#how to study
sugarybisous · 2 years
how to study and excel like rory gilmore from season one of gilmore girls ♡
we are in fall and what better time is it to make a rory gilmore post?
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let’s begin!
read everywhere and anywhere you can, read classic books and books that suit your interest. read books that you could bring up in a conversation. read for fun! a lot of rory’s vocabulary has to do with the fact that she’s a bookworm, get into the passion of reading and watch as you naturally start to look up words you’ve never seen or heard of before.
-get into a habit of bringing a book wherever you go
-start reading whenever you feel the itching urge to scroll mindlessly through social media
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take school seriously and have ambitions.
apart of studying well is knowing why you’re doing it in the first place. what are your dreams? what’s your dream school and what can you do to increase your chances of going there or pursuing a certain career? education is something no one can ever take from you and it’s important, make sure to hold onto that and value it. you can tell rory is serious about school and thinks about every detail even down to her school supplies in episode 4 her mom mentions how she really thought out about the fact that she needed specifically 3 highlighters in rory’s words, “one dries up, one gets lost, i have one left.”
-plan out everything you need to do in order to reach your academic goals
- reach out to your teacher/professor and ask them for their opinion on other things you can do that makes you stand out from other students and things you can do to improve your grades
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study until you can’t get it wrong.
rory was very studious of her grades which showed in how much she studied. she asked her mom for help in quizzing her when she needed it and she even studied more to make sure there was no room for possible failure. she studied at luke’s in the morning before school and she cut out anything that was considered a distraction when it came to getting her studying and work done. like in episode 4 when her mom was trying to get her to take a break and get icecream rory kept telling her that she couldn’t because she was studying, and eventually left the kitchen where she was studying to go to her room since her mom was being a distraction.
-limit your distractions, keep your phone in another room or on do not disturb when getting work/studying done
-have a study buddy
-make sure to give yourself breaks in between doing homework and studying so you don’t get burnt out
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don’t let obstacles bring you down.
rory had a lot of obstacles once she got into chilton, the school environment was different, difficult, and more strict, she had competition and on top of that she was behind a lot of assignments and had to catch up. she told her mom that she knows the reason she got her first d on an assignment was because she needed to catch up and she can and will do that, and that she wasn’t ready to give up on chilton just yet. rory knew that chilton was a stepping stone to get to her dream school harvard and knew it was worth it to put in all the extra work. whatever obstacles you go through in your own life, don’t let it threaten and scare you but use it as motivation to end up on top, and dont forget the end goal and reason why you’re doing this in the first place.
-know that anything you put your mind to you can achieve
-don’t let other peoples opinion of you suddenly change your worth and make you second guess the things you know you can do
-be realistic and be easy on yourself
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i think it’s important to note that rory wasn’t perfect and she definitely had her moments where she felt like she couldn’t handle everything but the thing is, she always picked herself back up and started to put the effort in again which gave her the results she deserved. dont give up you got this! happy new school year and fall everyone!
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agirlwithglam · 9 days
Hi!! I hope I'm not disturbing you but I wanted to ask how do I work hard. Because when I was younger I got really good marks without trying and now the subjects are hard and social media is distracting but I can't seem to delete it. This is also why my grades are even low then before and I'm really afraid to disappoint my parents (being the eldest daughter doesn't help). So can you please just give me some pointers on how can I actually study and not just cry because I don't know how to. Have a great day!! <3
literally omg. is this past me asking me a question?? like actually u have no idea how much i relate and understand this. the "gifted child" who always got good grades without needing to study now finds things more difficult. i know many people have said this, but i actually have been through this not too long ago. i hope these tips help <3
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how to work hard + actually study (realistic)
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forget hard work. at least do the work! (its so funny because i literally had a post about this all ready in my drafts about to get posted, so i'll keep this short and link the post.) stop focussing on doing hard work like studying 24/7. just put in the basic necessities you need to get a better grade. hard work post link
use the disappointment and embarrassment as fuel. (basically find a very strong why) (mini story-ish thing coming up, skip to the blue text for the actual advice) i still remember the day i got such a bad score on my math and science test, i was FURIOUS at myself and i cried about it! telling it to my parents was one of the hardest things i had to do and feeling their disappointment was even worse. but that became my turning point. i was so ashamed of myself and i resented me so much that i basically just told myself "i dont freaking care what you feel *with distaste*. you brought this on yourself you failure" (a bit very harsh, yes i know) but the way i studied that week- i studied more than i every had before! also doing this doesnt really lower my self esteem a whole lot, but if it does with you, please be gentle with yourself. : so what i'm trying to say it; use that feeling of shame and disapointment as a fuel, a motivation. The big “why”.
ALTER EGOOOSSSS. this helps SOOOO MUCH its so underrated. embody the energy of your fav people who are the academic inspiration you wanna be! example: rory gilmore, paris geller, elle woods, blair waldorf, etc etc! not only is this so helpful but it also makes it so much more fun and easier!!
parent yourself. i used to tell myself to do stuff like "go study now!" or "get up lazy-butt" but in my mind. but what if you tried to say those stuff out loud to yourself? it just creates a whole new level of real. So start telling yourself to do stuff out loud.
honestly just start. stop letting yourself think about how "uncomfortable" and how "annoying" it will be. All you need to know is that you need to get it done. Right? Ok. So now what’s the next smallest step you can take to getting to do the unwanted task? It may be taking out your material, opening your book, etc.
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( !! tough love, but very important rant coming up)
You privileged brat. Your parents gave up EVERYTHING so you could have the education that you are having. They worked so so hard for YOU. So YOU can have the life you want. And all for what? Just for you to throw it all away and say “oh im lazy”. HELL NAH.
And also, do you realise how fortunate you are to be even living in such a time/ era where you have access to basically EVERYTHING? You’re stuck on something? You could easily search it up!! And whats more is that you can further learn. You can search up and find out more about the thing that you’re studying, become the smartest person in your class, get so ahead in life. I hope you realise that if you do use all the resources and materials and help that’s been given to you, just imagine how far you could go! Further than Albert Einstine, Elon Musk, etc. you may be like “what! No that’s gonna be too hard!” But did they have the tools that you have right at your hand? No! They made it all the way with just simple stuff and having to work super hard. But you live in a time where you can do TWICE as much without working as hard!!
And one more thing, QUIT WHINING. “Oh school is so hard!” “Oh school is so boring!” Like whattt???? You are so FORTUNATE and LUCKY to be even getting access to such education! MILLIONS of kids out there would kill to be able to learn what you are so easily dismissing right now. So TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. Put your ALL, your very BEST into studying and getting good grades because THAT is whats gonna take you so SO far in life.
Thank you very much, *mic drop*. (i still ly pookie)
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dealing with social media:
put the screen time widget on your phone home screen. i did this, and i became so embarrassed by the amount of screen time i had in one day (*cough* 12 hours *cough*) that i made certain to stop using it as much.
screen time limits. this may or may not help you, bc i know that when i knew the screen time password, it didn't do a lot of help but when someone else did (like parents or someone you trust), then it definitely worked. this is probably only best if you're a child around under 14 ish bc thats around the age when most parents put screen time limits + after that age you're gonna be a lot more independent.
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more *extremely* helpful resourses:
tips to decrease your phone screen time by @imbusystudying
how to reduce your screen time in the digital age? (an article)
studying tips from a straight-A student by @universalitgirlsblog2
how to study like paris geller by @4theitgirls
more blogs i recomend:
@elonomhblog @mindfulstudyquest @study-diaries @thatbitchery
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xoxo, vanilla
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imjustania · 4 months
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How to study
Everyone has experienced that situation where they have a lot of homework and assignments to complete, yet it can be difficult to get started (I can relate!). We try various methods and even tidy up our room, but still struggle to concentrate. As someone with ADHD, I have faced this challenge throughout my life. Therefore, I have dedicated this blog post to researching the best strategies for getting motivated and staying focused while studying. My aim is to assist all those who also struggle with this issue, just in time for exam season!
This one is my own tip, however its very helpful! I personally love the social media Pinterest, its just a space where people get together to share their gallery! Create your own study board, and go look at pictures of people studying. Usually looking at the tidy spaces and notes help inspire someone to actually do the same. It would make you think “oh, this is pretty… maybe I should do the same!”. It also inspires you to put effort into your notes or work, as you might want to recreate this. If you need an inspiration board feel free to check mine! Trust me, this will inspire you and I update it consistently https://pin.it/8lpKfrA
Create a study space
This one is suggested in many researches, including in the International Carer Institution. They mention that “Your study environment should be clean, quiet, organised, and comfortable. Remove any distractions like game consoles and tablets, and ensure you have comfortable seating” (2022). Make sure your study space is the ideal place, because even the tiniest distraction will send you into a spiral which will lead you to distracting yourself even more. Just dedicate a good amount of your time to cleaning your desk, room, and bed. I know many people would not want to leave their room, and thats ok! You can definitely study in your room, but you have to make sure you don’t fall into the trap of the bed. Your ass can not leave that chair. The second you sit on your bed you will succumb to it’s comfort and wont leave it. Instead stand up from you chair, walk around your room. If you really want to sit not on your chair, sit on the floor (I know this sounds weird, but try it).
Set the mood
This is another personal tip that has worked for me for many years. I like to set the mood of my study space, as it helps me work more effectively! It help me when i imagine i am somewhere else while still in my room, for you it could be anywhere, library, coffee shop, work office, etc. For me, I like to set my mood to hogwards. Just imagining i’m studying in the great mighty magical school of witchcraft, helps me going. You can set your mood through ambiance YouTube videos. Some of those even have a Pomodoro installed in it, which is really helpful to getting started slowly slowly. Here is my favourite videos which you could use to set the mood!
https://youtu.be/YwMSH3dHTw4?si=DO43svTvA4BWhk5f - Christmas at the Great hall with Harry Potter! Ambiance and soft music.
https://youtu.be/5epBz_hHYiM?si=BeaYwcAH5DsqmfDb - an Astronomers Great library! Ambiance
https://youtu.be/zCi9ABxuQZQ?si=ds2nAs8CM2i5bi7d - Hogwarts Classes ambience. 4 classes total. Pomodoro
https://youtu.be/BRgPGqCV_cw?si=pMtfK7uSOsogG_Fe - 24 hour Hogwarts ambiance (intense). Pomodoro
https://youtu.be/Aw0BfB4EMY8?si=ntorGn2aEmvf0iAf - hogwarts library ambiance and soft music
https://youtu.be/m8HEoICBdTY?si=pUx-LMcV0ENKK85X - sunny ambiance - perfect for morning mood setting
More ideas to setting the mode could include the following actions: candle, diffusers, change of clothes, and adjust the light (if you have LED lights, or a smart lightbulb like Wiz, defiantly set a warm light for a relaxing atmosphere or bright white one for focus).
For the love of god put your phone down
This is the number one reason you cant get up from wherever you are seating right now, and unable to study. Your phone is a curse and a saviour at the same time. Your phone has all kind of distractions which are stopping you from actually standing up and starting your study. You start with “oh lets just take 5 more minutes” or “oh… 3 more videos wont harm” YES IT WILL. Put your phone far away, under a pillow or in the drawer. Put it on do not disturb mode, and make sure your phone is whitelisted to important people like your guardian in case they need your help. Trust me, the second your phone is away, everything will become easier. Only use your phone on long breaks, after you had a long session.
Write down your to do-list
So you finally sat down on your desk, everything is clean, everything is perfect… what now? Write your to do-list. Writing down everything you need to, helps you actually realise how much you have to do. And when you see everything written down, its easier to sort and understand what you need to do.
Work in your pace
I know you’re watching those influencers online that study for a really large period of times, but not anyone can do this AND it doesn’t work for everyone. Set your own pace, work for 20 minutes or 15 minutes and take a 5 minute break (🍅), and as you do that, you end up getting hyper concentrated at some point, and then watch the magic of studying happen.
And thats all for today folks! I hope you find this blog helpful, and let me know if this has helped you get started to study! I hope you have a wonderful day, and don't forget to keep smiling because you’re beautiful.
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premedmotivator · 2 months
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some things I learned during the month of love (aka February) 💕
The Chinese character for "heart" is 心 (pronounced "xīn" in Mandarin). In Chinese culture, this character carries various meanings and is used in different contexts. Here are some key aspects associated with the Chinese character for "heart":
- 1. **Physical Organ:** Like in many languages, the character 心 refers to the physical organ, the heart, which is central to the circulatory system and often symbolizes life and vitality.
- 2. **Emotion and Feeling:** Beyond its anatomical sense, 心 is frequently used to represent emotions, feelings, and sentiments. It is associated with one's inner thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
- 3. **Mind and Consciousness:** In Chinese philosophy and culture, the character 心 is often used to represent the mind or consciousness. It extends beyond emotions to encompass one's thoughts, intentions, and mental state.
- 4. **Morality and Character:** The character is also linked to moral qualities and character. Concepts like sincerity, honesty, and integrity are expressed using the character 心. The idea is that these virtues originate from one's inner self.
- 5. **Central or Core Aspect:** The character is sometimes used to convey centrality or core aspects. For example, the term "core" or "center" in Chinese is often represented by the character 心.
- 6. **Symbolism in Traditional Chinese Medicine:** In traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is associated with various aspects of health, both physical and mental. Balance in the heart's functions is considered crucial for overall well-being.
Understanding the meaning of the Chinese character for "heart" involves recognizing its multi-faceted nature, encompassing physical, emotional, mental, and moral dimensions. It is deeply embedded in Chinese language, philosophy, and culture, and its usage can vary depending on the context in which it is employed.
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studycupoftea · 2 years
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Today is your opportunity to create the tomorrow you want
If you're interested, watch my first study with me video and tell me what do you think 💬
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ontakingnotes · 4 days
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Unknown source
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sage-thephdstudent · 8 months
I’ve just enrolled in an undergrad class at my university in data science / coding. It is the first time I’ve done any kind coding. It’s also been almost four years since I was in undergrad myself, so I’m pretty nervous for the exam.
Does anyone have any study tips, particularly for data science / coding, which they would be willing to share? This topic is so different from anything I’ve ever done before I’m feeling pretty out of my depth.
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journalette · 6 days
I started a new blog called @ontakingnotes where I post everything related to, well, taking notes.
My premise has always been that a notebook is a tool of thought. However, the socioeconomic climate today promotes the commodification of self-improvement practices such as journaling, often reducing them to what's see-able, post-able, like-able, and purchasable.
Far from being grudgy and judgemental, I am the first person to post pictures of my notes, journals, etc. I am also trying to be more thoughtful in my consumption, and in my online presence. By that I mean I am trying to be more careful in what I take or give to the (on/off line) community. But I am not self-decieving and that’s why I recognize I will probably keep sharing this kind of content, because it makes me feel good and it is also a form of self-expression.
All that is to say that although the aesthetic part of taking notes is very valuable, it is also hyper-explored. And most importantly, it is not what note-taking is all about, contrary to what retailers want you to think.
If you want to expand your vision of the meaning and the different ways there exist of keeping a notebook, this is for you. In this new blog, you will find inspiring classifications, diagrams, metaphors, and reflections on note-taking and how it might actually change the way you think, and therefore, your life.
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forhisgrace · 19 days
Studying the Bible Effectively: A Beginner's Guide
Studying the Bible can seem daunting at first, but with the right approach and tools, it can allow so much spiritual growth!! Whether you're new to the faith or a seasoned believer, having a structured method can improve and ease your experience. Here's a straightforward guide to help you get started on your Bible study journey!
Choosing a Translation
One of the first decisions to make when studying the Bible is choosing a translation that suits your needs and preferences. There are several translations available, each with its own approach to translation. Here are the three categories they fall into.
1. Word for Word Translation: These translations, such as the King James Version (KJV) or English Standard Version (ESV), aim to follow the original texts as closely as possible, offering a literal rendering of the words and phrases. They are great for detailed study and analysis of the text.
2. Thought for Thought Translation: These translations prioritize clarity and readability, conveying the original meaning in modern language by updating language to be mor relevant to modern readers. They are ideal for easy comprehension, especially for beginners or those looking for a straightforward understanding.
3. Paraphrased Translation: These translations capture the essence or gist of the message rather than focusing on precise wording. They are often easier to understand and are suitable for new believers or younger children. However, they are most likely to stray from the original text and can sometimes be slightly inaccurate.
When I am reading to spend time with God (such as my daily reading) I use NLT, which is a thought for thought translation and therefore easier to understand. However, during bible study it is advisable to keep a word for word translation on hand (I use the KJV translation in the YouVersion bible app alongside a physical copy of the NLT).
Establishing a Study Routine
1. Prayer: Before sitting down to read, it's essential to prepare yourself spiritually and mentally. Begin your study session with a prayer, asking God to open your mind and heart to His word and guide you in your understanding.
2. Reading the Passage: Start by reading the passage without taking notes or annotating. Try to grasp the overall message and what God is communicating to you.
3. Annotation and Reflection: Read the passage again, this time making notes of any observations, questions, or insights that come to mind. Consider who is involved, what is happening, why, when, and how. Reflect on the message God is conveying through the text.
4. Consulting Study Tools: Dive deeper into the passage by using study tools such as Bible commentaries, online resources, or cross-referencing different translations. This helps gain a broader perspective and insight into the text. They often also include historical context and reasons for writing.
5. Application: Reflect on how the passage applies to your life. Identify one or two key messages and think about how you can incorporate them into your daily life. Is the scripture challenging you to change certain behaviours, draw closer to God, or strengthen your faith? Pray for guidance on how to apply these insights. Personally, I like to make an extra effort to apply these in the upcoming week.
Studying the Bible is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about cultivating a deeper relationship with God and living out His word in our lives. By choosing the right translation, establishing a study routine, and seeking guidance through prayer and study tools, you can embark on a fulfilling journey of spiritual growth and understanding. Remember, consistency and patience are key, so keep seeking God's wisdom as you delve into His word.
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habshihalwa · 1 year
Surviving GCSES: The Ultimate Guide
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NB; some 'specific subjects' may not be included
- revision should be 'little and often' - meaning you should be revising a few hours every week, whether it's recapping the material, quizzing yourself, or doing homework. By doing little and often revision, it's more likely to become embedded in your long term memory
- if you cram the day before an exam, do effective cramming. Use this time to go over anything you don't know or understand. Blurting is a good method to use- try reading a page or a topic and writing down as much as you can remember from it. Fill in the gaps and identify your weak spots
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ACTIVE RECALL should be the main way you revise. It's forcing your brain to actively remember what it can about what you've learned, bringing it to the front of your memory
- blurting: blurting is a great way for you to find out what you know and what you don't. Write down as much as you can remember, and fill in the bits you can't with a different colour. You can repeat the process until it's embedded in your memory and until you're confident that you know everything you need to know
- flashcards: when writing flashcards, do NOT just copy notes onto there. Write questions on one side, and answers on the other then use it to quiz yourself. ALTERNATIVELY for memorising quotes, you could also write half of it on one side and half on the other. You could also write notes on one side and questions on the other, so you have to look in the text to find the answers
- past papers: I cannot stress this enough. Once you've revised and learned everything you think you've learned, test yourself by doing past papers. Research has shown that the top students do more past papers and questions than anyone else. Mark these yourself using the mark scheme so you can identify where you went wrong and how to improve it. Pay extra attention to the mark scheme so in an exam you can quit the waffle and identify where your marks are at
- pretend to 'teach' the content to someone younger or dumber than you. Try and explain it the best you can in simple words - this shows you understand it enough
- there are LOADS of videos out there about how to revise- watch them and use them!
- sleep: sleep is also a revision technique after you've learnt something, as sleeping gives your brain time to process the information and store it in your memory. but only sleep AFTER you've revised a bit
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- teachers are your best tool. Use them
- teachers know what they're doing, and are specialised in their subject for a REASON
- request revision materials,
- if you don't understand anything, simply ask. That's what they're there for. At the end of the day, your grades are gonna matter more than the time you bothered them
- listen in lessons!!! This is so important and many people don't realise. Pay attention in lessons like you're listening to the latest gossip or hot celeb talk or whatever you're into. Give it 110% and actively participate. It won't be embarrassing when you get those good grades.
Here are some websites I like to use that are FREE and I use constantly to aid me with revision
• Quizlet
• anki
• StudySmarter
• seneca
• tassomai
• gcsepod
• hegarty maths
• Corbett maths
• maths genie
• YouTube and tiktok (they have some good shi on there ngl)
• Duolingo
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practice papers and questions. Memorise formulas and how to use them. Just keep doing practice questions. If you like puzzles and games, you like maths- think of it as another piece to solve, and like a game. At the end of the day, maths it's just problem solving. There's only one right answer.
blurting, mind-maps, flashcards to learn quotes. Look at the AOs to figure out where your marks are, and try and do as much work as you can because at the end of the day, over the year or two years your classwork is gonna be what you've done the most. Plan essays and write them. Talk to your teachers about where to improve and where you've gone wrong. Read more to help with developing your language and writing style. Try writing something unrelated to school- maybe a story, a poem, a speech. Repeat it to help develop what you're doing. English lit is just memorising quotes and explains them- don't overthink it. Make sure you know your text back to front and know how to answer questions. Write practice essays and get your teachers to mark them, and later ask them to explain what you can do to get more marks. Especially in gcse, these examiners are marking abt 50-100 essays. What makes YOURS stand out. Why do YOU deserve that grade amongst everyone? YouTubers I like to use include Mr Bruff, Mr Salles, Mr Everything English
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it depends on how you like revising. I like copying out my notes and making my mind-maps, and then using flashcards to help memorise quotes. Answer practice questions regularly and ask your teacher about the mark scheme and HOW to answer questions if you're struggling. Think of it as learning about yourself and your religion, and many others - help it bring you closer to God if you're religious
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science is mostly fact based and about how well you apply these facts to questions and practical examples. I very strongly recommend using flashcards and paying attention in lessons. Watch YouTube videos and actively and constantly recall your notes. Answer LOTS of past papers and practice questions - every year they use 3-4 of the exact same questions in the exam. There's only so many questions they can ask. Also, print off the specification (this can be found on the exam board's website) and use this to make sure you haven't missed any content out. Use this specification to make flashcards - also, use the questions at the end of each lesson in cgp textbooks as practice questions for flashcards!!! Science is quite flexible to revise from, you can watch videos and make notes, or make mind-maps, or do blurting. Just make sure it's active and that you're reviewing the content regularly!! I also recommend using Seneca to sort of make sure you know everything the day before an exam. Science is an explanation for everything, think of it as something interest as it can make quite a lot of interesting conversation topics.
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think of languages as something essential to your identity and helping you live in today's everchanging world. Language is a way to communicate with people - honestly just think about that for a sec. Use duolingo, Quizlet and other language apps!! Be consistent and the night before ur exam, do the biggest and fattest Quizlet you can revise. Test yourself on flashcards when memorising chunks for speaking exams. Also think of everything in ur designated language like when ur drinking water translate that. Or when ur speaking at home or to someone speak with what u know in that language.
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there's a lot of dates and factual knowledge in this, so your best option is to constantly review and actively recall everything. Try doing some practice questions and planning essays. Blurting is SUPER useful for this subject especially too!!! History is super interesting - we learn from the past to improve the future. History builds us and moulds us into where we are today!
- find out what you want to do in life: medicine? law? art? finding a passion and knowing what you want to do after school can really help motivate you
- if you're unsure of you're career, start by listing what you like and what you're good at. Ask people what career they think you'd be suited to and why. Research these careers and about life beyond school
- a reminder that school is SO much more than just listening to teachers about useless stuff. When you think about, it's teaching you everything about the world you are living in RIGHT NOW
- knowledge is power
- make your parents and your family proud. If they can spend thousands of pounds on you and spend 15+ years raising you up, im pretty sure you can do this
- think about everyone who's ever told you you can't do it or thought you're useless. Imagine the look on their face when you make it. Prove them wrong.
- watch academia and studytok videos. As dumb as it sounds, they're quite motivating
- think of the consequences if you don't revise. while everyone will be smiling and happy with their results, you'll be sitting there knowing you could've done better if only you'd taken the opportunity. That opportunity is now
- a reminder that social media is always going to be there. There's always posts to like and videos to watch but the real world isn't here forever. Focus on your studies before your phone
- think about what you're ultimately working towards: WHY do you want these grades- money? A successful career? Revenge? Validation?
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- don't make school your life- having a hobby or doing something you enjoy is SO important. It also makes you a more interesting person :)
- we all need downtime. find what that thing is for you
- you need to develop your brain outside of school too. Whether it's sport, music, art, writing- invest a little bit of time into that everyday
- READ. Reading is important and gives you more knowledge and develops your brain. JK Rowling once said if you hate reading, it's only because you haven't found the right book. FIND IT.
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- don't forget to take care of yourself. At the end of the day, a test is just a paper, a grade is just a number. As much as you want to get good grades, remember there's so much more to life
- remember this world is temporary - don't become so caught up in school you burn out. One day we're all going to die so it's important you stick to your religious faith/beliefs because everything is from god/happens for a reason. Ultimately, you may put so much effort into something but if God isn't pleased with you or decides not to make it happen, it isn't going to happen/if it's not meant to happen a certain way, it won't. Failure is inevitable and don't let it put you down. The afterlife/death is forever and when you're standing in front of God on judgement/ rotting in your grave this test is not going to matter. At all.
- hang out with friends often, and make sure they're not toxic and they're people who make you feel happy. Do things with them because you're only a teenager once so live your life and make memories with them. Just a reminder that there's a difference between fun, and stupidity+danger. Don't wreck up your future in the process
- take days off, and love yourself. Have a relaxing bath or a facial, or dress up for no reason. Remember that YOU are the most important person. Never hate yourself for putting you first
- don't overdo it so much that you burn out. Don't sit at your desk for ten hours straight trying to memorise something
- remember to get fresh air and go on regular walks and exercise. Exercise gets your blood flow pumping and can help clear your mind and help with exhaustion and mood.
I love you, and good luck to everyone doing their GCSEs :) you got this! ❤️
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aastha91 · 1 year
Study Tips
This is from someone who constantly needs to romanticize stuff in order to do them, so ya here u go~
1. Use notion - It helps a lot with organising ur school work or taking notes. Ik many of u dont take virtual notes which is quite fine but ya, it still provides a lot of help with romanticizing school (u can add ur syllabus, examination dates or school progress there)
There are many vdos on youtube which explains this better and inspos on pintetest.
2. Delete your socials - Now, I dont mean delete your ig account.. delete the app. If u want to login, use google login. It will actually help a lot with reducing screen time as we are lazy humans and Google login insta sucks.
This is most important during exam seasons.
3. Make pinterest boards (that motivate u to study)
4. Write and learn. Now I don't mean to make beautiful notes with impecable writing especially when ur exam is tmw, I mean just write (prob in a doctor hand writing). You don’t even need to be able to read it, you just need to know what u write.
Last but most important..
Do not make a tumblr post about study tips instead of studying for your Mathematics exam tmw.
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azsdiary · 1 year
Idk Who needs to hear this but changing the time zone on my laptop from 9am to 1 am and resetting it every six hours to 1 am gave me The relaxed non-anxious  vibes that switch on every night and got me through my last university assignment
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(Rihanna, Tiffany ‘New York’ Pollard)
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agirlwithglam · 7 days
Motivation: things to like about these subjects
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Isn’t math kinda magical in a way? See, the thing about math is that it’s the same in every country! Every equation, no matter how hard or complex or long, can easily be broken down into much easier ones, (like simple adding, multiplying, dividing, or subtracting) Once you know what’s going on, it’s not really that hard. (+ take cute notes!!)
Ookay, honestly? Science is genuinely so interesting! How your body works, how plants create their own food, how the whole solar system was made/ operates, whether there’s other life out there, chemical reactions & experiments? If you actually tried to be fascinated by it, you’ll be surprised how incredible it all is! (+ take cute notes!!)
Me personally, I loveee English. You can too by trying to romanticise it!
If you’re doing poetry, like what’s there not to like? Poetry is such a beautiful language, it’s a way of expression through gentleness.
Writing short stories? This is my favourite. You can write it about anything, the possibilities are endless! Doesn’t it excite you?
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Don’t try to remember facts and dates of events, try to learn the story behind it. You’ll find that it actually becomes so much more interesting if you remember the story, the emotions, the plots of the event.
Romanticising: hot chocolate or some hot coffee, studying at home, hair in a messy bun, playing some classical music in the background.
(+ also in class when you’re taking notes, you can doodle pictures of the people (stick figures for me lol), how they’d feel like or events on the side to add a bit of fun to it)
And honestly, history is such ‘romance subject’ (like arts, music, literature, languages)
Become good at it. If you don’t already have an interest in geography, then what helped me was becoming good at it. Paying attention during lessons, taking cute notes, etc. becoming good at it made it so much easier and less scary
This is also what I’d call a “Romance language”. Also dont you want to learn new languages? So many people decide to learn languages later in their lives because they find out it helps you in one way or another, but in school they’re already teaching it to you in the BEST WAY! Also knowing and being able to speak more than 1 languages fluently makes you SO powerful bc then you can speak in more countries. And also imagine how impressed people would be?!
Have fun with it! It mostly depends on what you are doing in your music lessons, but what you would normally be doing is learning/ practicing an instrument. Don’t be immature and play it at random times when the teacher is talking, but just have fun with it! Again, like i said earlier, so many people start to learn music so much later in their lives and here it is being handed to you on a silver platter. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!
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Art / art&design
Personally, I LOVE art!! It’s another “romance subject”. It’s a beautiful form of expression. Even though you may not be doing what you want to be doing, still have fun with it!! Be creative! And importantly: loosen up! Art, like beauty, is very very subjective. One person’s scribble can be another’s MASTERPIECE! So stop bring so worried with it being “correct”. Just have appreciation.
P.E (physical education/ sport)
I just don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t like PE. Like you don’t even have to learn anything, you just run around playing fun games. And as a bonus u get fit!
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xoxo, vanilla
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imjustania · 4 months
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How to nail 💅your Essays
No matter if you’re in university or school, you will need to write a research paper. Now this post will be dedicated to a normal essay structure, if you need to write an essay based assignment on medical, biological, chemical, or any other science, you need to be more specific, as writing a lab report has a couple extra steps.
Now, you have an essay due in two weeks? A week? Tonight? I’ve been there and I share your pain. I am currently in my last year in university studying for bachelor degree in Marketing, and oh boy let me tell you, the amount of essays I had to write was unreal. Therefore, let me share with you some of my essays skills, to help your speed run your own assignment.
Step 1: OUTLINE IT!?
Ok i think so many of you out there are missing this step. You cant expect yourself to sit in front of the computer and start typing away your essay? No you cant do that. You need to spend a good amount of time sitting down and outlining your essay. Figure out what goes where, and what sources to use for each section. Luckily for you, you have me here to tell you the basic outline structure of every essay. It consists of the:
Table of content (depends on how professional your essay is asked for)
Main body
… THATS IT! Only 4 sections (and a half) to write your essay. However of course there is more to write then just that. Lets break down those sections
1) Introduction: When writing the introduction for your essay, it's important to start off with a bang! You want to give your readers a glimpse of what's to come and hook their attention right from the beginning. Make sure to include a strong thesis statement that clearly states the main argument or purpose of your essay. To make it even more engaging, you can provide some background information about the topic and give a brief outline of the main points you'll be discussing in your essay. Therefore, every introduction should have an hook, explanation what you’re writing, what you think will be the result or what is the point you’re writing your essay, and outline all the points of the main body (but simplify them)
2) Main body: In each section of your essay, it's important to provide a detailed analysis and offer supporting evidence for the points you introduced at the beginning. Take each paragraph as a chance to present a single main idea or argument and support it with enough evidence, examples, or citations to back up your claim. To make sure your ideas flow smoothly, use clear and logical transitions between paragraphs. Lastly, remember to give credit to your sources and include proper references for any external information you include in your essay. Here are some side tips for you
Try to have at least a minimum of 3 main body paragraphs . Each paragraph should have one point which helps support your main hypothesis or reasons or this essay.
Each essay will have different main bodies, depending on the subject. Sometimes your main bodies will be dedicated to presenting information about your topic. So for example, as a marketer, I had to write many reports. Most reports written will always include a main analysis of the company (so SWOT, PESTEL, Stakeholder analysis, mission and vision of the company, etc). Depending on what the essay require you to do, you should consider to present your points in that order.
Even your main body should have a proper structure of introduction, main points, and the conclusion.
Don’t forget to have a proper in-text citations depending on which format you use.
3) Conclusion: A conclusion is a chance to wrap up your essay by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis statement. Remember not to introduce any new information here; instead, provide a concise summary of the arguments you've made throughout your essay. Furthermore, this is your chance to leave a lasting impression on your reader by offering insights, implications, or recommendations related to the topic. A well-written conclusion should leave your reader with a sense of closure and a clear understanding of the importance of your essay's content.
4) References: The references section of your essay is where you list all the sources you have cited or referenced. It's important because it helps readers find and verify the credibility of the sources you used. When writing the references section, make sure to follow the specific citation style required by your institution or professor, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style. Include the author's name, publication year (if there is no publication year, then the article must not be reliable. It must always have a year), title of the source, publication information, and any other required details. Arrange the references alphabetically by the author's last name or by the title if there is no author (if there is no author try using the organisation or the website that published the text). Don't forget to double-check the formatting and punctuation for accuracy and consistency throughout the references section.
After your essay was outlines and you know exactly what you’re supposed to write… write it dude? Like you have the format, you have the sources, and you know your points. Just start writing… if you are having trouble getting started, then give a click to another one of my blogs on how to actually get started on studying.
If you want to go the extra mile, and also make the essay more professional here are some of my personal tips to accomplish that:
size 12 for normal text and size 14 for title (titles can be only bold)
Use text Times New Roman (ROMAN EMPIREEEEEEEEEE)
Double space of all essay
Have a cover page! You can find templates in the insert section of the word tabs.
Have numbers tag the foot of the page
And thats all for today folks! Hope this is actually useful to you, and if you are struggling with anything specific, then do let me know in the comment section or send me a question through the tumblr! Now thank you for reading, and leaving likes <3 don't forget to smile, because you’re beautiful.
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studycupoftea · 2 years
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If you don't work to create a better life for yourself and make your dreams come true, then what are you doing?
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ontakingnotes · 4 days
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