#i have no recollection of what issues theyre from
fairycosmos · 9 months
that's too real, i have super bad memory issues and when I was in therapy it was soooo awkward responding to everything with i don't remember!!! you could see them getting frustrated and like i don't know how to tell you this but I genuinely don't remember?? if i could i would tell you but i CANT
yesssssss it's literally so painfully awkward and uncomfortable like i get the feeling they think im just trying to be difficult or evasive but i straight up can not recollect a lot of things yes even things from the past 2 yrs and i certainly dont rmr what i was feeling or thinking like.....how am i supposed to work on my mental state when so much of it has been actively numbed out / automatically blocked out as a defense mechanism.....it makes therapy even harder and i think a lot of therapists just dont know how to work with it cause theyre feeling like im not giving them Enough to go off of in the first place. but so much of it is just blank or all foggy and weird like my memories do not feel real it's just hard to even describe lol. im so sorry youre going through something similar and i really hope youre able to find a professional that is willing to accept this and work with you on it rather than becoming frustrated or whatever......sending you a massive hug. it's so so difficult and disorienting and it's not fair that you have to put up with it at all. if you ever need to talk ab it or anything im here and i get it!! x
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i love the little comic strips they put in the avengers comics
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lycanthropthy · 3 years
feeling incredibly
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thatfunkyopossum · 4 years
Why do those posts only ever mention trans women and (almost) never trans men?
Hm.... i notice it too. Its difficult to say, but dmab trans feminine people are, in my experience as a trans man, the most visible (and most poorly treated by outside society) trans subgroup.
Society at large seems to pretend trans men don’t exist (to the point where i wonder how many average people seem to even know that trans men do), and often it parades around trans women like circus freaks for the entertainment of cis folk, het or LGB.
Trans men and women are treated somewhat differently from one another. My theory is the treatment of trans women is notably more violent and aggressive, so socially progressive spaces focus on trans women. It could also be in part due to trans women being vocal about not being heard at all, and the community severely overcorrecting.
Another perception that i’ve seen (even from other trans men) is that trans men aren’t deserving of the same attention as trans women, because we as a group have contributed little if anything to the fight for our rights. I can’t confirm... or dispute this. In all of my time on this website, approaching 10 years now dear god, i have no recollection of people championing trans men. I have no memory of our history being spoken of.
Even the history we do have is stolen from us by cis women who refuse to believe that not every “woman” who dressed up as a man for his whole life is actually a woman. Or often if they do, they deny its importance. You can hear yourself if you listen to the podcast Sawbones (which is good but... unkind, to trans men and nb folk) in the episode on Dr James Barry, a man who lived his entire adult life as a man, and was only revealed to be dfab after his death when his wishes were directly violated and his body undressed, Dr Sydnee McElroy, a cis woman, say that it doesn’t matter if he was trans or actually a cis woman.
It does matter. It does. The word transgender was born to describe an experience that we have lived for millennia.
Another contributing factor could be an unfortunate side effect of most people’s perception of how to treat trans people, then mixed with feminism’s perspective on the opinions of the catch all term “men.” Note, i AM a feminist.
You know the dance. Do not refer to trans people in the past as “when they were a man/woman”. Do not say “when he was a she” or “when she was a he”. Do not do this. You know the phrase: they were always their gender.
The reason i bring this up? Is that cis people (especially cis women) and trans women, which i have experienced first hand from both, rationalize it like this: if trans people have always been their gender, and trans men are men, then trans men have always been men, so trans men have exactly the same societal perspectives and behavioral issues that cis men have, and should be treated exactly like cis men.
And if trans men are basically cis men, and cis men can’t talk about the experiences of women, trans men can’t either. If cis men don’t know about the consequences of living as a woman, trans men don’t either. If cis men talking about what they think and they feel takes away from the voices of women in feminist discourse, then so does trans men talking about their feelings. So trans men, and cis men, are men. And men are unwelcome. We’re tired of the voices of Men, and all that that entails.
So the consequence is trans men cannot speak. We cannot share our experiences about being treated as women. We cannot, essentially, share our experiences BEING women and girls. Trans men share in the traumatic experience of being born a woman, to society. We share the childhood violence that is performed against girls. We know it. But it is denied. If we acknowledge it, we weaken the idea that trans people were always their true gender. So we stay quiet. Our unique trauma and perspectives are lost.
The consequence is the voices of trans men fade from the record, and we cannot engage with our community without being treated as a Diet Cis Man. We cannot engage, so many of us withdraw. The experiences of trans men are not shared, because theyre not respected.
The consequence is we are forced to stay quiet by every community we’re in, and people quickly forget that we’re even there, let alone that being a trans man is still massively traumatic in this society.
The consequence is they don’t think we’re worth mentioning.
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thingstotellthem · 3 years
How do I come to terms with the fact that my parents are treating me better now (at least for the time being)? They were mean and emotionally abusive in multiple ways, but I'm now having a hard time remembering any specific things that they did. Okay, here goes (1)
Dealing with various things over the years (context: I'm 26 and still living with my parents), including depression, anxiety, and distress over how my parents treated me, I gradually began to self medicate more and more, first with alcohol, and then in the last year i discovered vaping. (P 2)
Flash forward to about a week ago, and I find myself in the hospital, not remembering getting there, apparently having suffered a seizure due to alcohol withdrawal. I go through an incredibly foggy few day, during which time i apparently became violent during a few incidents (again, little to no recollection), and then I stabilized eventually. (P3)
These are the people who would act like I was attacking them if I do much as said something in the wrong tone of voice, take away my electronics if I forgot to wipe the table, and forcibly grab me and drag me by the arm without warning if they didn't like something I was doing. (P5)
Now, after I've actually really messed up for once, they're actually acting kind of like normal parents, all 'we're here for you' and 'we just want to see you get better' and 'we're proud of you for signing up for that program'. I fully expected to get ripped a new one for all the vapes that they must have found, but what do I get instead on the car ride home? 'I don't think it would be a good idea to let you vape until you've completed the (ten day) program.' (P6)
Whereas I would have expected my 'smoking-is -disgusting -and-it's-amazing -I -haven't -disowned-half-my-relatives' parents to consider vaping worse than the drinking. They're also going out of their way to make sure I'm comfortable and to help me with stuff. (P7?)
I don't get it. I have a violent nervous breakdown, cause my parents all kinds of grief by winding up in the hospital, and a bunch of pretty serious stuff I've been lying about comes out in the open, and my selfish, emotionally abusive, controlling parents suddenly turn into gentle, concerned, protective, caring teddy bears overnight? They haven't even really scolded me for lying. What's going on, is this going to last, and how should I make the best of this new, good but confusing situation?p8
first id like to apologize since it seems like tumblr ate the fourth part of your message. im sorry to hear youve suffered such a severe ordeal and i sincerely hope you feel better.
while i have no way of knowing for sure what goes on in your parents minds and can only speculate, the (tentative) explanation i can offer is that this might have been some sort of wake up call for them; maybe seeing real physical health damages allowed them to understand the depth of your mental health struggles as well. sometimes its easier for people to ignore mental health issues as long as theyre "pretty" or "quiet" and dont really affect day to day life in a visible way. having a physical representation of your pain might have shown them how much youre really struggling.
be advised, though, that this might not last. i know from personal experience that sometimes abusers can be very sympathetic in the moment and following days/weeks after an incident in the abused persons life, but over time that sympathy goes away and they lapse back into their old ways. keep a low profile, keep your head down, be cautious. try to enjoy the care youre getting now while it lasts, but be careful of giving them anything they might be able to use against you or hold over your head later. i hope you get the help you need. ♥
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galaxytale · 3 years
mmmm…. i have new thoughts about my ex and i’s situation.
i know i have rambled on here in the past about them. often bitterly and angrily. to be honest, those words came from a place of immense hurt and betrayal. a lot of pain and a lot of complex emotions that i needed to vent out and process. and the way i did this previously was… rather embarrassing and harmful and not good for anyone. but it has been a long year, and i have had much to think about. and my brain does not like to process many of these things in a normal way. i often just use this blog as a place to barf out my thoughts at random so i can work out whats going on in my mind. this doesnt excuse it but i hope it allows for some understanding.
its been a long time since my ex and i broke up. and i just… idk didnt know how to deal properly. but i think about them a lot. obviously. what you see is mostly the negatives. the frustrations and the confusions and the residual aches and pains. mostly because these are what im trying best to understand. i want to understand them, i want to understand their perspective. it frustrates me when i cant understand, and it frustrates me more when i feel as if they couldnt understand me or didnt even try. but i still care for them greatly. which is why i get frustrated. i do not think many people understand this. i want to understand why they hurt me. i want to understand how i hurt them. i want to learn and grow. but to do that i also have to experience and process the anger and frustration i felt towards them. this is what you all see when i ramble and rant.
anyway this is the last time im doing this publicly because honestly this is a stupid way to process stuff this and i figured out something way better. also im just. tired of it. im tired of being angry and being hurt. that doesnt mean itll stop but. yall wont be seeing it.
i still hold many of my previous thoughts and criticisms of them. and i still consider many of these valid and fair. and i still deny ever doing many of the things they accused me of because ive spoken with other people about them - people actually involved in the situation(s), and they have supported and corroborated my side of the story as well as my feelings regarding those various situations.
however i have come to some realizations that i think allow me to better understand parts of their side of it all.
ive realized some things about myself and how my mind functions that have lead me to other realizations. these realizations include that i misunderstood a lot of things they were trying to get me to do, tools they were trying to get me to employ, things that actually would have been helpful to me had i understood. i see now that in some of the cases they were pushing me on and making me extremely uncomfortable with, that they were genuinely trying to be helpful because they cared. because they were trying to help me just as i was trying to help them.
the problem here is that i was not ready for, and did not understand a lot of the new things being pushed at me. much of what they were trying to get me to engage with were therapy techniques and stuff to learn to cope better. unfortunately due to a lot of previous bad experiences with therapy and such techniques i am extremely adverse to and suspicious of therapy and therapeutic settings/techniques. combined with a lot of new information about myself that i needed time to adjust to and process. a lot of it scared me and i needed them to slow down and be gentler with me in this rather than throwing me in the deep end and expecting me to swim.
i misunderstood a lot of the tools they were trying to offer me - how to use them properly and why. i thought i made this obvious that i didnt understand a lot of it and in fact didnt want to engage with a lot of it outright - even though i was willing to try. the issue is i also needed a good example or instruction of what they wanted from me and… well. they did their best, this i know they tried, but it was not enough for me to understand what they really wanted from me.
i now understand that this is likely why they grew frustrated with me. and this also factors into something that ive come to realize and understand about myself - in fact its one of the things they criticized about me most… ive come to understand the true nature of what the thing i did that they hated most was actually. and ive since worked out a solution to it that actually has been shown to be far more effective and efficient in doing what the thing they were criticizing me about most was doing. this took a lot of work and a long time for me to come to the realization of what it was that i needed to do and how it worked. and i needed to be allowed to make this discovery on my own time, at my own pace to be able to accept it as part of how i work.
unfortunately due to a lot of things, i was also quite terrible to them myself. and i recognize this. i recognized it before - i tried my best to fix my understanding of it but i did not know what i didnt know. i did not know, and did not understand, what i now know and understand. but much of my actions were because i was scared, confused, uncomfortable, and dealing with a whole lot of shit outside of our relationship. and i am genuinely and truly remorseful for what i did. i was remorseful back then, and i still am now. i did some bad things and i know this. i speak of it vaguely here because honestly while im just shouting to the void i still know this is a public blog and theres a chance people will actually read this and frankly. i consider it none of their business unless they were involved. i did lash out at them, and i did treat them unfairly.
however i still feel as if they refuse to acknowledge my point of view in much of this, as well as that they lashed out at me and have refused to acknowledge and apologize for it all. i have never heard them say the words “im sorry” for any of the things i consider the worst things they did to me. much of the time they refused to even acknowledge the fact that a lot of it hurt me despite me outright stating such. they also refused to acknowledge that i had repeatedly tried to assert my own boundaries with them and refused to accept a new boundary when it was drawn.
they did a lot of terrible things to me in return. including things that they, themself, accused me of doing to them initially. i still deny these accusations and consider myself completely innocent (at worst, should my own memory really be that faulty, i consider myself only having caused a huge misunderstanding among friends as well as having accidentally fucking up something that left out important context). i feel this way because they would not produce any evidence to prove to me my own actions that would negate the memories i myself actually have as well as the evidence in support of my side of the case that i have. all they could provide was testimony from a person who would not have had direct access to either side of the conversation that they are alleging happened a certain way. a conversation that i, personally, was half of. a conversation that i spoke with the other half about again, after showing them what i was being accused of, who also verified my recollection of the events.
i feel as if they refuse to even consider my perspective. i felt this way for a good amount of the relationship, and i still feel this way. i feel that they refused to communicate with me and ensure that both of us completely understood the other. i feel that they refused to be considerate of my needs and respectful towards me as a person after a certain point. i feel as if they refused to work to compromise with me on many situations, and i feel that they often tried to demand of me many things that were unreasonable, and that they often moved goalposts or failed to deliver on their end of the deal when i still bent over backwards to do something for them.
however. i do also feel that at some point in time, they did genuinely care for me. and i do feel like i would like to apologize for the new places where i realize i caused them undue stress and frustration.
but i also feel that they would not accept this apology for those parts that i now recognize my own hand in without me accepting and apologizing for the narrative that i know is false. additionally… i do not feel as if they would accept or apologize for any of their own parts in the situation. i still feel theyre likely to reject that they hurt me very very deeply, and badly in return.
as much as i would like to start the conversation of potentially working out the issues and reconnecting as friends… i still feel as if they would view this as an impossibility. because i feel they view me as something of a monster, and not as someone who was under immense amounts of stress and pressure and was very confused and scared for months on end.
i recognize its very likely their feelings echo my own. except for the portion about potentially being friends again… i feel as if this is a forgone conclusion to them that it will not be happening.
all this said…
i also want to say this. in hindsight they were right about the tool they gave to me for one of my specific issues. the one they gave me before the start of it all. the one i was extremely adverse to accepting and trying to adapt to. i did not understand what its actual purpose was for at the time, nor did i understand how they actually meant for me to use it. because of some recent things ive learned about myself, as well as have been able to actually accept, i now understand what they meant. and ill admit that they were right about this one. its really helpful now that i understand what i was supposed to do with it.
they were right and i was wrong. simple as. at least, in regards to this one thing.
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Pssst.... gush about some thing you’ve wanted to for so long but haven’t found the ask to do so! I really like reading your metas or off-the-wall posts.
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aw ty!
mmmh usually i just crank out a random meta when i feel like it, which i havent had the energy to do in a while. so have a lot of hcs about gem language, gem society and how it resembles a totalitarian system cause why not, this is already a dystopia. 
goes from cute to shady real quick, have fun
Gem Vocabulary
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gems have no gender, they dont age, they dont reproduce. the whole vocabulary about relationships, aging and sex must be completely different in gem language. they probably lack a lot of words we commonly use, and have unique words for things we dont have (like winter duty, patrol duty... i wouldnt be surprised if gem language had unique grammatical features for those)
this is one of the reasons why its so unfair of aechmea to call cairn ‘wife’ and ‘princess.’ the gems have no concept of wife-ness, we dont know if a gem equivalent of marriage exists, but its definitely much, much different from what the lunarians (and us) perceive as one.
do gems have anything akin coming of age? this could be weird bc gems can potentially live forever, but they can also be abducted by the lunarians at any time, so who’s to say how long a lustrous will live? how do you calculate being ‘of age’? is it by calculating the average life-span of a gem? 
how do they measure time and seasons? we know they have winter and summer and phos mentions ‘spring’ in chapter 20, but what about months and lunar phases? do they have words for that or are months just too small a timeframe for the immortal lustrous to utilize? how do they measure time? in hours and seconds? weeks? different units altogether?
Gem Relationships
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similarly, gem relationships are codified in a completely different way. we know they have a concept of romance bc dia ships phos and shinsha and makes comments here and there about other gems being in love. 
at the same time, the relationships btw alexandrite and chrysoberyl, padpa and rutile, ghost/cairn and lapis etc are little different from ‘pure’ sibling/sibling relationships or senpai/kohai relationships.
this is not to say that they’re all romantic in nature, but the way they’re codified in canon (especially in the way the characters grief for their partner) makes me think that even if the gems have no blood/physical kinship with one another they have a very articulated system of establishing family bonds.
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dia and bort are clearly siblings, but the same can’t be said, for example, for rutile and padpa, even if they were partners and even if they display a similar junior/senior relationship. this means that relationships are predicated on something else in hnk, and kinship, family and romance are all codified in a different way.
think of vulcans in star trek: physical contact such as two fingers touching, holding hands and kissing is unknown of (save for very specific circumstances). and vulcan people have a completely different way of expressing intimacy and romance than humans. 
this makes me think: just how many canonically romantic relationships are there in hnk (if any) that we’re simply unaware of bc the way gems codify and express romance is so different from ours? is romance even common? rare? perceived as weird? useless? 
what about other relationships? the gems use ‘little brother/ older brother’ but what if this is just japanese approximations? what kind of relationships can lustrous language really express and how different are they from ours?
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as @ruddy-rutile​ pointed out some time ago, the gems lack a concept of fantasy. thats why i posted that panel about alex’s original lunarian designs. sure, it’s funny, but it also makes you think: these gems are not raised to think outside the box and they can do it without being told so only under exceptional circumstances.
of the vast library of texts that ghost (and lapis) used to take care of, just how many are novels and fiction? none of them? a small amount? a decent amount? in a society thats as focused on practicality, efficiency and conservatism as the lustrous’, how is fiction perceived if perceived at all? 
is there art? red beryl’s craft comes very close to art when they express their feelings about ‘fashion for fashion’s sake,’ but it’s an exception that the other gems find hard to grasp.
phos is often told to stop fantasizing about the world and get things done, the only tale we know the gems are told is the actual story of how their world came to be. the gems always talk about real things, stuff that happened, and make and do things that have a practical use. 
even bort’s jellyfish diary is just made up of a recollection of what happened when they tried to feed them. still, the fact that bort names the jellyfish makes you think that these rocks do have potential for fantasy, theyre just not used to it
Totalitarianism and Privacy
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to make this even more shady, here’s your gentle reminder that:
- gems’ rooms have no doors. the only door ive been able to find is the one in shinsha’s room (ch 2) and that is because shinsha’s room is closed off to other people and full of mercury. its like putting a patch on smth you dont want to deal with (much like shinsha’s whole character arc tbh)
- the gems have little to no free time. or their free time can be revoked any time in case an emergency occurs, sensei is napping etc. the gems’ time is rigorously managed by jade, euc and sensei. each gem has a place to be and a time to be.
this means that a missing gem can be found at all times and slackers can be identified very easily. they all have a job and they have to follow it. this is not to say that they have no fun ever, but leisure time is rare and (at least as far as we know) its not contemplated when tasks are assigned each day.
the mere fact that there is a morning assembly and tasks are assigned each day makes you think. is this communism? is this totalitarianism? but most importantly, is this a scary dystopia that hits you in the face like a brick the third time you reread ch 2?   
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- sameness > equality. i already went over this in the past. gems society underlines sameness and conformity over anything else. the gems think theyre equal but theyre actually ‘similar.’
a system based on equality emphasizes differences so that every individual can do the best with what they have got and get back what they need, according to their personal needs. 
these gems emphasize sameness: everyone is upheld to the same standards, even when those standards dont match with a gem’s unique characteristics (ie phos cannot be a fighter, no reason to keep saying stuff like ‘if only you were stronger/you’re useless’ etc. they’re a rock with an imagination in a world where dull reality is the rule. just make them write theater plays and play with slugs with shinsha, wth)
It’s real 1984 hours:
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all of the above means that:
- your sense of self is subordinated to the group. if you dont belong you’re simply a nothing. at times, the gems almost display a collective consciousness (a pretty hostile one too): everything must be decided together and done together
- you are what you do. gems identify completely with their job. thats why a job is so important, thats why this system is so fucked up. self worth is not inherent, it depends on what you can do. talk about a breeding ground for mental health issues 
- you dont have a saying in picking your career or deciding for you future. thats up to sensei (and maybe euc and jade). unless you have a very strong affinity with a certain task (like red beryl and alex)
- youre expected to follow orders all the damn time. no matter how much sensei wants his gems to exert free will, they still prefer to do what theyre told. ill admit, its much easier than taking your life in your hands and decide what youre gonna do with it, but damn if it isnt depressing. and childish
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- euclase and sensei are the authority. sensei and euc are the powers that be. in the sense that they assign tasks, they decide on times and battle plans, on purpose etc. lets not forget that euc was the one to take on sensei’s role after he ‘resigned.’ 
i wonder what would happen if euc were abducted and the gems had no one to follow anymore, no orders. who’d be the new leader? would there be one? lets not forget that no matter how gentle euc is, phos is shit scared of them.
- thought police is a thing. to end this meta on what is probably the shadiest note: surveillance is a thing. the gems report on each other, it’s thought police, no sugarcoating this. 
there’s no privacy, no secrets. even antarc reads rutile’s diary. this goes from cute and childish (’you did this one wrong thing, im gonna tell sensei’) to absolutely fucked up (’you did this one wrong thing, im gonna tell sensei’)
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Discord pt 106
[Date: 28/03, 2:57 AM GMT - 28/03, 3:40 AM GMT]  
[Direct continuation of pt 105]
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jayyyyyyyy: “can I assume you both like the color pink? or am I just reaching”
[Duke: “However, civility is the noblest pillar of which humanity stands on. Please cease your fighting you two, it can be easily discussed later.”]
Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “y'know what fine I don't want to get shrunk any further so I'll try not to argue for now, sorry if I upset you”
Jack the Observer: “I'm sorry, Duke and Duchess, I was about to retire for the night when I noticed you had arrived. I must be on my way, but I hope you will find this humble place at least interesting :)”
Duchess: “Of course; you need not neglect your rest for our sake. Have a lovely night.”
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Duke: “Thank you! I wish you happy dreams and sweet slumber.”
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llyr (they/them): “ooh, what about favorite animals, if you two have one?
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jayyyyyyyy: “I’m still curious-- is your favorite color pink?”
Duchess: “I would say our favorite animal would be cats. And yes- we are both guite fond of pink.”
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Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “why are you asking for colors? this isn't normally something we ask-”
Duke: “It represents such glorious things, pink. Both soft and strong, loving and deceiving, cool yet warm.”
jayyyyyyyy: “nice! I’m not too big on pink, but its a really nice color”
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jayyyyyyyy: “hey siblings, do you want to hear a fun fact about pink?”
Luna Stories: “Hey, what did I miss?”
Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “Duke and Duchess are here”
Big G (they/them): “Apologies for not speakin in ender, Im too tired right now. But pink is a nice choice!”
Luna Stories: “Oh!”
[Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “why are you asking for colors? this isn't normally something we ask-”]
Big G (they/them): “We don't normally ask this?”
Duchess: “Certainly, Jay! what is it?”
Duke: “The Korat and Dragon Li are my favourite out of the feline breeds I feel compelled to add. Cat is such a widespread response it only feels fair to gift you with more.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “theres actually a specific color pink that Icant really remember the name of that, when standing in a room with the walls painted the pink, would lower your strength by 30%”
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[Big G (they/them): “We don't normally ask this?”]
Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “no we normally ask things like, fit check, favorite number, chicken nugets, circlet color n' stuff, memories about meeting crown, etc. etc.. I dont think we've ever asked about colors in the first bunch of questions-”
jayyyyyyyy: “the nfl had to ban teams from using it because they would go and paint their opposing teams locker rooms the color before games”
Big G (they/them): “Well that's very odd, huh.”
jayyyyyyyy: “scientifically theres no reasonable explanation for it, but it still happens. its very intriguing”
Duchess: “That is very fascinating!”
llyr (they/them): “actually, that's a fair point :3″
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Duke: “How interesting!”
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jayyyyyyyy: “mhm! I’ve always wondered about it, but could never even think of an reasoning”
llyr (they/them): “what's you two's opinions on chicken nuggets??”
Big G (they/them): “and on soup?”
Duke: “I am unfamiliar with this dish known as chicken nuggets. It... Is a dish correct?”
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Duchess: “Oh, I think they're a fine food! I did enjoy them regularly as a child. And soup is a wonderfully versatile dish.”
jayyyyyyyy: “aWHATA”
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jayyyyyyyy: “Duchess, has Duke never had chicken nuggets?”
Duchess: “Duke... Again, I apologize. I am unsure as to why he is... Like this. We have both certainly had chicken nuggets before.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “I was about to be so upset if Duke never had chicken nuggets”
Duke: “Duchess, we have not? Not to my recollection - what in the world do you mean?”
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Big G (they/them): “jay, friend, I think you should hide your befuddlement you're being a bit rude.”
jayyyyyyyy: “well now I’m just confused
do you guys have alternate memories?”
emuhlee: “I find it quite odd how your experiences differ so much as you're twins, and you ideas and opinions are so similar. very interesting.”
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Duchess: “Duke, we definitely...It is fine. Chicken nuggets are small pieces of chicken which are breaded and fried. They are a popular food item for children.”
jayyyyyyyy: “its a genuine question! they seem to be having similar confusion!”
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Duke: “Oh, nonsense! we of course do not, we are twins after all! I'd say we even have such a strong connection we could finish each other's sentences. There just must be a simple mix-up in this all, no?"
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jayyyyyyyy: “Duke, we gotta get you chicken nuggets, theyre so good”
emuhlee: “my twin and I never really got the hang of finishing each others sentences...”
Duke: “A popular item for children does not sound terribly appealing I'm afraid. With runny noses and sticky palms children have quite... Adverse tastes.”
Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “Duke, Duchess, sorry if this seems rude, but are you two human? it's a genuine question. I apologise if I come off as impolite”
Duke: “Oh! Oh! You have a twin?”
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jayyyyyyyy: “although its popular with children, its still very much loved as adults!”
Duchess: “Not at all! we are human, yes.”
emuhlee: “I do! A twin sister :)”
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jayyyyyyyy: “I still think Duke should try chicken nuggets. theyre So So Good, not just to children”
llyr (they/them): “Ilike chicken nuggets :3
they taste like. chicken :D”
Big G (they/them): “Wendy's chicken nuggets are really good,”
jayyyyyyyy: “if not nuggets, tenders are also good!”
Duke: “I hope you cherish her, emuhlee.”
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Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “Duke have you tried bacon before? if so what'd your opinion on it?”
emuhlee: “oh I do, she's my best friend”
Duke: “Chicken is rather tasty although sometimes almost too salted, I do hope these nuggets will not dissapoint.”
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Duke: “I have had bacon, yes. It is quite tasty.”
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Duchess: “Apologies to you all, but I have had a rather busy day and I feel it may be time for me to retire for the evening. I will leave you all with my brother and bid a good night. It was delightful to meet you all.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “goodbye, Duchess! have a good night!”
Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “goodnight Duchess!”
Dollar General Tubbo: “Good night, Duchess! Rest well”
llyr (they/them): “goodnight, Duchess!! :3″
emuhlee: “goodnight!”
Duke: “goodnight, sister.”
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Duke: “Oh dear me, I have been reminded that I have not given a fit check. I hope I used that sentence correctly?”
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emuhlee: “yes, you used it correctly.”
Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “yeah you did”
Raeva: “I'm a bit late but excited to see Duke and Duchess here”
Duke: “I do not have photos such as my sister but certain family members have said - and I am quoting this so do forgive me if it makes as little sense to you as it does to I- that I am "stealing her look" and "you're basically just wearing her clothes but male dude lmaoooo like you got that bow at your throat but where's the og style? is this a twin thing or do we need to take you shopping? no don't get mad at me I'm just speaking facts."”
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Duke: “Raeva, hello! I know of you through my sister, I hoped you enjoyed the conversation you two shared.”
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Kate: “Alright, I'm back! Hello again, all!~”
Big G (they/them): “Hullo kate!”
llyr (they/them): “I think I'm actually going to go, heehee. night, y'all!! please be nice to each other :3″
Kate: “Hello! :D”
Raeva: “It was interesting to say the least I don't believe I've spoken to you though.
Night Llry!”
Big G (they/them): “gn llyr”
Duke: “I wish you sweet dreams and soft slumber.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “whoever said that to you, Duke, is generally rude and shouldnt have said that
who cares if one person dresses like another? if they like it, let them be”
Big G (they/them): “I would have fought them”
emuhlee: “Duke, I have a question, if you don't mind?”
Renboobigceenzatublraffectionate: “who tf is ur family member?? I will beat their ankles >>:(”
bite I meant bite”
Duke: “I do believe it was meant in jest and it was before they knew us as they do now. It is alright, but I thank you for getting angry on my behalf. What question do you have, Em?”
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emuhlee: “Oh! I was just wondering, which of the two of you is oldest?”
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Duke: “I am, of course. Do not listen to Duchess if she tells you otherwise, I adore my sister but when it comes to things such as that she likes to bend the truth.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “...I sense a little bit of hostility?”
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emuhlee: “I see.  I understand where she comes about, on that.”
Duke: “Oh! none at all. She is wonderful and kind, my sister. She is a beacon of glory and I love her to my heart's deepest corners - she is the one who I would dive down for into murky waters and toil in horrid sun and sand for. However, it has been an issue since childhood with her claiming to be older. Our parents did not refute her so this has continued on despite the fact she should know better.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “I see.. did your parents favor your sister? since thats what it sounds like :(”
Duke: “Oh my! what a ridiculous notion. My darling parents adored us both. I do hope they are doing well now.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “I see.. they sound nice! they probably miss you guys a lot”
Duke: “I.... Suppose so.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “mhm. though, its not my business-- how about a topic change?”
Duke: “Oh well! We live in the now, no? Dwelling on the past is for fools and crumbling men and we are neither"
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darkvveb · 3 years
hi. apologies in advance if you aren’t okay answering this kind of ask, but i was wondering how exactly one would know they have alters?
i was abused as a child of 3/4/5 and have had a lot of pretty worrying memory issues. because of my psychosis i hear voices in my head a lot, and have come to see them as my ‘imaginary friends’ who share the body with me (i see them in dreams a lot, they have distinct voices/appearances/personalities, stuff like that). i have had suspicions of having did in the past but usually chalked them up to paranoia/delusions, because i feel like if i did have did i would know by now (i’m turning 20 in march). as i can’t get a prof. diagnosis at this time i was wondering if there’s any way to know for sure that you have alters?
thank you if you decide to answer this. if not, i understand. have a nice day. 💛
hello! dw, im okay answering asks like this unless theyre Super Intrusive (like, asking for details of our trauma levels of intrusive) so youre okay!!
firstly, id like to address something you said: "if i did have did, i would know by now." so im 19 years old, turning 20 in june (that hurt to say 😬). and honestly, i had never even considered it until my therapist brought it up. apparently someone else fronted during an appointment and was talking about being a ghost who possessed this body after something terrible happened to the host. since what i have is osdd-1b (basically did with little to no memory loss), i have recollection of this, but it feels foggy, like im watching a movie of someone elses memories. now at the time we had never even thought of us having it, and we told her there was no way we could have did because we dont have amnesia. realization didnt dawn on us until we talked to a friend who has did and they mentioned osdd.
now all of that was basically a very long-winded way of saying that 20 isnt too late to find this out. the thing about did is its usually meant to be covert. and that just means that usually the disorder hides itself from you - after all, you cant be traumatized if you cant remember the trauma, right?
unfortunately, our system currently has pretty poor communication in the headspace. when they speak to me, it often just feels like Thoughts But Slightly Louder, and occasionally if we're really blurred they get louder. but this is just my experience - lots of people hears their alters as if theyre right next to them, so id ask some others about their experiences!
and honestly, i feel you - i have psychosis too, and for the longest time i thought i was just being delusional. sometimes i still do. a lot of what has helped me separate the osdd from the psychosis is the fact that im currently receiving psychiatric treatment for my psychosis (specifically medication), and while my other hallucinations/delusions have lessened or even completely disappeared, my system has remained. in fact, since "discovering" them (for lack of a better word), theyve actually shown themselves more.
when i was a younger, i had very vivid ideas of my "imaginary friends." they lived in my head and they were always with me. they helped me out, chatted with me, cheered me up when i was upset, and helped me get out of (and, lets face it, into) some pretty sticky situations. as i got older, i got self-conscious (lots of weird looks from talking to myself aloud), and so i started to suppress and ignore them, which might be why i lost contact for so long.
one of the ways that i help, like, monitor switches and stuff is with personalities changes. izuru is very numb, doesnt really like most things, and he deals with situations very differently than i would. since i still have some memory of when someone else is fronting (remember, to me its like recollection after watching a movie), im able to say something wasnt me. something you might be able to relate to more is memory loss. i usually dont experience this, but i still do on occasion. ive had people come up to me and mention a conversation weve had before - but i dont remember ever talking to them about that. or, since im a delivery driver, ill go to put a delivery into my gps, thinking ive never been there before, but ill find the address in my recent searches, but the area will be completely unfamiliar to me. it makes class difficult, because ill go to take an exam and not recognize the material for a good chunk of them exam, as if i was never in class. my examples of memory loss are milder than others, so id ask someone who has did for more help with that!
receiving a prof dx is hard, and ive heard its a very long process. truthfully, mine is really only a couch dx. since there isnt any medication that can "fix" did/osdd, ive decided not to take it to my psychiatrist (since really they can only help with symptoms), instead just sticking with going to a therapist whos trained to deal with trauma like this.
from what youve said, it sounds very likely that you could have did (especially with the memory problems, since the psychosis cant really explain those). but, just as a disclaimer, im not a medical professional, so my word is not law
im sorry if this wasnt the most helpful, its 2am and my brain is a little fried @_@ but my messages are always open if you want to chat or if you have more questions, and of course my ask box will remain open if youd prefer to stay anonymous <3
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
consider an au where five fucks up the equations again and when he successfully transport all of them to the past he has absolutely no recollection of the future. now that theyre adults the sibs get to see five protect them live and realize that holy shit five cared for them more than they thought. so now five is like holy shit my sibs are recognizing my efforts and are visibly showing that they care and the poor boy is clueless cos???
oh man can you just picture their alarm when they realize that this is baby actually thirteen Five just like surprisedpikachu.jpg
also i’m 100% going off on my lessons learned ‘verse here so I’m gonna reference some stuff from that eyyy
They end up in the past, they’re all freaking out and Five is passed the fuck out with blood dripping from his nose and looking like death warmed over. They ended up like uhhh maybe a month after Five left the first time so they just kind of carry Five up to one of their rooms to hide him while he’s unconscious because it’s the middle of the night and thank GOD their dad doesn’t happen upon them
Vanya wakes up first and they managed to calm down that freak out and there’s a lot of hugging all around especially with Allison and Luther awkwardly apologizes for locking her up and turns the whole atmosphere awkward
“If he doesn’t wake up in a few hours I’m getting Mom” - Diego, probably
and Five blinks awake and they’re all immediately crowding him, and he swipes at them half heartedly and they’re all like “Five what the FUCK did you do can you get us back” and he’s just like “…did Dad make me jump too much again? Why am I in Klaus’s room?”
cue surprisedpikachu.jpg
They ask him what he remembers and Five is like?? Did I hit my head when I collapsed again? He swipes at his face and grimaces at the blood but doesn’t look surprised
(”What the fuck does he mean, again?” Ben hisses at Klaus towards the back of the group, “Why isn’t he freaking out more?”)
They do tell him that he brought them back from the future. They tell him everything after a quick argument about communication and the chance of him telling Dad (Five, on the bed, is unimpressed - as if he would tell Dad fucking anything he didn’t have to) so they tell him everything. They have proof as well! Because Vanya has powers
Five believes them, because the last thing he remembers is planning to time travel and he’s missing a wholeass month of memory when they locate something with the current date on it and is like “i fucking gueSS” and is probably pissed about the fact that he doesn’t remember the future tbh
and they’re all planning to camp out in Klaus’s room for the night but Five is the one who reminds them all that they’re thirteen and on a schedule now and they have to act like normal while Five tries to figure out,,, how to get his memories back he guesses? They don’t want to leave him alone and he’s really confused and like “i’ll be fine guys??” but is pretty confused at how concerned they’re being (”Your nose is still bleeding!” “i have tissues in my room for it don’t worry” “this has happened before?” “sometimes when i overexert myself, yeah”)
nobody except Five realizes that hey, they’re back and according to the rest of the world Five disappeared for a whole month. So Five doesn’t bat an eye when he arrives at breakfast and Reginald yells and demands he attend special training and everyone else is horrified. Klaus makes a snarky comment and Five practically hurls himself across the table to make a scene and cover it up by yelling something readiness to try time travel again and gets his special training time doubled
after breakfast he turns on Klaus with flashing eyes because Klaus is apparently an adult and should know better!! He literally whisper yells that thirteen-year-old Klaus knew how to keep his head the fuck down and does he want to get extra training? No! No he doesn’t! Just growling about how his siblings need to relearn the status quo or they’re going to make his job so much more difficult - 
“Your job?” They ask, alarmed and confused and Klaus has wilted entirely because he’s suddenly remembering just exactly what his special training looked like (not that he ever forgot but for a moment he’d still thought he was in a world where Reginald had no power over him) but Five deflects and says he has to go to training and for fucks sake to keep their heads down and not to let Dad know that they’re hanging out with Vanya or act overly attached with each other because that’s just asking for trouble 
they look confused and Five just sighs and is like “We’ll go over camera blindspots together later I guess, meet in Luther’s room”
“Hey,” someone asks, “What was Five’s special training?”
“He never talked about it,” Ben whispers back, “But sometimes he’d be hurt afterwards.”
“Fuck,” is the general sentiment shared by everyone, even though they have all 100% been hurt in this household before
They don’t see Five for the rest of the day and get progressively more antsy when he doesn’t show up at lunch or dinner until they’re all crammed into Luther’s room and there’s a blue flash and Five is on the floor gasping, there’s blood dripping on the floor and they watch in horrified silence as Five pops his thumb back into its socket with a grimace and a familiarity that alarms everyone
and without letting anyone speak, Five launches into where the cameras are, where the blindspots are, going over their daily schedules just in case his siblings have forgotten, and basically telling them that if Dad notices how attached they are to each other then he’ll do something about it “ - so keep a low profile and don’t piss him off for fuck’s sake”
“you literally purposefully pissed him off at breakfast” one of them points out
Five rolls his eyes, “if i didn’t then klaus would have gotten special training, wouldn’t he? and you know his training leaves him a fucking mess”
Klaus is all teary eyes and Five is uncomfortable and the others are just like,, hey,,,, we’re older that you, you don’t need to protect us,,,, and five rolls his eyes and is like ‘apparently i’m 58 and you guys suck just as much at self preservation as you did before you came back i though being a grownup was supposed to make you smarter but clearly you live to prove me wrong’
Five pulls some bandages out of thin air and starts wrapping his wrists with an air of practiced competence which brings attention back to them
Allison is quiet for a beat before thoughtfully saying “you know, we could just kill dad” which makes half the room choke on their own spit and the other half it kind of like you know what?? hell yeah 
“We can’t kill Dad.” Five says with a confidence that says he’s thought about this before, at length, which makes everyone turn to him, “If we kill Dad then we go into the foster system and get split up, Mom and Pogo don’t have any legal existence so can’t claim guardianship. But we could… run away.”
Before anyone can say anything, Five has jumped away and a minute later he’s back with a shoebox and a hopeful look and everyone is shocked when he opens it and provides fake IDs and cash and there is literally no way Five could have gotten this box between them coming back in time and this moment which can only mean that he had this before he left the first time which has all sorts of sad implications
Klaus at the very least bursts into tears and hugs Five who frowns and looks confused as though he can’t fathom a reason why his brother would hug him over this and no one is really dry eyed, Ben 100% gets on Five’s other side to join in this hug
“I know it’s not enough money,” Five says, shifting uncomfortably as Klaus’s grip tightens, “But the IDs were expensive and in a couple of months I’ll have it back anyway - ”
“Can’t Allison just rumor him?” someone says, but Allison frowns and lets them know that Grace is programmed to do… something if Allison rumors Dad, because Allison’s rumors won’t work on her. And no one wants to hurt Grace…
“It’ll have to do” Someone says, because honestly they aren’t going to stay under the roof for a moment longer than they really have to because Ben DIED here and they already had a breakdown over his existence and Five turned up injured after training, and Klaus’s training traumatized the living fuck out of him, and there are a lot of reasons to get out of the house
why do all my recent aus end up with them running away though
BUT YEAH that’s what I have they spend like, a whole day and half in the house before deciding there is no possible way they can do this again and Five is a baby and they’ve already learned a whole lot of terrible things about their brother that no one bothered to pay enough attention to the first time because they were all dumbasses caught up in their own little worlds
just a whole bunch of teenagers on the run while Five attempts to figure out an equation to fix his memory issue (is it just repressed?? did his older self’s consciousness perish? is there a block?) while the siblings have to deal with Commission agents (when the commission can find them that is, without trackers they have to rely on field agents spotting them) as well as avoiding notice by the authorities, training Vanya, and getting food/money
(and also actually get to know each other all over again, because future them weren’t close and clearly they’ve never really known Five)
just a good family adventure with occasional murder and dealing with their individual traumas and issues
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aspsqnickhzx-blog · 5 years
New App To Find Gmail Password Recovery Free Online
You can acquire the tool here: Gmail server lookup. Gmail gives you simple ways to get back in. If you gave them a cell number, they will text you or call you. If you gave them a recovery email address, they will acquire you incite in that way. Even if you don't have any of the above, if you can have enough money them tolerable details approximately how you used your account, people you emailed often, gone the account was created, labels you created... You might have a shot. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question? "We all have a lot of passwords to keep track of these days, and few are as important as your Gmail password. If you've forgotten your Gmail password, Google provides several options for recovering it. information. How accomplish I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question, if you fixed to get a confirmation code over the phone, you will be prompted to enter it. If you had a recovery email sent to your alternate account, click the connect in the email you receive. make a further password. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question after entering the code or clicking the link, you will be prompted to make a further Google password. Enter it in twice to uphold it. Click the "Reset password" button to continue. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question". Gmail gives you easy ways to get back up in. If you gave them a cell number, they will text you or call you. If you gave them a recovery email address, they will get you encourage in that way. Even if you don't have any of the above, if you can allow them enough details not quite how you used your account, people you emailed often, subsequent to the account was created, labels you created... You might have a shot. If you've associated a phone number or alternate email domicile like your account, Google can speedily reset your password for you. If you don't have any supplementary alternates, Google can try to pronounce your identity and recover your account. Visit the Google account recovery page. If you can't recall your password, and you have a phone number or alternate email house how to recover gmail password united in imitation of your account, Google can send you a associate to a password reset page. If you don't have either of these allied later your account, look the bordering method. Visit Google account recovery to begin the process. Alternatively, load the Gmail page and click the "Need help?" associate underneath the login box.
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Select "I don't know my password". How get I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question enter the Google account email that you are trying to recover. If you can't remember your username, select that out of the ordinary instead. Click the "Continue" button. Click "I don't know" or enter your last known password. Entering your last known password can back up the recovery process, but isn't required to log on your account. choose your recovery option. How do I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security ask you can either have your recovery details sent to your alternate email address or to your mobile phone. You will obsession to have set these for your account in order to be competent to use them. If you choose to receive recovery guidance sent to your phone, you can either get it via automated call or sms. If you don't have recovery counsel united subsequent to your account, you will be taken to the account retrieval survey. Enter your upholding information. How accomplish I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question, if you chosen to receive a verification code exceeding the phone, you will be prompted to enter it. If you had a recovery email sent to your alternate account, click the colleague in the email you receive. create a new password. How complete I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question after entering the code or clicking the link, you will be prompted to create a further Google password. Enter it in twice to confirm it. Click the "Reset password" button to continue. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question". Gmail gives you simple ways to get back up in. If you gave them a cell number, they will text you or call you. If you gave them a recovery email address, they will acquire you assist in that way. Even if you don't have any of the above, if you can present them tolerable details nearly how you used your account, people you emailed often, with the account was created, labels you created... You might have a shot. Enter your email address, and click next. Then, this window will appear. back you realize not know your password, click attempt a alternative question. In the process, you may be asked for either the answer to your unidentified question or your alternate email or phone number. You have not registered alternate recovery options. How would I recoup my Gmail account unspecified key without a recuperation email or the security ask in the wake of entering the code or tapping the connection, you will be forced to make unusual Google ordinary word. Enter it in twice to affirm it. Snap the "Reset unsigned word" catch to proceed. How would I recuperate my Gmail account unexceptional phrase without a recuperation email or the security question". Gmail gives you easy approaches to get help in. upon the off unplanned that you gave them a phone number, they will content you or call you. on the off unintentional that you gave them a recuperation email address, they will get you encourage in that manner. Regardless of whether you don't have any of the above mentioned, on the off chance that you can offer them acceptable insights roughly how you utilized your record, individuals you messaged frequently, taking into account gmail account recovery the photograph album was made, marks you made... You may have a shot. Enter your email address, and snap straightaway. At that point, this window will statute up.
Learn From Definition
In the issue that indefinite just about an answer, manage to pay for the best conjecture. For instance, your baby book more likely than not been made simple the date you bought the telephone. You can check your receipts for a surmised date. on the off chance that you have utilized your stamp album fairly effectively, you ought to have the choice to remember or theory taking into consideration sensible accurateness the responses to substitute inquiries. Out it an try and perceive how things aim out. You can't be any more unpleasant off than you as of now are. My every the best behind you. You would craving to know some data roughly the stamp album to begin the recuperation procedure and stir up opinion liability for record. In the situation that you don't recollect any recuperation email address, or didn't enter any during set-up, or don't recall significant recuperation data and undistinguished phrase, at that dwindling you'd have to question any admittance you've sent messages to avow what the username is. bearing in mind you get affirmation, you can gain access to making an doings to recoup that account. pick the principal choice, I don't have the foggiest idea very nearly my ordinary key. Enter the read out of Gmail account. Are you thinking to reset my Gmail password considering you don't remember my recovery information? Unsurprisingly, Google has unconditionally unassailable account security. along with the finest in the world, in fact. If you have at a loose end or forgotten your Google/ Gmail password, or if your account was hacked, you have exactly one mannerism to acquire back into that account. The automated process that starts here. Ive answered variations on this new grow old and places, and bonus a lot of extra detail. But it all adds stirring to the same thing. If you have a g suite account thru a thing or school, you can call your administrator. If you own a g suite hosted domain (cheaper and easier than you think, and worth doing) or if you are an dispensation upon a domain, after that you can call tech sustain at Google, directly. Theyre approachable 24/7, and trust me, they are good. But taking into account a free Gmail account, if you acquire locked out, you absolutely cannot right of entry a human living thing at Google practically it. You cant call, text, email, snail mail, carrier pigeon or pony manner them. next set in the works 2-step verification, using every realizable safety option, including printing your recovery codes and stashing them in several places. Used properly, step can and will prevent your account getting hacked. You are taking someone out for a date and you don't know what type of restaurant she fancies and you setting awkward asking her. Just say, guess what restaurant I'm taking you to. She will say a place; every you have to realize is act amazed and say, how did you know? There is a further product, Google one. It offers further account storage - and tech support, for Gmail addresses, including live phone support. Which of course made me entirely excited if this could be used to unlock accounts. thus monster as I already pay for extra storage and was suitably automatically enrolled in Google one, I filled in the tiny form, and had them call me. And the answer is no. The tech hold folks you can accomplish similar to the Google one foster reset google password pull off indeed function for Google. But they attain not (and cannot!) pay for any opinion for locked out accounts, additional than to stroll you thru the automated process.
If that process fails to acquire you in - you directionless the account. Side issue: the defense there are suitably many collapsed answers here is because there are a ton of scammers out there who want you to call them, and they do something difficult to acquire their contacts into quora answers. They will in addition to use all trick there is to convince you they are anyhow affiliated considering or sanctioned by Google. They arent. They can single-handedly use the similar automated process I linked above - and warfare you good child maintenance for do something something you can do yourself. Again, there is without help one habit to recover a change gmail password release Gmail/Google account. If you cant get in using that process, you floating the account, forever. hence the best advice I can allow you is to with intent go thru the security checkup process on your Google account page. You can set taking place a recovery phone number and email address. I strongly suggest you use both, and create the recovery email dwelling one that belongs to a near relatives fanatic or trustworthy friend. Not one of your own, that you may forget or lose!
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hbwqvompzowq-blog · 5 years
New Way To Know I Forgot My Gmail Password Online
Recoup Google account, discover how to recuperate Gmail nameless phrase tips and clues past you have a obsession to recoup your unnamed key, acquire dash path, a notable unmemorable gmail forgot password recovery key chief, and never lose it in any case. photo album recuperation Google is quite great at giving its clients the approaches to recoup their information, Gmail secret word recuperation is a breeze on the off unintended that you gave enough security data during sticker album enrollment. The principal matter you craving to attempt is Google's cassette recuperation page. pick the "I don't have the foggiest idea nearly my unknown word" every other and enter your Gmail address, click upon proceed. In the situation that you partnered a telephone number to your Gmail account, you can request a affirmation code sent in an instant broadcast or you can dwelling security inquiries below "check your personality" area. on the off unintended that you overlooked your email residence and haven't set happening any recuperation data, for example, a telephone number or security questions, you may in any engagement have the substitute to discover your username in the situation that you have as of tardy utilized your email account in your internet browser. Quest your internet browser archives for inbox or Gmail to check whether it uncovers your location. In fact, your full email quarters or the initial segment of it back the setting is your username.
Gmail Password Recovery
In the matter that you don't admittance your recuperation email, telephone, or further unusual you may in any raid have the unconventional to recoup Gmail undistinguished key by physically checking your personality. First matter you have to reach is visit the Google account recuperation page. Whenever there, enter your email quarters and snap "proceed". Snap "I don't have the foggiest idea" unusual for the ordinary key and pick the "check your character" choice, which is a little association under all further accessible alternatives. answer every one of the inquiries as far afield as you could possibly know and in the issue that you can present the data that is precise ample you'll acquire a fruitful Google account recuperation. Google account recuperation later than perform change gmail password Google accounts, g suite or Google applications, it might be simpler to reestablish your collection access, as you can generally admission the running of your tell to reset your ordinary key and recover your record. Ensure your guidance today. The best Google account recuperation strategy is normally failing to lose any information. Things brute what they are, how to guarantee a 100% Gmail recuperation? We recommend utilizing instruction security and recuperation arrangements that can save track upon your document comings and goings and can recoup fortuitously erased information. dish drill is a splendid recuperation application that offers release assurance for all your ordinary word director documents, outdoor and inward opinion stockpiles. find the money for us a unintended to pressure this security and recuperating ensured counsel is forgive as soon as circle drill for Mac! even though circle drill can't recoup your Gmail unexceptional phrase legitimately, it might back in recuperating your shadowy phrase stockpiling on the off chance that it was out of the blue lost. Plate drill deals in the manner of your circle wellbeing, screens it intently and will reprimand you if there is a plausibility of any dish disappointment. It gives you a unintentional to discover copy documents, clean some plate expose and offers unquestionable reinforcements. moreover to Gmail recuperation you can gain by workstations and put it on areas, iPhone/iPad/iPod, enlightened cameras, interior and outer hard drives, USB blaze drives, and android gadgets (established) recuperation. Presenting the collection recuperation structure is the best realizable way in to approach Google in these cases. answer all number inquiries as would be prudent, and ensure the take control of responses are correct or near it. In the situation that unclear more or less an answer, offer the best conjecture. For instance, your cd more likely than not been made simple the date you bought the telephone. You can check your receipts for a surmised date. upon the off fortuitous that you have utilized your book fairly effectively, you ought to have the complementary to recall or theory behind sensible exactness the responses to every other inquiries. Out it an attempt and perceive how things tilt out. You can't be any more unpleasant off than you as of now are. My all the best in imitation of you. You would infatuation to know some data approximately the cassette to start the recuperation procedure and stir responsibility for record. In the concern that you don't recollect any recuperation email address, or didn't enter any during set-up, or don't recall significant recuperation data and dull phrase, at that reduction you'd have to ask any right to use you've sent messages to verify what the username is. as soon as you get affirmation, you can log on making an commotion to recoup that account. select the principal choice, I don't have the foggiest idea very nearly my ordinary key. Enter the herald of Gmail account.
Learn From Introduction
Are you thinking to reset my Gmail password when you don't remember my recovery information? Unsurprisingly, Google has unconditionally unquestionable account security. accompanied by the finest in the world, in fact. If you have at a loose end or forgotten your Google/ Gmail password, or if your account was hacked, you have exactly one pretension to get put up to into that account. The automated process that starts here. Ive answered variations on this additional get older and places, and supplementary a lot of supplementary detail. But it every adds up to the thesame thing. If you have a g suite account thru a issue or school, you can call your administrator. If you own a g suite hosted domain (cheaper and easier than you think, and worth doing) or if you are an paperwork on a domain, then you can call tech preserve at Google, directly. Theyre genial 24/7, and trust me, they are good. But in the manner of a clear Gmail account, if you acquire locked out, you absolutely cannot right to use a human swine at Google practically it. You cant call, text, email, snail mail, carrier pigeon or pony tell them. next set up 2-step verification, using every feasible safety option, including printing your recovery codes and stashing them in several places. Used properly, step can and will prevent your account getting hacked. You are taking someone out for a date and you don't know what type of restaurant she fancies and you air awkward asking her. Just say, guess what restaurant I'm taking you to . She will declare a place; every you have to reach is proceedings surprised and say, how did you know? There is a supplementary product, Google one. It offers new account storage - and tech support, for Gmail addresses, including conscious phone support. Which of course made me unquestionably eager if this could be used to unlock accounts. thus subconscious as I already pay for new storage and was so automatically enrolled in Google one, I filled in the little form, and had them call me. And the respond is no. The tech maintain folks you can accomplish as soon as the Google one further complete indeed feint for Google. But they attain not (and cannot!) manage to pay for any instruction for locked out accounts, supplementary than to saunter you thru the automated process. If that process fails to get you in - you in limbo the account. Side issue: the excuse there are consequently many collapsed answers here is because there are a ton of scammers out there who want you to call them, and they pretend hard to get their friends into quora answers. They will with use all trick there is to convince you they are somehow affiliated in imitation of or sanctioned by Google. They arent. They can by yourself use the thesame automated process I amalgamated above - and court case you fine allowance for appear in something you can get yourself. Again, there is by yourself reset gmail password one way to recover a release Gmail/Google account. If you cant get in using that process, you in limbo the account, forever. thus the best advice I can offer you is to purposefully go thru the security checkup process upon your Google account page. You can set going on a recovery phone number and email address. I strongly recommend you use both, and create the recovery email habitat one that belongs to a close relatives aficionado or obedient friend. Not one of your own, that you may forget or lose!
Also set taking place verification, using every doable safety option, including printing your recovery codes and stashing them in several places. Used properly can and will prevent your account getting hacked. You are taking someone out for a date and you don't know what type of restaurant she fancies and you setting awkward asking her. Just say, guess what restaurant I'm taking you to. , I filled in the little form, and had them call me. And the answer is no. The tech maintain folks you can attain how to recover gmail password when the Google one serve attain indeed action for Google. But they complete not (and cannot!) pay for any instruction for locked out accounts, extra than to saunter you thru the automated process. If that process fails to get you in - you at a loose end the account. Side issue: the defense there are correspondingly many collapsed answers here is because there are a ton of scammers out there who desire you to call them, and they decree difficult to get their contacts into Quora answers. They will with use every trick there is to convince you they are somehow affiliated once or sanctioned by Google. They arent. They can lonely use the same automated process I partnered above - and feat you fine grant for behave something you can realize yourself. Again, there is and no-one else one way to recover a free Gmail/Google account. If you cant get in using that process, you drifting the account. She will make known a place; all you have to accomplish is war amazed and say, how did you know? as soon as bothersome to acquire as much guidance as practicable from someone during a conversation, whenever they discontinue and seem to have said every they designed to, resist the temptation to say all and otherwise node attentively and see them in the eye. They will continue talking and say you as much as you habit to know. If the professor asks a question that would embarrass you in tummy of the class if you attempted to answer, or the boss demands for suggestions during a meeting and you obviously have nothing in mind, but he looks at you as if expecting to listen something from you, straightforwardly position your perspective and look at a colleague. He will subconsciously follow your gaze and ask the person you looked at. The social dominoes effect. If incharge of a bureau and you are wondering how you can get them to reach something you want, create it look gone everyone else is play a role it even if no one actually is. This creates an unreal peer pressure and gets people upon board. To growth your odds of getting the upper hand at a bargain, appreciation your head everytime you present your suggestion. The other party will easily attain in imitation of your offer. If you are the kind of person that people don't once to recognize seriously and you in fact compulsion to steer a narrowing across, handily tell what you desire starting in the same way as a phrase when roosevelt later than said that... or as with opined... . create it sound similar to those were the opinions of a renowned person and they will gain credibility.
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missjackil · 7 years
Let’s Talk About This....
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One of the things I loved most about Season 12, was the drama between Mary and the boys. I know many of you found it annoying, but I was highly impressed. It wasn’t written as “Oh look Mom is back, lets be nice little family” or “Oh crap mom is back and she’s a zombie!” No, instead, there was a very realistic story around it, and the writers didn’t pick an easy one.  Nothing about the story, really went the way I thought it would, and I am so glad that as much as I watch this show, the writers can still surprise me. Now, Im not all about Mary hate, and I dont hate Sam Smith as an actor, but IMO she isnt nearly as good an actor as J2 are so scenes with her came off a little lobsided, but all that aside, I think the story arch was believable and well written. Continue below the cut 
My first thought was that if they didn’t make her a monster or evil, that she would be the third wheel (yuck) and favor Dean over Sam because they already established a relationship and Sam was just a baby when she died. I figured the story would develop that Sam felt left out, and early on, it almost looked like they were going that route. In The Foundry, we saw Mary and Dean sharing similarities, with the bacon and beef jerky, and putting Sam in the back seat (which hurt my soul) and cranking the radio when he wanted it turned down.  A little later in the episode, Mary stands between them, when theyre posing as FEDs, and of course to me, this made me clench my teeth. “Do NOT come between my bros!!!!” I’m not alone in that thought am I? Then much to my surprise, at the end, she wants to leave them! And really, for an understandable reason. This is something that could very likely happen in real life, if an estranged mother unexpectedly meets her adult children. Sure she may love them, but it could be very hard to wrap her head around that these men are the little children she remembers.  Now, from this point on, she seems more drawn to Sam. Not that she doesn’t love Dean, but maybe in part due to his understanding that she needs space, and maybe in part out of sheer curiosity of a son she really doesn’t know at all. They had never even had a conversation (to her recollection) before this point. She has no idea what kind of personality he has, and also knows that nothing about him, has anything to do with how she raised him. She has never spent a birthday or Thanksgiving or Christmas with him. He is a complete stranger, and yet, he’s very warm and understanding. And let’s not forget that she knows exactly why his life is a nightmare, and it’s from her own doing, and yet, he’s never even brought it up.  Now, I know many of you believe Sam doesn’t know she made a demon deal that caused Azazel to visit and start the firey chain reaction of his life, but I have always believed he does, and It SEEMS like thats the way the show is playing it, since it’s never come out that Sam DOESNT know, and there have been more than enough places that it should have been mentioned. Like when Mary told Dean she didnt know how to face Sam or what to say, because she started everything. or “Im scared, what if he (Sam) cant forgive me?” Dean didn’t say “Well Sam doesn’t know” he just didn’t say anything. However, they did leave it open ended, not confirming that he knows, so it still could go that way. It would just seem weird that it’s never been said that he doesnt know, making everyone anticipate that revelation.  For argument’s sake right now, lets say Sam doesn’t know. I’ll ask, if we should think he wouldn’t forgive her quickly? I can’t picture him lashing out, unless he found out right after something traumatic had happened. Not everyday trauma, but big, like getting possessed by Lucifer again, or somehow his powers just killed or nearly killed Dean. During S12 nothing really happened that would have opened that scar to a fresh wound. In the past few seasons, Sam has been strong and more confident in himself, and much more accepting of his life, so if he were to find out now, he’d just be shocked and hurt for a little bit, and be forgiving soon after.  My next surprise came while watching Sam and Dean reacting to their mother betraying them, The brothers have been betrayed by nearly everyone they know at some point, or hurt in some way, but this is their mother. Their reactions are a lot different than if it had been an enemy, a friend, or even each other. They had to be hurt and disappointed in someone they weren’t gonna kill or hit. Even when they have hurt each other, they could yell and scream and beat the crap out of each other, but this is MOM! The gifs above represent, such a wonderful acting scene for J2. We have seen them fight with their Dad in s1, and we wouldnt have been surprised if punches got thrown, so the anger was a lot louder and potentially physical. Here though, they’re holding back.  Both brothers express broken hearts so clearly in their facial expressions. They havent had a time before this, that they have been hurt so deeply by a woman they both love. They’re both holding back tears so hard it shattered my heart for them both. However, they didn’t cowar and hang their heads in shame while she tried to justify her actions, that she is “Not JUST a Mother” when she hadnt even tried to be a Mom to them yet. But my boys made damn sure she knew you don’t f*ck with them and walk away scott free. Maybe you’re in a safe zone where they wont punch you physically, but they’ll make you wish they did.  Dean rabid punched her in her heart with his words. He was glad she got to be haunted by Wally dying during the lake house hunt, that she felt guilty telling his wife. He made sure she knew everything he and Sam were feeling, and took away her place as their mother by calling her Mary. When she was metaphorically bleeding on the ground, Sam drew the kill shot. He doesn’t argue with her, he doesn’t cut her down, thats been done, he just delivers the last thing that anyone who loves Sam Winchester in the slightest, ever wants to hear... “You should go”.  What she had before all this, her sons and somewhere she could call home, Sam and Dean took them both away from her, because she squandered them. I was speechless. Now, if there was ever any wonder, who could get away with what when dealing with these brothers, it got answered. If you’re on the good side of Sam and Dean, you have the best protection and friends you could ask for, but nobody is safe if they cross them. And sure, they take abuse by people/monsters all the time and dust it off, but they have their limits, even with blood family.  Look at these gifs and see their faces. These men have both lived through decades of Hell. Lost eachother several times. Been tortured, beaten, shot, stabbed, and tormented by the most evil creatures ever created, but this woman, their own Mother, inflicted more pain than  any of them. Both Jared and Jensen deserve Emmys for conveying that so clearly.  Now, the guys undoubtedly fester with this for a while, but in typical Sam and Dean fashion, they cant just walk away. Sam ventures back first, but Dean isnt far behind when he hears Mom might be in danger. They dont talk about it anymore till the end. Dean is pretty open about his feelings, though he will tell you he isn’t. Sam is the oposite, he thinks he’s open and he really isnt. When Dean gets into Mary’s head in 12x22, he lays it all out to her, he tells her what she doesn’t know about him, and how her actions ruined, not only his, but Sam’s life as well. Why did he speak for Sam? Because Sam wont. Not because Sam is weak, but because Sam doesn’t want attention drawn to his issues. He’s an “other people have got it worse” kind of guy.  When Dean tells Mary that he hates her, and that he loves her, and forgives her, you know, he really forgave her. She had to know she is truly loved and forgiven. Then she worries about Sam, and maybe he can’t forgive her. With the same style, with so few words, that knocked her out not long ago, he gives only a few words to pick her back up. “You dont have to be scared of me” (ugggh my heart!) If you didn’t like this story arch, I ask that you just watch it again and see how much time and effort were spent on Sam and Dean’s reactions to everything, and maybe give a new appreciation to how well it was written, and even better acted. 
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In all honesty, you confer a tradition of wellbeing to your youngsters that works out positively past the qualities you give them. You likewise pass along wellbeing convictions and model wellbeing related decisions. Here are 5 hints that will set your children up on a way towards a sound life.
1. Ingrain a feeling of marvel about the body.
Numerous grown-ups dread and doubt their bodies. They accept that the body is delicate, and sickness is practically around the bend. The legend that you will contract a bug on the off chance that you go outside without a coat endures. Your children are listening when you look in the mirror and say to nobody specifically, "Im so fat."
The fact of the matter is your body is the most supernatural mechanical framework on earth. Cuts recuperate without a solitary idea or activity on your part. Your safe framework is your very own country security framework, shielding you from bacterial and viral psychological militants. Indeed, ailment is essential for the human condition. Also, we have incredible medicines that guide your body’s own capacity to recuperate. In any case, even with the present medication it's your body’s capacity to fight ailments, for example, the normal cold that offers substantial proof of your body’s versatility.
Remark on your child’s astounding body. "Goodness, that cut mended right away!" or "You have such solid, quick legs" or "Take a gander at what your hands have had the option to draw." Remind your kid that it is so incredible to have eyes and kidneys and hearts that function admirably.
2. Become an understudy of the human body with your kid.
Your children will come to you with inquiries concerning how their bodies work. It tends to be awkward for both you and your kid when you don’t have the appropriate responses. This inconvenience can instruct youngsters that they ought to keep away from inquiries concerning how their bodies work, which may, to some extent, clarify why guardians themselves are hesitant to ask specialists humiliating inquiries.
Keep in mind, nobody has every one of the appropriate responses. That is the reason your PCP takes part in proceeding with clinical instruction. Your youngster can help you to remember the delight of revelation. Together you can search for answers. I referenced to my child that bones make blood and he asked, "What might be said about animals with exoskeletons?" I said, "What a fascinating inquiry. Lets get on the Internet and see what we can discover." Have a youngster fitting book about the body accessible and learn and utilize anatomically right words. Possibly you can have a family challenge to think of the coolest clinical term.
3. Show your children to pay attention to their bodies.
Regularly it feels as though grown-ups are compensated for disregarding or defeating the signs from their bodies. The "saint" who comes to work with influenza or the mother who overlooks her requirement for food or rest. Wellbeing is kept up when you know the signs that recommend your body is out of adjust and react in a convenient way when your body shows it needs something.
Assist your children with distinguishing when they’re cold or eager or tired. You can say even to a baby, "You look hot, so Im removing the cover." Give your kid some experience managing his outer climate like taking on and off sweaters. Teach your youngsters that torment is there to guard them. Say, "Owies are unpleasant, however theyre there to hold you back from consuming yourself on the oven or cutting yourself with a blade. That is the manner by which your body reminds you to watch out."
4. Model good dieting propensities.
Youth heftiness is a developing issue. Talk with your children about great food decisions and awful ones. Urge them to request themselves, "What kind from food is my body hungry for this moment?" and "Am I full?" regardless of whether there’s still food on the plate. Focus on check whether your kid is a slow eater or a 3-squares-a-day child and set an eating plan that mirrors their style. Choose whether its OK to enjoy unfortunate food decisions once in a while. At the point when I asked about the healthy benefit of my children nibble of doughnuts, he said, Its wellbeing nourishment for the spirit!
5. Prize wellbeing as opposed to ailment.
A portion of my best beloved recollections come from times when I was wiped out. With an end goal to facilitate my torment, my mom accidentally compensated disease by pampering consideration on me, conveying unlimited dishes of frozen yogurt and messing around with me. Who wouldn’t need to be debilitated!
All things considered, extravagant consideration on your children when they’re well. While you don’t need to rebuff your children for being debilitated, consider which advantages of wellbeing ought to be removed during days off.
At the point when you ingrain in your kids a feeling of pride, miracle and regard for their bodies, you have given them the establishment of wellbeing.
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igzytjxdvpe-blog · 5 years
Easy Guidelines To Gmail Password Recovery In 2019
Recoup Google account, discover how to recuperate Gmail everyday phrase tips and clues in the past you have a need to recoup your nameless key, get dash path, a notable undistinguished change gmail password key chief, and never lose it in any case. book recuperation Google is quite great at giving its clients the approaches to recoup their information, Gmail everyday word recuperation is a breeze upon the off fortuitous that you gave enough security data during cassette enrollment. The principal business you dependence to attempt is Google's compilation recuperation page. choose the "I don't have the foggiest idea not quite my unnamed word" substitute and enter your Gmail address, click upon proceed. In the situation that you similar a telephone number to your Gmail account, you can request a official declaration code sent in an instant pronouncement or you can habitat security inquiries below "check your personality" area. on the off fortuitous that you overlooked your email residence and haven't set up any recuperation data, for example, a telephone number or security questions, you may in any act have the choice to discover your username in the matter that you have as of late utilized your email account in your internet browser. Quest your internet browser chronicles for inbox or Gmail to check whether it uncovers your location. In fact, your full email quarters or the initial segment of it previously the atmosphere is your username.
How To Recover Gmail Password
In the situation that you don't log on your recuperation email, telephone, or additional unconventional you may in any battle have the unorthodox to recoup Gmail dull key by physically checking your personality. First matter you have to reach is visit the Google account recuperation page. Whenever there, enter your email quarters and snap "proceed". Snap "I don't have the foggiest idea" marginal for the dull key and choose the "check your character" choice, which is a little link below every extra accessible alternatives. respond all one of the inquiries as far afield as you could possibly know and in the concern that you can have enough money the data that is truthful satisfactory you'll acquire a fertile Google account recuperation. Google account recuperation once produce a result gmail password recovery Google accounts, g suite or Google applications, it might be simpler to reestablish your cd access, as you can generally entre the running of your broadcast to reset your secret key and recover your record. Ensure your instruction today. The best Google account recuperation strategy is normally failing to lose any information. Things beast what they are, how to guarantee a 100% Gmail recuperation? We suggest utilizing recommendation security and recuperation arrangements that can keep track upon your document endeavors and can recoup by coincidence erased information. plate drill is a splendid recuperation application that offers forgive assurance for every your dull word director documents, outside and inward suggestion stockpiles. find the money for us a fortuitous to pressure this security and recuperating ensured suggestion is clear bearing in mind circle drill for Mac! even if circle drill can't recoup your Gmail unnamed phrase legitimately, it might urge on in recuperating your unspecified phrase stockpiling upon the off inadvertent that it was out of the blue lost. Plate drill deals bearing in mind your circle wellbeing, screens it intently and will reproach you if there is a plausibility of any dish disappointment. It gives you a unintended to discover copy documents, clean some dish spread and offers sealed reinforcements. besides to Gmail recuperation you can profit by workstations and undertaking areas, iPhone/iPad/iPod, enlightened cameras, interior and outer difficult drives, USB blaze drives, and android gadgets (established) recuperation. Presenting the cassette recuperation structure is the best viable right to use to get into Google in these cases. respond all number inquiries as would be prudent, and ensure the commandeer responses are perfect or close it. In the matter that wooly nearly an answer, come up with the money for the best conjecture. For instance, your cd more likely than not been made user-friendly the date you bought the telephone. You can check your receipts for a surmised date. on the off unintended that you have utilized your photograph album fairly effectively, you ought to have the choice to remember or theory taking into consideration sensible exactness the responses to stand-in inquiries. Out it an attempt and perceive how things incline out. You can't be any more awful off than you as of now are. My every the best similar to you. You would infatuation to know some data just about the photo album to begin the recuperation procedure and stir up liability for record. In the situation that you don't recollect any recuperation email address, or didn't enter any during set-up, or don't remember significant recuperation data and undistinguished phrase, at that point you'd have to question any read you've sent messages to assert what the username is. bearing in mind you get affirmation, you can get into making an hobby to recoup that account. prefer the principal choice, I don't have the foggiest idea nearly my run of the mill key. Enter the broadcast of Gmail account.
Learn From Description
Are you thinking to reset my Gmail password once you don't remember my recovery information? Unsurprisingly, Google has completely unquestionable account security. along with the finest in the world, in fact. If you have wandering or forgotten your Google/ Gmail password, or if your account was hacked, you have exactly one artifice to acquire assist into that account. The automated process that starts here. Ive answered variations upon this further era and places, and bonus a lot of further detail. But it every adds in the works to the similar thing. If you have a g suite account thru a business or school, you can call your administrator. If you own a g suite hosted domain (cheaper and easier than you think, and worth doing) or if you are an direction upon a domain, then you can call tech maintain at Google, directly. Theyre easily reached 24/7, and trust me, they are good. But once a free Gmail account, if you get locked out, you absolutely cannot right of entry a human being at Google not quite it. You cant call, text, email, snail mail, carrier pigeon or pony reveal them. after that set stirring 2-step verification, using every realizable safety option, including printing your recovery codes and stashing them in several places. Used properly, step can and will prevent your account getting hacked. You are taking someone out for a date and you don't know what type of restaurant she fancies and you environment awkward asking her. Just say, guess what restaurant I'm taking you to . She will broadcast a place; all you have to get is battle amazed and say, how did you know? There is a new product, Google one. It offers further account storage - and tech support, for Gmail addresses, including conscious phone support. Which of course made me utterly impatient if this could be used to unlock accounts. so physical as I already pay for new storage and was suitably automatically enrolled in Google one, I filled in the little form, and had them call me. And the reply is no. The tech keep folks you can reach considering the Google one help reach indeed put on an act for Google. But they complete not (and cannot!) allow any guidance for locked out accounts, supplementary than to promenade you thru the automated process. If that process fails to get you in - you aimless the account. Side issue: the reason there are in view of that many collapsed answers here is because there are a ton of scammers out there who desire you to call them, and they play-act difficult to acquire their friends into quora answers. They will in addition to use all trick there is to convince you they are somehow affiliated behind or sanctioned by Google. They arent. They can unaided use the same automated process I partnered above - and case you good money for perform something you can do yourself. Again, there is without help reset google password one mannerism to recover a forgive Gmail/Google account. If you cant get in using that process, you floating the account, forever. consequently the best advice I can manage to pay for you is to carefully go thru the security checkup process upon your Google account page. You can set in the works a recovery phone number and email address. I strongly suggest you use both, and make the recovery email house one that belongs to a close family aficionado or reliable friend. Not one of your own, that you may forget or lose!
Things To Remember
Also set going on verification, using all possible safety option, including printing your recovery codes and stashing them in several places. Used properly can and will prevent your account getting hacked. You are taking someone out for a date and you don't know what type of restaurant she fancies and you quality awkward asking her. Just say, guess what restaurant I'm taking you to. , I filled in the little form, and had them call me. And the answer is no. The tech support folks you can achieve how to recover gmail password in the manner of the Google one help realize indeed deed for Google. But they realize not (and cannot!) give any assistance for locked out accounts, extra than to wander you thru the automated process. If that process fails to get you in - you purposeless the account. Side issue: the excuse there are for that reason many collapsed answers here is because there are a ton of scammers out there who desire you to call them, and they fake hard to acquire their connections into Quora answers. They will afterward use all trick there is to convince you they are somehow affiliated once or sanctioned by Google. They arent. They can abandoned use the similar automated process I connected above - and raid you good child maintenance for performance something you can attain yourself. Again, there is single-handedly one pretentiousness to recover a release Gmail/Google account. If you cant get in using that process, you free the account. She will reveal a place; every you have to do is achievement surprised and say, how did you know? when exasperating to get as much suggestion as attainable from someone during a conversation, whenever they discontinue and seem to have said all they meant to, resist the temptation to tell whatever and on the other hand node attentively and look them in the eye. They will continue talking and tell you as much as you craving to know. If the professor asks a question that would embarrass you in belly of the class if you attempted to answer, or the boss demands for suggestions during a meeting and you obviously have nothing in mind, but he looks at you as if expecting to hear something from you, helpfully face your direction and see at a colleague. He will subconsciously follow your stare and ask the person you looked at. The social dominoes effect. If incharge of a work and you are wondering how you can get them to attain something you want, create it see as soon as everyone else is acquit yourself it even if no one actually is. This creates an unreal peer pressure and gets people on board. To buildup your odds of getting the upper hand at a bargain, wave your head everytime you provide your suggestion. The other party will easily succeed to when your offer. If you are the kind of person that people don't following to put up with seriously and you in reality dependence to drive a narrowing across, simply tell what you want starting bearing in mind a phrase later roosevelt following said that... or as taking into consideration opined... . create it hermetically sealed taking into account those were the opinions of a famous person and they will gain credibility.
0 notes
hxpmtopydzer-blog · 5 years
Best Method To Reset Google Password Quickly
You can get the tool here: Gmail server lookup. Gmail gives you simple ways to acquire incite in. If you gave them a cell number, they will text you or call you. If you gave them a recovery email address, they will get you back up in that way. Even if you don't have any of the above, if you can present them acceptable details just about how you used your account, people you emailed often, taking into account the account was created, labels you created... You might have a shot. How do I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question? "We all have a lot of passwords to keep track of these days, and few are as important as your Gmail password. If you've forgotten your Gmail password, Google provides several options for recovering it. information. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question, if you chosen to receive a avowal code more than the phone, you will be prompted to enter it. If you had a recovery email sent to your alternate account, click the associate in the email you receive. make a supplementary password. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security ask after entering the code or clicking the link, you will be prompted to create a other Google password. Enter it in twice to encourage it. Click the "Reset password" button to continue. How complete I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question". Gmail gives you simple ways to acquire support in. If you gave them a cell number, they will text you or call you. If you gave them a recovery email address, they will acquire you encourage in that way. Even if you don't have any of the above, if you can allow them plenty details very nearly how you used your account, people you emailed often, when the account was created, labels you created... You might have a shot. If you've allied a phone number or alternate email address behind your account, Google can speedily reset your password for you. If you don't have any supplementary alternates, Google can try to support your identity and recover your account. Visit the Google account recovery page. If you can't recall your password, and you have a phone number or alternate email address gmail account recovery allied when your account, Google can send you a link to a password reset page. If you don't have either of these joined next your account, see the adjacent method. Visit Google account recovery to start the process. Alternatively, load the Gmail page and click the "Need help?" associate underneath the login box.
Reset Google Password
Select "I don't know my password". How get I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question enter the Google account email that you are irritating to recover. If you can't remember your username, select that complementary instead. Click the "Continue" button. Click "I don't know" or enter your last known password. Entering your last known password can back the recovery process, but isn't required to retrieve your account. choose your recovery option. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security ask you can either have your recovery details sent to your alternate email residence or to your mobile phone. You will craving to have set these for your account in order to be clever to use them. If you choose to get recovery guidance sent to your phone, you can either receive it via automated call or sms. If you don't have recovery recommendation joined subsequently your account, you will be taken to the account retrieval survey. Enter your announcement information. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question, if you fixed to receive a upholding code more than the phone, you will be prompted to enter it. If you had a recovery email sent to your alternate account, click the connect in the email you receive. create a supplementary password. How reach I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question after entering the code or clicking the link, you will be prompted to create a further Google password. Enter it in twice to sustain it. Click the "Reset password" button to continue. How attain I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question". Gmail gives you easy ways to acquire help in. If you gave them a cell number, they will text you or call you. If you gave them a recovery email address, they will get you help in that way. Even if you don't have any of the above, if you can have enough money them sufficient details virtually how you used your account, people you emailed often, in the manner of the account was created, labels you created... You might have a shot. Enter your email address, and click next. Then, this window will appear. in the past you accomplish not know your password, click attempt a swing question. In the process, you may be asked for either the answer to your secret question or your alternate email or phone number. You have not registered alternate recovery options. How would I recoup my Gmail account everyday key without a recuperation email or the security question in the wake of entering the code or tapping the connection, you will be provoked to create complementary Google shadowy word. Enter it in twice to affirm it. Snap the "Reset everyday word" catch to proceed. How would I recuperate my Gmail account ordinary phrase without a recuperation email or the security question". Gmail gives you easy approaches to acquire urge on in. upon the off chance that you gave them a phone number, they will content you or call you. upon the off unintended that you gave them a recuperation email address, they will get you back up in that manner. Regardless of whether you don't have any of the above mentioned, on the off chance that you can manage to pay for them enough insights approaching how you utilized your record, individuals you messaged frequently, as soon as reset google password the sticker album was made, marks you made... You may have a shot. Enter your email address, and snap straightaway. At that point, this window will exploit up.
Learn From Starting Points
In the thing that indefinite more or less an answer, pay for the best conjecture. For instance, your cd more likely than not been made available the date you bought the telephone. You can check your receipts for a surmised date. upon the off fortuitous that you have utilized your stamp album fairly effectively, you ought to have the different to recall or theory later than sensible exactness the responses to substitute inquiries. Out it an attempt and perceive how things face out. You can't be any more terrible off than you as of now are. My all the best bearing in mind you. You would compulsion to know some data approximately the scrap book to begin the recuperation procedure and disturb responsibility for record. In the situation that you don't recollect any recuperation email address, or didn't enter any during set-up, or don't recall significant recuperation data and shadowy phrase, at that narrowing you'd have to ask any entrance you've sent messages to state what the username is. later you acquire affirmation, you can open making an commotion to recoup that account. pick the principal choice, I don't have the foggiest idea just about my nameless key. Enter the pronounce of Gmail account. Are you thinking to reset my Gmail password similar to you don't remember my recovery information? Unsurprisingly, Google has categorically strong account security. among the finest in the world, in fact. If you have in limbo or forgotten your Google/ Gmail password, or if your account was hacked, you have exactly one way to acquire put up to into that account. The automated process that starts here. Ive answered variations upon this other time and places, and bonus a lot of additional detail. But it every adds occurring to the same thing. If you have a g suite account thru a event or school, you can call your administrator. If you own a g suite hosted domain (cheaper and easier than you think, and worth doing) or if you are an doling out on a domain, next you can call tech hold at Google, directly. Theyre approachable 24/7, and trust me, they are good. But later than a forgive Gmail account, if you acquire locked out, you absolutely cannot entry a human instinctive at Google very nearly it. You cant call, text, email, snail mail, carrier pigeon or pony look them. afterward set up 2-step verification, using all attainable safety option, including printing your recovery codes and stashing them in several places. Used properly, step can and will prevent your account getting hacked. You are taking someone out for a date and you don't know what type of restaurant she fancies and you environment awkward asking her. Just say, guess what restaurant I'm taking you to. She will make known a place; every you have to do is fighting amazed and say, how did you know? There is a supplementary product, Google one. It offers further account storage - and tech support, for Gmail addresses, including liven up phone support. Which of course made me enormously excited if this could be used to unlock accounts. for that reason brute as I already pay for new storage and was suitably automatically enrolled in Google one, I filled in the tiny form, and had them call me. And the answer is no. The tech retain folks you can achieve like the Google one encourage reset google password attain indeed play for Google. But they accomplish not (and cannot!) manage to pay for any opinion for locked out accounts, supplementary than to mosey you thru the automated process.
Things To Remember
If that process fails to acquire you in - you aimless the account. Side issue: the reason there are suitably many collapsed answers here is because there are a ton of scammers out there who want you to call them, and they con hard to get their links into quora answers. They will as well as use every trick there is to persuade you they are anyhow affiliated as soon as or sanctioned by Google. They arent. They can solitary use the same automated process I joined above - and suit you fine keep for do something something you can reach yourself. Again, there is lonesome one quirk to recover a change gmail password release Gmail/Google account. If you cant get in using that process, you floating the account, forever. hence the best advice I can have enough money you is to intentionally go thru the security checkup process upon your Google account page. You can set happening a recovery phone number and email address. I strongly suggest you use both, and create the recovery email domicile one that belongs to a close family zealot or well-behaved friend. Not one of your own, that you may forget or lose!
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