed up to his aflame curls. 
He quickly dunked himself in the water. And was embarrassed as he resurfaced.
“Perdón.” Leo muttered while swatting at his hair, making sure it was out. He hesitated but said “Do you really mean all that stuff?”
Breisa hopped onto the board and placed her hand on his, “Por supuesto, chispo.” 
Leo smiled with this warmth in his chest. “I dunno what I do without you knocking some sense into me.”
“Probably dropped dead.” She joked. 
He snickered, “Don’t sell me short, brujita. I’m a mechanical engineering genius.”
“”Aye dioses.” Breisa shook her head while smiling. “No seas tan galito.”
“You love it.” Leo wagged his eyebrows. 
Breisa sighed, “Yes your massive ego is something I find very attractive.” She instantly regretted the words that came out of her mouth.
Leo grinned wide and prideful. “You think I’m attractive.”
She blushed and her magic aura turned a violet pink.“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Huh uh.” Leo hummed, “Then why are you still holding my hand?”
“Shut up.” Breisa didn’t let go of his hand and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Whatever you say, Brujita.” Leo squeezed her hand. 
They watched the sun sink low into the night. Then made their way to everyone else for roasted hot dogs, s’mores, and other treats.
Maybe before Leo never got to enjoy his birthday. But with Breisa and everyone by his side—he could make peace with it. He could enjoy and celebrate himself. And maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.
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