Janus: Oh, the side of deceit can't possibly tell the truth.
Paton: Well you don't have to be sarcastic about it.
Janus: Me? Sarcastic?
Logan: Yes.
Remus: You're positively dripping with sarcasm! Much like-
Janus: *pinching Remus' lips shut* None of that.
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bonker-bananas · 2 years
Tumblr media
Moceit appreciation week day 7(cuddles/unity) but its intrualiceit because i love them
their dynamic is the most fun in so many ways and there’s so many interpretations of it
i like actually am really proud of this tho
jan is just wearing his normal outfit minus shoes, patton is wearing his skirt look but also with just socks, and remus is wearing a casual outfit mostly inspired by his skirt look but also parts i just came up with
sorry its a little late heh
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thedragonemperess · 4 months
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halfhissandwich · 1 month
This is what your favorite sanders sides ship says about you. (This isn’t serious, lol)
Karrot Kings: Your priority is keeping things wholesome, uncontroversial and most likely canon.
Thomas x any side: You will NOT explain how it works, you just make the fanart and have fun with it.
Nico x any side: You like Karrot Kings, but a bit less healthy.
DRLAMP: You will scramble to explain that Roman and Remus are platonic. It’s okay, buddy, we know.
Logicality: You’ve been in the fandom for a long time.
Logince: Your ideal relationship dynamic is not enemies to lovers. It’s enemies AND lovers.
Analogical: Your ideal relationship dynamic is two people with common sense being put up with everyone else’s nonsense.
Loceit: The same joke as analogical, plus alcohol.
Intrulogical: You’re a firm believer in the power of triggering your boyfriend’s anger issues for funsies.
Royality; Your ideal relationship dynamic is best friends to lovers engaged in wacky hijinks.
Moxiety: You want good things for Virgil.
Moceit; Your ideal relationship dynamic is two dads realizing that instead of fighting for custody, they could just get married.
Intruality: Your ideal relationship dynamic is “hi daddy x oh my god how did you get in my house”
Prinxiety: You enjoy the dynamic of two boyfriends talking crap about their enemies.
Roceit: You like the idea of prinxiety, but you like angst even more.
Remrom: You think that since they’re all the same person anyway, it’s not as weird if they call each other brother. It’s still weird. Go take a shower and reflect.
Anxceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is stalking your ex.
Dukexiety: Your ideal relationship dynamic is stalking.
Dukeceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is best friends to lovers engaged in wacky hijinks, but like in an Disney villain way.
Loyality (L x P x Ro): You wanted to ship all the light sides, or you shipped Royality and wanted them to annoy Logan.
Analogince (L x V x Ro): You’re a firm believer in the power of two boyfriends with common sense babysitting their boyfriend who lacks common sense.
Royaliceit (Ro x P x J): You don’t understand why all the ship wars exist when Janus has two hands. Technically six.
Intruloceit (Re x L x J): You want Logan to join the dark sides.
Intruloceitxiety (Re x V x J x L): You want Logan to join the dark sides, but you want him to hesitate.
Intrumoceit (Re x J x P); You like the idea of Intruloceit, but you like Patton even more.
Intruanxceit (Re x V x J): You either wanted to ship the dark sides or you’re just… really sad.
Royalixiety (P x V x Ro): Your interest in shipping Loyality is outweighed by you wanting good things for Virgil.
Logicaliceit (J x P x L): You REALLY want good things for Patton.
(Might add to this later by request lol)
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sandersshiping · 2 months
Tags if you're looking for something in particular
Fanfiction Prompts
Incorrect Quotes
For Ships with characters from
Sanders Sides
Cartoon Therapy
Thomas's Shorts
List of ships sorted by character (will be updated as more gets added to this blog)
Ships involving Character Thomas
Thomas/Nico - Karrot Kings
Thomas/Janus -Thomceit
Thomas/Patton -Patmas
Thomas/Virgil -Thomxiety
Thomas/Remus -Intrumas
Thomas/Roman -Romthom
Thomas/Logan -Lomas
Thomas/Remy -Thomsleep
Thomas/Emile -Thomile
Thomas/Roman/Janus -Roceitmas
Thomas/Roman/Patton -Royalimas
Thomas/Roman/Logan -Logincemas
Thomas/Roman/Remus -Roceitmas
Thomas/Roman/Virgil -Prinxiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Patton -Moxiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Logan -Analomas
Thomas/Virgil/Remus -Dukexiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Janus -Anxceitmas
Thomas/Janus/Patton -Moceitmas
Thomas/Janus/Remus -Thomceitmus
Thomas/Janus/Logan -Loceitmas
Thomas/Remus/Logan -Intrulomas
Thomas/Remus/Patton -Intrualimas
Thomas/Logan/Patton -Logicalimas
Thomas/Remy/Virgil -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Remus
Remus/Thomas -Intrumas
Remus/Virgil -Dukexiety
Remus/Janus -Dukeceit
Remus/Roman -Remrom
Remus/Patton -Intruality
Remus/Logan -Intrulogical
Remus/Janus/Thomas -Thomceitmus
Remus/Janus/Roman -Remroceit
Remus/Janus/Logan -Intruloceit
Remus/Janus/Patton -Intrumoceit
Remus/Janus/Virgil -Anxceitmus
Remus/Virgil/Roman -Intruprinxiety
Remus/Virgil/Thomas -Dukexiemas
Remus/Virgil/Patton -Intrumoxiety
Remus/Virgil/Logan -Intruloxiety
Remus/Thomas/Roman -Remromas
Remus/Thomas/Patton -Intrualimas
Remus/Thomas/Logan -Intrulomas
Remus/Logan/Pattton -Intrugicality
Remus/Logan/Roman -Intrulogince
Remus/Patton/Roman -Intruroyality
Ships involving Roman
Roman/Logan -Logince
Roman/Virgil -Prinxiety
Roman/Thomas -Romthom
Roman/Janus -Roceit
Roman/Patton -Royality
Roman/Remus -Remrom
Roman/Thomas/Janus -Roceitmas
Roman/Thomas/Remus -Royalimas
Roman/Thomas/Logan -Logincemas
Roman/Thomas/Patton -Royalimas
Roman/Thomas/Virgil -Prinxiemas
Roman/Virgil/Patton -Anaroyality
Roman/Virgil/Logan -Analogince
Roman/Virgil/Remus -Intruprinxiety
Roman/Virgil/Janus -Anaroceit
Roman/Logan/Patton -Royalogicality
Roman/Logan/Janus -Roloceit
Roman/Logan/Remus -Intrulogince
Roman/Remus/Janus -Remroceit
Roman/Patton/Janus -Royaliceit
Roman/Patton/Remus -Intruroyality
Roman/Patton/Thomas -Royalimas
Ships involving Patton
Patton/Logan -Logicality
Patton/Roman -Royality
Patton/Virgil -Moxiety
Patton/Thomas -Patmas
Patton/Remus- Intruality
Patton/Janus -Moceit
Patton/Logan/Roman -Royalogicality
Patton/Logan/Janus -Lomoceit
Patton/Logan/Virgil -Analogicality
Patton/Logan/Thomas -Logicalimas
Patton/Logan/Remus -Intrugicality
Patton/Logan/Janus -Lomoceit
Patton/Virgil/Roman -Anaroyality
Patton/Virgil/Thomas -Moxiemas
Patton/Virgil/Janus -Anamoceit
Patton/Virgil/Remus -Intrumoxiety
Patton/Janus/Roman -Royaliceit
Patton/Janus/Remus -Intrumoceit
Patton/Janus/Thomas -Moceitmas
Patton/Remus/Roman -Intruroyality
Patton/Remus/Thomas -Intrualimas
Patton/Roman/Thomas -Royalimas
Ships involving Logan
Logan/Virgil -Analogical
Logan/Remus -Intrulogical
Logan/Janus -Loceit
Logan/Roman -Logince
Logan/Patton -Logicality
Logan/Thomas -Lomas
Logan/Patton/Janus -Lomoceit
Logan/Patton/Thomas -Logicalimas
Logan/Patton/Roman -Royalogicality
Logan/Patton/Virgil -Analogicality
Logan/Patton/Remus -Intrugicality
Logan/Thomas/Janus -Loceitmas
Logan/Thomas/Remus -Intrulomas
Logan/Thomas/Virgil -Analomas
Logan/Thomas/Roman -Logincemas
Logan/Roman/Janus -Roloceit
Logan/Roman/Remus -Intrulogince
Logan/Roman/Virgil -Analogince
Logan/Janus/Remus -Intruloceit
Logan/Janus/Virgil -Analoceit
Logan/Virgil/Remus -Intruloxiety
Ships involving Virgil
Virgil/Roman -Prinxiety
Virgil/Logan -Analogical
Virgil/Remus -Dukexiety
Virgil/Janus -Anxceit
Virgil/Patton -Moxiety
Virgil/Thomas -Thomxiety
Virgil/Remus/Janus -Anxceitmus
Virgil/Remus/Roman -Intruprinxiety
Virgil/Remus/Logan -Intruloxiety
Virgil/Remus/Patton -Intrumoxiety
Virgil/Remus/Thomas -Dukexiemas
Virgil/Patton/Janus -Anamoceit
Virgil/Patton/Roman -Anaroyality
Virgil/Patton/Logan -Analogicality
Virgil/Patton/Thomas -Moxiemas
Virgil/Patton/Logan -Analogicality
Virgil/Janus/Roman -Anaroceit
Virgil/Janus/Thomas -Anxceitmas
Virgil/Janus/Logan -Analoceit
Virgil/Thomas/Roman -Prinxiemas
Virgil/Thomas/Logan -Analomas
Virgil/Logan/Roman -Analogince
Virgil/Remy/Thomas -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Janus
Janus/Roman -Roceit
Janus/Remus -Dukeceit
Janus/Logan -Loceit
Janus/Virgil -Anxceit
Janus/Patton -Moceit
Janus/Thomas -Thomceit
Janus/Patton/Logan -Lomoceit
Janus/Patton/Remus -Intrumoceit
Janus/Patton/Thomas -Moceitmas
Janus/Patton/Roman -Royaliceit
Janus/Patton/Virgil -Anamoceit
Janus/Logan/Thomas -Loceitmas
Janus/Logan/Roman -Roloceit
Janus/Logan/Virgil -Analoceit
Janus/Logan/Remus -Intruloceit
Janus/Remus/Thomas -Thomceitmus
Janus/Remus/Virgil -Anxceitmus
Jannus/Logan/Roman -Roloceit
Janus/Thomas/Virgil -Anxceitmas
Janus/Thomas/Roman -Roceitmas
Janus/Virgil/Roman -Anaroceit
Janus/Roman/Remus -Remroceit
Ship involving Orange
Ships involving Remy
Remy/Thomas -Thomsleep
Remy/Otto -Remo
Remy/Virgil/Thomas -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Emile
Emile/Thomas -Thomlie
Ships involving Otto
Otto/Remy -Remo
also huge thanks to @thomas-sanders-shipname-glossary this would have taken so much more time without their blog!
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Sanders Sides OT3 Names
Glossary Masterpost
A list of the shipnames of Sanders Sides pairings that include three people! Orange is included with temporary shipnames until we know more about him, as has been voted in this poll! Ordered by however it made sense to me.
Many of these I have come up with as I haven't found any already existing ones. If you have any additions, please feel free to send an ask, message or submissions!
1) Patton / Roman / Logan - LMP, Logincality, Morolo, Royalogicality, Rologicality
2) Patton / Roman / Virgil - Moxince, Anaroyality, Royalixiety
3) Patton / Roman / Janus - Royaliceit, Romoceit, Moroceit
4) Patton / Roman / Remus - Intruroyality, Remropat, Remromality, Royalismus
5) Patton / Roman / Thomas - Royalimas, Thomaton
6) Patton / Roman / Nico - Moroco, Patcoman, Royalico
7) Patton / Roman / King - Royaliking
8) Patton / Roman / Orange - Royaliange, Mororange
9) Patton / Logan / Virgil - Analogicality
10) Patton / Logan / Janus - Lomoceit, Logimoceit, Loceitality, Logicaliceit, Moloceit
11) Patton / Logan / Remus - Intrugicality, Intrulogicality
12) Patton / Logan / Thomas - Logicalimas
13) Patton / Logan / Nico - Logicalico, Patloco, Moloco
14) Patton / Logan / King - Logicaliking
15) Patton / Logan / Orange - Logicalirange, Molorange
16) Patton / Virgil / Janus - Moxceit, Anamoceit
17) Patton / Virgil / Remus - Intrumoxiety, Modukexiety, Moxiemus, Anamoduke, Anaintruality
18) Patton / Virgil / Thomas - Moxiemas, Thvipat
19) Patton / Virgil / Nico - Moxieco
20) Patton / Virgil / King - Moxieking, Kingmoxiety
21) Patton / Virgil / Orange - Moxierange, Anamorange
22) Patton / Janus / Remus - Deintruality, Intrumoceit, Modukeceit, Moceitmus
23) Patton / Janus / Thomas - Moceitmas
24) Patton / Janus / Nico - Moceitco, Nimoceit
25) Patton / Janus / King - Moceitking
26) Patton / Janus / Orange - Moranceit
27) Patton / Remus / Thomas - Intrualimas
28) Patton / Remus / Nico - Intrualico
29) Patton / Remus / King - Intrualiking
30) Patton / Remus / Orange - Intrualirange
31) Patton / Thomas / Nico - Thomoco, Thompatco
32) Patton / Thomas / King - Thomaliking, Thompatking
33) Patton / Thomas / Orange - Patmasange, Thomalirange
34) Patton / Nico / King - Patcoking
35) Patton / Nico / Orange - Patcorange, Monirange
36) Patton / King / Orange - Mokingange
37) Roman / Logan / Virgil - Analogince
38) Roman / Logan / Janus - Roloceit, Loroceit, Loginceit
39) Roman / Logan / Remus - Intrulogince, Remrolo
40) Roman / Logan / Thomas - Logincemas
41) Roman / Logan / Nico - Roloco
42) Roman / Logan / King - Roloking
43) Roman / Logan / Orange - Logincange, Rolorange
44) Roman / Virgil / Janus - Anaroceit, Prinxieceit, Prinxceit, Viroceit
45) Roman / Virgil / Remus - Intruprinxiety, Remroxiety, Prinxiemus
46) Roman / Virgil / Thomas - Prinxiemas
47) Roman / Virgil / Nico - Prinxieco, Rovico
48) Roman / Virgil / King - Prinxieking
49) Roman / Virgil / Orange - Prinxieange, Anarorange
50) Roman / Janus / Remus - Remroceit, Remromceit, Roceitmus
51) Roman / Janus / Thomas - Roceitmas
52) Roman / Janus / Nico - Roceitco, Janicoman
53) Roman / Janus / King - Roceitking, Kingroceit
54) Roman / Janus / Orange - Rorangeceit
55) Roman / Remus / Thomas - Remromas, Reromas
56) Roman / Remus / Nico - Romroco
57) Roman / Remus / King - Royal Thruple, Remromking
58) Roman / Remus / Orange - Remromrange, Remrorange
59) Roman / Thomas / Nico - Rocomas, Ronimas
60) Roman / Thomas / King - Kingromas
61) Roman / Thomas / Orange - Romthomange
62) Roman / Nico / King - Rocoking, Kingcoman
63) Roman / Nico / Orange - Rocorange, Nirorange
64) Roman / King / Orange - Rokingange, Rorangeking
65) Logan / Virgil / Janus - Analoceit
66) Logan / Virgil / Remus - Analomus, Intruanalogical, Intruloxiety, Anaintrulogical
67) Logan / Virgil / Thomas - Analomas
68) Logan / Virgil / Nico - Analoco
69) Logan / Virgil / King - Analoking
70) Logan / Virgil / Orange - Analorange
71) Logan / Janus / Remus - Intruloceit, Logceitmus, Loceitmus
72) Logan / Janus / Thomas - Loceitmas
73) Logan / Janus / Nico - Loceitco
74) Logan / Janus / King - Lokingceit
75) Logan / Janus / Orange - Lorangeceit
76) Logan / Remus / Thomas - Intrulomas
77) Logan / Remus / Nico - Intruloco
78) Logan / Remus / King - Intruloking
79) Logan / Remus / Orange - Intrulorange
80) Logan / Thomas / Nico - Lomasco, Locomas
81) Logan / Thomas / King - Lokingmas
82) Logan / Thomas / Orange - Lomasange, Thorangical
83) Logan / Nico / King - Locoking
84) Logan / Nico / Orange - Locorange, Nilorange
85) Logan / King / Orange - Lokingange, Kinglorange
86) Virgil / Janus / Remus - Intruanxceit, Anxceitmus, Dukexieceit
87) Virgil / Janus / Thomas - Thviceit, Anxceitmas
88) Virgil / Janus / Nico - Anxceitco
89) Virgil / Janus / King - Anxceitking
90) Virgil / Janus / Orange - Anxceitange, Anaoranceit
91) Virgil / Remus / Thomas - Thvimus, Dukexiemas
92) Virgil / Remus / Nico - Dukexieco, Anadukeco
93) Virgil / Remus / King - Dukexieking
94) Virgil / Remus / Orange - Dukexieange, Anadukerange
95) Virgil / Thomas / Nico - Thvico
96) Virgil / Thomas / King - Thviking
97) Virgil / Thomas / Orange - Thvirange, Thomxieange
98) Virgil / Nico / King - Vicoking, Vikingco
99) Virgil / Nico / Orange - Vicorange, Nivirange
100) Virgil / King / Orange - Vikingange, Kingxieange
101) Janus / Remus / Thomas - Thomceitmus, Intruceitmas
102) Janus / Remus / Nico - Dukeceitco
103) Janus / Remus / King - Dukeceitking
104) Janus / Remus / Orange - Dukeceitange, Demusange, Deoramus
105) Janus / Thomas / Nico - Thomceitco
106) Janus / Thomas / King - Kingceitmas
107) Janus / Thomas / Orange - Thomceitange
108) Janus / Nico / King - Janicoking, Kingceitco
109) Janus / Nico / Orange - Janicorange, Derangeco
110) Janus / King / Orange - Kingceitange
111) Remus / Thomas / Nico - Inturmasco
112) Remus / Thomas / King - Intrumasking
113) Remus / Thomas / Orange - Intrumasange
114) Remus / Nico / King - Intrucoking, Dukecoking
115) Remus / Nico / Orange - Remcorange, Remnicorange
116) Remus / King / Orange - Intrukingange
117) Thomas / Nico / King - Kingthomco
118) Thomas / Nico / Orange - True Karrots, Thorangeco
119) Thomas / King / Orange - Kingmasange
120) Nico / King / Orange - Kingcorange, Nikiorange
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Prompt: I know you don't let Patton, so I understand if you no want, but can we get some hurt/comfort pat? Maybe with janus or remus?? - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: character bleed, lite flavors of dissociation
Pairings: intrumoceit (sanders sides fandom why do we have the weirdest goddamn ship names I'm dying here) can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 2087
As anyone who spends too much of their time reading things about characters receiving the things they want is wont to do, Patton spends a little too long reading something he maybe shouldn't have and now has to deal with the consequences of having many emotions that aren't actually his and, well, dealing with it. 
Luckily, he's got some help.
He made a dumb choice. 
It wasn’t like he meant to do it, and he didn’t mean for it to get this bad either, but he—okay, maybe he’s just bad at realizing when he doesn’t actually need to feel the feelings and he can just—just—
Patton stares at the ceiling tiles. Have there always been little scratch marks on that one? They look like they’re from a cat. 
He wants a cat. 
You’re allergic, he hears Logan’s voice drifting in from ages away, it wouldn’t work out. 
But Patton wants something to cuddle now and he can’t find anything because he can’t get up because of stupid feelings. 
His phone still lies next to him, the screen just flickering to black as he glances over. He blinks once, twice. Who knew people were so good at making him feel things?
Okay, he did read the tags, but like…that’ll only get you so far. And it’s not the author’s fault, they did tag it, and he’s—he’s fine. He’s fine. This will go away. It’s just a bad time right now. It’ll be fine. 
It’ll be fine. 
“Ho, ho,” and that’s Remus, isn’t it, “who’s having a not-fun time right now?”
He can hear the record scratch as Remus’s gaze lands on him and barely has time to blink before a concerned face is leaning over him. Remus reaches down and lightly smacks his cheek. 
“Hi, Remus.”
Remus’s face softens, sitting on the edge of the couch. “I heard a bad thing, are you okay? Wait, no, stupid question.”
“’S not stupid.”
Remus frowns and runs a hand through Patton’s hair. The soft touch makes him want to close his eyes. Why is he so heavy?
“Patton. Patton.”
Oh, Remus is calling him. 
“Hey,” Remus murmurs as he opens his eyes again, “what’s going on? You look…floaty.”
‘Floaty’ is a good way to describe it. “I made a mistake.”
“Okay,” he says without missing a beat, “what’s going on?”
“I, uh, read something I don’t think I should have.”
“Like, it-suddenly-had-sex-in-it shouldn’t have or it’s-giving-me-character-bleed shouldn’t have?”
“The—the second one.”
Remus makes an ‘ah’ sound and ruffles Patton’s hair again. “Roro does the same.”
“Of course he does.”
An affectionate roll of Remus’s eyes as he stands up. Something in Patton wants to reach out, ask him to stay, but he doesn’t have time before Remus’s arms are winding carefully under him. 
“You’re having a bad time,” Remus says softly, hefting Patton into his arms like he weighs nothing, “I’m gonna help.”
Remus pauses. “Is that okay?”
“…do I even weigh anything to you?”
“Nah. It’s like carrying a kitten.” Remus nuzzles into Patton’s hair. “A big floppy kitten.”
The image of Remus with a massive cat in his arms makes him giggle as Remus carries him up the stairs. He pushes the door to Patton’s room open with his shoulder and lays him down on the bed. 
“Now,” he says, sitting next to him, “do you need to ride this out or do you want me to try and get rid of it?”
Patton’s fingers clutch at Remus’s costume. “Getting rid of stuff is bad. Logan said so. We’re not supposed to try and force them out.”
He feels more than hears Remus’s breath catch in his throat and when he speaks next, his voice is wet. “Oh, Pat-Pat, you’re such a softy.”
“Alright, then. Riding it out it is.” The hand is back in his hair and his eyes drift shut. Remus is warm. How is Remus so warm? “I dunno, you gotta ask Roman. We both run super hot.”
“…is that why Janus is always hanging off of you in the winter?”
Remus chuckles. “Yeah, probably. I know he wants Roman as his space heater as well ‘cause sometimes I gotta do things that he doesn’t wanna be around for.”
“Has he asked?”
A sigh warms the top of his head, somewhere between fond exasperation and bittersweet resignation. “You know Roro. He’ll give up his own heart if someone else asks for it and not give a damn that he’s bleeding all over the floor except that he’ll have to clean it up.”
…that is true. 
“They’re getting there,” Remus murmurs, still ruffling Patton’s hair, “but it’s gonna take them a bit. Until then I don’t mind.”
The floatiness is beginning to subside but in its wake comes a terrible heaviness that immediately threatens tears in the corners of his eyes. Remus notices because of course he does and in a flash he’s cradling Patton’s head in his hands. 
“Hey, hey, Pat-Pat, what’s wrong? Shh, shh, you’re okay, am I hurting you?”
“’S so much,” he warbles, pawing clumsily at Remus, “’s—’s not mine but it’s so much an’—an’ I—“
“Cmon, let it out, kitten, it’s okay. I’m right here.” Remus must’ve changed because Patton’s face meets soft cotton as Remus scoops him to his chest. “Better out than in, Pat-Pat, it’s alright.”
The sobs come in waves, the heaviness sinking so deeply into his chest one moment, receding and leaving him grey and cold the next. He loses track of where he is, swept up in the waves of strange and impersonal emotions, clutching Remus’s shirt as a warm hand runs up and down his back. 
Remus stays with him, murmuring a litany of comforts, nuzzling the top of his head and pressing chaste kisses to his temple. His fingers idly trace patterns between Patton’s shoulder blades, rubbing firm circles when the sobs start to sound painful. 
“Hey,” he whispers when Patton finally goes limp, “it’s okay, you feeling a little more like you?”
Patton nods blearily. “Thanks for staying.”
“Of course, kitten.” Remus grins as Patton’s cheeks flush. “Too much?”
He shakes his head even as his ears burn brighter. Remus softens, another kiss against his forehead. 
“I’m not trying to tease, I promise.”
“I know.”
“You wanna try and get back on your feet a bit more? Or you wanna lie here?”
Now that he’s cried, his shirt sticks to his chest and arms, tacky with sweat. His glasses lie lopsided on his face, face all stiff and swollen. As warm as Remus is, parts of him are freezing and other parts feel like they’re about to combust. 
“…c-can I…clean up?”
“Yeah, kitten, you can.” Remus ruffles his hair. “You good to move on your own?”
…he can, but he doesn’t want to.
“Can I call Janny?”
Patton blinks. “Janus?”
“Yeah. He’s the best at, uh, this part.”
“Hey,” Remus chides, tugging playfully at his hair, “don’t knock it ‘till you try it, okay?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just—“
“Shh, shh, kitten, it’s okay. I was teasing.”
“I’ve never had—“
“Patton,” Remus sighs, “calm down. Shh, shh, come here, yes, that’s it, I’m right here, it’s okay. I’m not mad, Janus won’t be mad, you didn’t do anything wrong. That’s it…shh, shh…oh, kitten…”
Patton sniffles. “Sorry.”
“No, I should’ve known better. You’re really fragile right now.”
“‘M not.”
Remus just raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, you are,” and there’s no condemnation in his voice, “and that’s okay.”
Remus smiles, leaning down and resting their foreheads together. Patton can’t feel anything other than the weight of the hand on his shoulder and the mattress under him, but he knows Remus is there. 
“Can I call Janny,” Remus asks again after a moment, “can he help?”
Patton’s fingers find their way shyly around Remus’s wrist and he nods. 
A few moments later, there’s a telltale rustle of fabric as the door opens. 
“Well, this is certainly an expected surprise,” drawls a familiar voice, “and I’m not at all upset that you’ve disrupted my schedule.”
Oh. Was he in the middle of something? Did—did they mess up his schedule? 
He doesn’t get to stay in that train of self-doubt for long, though, because two seconds later, Janus glances over and sees him weakly clutching Remus and he barely has time to blink before there’s another concerned face hovering over him. 
“Sweetie,” Janus murmurs, expression open and soft, “can you hear me?”
Patton nods dumbly. Janus smiles. 
“Good. Can I ask Remus to catch me up?”
Another nod. 
“Character bleed,” Remus says softly, “too many emotions that aren’t his.”
Janus makes a quiet noise of understanding and stands up. “Have you gotten any food or water in him?”
“Not yet.”
A cool glass is pressed into his hand. “Drink, sweetie. Don’t want you getting dehydrated.”
Patton sips at the water as Janus bustles about the room. Remus reminds him to go slow, carefully taking the empty glass and setting it on the table. He keeps one hand under Patton’s head, playing absentmindedly with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“All done?” Janus holds out his hands. “How about a rinse-off? It might make you feel better.”
“But standing.”
Janus chuckles. “You do know you can sit and lie down in the shower, right?” When Patton just blinks at him, wide-eyed, he rolls his eyes fondly and leans down to scoop him up. “Come on, sweetie.”
“Hey, easy,” Remus barks as Janus starts to carry him to the bathroom, “be gentle, Janny.”
“I will never be anything but.”
“Now that is a lie.”
“I won’t,” Janus whispers just for Patton to hear, “I won’t hurt you.”
Patton just nuzzles into his collar. Janus smiles, setting him on the edge of the counter and sliding his glasses from his nose. 
“Are you alright from here?”
Janus narrows his eyes. “Are you saying that because you think it’s what I want to hear or it is true?”
When Patton hesitates, he steps closer. 
“I’m not mad, sweetie.”
“…I don’t know.”
“I’ll get the shower going. And—“ he slides two fingers under the hoodie sleeves and undoes the knot— “you can do the rest?”
True to his word, Janus leaves the bathroom once the shower is warm, leaving Patton to get in. He can’t feel the warmth of it, not really, not over the pressure of the water pounding over his head and shoulders. Slowly, he eases himself down, letting the water run over his front. 
…well, now he really doesn’t want to stand up. 
There’s a quiet knock at the door an undetermined amount of time later, rousing him from a daze as he fumbles to shut the water off. He looks up blearily as he tugs the towel down to dry off, dressing in the big t-shirt and shorts he keeps in here. 
“Patton? Are you alright?”
“Mhm. Coming.”
“No rush, sweetie.”
Oh. They made his bed. Janus holds his arms out, smiling as Patton stumbles across the room. 
“Your hair is all wet,” he says, but it isn’t scolding, only slightly bemused as he catches him. 
“Here, kitten,” Remus’s voice says before there’s a towel over his head. 
Distantly, he can hear the two of them having a conversation. 
“Tell me he doesn’t look like a stray kitten when he’s all sad and weepy.”
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with your ability you share with Roman, would it?”
“Shut up.”
“Just because he can summon puppies—“
“Janny, shut up.”
Janus chuckles as Patton’s face reemerges from the towel. “Hello, sweetie. Is that better?”
“Mhm.” He blinks slowly. “‘M tired.”
“I bet.” A hand slips under his arm and guides him to bed. “Have a nap, sweetie. You’ll feel better.”
“W-will—will you stay?”
Remus is already sitting on the edge of the bed with Patton’s head practically in his lap, hand carding through his hair before Patton has a chance to finish his sentence. Janus just smiles and reaches out to pat his chest. 
“Go on, sweetie,” he whispers, “we’ll stay.”
“‘M I warm enough to be a space heater?”
Janus’s eyes widen. “You—you told him?”
Of course, Remus just cackles. 
“He asked, Janny, I’m not you, I don’t lie all the time.”
There’s enough softness in their voices to tell Patton they’re not actually fighting and he falls asleep with his heart full of his affection for them to the sounds of bickering. 
“Okay, but have you seen what he looks like when he’s cold?”
“That is not the point.”
“So it is the point.”
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@reddstardust@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10
If you want to be added/taken off the taglist, let me know!
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thecrowslullaby · 2 years
Can I request intrumoceit? Ps I love your art so much
I'm still obsessed with color palettes so you get a doodle :D
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(PS: jkshdcjxhsjqowajdiwsdc. Thank you :"D)
245 notes · View notes
lieutenantcactus · 2 years
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I believe this is what they call a "Doodle Dump"
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crownofrats · 2 years
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I made a sexy new au<3
It's called the chili's au!! I'm in love<3
I kinda wanted to make a lil side blog for it but I'm procrastinating...feel free to ask about it tho!
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the-duke-of-nuts · 2 years
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Day 20: Intrumoceit @sanders-spring
Underrated poly pairing. Change my mind
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canvas-the-florist · 2 years
I Am Not a Poet
Ship(s): Past ambiguous Anxceit, romantic Intrumoceit (Remus, Patton, and Janus),
Warnings: food, swearing, jokes about sex, vague body horror
Summary: Janus was not a poet. Sure he liked expressing himself with words and phrases, but that was not what made a poet. He wasn’t sure what he was at all. This was based on a poem I made while bored in my French class, enjoy y’all! AO3 Link Here
Word Count: 5.2K
‘Whatever I want is the will and want of the gods; with no one to stop me I will say all the stupid things imaginable. What sins will be committed? What crimes against nature have already occurred? Who will be the savior left to rot by my hands and pen? No one can say, except me. And that is a dangerous thing. This sounds like a beginning but that is solely dependent on time, so for now nothing is certain.
The gods have stopped existing for years, and I have been on my own. Writing dumb things with those stupid quick hands of mine. What else is there to do when the world is doomed? If I stop too much reality will seep into my pores and inhibit my every movement. That is unacceptable for the one person supposed to be in charge, isn’t it? No breaks, no stopping, no rest. Nothing will end as long as I am here. But for how much longer will I lie about my experiences to raise hopes? I don’t know, I’m just trying to escape my boredom by making a false world all about myself. I will become the main character of a story. I do wish it won’t be a tragedy.’
Janus had decided he was not much of a poet. He liked poetry, of course, but he never really did anything with it. Sure, he had an urge to write out his feelings whenever they became too much, but isn’t that what everyone did? There has to have been a narrator torturing a character just to not feel alone at least once, right? But even with this all in mind, Janus was definitely not a poet. None of his words rhymed, metaphors were decidedly not his forte, and he only felt angry and tired. This didn’t stop him from pretending to experience positive emotions. Or to vent about it quietly in a worn notebook. He closed the book and hid it underneath some of his Decartes books, and sat up to stretch.
He knew that even though no other sides bothered to come into his room, he felt the need to hide everything that revealed a personality. Janus wasn’t comfortable with the idea that people could know who he is and how he became that way. The idea of people watching or studying him, for any reason whatsoever, was terrifying. And no one was allowed to know. Janus readjusted his capelet and hat before walking out his door and disappearing.
‘For any simple reason, I must hide who I am. It doesn’t matter how small or silly it may seem, but mysteriousness calls my name. Guess my natural hair color, guess my age, guess my favorite food. Nothing will be given for free. Fight to know me or suffer along with me and my hesitance.’
The living room was full of sides all quietly sitting in different areas, looking different degrees of uncomfortable. Virgil raised his eyebrow at Janus as he walked it. Janus decided to ignore the knots in his stomach as everyone else stared at him. Of course, Roman immediately went  to sink out, without making direct eye contact.
“Oh, it’s Patton’s best friend,” Virgil remarked to a Logan who wasn’t paying attention. That’s when Patton walked in. He was gripping his mug tightly, almost as tight as his forced smile. Janus noticed him shaking but trying to stay calm. Virgil looked over to Patton. “And the liar’s friend too, how nice.”
“Kiddo, you’re still my best pal!” Patton’s voice was waning slightly. Janus went to grab the mug, half wondering if Patton was strong enough to crack it. When Virgil scoffed to hide his own tears, Patton’s grip softened, allowing Janus to grab it. He didn’t really want to get involved with all the problems that were going on, nothing he did would specifically help anyway, but it would feel worse if he did nothing. “Virgil, I care about you a lot! I, I love you. What am I doing wrong?”
Janus, at this point, was walking away, but decided to stop. He had asked himself that question too many times in regards to Virgil. It was frustrating to care about someone when they wouldn’t talk to you without yelling in your face.
“That’s your job isn’t it? To know what’s wrong?” Virgil scoffed. Janus clenched his fist and decided to go back to his room. “Though I don’t know how good you are at it.”
Later Janus found himself knocking on Patton’s door with a small plate of dinner. He had no idea if Patton ate with the others or not, but walked in anyways. Patton was crying silently into a pillow. When he noticed Janus, he quickly wiped his tears and gave a smile. Janus decided to close the door, place down the food, and open up his arms. Patton collapsed into the hug, sobbing into his shirt. Janus wasn’t used to people being vulnerable around him. Everyone was so on guard whenever he showed up, because of the innate lack of trust. What had he done to get Patton to be like this?
“Patton, you are going to be alright,” Janus soothed, not quite knowing if he was lying or not. He ran his hands through Patton’s hair softly. His emotions didn’t matter in this, and he knew that. Right now, Patton was being comforted and that’s what was important. “Everything will be fine. I won’t leave you. I’ll be here for as long as you need me to be.”
And he, true to his word for once, stayed until Patton fell limp in his arms from exhaustion. Janus quietly tucked him in and walked out. That was enough vulnerability for a while. Virgil was outside the door, holding cookies on a plate. Janus looked at him and blinked away any facial expression that could occur. Virgil tried to shove past him and into Patton’s room but Janus blocked with pseudo-nonchalantly.
“Believe it or not, Anxiety,” Virgil glared at him. “Patton has decided to rest from an emotionally taxing day. I suggest you wait until tomorrow.”
“What do you know, Deceit?” He asked, looking directly at him. Janus resisted the urge to look away. He hadn’t really liked eye contact that much and opted only to use it when necessary. “You’re kind of new to being friends with people without manipulating them.”
Janus was not a poet, but he had some choice words he wanted to use. Patton was sleeping, now was not the time for yelling. So, he took a deep breath and tried to collect his thoughts in a way that Virgil could understand. “You are not the person who decides who I am. That’s me. And I am friends with Patton, and today you hurt him a lot. So I would appreciate it, if you took your self-righteous bullshit and realized that just because you’re a light side, doesn’t mean you don’t need change. Patton is working so hard on himself, and not judging others too harshly and you’re so quick to shoot down anything he does. Just let him sleep before forcing him to deal with yet another guilt trip from an emo raccoon. Okay?”
He decided not to wait for a response, not sure if he was going to get one regardless.
Janus just hoped that Patton was sleeping better than he was going to be.
‘Every single thing I experience feels like the end of the world. By the time I was thirteen I was convinced that I wouldn’t live past my own birthday. Who would’ve thought I was growing to be an edgy adult with a yellow and black color scheme? I stand up for myself and think it’s a death sentence and have the same reaction when I do nothing. The world is ending and I didn’t save it.
The plane is crashing, and I’m looking down at the sand like everything is okay.’
Janus was around Patton a lot. Because of this, he noticed that no one else seemed to communicate with him, aside from Remus. He certainly wasn’t expecting Patton and Remus to get along, but it was a nice surprise. Janus didn’t expect to have a growing friend group so quickly. If quickly meant over the course of several years. Still, surprising nonetheless.
They were all in Patton’s room, watching an animal documentary together. Remus was on the floor, enjoying whenever an animal got killed somehow or learning a gross fact eating a mixture of rocks that vaguely looked like corn kernels. Patton was on his bed, hugging a stuffed animal tightly, smiling whenever cute moments showed up and hid during everything else. Janus was kind of just there because… well he wasn’t entirely sure, but he did enjoy popcorn from time to time. Perhaps more often if it meant hugs and cuddles from his friends. Remus had grabbed his leg at one point, and Patton was basically suffocating his arm. But he refused to change anything about it.
He didn’t know where Virgil was and was too tired to pretend he didn’t care. Janus was originally planning to keep it to himself when his most annoying and lovable companion spoke.
“Yo, Snake-Ass!” Remus yelled, Patton looked up from under his blankets in confusion. His glasses were slightly askew and Janus would’ve melted if he weren’t so consumed by worry. “You haven’t made a single response to all of my wonderful commentary about this delightful kid’s film in the past forever! What is up your butt?”
Patton was about to chide, but decided to stop himself. Janus almost felt proud of his growth. “I, I would like to know that too, Janus. Are you okay?”
A sunfish was the center of the screen being eclipsed by two faces peering at Janus. “Oh, I’m totally fine, don't worry about it.” The two gave him looks that clearly told him his doublespeak wasn’t working out. Janus groaned. The two morons have gotten way too close to him and he despised it. Clearly. “Virgil hasn’t been… present in a while. I would totally be concerned about him but I… I don’t know what he wants from me.”
“From you?” Patton repeated, fixing his glasses.
“Oh, definitely hate sex.” Remus blurted with a short nod. When there wasn’t an immediate response he shrugged. “Or he’s jealous that you decided to finally move on from whatever happened between you two and he hasn’t yet.”
That was certainly a way to look at it. But Janus didn’t know if he had moved on yet. Sure, he had grown past it. But moved on? How can he say he was fine with what transpired when sometimes he would wake up in angry, bitter tears? When Janus still wanted to wrap his arms around Virgil just to be nearby? Janus was hurt. Not as much as he used to be, but he still missed his friend. He missed Virgil.
“You think he’s jealous? Why?”
Patton leaned on Janus’s shoulder. “I think that he’s afraid. Not of you, but that we won’t like him anymore. That doesn’t make up for what he said to you, or… or to me. But we shouldn’t discount that he’s jealous that we’re friends because he doesn’t want to lose anyone. Or, or maybe I’m projecting. Sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize, daddy.” Patton immediately sat up, red in the face. Remus didn’t seem to notice. “This is something that Virgil has to deal with. It is not your responsibility.”
The three stayed silent. The documentary was reaching its end but none of them cared. Patton slowly put his blanket over them all, placing himself in the middle. Remus put his arm around Patton’s shoulders, and Janus discreetly pretended not to place his hand on his thigh. He eventually cleared his throat. “Do you think the others will still want to be my family? Even though I’m with you guys now? I know it was the right choice, being with you both. But what if Roman, Logan, and Virgil don’t talk to me unless I give up you two? I don’t want to lose my family. Either part of it.”
“I don’t know, Patton.” Janus responded. “I can’t promise that you won’t have to decide, but I won’t force you to.”
Remus squeezed Patton’s shoulder, in a quiet show of support. Patton gave a weak smile. When the documentary finished, the three of them were cuddling on Patton’s bed, appearing asleep. Though it was hard to tell with figments of someone’s imagination. The credits rolled with an orchestral song playing softly with them. Janus leaned into Remus while holding Patton’s hand limply. The blanket was almost completely stolen by Patton somehow but if the other’s minded, they were too asleep to notice. Janus woke up, seeing that at some point the TV turned off and the world was dark. He blinked to get used to the static from the lack of light, and decided to sit up.
His head was aching slightly but Janus elected to ignore it. Janus looked at Remus and Patton, who were still sleeping. He wasn’t exactly sure when Remus stripped off almost all of his clothes, but he didn’t really care, just pulling the blanket over him so he wouldn’t get too cold. With that, Janus walked out of the room as quietly as he could. He knew that technically he could stay but he wasn’t in the right headspace for feelings for his friends at the current moment. The door closed before Janus could see Patton open his eyes.
‘The world loves to change its tempo whenever I manage to get a hold of it. God forbid I have enough time to apologize. But now I must wallow in pleasant situations worrying about everything I cannot pause to think about.
Time is awfully inconvenient and yet I try to fight it for more. When will it be enough? When can I finally feel peace? When can I rest? I never know what to do when time lingers, but I know that I will make mistakes. I have made mistakes.
Is writing this one of them?’
Virgil was sitting on the stairs when Janus passed by. He stood up quickly and grabbed his circle before sinking down. Janus yelped as he found himself in Virgil’s room, but composed himself. While looking around, Virgil sighed and put his hands in his jacket. Janus straightened his back, looking directly at him.
“So, I’ve been thinking about what you uh, what you said.” Virgil started. Janus denied himself the thought of heckling him. “And, as much as I hate to say it, you’re right. I don’t have to like you, and to be clear, I don’t like you.” There was a pause, Janus looked down. “But, that doesn’t give me the right to be… rude. Me not trusting someone shouldn’t be equivalent to acting like a piece of shit. Now that that’s out of the way… What’s next?”
“What’s next?” Janus repeated. “What’s next is you don’t expect me to accept this immediately. It will take time.”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, Patton apologized and you immediately started to date him so I thought this would turn out relatively okay.”
“What?” Janus asked. “Patton and I- we aren’t- I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“And I thought you were a genuine threat.” Virgil huffed, taking his hands out his jacket and carding them through his hair. “Listen, I don’t like you. Don’t hurt Patton and we’ll be on equal footing. Now get out of my room.”
Ignoring the fact that Janus was forcibly pulled into the room, he had something else to say as he walked out. “Have you talked to Patton yet?” Virgil didn’t immediately respond, looking down so Janus decided to assume the answer. “You should. Not that you wouldn’t already know, but Patton misses his ‘best bud’ or something similarly cheesy.”
With that he left. Janus, at another movie night with Remus and Patton didn’t feel like mentioning it. Maybe Virgil’s apology could stay between them for a bit. He didn’t want to ruin his chance at having him as a friend again, despite never willing to admit that he missed Virgil. This time the group had decided to watch Centaurworld, a show for all of them. Cute fun songs, hidden dark lore and intrigue, and the stable fart jokes. Perfect.
Janus leaned on Remus’s chest, his eyelids heavy. Patton put his arm around him, kissing his cheek. He felt himself blush but was too tired to move. Remus ruffled his hair. Janus wondered if Virgil would ever talk to him again, as a friend. Or was everything too late? He thought back to what Virgil said about him dating Patton… It was safe to say that Janus had certainly thought about it before, he was going to think about the cheek kiss for weeks to come. All the tiredness in his brain was lifted as he became aware of how close he was to these two sides. Was that okay? Everything was so fucked up, was this the best time?
“Fuck,” He heard Remus whisper.
“I, uh,” Patton stuttered for a bit. “What’s wrong, Remus?”
Remus hummed, making Janus vibrate slightly uncomfortably. “I think I’m in love with you and Janus.”
He couldn’t imagine the facial expression that either of them were making, Janus was focusing too hard on keeping his own in check. “Thanks for telling me! I… I think I love you two too! Oh, tutu… Sorry, I just, are you going to tell him?”
“I could,” Remus started playing with Janus’s hair, and he subconsciously leaned into it. Janus started legitimately falling asleep. “But he’s dealing with a lot. Being accepted by Thomas and all that’s happening is probably a lot to deal with. Especially for an integral side. Also, I want to know what my favorite daddy has to say about it first!”
Patton coughed from embarrassment. “Well first of all mister, you should probably stop with the names. And second, you are an important side, Remus. I may have been hesitant about you at first, but that wasn’t right of me. You are integral to Thomas.”
“Thanks,” It was so quietly said, Janus wasn’t sure if it was Remus. “Are you going to give me a chance to sweep your DILF self off your feet?”
“Oh, honey, I’m already head over heels!”
While the two laughed, Janus went fully limp and lost consciousness. Hearing that two people he cared deeply about admit their feelings and flirt obnoxiously was entertaining but he was too damn exhausted to care. Janus only hoped they’d remember to tell him about it when he finally woke up.
‘Why must I feel guilty to enjoy things? To take up space? I spend every waking second justifying every single thing about myself. I make up reasons for my existence and why people would hate me for it. But I’m scared. I’m scared to let myself be happy, to let myself breathe or take even a small break.
This isn’t how it should be, but it is. And I don’t know how to change it. Or if I should.’
Everything was going good for Janus, great even! But why did he not feel that? Why wasn’t this enough? Virgil apologized to him, and was also working on himself, which was great, but he missed Virgil. Patton and Remus confirmed that they had crushes on him, but he had yet to get told directly. Logan was acting more passive aggressive, like he was compensating for something. Janus wasn’t exactly sure what it was about, and didn’t feel like pushing it. And Roman… He had to admit that the fallout between him and Roman was almost entirely his fault. Janus just wasn’t sure how to fix that, if he even could. So he mostly just left Roman and Logan alone. In turn, he spent most of his time around Patton and Remus.
“You seem to be mentally distracted many times a day, Janus.. Is there any particular reason for that?” Logan asked. Janus blinked at him in confusion for a few seconds.
“Just have a lot of things on my mind, figuratively.” As he said this, Janus took off his hat to make the statement literal instead. Logan scrunched up his nose and narrowed his eyes. He didn’t seem to be in the mood for jokes today, so Janus put his hat back on. “I don’t understand why you would care about my state of mind, anyway. Don’t you have sides you care about… more?”
“We may… clash, but that doesn’t mean I am not concerned about the overall well being of Thomas, himself. And you are a part of Thomas, logically I’d be concerned about you as well.” Janus raised an eyebrow as Logan seemed very on edge. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t imitate me for a joke, it… I am not fond of that version of myself.”
With that, Logan decided to promptly leave. Janus sat, confused about what had just happened. What exactly was he supposed to gain from that conversation anyways? Janus knew that Logan was not doing well, but he was starting to believe that he was under exaggerating what had been happening with him. Too focused on, well, many other things that might not be as top priority.
Janus was not the person that Logan wanted to see, but Janus still wanted to be there. He knew how he wanted to help Logan, but he would need assistance from… someone else. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t be easy for any parties involved.
‘When the time comes to ask for help, the immediate response is to fight against it. Trying to swim back to shore when you yourself were the one who swam too far, and refusing to scream for a lifeguard. Even though it is someone’s job to help, I am so sure of myself that I can do everything alone, as I have for so many years.
But now? When people would actually listen to my pleas? It is so hard to unlearn something that was taught to me for my own survival. But I do not need to survive off the bare minimum anymore. I am allowed to sit on the shore, watching the waves instead.’
“What do you want?”
“I just want you to help me make coffee.” Janus reiterated once more. Roman was glowering at him, but Janus stood tall. “Along with a paper face mask. One of those that has healthy ingredients and moisturizes your skin or whatever. They aren’t for me, Roman, and I can’t do that myself. Only you can summon things outside of the mind palace.”
“Not the good twin?” Roman spat out. Janus winced, he knew that Remus could also summon as well, but admitting that he wanted all the other sides to like him would be… embarrassing. Not to mention all the fighting going around with everyone in general. “What schemes are you even going to do with these things? Why do you think I would want to help you?”
He didn’t know how to respond, but Roman was right in a way. Right to be suspicious of someone who treated him badly, and pretended like it never happened. Janus would have to accept that he couldn’t win back the trust he broke. “I’m not going to say that you have to trust me, I just want to make the situation… improved.”
“... you make us better…” Roman muttered to himself, seeming to echo something. Janus thought back to any previous interaction they’ve had but couldn’t recall where the phrase was from. Roman took a breath which ended in exhaling with a shudder. He felt like he should step closer, give words of comfort, but he knew not to. Janus turned around, knowing that he wasn’t going to get what he wanted but he felt something lightly hit his back. When he looked on the ground, it was a back of ground coffee beans and a box. Janus looked at the prince. “Cream masks are more effective. I don’t forgive you for what you’ve done, but you’re not a villain.”
“You’re not either.” Janus replied.
Roman sniffed and wiped his face. “Sure.”
Later, Janus gave the gifts to Logan with a short apology and awkwardly left to collapse on his bed. He told Remus and Patton about the exchange a few hours later, who seemed proud of him. It had been a while since he had felt truly proud of his own actions and it was nice to have support. While lying in between the sleeping Patton and Remus, Janus idly wondered how Thomas was feeling.
‘At one point in life, I got too tired of the world. I wanted to give up, but I spent the last of my energy on being kind. Some people live their entire lives without knowing just how hard it is to be nice. It truly sucks being a good person and trying to be good to yourself as well. Terrible.
But at the same time, I appreciate the things others do just a bit more, and that makes me want to try too if they can. Maybe kindness deserves my energy.’
The world took a long time waking Janus up. He was still surrounded by the warmth of two other sides. Nothing was perfect but he could pretend that it was while curling into Patton’s chest with Remus’s arm draped over him in a way that should not be possible if he has bones in his body. Still, nothing could remain. Remus stirred and reset his arm to look functioning once more with a terribly loud snap that woke up Patton. Janus let himself fall off of Patton and rested his back on the bed while looking up at the ceiling. He felt the peace of an early morning for a few seconds before Remus interrupted it loudly.
“Janus do you want to have sex with us?”
“What.” Janus sat up too fast and loud at Remus with exasperation.
Patton looked very embarrassed. “He didn’t mean it… exactly like that. But, I, we… have found out recently that we both really like you, romantically-”
“Or sexually!” Remus added.
His eyes darted between the two, officially woken up and just KNOWING that his hair looked like shit. “You two will discover the death of me one day.” Patton looked concerned while Remus looked excited about the prospect. “To clarify that, I would just absolutely despise dating the two of you.”
Janus opened his arms for a hug and got toppled into the dog pile he was anticipating. Who knew that he would’ve felt so comfortable around two of the most eccentric sides Thomas has to offer? And, just as he thought that, he was forcibly summoned and barely had enough time to grab his hat.
“Woah, this too early?” Thomas asked. He looked tired, which wasn’t ever surprising. Janus snapped on the rest of his outfit and gave a look trying to convey that Thomas should just get on with it already. “Oh, well… I just have a feeling or two that you’re causing something in my brain.”
“Janus can only cause things in your brain, as he is a part of you Thomas.” Logan clarified. Janus jolted back in surprise, not noticing he was there before turning to see that Roman and Virgil were there as well. “You should really be clearer with the information you’re trying to get across.”
“Which is that your slimy snake boy is changing a lot of shit up.” Virgil summed up. Janus didn’t necessarily disagree, a lot of this seemed out of character for him, but he didn’t love being villainized even more. “I mean, you saw that he was wearing colorful socks with a cartoon turtle pattern on them, right?”
Roman nodded, pointing at Virgil slightly. “I did notice that! I didn’t know if anyone else had caught that.”
“Let’s focus up!” Thomas said. “What have you been up to, dude? My mental health is actually improving and that’s weird.”
“Yes and we all know that I’m solely in charge of that.” Janus deadpanned. “I definitely didn’t focus on your growth as a person because of mistakes that might have been made and that changes how I react to things. That would be strange, wouldn’t it?”
With no one knowing how to respond, Janus wanted to fill the silence. “I don’t care if none of you in this room forgives me, because I was just doing my job, but I can’t deny that there were better ways to go about things that I didn’t originally know about. I am self preservation and recently part of preserving the self gives to caring about other people, because Thomas is trying his best to be a good person despite my best efforts. Am I good to go now that I’ve given my MOST heartfelt speech?”
“You can do what you want, buddy.” Thomas replied, he seemed to be thinking a lot of things through. Janus made eye contact with Logan who nodded at him, then to Roman who gave a small weak smile. Before sinking out, he looked at Virgil. Virgil’s eyes looked vacant for a second before looking back at him. Janus didn’t know how to feel, he wasn’t a poet and didn’t know how to put any of his emotions into words.
But he sank out and felt the need to cry, out of relief perhaps, and was comforted by a hug from his new significant others. Janus didn’t know what he was doing, he never really did. Patton rubbed circles into his back while Remus held Janus’s head softly to his chest. He was trying really hard to be better, and it was so hard. Everything felt difficult when trying something new. He knew he had to try though, because this was worth it. Janus cried for what felt like hours, and when he was cleaning his face with water, he looked at his reflection and gave himself the smallest, honest smile.
‘The winds are quiet and I am watching the seashore. Others are collecting shells, or swimming, or surfing, but I am content where I am. The world is finally quiet and I am learning to understand that I have an important place in it.
Everything is cruel, and horrible, and dangerous. But it is also hopeful, nice, and working to be better. And here I am, in what feels like the middle of it all overwhelmed. Everything feels like too much, so I cannot possibly imagine it all, and I hope I never will. I am tired and cruel and kind, and I’m not going to stop trying to improve. I’m worth the effort.’
Taglist: @emsiemaefander @jackscareington @aromantic-trash-panda @aricana8 @idont-freaking-know @lickoutyourbrains @littlestr @izzy-dunoire @caprine-hyacinth @beetles-and-art @plume-pigmented-pili @gaytrash330 @soap-allergy @bard-in-blue @ciarrac @you-gay-bitch @obsxdiannn @robinhooddee33 @some-fander @intruality-overlord @tuesday-jorts @subtlereferencetomyinterests @dancinglifeboat @theres-a-snake-in-my-croc @froglegss @yiqiangmina if you want to be tagged in any future fanfics or not be tagged please interact or communicate that somehow, thank you <3
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four-rabbit · 3 years
I have no idea what their shipp name is but the dark sides stole Patton and that's what matters
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ID: digital drawing based on that drawing format from the series "Elite". There are three panels. In the first one, Remus and Janus kiss while a chibi version of Patton smiles in the corner. In the second one Janus and Patton kiss while Remus smiles by their side and in the last one Patton and Remus kiss while Janus shows the middle finger to the camera, smiling. Their design is basically the same from canon, except that Janus has long hair, both Patton and Remus have brown skin and Remus' eyes are green. End of ID
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I’ll make this into a drawing if I have time
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Analogince and deintruality coexisting is my Favorite hypothetical alignment of sides' romantic relationships. Like, you have this set of incredibly intelligent, talented, thoughtful creatures that have slowly grown closer together over a long period of turmoil, and then you have three lawless fucking Creatures that are a little too emotionally unstable and on the surface have absolutely nothing in common. 
And guess which throuple is better at communicating.
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shortprince-cos · 3 years
Me: ah [tumblr], how I missed you. I should see what new deintruality content came out since I've been gone!
The content: *my own posts*
Me: ah good ol [tumblr]
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