globalmaddie · 2 years
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South Korea
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foxlanguages · 5 years
City Vocabulary in Italian
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La città - city
La strada - street
La via (used for the name of streets) - street
la piazza - square
la fontana - fountain
il monumento - monument
la chiesa - church
il museo - museum
la scuola - school
l’università - university
l’edificio - building
l’albergo - hotel
il bar - café
il ristorante - restaurant
il supermercato - supermarket
la banca - bank
la farmacia - pharmacy
l’ospedale - hospital
il teatro - theater
il cinema - cinema
la metropolitana - subway
il parco - park
lo zoo - zoo
Dov’è la banca (l’ospedale, il cinema...)? where is the bank (hospital, cinema...)?
In centro - downtown
a destra / a sinistra - to the right / to the left
Scusi, c’è un ristorante vicino all’albergo? excuse me, is there a restaurant near the hotel?
Avanti diritto - straight ahead
Lontano - far
C’è un teatro a Firenze? is there a theater in Firenze?
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foxlanguages · 4 years
Five Words | Day 3
la zucca — pumpkin
il cavolo — cabbage
il cetriolo — cucumber
l'anguria — watermelon
la lattuga — lettuce
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foxlanguages · 5 years
Five words a day
1. Piangere — to cry
Piange perché ha visto un film triste.
2. la pioggia — rain
Mi piace molto la pioggia, è molto bella.
3. il fiume — river
Vicino alla sua casa c'è un fiume.
4. rinfrescante — refreshing
Mangiare gelato è rinfrescante in estate.
5. nuotare — to swim
Voglio nuotare alle Olimpiadi.
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foxlanguages · 4 years
Five Words | Day 4
il violino — violin
Lei suonava il violino al concerto
la chitarra — guitar
Ho imparato a suonare la chitarra a tredici anni.
il tamburello — tambourine
Ha lasciato il suo tamburello a casa
il sassofono — saxophone
Mi piace la musica del sassofono
il basso — bass
Lui suona il basso nella rock band
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foxlanguages · 5 years
Five Words | Day 2
il cuore — heart
il fegato — liver
il rene — kidney
lo stomaco — stomach
il cervello — brain
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foxlanguages · 5 years
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Italian: 44h remaining
I'm so happy now that there's no more uni for three weeks! I set up a new schedule for my languages and today I started with two hours of Italian. The edX beginners class is not bad, I could skip some of it since I already knew the topics.
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foxlanguages · 5 years
House Vocabulary in Italian pt. 1
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la casa - house
l’appartamento - appartment
il bagno - bathroom/toilet
la camera (da letto) - bedroom
la cucina - kitchen
il salotto - living room
la sala da pranzo - dining room
la terrazza - terrace
il balcone - balcony
lo studio - office
l’attico - attic
il tetto - roof
il soffitto - ceiling
la porta - door
il pavimento - floor (as in the one you step on)
il piano - floor (as in the different floors a house can have)
il giardino - garden
la stanza - room
la parete - wall
la finestra - window
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foxlanguages · 5 years
Dove e quando - Benji & Fede
la litigata (litigate) - fight
il posto - place
adesso - right now
contare (conta) - matter/have meaning
il fulmine - lightning
spento - turned off
intanto - meanwhile
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foxlanguages · 6 years
Nature in Spanish & Italian
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Spanish - Italian - English
la naturaleza - la natura - nature
el árbol - l´albero - tree
el bosque - la foresta - forest
el tronco - il tronco - trunk
la piedra - la pietra - stone
la roca - la roccia - rock
la planta - la pianta - plant
la flor - il fiore - flower
la grama/el césped - l´erba  - grass
el río - il fiume - river
el riachuelo - il torrente - creek
el moho - la muffa - mildew
el hongo - il fungo - mushroom
la pradera - il prato - meadow
el lago - il lago - lake
la laguna - la laguna - lagoon
el acantilado - la scogliera - cliff
el océano - l'oceano - ocean
el mar - il mare - sea
la playa - la spiaggia - beach
la arena - la sabbia - sand
la costa - la costa - shore
el desierto - il deserto - desert
el pantano - la palude - swamp
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foxlanguages · 6 years
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Vocabulary in Italian~
l’arancia - orange
la fragola - strawberry
l’uva - grape
la banana - banana
l’ananas - pineapple
la mela - apple
il kiwi - kiwi
il limone - lemon
il frutto della passione - passion fruit
il lampone - raspberry
l’anguria - watermelon
l’avocado - avocado
la pera - pear
il mirtillo - blueberry
la melagrana - pomegranate
la pesca - peach
il pomodoro - tomato
la ciliegia - cherry
la melanzana - eggplant
la lattuga - lettuce
la carota - carrot
la zucca - pumpkin
la cipolla - onion
il granturco / il mais - corn
il cavolo - cabbage
il sedano - celery
il mandarino - tangerine
il susina - plum
il cocco - coconut
il cavolfiore - cauliflower
l’aglio - garlic
i broccoli - broccoli
i piselli - peas
la patata - potato
il cetriolo - cucumber
il carciofo - artichoke
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foxlanguages · 6 years
100 days of languages
Day 20: learn 5 words related to animals
German – Italian – English
Das Fell – il pelo – fur
Die Kralle – l'artiglio – claw
Der Schnabel – il becco – beak
Die Feder – la piuma – feather
Der Fang – la zanna – fang
Bonus: das Säugetier – il mammifero – mammal
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foxlanguages · 6 years
100 Days of Languages
Day 12: learn 5 new words
Today's language: Italian
L' ananas – pineapple
Il cavolo – cabbage
L' anguria – watermelon
Il ravanello – raddish
Il mandarino – tangerine
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foxlanguages · 6 years
100 days of languages
Day 7: try two tongue twisters
Today's language is: italian
Quanti rami di rovere roderebbe un roditore se un roditore potesse rodere rami di rovere?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Sopra un sasso messo stava, su se stesso un sasso stava.
On a rock it was .. on the same was a rock. (This is the traduction I got, but I think the Spanish one is closer: Sobre una piedra metido estaba sobre sí mismo una piedra estaba)
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foxlanguages · 6 years
Luna's words of the day
This will be a new segment for me to actually kind of keep a journal about the words I learn everyday (mostly the ones I remember by the end of the day)
l'aquila (eagle)
la margherita (daisy)
das Verständnis (the understanding)
die Hochzeit (wedding)
sterben (to die)
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foxlanguages · 6 years
100 Days of Languages: Day 3
Set your phone language to your target language for one day
This one was really interesting for me because my phone was already in German, so I changed it to Italian (either way I know where every setting is so no problem)
L'archivio - archive
La lingua - language
La calcolatrice - calculator
Il traduttore - translator
La torcia - flashlight
Automatiche - automatic
Tedesco - German
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